Really. Buoyed by almost winning yet another statewide election (and he would have gotten away with it too, if not for King County and that nosey dog), I think that Dino Rossi should immediately set his sights on the 2012 gubernatorial race.
You know… fourth time’s the charm, and all that. Or something.
Come on Dino… that’s your governor’s mansion… you can almost taste it. So you’re not gonna let Rob McKenna just waltz right in there and claim the Republican nomination because he thinks it’s his turn or something, are you? I mean, you should hear the things he says about you behind your back.
So, think about it.
Sort of reminds me of the horror movie Carrie when the hand comes out of the grave at the end of the movie. Or the Alien that Sirgourney Weaver gives the boot to. I was hoping after this election he would be kicked out into political hyperspace never ever to return.
To quote the man himself: “Three strikes YOU’RE OUT”
Uh Goldy:
Rob would crush him
The only silver lining to these midterms is the fact that that douchebag is done. Let us never speak of him again.
Fun Fact:
Prop 19 in CA (Pot legalization) got more votes for it than any single Republican candidate in the state. Even though it went down in flames.
If it were up to the state Republican Party establishment, they would put their support behind either Rossi or McKenna. I’m betting McKenna, because he hasn’t proven to be a loser, at least not yet.
But lots of Republicans (and especially the ultra-wingnuts) are going to be emboldened by this week’s success, nationally, and might very well make a play for the Governor’s house. After all, they managed to knock off credible Republican candidates in Deleware, Nevada, and Florida, and actually won the general election in Florida.
So anybody got any ideas on who might come out of far-right field and run for the governor’s house? Dori Monson? Stephan Sharanski? Tim Eyman?
The harder choice is who will be the Democratic nominee. I hope Gregoire doesn’t decide to run for a third term. She’s been a great governor in extraordinarily difficult times, but she’s a cold-fish campaigner, and I doubt she can hang on for a third term. Do we have any Democratic superstars waiting in the wings?
This is the part where I get to sing, “Three Times a Loser” to that Lionel Richie melody. No more vanity campaigns, m-kay?
@Goldy: The only thing connecting Dino and the governor’s mansion is guano.
Easy one: Jay Inslee. He’ll be glad to come home (DC sucks man!). There is no one that touch him. I hope we can talk Chris Rolfes into replacing Jay.
Can we draft Tim Eyman? He’s one of the most powerful (destructive) political forces in the state yet he never has to take any accountability for his actions.
In the alternative can we banish him?
Maybe Dino Rossi can try again for DC when Dave Reichert retires. Except that seat is already reserved for Reagan Dunn …
Great point!
Maybe us Democrats should get a PAC together to put the dreaded weed up for legalization in every state that uses referendums in an effort to get the base Democrats to the polls in 2012.
Can you say landslide?
Actually, Scott Rasmussen announced this afternoon that Senator Rossi will leave the Senate in two years to run for Governor and is a 10 point favorite over a generic Democratic nominee.
Heard somewhere from within the AG’s office:
Hey, instead of a debate in 2012, why don’t we have a Jeapardy-type game show with all the candidates participating.
Host: “Now, for the next question. You need to cut $283 million from next year’s state budget. How do you do that?
Eyman: “I’ll take ‘Waste, Fraud, and Abuse’ for $283 million, Alec”.
Host: “Let’s see how he did!”
The square entitled Waste, Fraud, and Abuse flips over to reveal a zero, buzzer sounds).
Host: “I’m sorry, Tim, but attempts to balance the budget by cracking down on waste, fraud, and abuse have already yielded all the budget savings you can achieve. After that, the law of diminishing returns goes into affect – the additional cost of investigators, prosecutors, court time and prisons/probation officers is greater than any savings you achieve.”
“And since you failed so miserably in the game of actually making a state budget balanced, it’s time to send you home with our lovely parting gift – a one-way bus ticket to the state which most emulates your idea of fiscal policy – Mississippi!”
You all (except Goldie) are naifs!
Here in the nearest state to Sarah Palin’s home in Alaska, toilet paper could be a disaster. Given our top two system, imagine having to vote for the green party/gay rights activist vs Jay vs Mckenna vs some Palinoid witch?
2% lead of 30,000 votes for Murray.
You folks all know that I am the local right wing nut case on here, but really enough is enough. The Republicans need someone else to run state wide – anyone else. Rossi is simply too slimy to win.
I know many of you hate McKenna, but at least he is a smart, likable guy (a little nerdy), who I truly believe has what he believes to be the State’s best interest at heart. I think a race between him and Jay Inslee would be enlightening, enjoyable, and in the end a win-win for the State.
I hope you appreciate the fact that I am not gloating here today. In fact the tea baggers scare the shit out of me. Where’s Rockefeller when I need him?
Eyman will never, ever run for office. It doesn’t pay nearly as much as running initiative scams.
File, collect, repeat…
Speaking of Rasmussen…
I’m sure Mr. Cynical’s eyeball test is >>>> the actual numbers. That’s how Repubs roll.
Ras was substandard on their polling this cycle.
You guys have been a balm to my soul today. Between Goldy pwning the trolls, and the “picking flea shit from pepper” comment to Zotz’s new handle (seriously, don’t ever change that, it’s perfect), I’ve been laughing so hard. Thank you.
Didn’t a couple of stupid right wingers claim here that Rasmussen leans slightly Dem?
Don’t know where you got that right wing bullshit but it was well..
The last ballot drop looked good for Murray. Added more counties in her column. Even though Spokane has an est. 85,000 left to count, Rossi is only running at 56.4% there. While Murray is at 63% in King, with at least another 171,000 to count. They’re pretty much tied in Pierce with 55,000 votes left. No other big number counties left.
poster child @ 10
Zoroastrianism, the precursor to both the Abrahamic and Hindu religions tells of the dichotomy of creator and destroyer. You can’t have just one. Existence requires both.
My hopes exactly.
@11: Reagan will likely run for Attorney General, leaving the 8th District open for Rossi if Reichert retires. That would actually be a viable race for Rossi, assuming re-districting doesn’t mess it up for the Republicans.
Rossi may run against Cantvotewell.
McKenna is poised to win the Governor’s Race.
Feingold may be running for Kohl’s seat in 2012 in Wisconsin.
There are 23 Democrat Seats up for re-election in 2012. 14-15 of them will be contested, as I pointed out in a prior post.
1 out of 10 Republican Senator seats (Brown in Mass.) will be contested.
The rest are safe.
Rossi is resiliant.
Tim F–
Rasmussen posts it’s results vs. actual…unlike many. You quote the DailyKos and lefty Nate Silver spinning the results to try to make a predetermined point.
How did the NY Times poll work out?
Rasmussen did amazingly well….again.
Some KLOWNS try to cherrypick only those that lean Democrat. Look at the entirety.
Sour grapes…again.
I know you KLOWNS are taking this real hard…but let’s move on.
As you & I both said in 2008, the election is over. Remember you KLOWNS beating that drum?
Now you want to keep trying to get some ray of hope out of a pile of shit.
Keep your noses in there too long and you’ll suffocate.
Move forward.
Looks like Larsen is going to pull it out in 02 — up by 0.2% and lots more to come from King where he is up by almost ten.
Kitsap just went positive for Murray (50.28). This more like it…
Murray isn’t doing well enough in Pugetropolis or Spokane. It looks like she’ll win, but there’s really no excuse for numbers like that. Rossi’s ahead in Pierce!
State LD 35:
Finn is safe.
Haigh is up by .55%. South Kitsap is a problem for her (rabid religionists, cranks — aka Teahadists; and “Stepford” — aka very upscale McKormick Woods) and there are 37k ballots left to count…
Congressman Jay Inslee has all but announced he’s running. Gregiore is unlikely to seek a third term. If she makes noises about trying for a third term there will be a lot of pressure put on her to not run.
Jay will make an excellent Governor and will wipe the floor with whomever the GOP runs.
Wait….Helmet-Hair-Hamlet didn’t win his race against Senator Murray?
I find that surprising.
Are you sure?
Cuz I read there are a lot of votes from King County yet to be counted, and Helmet-Hair-Hamlet had a winning proposition for King County residents; stop earmarks for the Howard Hanson dam and let the free market generate sunshine.
Apparently all that money this state spends on education is not nearly as effective as less money spent on education in Kentucky. In Kentucky they elected the Invisible Hand Fairy’s favorite person and they’ll never have toxic coal sludge floods ever again.
Maybe Helmet-Hair-Hamlet should move to Kentucky?
My Cynical…
You are so predictable. Nate Silver takes his numbers seriously. I’ll wait while you find an actual problem with his methodology.
They overinflated the GOP vote in 81% of the races…tell me why that’s a reasonable thing to do.
@32 My cat and I voted for Kathy twice each and I mailed our ballots yesterday. So she has some late votes coming in. If I had thought of registering some dead people, she’d have their votes too.
I believe I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ve called on Kathy a couple of times to come to the house to put down a pet. The last time she came out the same day I called and in the three feet of snow we had a couple of winters ago. She’s quite the gal. I’ll long appreciate what she did that day. She’s also the only person I ever talked to about the Sonics leaving, politician or otherwise, who made any damned sense. She’s a practical woman and the best choice to represent the 35th LD.
Maybe Rossi could run for Commisioner of Public Lands?
Rossi’s ahead in Pierce!
There is going to be another release of Pierce County votes at 8:00 pm and I expect Rossi’s 1900 vote will vanish when another 35000+ mailed votes are added to the Pierce tally.
that should have been Rossi’s 1900 edge rather than his vote.
1900 edge? Is that because the GOP wants to turn the clock back to 1900?
Well the west coast held up as well as could be expected, and it looks like Rossi will lose again. So we have that going for us. But overall, a butt whooping of epic porportions. Not sure what it means long term, but the discourse is going to get ugly(ier) here real quick. Curious if any of the house Rs are going to answer, finally, the question they have been asiduously avoiding so far: what are YOU going to DO to cut taxes, spending, and the defecit simultaneously? also, while instantly decresing the unemployment rate? My suspicion, since that’s kinda impossible, is that they will not.
On the other hand, I think Gregoire’s run is up. Her response last night was not confidence insipring, she seemed to take it personally that a huge majority of the state did not want an income tax. (shocker, that). Like the House Rs, she better DO something or she will be out, and McKenna will the Guv.
Dino Rossi is like herpes. He shows up every once in awhile irritating as crap, then gets knocked back until next time.
Rossi is like the Hindenburg. Just before landing, it all blows up in the Republicants faces.
Oh, how good for humanity.
Mr. Cynical @ 27
You have got to be kidding me! I can’t wish that on Rossi and his family. Another year of hard campaigning, and Cantwell will probably still kick his butt. Presidential years aren’t good for Republican candidates, especially statewide.
Let Rossi enjoy his real estate work, and evenings and weekends with his wife and children. If he wants to run for something again, maybe back to the state legislature in the 5th (which he should win easily if there is an opening), or for Congress from the 8th CD or whatever new district that might be created with reapportionment. Congress will be a fair fight for him, but he has done a couple points better in the 8th CD than statewide in his three tries.
Rossi has actually been effective when he was in the legislature, which is good for the governing process, regardless of what you think of his policies. And he would be more effective than Reichert, for sure. But why the hell should be beat his head against the wall statewide one more time.
I do personally like Rossi, but Murray much better represents the values and policies that myself and a majority of voters in this state prefer.
Yes Dino run. If all four potential Democratic candiates run. (Jay Inslee, Aaron Reardon, Brad Owens and Brian Sontage.) With the top two primary we could get two great Republican nominees. Imangine the horror in Seattle having to pick between Rob McKenna and Dino Rossi. I love it.
Roberta doesn’t have a shit stains chance in a bucket of bleach of being governor.
America is going to watch do nothing Republicantism, and turn strongly for liberal change in 2012.
This election result is necessary in order for Republicans to complete their death spiral
And it will be Jeb Bush against Obama in 2012. Watch as the Bush Cabalistas slowly slink out of their spider holes to proclaim Jeb as the only viable candidate for 2012.
So why is Richard, the Pope himself, still around?
Because he thought the man himself said “Thirty-three strikes and YOU’RE OUT.”
44. Richard Pope spews:
Mr. Cynical @ 27
I think it all depends upon how Obama handles the butt-kickin’ …and if yesterday’s press conference is any indication, he’s off to a rough start.
I agree it will be tough in a Presidential Year, but if the Dems continue to alienate Independent voters at the rate they have been, Cantwell is an easier target than Murray.
If Rossi runs, it will force Dems to spend many millions to defend. Rossi is better known than Cantwell.
And Richard, the Dems pulled out all stops this election. Took a tremendous effort to barely beat Rossi.
I don’t know for sure Rossi will run again, but it would make sense.
Feingold just got beat in Wisconsin by 5 points, and he is likely running for Kohl’s seat in 2012.
I hope Dino gives a Nixonian-like “you won’t have Dino Rossi to kick around anymore” concession speech.
And then we get to kick him around some more.