The TNT’s Niki Sullivan got a call back from the Rossi campaign, telling her he raised about $625,000 in April, far short of the more than $1 million the Gregoire camp says she’ll report.
Rossi’s surrogates had been making a big deal of his relative fundraising success over recent months, but of course that came mostly during the legislative session, when the governor was prohibited by law from raising money. No doubt Rossi will have plenty of cash come November, but I expect Gregoire to expand her money lead from hereon out.
Coming up, Darryl applies his typically thorough statistical analysis to the recent Elway Poll, and comes up with a conclusion that may surprise the P-I’s Chris Grygiel. Stay tuned….
That poll seems suspect. After all, the party ID “gap” nationawide has recently changed:
So if the percentage of Democrats backing Gregoire matches the percentage of Republicans backing Rossi, who else does Rossi have to pick up and in what proportion to even EQUAL the initial electoral advantage that gives Gregoire?
And aren’t Gregoire and Rossi at least equally well positioned to pick up ‘independents’ between now and November?
Damn just two months ago Gregoire was leading by 13%!!!! What has changed to make the numbers by the SAME polling site change so much in 2 months?
Maybe Elway changed its party weighting, which was citicized in the article as too Dem-heavy.
SurveyUSA on April 17, 2008 shows it Gregoire 50% – Rossi 46%
http://www.surveyusa. com/client/PollReport.aspx?g=25b730de-3dd3-48cb-b719-afecbb9c5cd3
In the SurveyUSA poll I cited, Latinos go for Rossi 76%-22%.
Given that Dino is a Republican, I think that is an area where Gregoire can make up some ground, as her and Dino’s immigration views are exposed–whatever they are.
Wow! and for those who say theit “top issue” is imigration, Rossi leads 88% to 9%. What the fuck? I mean, really, is Dino so great on immigration, or are these the immigrant haters? Because if it’s that haters, then Dino’s gonna lose either them or the Latinos.
Party ID was D 41%, R 28%, and I 24%
As David Neiwert has shown many times on Orcinus, those who emphasize “immigration” as their top political issue are most definitely the Minutemen, supremacists, and other such reprehensible sorts.
IOW, archetypal Rossi supporters.
Well, remember that in Western Washington, “immigration” can have many faces. Immigration policies which deal with Latino concerns might just as well alianate immigrants from Asia. And immigration positions which appeal to a Japanese immigrant, for example, may be completely different from those felt by a Chinese immigrant.
It can get pretty complicated out here, politicians have to step pretty carefully in that minefield.
By the way, a lady in our office who grew up in the PROC (mainland China) became a U.S. citizen a couple of years ago. She’s been approached by several Republicans who are inviting her to “new voter education” seminars. She attended one, and was told that Democrats are Communists who want to take all their money away from them and give it to the illegal immigrants from Mexico, and if they want to be able to keep their money, they must vote Republican.