Washington state media:
Dino Rossi will make a statement to the media this evening at 5:40 PM in the lobby of our campaign headquarters building in Bellevue — 330 112th Ave NE, the “Wallace Properties” building on the corner of 112th NE & NE 4th.
Mary Lane
Communications Director
The statement is timed to be shown live during the local evening news. It doesn’t make sense for him to announce an election contest in this way, at this time, so I’m guessing that if Rossi makes any news at all, this is a concession speech.
KING-5 News reports that Rossi will not concede… today.
WOW!!!- my e-mail to him yesterday WORKED…well, well
Good news in the works. Rossi taking his CASH and getting off the stage……what a process….now I will get drunk at New Years on the best OLD bourbon money can buy, any suggestions?
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL- Legislature might be as interesting as the election …..just more spread out
And old Ralph Munro will not be sued……..de facto, Jim, de facto
Comment by bby— 12/29/04 @ 12:32 pm
Or you can just click this link: http://pullonsupermanscape.typ.....ra_29.html and download for increasing your blood pressure…
I think this is a good political move. The next good thing for the GOP to do is not re-elect Chris Vance.
I just hope that King County isn’t allowed to sweep their problems under the rug. Their voter rolls appear to be a mess, as are the rolls state-wide. If they would all publish the database of who is registered, and who voted, I’m sure they could get enough information from the public at large to keep them busy for several months.
NO! I disagree, Chris Vance is electable and they should re-elect him. He’s the best thing to happen to the Democrats in a long time.
FLASH –KING 5 – Pre news hype, ” Rossi is not conceding”….and mention of pres conf…..
Still getting durnk for the New Year….
It would be stupid for Rossi to concede at this point. The state GOP is only now beginning to get the information back from its public records requests from King County. That needs to be analyzed, so that an informed decision can be made about whether to contest the election. If Rossi gave up, before having the information to make an informed decision, his supporters would not forgive him. They would always remember him as the quitter on 12/29/2004. If, let’s say, on 01/07/2005, the information can be analyzed well enough not to support a challenge, then people will remember that Rossi conceded after taking most everything into account.
Given the extremely serious irregularities in King County, which nobody can deny, public opinion will not remember Rossi as a sore loser if he contests the election and is not successful. And an election contest, even if it does not succeed, will force King County to clean up its act — not directly of course, but through public exposure and public opinion.
Perhaps history will not remeber him solely as a “sore loser,” but even the ‘Pubs here at the office see him as such. I was thinking of “lying hypocritical, self-serving, really rich, something-to-do-with-shady-real-estate-dealings sore loser.” I’m sure it will catch on in those Washington State history books; it has a cerain je ne sais qoiu.
Pardon my French…. quoi.
Richard, I’m not saying he will concede. I’m just saying that knowing how PR things like this work, it seems unlikely that he’ll get up there and announce a contest, so if he has any real news to tell the public, it will likely be a concession. This could just be a checking-in-with-the-public-and-please-bear-with-me-as-we-examine-all-the-facts type of speech.
But I don’t think you fully appreciate the PR dilemma he is in. It’s not the party faithful he needs to worry about; it’s the swing voters who made this election so close. So far, the GOP PR campaign has been quite successful in arguing Rossi’s legitimacy over Gregoire’s. But if Rossi contests this election with shoddy legal evidence, he will lose much of his (in my opinion) ill-gotten good will.
At some point he’s got to start fighting the next campaign. And that point may be tonight.
Well, looks like only 895,660 people in King County actually cast ballots that were accepted in the November 2, 2004 general election. King County has just released a list of names, by precinct.
Unfortunately, 899,199 ballots were actually counted in the general election. This is 3,539 more ballots counted than there were voters to cast them.
Anyone want to guess on whose behalf these 3,539 fraudulent ballots were marked?
It is time to throw out the results of the election, due to this systematic fraud in King County, and hold another election.
If Christine Gregoire agrees to this, she stands a decent chance of having a positive public perception and being competitive in a rematch. After all, there is no question that she got, at a minimum, only a few thousand legitimate votes less than Rossi in the recent election.
If not, a state or federal court might simply order that Rossi be declared elected, without the need for another election. Even if the 3,539 fraudulently stuffed ballots were distributed randomly amongst the various candidates and undervotes, etc., they would have added over 500 net votes to Gregoire — several times her 129 vote alleged “victory” margin.
It is time for Gregoire and her supporters to face reality. The people of this state aren’t going to stand for an election that has been evidently won by stuffing 3,539 ballots that weren’t cast by people who actually voted.
On top of all this, I am sure that hundreds, if not thousands, of the people (or alleged people) amongst the 895,660 people who are actually recorded as voting were cast by ineligible, nonexistent, or multiple voting people.
Rossi’s press conference at 5:40 p.m. should be dynamite, and there will be excellent headlines in all the newspapers tomorrow.
Oh, well… if Sound Politics says so, then it has to be true.
Uh, Richard… KC released preliminary data, and has not finished updating their records. You know, it’s a damned if you do, damned if don’t situation. If they delay release of the data they’re accused of a cover up. If they promptly release preliminary data, and then update it later, they’re accused of a cover up.
Do you really believe that KC officials are so stupid as to stuff the ballot box? Do you really think it is possible to hide something like that? That’s not how you steal elections.
King County stole the election and then posted a smoking gun on their web site. Then, by the poweful tool called subtraction a skilled observer could find the “stuffed votes.” This is an ingenious method for detecting fraud. However, it only works if one knows how to subtract. If you do not, you may not be able to detect the fraud.
More on finding fraud later using addition.
Um, I was told there would be no math involved.
Okay, I give up – what is the meaning of “certify”? Does it mean that election officials and the Secretary of State do a little dance, wave their arms, and declare Gregoire the governor?
Silly me – I thought that certifying an election involved reconciling the numbers, and making sure that the ballots had some connection to the voter rolls. But, King County cant’ do that, even after three counts of the votes.
Dino – I take it back. Stay in there!
“Given the extremely serious irregularities in King County, which nobody can deny, public opinion will not remember Rossi as a sore loser if he contests the election and is not successful. And an election contest, even if it does not succeed, will force King County to clean up its act – not directly of course, but through public exposure and public opinion.”
Comment by Richard Pope— 12/29/04 @ 1:15 pm
Thank you. God bless.
Back in town – hey- lots of action these past days.
Rossi is toast- sore loser will be the polite term for him when it is over.
I read someof the posts, othe places, every thing done in the whole election is now being called fraudact like they ae out of control. Want im impeach Sam Reed. It will reach the point for them that even if you are who your, living where you live, voting just onece, you will be suspicious if from Seattle-King.
Witch hunt is another polite term. Let he court case roll.
Comment by Goldy— 12/29/04 @ 3:09 pm
Well, Goldy — do you really think that the Shark would put incorrect data on his website. I am sure if you called King County Elections, they would tell you that there are exactly 895,660 people on the list they just gave to the Shark.
Maybe there are another 3,539 people (or some number really close to it) who also cast ballots, and haven’t been added to the list yet. Or maybe 3,539 people will be added to the list later to make the numbers match.
The BIAW filed the same public information request on 12/03/2004 — some 26 days ago. King County Elections just stonewalled and did nothing in response. It was only after the state GOP filed the same request (and more) on Mon 12/27/2004 that King County came up with a response.
Other than the 566 or so ballots (out of about 723 no signature absentees) that were not properly canvassed in the first place, every other ballot counted should have been approved by Wed 11/17/2004, when King County originally certified. And the list of polling place voters should have been finalized by 8:00 p.m. on Tue 11/02/2004 (or whenever those people in line before 8:00 p.m. finished voting). Absentee and provisional voters could be added to the list until Wed 11/17/2004.
So there is no reason why it should take King County 42 days after the list of accepted voters was closed on Wed 11/17/2004 to come up with that same list.
If King County adds names to the 895,660 already given, these will certainly be subject to strict scrutiny. If more people appear on the polling lists, these signatures will certainly be looked at. If more people appear on the absentee lists, these signatures on their absentee ballot envelopes will certainly be looked at.
Having 3,539 more ballots counted, than people who actually voted, would certainly invalidate the election for Governor. If King County does not legitimately find somewhere really, really close to 3,539 more legitimate voters, then the burden will be on Gregoire to do so, if she wants to avoid having her apparently victory set aside.
It would not be all that difficult to add extra ballots to the count. Presumably, one would not “stuff” the ballot box, because that would be those which went into the machines on election day. And at that time, it would be too early, since the need to steal the election is not known.
Keep in mind that ballots which have been “counted” — i.e. run through the machine — have to be stored in a sealed container. However, the same security does not apply to ballots which have not yet been run through the machine.
This fraud could be accomplished by completing blank ballots from a wide variety of precincts, and simply adding those ballots after election day to the stacks of ballots which have not yet been run through the counting machines.
As for fraud detection, I don’t think anyone has ever requested a list of the people who actually voted in a given election before. So if fraud was committed, the perps would have no reason to suspect that it would be detected.
Yeah, well – FYI: I take SoundPolitics.com w/ a grain of salt unless it’s Marsha Richards. But 2 if it’s the Shark. Then again, we need to hit the AB, wham down the throttle, pedal to the metal (pick one) and get a new election!
As “Back in the U-S-S-R” plays in my ears and my chair rocks, I am so, so happy as a Dinocrat that Dino Rossi IS going to fight back!
Oh and FYI Goldy: Your posting of the Marummy statement made her have to put out that AP wire. Thanks, I guess, are appropiate. Maybe you should run for Governor!
Comment by Richard Pope— 12/29/04 @ 4:48 pm
If SoundPolitics.com is telling the truth, then man: Time to tell the Bon, Nordstrom, JCPenneys, etcetera to jack up the price on everything orange in this state – the demand will be sky-high!
Richard I don’t think unsound would intentionally place statistical lies on their site, but I am 100% they would INTENTIALLY lie to try to stir things up. Their ‘subtle misquotes’ and ‘comic analogies’ do little to make them get taken as honest people. And Dearest Joseph, off the meds again. Remember your doctor told you not to do that. You are living in la la land. Accept the truth. CHRISTINE IS YOUR GOVERNOR
Richard, even the Snark wrote: “The Elections Office informed me that they’re still doing “quality control” and adding in the names of some of the absentee voters.”
This list is preliminary. Jumping all over it as proof of fraud or incompetence is like pointing to the fact that KC was off by 10,000 in their initial estimate of absentee ballots to count. Let KC finish doing their work, and then we can talk about whether the numbers match or not, and why. This stuff doesn’t happen in darkened room without an audit trail.
Remember Goldy – According to the wingnuts at (un)Sound Politics KC is “by definition” guilty of fraud because it’s run by Democrats. So everything it’s done has been further proof of that fraud. Despite the lack of evidence proving previous hypotheses (and good evidence to the opposite) posted at unSound Politics, they’ll continue to one or more pseudo-facts from each argument as founding evidence for their new argument.
It’s irresponsible journalism, but it reminds me of Druge and/or creationists’ tactics. By the time someone goes through the effort to discredit the current “facts” they’re peddling, they move on to a different set of “facts”. Their game is to present as much psuedo-evidence or psuedo-science as possible and hope that no one peeks under the covers. If someone does, they try to change the subject and move on. The idea is to muddy the waters enough so that the public will buy in just a little bit each time. Brilliant propoganda move on their part, but not something that hasn’t been tried before.
I fully expect this new hypothesis about fraud to dissipate when the facts prove them wrong, yet again. Of course, they’ll have some sort of post-hoc “reason” why they were really “right” (e.g. liberal media won’t investigate Democrats), but then they’ll move on to the next “irrefutable proof”.
Best we can do is avoid engaging them at their level. I think the past 5-6 weeks have shown that leaping on each new piece of “evidence” the Republicans present is a fools game. Better to see what they actually try and stick with before bothering to take a look.
What a bunch of simpletons at that John Birch memorial cell….inthesound. Reading some old posts – they think it is strnge that the sex of some 200 plus registered voters-statewide- isn/t clear.
Pat… Pat and Pat – will you please call them and show that you are alive and your sex is none of their business……if womdered you wondered why the frenzied mob had such great power in pre modern Paris, read those posts. Frenzied mob…..going to get some garlic charms, big cross, etc.
Wow… I moved the news today. I don’t know whether to be impressed with myself, or unimpressed with a process that forces a gubernatorial campaign to respond to the vague speculation of a blogger.
Boy, I go after some post-Christmas specials, and ya’ll start believing your own propaganda… C’mon, guys and gals- I ain’t heard no fat lady singing yet…
Richard Pope is a very, very wise man. Rather than just run my fingers unproductively “word-wrasslin'” with a bunch of knuckleheads, I’ve actually rolled-up my sleeves and gotten to work. I can assure you Dino Rossi will not concede…Au Contraire!!! And Karen S., you too are Right-On Sister! King County should have reconciled the voter registration list to the actual count BEFORE certifying (all 3 times). The reason King County hasn’t yet released information requested by BIAW on 12/3/04 was if they had, it would have shown how inept they were and the many failures. And Goldy..King County needs to update their records??? These records should have been updated BEFORE the certification. Certification without reconciliation creates opportunity for new election…(gee I almost sound like Johnny Cochrane!).
Goldy, let’s see what information King County releases as of say 12/30…and then lets go back and compare it with what was in their database on 12/3!!! Then we can see exactly what “updating” King County has done. I mean King County does “back-up” it’s voter registration database daily..don’t they? If they don’t that’s “neglect”. Frankly, it’s more fun to “roll-up yer sleeves” and get directly involved than waste time blogging.
Don’t you think we ought to be able to know exactly what “updating” King County has done & when??
Well, Goldy- thanks for the reference to Eccentric Software- I’ve needed a late Christmas gift for a lobbyist friend, and THIS IS IT!!!
Looks like they fielded a poll that looked favorable for them.
This talk of King County pushing the election to Gregiore ignores the fact that Sims, supported by much of his executive staff, ran against her and then did not do much to support her after the primary. Why then would they pull out the stops to help her afterwards?
Folks, Rossi just called for a revote or an election contest. Gregovich’s choice…
Question : Did Rossi request a re-vote when he was ahead by 42 votes?
Answer : No
Dearest josef, how cute, the loser wants to start over. maybe we can do that with our sports teams also. imagine in the same year, the super bowl, world series, nba, pac 10 etc. Happy Blue Year to All and ps, josef, don’t forget the meds. you seem to need them now more than ever
Josef, There will not be a revote. You are dreaming and so is Rossi! When the man can’t win legally and legitimately, he’ll do whatever it takes. But he has lost this one.
Gregoire is the Governor Elect. Cut the dramatics for attention, it really is getting old and so is your complaining and conspiracy crap.
The election is over and will be certified TOMORROW! What are you going to do???? WAAAAAAAAA! WAAAAAAAAAA! Crying won’t do any good …………. but growing up will and so will some dignity and maturity. Why don’t you, Rossi, and the rest of his team try to get some???
Happy New Year in this Democratic State of Washington, run by the Democratic Governor, Christine Gregoire!
jim p- Josef makes a straight news report (other than the Gregovich), and you start telling him to take meds? Take a chill pill, dude, you seem to be the one with problems…
It’s over, they are just trying to tar Gregoire up by not being fair, etc. They have nothing to contest election, neither court or legislature will touch this. When Gregoire is certified tomorrow all will be over. Gotta give Rossi credit for being the hero for the rabid right.
And Karen- it ain’t over until the court rules- if you didn’t understand what Rossi said tonight, it was I AM GOING TO CONTEST THE ELECTION. Your base iommaturity is quite evident in your triumphalist attitude, but I don’t recall any of ya’ll crawling into your caves and conceding ratrher than going for the manual recount.
Rossi, and his supporters, have as much right to contest the election as Gregoire did to request the manual recount. Chill, let it play out, and if you can’t handle the rear-guard fight for a cause, ignore it- but it ain’t going away. Adapt to reality- it is a survival trait.
Scotch is a good way to adapt…
SORE LOSER – THE MOST messed up press conf. I have seen in politics in 10 years. I was embarassed for the guy…..could not read his own statement…. did not want questions… snarled he did not need the job… has no real plan. ——— amazing, just simply amazing……what a fools showcase……makes Patty Murray look polished…
And all to upstage Gregoire…..rain on her parade…. He is a total and utter fool…. He just showed in ten minutes how bad a leader he really would be.
Grim, and I do mean grim faced little wife nearby….of course not speaking or touching…. Sir Loser……..sounded half illiterate….amazing.
Christine let me back in the game….cause I am not going away…..Democrats dream come true….SO SO bad.
Jim King – I’m not a scotch drinker, but maybe I should be….
I will wager a drink at favorite watering hole, that Rossi concedes within one week. This is a show for the base. By the way, how is new puppy?
Christine should support Dino in asking for a re-vote. What’s she afraid of? I see this as the only reasonable path to putting this all behind us.
. . . the loser wants to start over. maybe we can do that with our sports teams also.
Who gets to tell the Boston Red Sox that the other teams wish to re-do the 2004 season, playoffs, and World Series?
SORE LOSER – THE MOST messed up press conf. I have seen in politics in 10 years. I was embarassed for the guy…..could not read his own statement…. did not want questions… snarled he did not need the job… has no real plan. ——— amazing, just simply amazing……what a fools showcase……makes Patty Murray look polished…
And all to upstage Gregoire…..rain on her parade…. He is a total and utter fool…. He just showed in ten minutes how bad a leader he really would be
Chris Vance no doubt helped push Rossi into this press conference. Neutering Rossi makes him less a threat should Vance wish to run against him.
Jim – unSound and their ilk sucked him in…….and you had something better to offer….I am sure.
Mr. Loser did hot stand at the podium with presence and command posture or voice or words, and announce what he planned to do. Just whinned about what he needs from Ghristine Gregoire. “This election has been a total mess”- cause I did not win.
AND, they are not refunding money paid for the not to happen ball……pr experts over there….YES, yes. yes Vance is running the show.
Jim, I feel your pain.
Christine should support Dino in asking for a re-vote. What’s she afraid of? I see this as the only reasonable path to putting this all behind us.
Nope. Even if both candidates were to agree, the taxpayers of Washington State do not want to pay for Rossi’s dumb idea of a re-vote?
And he will lose the jet nd the limo and the State patrol by Firday, and he biger house, what a fall from grace.
King 5, currently, people sound like they are at the county fair and the prize bull in the ring just took a healthy dump on the judge’s foot….bullshit for the uninformed…..
Now a story about NO refund for the Rossi not happening soon gala ball….bet their money is in his FAT SLUSH fund….they need to sue…or call Visa
Just saw some brief snippets from the press conference on the news. I agree that Rossi did not present a compelling case for a re-vote. Basically asking for a do-over. No one expected the Dems to take him seriously. And he knew it before he started talking.
He knew that if Gregoire accepted the call for the revote, she’d be seen as agreeing the election was some how not valid. But by rejecting the call, he (at least) gets to argue that she’s “afraid” of something, which supports his argument in favor of contesting the election. Allows him some “cover” while Republicans try to dig dirt.
Rossi should concede – the longer they dig and find nothing the less people will trust them and the more his political future will be nothing.
So good for Gregoire with sticking to her guns.
Nope. Even if both candidates were to agree, the taxpayers of Washington State do not want to pay for Rossi’s dumb idea of a re-vote?
Why not, they paid for Gregoire’s recount…
Or maybe Rossi’s worried that his political future is already toast, so he’s trying a last ditch effort to try and find something, anything (please) to keep his hopes alive for a little longer. Viewed that way – it’s a little sad.
Snake – Gregoire and her supporters “put up” when they had to, as required by law. They paid. If the results had turned out in favor of Rossi, they wouldn’t have gotten a refund. State law is clear on this. Note that they didn’t have to pay for a full statewide recount, but they did. They’ve met their burden.
So go ahead, raise $4 million for a nowhere-in-state-law re-vote and then come back and talk to us.
Losing, of course.
This isn’t a parliamentary system… Rossi get’s another chance in four years.
Meanwhile… just posted my own thoughts on the press conference.
Gregoire and her supporters “put up” when they had to, as required by law. They paid.
Well… Yeah, sort of… Where is the donor’s list for who actually contributed all the money?
I know that $250,000 came from fom Kerry’s campaign, another $200,000 came from the DNC and (I heard but can’t confirm that) another $200,000 came from MoveOn.org. Not exactly what one might call “her supporters”.
Either way, I’d gladly see my tax dollars go to a re-vote. Seriously I honestly feel that this will be the only way to avoid four years of someone complaining about the outcome of this election and really, that would be in the state’s best interest. As for the cost of a re-vote, I suspect it would be easily outweighed by not having to pay for all the court proceedings that are no doubt in our future without a re-vote.
There is no certainty of the kind you seek in our future with a re-vote. Do you seriously think that even if we had a re-vote and highly scrutinized count that people would stop complaining about the outcome? There would be even more pissed off people – probabl the 80% of the electorate who doesn’t spend their time posting to blogs, responding to online polls and calling talk radio.
Nope. Even if both candidates were to agree, the taxpayers of Washington State do not want to pay for Rossi’s dumb idea of a re-vote?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I have no problem in paying for the revote, lets just take the money that we are pissing away on the “road rage” enforcement and radar equipment.
to Snake, the only crying and whining would be from the losing group of reds. The state will function great with the Democratic party in congtrol of the senate, house and governor’s office. The Repugs are used to complaining anyway, that is their heritage
Goldy, Goldy, Goldy–
Must you be so shallow sir?
You were the one lecturing others about understanding “PR”.
None of you are even close to understanding why Rossi did what he did today. Frankly, you all seem to be so into immediate gratification that you won’t understand until you have both feet deep in the poop puddle.
HINT: You don’t think Rossi knew exactly how the Left would react to this?
Uh-oh… I think maybe Chuck likes to drive fast and mean. Tell me what your car looks like so I know to avoid you.
Wow, Cynical. Get bored posting as motorhomeman?
I have no doubt Rossi knew that Gregoire wouldn’t agree to a revote. He wants to try and use that as a “what is she afraid of” PR message. I wish him luck with that.
Still doesn’t mean squat. You’ve been proven wrong so many times I’ll just thank you for giving us another laugh tonight.
Uh-oh… I think maybe Chuck likes to drive fast and mean. Tell me what your car looks like so I know to avoid you.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Actually I do niether, nor have I ever been pulled over for anything even close. I just have a knack of seeing a cash cow when I see one.
Did you know that the accident AND death rate both go up on a heavily monitored road?
Rossi looked and sounded confused and tongue tied —
He has nothing on the table, just fishing and hoping, and yes, indeed Chris Vance is running the show. His badly worded letter, not Rossi.
THE RTURN OF MR. C — -What happed in Jefferon county? – did they not want the fraud to come out? You live there… True the nice county people told Rossi to go fly his screwy kite? Tell us – you are the resident expert in Jefferson afairs……or are they in on the fix, the pro Gregoire conspiracy……
And we will not tell the Sheriff…did you vote twice?….just cause you hate the bitch so much….tell us
What “bitch” are you referring to?
My commentary on tonight’s press conference: http://josef-a-k.blogspot.com/.....peaks.html
Oh and maybe Gregovych doesn’t sound as good as Mrs. Gray Davis, eh?
King County may not have stuffed the ballet box and left a smoking gun for everyone to see. However, even you must admit that they have shown gross incompetence! What if as a result of this there is shown to be a several thousand vote difference between votes counted and actual living, breathing registered voters? Would you suggest under these circumstances that this election should stand? What if it is shown conclusively that there are several thousand illigitimate voters in KC(i.e. convicted fellons, non-citizens, non-residents, non-breathing, ect.) what then?
paul thompson
I would say, that’s a big “what if”. What if we show that Diebold had reprogrammed their machines (as they easily could) to record more votes for Bush than actually cast? Oh wait, that already happened once (due to some kind of glitch). You heard it here first. Conclusive proof that Bush stole the election through “centralized vote fraud”. :)
Right now you’re acting as if it has been proven that the fraud you believe has occured. If you guys can show it conclusively, more power to you. But I doubt that you’ll prove anything. The so-called evidence/smoking gun you tout in every hypothesis about KC fraud always evaporates when examined closely. Supposedly it was “conclusive” that KC treated the 735 ballots in an insecure fashion. But when Repubs had a chance to bring up evidence to show that in the WA State Supreme Court, they failed to bring up any evidence. My guess is that the latest accusations will fizzle out the same way. So, before I bother considering what I might do if the accusations were true, I consider the source of the accusations and assign a low “truth probability factor”, which lets me rest easy. You guys have “cried wolf” too many times for me to jump at each new “proof” of fraud.
I will say, as Goldy has argued, that this is a hyper-close election, and it’s true that no voting/vote counting system that we use has a small enough margin of error to ensure that we perfectly (100%) counted all the votes correctly. So Dino’s call for a re-vote, with no recounts, just a count, is total BS – that would get us no closer to accuracy (probably farther from it).
I’m not making acuasations of fraud. I’m suggesting incompetence. King County still has not matched the numbers; mabye they will. But even you and Goldy can’t be sleeping to soundly knowing that Christine’s trip to the Big House is reliant upon King County’s level of competence? The law states that the platiff must only show “error” not fraud. IF sigificant errors can be establised, the election could very well be contested and the Repuclicans may very well have a strong case for a court to order a new election. If not, those of us who support Rossi will probably have to get over it and come back next time.
paul daniel
I sleep quite soundly, thank you. For a little perspective, this editorial in the PI is good:
If significant, substantive errors/fraud can be proven, then I’ll worry. But as Sam Reed put it so far I see a small number/percent of errors being corrected as proof that our election system is actually working, not that something is horribly wrong.