Dino Rossi is trumpeting the $600,000 he’s raised in his first official week of campaigning:
“In just the first week, we have signed up over 2,500 people online, attracted over 20,000 Facebook followers, third most of any US Senate candidate and nearly twice that of Senator Murray, and raised over $600,000, including nearly $200,000 online,” Rossi said in a statement.
Yeah, okay, good numbers by any standard, but after months of lining everything up, nothing particularly exciting. One would expect an initial surge in donations, but even if he were to maintain this pace and raise $600,000 a week between now and the election, that still only comes to $13.2 million. And I’m hearing Sen. Murray had a bit of a fundraising windfall from Rossi’s announcement too.
I mean, it’s not like anybody ever questioned Rossi’s ability to raise money. Indeed, that and name ID pretty much appear to be his primary qualifications. But I sure don’t view this as any indication of a groundswell in grassroots support.
Dino who?
All Benton has to do to burst his bubble is compare how many races the two of them have won.
Dear Dino Rossi, I live in Kent, there is a river here called the Green River. For flood control it uses the Howard Hanson Damn. That damn is failing. Senator Murray used earmarks to get money to repair the damn. But because you oppose all earmarks do you think that the damn should just be allowed to fail and the Kent Valley should flood? If you do not use earmarks get money to repair the damn how would you get the money to repair the damn? Or do you think the the people and businesses in the Kent Valley should just learn how to swim? Please answer these questions, to the point and with out smiling.
‘Rossi raises $600K in one week, Goldy yawns’ (and farts)
LMFAO! This coming from someone so chronically unemployed that he has to have so-called “fund drives” to beg for a piddly little $25K so he can continue not to earn it himself or work for another year?
C’mon Goldy…. your hypocrisy is obvious, but entertaining at the same time. BTW, not even close to your $25K mark are ya?
Getting scared that lil Miss Mommy in Tennis Shoes might be out on her dumb ass soon, eh? Good.
Thanks for the laugh however, and Rodent: Talk to the hand. :) Good day all.
I think you are being a little dishonest here.
If Rossi would have raised only $600 in one week, you would be all over him like stink on shit. When he raises $600,000 in one week, you are all over him like stink on shit.
In other words, there is nothing that Rossi could have done without you attacking.
Even for a one-sided blogger like yourself, that is mentally lazy – and lame.
In typical fashion, you have a set conclusion and no matter what the facts, you will twist them to support your already established conclusion.
Very amateur-like if you ask me.
But Goldy, what are you going to tell the trolls when Rossi points out he’s got “20,000 Facebook followers, third most of any US Senate candidate and nearly twice that of Senator Murray”?
Surely that’s bad news for we progressives, despite polls showing Murray whupping his ass.
I hear they are only going to do vote by Facebook this year…. Rossi has it in the bag!
Never forget that Mary Lane Strow is leading this, “progressives”.
Let me warn all of you that with Dino Rossi in the race we will all be looking to see who stands with Dino. And isn’t.
I’m sure Horsesass.org staff will read until the donkeys fly with brooms at 3 AM the Rossi campaign press releases & disclosures & Facebook pages. Must be as fun for you as flying Microsoft Flight Simulator and reading Combat Aircraft is for me.
Oh and if this violates the HA comments policy, then I’m gonna kiss off.
Darryl, I know you’re too fair-minded to actually delete Josef’s latest
slobbering overstalking ofmention of Ms. Strow, but maybe just this once…?@7 I’m sure Horsesass.org staff
Staff? You mean Goldy and then THE REST of the crew like Darryl and Lee who work for free? Nobody wants those donations coming in more than Goldy’s “staff,” who look forward to the day when Goldy will be able to offer pay and benefits competitive with Walmart.
@9 I meant that affectionately. As in synonym with crew, team, workmates, etcetera.
@8 Nice to know the intolerance.
What a waste of money.
Most people seeking a job will work to prepare themselves or up their qualifications to better their chances of getting that job. What has Dino Rossi done to up his qualifications to get this job over say, the past decade?
Oh and practicing your smile in front of a mirror doesn’t count.
Dino Rossi has learned in the past decade how to balance a state budget, hire a State Secretary of Defense to stop “Governor Dean” Logan and NOT to mention a training wage idea to cure youth unemployment the Democrats fearmongered on.
Couldn’t the 840,000+ blockheads who voted for Will Baker in 2004 pony up even one dollar for Dino Rossi?
How about 2 dollars?
Not impressed myself.
Who the Hell is Mary Lane Strow and why the fuck should I care?
You’re new here. I’m going to write this as if I’m writing for Wikipedia as one of my bosses SECDEFWA will be reading.
Back in 2004, a certain Dean C. Logan failed to uphold elections law in King County as sElections Director. The Dino Rossi Campaign needed a Chief, a Leader to coordinate the response. Having suffered thru 2000 w/ Slade Gordon as Pierce County allegedly pulled slick antics, Mary Lane (who married Chris Strow in 2007) was tapped to lead. Between working with bloggers, coordinating and propogating the message of the day, and being the voice of & for the people who felt robbed she became christened Marummy, Secretary of Defense for the State of Washington. Thanks to her leadership in the creation of a most hostile environment to Dean Logan, “Governor Dean” Logan quit/was finally kicked outta here on 12 June 2006. We now have clean elections again where felons don’t vote illegally and dead persons can’t vote and provisional ballots are actually verified, thank goodness.
The Dino Rossi Campaign needed a Chief, a Leader…
Because Dino Rossi? Not a Chief. Not a Leader.
Goldy, you must be bi. You used to have a woody for that woman running against Reichart, now you have a woody for/against (i dunno) Rossi. Wierd that you would want to ensure our status quo; by relecting long time senator Patty Murray
I mean she’s not about change; she’s “the man”; responsible for all the bad things going on; from lax financial oversight, to weak environmental laws to ..gasp…doing jack to keep Boeing from moving… (imagine S. Carolina aceing out SCOop Jackson; would never have happened)
Quite frankly, I support Dino to get Marummy.
Quite frankly, we bloggers in 2005 need a big sister if not a mother figure to keep us from going off the proverbial cliff.
Quite frankly, the President you voted for has a Secretary of Defense as well.
Quite frankly, I approve of righton. Dump Murray, hire Rossi (and Marummy), save Boeing.
BREAKING NEWS: Don Benton surrenders to Rossi-Marummy Task Force.
[Inappropriately copied material deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
I’m like regressed from my late 20s to 5 right now.
I can guess the platform now. I’ll cut your taxes in half…increase police (tough on crime)…lower class sizes (hire more teachers)…cut your taxes…provide more tax incentives/breaks for big business (like Boeing)…and balance the budget. No matter what, I’m sure it’ll come down to essentially promising something for nothing, a tax cut(s) and somehow no magical cut in schools, medical, safety or transit, and extra magic money to balance the budget.
You know, considering the national (and international) economic recession, we’re doing pretty good compared to most everyone else. Seattle has one of the better economies. Washington state is doing ok considering how trade dependent it is, so asking for voters to change leadership now kind of gets the response, “why?”.
Doing OK?
Hmm, that is an interesting, and unique, viewpoint.
Republican caucus staff, not Rossi, was largely responsible for drafting the budget around which he built his last two campaigns. He is a salesman, not an accountant or economist.
$600,000 is bad out of the gate but it is less than Murray raised off of his announcement.
man, when they write the history of the 21st century, and the fall of the US, this dimbulb should be featured as symptomatic of our stupidity; somehow we as a society put this woman into office; not as county commissionier but actually as a US senator; 3 terms thus far…unbelievable.
we’d be better having a cardboard cutout as senator than her
@ 18,
What a curious mix of pathologies you are!* Such a refreshing change from the usual sober, rational discussion so common to the internet!
Your argument FOR Dino Rossi is that he isn’t a leader but he hired one? With such sound arguments on his behalf, you’re sure to convince lots and lots of voters to support Rossi. Keep it up!
Of course, there may be a few voters who would like to vote for the leader directly, who then hires people to do what the leader wants, but there can’t be very many of those types of voters, right? No, you stick with the “Dino Rossi: Not A Leader But One Works for Him” message. It’s electoral gold!
* To quote the Tick: “And, isn’t sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you’re good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.”
Most of the time it takes a leader secure enough (e.g. Dino Rossi) to hire another leader (e.g. Mary Lane).
I have my concerns about Rossi, as do many conservatives from liberal conservatives/Main Street/Mainstream Republicans/Clegg-Cameron Liberal Democrat Conservatives like I to tea partiers to the “Reagan Wing” of the party. My campaign line is to reach out to them.
Nice try, but I need very little time to reply. Now back to my new YouTube project.
America is fucked. Our “leaders” are spreading their legs and bending over for the monied Johns.
It’s just a matter of time. The Chinese leadership are giddy, but containing their patience.
The trip wire is taut.
Damn. First time I have heard it put that way, but shit man, I can’t argue with that.
The Chinese took their country and turned it into a toxic waste dump to make dollar-store junk for the west and then turned around and invested their ill gotten gains in American and European debit. Debit that we’re not going to be able to repay and without those payments they aren’t going to be able to afford to import food to feed their people.
China’s pretty much fucked.
You know what, I still don’t care. So she was involved in the 2004 recount, Rossi still lost tthat if you remember. He lost by an even larger margin in 2008 too and Gregiore had hardly gotten more popular over her first term.
Translation of the obsessive Josef —
Mary Lane was Rossi’s press flack. No more, no less.
Hey Goldy, how’s that fundraising drive for you to hit 25k?? I think you’re having the fundraising equivalent of penis-envy right now!
Perhaps you geniuses who are getting your panties in a wad about the deficit shouldn’t have been such cheerleaders for Bush’s tax cuts.
But not to worry the US debt is still quite manageable. Out debt to GDP ratio is much lower than most of the industrialized world and it will be paid back, every single last dime. Though the debt might get monetized a bit in the process.
The absolute worst thing for the long-term fiscal health of the US would be the Hoover-esque austerity measures you advocate. This would lead to a deflationary spiral.
I’ve always assumed that Joseph was comic relief.
@29 Rossi may have lost the election, but Marummy won. Dean Logan no more in WA State. New elections laws. Clean voter rolls. Votes having voters. That was the point.
@33 Happy to serve you.
In fact in serving you, somewhere in between I missed the local flack for the intolerant wing of the left. Probably worships President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and thinks that invasion force Israel turned back was fully humanitarian.
Why can’t WA Republicans offer the voters here the kind of wholesome political dialog SC Republican politicians do?
Can I have some of what you are smoking?
It is rude not to share.
So it’s not quite time to start stockpiling .22 ammo, canned goods, and wooden matches then?
What are you going to do with .22 ammo? Use it as a toy?
Here’s why Murray is deadly; she votes for stupid clinic style healthcare
link shows how Britain is cutting medical procedures…ahem…just like what will happen here (if we don’t replace the carrot senator)
Then there is the assumption that Rossi is even going to make it to the top two. I’m voting for Clint in August.
There is a movement!
I, too, will vote for Clint in August.
Dear Patty Murray,
Where is your budget this year?
And 13 Trillion Dollars is an awful lot of borrowing for one credit card don’t you think?
Why are there more right-wing trolls commenting on this thread than there are informed people? Don’t you racist, sexist, ignorant teabaggers have your own blogs to comment on?
Publicola has dug up an interesting item on anti-earmark crusader Helmet-Hair-Hamlet.
Turns out that in addition to misusing the mailing list of the Everett Aquasox he’s a part owner of to solicit donations to his gubernatorial effort, his outfit in Everett lobbied for and obtained $433,000 of earmarks from Olympia in 2007.
Maybe Helmet-Hair-Hamlet will do the honorable thing with his new found $600k and return the $433,000 he and his partners obtained from WA taxpayers.
I won’t hold my breath.
37. Anyone who needs matches to start a fire is definately a liberal pussy. : )
You know, the only dead person who tried to vote was the woman whose husband submitted her ballot with a forged signature. He claimed her dying wish was to vote against Gregoire. When the elections board invalidated her ballot, he then requested that they disqualify his ballot and accept hers in his place. See how righties’ minds work? Dead people can vote if you replace their vote with a live person’s.
44. Siberian Dog spews:
Your pointless comment is precisely why.
Folks are tired of your mindless defense of ObaMaoism.
Do yourself a favor…
This is filled with specific policies…not bait-and-switch “HOPE & CHANGE” crap.
Our inneffective and dumb-as-a-carrot Senator Murray busies herself with such deep issues like sponsoring “S. 1935: A bill to extend the temporary suspension of duty on certain boots constructed by hand of natural rubber.”.
She probably did this at the behest of the DNC, who has to import rubber boots so they can stand in all the shit they shovel out.
Another notable landmark of legislation she has introduced is: S.Res. 288: A resolution designating September 26, 2009, as “National Mesothelioma Awareness Day”.
Isn’t it comforting to know that with the economy tanking and security issues awash everywhere…we have Patty Murray representing us.
She is the textbook definition of
Murray, the daughter of a disabled World War II veteran, works tirelessly on behalf of America’s veterans. This no doubt angers our America and veteran-hating KLOWN and drives him to spew his vile hatred for all things good and decent on our America-loving liberal blog.
Hmm, mesothelioma. Isn’t that the disease that many of the people who worked in shipyards during WW2 contracted? So, unlike Patty Murray, John425 raises his middle finger to the workers who helped us win the war.
Mr. Cynical, I wasn’t commenting. I was asking why you people dont make your ignorant teabagger comments on a right-wing blog rather than here.
Paul Ryan? You must be joking. Reminds me of a response to the original motivation for HA, Rewind’s Free Ponies Initiative.
Seriously? Only 600k out the door after months of talking to his sponsors about running? The first weeks take should include some of the promised money from his biggest supporters, unless they’re holding back.
Rossi raises $600,000 in one week…goldy scared.
@52 It only makes sense that a KLOWN would oppose Patty Murray’s resolution. Please understand that it’s not the fact that there’s resolutions recognizing this or declaring that, which elicites a KLOWN’s hate. No, it’s the fact that it is a resolution recognizing the illnesses of American workers.
You see, when a Republican proposes a resolution declaring it to be “Confederate History Month” and there’s no mention of slavery, a KLOWN approves.
When Republican Senator Brownback introduces a resolution recognizing the first weekend of May 2008 as “Ten Commandments Weekend”, a KLOWN’s prayer is answered.
heh- Senator Diapers proposed Senate Resolution 98, which would designate April 15 in both 2009 and 2010 as “National TEA Party Day”. Do you think a KLOWN might get all orgasmic over that one?
Mesothelioma striking down our WWII American shipyard workers? A KLOWN cares not. Such a resolution is to be ridiculed. That a Democrat proposes it makes it doubly so. KLOWNS do have their priorities when it comes to offering recognition, after all, and ill and dying American workers just isn’t one of them.
Great Jobs report Folks, aprox 400,000 of the new part time jobs are Guvment hack Cencus jobs that don’t pay squat.
Stock Market loved it only down 300+ Keep up the good work, it’ll be in the 8000’s soon at this rate.
Leftist sycophants of Dumb-as-a-carrot Murray should be able to parse the fact that a Senate Resolution is just busy work. Declaring “National Mesothelioma Awareness Week”
is about as helpful to unemployed American workers as National Butt-Suck Week. She knows something about that, I betcha.
National “smarter than a carrot day”?
Remarkable where Democrats adn their press buddies are headed. Top Anti Semite and top press correspondent “caught”
“should be able to parse the fact that a Senate Resolution is just busy work”
Refer to the idiotic wingnut resolutions @56 and then eat shit, asswipe.
“National Butt-Suck Week”
Another wingnut resolution, no doubt.
“National “smarter than a carrot day”?”
You’d be excluded, of course, seeing as how you, one of the stoopidest wingnuts on the fucking planet, is dumber than any carrot. Really, righton, there are few things funnier than some dumbfuck twit such as yourself calling somebody else stupid.
Ah, i should give up, Steve. Your intellect overwhelms me.
And steve, i guess picking on the stupid senator somehow proves I”m stupid. Meanwhile all you smarty pants add 1 trillion in new debt every 10 months, whilst buying us some census workers.
If we had our collective brains sewn on properly we’d revolt against the incompetant rule foisted on us by Patty, Obama and the like. Its astounding that confronted w amazing problems we end up going weak and deferring to serious dimbulbs. I had high hopes for Obama the man (that while i didn’t like him, he’d try to unite us), but instead i get the most left wing and least qualified president ever.
“Your intellect overwhelms me”
Kudos to you, righton! Mark today’s date on your calendar. For it was today that you actually lucked into getting one thing right in your miserable, pathetic life.
“all you smarty pants”
My apologies. I had no idea that I was picking on a child.
this is fun; but does the warden turn off the computers at 9pm, or 10pm?
The funniest thing about right wing tools is how short their memory is. Remember once upon a time an idiot that owns a ranch in Texas was appointed president by the supreme court. He took office with the largest budget surplus in history, and a stable economy. After 8 years, with the republipuke party pretty much dominating all 3 branches of government, and the corporate controlled media he left town with a stunning legacy:
Somehow he doubled the national debt after inheriting a surplus on day one. Amazing.
2 badly mismanaged wars.
An economy tanking after all his rich buddies looted trillions while he was looking the other way on purpose.
Leaving a 1.7 trillion dollar deficit to the next person to take his job, and job losses approaching a million a month as his parting gift.
And some folks want to put any of these republicrap slimeballs back into power in Washington? They must really hate America. I mean really really really hate America.
Republipukes should not be let anywhere near government. In fact they hate government.
Dino should go back to doing dirty real estate deals with dirty (convicted criminal) bankers money backing him. It seems to be the only thing he has a knack for, besides losing twice to one of the worst campaigning Democratic governors I have ever met.
Anyone here who thinks Dino would do a better job in the senate than Murray needs therapy.
NoFacts is reverting to revisionist history again. And Nope no link again. Puddy already showed what the real budget numbers were and the fact the country was in a recession when Bush took over. Ask your good friend, the dumb brick clueless arschloch goatsee.
Once again NoFacts and another worthless post.
Republicans know they are sick evil greedy bastards, and they just don’t give a sh*t.
They listen to Rush, and tune into Fox Propaganda at night, and what do you think happens to their pea brains? They turn into zombies trained to help rich people get tax cuts, and support outsourcing jobs, and pumping as much carbon into the atmosphere as possible. Drill baby drill!!!!
Republicans Are A Disease.
@70 the recession didn’t start until Bush handed out all that $$ to corporate scum. Remember? Rebates over a trillion dollars? IBM alone got a billion dollars back. For what? Outsourcing?
Try again @72?