On the same day that he enjoyed a high donor fundraiser courtesy of the ultra-right-wing US Chamber of Commerce, Republican senatorial wannabe Dino Rossi refuses to answer questions as to how he would vote on the DISCLOSE Act, a bill that enhances disclosures and disclaimers in the unlimited campaign spending (thanks, Roberts Court!) by corporations and other special interests.
Sen. Patty Murray on DISCLOSE:
“The Citizens United ruling has given special interest groups a megaphone they can use to drown out the voices of citizens in my home state of Washington and across the country. And the DISCLOSE Act would tear that megaphone away and place it back in the hands of the American people, where it belongs.”
Dino Rossi on DISCLOSE:
” “
Of course, Rossi’s silence on DISCLOSE is understandable considering the fierce opposition to the bill from his financial patrons at the US Chamber, but considering his recent promise to vote to repeal both health care and Wall Street reform, it’s pretty easy to guess which side of the issue Rossi falls on: the US Chamber’s side.
But I wonder how well this will play at home. The Seattle Times editorial board for example, have been vocal champions of public disclosure and sunshine laws, and to their credit. Will they hold Rossi’s feet to the fire over his lack of support for the DISCLOSE Act? Or will they ultimately prove themselves to be hypocrites on one of their pet issues?
Patty Murray on the current failure of the New Economy: “… …”
Everyone knows Rossi is a rightwing extremist, not the moderate he pretends to be.
@1 If you want to know what Patty Murray’s positions are, read her web site. If you don’t know how to read, I’ll tell you what they are.
1. Unlike Republicans, she didn’t vote against extended unemployment benefits for the millions of workers who lost their jobs because of Republican economic policies.
2. Unlike Republicans, she voted to regulate the financial industry, so they can’t drive the economy into the ground again.
3. Unlike Republicans, she voted for economic stimulus, to create jobs for American workers who need them.
4. Unlike Republicans, she was in favor of saving the (guilty) banks, so we wouldn’t have another Great Depression.
5. Unlike Republicans, she’s in favor of the government having a say in how much banking executives are paid when they’re being paid with taxpayer funds after their banks have been bailed out by taxpayers after they bankrupted their shareholders and ran their banks into the ground with irresponsible and reckless management decisions.
Why would anyone vote Republican? And why do Republicans hate America?
As I mentioned in the previous thread:
Here is what the Seattle Times’ upcoming endorsement of Rossi SHOULD SAY, if they were being honest about it:
I don’t know why Rossi won’t simply follow in the footsteps of every single Republican in the Senate, all of whom voted against invoking cloture on DISCLOSE this afternoon. For procedural reasons, i.e. to be able to bring it up again on Thursday, Harry Reid switched over to the NO side as well.
They may be able to proceed to a vote on the DISCLOSE Act come Thursday, though. Joe Lieberman, who has promised to vote AYE, was absent today because of a close friend’s funeral. He’ll bring it to 59 AYE votes, and it’s not unlikely that one of the New England trio of Brown/Collins/Snowe will be the 60th vote.
You forgot to mention that she likes rabbits.
why doesn’t murray support public campaign finance? cha ching
David Goldstein on why he is still unemployed and probably not even looking for gainful employment/work:
Rossi’s using the same (non) communication strategy that already lost him and Mike! A pair of races. Dino knows he can’t win, he’s just using the race to steer a little cash towards his friends.
Rossi has no balls. He has plenty of ambition, but is without substance. He also has no respect for the voters of the state of Washington. He’s really pretty pathetic.
Why wouldn’t corporate sponsors be proud to take responsibility for their TV ads?
Patty Murray on election reform: ” ”
Patty Murray on debt reduction: ” ”
Patty Murray on job creation: ” ”
Patty Murray on honesty in politics: ” ”
Patty Murray on tax relief: “NOPE”
I can continue.
Patty Murray on job creation:
What do ya’ll care? Rossi has no chance to win in lefty-land.
re 12:
I have no doubt that you can continue blathering.
But, slow down a bit and define your terms. These are all just bland generalities and you leave the impression that your candidate has a plan and an agenda for all of these things.
I don’t see it. Educate us.
Patty Murray actually has a voting record on all the issues you identify. Anyone who might be paying attention would know where she stands on each issue. DimDino, however? Ah, not so much. He doesn’t have a record. He’s a blank slate. We know Patty Murray supports job creation, veterans, and responsible environmental policies, because we know how she votes. DimDino doesn’t want our state’s left-leaning electorate to know where he stands because he’s stuck in the muck of rightwing rot.
He’s obviously talking about the 95K people in Spokane County that voted for Murray last time around. F’ing Spokane liberals…
And if you don’t mind, we’d like to keep it that way.
We’ll keep pointing out Rossi’s “features” or lack of them for middle-class and struggling people in this State.
If you don’t mind…
Dim Dino, Dim Dave..
The right wingers like ’em dim – like ’em following big shot right wing orders and pretending that’s good for us.
Heh.. The last fool in the White House and his lackeys in Congress really proved that.
@17, 18
Or, maybe he was talking about the 80,134 votes Murray picked up in Clark County. Or, maybe it was the 25,863 folks that voted for her in Benton County. Or the 17,817 voters in Clallam County that voted for Murray. Or the 4,184 people that voted for her in Klickitat County.
Liberals: we’re everywhere!
See, last time around Nethercutt won Klickitat County, but he only picked up 425 votes. Nethercutt won Lincoln County, but he only picked up 1,747 votes. Those kind of numbers just aren’t big enough to make up for the huge losses he took in places like Jefferson County which he lost 11,573 to 6,415, a loss of 5,158 votes.
Last time around Nethercutt’s wins in Asotin, Garfield, Columbia, and Walla Walla Counties combined only left him 4,700 (roughly, I did math in my head) votes to the good.
Its depressing to read daily of the harm Patty does to our economy. she’s done nothing to better enable our private economy to prosper.
I wish you libs could visit some Asian country where they actually worry about prosperity. Not about unions, not about politics…but about how all the nation could be more prosperous. all our guys (and gals) seem able to do is how to spend the remaining cash.
feels like after a death and they greedy kids piss away their inheritance
Perhaps I’ll educate you all.
#1. Where was Patty Murray when Dean C. Logan was murking up the election system? Nowhere. Thank G*d we had Mary Lane/Marummy/Mary Lane Strow and her Lane’s Legions to fix that.
#2. Patty Murray’s outta control spending from Obamacare to pork even the Navy doesn’t want – that’s debt increasing. Not debt reduction.
#3. If Patty Murray were honest and clean, she’d tell her people to stop smearing Dino’s business record and start attacking Dino Rossi based on his many votes in the WA State Senate + policy stances.
#4. If Patty Murray wanted to provide tax relief, she’d reinstate the Bush tax relief that restarted the economy after the dot-com bubble burst & 9/11.
There you go.
disclose!!!!another liberal euphanism that totally distorts its true intentions.
How cool!
Senator Murray had the good sense to vote against the authorization for the Iraq war. In addition, she is well-known to be one of the leading advocates for veterans in all of Congress. Maybe THE leading advocate.
So she wants to keep soldiers out of unnecessary wars, and wants to make sure they get the care and education they need when the return.
While Dino Rossi’s pal Tom Coburn was headlining a fundraiser for Rossi, Coburn blocked a Senator Murray bill by proxy. It was a bill to help homeless veteran mothers living on the street with their children.
Why would any veteran vote for Dino Rossi? I know there are other issues, but what is more important than taking care of our veterans and avoiding war in the first place?
@1 If you want to know what Patty Murray’s positions are, read her web site. If you don’t know how to read, I’ll tell you what they are.
1. Unlike Republicans, she vote adding the extended unemployment benefits directly to the deficit because of failed Porkulus DUMMOCRAPTIC economic policies.
2. Unlike Republicans, she voted to regulate the financial industry, so every credit and debit card transaction can now be tracked legally. Puddy is sure Roger likes his purchases being stored in the George Orwell 1984 style way.
3. Unlike Republicans, she voted for economic stimulus, which over 100 economists have said has failed to produce jobs.
4. Unlike Republicans, she was in favor of saving the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, so we continue to throw Billions into that sink hole.
5. Unlike Republicans, she’s in favor of the government making slaves of everyone and telling them what they can and can not make, and making them responsible to the fecklesssness of DUMMOCRAPTIC led government. Maxine Waters called that SOCIALISM. That’s what she was all about. Need to hear the tape again Roger?
6. Unlike Republicans, she’s in favor of the repealing the Bush tax cuts so January 1, 2011 everyone gets a tax increase.
Why would anyone vote DUMMOCRAPT? And why do DUMMOCRAPTS hate America? Why do they get in bed with NUTROOTS fools? Why do they socialize with known radical Weather Underground peeps? Why do they associate with know Communists?
Puddy @ 26
Hey man, seriously, are you okay? “[S]he voted to regulate the financial industry, so every credit and debit card transaction can now be tracked legally.” And, “she voted for economic stimulus, which over 100 economists have said has failed to produce jobs.”
Do you honestly believe all of our credit and debit card transactions haven’t been tracked legally for a helluva long time? Over “100 economists.” Wow, how many thousands of economists are there in this country. My old college buddy, who has a Ph.D. in Economics, and happens to teach that subject in a university, would not be one of your economists. Puddy, this post is really weak, even for you. This one puts you into Cynny or Mark1 kind of territory.
sarge sez you’ll vote for murray cuz she’s less evil. pass the pepper.
You’re so full of shit your ears stink.
Once again the dumb cinder block rujax arrives, leaves his stinky manure pile of ad hominem attacks and then leaves. Like Puddy said earlier, if rujax shit in the forest does anyone smell it? Does anyone care?
So much for the proud leftist…
Those are not Puddy’s economists leftist. That was from US News and World Report. Not exactly a conservative magazine with Mortimer Zuckerman as the owner. Mortimer Zuckerman admitted he had helped write one of preznit Odumba’s telepromter fed stand on the X spot next to the lecturn speeches. Hmmm…? Apparently you are still drinking the kook-aid too. Ask the arschloch for the link from last week. Grow some balls and ask him leftist. He’ll produce the link for you!
Not legally. From a bud who works in the banking industry, “No where was there any law that allowed every store in America to do it before the Dodd Bill”. Now it’s law. So all those porn activities purchased last week at NUTROOTS on credit or debit cards is fully tracked by law!
See ya.
Why on earth would Rossi support a nakedly partisan bill like the DISCLOSE act? It’s a shameless attempt to squelch free speech for those the Democrats dislike.
They’re trying to rig the playing field so they don’t get totally crushed come November. Fuckers.
Crusader spews @14
Recent polls make this race a toss up. Prior to Rossi entering the race Washington was solidly in the Democrat column. Now a competitive race consumes resources that could have been used for close races in other states.
In addition Murray is currently polling below 50%, Even in a race against Didier. That is never a good sign for an incumbent.
@26: Time to debunk the sophomoric lying crap of Puddy once again:
Umm, unlike republicans who hat people who are trying to get work but love tax breaks for the very wealthy – Murray voted to help out workers who can’t find jobs due to the Bush depression.
Oh, and it was Bush who kept all the spending for the unnecessary war in Iraq off the deficit books. Puddy NEVER complained about that or the record deficit under Bush.
Lying hypocrite.
Yup – and they already do that. But Puddy and the lying republicans support the banking industry lobbyists who want free reign to ruin the economy again for their short term gain.
Another incredibly stoopid comment from an ignoramus. Think much, Puddy? Or do you just copy this grade school stuff from some web site?
Gee, here are the real facts not the manufactured lies of Puddy on job creation by the stimulus bill:
That is the council on economic advisors – real economists not the BS crap that Puddy puts out there.
Yup – the non-partisan CBO reported this last February.
Puddy is a liar. Period.
Once again Puddy shows that he either is too stoopid to understand the role or these organizations (backing bank loans) or is deliberately lying. It was the banks that made the bad loans – and Puddy wants to keep letting them do it.
Hmm, a hypocrite and incredibly stoopid at the same time.
Umm, enough said about this hyperbole that is patently false.
One more big lie – she is in favor of repealing ONLY the taxes on the rich – and the republicans want to keep them and coddle the yacht owners and corporate thieves.
@35: Pud-in-Bud is a clumsy, inarticulate liar, an amateur liar who lies on behalf of professional wingnut liars.
He’s just a lying slut!
Actually, there is no repealing of the Bush tax cuts. They are sunsetted, they will expire on December 31. And if the tax cuts were so important to Republicans, why did they not just make them permanent when they had the chance? Maybe because they knew that they would expire and they could get a few commercials as a campaign issue. They had the majority and rammed the tax cuts through.