According to Josh at Publicola, real estate speculator Dino Rossi is kicking Sen. Patty Murray’s ass… you know, on Facebook:
In two weeks since declaring his candidacy, Dino Rossi boasts that he’s drawn 25,275 Facebook fans to his Facebook page. And his punch line: Sen. Patty Murray only has 11,796 fans.
Actually, it’s been almost three weeks since he officially declared his candidacy, and while Rossi is still boasting about his Facebook prowess, it’s at least curious to note that he’s no longer publicly crowing about his fundraising totals. Rossi made a bit of a splash by announcing that he raised $600,000 in his first week of campaigning while attracting more than 20,000 Facebook fans. But this Facebook momentum clearly trailed off over the subsequent 12 days; does his silence on the money front indicate that his fundraising efforts have followed a similar curve?
You know, low hanging fruit and all that.
I don’t doubt that Rossi will raise a ton of money between now and the election; I just don’t yet see signs that his support is any broader or deeper than it was in 2008.
Well I hate to disappoint you and take away from you any schadenfreude, but I am making a contribution to Helmet-Hair-Hamlet.
This past Saturday Helmet-Hair-Hamlet came out in support of a position I support and have never heard a Republican candidate take.
I applaud Helmet-Hair-Hamlet and support with my $$$ his and’s position that it is time to exit Afghanistan.
Maybe the twenty or so campaign interns are recovering from the carpal-tunnel syndrome. It’s understandable, after a week’s worth of doing nothing but setting up hundreds of Facebook pages and then making Rossi their friend?
Goldy, take a closer look at his Facebook page. It appears to be older than May, in fact I’m guessing it’s the same page he used from 2008! Most of the fans are probably left over from his previous campaign. He didn’t just get 20,000 fans in a matter of days.
Of course he’s going to have more fans than Patty Murray–this is her first election during the era of Facebook, while it is his second.
Look, WA state is infested with wild-eyed liberals. Why is it a shocker that Rossi can’t win a state-wide election?
Crusader spews: “WA state is infested with wild-eyed liberals.”
Thank God.
Hmmm, seems like our Republican colleagues are now playing the “diminished expectations” game. Just a month ago they were telling us how vulnerable Murray was. Now they are telling us that no Republican can ever win a state-wide election in Washington.
I wonder why the change in tone?
Thanks to Publicola for that hard hitting Facebook skimming they call journal-ish-ism. Glad they could take a break from teaching the Stranger the finer points of hyperbole.
Meawhile, Hugeasscirclejerk is pimping cookie cutter upzones.
Next up, speculating about Facebook fans, followed by, what, an Internet poll?
Publicola is a joke
The Thtwanger is a joke
HA is a joke
None of them is “the media” and they dont employ journalists
They are here merely for entertainment purposes.
Late breaking news: Dumb-as-a-Carrot Patty Murray arrested for dwarf-tossing.
Correction: she was the dwarf.