That must be Mark1 or Gaseous Shithead’s (GS) truck.
Notice the orange in that one sticker. LMAO!
Winston Smithspews:
Many republicans think that every time a democrat wins an election it is because the democrats cheated.
It proves the old saying “The thief thinks everyone is a thief.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
I remember when good sportsmanship was socially mandatory, calling your state’s governor a “bitch” was bad manners, and people put their dogs in proper pet carriers instead of tying them up in the back of their pickup to get knocked around with every turn and swerve.
This country sure has changed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Recent research reveals that people who put bumper stickers on their vehicles are more likely to commit road rage.
@4: Hey! I have stickers on my car! You talkin’ to me?
Why should I take any lessons on vehicle etiquette from a rabbit? Your paws don’t even reach the pedals!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 You think just because your car is bigger than me, you can do whatever you want? Here’s the score, pal. Any car that runs over a rabbit will be haunted by the dead rabbit’s spirit! You wanna know what’s causing all the weird mechanical malfunctions your mechanic can’t track down? Now you know.
Bill Cruchonspews:
Hee hee! Those bumper stickers are nothing compared to what you can see every day on Capitol Hill, Wallingford and the U-District, often with the f-word prominently displayed.
7 – You mean like:
“Bill Cruchon is a silly ass!”
Bill Cruchonspews:
That wouldn’t surprise me.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Roger @3,
A lecture from you on manners is like a whore giving a lecture to a Catholic girls’ school about the importance of chastity. You’re simply not qualified to lecture anyone on good sportsmanship, or anything else, for that matter!
As for bumpersickers, they are probably what holds most Seattle Subaru’s together.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “You’re simply not qualified to lecture anyone on good sportsmanship.”
This is very true. I act like a Republican.
Bill Cruchonspews:
It did give me a good laugh to see the phrase “bad manners” actually used here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The nice thing about being a rabbit is you don’t have to adhere to human standards of social behavior. When you’re feral wildlife, you can get away with acting like it. The same goes for feral humans.
Bill Cruchonspews:
I recently spent several days in Eastern Washington and experienced more good manners and friendliness than I do in a year in Seattle.
I think the sticker is referring to proven liar himself Dino Rossi. Since he’s been recently outed as a dicksucker. . . he is indeed a bitch and also, the republican court, presiding over a case brought in a republican county, under the watchful eye of a republican secretary of state said the only illegal votes in that election were cast by lying, cheating, ass-licking, baby-raping republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Our wingnut friends think nothing of rounding up thousands of innocent people and torturing them, or starting wars and bombing villages full of women and children, but they’re shocked — shocked, I tell you! — if someone says “fuck.” Interesting dichotomy of values there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I once knew a Christian businessman who was unfailingly polite, unfailing in his insistence on social graces in others, and unfailingly dishonest.
The guy who put that bumper sticker on his pickup is either ignorant or dishonest. Hard to tell which. Doesn’t really matter. Gregoire won the election. She didn’t cheat. Her party didn’t cheat. To say otherwise is lying. Calling the governor of your state a “bitch” on the rear bumper of your personal vehicle lacks class. The owner of that vehicle is a moron. He deserves our contempt. And if he runs over one of my children, my kid’s spirit will come back to haunt that vehicle and fuck up his wiring so bad the radio, the turn lights, the ignition coil, and the distributor will never work right again!
experienced more good manners and friendliness than I do in a year in Seattle.
Poor man. Can’t handle life in the big city.
It’s a free country. Move.
Bill Cruchonspews:
I do imagine that I’ve lived longer in the “big city” than most of those posting here. Why I even remember when we had a Republican mayor!
Broadway Joespews:
I wonder if those stickers were made by whiny R’s, of if the Rossi campaign either made or approved of them. Either way, another new low has been reached by the Permanent Minority.
20 – The typical wingnut theory is that those stickers are printed by “leftists” to smear Rossi.
Just like the wingnuts claimed a “leftist” reported to the police as a pedophile site. Yeah right!
My favorite bumpersticker of the moment:
“Elephants have a long memory but not in front of a committee.”
I probably screwed that one up. Someone correct it for me.
Bill Cruchonspews:
I think those stickers were made by someone who enjoys poking fun at the left.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “Elephants have a long memory but not in front of a grand jury.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 I think those stickers were made by someone who makes money by exploiting the knee-jerk ignorance of rednecks.
Regardless of their origin I’m enjoying the fact that those stickers elicit the same response as saying “I watch FOX News” at most any Seattle social setting.
I think you’re a little confused. Goldy didn’t post that picture because it would make us angry, he posted it because it will make us laugh.
Anyone with those bumper stickers on their car is as silly as someone with 9/11 Truth bumper stickers on their car. They’re both believers in conspiracies that didn’t happen.
I like it, where can I buy one.
Seattle’s is pretty awful that way. Tacoma and Spokane are much friendlier places.
“Regardless of their origin I’m enjoying the fact that those stickers elicit the same response as saying “I watch FOX News” at most any Seattle social setting.”
Right. We avoid lighting matches and lighters…knowing that there are gasoline sniffers nearby.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Is the problem the word bitch or that the queen bee cheating is finally getting out.
I see the american flag and the marine sticker, must be the truck of a republican.
You don’t see many american flags or marine stickers on the vehicles of democrats. I wonder why that is.
@37 You don’t see many american flags or marine stickers on the vehicles of democrats.
Do you have any more imaginary statistics you’d like to share with us?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Bill Cruchonspews:
Statistics tend to be especially imaginary when none were given. Don’t pretend you don’t understand what Marvin meant.
Marvin Stamnspews:
38. Lee spews:
Do you have any more imaginary statistics you’d like to share with us?
Nice link you provided to prove your point… NOT
Marvin Stamnspews:
39. Bill Cruchon spews:
Statistics tend to be especially imaginary when none were given. Don’t pretend you don’t understand what Marvin meant.
He knew what I meant.
If he could have proven me wrong he would have. And then he would have ran to his reject blog to brag about it.
Bill Cruchonspews:
Love that picture on your link Marvin of those middle aged libs sitting with their Che bag. What is it that leads these folks to lionize a sadistic killer like Che?
How dare anybody call our acting governer a Bitch!
Why, that would imply that she’s still fertile,
I cringe at the thought.
Marvin Stamnspews:
42. Bill Cruchon spews:
Love that picture on your link Marvin of those middle aged libs sitting with their Che bag. What is it that leads these folks to lionize a sadistic killer like Che?
Great site, when you have time check out the other protests they covered. One of the recent protests is the tree protest at berkley where the protesters are saving piss/shit to throw on cops.
No wonder denver is so worried about protesters on the left.
The ordinance makes it illegal to carry certain items, such as chains, padlocks, carabiners and other locking devices. It also prohibits the possession of noxious substances. Two of the most frequently used examples of a noxious substance are a bucket of urine and a “feces bomb.”
Why do they like Che, probably because they share the same hate/disgust for this country he did.
Bill Cruchonspews:
Surely Che would have been all for prohibiting fried foods at the Democratic Convention.
And they don’t even realize how ridiculous they are.
Daddy Lovespews:
You don’t see many american flags or marine stickers on the vehicles of democrats. I wonder why that is.
We Democrats somehow manage to love our country without fetishizing it. Republicans remind me of the Pharisees Jesus chided (in Matthew 6:5)
“…do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others.”
Look at me! I love the military! I love the flag!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 That’s much better satire than run-of-the-mill wingnut crap. I’m impressed. There’s a rightwinger in this state with creative talent after all.
By the way, here’s what your Republican attorney general says about the tribal gaming agreements:
“McKenna defends tribal gaming pacts made by Gregoire
“OLYMPIA — Gov. Chris Gregoire negotiated controversial tribal gambling compacts in full compliance with state and federal law, state Attorney General Rob McKenna told tribal leaders at a recent conference ….
“Gregoire’s political opponents have criticized her for crafting deals that increased tribal gambling but did not provide a cut for the state. …
“But McKenna said the compacts and the negotiations were entirely legal. ‘It was a negotiation,’ McKenna said. ‘It was conducted strictly in the framework of state and federal law and it produced a compact which was adopted strictly within the requirements of the framework of state and federal law. Period. And if anyone ever questions the process I would be happy to tell them that, to the letter, we believe the law was scrupulously followed.’ …
“‘People can criticize the result of a contract which is what a compact is,’ McKenna said. ‘And they can have policy differences with it and there were some pretty strong policy differences over the first compact that came out and now.'”
Quoted from the Seattle P-I under fair use.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Gregoire traded away revenue sharing in exchange for preventing a large expansion of gambling in our state. That’s a big win for our citizens. Gambling isn’t healthy for our communities, and relying on gambling revenues isn’t healthy for the state budget. No responsible governor would have made a different decision.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 Having met both of Gregoire’s daughters, I can attest that they’re sexier than you. Smarter than you, too.
So it’s OK to take 120 ft yachts and 5.4 million dollar mansions as personal gifts from the Indians.
In most companies you can’t take a $50 gift.
Makes Ted’s mess in Alaska look rather petty.
So it’s OK to take 120 ft yachts and 5.4 million dollar mansions as personal gifts from the Indians.
This bogus crap hasn’t even made (un)SP’s front page.
Unless it’s really tired, old done and gone crap.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 It appears the basic problem is that you actually believe that’s true. It’s satire, you stupid jackass! A made-up story.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You can’t take anything for granted where the IQ of some HA trolls are concerned.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You can’t take anything for granted where the IQ of some HA trolls is concerned.
I think gs is in a strong position to win the Horsesass Simpleton of the Month award for August.
Holy shit, are some Wingdings ever gullible fuckers!
51 – LMAO!!! I hardly ever click on right wing troll links – you never know what these lunatics will do with your IP address.
But Gassy Shithead – that is one dumbass troll. Nice to see it catch up with him.
Broadway Joespews:
True dat, Roger. Let’s see, our resident morons say Gregoire’s corrupt, powermad, a thief, a racist, now they bluntly call her a bitch….. I call her re-elected by 10+ points.
56 – They’ve called her every name in the book since she refused to kowtow or “defer” to that sleazy real estate man, the BIAW puppet, Dino Rossi.
The whole state should be grateful to Gregoire for her courage and the faith she kept with those who voted for her.
We’re the third best state to do business in. Re-elect Christine Gregoire!
More people turn up to hear Al Gore speak when he isn’t running for anything than show up for McCain during his presidential bid.
Gotta love it!
Generally – the people who are the biggest traitors usually put the flag decals, etc., on their car in order to push off suspicion – much like the average drug dealer puts a JUST SAY NO sticker on his car.
For once – I agree with Marvin. But I still don’t approve of his activity as a sex offender.
@55 We keep a file of your IP that way when you tards get done building your train tracks
we can offer you a clean hot shower.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
You can’t take anything for granted where the IQ of some HA trolls are concerned.
What does IQ have to do with anything on beating a dem for POTUS. We have already proved that a chimp can beat a dem, now we are going to beat you with a 72 year old cement block. Why should we over achieve. hehehehe
You have to love it when the ass-sucking right even admits their own guy is nothing but a monkey. What shows you that they’re really stupid is they are proud of it. I guess being a low-achiever is a lifetime pursuit for right wing cowards.
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. michael spews:
More people turn up to hear Al Gore speak when he isn’t running for anything than show up for McCain during his presidential bid.
That’s the point I’ve been making here for a while…
All those people driving gas guzzlers to hear gore speak about saving the planet. Did you notice how the blogger at listed the mileage, or lack of mileage of the cars driven to see al gore speak?
Do as I say, not as I do.
Marvin Stamnspews:
61. Jane Balough’s Dog spews:
What does IQ have to do with anything on beating a dem for POTUS. We have already proved that a chimp can beat a dem, now we are going to beat you with a 72 year old cement block. Why should we over achieve. hehehehe
If a democrat ran on what they believed instead of lying and tracking towards the middle, a write in vote for mickey mouse would beat a democrat.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
You have to love it when the ass-sucking right even admits their own guy is nothing but a monkey. What shows you that they’re really stupid is they are proud of it. I guess being a low-achiever is a lifetime pursuit for right wing cowards.
Like I said, don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill. If you know a retard can do the job go with the retard. heheheehhe
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 “If a democrat ran on what they believed instead of lying and tracking towards the middle, a write in vote for mickey mouse would beat a democrat.”
It so happens that Byron Looper, the Republican candidate for a Tennessee state senate seat, got only 4% of the vote, even though he was the only candidate on the ballot. A Democrat write-in candidate got 96% of the votes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 Washington doesn’t have an acting governor. We have an elected governor. Deal with it.
Harry Callahanspews:
i love those stickers. where can i get some? i’ll drive around capitol hill in my f-150 with the gun rack and proudly display them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 Now that I think about it, the owner of the pickup truck in the photo is probably a Middle Eastern terrorist trying to blend in with the Republican crowd.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 You shouldn’t have any trouble picking up an urban cowboy. Bring cash.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
@64 “If a democrat ran on what they believed instead of lying and tracking towards the middle, a write in vote for mickey mouse would beat a democrat.”
The left can’t even pull that off. As everyone knows the only way a lefty gets in as POTUS is when more than one conservative decides to run and splits the conservative vote (ala Perot) Perot is an asshole. roof roof.
Seems like that truck owner is right on the money. Truth hurts huh douche-bags?
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
@43 Washington doesn’t have an acting governor. We have an elected governor. Deal with it.
08/09/2008 at 10:16 pm
57% of your fellow Washingtonians with it. They will come November.
4. Roger Rabbit spews: Recent research reveals that people who put bumper stickers on their vehicles are more likely to commit road rage.
Really Pelletizer? If you take a gander in King County, you’ll see many cars with bumper stickers. So we’ll keep an eye out for libbies going wild.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@74 Actually, I see very few bumper stickers in King County. Probably because most people here are liberal and don’t want their cars keyed by Republican hooligans.
And there is your eliminationist rhetoric coming to the surface. FYI, I have had my car, truck and Jeep damaged on Capital Hill, AND Wallingford, AND Fremont, AND the U-District.
Oddly enough, I haven’t gone into Seattle for a long, long time. So I guess your kind’s ideas about chasing off of “unwanteds” is working.
BTW, Goldy, just what part of “Rossi Country” was this taken. The lower right hand of the back window has a KISW sticker affixed, so it must have been somewhere in the tri-county area.
I certainly would like to call this Rossi Country.
@Phil you claiming to have the same bumper sticker on your car? I don’t believe you. And since you’re a republican – I don’t believe anything you say.
And yes I’d love to eliminate your kind from not only Seattle; not only Washington – but from the planet. You people are willing to sell out this country to protect child molesters, traitors, criminals and worse just to win an election.
I hope each and every one of you eats shit and dies. Any questions?
Marvin Stamnspews:
If you want to see real honest to god road rage, slap one of these stickers on your car and drive through seattle, san fran, or any area that has lots of crazy people.
Or you can read from a CBS report about an actual road rage incident.
A man apparently enraged by a Bush-Cheney sticker on a woman’s sport utility vehicle chased her for miles and tried to run her off the road while holding up an anti-Bush sign, police said.
Fernandez said she is a registered Democrat who voted for President Bush in 2004.
Of course the chickenshit bush-hater had to chase a woman, he knew better than to chase someone that could have stopped and slapped his silly liberal ass to the ground. Cowardice on display.
Of course the bush-hater had to chase a woman, a man would have stopped and slapped his silly liberal ass to the ground.
Do you have any other explanation why a 50+ year old white male would want to be called Daddy Love?
@83 “Do you have any other explanation…”
That you can’t come up with any other explanation than NAMBLA tells us one heck of a lot more about you than Daddy Love’s screen name tells us about him. And what this tells us about you is that you’re one weird motherfucker.
Passing byspews:
Whoever it is, they’re a fierce union member. Looks like a couple IBEW-stickers on the window.
Marvin Stamnspews:
84. Steve spews:
That you can’t come up with any other explanation than NAMBLA
That you can’t even attempt an explanation speaks volumes.
And what this tells us about you is that you’re one weird motherfucker.
There you go with the projection thing again.
Hey, if you’re talking that means lee isn’t far behind to back you up.
Hey lee, steve needs your help. Come quick.
@86 Why would I bother with offering other explanations? There’s many possible explanations for Daddy Love’s screen name that don’t point towards pedophilia, which is why your response is really quite telling, you perv. You’re so obviously a pedophile. Throw in America-hating commie-fascism, godlessness and treason, and you’re really a piece of work.
Marvin Stamnspews:
87. Steve spews:
@86 Why would I bother with offering other explanations? There’s many possible explanations for Daddy Love’s screen name that don’t point towards pedophilia
Yet you can’t think of a single one.
Let’s see how it all adds up. The Republican party is the party of pedophiles. Marvin represents the underbelly of the Republican party. Like so many of his ilk, Marvin simply cannot control his projection problem. Marvin accuses Daddy Love of being a pedophile. Geez, what are the odds that Marvin’s a pedophile?
Marvin Stamnspews:
89. Steve spews:
Let’s see how it all adds up. The Republican party
Okay, since you can’t come up with any explanations we can change the subject.
@88 Well, that reveals even more, your resorting to forced laughter and your very strange thought that one can’t come up with another explanation for Daddy Love’s screen name other than some pedo-purpose. That comes solely from your own mind, you know. Weird. Try thinking in terms of heterosexuality for a change. Well, at least try, anyway. You seem so far gone I have no confidence at all that you can do it. But let’s see what you can come up with.
Marvin Stamnspews:
91. Steve spews:
Well, at least try, anyway. You seem so far gone I have no confidence at all that you can do it. But let’s see what you can come up with.
I tried, couldn’t think of any legitimate reasons besides the one mentioned in the thread linked @#83.
I am confident you can come up with many.
How about 3 of the easiest, maybe that would show me how smart you are.
@90 There’s that faux laugh again. Is that the last refuge of a troll? Perhaps the prelude to madness? Honestly, Marvin, I don’t think you’re going to make to November.
Marvin Stamnspews:
93. Steve spews:
@90 There’s that faux laugh again.
Sorry, you’re wrong yet again. It’s not faux, I really am laughing at you.
Is it starting to hurt trying to think of explanations? If so, you can stop trying to think. I don’t want to cause you pain.
@92 Tried and failed, huh? No surprise here. I reckon that confirms that you’re a pedophile, all right. Wait, not just a pedophile, but an America-hating, godless, commie-fascist, treasonous pedophile. Yuck.
Marvin Stamnspews:
95. Steve spews:
@92 Tried and failed, huh?
At least I tried, you knew better than to even try.
I had 2 explanations and you had zero.
@94 I take it that it would never occur to you that “Daddy Love” is what that person’s girlfriend’s nickname is for him? The thought of a woman being part of the equation does’t enter your mind, does it? No, you have NAMBLA on the brain, you self-loather, you. Now, why would that be? Yup, there’s that projection problem of yours coming back to bite you in the ass again. You just can’t control it, can you?
Marvin Stamnspews:
97. Steve spews:
@94 I take it that it would never occur to you that “Daddy Love” is what that person’s girlfriend’s nickname is for him?
Obviously you haven’t googled him.
Since lee isn’t coming to help steve someone better. Anyone out there, steve needs help.
90 – Our silliest Republican has joined us in exposing the hypocrisy of his own kind.
It’s good to see we’ve rubbed off on him in a positive way.
But as Steve points out, there’s many other disturbing issues with this very silly Republican.
Marvin Stamnspews:
99. YLB spews:
It’s good to see we’ve rubbed off on him in a positive way.
Good one… rubbed off on me.
100 – Ahhh. Yes, Steve, there he goes again.
Very sad actually.
@101 Most people have a past. Sadly, Marvin instead has a case history.
103. Lee spews:
Although I Googled for Marvin Stamn, and these were the first two posts that came up:
Didn’t you already know that? Damn, you’ve mentioned it enough. Oh yeah, it’s that pot thing and short term memory.
86. Marvin Stamn spews:
Hey lee, steve needs your help. Come quick.
It’s good to see that when steve needs help you’ll be there for him.
98. Marvin Stamn spews:
Since lee isn’t coming to help steve someone better. Anyone out there, steve needs help.
And then like magic comes help for little stevie…
99. YLB spews:
Marvin Stamnspews:
103. Lee spews:
I just tried Googling for him. Nothing of note came up. Can you provide a link?
Wow. How often does a college educated techie admit he can’t do something a high school drop-out did. Thanks for the props.
Yeah, I’ll help you Lee. I won’t do the work for you, I feel it would benefit you more if you learned about google searches instead of me just giving you a link.
Here’s a page with 12 great tips for someone just learning how to “google.”
I’m still waiting for proof from our silliest Republican that the right wing media knew about the Edwards/Hunter affair for “years”.
I don’t believe I’ll ever see it but I’m willing to look at whatever evidence the silly man may have. With the possible exception of what he pulls out of his ass.
Marvin Stamnspews:
107. YLB spews:
I’m still waiting for proof from our silliest Republican that the right wing media knew about the Edwards/Hunter affair for “years”.
You have made it clear you don’t believe links from a right-wingnut site so what’s the point.
Do you want to take the lead and explain why the liberal media didn’t report on the affair until he admitted it? Why were they protecting him. For some reason you always avoid those questions.
Our silliest Republican refuses to show the evidence that the right wing media has know of the Edwards/Hunter affair for “years” so one must conclude he was talking out his ass.
And he’s producing evidence that Republicans are hypocrites and can’t be trusted. Very good.
It’s a good website. Here’s one incident. A sad story of Republican hypocrisy and corruption ending very badly:
# Republican U.S. Justice Department official John David R. Atchison, 53, an assistant U.S. attorney from the northern district of Florida, has been arrested on suspicion of traveling to Detroit over the weekend to have sex with a 5 year old child. An undercover officer posed as a mother offering her child to Atchison for sex, according to police. In deposition, detectives said Atchison suggested the mother tell her daughter that “you found her a sweet boyfriend who will bring her presents.” The undercover detective expressed concern about physical injury to the 5-year-old girl as a result of the sexual activity. Detectives said Atchison responded, ” I am always gentle and loving; not to worry, no damage ever, no rough stuff ever. I only like it soft and nice.” The undercover detective asked how Atchison can be certain of no injury. He responded, “Just gotta go slow and very easy. I’ve done it plenty,” according to detectives.
**UPDATE: John Atchison has killed himself. Detroit police confirmed Atchison’s suicide death at 10:14 a.m. Friday, Oct. 5, 2007. Good riddance, scumbag!
Should an Obama victory become apparent before this November and our silliest Republican makes himself scarce, a similar “good riddance, scumbag!” would apply most aptly.
@109 If the Republican leadership is so sick in the head then what does that say about the underbelly of the party – people like Marvin, who defend their leadership’s diapered, wide-stance, child abusing behavior to the bitter end?
Side note – I’m disappointed in Edwards, of course, but compared to these strange Republican perversions that have been documented over the last decade, two adults having an affair seems so, well, normal.
Wow that’s some funny shit – the Marv the pervert highlight reel. LOL!
Calling people names on a bumper sticker lacks class? How about calling people on this comment space “a** licking, baby-raping republicans” as ByeByeGOP does on a regular basis?
How can people take you guys seriously when this is simply a place to vent and call people names? Where is the dialogue on issues?
That must be Mark1 or Gaseous Shithead’s (GS) truck.
Notice the orange in that one sticker. LMAO!
Many republicans think that every time a democrat wins an election it is because the democrats cheated.
It proves the old saying “The thief thinks everyone is a thief.”
I remember when good sportsmanship was socially mandatory, calling your state’s governor a “bitch” was bad manners, and people put their dogs in proper pet carriers instead of tying them up in the back of their pickup to get knocked around with every turn and swerve.
This country sure has changed.
Recent research reveals that people who put bumper stickers on their vehicles are more likely to commit road rage.
@4: Hey! I have stickers on my car! You talkin’ to me?
Why should I take any lessons on vehicle etiquette from a rabbit? Your paws don’t even reach the pedals!
@5 You think just because your car is bigger than me, you can do whatever you want? Here’s the score, pal. Any car that runs over a rabbit will be haunted by the dead rabbit’s spirit! You wanna know what’s causing all the weird mechanical malfunctions your mechanic can’t track down? Now you know.
Hee hee! Those bumper stickers are nothing compared to what you can see every day on Capitol Hill, Wallingford and the U-District, often with the f-word prominently displayed.
7 – You mean like:
“Bill Cruchon is a silly ass!”
That wouldn’t surprise me.
Roger @3,
A lecture from you on manners is like a whore giving a lecture to a Catholic girls’ school about the importance of chastity. You’re simply not qualified to lecture anyone on good sportsmanship, or anything else, for that matter!
As for bumpersickers, they are probably what holds most Seattle Subaru’s together.
@10 “You’re simply not qualified to lecture anyone on good sportsmanship.”
This is very true. I act like a Republican.
It did give me a good laugh to see the phrase “bad manners” actually used here.
The nice thing about being a rabbit is you don’t have to adhere to human standards of social behavior. When you’re feral wildlife, you can get away with acting like it. The same goes for feral humans.
I recently spent several days in Eastern Washington and experienced more good manners and friendliness than I do in a year in Seattle.
I think the sticker is referring to proven liar himself Dino Rossi. Since he’s been recently outed as a dicksucker. . . he is indeed a bitch and also, the republican court, presiding over a case brought in a republican county, under the watchful eye of a republican secretary of state said the only illegal votes in that election were cast by lying, cheating, ass-licking, baby-raping republicans.
Our wingnut friends think nothing of rounding up thousands of innocent people and torturing them, or starting wars and bombing villages full of women and children, but they’re shocked — shocked, I tell you! — if someone says “fuck.” Interesting dichotomy of values there.
I once knew a Christian businessman who was unfailingly polite, unfailing in his insistence on social graces in others, and unfailingly dishonest.
The guy who put that bumper sticker on his pickup is either ignorant or dishonest. Hard to tell which. Doesn’t really matter. Gregoire won the election. She didn’t cheat. Her party didn’t cheat. To say otherwise is lying. Calling the governor of your state a “bitch” on the rear bumper of your personal vehicle lacks class. The owner of that vehicle is a moron. He deserves our contempt. And if he runs over one of my children, my kid’s spirit will come back to haunt that vehicle and fuck up his wiring so bad the radio, the turn lights, the ignition coil, and the distributor will never work right again!
experienced more good manners and friendliness than I do in a year in Seattle.
Poor man. Can’t handle life in the big city.
It’s a free country. Move.
I do imagine that I’ve lived longer in the “big city” than most of those posting here. Why I even remember when we had a Republican mayor!
I wonder if those stickers were made by whiny R’s, of if the Rossi campaign either made or approved of them. Either way, another new low has been reached by the Permanent Minority.
20 – The typical wingnut theory is that those stickers are printed by “leftists” to smear Rossi.
Just like the wingnuts claimed a “leftist” reported to the police as a pedophile site. Yeah right!
My favorite bumpersticker of the moment:
“Elephants have a long memory but not in front of a committee.”
I probably screwed that one up. Someone correct it for me.
I think those stickers were made by someone who enjoys poking fun at the left.
@21 “Elephants have a long memory but not in front of a grand jury.”
@22 I think those stickers were made by someone who makes money by exploiting the knee-jerk ignorance of rednecks.
Here’s my bumper sticker:
Dino Lost! The Curs Howled
And we have a winner!
Regardless of their origin I’m enjoying the fact that those stickers elicit the same response as saying “I watch FOX News” at most any Seattle social setting.
I think you’re a little confused. Goldy didn’t post that picture because it would make us angry, he posted it because it will make us laugh.
Anyone with those bumper stickers on their car is as silly as someone with 9/11 Truth bumper stickers on their car. They’re both believers in conspiracies that didn’t happen.
I like it, where can I buy one.
Seattle’s is pretty awful that way. Tacoma and Spokane are much friendlier places.
That bumper sticker screams “Hi, I’m low-class.”
And “Sure I’ll give you my bank account information, Mr. Nigerian prince”
I think folks here probably need a laugh after the news about John Edwards.
@25 If you put that on your bumper, your car will get keyed within 24 hours.
@30 See #33.
SO hows that 50 million 120 ft dollar yacht and 5.4 million dollar 9000 square foot mansion that Gregoire got gifted to her by the Indians.
Can we all in washington now say in unison “Move that Bus”?
“Regardless of their origin I’m enjoying the fact that those stickers elicit the same response as saying “I watch FOX News” at most any Seattle social setting.”
Right. We avoid lighting matches and lighters…knowing that there are gasoline sniffers nearby.
Is the problem the word bitch or that the queen bee cheating is finally getting out.
I see the american flag and the marine sticker, must be the truck of a republican.
You don’t see many american flags or marine stickers on the vehicles of democrats. I wonder why that is.
Here’s a link to a gore speech in marin. Check out the bumper stickers. Oh yeah, NO american flags or marine stickers.
You don’t see many american flags or marine stickers on the vehicles of democrats.
Do you have any more imaginary statistics you’d like to share with us?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Statistics tend to be especially imaginary when none were given. Don’t pretend you don’t understand what Marvin meant.
Nice link you provided to prove your point… NOT
He knew what I meant.
If he could have proven me wrong he would have. And then he would have ran to his reject blog to brag about it.
Love that picture on your link Marvin of those middle aged libs sitting with their Che bag. What is it that leads these folks to lionize a sadistic killer like Che?
How dare anybody call our acting governer a Bitch!
Why, that would imply that she’s still fertile,
I cringe at the thought.
Great site, when you have time check out the other protests they covered. One of the recent protests is the tree protest at berkley where the protesters are saving piss/shit to throw on cops.
No wonder denver is so worried about protesters on the left.
The ordinance makes it illegal to carry certain items, such as chains, padlocks, carabiners and other locking devices. It also prohibits the possession of noxious substances. Two of the most frequently used examples of a noxious substance are a bucket of urine and a “feces bomb.”
Why do they like Che, probably because they share the same hate/disgust for this country he did.
Surely Che would have been all for prohibiting fried foods at the Democratic Convention.
And they don’t even realize how ridiculous they are.
We Democrats somehow manage to love our country without fetishizing it. Republicans remind me of the Pharisees Jesus chided (in Matthew 6:5)
“…do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others.”
Look at me! I love the military! I love the flag!
@35 That’s much better satire than run-of-the-mill wingnut crap. I’m impressed. There’s a rightwinger in this state with creative talent after all.
By the way, here’s what your Republican attorney general says about the tribal gaming agreements:
“McKenna defends tribal gaming pacts made by Gregoire
“OLYMPIA — Gov. Chris Gregoire negotiated controversial tribal gambling compacts in full compliance with state and federal law, state Attorney General Rob McKenna told tribal leaders at a recent conference ….
“Gregoire’s political opponents have criticized her for crafting deals that increased tribal gambling but did not provide a cut for the state. …
“But McKenna said the compacts and the negotiations were entirely legal. ‘It was a negotiation,’ McKenna said. ‘It was conducted strictly in the framework of state and federal law and it produced a compact which was adopted strictly within the requirements of the framework of state and federal law. Period. And if anyone ever questions the process I would be happy to tell them that, to the letter, we believe the law was scrupulously followed.’ …
“‘People can criticize the result of a contract which is what a compact is,’ McKenna said. ‘And they can have policy differences with it and there were some pretty strong policy differences over the first compact that came out and now.'”
Quoted from the Seattle P-I under fair use.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Gregoire traded away revenue sharing in exchange for preventing a large expansion of gambling in our state. That’s a big win for our citizens. Gambling isn’t healthy for our communities, and relying on gambling revenues isn’t healthy for the state budget. No responsible governor would have made a different decision.
@43 Having met both of Gregoire’s daughters, I can attest that they’re sexier than you. Smarter than you, too.
So it’s OK to take 120 ft yachts and 5.4 million dollar mansions as personal gifts from the Indians.
In most companies you can’t take a $50 gift.
Makes Ted’s mess in Alaska look rather petty.
So it’s OK to take 120 ft yachts and 5.4 million dollar mansions as personal gifts from the Indians.
This bogus crap hasn’t even made (un)SP’s front page.
Unless it’s really tired, old done and gone crap.
@49 It appears the basic problem is that you actually believe that’s true. It’s satire, you stupid jackass! A made-up story.
You can’t take anything for granted where the IQ of some HA trolls are concerned.
You can’t take anything for granted where the IQ of some HA trolls is concerned.
I think gs is in a strong position to win the Horsesass Simpleton of the Month award for August.
Holy shit, are some Wingdings ever gullible fuckers!
51 – LMAO!!! I hardly ever click on right wing troll links – you never know what these lunatics will do with your IP address.
But Gassy Shithead – that is one dumbass troll. Nice to see it catch up with him.
True dat, Roger. Let’s see, our resident morons say Gregoire’s corrupt, powermad, a thief, a racist, now they bluntly call her a bitch….. I call her re-elected by 10+ points.
56 – They’ve called her every name in the book since she refused to kowtow or “defer” to that sleazy real estate man, the BIAW puppet, Dino Rossi.
The whole state should be grateful to Gregoire for her courage and the faith she kept with those who voted for her.
We’re the third best state to do business in. Re-elect Christine Gregoire!
More people turn up to hear Al Gore speak when he isn’t running for anything than show up for McCain during his presidential bid.
Gotta love it!
Generally – the people who are the biggest traitors usually put the flag decals, etc., on their car in order to push off suspicion – much like the average drug dealer puts a JUST SAY NO sticker on his car.
For once – I agree with Marvin. But I still don’t approve of his activity as a sex offender.
@55 We keep a file of your IP that way when you tards get done building your train tracks
we can offer you a clean hot shower.
You can’t take anything for granted where the IQ of some HA trolls are concerned.
What does IQ have to do with anything on beating a dem for POTUS. We have already proved that a chimp can beat a dem, now we are going to beat you with a 72 year old cement block. Why should we over achieve. hehehehe
You have to love it when the ass-sucking right even admits their own guy is nothing but a monkey. What shows you that they’re really stupid is they are proud of it. I guess being a low-achiever is a lifetime pursuit for right wing cowards.
That’s the point I’ve been making here for a while…
All those people driving gas guzzlers to hear gore speak about saving the planet. Did you notice how the blogger at listed the mileage, or lack of mileage of the cars driven to see al gore speak?
Do as I say, not as I do.
If a democrat ran on what they believed instead of lying and tracking towards the middle, a write in vote for mickey mouse would beat a democrat.
You have to love it when the ass-sucking right even admits their own guy is nothing but a monkey. What shows you that they’re really stupid is they are proud of it. I guess being a low-achiever is a lifetime pursuit for right wing cowards.
Like I said, don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill. If you know a retard can do the job go with the retard. heheheehhe
@64 “If a democrat ran on what they believed instead of lying and tracking towards the middle, a write in vote for mickey mouse would beat a democrat.”
It so happens that Byron Looper, the Republican candidate for a Tennessee state senate seat, got only 4% of the vote, even though he was the only candidate on the ballot. A Democrat write-in candidate got 96% of the votes.
@43 Washington doesn’t have an acting governor. We have an elected governor. Deal with it.
i love those stickers. where can i get some? i’ll drive around capitol hill in my f-150 with the gun rack and proudly display them.
@59 Now that I think about it, the owner of the pickup truck in the photo is probably a Middle Eastern terrorist trying to blend in with the Republican crowd.
@68 You shouldn’t have any trouble picking up an urban cowboy. Bring cash.
@64 “If a democrat ran on what they believed instead of lying and tracking towards the middle, a write in vote for mickey mouse would beat a democrat.”
The left can’t even pull that off. As everyone knows the only way a lefty gets in as POTUS is when more than one conservative decides to run and splits the conservative vote (ala Perot) Perot is an asshole. roof roof.
Seems like that truck owner is right on the money. Truth hurts huh douche-bags?
@43 Washington doesn’t have an acting governor. We have an elected governor. Deal with it.
08/09/2008 at 10:16 pm
57% of your fellow Washingtonians with it. They will come November.
Really Pelletizer? If you take a gander in King County, you’ll see many cars with bumper stickers. So we’ll keep an eye out for libbies going wild.
@74 Actually, I see very few bumper stickers in King County. Probably because most people here are liberal and don’t want their cars keyed by Republican hooligans.
Like this.
Yeah I’d love to see one of these republican cowards drive around with this shit on their car in Cap Hill. They SHOULD be keyed.
ByeBye @ 76:
And there is your eliminationist rhetoric coming to the surface. FYI, I have had my car, truck and Jeep damaged on Capital Hill, AND Wallingford, AND Fremont, AND the U-District.
Oddly enough, I haven’t gone into Seattle for a long, long time. So I guess your kind’s ideas about chasing off of “unwanteds” is working.
BTW, Goldy, just what part of “Rossi Country” was this taken. The lower right hand of the back window has a KISW sticker affixed, so it must have been somewhere in the tri-county area.
I certainly would like to call this Rossi Country.
@Phil you claiming to have the same bumper sticker on your car? I don’t believe you. And since you’re a republican – I don’t believe anything you say.
And yes I’d love to eliminate your kind from not only Seattle; not only Washington – but from the planet. You people are willing to sell out this country to protect child molesters, traitors, criminals and worse just to win an election.
I hope each and every one of you eats shit and dies. Any questions?
If you want to see real honest to god road rage, slap one of these stickers on your car and drive through seattle, san fran, or any area that has lots of crazy people.
Or you can read from a CBS report about an actual road rage incident.
Of course the chickenshit bush-hater had to chase a woman, he knew better than to chase someone that could have stopped and slapped his silly liberal ass to the ground. Cowardice on display.
Of course the bush-hater had to chase a woman, a man would have stopped and slapped his silly liberal ass to the ground.
Must have just read this website:
You love that website, you post it in every thread. Have you gotten it tattooed on your forehead yet?
Of course you couldn’t bring yourself to saying that the man that chased a woman with her kid in the car did anything wrong.
81 – It seems some posters like PuddyNambla and Surreal Nambla are very fixated on NAMBLA.
I mean they’re always calling Daddy Love “NAMBLA” or they’re doing that ACLU=NAMBLA thing.
I wonder why?
Because Curtis Love implied he legally changed his name in 2003 to Curtis Daddy Love.
Do you have any other explanation why a 50+ year old white male would want to be called Daddy Love?
@83 “Do you have any other explanation…”
That you can’t come up with any other explanation than NAMBLA tells us one heck of a lot more about you than Daddy Love’s screen name tells us about him. And what this tells us about you is that you’re one weird motherfucker.
Whoever it is, they’re a fierce union member. Looks like a couple IBEW-stickers on the window.
That you can’t even attempt an explanation speaks volumes.
There you go with the projection thing again.
Hey, if you’re talking that means lee isn’t far behind to back you up.
Hey lee, steve needs your help. Come quick.
@86 Why would I bother with offering other explanations? There’s many possible explanations for Daddy Love’s screen name that don’t point towards pedophilia, which is why your response is really quite telling, you perv. You’re so obviously a pedophile. Throw in America-hating commie-fascism, godlessness and treason, and you’re really a piece of work.
Yet you can’t think of a single one.
Let’s see how it all adds up. The Republican party is the party of pedophiles. Marvin represents the underbelly of the Republican party. Like so many of his ilk, Marvin simply cannot control his projection problem. Marvin accuses Daddy Love of being a pedophile. Geez, what are the odds that Marvin’s a pedophile?
Okay, since you can’t come up with any explanations we can change the subject.
Here, I’ll save you the time.
Now you have nothing left to offer.
@88 Well, that reveals even more, your resorting to forced laughter and your very strange thought that one can’t come up with another explanation for Daddy Love’s screen name other than some pedo-purpose. That comes solely from your own mind, you know. Weird. Try thinking in terms of heterosexuality for a change. Well, at least try, anyway. You seem so far gone I have no confidence at all that you can do it. But let’s see what you can come up with.
I tried, couldn’t think of any legitimate reasons besides the one mentioned in the thread linked @#83.
I am confident you can come up with many.
How about 3 of the easiest, maybe that would show me how smart you are.
@90 There’s that faux laugh again. Is that the last refuge of a troll? Perhaps the prelude to madness? Honestly, Marvin, I don’t think you’re going to make to November.
Sorry, you’re wrong yet again. It’s not faux, I really am laughing at you.
Is it starting to hurt trying to think of explanations? If so, you can stop trying to think. I don’t want to cause you pain.
@92 Tried and failed, huh? No surprise here. I reckon that confirms that you’re a pedophile, all right. Wait, not just a pedophile, but an America-hating, godless, commie-fascist, treasonous pedophile. Yuck.
At least I tried, you knew better than to even try.
I had 2 explanations and you had zero.
@94 I take it that it would never occur to you that “Daddy Love” is what that person’s girlfriend’s nickname is for him? The thought of a woman being part of the equation does’t enter your mind, does it? No, you have NAMBLA on the brain, you self-loather, you. Now, why would that be? Yup, there’s that projection problem of yours coming back to bite you in the ass again. You just can’t control it, can you?
Obviously you haven’t googled him.
Since lee isn’t coming to help steve someone better. Anyone out there, steve needs help.
90 – Our silliest Republican has joined us in exposing the hypocrisy of his own kind.
It’s good to see we’ve rubbed off on him in a positive way.
But as Steve points out, there’s many other disturbing issues with this very silly Republican.
Good one… rubbed off on me.
100 – Ahhh. Yes, Steve, there he goes again.
Very sad actually.
@101 Most people have a past. Sadly, Marvin instead has a case history.
I just tried Googling for him. Nothing of note came up. Can you provide a link?
Although I Googled for Marvin Stamn, and these were the first two posts that came up:
That guy is fucking retarded.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Didn’t you already know that? Damn, you’ve mentioned it enough. Oh yeah, it’s that pot thing and short term memory.
It’s good to see that when steve needs help you’ll be there for him.
And then like magic comes help for little stevie…
Wow. How often does a college educated techie admit he can’t do something a high school drop-out did. Thanks for the props.
Yeah, I’ll help you Lee. I won’t do the work for you, I feel it would benefit you more if you learned about google searches instead of me just giving you a link.
Here’s a page with 12 great tips for someone just learning how to “google.”
I’m still waiting for proof from our silliest Republican that the right wing media knew about the Edwards/Hunter affair for “years”.
I don’t believe I’ll ever see it but I’m willing to look at whatever evidence the silly man may have. With the possible exception of what he pulls out of his ass.
You have made it clear you don’t believe links from a right-wingnut site so what’s the point.
Do you want to take the lead and explain why the liberal media didn’t report on the affair until he admitted it? Why were they protecting him. For some reason you always avoid those questions.
I know, go to your fav site and dream.
Our silliest Republican refuses to show the evidence that the right wing media has know of the Edwards/Hunter affair for “years” so one must conclude he was talking out his ass.
And he’s producing evidence that Republicans are hypocrites and can’t be trusted. Very good.
It’s a good website. Here’s one incident. A sad story of Republican hypocrisy and corruption ending very badly:
Should an Obama victory become apparent before this November and our silliest Republican makes himself scarce, a similar “good riddance, scumbag!” would apply most aptly.
@109 If the Republican leadership is so sick in the head then what does that say about the underbelly of the party – people like Marvin, who defend their leadership’s diapered, wide-stance, child abusing behavior to the bitter end?
Side note – I’m disappointed in Edwards, of course, but compared to these strange Republican perversions that have been documented over the last decade, two adults having an affair seems so, well, normal.
Wow that’s some funny shit – the Marv the pervert highlight reel. LOL!
Calling people names on a bumper sticker lacks class? How about calling people on this comment space “a** licking, baby-raping republicans” as ByeByeGOP does on a regular basis?
How can people take you guys seriously when this is simply a place to vent and call people names? Where is the dialogue on issues?