Dino Rossi talks a lot about closing the anticipated budget gap without raising any taxes. But how does he plan to do it? I’m guessing, he’s gonna pray.
See, that’s the usual faith-based approach Rossi takes toward economic issues, for example, like back in 2003, when he voted for a Senate resolution praying for passage of President Bush’s economic plan:
NOW, THEREFORE, Your Memorialists respectfully pray that our elected Representatives and Senators in the United States Congress support and vote to enact President Bush’s 2002 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Plan.
And Rossi didn’t just pray for bill, as Senate Ways & Means Committee chair he shepherded this resolution out of committee and onto the floor.
Well, Rossi’s prayers were answered. A trillion dollars in government bailouts later, were yours?
Dino Rossi talks a lot about closing the anticipated budget gap without raising any taxes. But how does he plan to do it?
Better yet, Goldy, how does the current Governor plan to do it?
I think that Chrissy is the one that is praying. She’s spent months denying that there was going to be a budget shortfall.
Now that we know that she knows there is a budget shortfall we can all rest easier.
But, Goldy I have to hand it to you. On one of Chrissy worst days in office you find a way to bash Rossi for his lack of vision. You totally brushed over that it was Chrissy’s lack of vision that created this problem
keep up the good work asshole!
@1/2: Brilliant. Rossi gets up on TV and starts talking about the state economy is like a family budget, and conservatives wet themselves with glee. His economic plan is pretty lame, and bound only to help those people he’s actively sucking off to get elected.
Actually, the “Memorial” resolutions in the Washington state legislature always “PRAY” that the desired result will happen.
For example, Senate Joint Memorial 8003, introduced in the 2007 session by Senator Eric Oemig and 9 other Democratic state senators, “prayed” that there would not be any troop “surge” in Iraq:
NOW, THEREFORE, Your Memorialists, on behalf of the citizens of the state of Washington, respectfully pray that, in a period when the Iraq Study Group, leading military and diplomatic officials, and allies around the world are calling for a reduction in troops and withdrawal of the United States from Iraq, the United States government should not escalate its involvement in Iraq or increase troop levels.
The more relevant question is how is the Illegitimate Queen gonna fix her own mess if she somehow gets elected? Oh, that’s right-she only recently admitted and acknowledged to the now projected 3.2 BILLION shortfall. Bright one there. Perhaps she can ask the Tribes for a “loan”.
Actually, according to Gregoire:
The state actually reported a slight increase in tax collections for the month of August, “and then last weekend happened,” Gregoire said, referring to the crisis on Wall Street.
See: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....et19m.html
So, apparently the multi-billion dollar shortfall can all be chalked up to last weekend.
You are such an idiot!
I’d rather that both parties left off the praying.
Sarah Palin a John Bircher?
Given what they’ve done at the national level, Republicans are the LAST folks who should be asking for power to “fix” the state deficit. Only the GOP could turn the Clinton surplus into a trillion dollar deficit in just 8 short years. Let’s keep these Bozos in the circus, where they belong.
And prior to that “weekend” where Greggy of course blames Bush and “Washington” (which is mostly Democratic cotrolled Congress BTW-and the lowest approval rating of any Congress also), there was still a projected 2.7 BILLION shortfall, which is certainly her fault. Of course, she is too smug and arrogant to admit to such. Surprise.
The only thing Republicans know how to fix is the pocketbooks of their rich friends.
Pssst, fellow liberals, Gregoire prays too.
I still can’t find the word “Republican” on the front page of Rossi’s web site.
Why is Rossi afraid of the word REPUBLICAN?
Why does he “prefer Grand Old Party Party”?
I’ll answer my own question.
Steve Beren is proud to say he’s a Republican. The word REPUBLICAN appears quite quite cleary on his website front page.
But Steve Beren like the last time he ran knows he’s going to lose.
Dino Rossi doesn’t want to take that chance.
Rossi is a coward.
Rossi uses GOP simply for consistency. He had used it on his yard signs back when he was running for Senate, because “Republican” couldn’t fit on the sign.
@14 YourLiberalBullshit:
Well let me ask you then: Why do you say you’re “in between jobs” and not unemployed then? Hence, (either wording) your opinion of the big people’s world and it’s politics still is irrelevant. Hypocrit.
She can pray where ever she wants as far as I’m concerned, but she shouldn’t make her prayers the business of the state.
I don’t buy that but fine. Why have I NEVER seen that word on the front page of his website?
It can fit there just fine.
Look at most Republican politician’s websites. You won’t find that word on the front page. Google the whole website and you’ll get maybe a few mentions but a lot of the time, the word is missing from THE WHOLE SITE. Beren’s is the exception that proves the rule. They are cowards. They are running FROM what they are:
Governor Rossi. Better get used to the sound
of that. Go baby go.
YLB, hear you are between jobs. Got news for you, Obamas’ check is not in the mail. It’s
a lie.
20 – Not if I can help it.
Maybe you can help Rossi buck up and not run from who he is. Maybe you can remind his webmaster to put the word
somewhere on the front page of his website.
But if he’s anything like you, he’ll never do it. Couple of cowards you two are.
Governor Rossi. Better get used to the sound
of that. Go baby go.
Hey we are running againt the party of voter fraud. The dems are getting desperate and their only hope is to cheat. Don’t under estimate these commies.
Maybe the only republicans left in the party no longer know how to spell republican. Or maybe republicans have rejected so many of the original principles that they refuse or can’t call themselves republicans anymore. Principles like a balanced budget or civil rights or trust busting.
I know McCain want to do to health care what he did to the banks:
From John McCain is the sept/oct issue of Contigencies (an Actuarial Journal)
Yup – Rossi is too incompetent to actually figure out that an 8 lane bridge will cost more than a 6 lane bridge. Can’t wait to have him as governor. He has no specifics on cutting the budget, but he will cut the budget. Of course, what the republicans don’t say is that there is no budget deficit for this year – it is projected for the NEXT 3 years. Of course, we also have some money in the rainy day fund, but eventually the mess the republicans have made of the banking system and the national economy will even catch up to this state.
Which begs the question: should we vote for an incompetent Rossi and an incompetent GOP – or for a proven governor who has kept this state out of the recession longer than almost any other. Gee – tough choice.
@23: I love the dog. He is dumber than Rossi. the party of voter fraud – prove it! You got nothin’ – but there is a lawsuit in Michigan on republican voter suppression. Apparently, the republicans want to check voters against a list of foreclosed homes.
This is just great – republicans don’t realize that you don’t need to own property to vote – that went out in the early 1800’s. They also like to make sure that people who are being foreclosed on due to republican deregulation also have a hard time voting – that shows how the republicans really care about those who are hurting…
He has no specifics on cutting the budget
More important, the current governor has no plan, at least that she’s sharing. Since she is the decision maker who must take responsibility for the state’s current fiscal mess, her lack of specifics should really be keeping you up.
Just imagine Rossi as governor and a party of animals as dumb as the dog running the state. We will soon be as well off as say….Alabama. No education, no taxes on the rich and no industry to speak of except what we can lure with sweetheart deals that cost taxpayers money. Businesses that gouge workers will flock here with low paying jobs that exploit people for a few foreign executives.
with McCain the good jobs will all be shipped overseas – you know, free market and all. Boeing will be making widgets for Airbus and the entire defense budget wil be outsourced to India and China. Of course, due to budget restrictions there will be no colleges, classroom size in the schools will be over 50 and most students will not be left behind since so few will graduate. Private schools will be full of rich people’s kids but the average working Joe won’t be able to afford them – especially after health care takes half the paycheck.
@26: except that Rossi has alredy proven with his ridiculous transportation proposal that he has no clue how to estimate anything financial. His proposal said nothing about how it would be funded and was completely incompetent.
Meantime, Gregoire has helped to keep this state out of the worst recession since Hoover.
Gee – I miss all the republicans going on about how great Palin is – looks like she is now starting to be a drag on the ticket since her serial lying has now caught up to her.
Meantime, Gregoire has helped to keep this state out of the worst recession since Hoover
What is Gregoire’s plan to balance the budget, which is now over 3 billion in the hole? Do you know?
30 – Go ahead say it with pride:
The magic word you can’t find on the front page of Rossi’s website.
No fair copping out with “I prefer GOP Party actually”..
The magic words you can’t find on the front page of Gregoire’s website.
@30: Except it isn’t over 3 billion in the hole – only the republican liars are saying that. there is NO deficit right now – but in the next three years the budget deficit MIGHT be up to 3 billion over 3 years.
Gregoire currently has NO budget deficit – so your question is factually WRONG. And she has already implemented a hiring freeze and a travel freeze in anticipation of budget shortfalls in the future.
Maybe you need to actually learn the facts before you ask stupid questions.
The Seattle Times has come out for….. drumroll please, Obama for President. In a nicely worded editorial, they explain that we need someone intelligent – not someone who is confused and shoots from the hip without knowing what he is saying and contradicts himself.
Link: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....aed21.html
Gregoire currently has NO budget deficit
“I’m expecting a shortfall and I’m preparing for it,” she said in a telephone interview.
Her comments came after a new state forecast showed tax revenues are expected to drop an additional $529 million below projections.
If that number holds true, state lawmakers could face a $3.2 billion shortfall when they meet in January to put together a new two-year budget.
From bad to worse. Change.
34 – I can hardly believe it.
Yup – the budget for 2009-2011 MIGHT have a deficit – right now there is NO deficit. There is the rainy day fund of over 700 Million and a projected deficit for the end of the year that is less than that. So – there is NO budget deficit as of today and there MAY be one later.
@34, 36
Sweet, huh.
The voice of reason is starting to prevail. Watch for things to swing around in a big way favoring Obama.
For those of you short on civics education, let me point out that we are operating with a budget surplus for this biennium and a rainy day fund to help weather the storm. Yes, it is now a hurricane, thanks to our friends who have screamed for 30 years about deregulation, and who think deficits don’t matter. Now these same failed idaes are screaming to take over WA.
Oh, the facts, such stubborn things. There is no deficit in WA. The legislature is facing a shortfall for the next budget cycle based on anticipated costs and revenues, for July 2009-june 2011. The legislature meets with a constitutional mandate to pass a balanced budget this winter. They will do that, and it will require some tough choices, in case you have not been paying attention.
Our surplus and rainy day fund was accomplished while we were investing in education, investing in hi tech and bio tech and energy independence as a partner with our private sector, and investing in a rapidly decaying and dying and long overlooked state infrastructure. Oh yeah, and putting the kids and families back with access to health care who had been dropped in what was Dino’s one budget legacy.
Because of these actions, Forbes has dubbed us the 3rd best state in the nation to do business, and we are recognized by Governing magazine as one the three best run and managed states.
Those are the facts. Let me point out that this sets the Democrats in this WA apart from the Bushies and the Repubs in the other WA. We have no idea how much this week and these eight years are really going to cost the taxpayers, but we can guess that we have now incurred more debt in this administration than in the previous 213 years of the Republic put together. And what is remarkable about these repubs is that we can run up a trillion or two in debt in one week with no idea of how to pay for it and without investing in one road, one school or putting one person on health care. That is Dino’s party. Call it by any name he is one.
Now, Dino and his dog W are going to save us, huh? This is a guy who has shown he is seriously ethically deficient, (along with his builder pals) and who accomplished nothing in his years in the legislature (spare me any bs about “his” one budget year- it wasn’t his, except for the health care cuts and the senior bed tax, and anyone who knows Oly knows that.) His sole accomplishment was to make himself wealthy with his shady investments he made with lobbyists who came to him for budget money.
Now, we go into a tough budget year and you want to elect a guy who not put together one single coherent plan for anything but an eight lane bridge to the middle of the lake this year. I have news for the righties- your brand is dying and so will the Dino campaign. He will soon be fading right before our eyes.
Oh, and lets face another fact. If we don’t start acting like adults we will not survive, as a civil society and as a nation. We have to make some tough choices and that is not what Dino has ever shown the ability to do. Right now, I am very afraid for my children. This is no time for slick salespeople, its a time for workhorses who an get the job done.
The debate is next Saturday at 9 pm on KOMO.
THen we’ll hear just how lame Dino’s non-plans really are.
You need to get your statements correct. The document you are presenting here was NOT a Joint Senate RESOLUTION. It was a Senate Joint MEMORIAL. Don’t say something is what it is not. There is a major difference between a Joint Resolution and a Joint Memorial. And this document was not presented by Rossi at all. It was presented by Senators Benton, Swecker, Honeyford, Mulliken, West, Hale, Esser and Schmidt. And as a member of the GOP as Rossi is I am relatively sure that all the Republicans in the Senate along with some Democrats voted for this MEMORIAL, GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT AND DON’T SPREAD THINGS THAT AREN’T TRUE.
Jim Potter
Auburn, WA.