So speaking of debates, the Dino Rossi gubernatorial campaign (Prefers People Not Know He’s a Republican Party) has apparently ditched a scheduled Oct. 13 debate in Vancouver because of a measly half-hour scheduling conflict. Reporter Kathie Durbin writes at The Columbian’s succinctly named Politics Blog:
Gregoire’s campaign said the governor adjusted her schedule twice to accommodate Rossi, finally agreeing to an 11 a.m. -to-noon televised debate on the 13th. The Rossi campaign initially agreed, but then changed its mind, notifying organizers that Rossi had to be finished by 11:30 a.m. so he could make it to a noon fundraising lunch.
Rossi accused the governor of trying to back out of debating at the last minute.
Of course, since Gov. Chris Gregoire, a Democrat, says she will be ready to debate anyway, Rossi is rather bizarrely “pulling a McCain” on this one by being a drama queen about a half hour difference.
Nothing like emulating the erratic and ridiculous behavior of a fellow Republican to ensure Republican loyalty among the Republican faithful. It’s a sure way to get nominated for Miss Congeniality of The Republican Party. Because Republicans are nothing if not congenial.
As usual, a Republican is playing dumb games trying to squeeze any tiny competitive advantage out of a situation. According to a news release sent yesterday by the Gregoire campaign, the time period Rossi (the Republican) seems to be trying to avoid is the noon news cycle.
You know, the noon news, when regular people might be watching during a child’s nap or a quick lunch break from work. Otherwise the only people who will see the debate in real time will be those folks who can go downtown or work downtown during the workday. For instance, this would include developers and firms that cater to them, which apart from the thriving criminal justice system seems to be the main type of business in downtown Vancouver. (Note to nitpicky types in the Comments Cesspool: even if the debate is at a hotel over by the mall, the same principle applies. Most regular folks can’t go hang out at the Heathman at 10:30 AM on a Monday.)
And let’s face it, most normal people just don’t watch government access channels, so while replays could certainly be made available, that’s kind of like sitting down to watch Oregon State manhandle USC when you already know it’s over.
Despite Gregoire agreeing to an 11 AM time, the Rossi campaign has seemingly concluded things could potentially spill over into the noon hour, carrying the risk a reporter might say the dreaded words, “Dino Rossi, Republican.”
Things are so bad for them that even in Clark County, which the Republican Party has steadfastly claimed as a bastion despite real-world evidence (such as election results) to the contrary, they can’t risk people turning on the tee-vee only to hear and see Dino Rossi described for what he is, a Republican. The unique media blackout we live in down here, in this instance, works in favor of Republican Dino Rossi.
I happened to be in Seattle during last weekend’s debate up there, and while I only caught the tail end of it on television from a hotel room, I can’t say I really blame the Rossi campaign. I’d try to hide him too.
Of course, I could be wrong, and Dino Rossi could prove me wrong by showing up for a live televised debate in Clark County on Oct. 13. I’m sure the wait staff at his fundraiser can keep his developer pals well plied with food and beverage for an extra half hour.
Where is Rossi’s fundraiser? According to the Clark County Republicans, it’s at the Red Lion at the Quay, right in downtown Vancouver. If the debate organizers were able to secure the Vancouver Hilton, that would be about a two minute drive for Rossi. Even if the debate were held over by the mall, it would likely be a fifteen minute drive mid-morning.
And what is Rossi doing in this oh-so-crucial half hour between 11:30 AM and noon that he couldn’t possibly debate Gregoire? He’s having photos taken with supporters.
At $500 per person.
The GO-PP is indeed doing everything they can to keep Rossi’s ugly mug from being flashed on the TV along with that most reviled and dreaded of words:
Ugghhhh.. Can you just feel the stomachs turning? What images does that awful word bring:
and on and on and on…
Why doesn’t Gregoire fire her entire campaign staff? This has to be the most clumsy, poorly managed campaign I’ve seen in years. They’re virtually handing the office to Rossi.
At least Rossi isn’t pulling an Obama where he skips out on hundreds of debates that were previously agreed too. Obama is a chickens shit. Bawk. hehehehe
Gregoire said during the AWB debate:
“I won’t raise taxes in tough economic times. We’re not going to be raising taxes,”
What in the hell does that mean???
Sounds like more double-talk to me.
How does Gregoire define “tough economic times”.
Rossi is clear…no tax increases.
Gregoire always gives these wiggly, slimey answers that leave Cynical people like myself even more Cynical considering Gregoire’s past lies about tax increases.
Seems like the KLOWNS once again fail to filet the Gregoire double-speak.
She DID NOT promise not to raise taxes to deal with this deficit.
Start reporting what Gregoire actually says first…then disect it carefully.
You are fooled by Gregoire once again.
Doesn’t it make you mad?
Probably not..Goldy love’s all these tax increases and big, ineffective bureaucracies headed by 39-year career bureaucrats like Gregoire.
demo kid (in denial)
Of course Gregoire is handing the election to Rossi. SHE WANTS TO LOSE.
Only way to escape the huge fiscal mess she created pandering to the Unions and Tribes.
Plus the Retirement Fund is in even worse shape due to Democrat Underfunded.
The Democrat deck of cards is falling.
Need to lay-off thousands of State workers, starting with the thousands of Gregoire new hires and all at-will employees.
Gee Jon,
If I didn’t know any better, I might think you were disgruntled and bitter over your party’s chickenshit and slimey lawsuit that you lost over the “G.O.P.” vs. “Republican” issue. Poor baby. Don’t worry, YLB will clear out the other half of the garage if you are looking for a place to live.
@2: I have to agree. I wish she would run on her record and attack Rossi on his bad ideas, and not just on stem cells and other wedge issues.
Darcy Burner’s ad on ol’ 401 is succinct and to the point. Gregoire has to get hooked up with Darcy’s ad person and inject some life into the campaign.
Who is Ditzy, I mean Darcy? Oh yeah, I kinda remember. Isn’t she that unqualified ditzy blonde running against George W. Bush? Last I heard, she was stuck in a house of mirrors, unable to find her way out.
Poor Republican, I mean GOP, trolls — never staying on the topic. Rossi and McCain are both chickenshits — they don’t want to discuss the real issues. Quick, how is Rossi going to pay for his highway proposals?
Gregoire should do an Obama and still show up to the debate. That would give her some great media and would show Rossi for what he is — a coward.
@8: You clearly still haven’t taken my advice. Check it out, there’s still time to get professional help:
From CNN:
Oops, wrong thread
@6 I could give a fuck about the Dem’s lawsuit, so amuse yourself as you wish. Rossi is the one ducking the debate and using a party ID that some percentage of people will not recognize. Rossi is just making this easy for us to mock him.
Unless, of course, he shows up to debate. Yes, it’s a childish game we’re playing here, but no more childish than putting “GOP Party” on the ballot. Most regular people want politicians to cut out the bullshit and address the real issues anyhow.
So if the Rossi campaign has half a clue they will just show up at 11 AM or even noon on Oct. 13 and have a televised debate. Otherwise we get to mock the hell out of him. And mock we shall.
@4: rossi is clear – no tax increases.
Hahahaha – is that the same Rossi who put out a transportation plan with no funding, incorrect numbers and was so badly done that everyone (including republicans) laughed at the juvenile and sophmoric attempt at a plan?
Can we trust a poltiican who is so incompetent that he thinks he can build an 8 lane bridge cheaper than a 6 lane bridge and do it cheaper 10 years later?
Rossi is either ridiculously naive, deliberately lying or just plain stupid with numbers. Now he is promising no new taxes – after promising an expensive tunnel, new bridges and what else? Where will he get all his money? He won’t say.
That alone is enough to disqualify him from being governor – he is incompetent and can’t tell the truth.
Then he has the nerve to say that Gregoire is lying when she says she won’t raise taxes. What a two-faced liar Rossi is….
Take it easy Jon, you might give yourself a stroke. As far as ‘addressing the real issues’ the Queen certainly fails in that by changing the subject and using irrelevant “wedge” topics to steer peoples attention away from her mismanagement, reckless spending, and general incompetence. Even with your I.Q. I’m sure you can see that. Watch Crissy blame and mention George W. Bush once again, & not take any responsibility whatsoever for her own actions, (or lack thereof). I’ll anny in at seven G.W. “mentions” next debate.
@6: the only thing chicken shit is the republicans who are too scared to list their real party.
What’s the matter? The republican brand means lying, corrupt politicians who create the largest debt in history and cause unnecessary wars. Why aren’t they proud of that? Why do they have to run from their real name.
Nope, republicans nowadays are the real chickenshits. Too scared to vbe called by their real names they try to use an alias. Maybe they think it will help them avoid prosecution for their crimes?
@15: In case you have not noticed, silly moron, Washington state has done much better than the rest of the country run by the republican favorite, GW Bush. We have no deficit in washington state. We don’t have a government full of cronies and crooks (and doing the bidding of Abramoff) doing illegal activities and failing to regulate the republican thieves on wall street.
Take a chill pill.
How in the hell do you continue to support Gregoire? She is stiffing this election, don’t you get it?
Gregoire has boxed herself in on this Budget fiasco because Big Labor owns her. She ok’d huge increases for Teachers & others despite knowing it was unsustainable.
This huge increases also put an additional mega-burden on an already underfunded State Retirement Fund (with stock lossses…probably underfunded in the $8 BILLION range).
Keep screaming for Gregoire.
You seem to care WAY MORE than she does and you look like a……well, you look like a KLOWN!
The HA comments a “cesspool”? Surely you jest! These threads are a veritable paragon of virtuous truth-telling. Where else can you find out that HA’s trolls have sex with goats?
As a lifelong Democrat, I am appalled at the lack of leadership by Gregoire. She blew the bank with nothing to show for it. WAMU failed under her watch. If we are going to hold the Republicans responsible for the national scene with the “under their watch” mantra, it is only fair it apply to all parties.
I am just as much a Democrat partisan as the next guy, but when it is a Democrat sinking the ship of Washington State, I must speak out. And while I hate George Bush as much my fellow progressives, at the end fo the day I have to be honest with myself. Depspite his faults (and oh lord there are many) George Bush didn’t spend us into perdition, Christine Gregoire did.
And when asked to show some leadership on the viaduct, she threw it to the voters instead. C’mon people. If it had been the other party, we’d be pissed as hell and rightly so.
Let’s retire Christine Gregoire so in 2012 a real leader from our party can take the mantle and actually lead for a change. I am voting not for Rossi, but against Gregoire. Gregoire keeps mentioning George Bush in every other sentence. She has the incompetence gene in common with him.
@19 “HA’s trolls have sex with goats”
Well, I’ll be damned. I’ve been to two county fairs and a hog callin’ and I ain’t never seen nor heard nothin’ as strange as that.