Gubernatorial, gubernatorial, and US Senate loser Dino Rossi will get to fill in the rest of Cheryl Pflug’s term in the Washington State Senate until the election. I mean fine and all, she resigned and if he wants it, sure. But is this really necessary? There’s probably not going to be a special session between now and then. And I don’t know the constituent services at the legislative level, but can’t this sort of thing be done by one of the representatives? Is anyone in the 5th district feeling more represented because a lame duck has been appointed to a caretaker role?
Dino’s finally in public office, via the only way he can get there — being appointed, because voters won’t elect him to anything.
He’s probably in it for the money.
and the campaign for inslee’s spot is any more meaningful?
pot meet kettle….
carl owned again.
There will be votes in the US House between November and the swearing in of he next Congress. There, probably, won’t be any more votes in the state legislature.
Big difference Bart. Note there will likely be no special session while congress will meet after the election.
And Tim Eyman’s 2/3’s intitiative turned in plenty of sigatures, and will be once again adopted by the people of this state, so we will have freedom once again from the NEVER ENOUGH BUNCH IN OLYMPIA!
yd @ 6,
The only problem with your little scheme is that the 2/3rds majority law (and, consequently, any and all future laws enacted by initiative or the legislature) are unconstitutional.
At this point, if you want such a law, you have to first amend the Washington state Constitution.
Well Dino will be doing better than congressional serial loser Darcy Moonbat Burnout! But wait she is trying again.
Well, my guess is it is going to be the high point in his resume’. His future campaign ads will read something like this:
“In 2012, he couragiously stepped in to fill a vacancy in the State Senate, and through his leadership saved the state millions of dollars in legislative and staffer salaries by ensuring that the legislature was not in session during the entire time of his tenure…”
Other press releases will give him credit for the rain ceasing in the same month he was appointed, and returning in late September to prevent added fire danger. Oh, and the grass will grow and the moon will continue to rise while he holds that seat.
re 9: ‘Moonbat’ — haven’t heard that one in a while — or ‘Mugwump’.
“Dino’s finally in public office, via the only way he can get there — being appointed, because voters won’t elect him to anything.”
Could be, but, then again, it might be something else entirely, such as how those extra votes kept showing up in the 2004 election. Hmmm…
Should we be worried about Republicans getting appointed to the Growth Management Board?
With all the whining there seems to be about state employees who don’t do anything….