Well, no, Republican real estate speculator Dino Rossi didn’t really say that those of us who vote for Sen. Patty Murray are going to burn in Hell, but it kinda-sorta sounded that way in yesterday’s interview with the National Journal:
Rossi said he would focus on voters who have not made up their mind. “In the old adage, there are saints and sinners and those who can be saved. The saints are with us, the sinners are not. And the ones that can be saved are the ones we will be talking to,” Rossi said.
Yeah, I know he meant it as a metaphor, but you gotta think that for a religious man like Rossi, his choice of metaphor says something about his political outlook. Those of us who don’t vote for him, well, in his mind, we’re all sinners. You know, sinners like the firefighters, sheriffs, police chiefs and veterans (not to mention Rossi’s fellow realtors) who have already endorsed Sen. Murray.
And we all know what the Bible says happens to sinners.
Hehehe… Murray’s gonna win.
(Posted earlier on the Drinking Liberally thread)
Rossi, who promised to unleash the power “of the people”, took his campaign to the people who really matter to him: the Washington D.C. lobbying firms.
Source: Seattle Times, June 30, 2010: Key GOP senators host Rossi fundraiser
But Goldy, how are the politicians you told us to vote for doing?
Of course, Rossi’s got a point. Rossi’s been in two statewide elections, he’s already a known entity, it’s not like his name recognition is going to improve. Same for Murray.
Murray’s supporters are going to vote for her regardless. And Rossi’s supporters have proven through two statewide elections that they will vote for him. Rossi does have a bit of trouble at his base, but I’m betting his smarmy smile and meaningless platitudes will keep the Tea Party folks from sitting out this election.
So we have the undecideds, consisting of approx. 13% by some polls. But with Murray’s stronger base, she needs to get only 3% more of the electorate to pass the 50% threshhold. Rossi has to get another 10%, plus more.
Unless Murray really slips up, she’s already got this one in the bag. And I can’t imagine Murray making a mistake large enough to lose this one. There are lots of failed Republican candidates who underestimated her, I’m betting Rossi is the next in line.
Watch out, Goldy. The National Association of REALTORS® is really, really picky about calling someone who isn’t a member of their organization — and doesn’t subscribe to their Code of Ethics — a REALTOR®.
So Rossi can only remember a line for about a week.
That line, verbatim from Rossi, was paraphrased from Reagan at an address at the Four Season’s Seattle dinner for the Heritage foundation By Richard Fuelner a week ago today.
So Dino is a disciple of Richard Mellon Sciafe?
I know this, because I was there and Rossi had a front table seat, center stage, facing perfectly forward. The Halibut was overcooked.
This is a strange thing to say for a Christian Republican. He’s basically cast himself in the role of Jesus.
Ha! Nice catch!
Rossi might also believe that women who have been raped are sinners, which if true would perfectly explain why he favors forcing them to bear their rapists’ children, as a fitting punishment.
Hi, Goldy!
I’m sure we’re going to make a very hot, butt melting bench for Dean C. Logan in Hell.
I’m sure we also have that same bench for al Qaeda supporters and sypathaziers.
I’m sure we have roses and honey and chocolate and rainbows and hugs and P90X and Dori on FM for the DeanSlayer. One hint: It wasn’t Dino.
Also we have in Heaven a nice Horse for Goldy to ride around for us to giggle at. Goldy is not allowed to count. Ever.
Dear “Joe 4 Rossi” @10,
Observing that you use their URL in your alias, I would like to know whether your comment is an official statement by the Rossi campaign.
Obviously not.
Most Rossifarians hate Goldy and would burn him in hell. I don’t.
I love America too much to squelch free political, nonviolent speech.
I love Marummy the DeanSlayer too much too.
Ahhhh, it’s Josef.
In my best Emily Litella voice, never mind…
@1 Watch Dino come waltzing back from slurping it up with the Senator from Scab Carolina and try to tell us he’s all about jobs…
At least we’ll be warm in hell. It’s 55 degrees out! I’m ready to move somewhere warm.
Totally. “Everyone should be able to work for a sub-living wage and be SOOL if they get hurt on the job.”
I love how the Fake Christians like Rossi keep using “faith” to try to sway ignorant voters.
What Jesus taught is pretty much the Democratic Party Platform.
Hate to break it to the fake christians…
@14 faved