I looked under my pillow but didn’t find no fucking quarter! The Roads Fairy is a FAKE!!!
God I’m glad the triple W and blogs exist. If it weren’t for the ‘net we’d have to exist on the tripe the News Tribune editorial board feeds us. http://www.thenewstribune.com/.....38476.html
How can Rossi diss on The Good Governor when he wants 15B in new spending? Sounds more like a fiscal con than fiscal conservatism.
Richard Popespews:
Off-topic political trivia quiz:
1. Would John McCain be the first person in the history of the United States to be elected President or Vice-President, who was not born within one of the States of the United States (not counting the early folks who were from one of the 13 original colonies)?
2. Would Barack Obama be the first person in the history of the United States to be elected President or Vice-President, who has any significant non-White ancestry?
Richard Popespews:
On a related question, who was the last President or Vice-President to wear a beard or mustache while in office?
@4 I doubt it, on both questions, but I admit I am too lazy to go look it up!
Heh. Goldy called Dino a ‘fairy.” Can we call him Dina now? Maybe not, that would probably piss off Dina Martina (who is a lot more entertaining, by the way).
@2 Yeah, it’s too bad we can’t count on the press anymore to call bullshit on politicians who make “something for nothing” promises they can’t deliver. That’s not responsible journalism, it’s junior high school level writing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “1. Would John McCain be the first person in the history of the United States to be elected President or Vice-President, who was not born within one of the States of the United States (not counting the early folks who were from one of the 13 original colonies)?”
Of course not! None of the early presidents were born in a state. They were all born in the colonies.
“2. Would Barack Obama be the first person in the history of the United States to be elected President or Vice-President, who has any significant non-White ancestry?”
Probably not. Everyone fucked their black slaves in those days, so we’re all mixed-ancestry. Except me — I’m 100% rabbit. All the Rethugs I know are 50% goat, sheep, or horse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Richard Nixon. He shaved only once a day, and could grow a stubble beard in 4 or 5 hours. That’s probably because he was genetically closer to our gorilla ancestors than most humans.
harry poonspews:
re 4: 1. No. Bob Hope preceded him.
2. No. Ronald ‘Kingfish’ Reagan would be the first Negro president. Why do you think it was so hard to tell his age just by lookin’at ‘im?!?!?
harry poonspews:
re 5: That’s a trick question. Do you mean wear or grow?
Teddy Roosevelt. Mr. ‘stache’…
harry poonspews:
re 7: Thanks for reminding me of the great, great Dean Martin — who took so much of his musical inspiration from the most excellent Mills Bros.
Richard Popespews:
Roger Rabbit @ 9
I wasn’t counting people who were from one of the original 13 colonies. They may not have been natural-born citizens (debatable legal issue), but they were citizens of the United States at the time the constitution was adopted.
Article II, Section 1 specifies:
“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”
Speaking of fairy tales, only in a fairy tale could Obama’s endorsement by HAMAS be a good thing! This does not speak well for O…..
Dino thinks he can pull a turd out of his ass and redefine it as a silk purse reality. He’s been studying the behavior of his idol, Chainy Dick, apparently. Political extinction is looming on the horizon for DinosoreRossi.
Gore-Bull Warmingspews:
Donk Alert-
Please refrain from talking about the weather. This is just a temporary weather disturbance. Also refrain from using words such as FAKE or FLAKE or APRIL. We will kick off the 2008 Gore-bull warming canpaign starting the first hot day of summer. Thanks for being a useful idio…. I mean thanks for your loyal support.
Hey Bull, I just saw a commercial with your boy Newt advocating for reducing GHG emissions.
What’s up with that?
harry poonspews:
re 15: Yer a jerk. The real danger is the Mexican kids selling Chiclets out of cardboard boxes in Nogales.
Where’s Gregoire’s 200 Billion dollar roads and transit Plan?
She’s not too proud of that one any more since the voters shoved it up her ass!
So Rossi is as bad at math as he is brokering (er I mean selling) real estate!
harry poonspews:
We need to get the facts together on the money that’s being spent on roads from the gas tax.
I’m already hearing from conservative friends and relatives about all the Democrat gas tax money being wasted on roads. When I ask for specifics, they just say that everyone ‘knows’ the money is wasted.
The spot is funny. Rossi’s clever transportation campaign brochure is not.
People who propose and promise things that they can’t do cost us a ton of wasted time and money. Rossi has planted himself firmly in that do nothing camp when it comes transportation.
Yes the republicans are terribly concerned about wasting tax money – unless they are the ones wasting it!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 The facts are readily available on the WSDOT website for those who care about facts. This, of course, doesn’t include the crowd that glorifies stupidity and thinks ignorance is a virtue.
Lefties: Removing the sales tax from transportation projects is not “a turd”. This is long overdue and reduces the total cost of every project.
Zip- just tell me how you propose to absorb the revenue reduction.
And have you given much thought to just how it will work? I am Joe Contractor working on a commercial development project and a state road contract. Want to guess which one gets charged for the new dozers?
example: Patty Murray secures $500 million for viaduct. 9% goes to sales tax. How is spending that $45 million on the viaduct instead of the general fund “revenue reduction”? This is new money that would not be flowing into the general fund if not for the transportation funding from DC. Other examples include the third runway, sound transit, agency funding such as Community transit (they are partially funded by sales tax, then 9% of their construction spending goes to paying sales tax: this makes sense?)
Regarding your Joe Contractor question: Just ask a public works manager how much red tape there is on payments. If all that red tape is ineffective, (and maybe it is) that is a totally separate topic.
Ironic, but it completely fits; some Einstein uses a thread about Rossi to assess his take on the climate debate through gazing out the window. If you are a denyist, you should have read at least one book on the science, no? Not even one tiny one? Try “Field Notes from a Catastrophy” if you can focus long enough.
How about we just do away with the sales tax, and implement the state income tax. There’s going to be a great opening for fraud with contractor’s stocking up on materials during their public works jobs to use in the private side. The state paying sales tax on it’s projects stupid. But that’s not the turd in Rossi’s plan.
Don Joespews:
@ 24
Leave it to wingnuts to turn the weather into a wedge issue, but I digress. Since climate generally consists of weather trends, let’s talk about trends in Seattle weather.
Despite the late date for snowfall, we still haven’t come close to the record low temperature for the month of April. In Seattle, that temperature is 29 degrees fahrenheit, and the last time we tied that record was 1975. Since then, we’ve seen something like 26 out of 30 days in April where the temperature reached a daily record high. On only six days in April did we see a daily record low in years after 1975, and none of those have been in the 21st century.
According to the National Weather Service, we stand a slight chance of breaking the daily record low temperature for 4/19, but that’s largely because the existing daily record low is 33 degrees; four degrees above the monthly record low and three degrees above the daily record low for 4/20. Nevertheless, the forecast overnight low is 34 degrees.
Lastly, while it wouldn’t be wise to accept the rather flawed notion that weather trends in Seattle have any relationship to global weather trends, we can at least say that weather trends in Seattle do not falsify the notion of global warming in the way that the superficial observations of our local wingnuts would have us believe.
Bottom line: let me know when we set a new record monthly low temperature in Seattle. The last time that happened was 1975. Since then, if I recall correctly, we’ve set 6 new monthly high temperatures.
’26. Roger Rabbit spews:
@22 The facts are readily available on the WSDOT website for those who care about facts. This, of course, doesn’t include the crowd that glorifies stupidity and thinks ignorance is a virtue.’
Why are you looking there then Rodent? Planning on attending the next Drinking Liberally? I do enjoy your ridiculous excuses BTW. Has anyone ever even actually seen you? I bet not; as it seems you may be hard to look at, regardless of your bitter and delusional mental-state.
slingshot 31:
“There’s going to be a great opening for fraud with contractor’s stocking up on materials during their public works jobs to use in the private side.”
?? There is plenty of opportunity for fraud with today’s contracting rules. The agencies spend countless hours on book keeping to combat this: are you saying they can’t do their jobs?
And believe it or not, I am a conservative supporting the Sims tax reform plan of 2004. The problem though is with Democrats controlling this state the public does not trust them to reform taxes in a “neutral” manner. That is why it will not happen any time soon.
Reformed republicanspews:
@34: Besides the fact that Washington state was rated as one of the best run in the country – if you really want to look for fraud there are very good examples already out there:
1. Jack Abramoff and the K street project – making republicans the only lobbyists with Karl rove in charge.
2. Bridge to nowhere – Don Young
3. Any alaska republican
4. Any contractor for Iraq
5. The Bush appointed head of the dept. of Agriculture – oops, he resigned
6. The FEC
7. The EPA – who can’t tell us why they overruled their own scientists on California CAFE standards (gee, what ever happened to state’s rights?)
Instead of imagining corruption in one of the best runs states – how about being outraged by the corruption in the worst run presidency ever – and I am not even counting the incompetence (Brownie, FEMA, the Iraq provisional gov. and others)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 The good citizens of Washington would trust Democrats to reform taxes long before they’d trust Republicans to crack an egg.
Rossi will be our next Governor now that the
Acorn workers are in prison. The cheating
bastards won’t get away with it again. Rossi
won the last election by 10,000 votes.
Gregoire sucks.
Also, we need to get rid of environmental impact studies. Here it is in a nutshell,
were going to move a little dirt and when we get done were going to spray some bark on it.
If it rains a little silt might be in a puddle
but it will settle if you leave it alone. There, I saved 25% on every future project.
Democrats need to find something else to do
besides getting in the way. Most of them
rode the short bus, I just know it.
Mark- you clearly do not know a damn thing about project implementation. EIS’s are separate from stormwater regulations. The biggest delays are not due to environmental regulations, they are due to citizen opposition. It ain’t concerns about sily that are slowing the 520 project, it is adjacent neighbors. Everyone whats projects to be accelerated, unless they live next to them.
@39 Come to think of it my bus was a little
short, but I do know EIS’s cost alot for
nothing. Stormwater regulations are a bit
retarded, have you read them? Imagine the
projects in Dubai being tried here. Trump
was just laughing about the difference.
A bit dry in Dubai to worry about stormwater. And I’ll put my PE up against your stormwater regulation knowledge.
I know exactly ehat an EIS costs, and it is no where near 25% of the cost of any major project. I have also been able to build some quite large projects ($20 million+) without an EIS, using an MDNS. (Look it up.)
You’ve got talking points but no facts.
Before you slam Dino on this issue too bad- a couple things:
1. He got his numbers from the WSDOT and related agencies, so if you don’t agree with those numbers take it up with them.
2. WTF has Mrs. Gregoire exactly done for the transporatation mess other than broken promises, raising our already ridiculously high gas tax another 9.5 percent, and creating a total cluster over the Alaskan Way Viaduct?
3. What exactly is the Queens wonderful magical idea that supposedly is better than Dinos? We’re all ears….
4. Summation: The Queen’s do-nothing campaign just attaches itself to the pathetic eight years of loligagging by former Gov. Gary Locke.
I looked under my pillow but didn’t find no fucking quarter! The Roads Fairy is a FAKE!!!
God I’m glad the triple W and blogs exist. If it weren’t for the ‘net we’d have to exist on the tripe the News Tribune editorial board feeds us.
How can Rossi diss on The Good Governor when he wants 15B in new spending? Sounds more like a fiscal con than fiscal conservatism.
Off-topic political trivia quiz:
1. Would John McCain be the first person in the history of the United States to be elected President or Vice-President, who was not born within one of the States of the United States (not counting the early folks who were from one of the 13 original colonies)?
2. Would Barack Obama be the first person in the history of the United States to be elected President or Vice-President, who has any significant non-White ancestry?
On a related question, who was the last President or Vice-President to wear a beard or mustache while in office?
@4 I doubt it, on both questions, but I admit I am too lazy to go look it up!
Heh. Goldy called Dino a ‘fairy.” Can we call him Dina now? Maybe not, that would probably piss off Dina Martina (who is a lot more entertaining, by the way).
Here’s the real Dino.
@2 Yeah, it’s too bad we can’t count on the press anymore to call bullshit on politicians who make “something for nothing” promises they can’t deliver. That’s not responsible journalism, it’s junior high school level writing.
@4 “1. Would John McCain be the first person in the history of the United States to be elected President or Vice-President, who was not born within one of the States of the United States (not counting the early folks who were from one of the 13 original colonies)?”
Of course not! None of the early presidents were born in a state. They were all born in the colonies.
“2. Would Barack Obama be the first person in the history of the United States to be elected President or Vice-President, who has any significant non-White ancestry?”
Probably not. Everyone fucked their black slaves in those days, so we’re all mixed-ancestry. Except me — I’m 100% rabbit. All the Rethugs I know are 50% goat, sheep, or horse.
@5 Richard Nixon. He shaved only once a day, and could grow a stubble beard in 4 or 5 hours. That’s probably because he was genetically closer to our gorilla ancestors than most humans.
re 4: 1. No. Bob Hope preceded him.
2. No. Ronald ‘Kingfish’ Reagan would be the first Negro president. Why do you think it was so hard to tell his age just by lookin’at ‘im?!?!?
re 5: That’s a trick question. Do you mean wear or grow?
Teddy Roosevelt. Mr. ‘stache’…
re 7: Thanks for reminding me of the great, great Dean Martin — who took so much of his musical inspiration from the most excellent Mills Bros.
Roger Rabbit @ 9
I wasn’t counting people who were from one of the original 13 colonies. They may not have been natural-born citizens (debatable legal issue), but they were citizens of the United States at the time the constitution was adopted.
Article II, Section 1 specifies:
“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”
Speaking of fairy tales, only in a fairy tale could Obama’s endorsement by HAMAS be a good thing! This does not speak well for O…..
Dino thinks he can pull a turd out of his ass and redefine it as a silk purse reality. He’s been studying the behavior of his idol, Chainy Dick, apparently. Political extinction is looming on the horizon for DinosoreRossi.
Donk Alert-
Please refrain from talking about the weather. This is just a temporary weather disturbance. Also refrain from using words such as FAKE or FLAKE or APRIL. We will kick off the 2008 Gore-bull warming canpaign starting the first hot day of summer. Thanks for being a useful idio…. I mean thanks for your loyal support.
Hey Bull, I just saw a commercial with your boy Newt advocating for reducing GHG emissions.
What’s up with that?
re 15: Yer a jerk. The real danger is the Mexican kids selling Chiclets out of cardboard boxes in Nogales.
Where’s Gregoire’s 200 Billion dollar roads and transit Plan?
She’s not too proud of that one any more since the voters shoved it up her ass!
So Rossi is as bad at math as he is brokering (er I mean selling) real estate!
We need to get the facts together on the money that’s being spent on roads from the gas tax.
I’m already hearing from conservative friends and relatives about all the Democrat gas tax money being wasted on roads. When I ask for specifics, they just say that everyone ‘knows’ the money is wasted.
The spot is funny. Rossi’s clever transportation campaign brochure is not.
People who propose and promise things that they can’t do cost us a ton of wasted time and money. Rossi has planted himself firmly in that do nothing camp when it comes transportation.
17 GBW
Weather is not climate.
Not that you know or care.
Yes the republicans are terribly concerned about wasting tax money – unless they are the ones wasting it!
@22 The facts are readily available on the WSDOT website for those who care about facts. This, of course, doesn’t include the crowd that glorifies stupidity and thinks ignorance is a virtue.
Lefties: Removing the sales tax from transportation projects is not “a turd”. This is long overdue and reduces the total cost of every project.
Zip- just tell me how you propose to absorb the revenue reduction.
And have you given much thought to just how it will work? I am Joe Contractor working on a commercial development project and a state road contract. Want to guess which one gets charged for the new dozers?
example: Patty Murray secures $500 million for viaduct. 9% goes to sales tax. How is spending that $45 million on the viaduct instead of the general fund “revenue reduction”? This is new money that would not be flowing into the general fund if not for the transportation funding from DC. Other examples include the third runway, sound transit, agency funding such as Community transit (they are partially funded by sales tax, then 9% of their construction spending goes to paying sales tax: this makes sense?)
Regarding your Joe Contractor question: Just ask a public works manager how much red tape there is on payments. If all that red tape is ineffective, (and maybe it is) that is a totally separate topic.
Ironic, but it completely fits; some Einstein uses a thread about Rossi to assess his take on the climate debate through gazing out the window. If you are a denyist, you should have read at least one book on the science, no? Not even one tiny one? Try “Field Notes from a Catastrophy” if you can focus long enough.
How about we just do away with the sales tax, and implement the state income tax. There’s going to be a great opening for fraud with contractor’s stocking up on materials during their public works jobs to use in the private side. The state paying sales tax on it’s projects stupid. But that’s not the turd in Rossi’s plan.
@ 24
Leave it to wingnuts to turn the weather into a wedge issue, but I digress. Since climate generally consists of weather trends, let’s talk about trends in Seattle weather.
Despite the late date for snowfall, we still haven’t come close to the record low temperature for the month of April. In Seattle, that temperature is 29 degrees fahrenheit, and the last time we tied that record was 1975. Since then, we’ve seen something like 26 out of 30 days in April where the temperature reached a daily record high. On only six days in April did we see a daily record low in years after 1975, and none of those have been in the 21st century.
Details can be found here.
According to the National Weather Service, we stand a slight chance of breaking the daily record low temperature for 4/19, but that’s largely because the existing daily record low is 33 degrees; four degrees above the monthly record low and three degrees above the daily record low for 4/20. Nevertheless, the forecast overnight low is 34 degrees.
Lastly, while it wouldn’t be wise to accept the rather flawed notion that weather trends in Seattle have any relationship to global weather trends, we can at least say that weather trends in Seattle do not falsify the notion of global warming in the way that the superficial observations of our local wingnuts would have us believe.
Bottom line: let me know when we set a new record monthly low temperature in Seattle. The last time that happened was 1975. Since then, if I recall correctly, we’ve set 6 new monthly high temperatures.
’26. Roger Rabbit spews:
@22 The facts are readily available on the WSDOT website for those who care about facts. This, of course, doesn’t include the crowd that glorifies stupidity and thinks ignorance is a virtue.’
Why are you looking there then Rodent? Planning on attending the next Drinking Liberally? I do enjoy your ridiculous excuses BTW. Has anyone ever even actually seen you? I bet not; as it seems you may be hard to look at, regardless of your bitter and delusional mental-state.
slingshot 31:
“There’s going to be a great opening for fraud with contractor’s stocking up on materials during their public works jobs to use in the private side.”
?? There is plenty of opportunity for fraud with today’s contracting rules. The agencies spend countless hours on book keeping to combat this: are you saying they can’t do their jobs?
And believe it or not, I am a conservative supporting the Sims tax reform plan of 2004. The problem though is with Democrats controlling this state the public does not trust them to reform taxes in a “neutral” manner. That is why it will not happen any time soon.
@34: Besides the fact that Washington state was rated as one of the best run in the country – if you really want to look for fraud there are very good examples already out there:
1. Jack Abramoff and the K street project – making republicans the only lobbyists with Karl rove in charge.
2. Bridge to nowhere – Don Young
3. Any alaska republican
4. Any contractor for Iraq
5. The Bush appointed head of the dept. of Agriculture – oops, he resigned
6. The FEC
7. The EPA – who can’t tell us why they overruled their own scientists on California CAFE standards (gee, what ever happened to state’s rights?)
Instead of imagining corruption in one of the best runs states – how about being outraged by the corruption in the worst run presidency ever – and I am not even counting the incompetence (Brownie, FEMA, the Iraq provisional gov. and others)
@34 The good citizens of Washington would trust Democrats to reform taxes long before they’d trust Republicans to crack an egg.
Rossi will be our next Governor now that the
Acorn workers are in prison. The cheating
bastards won’t get away with it again. Rossi
won the last election by 10,000 votes.
Gregoire sucks.
Also, we need to get rid of environmental impact studies. Here it is in a nutshell,
were going to move a little dirt and when we get done were going to spray some bark on it.
If it rains a little silt might be in a puddle
but it will settle if you leave it alone. There, I saved 25% on every future project.
Democrats need to find something else to do
besides getting in the way. Most of them
rode the short bus, I just know it.
Mark- you clearly do not know a damn thing about project implementation. EIS’s are separate from stormwater regulations. The biggest delays are not due to environmental regulations, they are due to citizen opposition. It ain’t concerns about sily that are slowing the 520 project, it is adjacent neighbors. Everyone whats projects to be accelerated, unless they live next to them.
@39 Come to think of it my bus was a little
short, but I do know EIS’s cost alot for
nothing. Stormwater regulations are a bit
retarded, have you read them? Imagine the
projects in Dubai being tried here. Trump
was just laughing about the difference.
A bit dry in Dubai to worry about stormwater. And I’ll put my PE up against your stormwater regulation knowledge.
I know exactly ehat an EIS costs, and it is no where near 25% of the cost of any major project. I have also been able to build some quite large projects ($20 million+) without an EIS, using an MDNS. (Look it up.)
You’ve got talking points but no facts.
Before you slam Dino on this issue too bad- a couple things:
1. He got his numbers from the WSDOT and related agencies, so if you don’t agree with those numbers take it up with them.
2. WTF has Mrs. Gregoire exactly done for the transporatation mess other than broken promises, raising our already ridiculously high gas tax another 9.5 percent, and creating a total cluster over the Alaskan Way Viaduct?
3. What exactly is the Queens wonderful magical idea that supposedly is better than Dinos? We’re all ears….
4. Summation: The Queen’s do-nothing campaign just attaches itself to the pathetic eight years of loligagging by former Gov. Gary Locke.
More of the same….