In looking at the way Fox News and the rest of the rabid, right-wing, media attack dogs have tried to viciously disembowel Cindy Sheehan — a grieving mom who lost a son in Iraq — Cenk Uygur writing on The Huffington Post imagines what the news coverage of Rosa Parks might have been had this pack of wolves been around during the civil rights era. Here are a few excerpts:
O’Reilly: “Rosa Parks claims she speaks for all of the African-Americans in the South, but in fact, we have found two African-Americans who say they disagree with her. They say she’s just trying to gain publicity and doesn’t speak for anyone in her race. They would know, they’re black.”
Hannity: “Could Rosa Parks be angling for a Senate run? What does she have to gain from her public stand? Coming up next, the incredible story of how this woman might be deceiving the whole country!”
Limbaugh: “We have just found information that before Rosa Parks sat in the front of the bus, there were numerous times, she sat in the back of the bus! Ah ha! A flip-flopper!”
Malkin: “I think I speak for the entire Parks family, and especially her children, when I say that they are so embarrassed by their mother who is making a public spectacle of herself.”
Hannity: “Rosa Parks has turned this whole so-called civil rights issue into a public circus. We have information that Ted Kennedy might have put her up to this. That amazing story when we come back!”
O’Reilly: “To question the government of Alabama and implicitly the entire United States government by defying the political order like this has to be considered treasonous. Civil disobedience is a code word for I hate America. These people are criminals, simple criminals. It’s ridiculous that they think they don’t have to live by the same rules as the rest of us.”
Coulter: “Rosa Parks is a dyke!”
Drudge: “MY SOURCES TELL ME THAT THIS MIGHT BE THE FIRST TIME ROSA PARKS HAS EVER SAT IN THE FRONT OF THE BUS. A whole life of sitting in the back of the bus and now this woman claims all of a sudden she wants to sit in the front of the bus. Developing …”
Blitzer: “Ms. Parks left the bus in disgrace today after it was confirmed that some members of her family did not agree with her, she had ruined her credibility by working for the NAACP before the bus incident, and she had in fact sat in the back of the bus on previous occasions. Now back to the emotionally wrenching story of the girl missing in …”
Maybe a funnier idea than it was in execution, but it makes a salient point.
Not too long ago I would have said you’re going too far Goldy, but after what I’ve witnessed lately. You’re spot on. As usual.
If Gore or Kerry were the president and everything unfolded exactly the same as it has the right would be all over the Liberals for slamming a mother who lost her son in war.
Running over crosses memorializing the fallen soldiers of this war. Their actions against mothers who have lost their children to this war and dare to disagree with them are, in their warped minds, fair game.
Support Our Troops and please respect the mothers of the fallen.
It would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad.. (and a bit scary I must say)
My friends, there’s another reason why the Sheehan thing is going to derail, why this train is going to derail, and that’s because look at who her public relations outfit is. It’s the mainstream press. They don’t have universal respect anymore. They don’t even have any concept of how they are harming her cause by championing it, but I want to talk about something larger here with you liberals. I know there are a lot of you here in the audience. We hear from you now and then, and it may be a waste of my time but I’m going to try it anyway. But I think you all need to look at things differently than you do. You need to take your focus off of government. You know how absurd it is for us to hear that a war is ignoble because the president’s kids aren’t there or because congressmen’s kids aren’t there? Do you know how irrelevant that is? Do you know who makes this country work? Can I ask you people on the left if you have the slightest idea who makes this country work? Because I’ll tell you, it’s not the president, I don’t care who he is, and it’s not Congress, and I don’t care who they are. The people who make this country work are the people, and they’re people you’ve never heard of. They are people unlike Cindy Sheehan, who are not seeking publicity, they are not seeking fame. They take life seriously. They try to mix their work and pleasure into a proper balance. They try to raise their kids the right way. They’re doing everything they can to follow the straight-and-narrow. They sometimes slip off, but the people who make this country work, the fabled average American. That’s who you liberals condemn, whether you know it or not. That’s who you impugn. It’s always been the case.
World War II was not won by Eisenhower. World War II was not won by FDR. World War II was not won by any particular leader. World War II was not won by Patton. Everybody played a role. But without the sons and daughters of the American people, this country wouldn’t amount to anything. It is the people who make this country work, and the ease with which those of you on the left disparage the people in this country while you seek to focus all attention on government, is a sight to behold, and it is why you are losing elections; it is why you are losing favor; it is why you are becoming more fringe and extreme and kooky, because you’ve lost touch. You’ve lost contact. You’ve lost all ability to understand who it is that comprises the heart and soul of this country. You have no clue who the backbone of this country is; but I will tell you this: it’s not Cindy Sheehan and it’s not one member of her entourage in a ditch in Crawford, Texas. Those people are a bunch of squatters. Those people right now are contributing nothing to the greatness or future of this country. Neither are the members of the media who are down there trying to elevate all those people in the ditch to be superheroes. There’s not one of them that comes anywhere near rating the title of hero. They are nothing but a bunch of squatters who are miserable and unhappy for who knows whatever reasons and deciding to take it out on people who they think have control over their lives. In this case, with a bunch of liberals, it’s government. You want government to have control over your life, you want government to be able to do this and that for your friends and neighbors and help you, but the simple truth of this country is that it’s the people who make this country work. It is the people who comprise the economy.
It is the people who comprise the morality. It is the people of this country who determine the ethics. It is the people of this country, and that’s what you’re upset about because you’re in the minority. The people of this country, the people who make this country work differ from you in tremendous ways. They are religious. They are God-fearing. They respect values and morality. They know what’s right and they know what’s wrong, and they do their best to abide. You are offended by all that, claiming they don’t have the right to make such decisions, while you sit around and make no decisions whatsoever because you’re willing to totally put your life in the hands of some liberal politician and that will take you off the hook for having to make any decision about your life or anybody else’s. Well, that’s not how the country works. This country works on the basis of an educated and informed public seeking excellence in their own lives to whatever degree they wish it. People pursuing life the best they can, using freedom, God-given freedom — and for you to call here and to come up with something as irrelevant as to say this war is not worth it because the president’s kids aren’t there or because nobody from Washington’s kids are there doesn’t say a thing about the war effort, doesn’t say one thing about it, doesn’t make it noble, doesn’t make it ignoble, doesn’t make it anything, because the war is taking place. Whether you agree with the fact that it’s going on or not, we all have come to the decision that it’s best that we win it. You haven’t even joined us on that. You hope we lose it. You want to lose it because you want to embarrass the leaders of the country. What must your lives be like?
Are your lives so endless, baseless, and void of substance that the only pleasure you get from life is through watching the misery of others and trying to cause misery for others? Are you so incapable of enjoying the God-given gift of life that you’ve got, that you can only do so when other people are suffering, hopefully as a result of actions you’ve taken? What must it be like to be you people? What must it be like to get up every day and to have to go to your calendar and write “Destroy somebody today. Destroy something today. Destroy America today”? What must that be like? When you look out across the country and you see a burgeoning economy, you see the lone world superpower — and it’s not because of any president, and it’s not because of any weapon, and it’s not because of any military, it’s because of the people of this country and our values and our Constitution. We’re no different than any other people, other than we have freedom — and you don’t even like that! You only want freedom for yourselves, defined as you define it. So people can’t say things that offend you, they can’t do things that offend you, we can’t have stupid names for sports teams. The absurdity of this whole political correctness movement. We can’t have some team called the Redskins, we can’t have some team called the Seminoles. Don’t you understand these team names do it, it’s an honor? Do you think a school calls itself the Seminoles to make fun of the Seminoles or are they trying to build themselves up? It’s a matter of pride. But you people are so miserably unhappy that you have to find ways to constantly make everybody else around you unhappy, and so you go hang around with a woman who’s crazed out of her mind in a ditch in Crawford, Texas, and then you have the audacity to call here and tell us that you are the great ones, that you’re the ones that care, that you’re the ones that have this country’s best interests at heart.
If it were up to you people we wouldn’t exist as a country today, you would have given in to the Soviets long ago, you would have appeased the Soviet communists. You would appease Iran right now, you probably wouldn’t have cared about the war on terror or the bombing on 9/11. You would have sought out bin Laden and tried to make a deal with him, and this country exists today only because we have been able to prevent you from gaining power to do that kind of thing. We’ve had our run-ins with Neville Chamberlain types and you’re the modern incarnation. To sit here, to actually have the gall to call this program and advance something you think as an intellectual argument that Cindy Sheehan’s cause is noble, because the president’s daughters aren’t in Iraq, or congressmen’s sons and daughters aren’t in Iraq, have you no shame? Do you realize whose sons and daughters are? Do you understand it’s voluntary? Do you understand these are people who are offering their lives in sacrifice for things they believe in? And what do you do? You come along and you try to disabuse them of their belief by telling them that they’re wrong and that their country sucks. Well, to the extent that they think their country sucks it’s because of you and your efforts to constantly undermine this country’s best interests and our desires and efforts to protect the people of this country and to bring freedom to as many others in this world as possible. You people on the left used to be the ones that were all for civil rights around the world. You were all for human rights. Now all of a sudden you couldn’t care less about the status of Iraqis. You couldn’t care less. It’s gotten so absurd, now that Howard Dean said on TV that if this new constitution is enacted as written, that the women of Iraq are going to be worse off than they were under Saddam Hussein.
Do you realize how patently absurd and bordering on insane that comment is? No, you don’t. Because you think so little of your own country, you think so little of this president, you have such little faith in the ideals that have combined to make this a great country, that you assume it’s worse here than anywhere else, and the places that it is bad is because of us, either through environmental pollution, or whatever cockamamie, asinine, stupid, ignoramus idea you can come up with. It’s gotten to the point now where it is common to go on Democrat websites and read about the pleasure it would bring if the president were assassinated. It is now common to read letters to the editors in newspapers which say it would be fun if bin Laden actually came over here and slit Bush’s throat, which is what a supporter of Sheehan wrote to a letter of the editor in one of the newspapers in this country. Yes, it would have been better if bin Laden would have just come here and slit Bush’s throat. Do you have any idea how you people are perceived? Do you have the slightest idea how the decent people who make this country work perceive you? It is not with any respect. It is with contempt and it’s with sorrow. But it’s also with this realization: This country, if it is to survive, cannot be turned over to you people to lead and to run, because we will cease to exist as the United States the day that happens, and mark my word. It ain’t going to happen.
Rush – Wrong on all counts. It is the Republicans who are perceived as maniacs, who are corrupting the Constitution, who have no sense of right and wrong, who are mesmerized by their own power, who have led us into war for no reason, who have slain our sons and daughters just as surely as if they had pulled the trigger, who rob from the poor and give to the rich, who would role back voters and womens and minority rights to the 1930s.
We know who you are, and a day of reckoning is coming….Mark my word.
My friends, there’s another reason why the Sheehan thing is going to derail, why this train is going to derail, and that’s because look at who her public relations outfit is. It’s the mainstream press. They don’t have universal respect anymore.
Right, and for respect one need look no further than the likes of Larry Northern. This is the mug shot of respect for the fallen:
so did rush really say that, or is it a spoof on something he would say?
So hard to tell these days ;p
But Goldy, they WERE around back then. Except, instead of ranting on hate-talk-radio, they were living their violent fantasies by clubbing and shooting people, spraying them with fire hoses, and siccing dogs on them. America has come a long way since then. All their 2005 counterparts do is turn purple in the face, shout, and fling spittle on the people in the front row of seats. That’s a big improvement over the Rosa Parks days.
Really? I thought we were losing support among what you refer to as the “common people” because (a) they’re gullible and (b) you guys are skillful liars.
Doper @ 3
Whew! Hard to read your comments as they rambled on so much. But one thing for sure Cindy Sheehan is as average of a citizen as they come. And great things come from average citizens who take a stand.
One of the Greatest of our time was Martin Luther King, Jr. Now I’m not elevating her to that status, but the point being one man, one person in the name of love, peace, justice and a sense of what is right and wrong can lead the charge to change government policy that is going horribly wrong.
Liberals have more morality and a sense of what is fair than most conservatives do.
Case in point: When you think of Viet Nam war protestors what comes to mind? Liberals.
Who was the president JFK and LBJ: What’s the difference between the 60’s and today. When our leaders lied us into war we stood up against them and what was obviously wrong regardless of party. When you’re guy lied us into war you stood up for the president.
Liberals are not defined by government no matter how much filth the gets poured into your mind. But we’re smart enough to know that our daily lives are governed by our leaders who must be accountable when they lie. President Clinton was held accountable for his lies, now it’s Bush’s turn.
Seek the truth, regardless of party affiliation.
Memo to Cindy Sheehan – your 15 minutes of fame are up – GO HOME.
“It is the Republicans who are perceived as maniacs, who are corrupting the Constitution, who have no sense of right and wrong, who are mesmerized by their own power, who have led us into war for no reason, who have slain our sons and daughters just as surely as if they had pulled the trigger, who rob from the poor and give to the rich, who would role back voters and womens and minority rights to the 1930s.”
Thank you fire_one for so accurately making my point. You and your fringe, kook, moonbat MINORITY will once again be soundly trounced in as soon as 2006 and yet again in 2008. You are so delusional you should be institutionalized.
Pusher Man @ 3
“This country, if it is to survive, cannot be turned over to you people to lead and to run, because we will cease to exist as the United States the day that happens”
It seems to me that the last time we Liberals were in the White House we had it pretty good. Unless, of course, you’ve already reprinted the history books.
Nice try, but like our misleader, you’re failing.
I have heard there is a “Camp Casey” in the Seattle area. Does anyone know about it? I will be in the Seattle area for the next few months and would like to help out in some way.
Fire_one@4 : Now you’re just creeping me out. Should we expect hordes of bomb-throwing Marxists ‘cleansing’ the country of those on the right? Good grief.
JCG@10 : I don’t support Cindy Sheehan in what she’s doing, as I see it as just one more area of divisiveness and polarization between the right and the left. I can’t believe that some creep drove his truck through the memorial, though. Had to attach a chain to the back of his truck to make sure he knocked down all of crosses. Asshole.
I’m sure some group will capitalize on that action of a fringy kook. Add a little more gasoline to the fire. Bark up some additional rhetoric.
Food – Get a grip.
I wonder why Rush lives here in liberal Seattle when it is obvious he would be happier in Nebraska.
I don’t know where he went to school, but liberals have been in power many times. A liberal president led the nation in War World II and another in Korea. A liberal president was in charge during the Cold War and stood up to the Russians in Cuba. We are also responsible for social security, civil rights, medicare, sending a man to the moon, and many other innovations that you now take for granted.
Well, hell. It sounds like a good video game at least.
Food – I’m sure Microsoft will have it on the shelves before Christmas…
WOW!!! We really must be doing the damage to see all these freeper trolls over here. Cool.
Hey trolls…Fuck You!!!!!
I’m moving this comment up from the old post. ‘Cause the action’s up here! Let’s Get It ON!!!!!
OK, Truth Seekers:
Here is the actual, infamous letter that Cindy Sheehan wrote to the Nightline Television program regarding their program broacast on ABC 3/14/05.
Those of you who can read…without filtering the words through your magic internal editor…will notice that there is ONE reference to Israel and NO reference to Palestine. The reference to Israel is contained in the following sentence:
“Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel.”
Ohhh Yessss, the Neo-Conservative PNAC. That sure backs up a statment like “Cindy Sheehan thinks the war in Iraq was for Israel” or whatever other right-wing bullshit I saw when I was looking for this letter. You guys have a REAL PROBLEM. When civilians, that is: normal folks who don’t obsessively comment on blogs in lieu of a real life; find out they are getting spun…THEY DON’T LIKE IT. They like it even less when their daughters, sons, uncles, aunts, mothers, and fathers are getting killed and maimed and the guy they re-elected because he SAID he was trustworthy (meaning: WORTHY of TRUST) won’t level with them about WHY this is happening.
Anyway…chimpy is held hostage at his compound in Crawford by one brave greiving Mom. Who’da thunk it?
P.S. Just like the right to TOTALLY IGNORE the well stated points and concentrate on ONE out of context sentence they can use to mount and inflammatory attack. You jerks won’t read this letter. The truth just gets in the way of your little fantasy world. Shame, shame, shame.
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Nightline Tonight Mon., March 14, 2005
That was my son’s unit. He was killed on that day 04/04/04. Here is a letter that I wrote to NightLine about the broadcast:
Cindy Sheehan
March 15, 2005
To Whom it May Concern:
Imagine my distress when I turned Night Line on last night and I was confronted with the gory details of my son’s murder in Sadr City, Baghdad, Iraq on 04/04/04. Imagine, also, my sorrow and rage at the side of the story that you presented to the American public.
I was on the Night Line Townhall Meeting in Washington, DC on 01/27/05. After I spoke (which I think was a fluke), Ted Koppel dismissed me as being “emotional.” First of all, how can I approach this discussion without emotions, MY SON WAS KILLED, AND KILLED FOR LIES? Second of all, that show was not fair and balanced and I think the conclusion “Should we stay” was foregone.
The show last night was also not fair and balanced. To see all the wives being interviewed who had not lost their husbands and to hear what “hard work” it is to be left behind when their husbands are at war. How hard to you think it is to have a child killed in an illegal and immoral war? In this “wonderful” group of families left behind, we had exactly ONE of the wives call us..she is Diane Rose who was my son’s Colonel, Frank Rose’s wife. The last time we heard from Diane was in October and we feel we have been left behind by anyone connected to the 2-5 Cavalry. Is support only given if your loved one stays alive? One wife was quoted as saying that Sundays were the hardest for the families left behind. My son was killed on Palm Sunday last does anybody think Sundays are for my family?
A distraught father who lost his son was shown telling how much his life was so adversely affected. Why wasn’t a mother (like me) who has been an outspoken critic of this war and of the President’s policies interviewed for this piece? Why wasn’t I given a chance to talk about 04/04/04 and the series of lies, mistakes and miscalculations that led to my precious oldest child’s death??
General Chiarelli was quoted as saying that 04/04/04 was a “wake up” call to the 2-5 Cavalry. If he thinks it was a “wake up” call, let me tell you how having 3 Army officers come to my door on 04/04/04 and tell me that my darling son was KIA. I have learned so many details of that day and of my son’s experience in Iraq.
The very first thing that went wrong happened in November at Ft Irwin, California…the 2-5 Cavalry went for desert training. They received open desert warfare training and my son was killed in an urban guerilla attack, which he hadn’t been trained for. Also, he was wearing an inadequate helmet and a Vietnam era flak jacket. Casey was stationed in a very dangerous place, like the General said: FOB War Eagle. I have subsequently learned that the soldiers of the 2-5 Cav who were stationed outside of Baghdad had Kevlar body armor. I have also found out that Casey slept in the back of his Humvee for the last 2 weeks of his life because there wasn’t any room on post for him to have a cot. How tired and overworked was he before he went into that battle on 04/04/04?
In addition, my son was killed after L. Paul Bremer inflamed the Shi’a by taking away their tv station and newspapers. The Abu Ghraib scandal was about to break in America…but it was well known by the Iraqi people that their citizens were being tortured and defiled in the prisons. My son was a sitting duck by the time 04/04/04 rolled around.
The very worst thing of all, is that my son was sent to rescue some fellow soldiers trapped in an ambush in the back of a LMTV..which is basically an open air trailer. It would be the equivalent of driving through Dallas on 11/22/63 in a Convertible. The troops stationed at FOB War Eagle were sent ahead of their tanks and Bradleys!!! They had to go into battle in the back of LMTV’s and non-armored Humvees. This is just proof to me that our troops are as important to their leaders as bullets are. It is a small miracle that only 7 of them were killed in the ambush. Luckily for the rest of the moms, it was dark. After my son’s murder, there was an article in Stars and Stripes that quoted one of Casey’s superior officers as saying. “04 April taught us a lesson. We won’t send soldiers to battle without their armor any more.” How do you think that made me feel? It was like “OOOPS, your dear son was killed. Life happens. Oh well, you live and learn.” The General was also quoted as saying that the insurgency “surprised” them. Why? Has there ever been an invasion/occupation of a sovereign country that hasn’t been resisted? Anyone with half a brain and an even rudimentary understanding of history would know that all occupations are resisted. The Pentagon and the Army brass did not plan adequately for an occupation.
Then Gen. Chiarelli said the thing that upset me the most. He said that the loss of life was terrible, but at least Iraqis had elections on 01/30/05. With the continuuing insurgency and with Iraqis and Americans losing their lives everyday there, how can he be proud of that? I may remind you and the General, that Iraqi elections was not the reason that our President and his Neo-Con war mongers invaded Iraq with our precious human resources. I will give the two reasons given for the invasion here: Saddam had WMD’s and he was an imminent threat to America. Saddam could have WMD’s on our shores within 45 minutes. Condoleeza Rice used fear as a factor when she said: Don’t let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud. Rumsfeld and Colin Powell pointed out to us where the weapons were on a map.
The second reason that America was given before the invasion was that Saddam was the biggest sponsor of world terrorism and he supported Osama Bin Laden! Oh really??? The hijackers were predominantly Saudi Arabian as was Osama (who is still at large, by the way). The theory that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11 was disproven by the 9/11 commission’s report. A huge factor in Americans believing all this bull is that our media..the Fourth Estate didn’t do any research and expose the lies for what they were: justifications for invading a country that posed no imminent or long-term threat to America.
One reason that the President DID NOT give for the invasion and occupation of Iraq was so that Iraqis could have elections. As a matter of fact, that was Ayatollah Ali al Sistani’s idea..not Bush’s. If the president in his lying and betraying in the lead up and rush to this insane invasion had told the world that we were going over there to give Iraqi’s elections, would we the people have gone along with the invasion? Would we as compassionate Americans have thought that it would have been worth billions and billions of dollars; hundreds of our amazing children dead; tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi women and children dead: a country lying in ruins? I don’t think so. I certainly didn’t raise my son to be an outstanding citizen of the world to go and die so some people could have ink-stained fingers!!! If anyone reading this has children, would you think it was worth it?? Instead of some Congress leaders showing ink-stained fingers at the SOTU address they should have held up blood soaked hands.
Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full-well that my son, my family, this nation, and this world were betrayed by a George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agenda after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy…not for the real reason, becuase the Arab-Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy. That hasn’t changed since America invaded and occupied Iraq…in fact it has gotten worse.
It would be so amazing if your show would put me, or another parent who lost their child on who disagrees with the war and this administration: to have just an entire show..without presenting the false side of the debate. That would take a lot of courage and integrity. I hope your program will exhibit these qualities.
I also think that Mr. Koppel owes me an apology for the rude way I was treated on his show. After I expressed myself about the war being based on lies and that the troops should be brought home immediately because the war was based on lies, I was not thanked for my comments, or my son’s sacrifice. He just said to keep the discussion away from emotions. Then, the wife of a soldier who was killed was allowed to speak and she praised the policies of this deplorable and despicable administration, and she was thanked and praised by the panel.
Also, another aspect that Mr. Koppel refused to acknowledge was when a man walked up to a microphone and asked Richard Perle to explain PNAC..he was rudely ignored.
I am so glad the First Cavalry came home from this senseless and needless war based on the imaginations of Neo-Cons and fought with ignorance and arrogance by the Commander in Chief and the Pentagon. I am thrilled for the mothers whose children didn’t come home under the cover of darkness in flag-draped boxes like my son did. I am sure that some of Casey’s buddies were able to walk off the plane because of his sacrifice. I am just so deeply sorry that my son’s blood had to be their leaders’ lesson in how to occupy a country and fight an insurgency. My son is dead forever and my joy has been robbed from me for the rest of my life.
Your show needs to show both sides of this debate and stop being a propanda tool for this administration. This is my challenge to you from a true patriot who wants the lies exposed.
Love and Peace!!!
Cindy Sheehan
Mother of Hero: Spc Casey Austin Sheehan KIA 04/04/04
Casey’s Peace Page
Co-Founder of Gold Star Families For Peace
Doc Shopper @ 3
That’s one for the ages man. Packed full of lies and winger talking points. We’re not buying it. We’re going to keep speaking our minds. It’s our right.
We’re not going to follow your buddy O’Reilly’s advice and just shut up. It’s not going to happen.
Why don’t you call off your young Republican attack dogs who plant those charming little lies you’ve reported there. Nobody I know is calling for anything stronger than impeachment for your favorite president.
David T – the Republicans had their presidents too. They had Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, all in a row. They also had Nixon and Ford, and now the Bushes. Let’s see, hmmm the Great Depression, Watergate, Desert Storm, and Iraq. I guess the best thing they accomplished was the Hoover Dam… I just hope, but am afraid we might, end up in the Great Depression II.
rush…completely right on.
fire_one….why do you want to know if there will be a camp casey…more like camp CINDY….????
another liberal looking for a party to go to?
Ghost – don’t you have a KKK meeting to go to?
I come here because I find most of the right leaning blogs have a homogenization of thought. It’s just boring. “Yes, yes, we’re right, they’re stupid.”, “Yes, they are!”, “Blah, blah.”.
Now that’s not to say that you don’t see that here, but it’s far more entertaining to see *each* side calling each other morons. Or LEFTIST PINHEADS.
Besides, I get to read the word ‘fuck’ in every 4th post. It appeals to the 8 year old in me. I’m sure I’ll turn it in to a drinking game one of these days.
I’m sure I’ll turn it in to a drinking game one of these days.
You’ll get drunk a lot faster if you do a shot every time someone lies on Fox News.
rush, chrismasghost, mark the redneck, karl, bf, IDGAF, Richard Pope, janet s, Gary, pacman, no wonder: You support Bush. Bush is a lying murderer. Therefore you are accessories after the fact to murder.
Boy, Rushoe-
you take nalmost as long as I do to say ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING! Bush lied. Chenyburton lied. Powell lied (reluctantly…wow, I hope he SINGS sometime). Rice lied. The whole adventure was some wacked-out PNAC Neo-Con wet dream. So I just got one question:
Mr. President, just what is the noble cause that our young men and women are being sacrificed for.
America is STILL waiting.
Ghosty is probably more Bircher than Klan.
LiberalDave @ 25
“You’ll get drunk a lot faster if you do a shot every time someone lies on Fox News.”
And this month you can keep a good buzz going if you do a shot every time a U.S. soldier is killed in Iraq. . . .
ru – you may be right, but I think he has the distinct smell of fabric softener about him….
f1, Ooooooh. Thas cooold.
Bush lied??? Are you singing that crazy moveondotorg tune? The only pres that lied about a war was Johnson:
Rush @3
Brevity is the soul of wit, which makes you 0 for 3.
Doc Shopper @ 3
Hah! I was just over at your website. Your remarks were cut and pasted here courtesy of one of your fans!
Nice try!
And this month you can keep a good buzz going if you do a shot every time a U.S. soldier is killed in Iraq. . . .
Sadly that’s true. =(
If you want a real drinking game take a shot every time a conservative destroys a cross bearing the name of a fallen soldier. Hell, you’re already 700 shots behind.
Get to drinkin’ boys and girls.
wow. I was going to ask a simple question…”why is the left crawling all over itself to cannonize this woman?” But I think I now know after reading these comments. If the level of discourse on this thread is indicative of the quality of critical thought regarding dem policy, platform and proposed direction for our democracy, then I understand. You’re as crazy as she is. I feel terrible for her loss and for all others that have paid the same price over the last couple years. Ordinarilly I would offer my profound thanks and prayers but in this case, this woman comes off as just being totally divorced from reality. Her son was an adult and she disrespects him…not the administration by carrying on this charade of a “protest”.
Cindy Sheehan may be upset (and rightfully so), she may annoy you, and she is certainly shining the bright light on unpleasant truth on W and his failed Iraq adventure, but she is quite demonstrably not crazy. In fact, changing her mind on the merits of Shrub the former Cokehead illustrates that she can form a different opinion based on, gulp, actual evidence – pretty good evidence of sanity to me.
Now go fuck yourself, you shameless thug.
I find it hard to believe that someone can be considered sane or rational when they say “…I’m not going to pay my taxes until President Bush gives me my son back…” That is a textbook definition of unhinged in my book.
Where I may not agree with some or all of the policies, actions or decisions made by this administration, I would still like to see the discussion relate to the real world. This soldier (Casey) volunteered as a rational adult of his own free will based on what he thought was best for himself. His mother, with every right to be upset and emotionally torn apart, needs to recognize that her continued blathering on about Bush killing her son does nothing but diminish her son’s reputation by undermining his aparent ability to make a cogent decision by himself.
oh yes. and by the way. thank you mr. x for the enlightened discourse.
k2 – Cyndy Sheehan want the Prez to explain the “noble cause” her son died for. I haven’t seen a good answer yet.
Was it this?
I think I have figured out why Cindy Sheehan is acting the way she is. She was anti-war before her son signed up, and before he re-enlisted. Nothing she said, and I’m sure she said lots, changed his mind.
Now, down deep, she is very angry at him for going and proving her right – he risked his life and got killed. But, she can’t be mad at him. So, instead, she projects that anger on Bush.
If she had just stuck to the anti-war rhetoric, she would have at least gotten some respect for intellectual honesty. Unfortunately, by including Israel getting out of “Palestine” and not wanting to pay her taxes, she crossed over to fruit cake and anti-Jew, or just became the dupe of Soros, Michael Moore, and
It’s hard to find an answer when you obviously DON’T understand the question.
The question is:
Based on what we now know were deliberate lies and fabrications by this administration for the invasion of Iraq…jusy WHAT are we doing there, getting 35 soldiers per month killed (avg) and burning about $20 BILLION / month.
Still waiting Mr. pResident.
I’ll spare the enlightened discourse for enlightened people. Dumbasses who conflate opposition to an immoral war with insanity and/or besmirching the memory of dead offspring don’t rate.
So, once again, fuck right off.
Oh, and why were we in Iraq again?
Spare us your pop-psych crap, thanks. You have no idea what she’s thinking, and have no right to speculate.
Righties need to get over themselves.
fire_one @ 13
YES! It is on Widbey Island opposite Port Townsend.
rush, chrismasghost, mark the redneck, karl, bf, IDGAF, Richard Pope, janet s, Gary, pacman, no wonder: You support Bush. Bush is a lying murderer. Therefore you are accessories after the fact to murder.
Hey Janet (how’s Brad BTW…har, har)-
Why don’t you go up to #20 and see what Ms. Sheehan is so pissed about. It’s better than guessin’…but making shit up never bothers you guys.
Actually, Goldy, the person I see most paralleling Chris Sheehan is Terri Schiavo – and I’m not the only one. From the blog:
“And I have a sinking feeling — you know, being a Democrat these days is to live with a constant sinking feeling — that the Left is screwing up. Sheehan is an impassioned defender of her point of view. She has lost a son and while a lot of others don’t think that gives her moral authority of any sort, it does. It’s foolish to argue otherwise. Cindy Sheehan is not behaving logically. She is protesting. And she has a right to do so. But she should remain alone in her protest.”
As with the Schiavo case, you have family members whose sincerity was genuine; it was the so-called “advocates” on the right and left who took a tragic case and are used it for their own political ends.
I came to the same preliminary conclusion. Projection…
I do understand the question all too well. The answers are out there. You have to deem the reasons as at least possible and rational behind them acceptable/valid. You obviously can’t or won’t. You also have to be able to apply some perspective to your outrage. I too have questions about the decision making process leading up to the war. But I also realize that the government of the United States is not comprised of one man. Decisions such as this are not made lightly or in a vaccuum (I know you’ll disagree with that). There were hundreds if not thousands of people involved with the preparation for action in Afghanistan and Iraq. I find it hard to fathom that the only hint that we have of any chenanigans is the Downing Street Memo (My feeling is that there is a translation issue there but that’s just my understanding of average British linguistics). Someone would have spilled the beans.
Even though the Iraq mission has been fraught with unforseen issues, the toll on the whole of the American force has been incredibly light. Compare two years of fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq approx. 2,000 casualties to that of a couple hours of fighting on Iwo Jima approx. 10,000.
On a related point: I also find it interesting that the left is so eager to point out our President’s apparent lack of intellect and yet when there is even a hint of a conspiracy, the only one that could have come up with it is Bush. The irony gets a bit thick.
Whoops. Sorry for the poor grammar. I guess I need to buy Goldy more beer so he afford a preview button. ;)
Goldy — I don’t recall Rosa Parks standing for any agenda other than ending segregation and discrimination against black people. Especially the Montgomery city ordinance that required blacks to sit at the back of the bus. So the analogy would not be appropriate.
Incidentally, when the blacks in Montgomery boycotted the bus company, nearly every single black patron honored the boycott. Cindy Sheehan, while her organization is obviously growing rapidly, still only has the support of maybe 30 or 40 families who lost loved ones in the Iraq war. In any event, many families with relatives killed in Iraq are actively opposing Sheehan’s efforts — something which could not be said about any of Montgomery’s black residents in 1955-57.
In any event, Cindy Sheehan is supported an umbrella of causes, in addition to her professed aim of getting US forces out of Iraq. These include withdrawing the Jews from “Palestine”, and endorsing the actions that got Lynne Stewart convicted of anti-Jewish terrorism.
As I have commented elsewhere, small wonder that Cindy Sheehan is drawing support from David Duke and every other anti-Jewish wacko of whatever political stripe. Many of these supporters, such as Duke, are also anti-Black — which makes the Rosa Parks satire rather inappropriate.
One unrelated historical fact — back in the 1950’s, bus companies and other mass transit was self-supporting. Montgomery had a private bus company, and it lost a lot of money because 75% of its riders (before the boycott) were blacks. Most other cities had privately-run, profitable bus companies. Subway systems, ferry boats, and trolley systems were also self-supporting.
Nowadays, public transit is government subsidized to the tune of 90% or more of its total budget. Something to think about. Why should we have these enormous subsidies in the first place?
#20: Cindy Sheehan seems to be backing away from the letter to ABC. (Look up her interview with CNN.) I suspect someone else wrote it, and had her sign it. She denied saying that her son died for Israel, but the letter states so quite clearly. The wheels are coming off the bus.
Several million people now have the opportunity to experience democracy and freedom. Is that not a noble cause?
Certainty, or the inability to consider the possibility of being wrong, lies at the heart of any totalitarian regime. Ideological certainty is liberty’s greatest threat. As Judge Learned Hand said, “The spirit of liberty is that spirit which is not too sure that it is right.” When I read the arrogant, small-minded, judgmental horseshit that Rush @ 3 tries to pass off as deep-thinking, I have to believe that he dreams of a totalitarian regime, free of either dissension or diversity. Wow, man, your planet is off its orbit.
You know, Pope…I’m sure glad you never got elected to anything. You’re nuts.
1) Please look at comment #20 to see what Ms. Sheehan said about Israel.
2) Take a look at this:
Hazardous Duty; One Woman’s Protest; Schwarzenegger Accusations; Athens Crash Investigation; Near Accident at Norfolk
Aired August 15, 2005 – 19:00 ET
COOPER: You were also quoted as saying, “My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel. You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you’ll stop the terrorism.” How responsible do you believe Israel is for the amount of terrorism in the world?
SHEEHAN: I didn’t say that.
COOPER: You didn’t say that? OK.
SHEEHAN: I didn’t — I didn’t say — I didn’t say that my son died for Israel. I’ve never said that. I saw somebody wrote that and it wasn’t my words. Those aren’t even words that I would say.
I do believe that the Palestinian issue is a hot issue that needs to be solved and it needs to be more fair and equitable but I never said my son died for Israel.
COOPER: OK, I’m glad I asked you that because, you know, as you know, there’s tons of stuff floating around on the Internet on sites of all political persuasions.
SHEEHAN: I know and that’s not — yes.
COOPER: So, I’m glad we had the opportunity to clear that.
SHEEHAN: Yes, and thank you because those are not my words. Those aren’t — that doesn’t even sound like me saying that.
COOPER: OK. I’m very glad we got that…
SHEEHAN: And I have read it. I have read it. I’m glad you did too.
But of course, if the “facts” don’t fit into you’re pre-concieved ideas of what’s going on…well…the facts are just…well…WRONG.
Who needs those dumb old facts anyway.
Pope – You, being an obvious product of the Alabama school system, are not actually a moron. I would have to classify you as an idiot…. But thanks for trying to participate in our democracy… Now hurry, I think “The Best of Rush” is on Fox…
Janet S – no, that is not a noble cause. Bush had no more legal justification to invade Iraq than Saddam had to invade Kuwait. So which one is worse? toss a coin…..
Janet S – and when this becomes a Shiite Theocracy with no rights or freedom for women, will you go live there ? …. (didn’t think so…)
Janet, you ignorant slut-
What part of:
“Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel.”
Did you read any of the rest of the LONG letter about LOTS OF OTHER IMPOTANT STUFF. Like lack of training, lack of armour, crappy planning, bad strategy. WTF?
Do you even know what PNAC means?
Do you know what a Neo-Con is? Do you know who they are and what their (failed) “agenda” is?
Define “agenda” and use it in a sentence.
Or just keep makin’ shit up like you always do.
Janet S – You really don’t know why we invaded Iraq, do you? Well guess what, neither do I… If we need (or just want) to invade every EVIL DICTATOR in the world, we could have done better invading Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea, etc…….
@ 53
Are you really that stupid?
Do you know some of the reasons they didn’t draft a constitution in Iraq?
Shia law for one. Under Shia law women virtually will have no rights. They will be, in fact, worse off than when Saddam Hussein was in power.
Which was better for women:
A) Iraq pre 2003 invasion, or
B) Afghanistan under Taliban rule.
If you selected A, you’d be correct. If Shia law becomes a part of Iraq’s constitution, then women in Iraq will be living under the same cruel circumstances as the women were under the Taliban.
Is that what 1800+ Americans died for?
Get a freaking reality check. Pronto.
GBS – my understanding is they got caught up in exactly how much you could charge when selling a used wife…. Quite a nice democracy Bushy has got going there…
chrismasghost, mark the redneck, karl, bf, IDGAF, Richard Pope, janet s, Gary, pacman, no wonder: You support Bush. Bush is a lying murderer. Therefore you are accessories after the fact to murder.
You know what I REALLY like about you winger smear artists? We can come back at you guys with facts, quotes, source cites, WHOLE LETTERS (fer gawd’s sake), and it just makes no diff. Wow.
Denile is not just a river in Egypt. UN-believable. It’s gonna be a big shock when the bubble bursts.
JC Bob – thanks for the info!
Several million people now have the opportunity to experience democracy and freedom.
Are you referring to Iraq Janet?
pope – I can tell you are a young person. You don’t know what happened in the 60s. The LEFTIST PINHEADS demonstrated AGAINST the Johnson (D) administration. Now, we are against the Bush (R) administration. The key here is that we had and have now NO legal justification to invade another country. The Iraqis have to do it themselves, otherwise we end up just like we did in Vietnam, Philipines, Cambodia, Iran, Panama, Haiti, and several other countries. We need to THINK first, before commiting military force (and I say that with 24 years of military service)…
I love the way that comes out: Bush (r) … That pretty much says it all.
f1…Pope’s been around for a long time and he’s always been a leeetle off.
No, he isn’t fire_one. He’s old enough to know better.
OK, we get it, you’re against the war. But spare us the “no legal justification” garbage.
President Bush is the Commander in Chief. He asked for and received authorization to invade Iraq from Congress. That’s it. It’s done.
Now get in line with America or continue to support the terrorists.
jcg – Yeah you would have done well at the Democratic convention of 68…
Wow did you lefties get off the topic here.
Again, if Bush lied, so did France, Russia, Italy Jordan, Egypt, Chech Republic, and Britain regarding the same premise. Bill Clinton said so. You lefties keep repeating it until you try and make it true. Your side said go to the UN in September 2002. Your side said bring it to the UN again in Jan 2003. We go over there and find French, German, and Russian weapons sold to Saddam in 2002. Nuff said!
Buddy Pud – Bush had no more justification to invade Iraq than Iraq had to invade Kuwait, and you know it… now why don’t you run along, I think Fox has a Hannity centerfold feature on tonight…
I am currently watching the life story of Ray Charles, and I can’t tell you how proud I am that Seattle is the town he got his start in…
And how proud I am to be a Republican when I look at the complete and utter lack of logic, intelligence and self inflicted personal failure and ignorance on display here everyday! BTW, Rujax, my friend IDGAF says F/U pussy moron!
Rush – surely an individual such as yourself can see the truth, whether you are blind or not. The truth is, we did not EVER have any justification to invade. We had Saddam in a box. He wasn’t going anywhere. He had no WMDs. He had nothing. You know this, don’t you? Why can’t you accept it? Do you love Bush that much? There are just as many Democrats who go to church (or more) than Republicans. You do not have the “high moral ground”. Bush needs to resign. Now. He has killed over 1800 of my comrades, just as if he had pulled the trigger.
The “legal justifications” were neither “legal” (per international law, as the wonderful Dr. E pointed out) nor justifications, as the case made to invade Iraq has been proven to be a fraud. Built on lies and fabrications, baby. Congressional authorization was given on the basis of bogus evidence. Lying to Congress is a crime, jcg. Those asshats lied and should be prosecuted.
Ol’ Rujax’ three point plan for Iraq:
1) Get Bush, Cheneyburton, Rummy, et. al. THE FUCK OUT OF THERE.
Preferably to prison where they belong (like that’s gonna happen).
2) Apologize to the people of Iraq for fucking their country up. “Gee, folks…those clowns that are in jail thought getting rid of Saddam was a good thing. Well it probably was. But we really made some terrible mistakes that we are going to try to fix as fast as we can…and we want to put you all in charge of your restoration and restore your control over your country’s assets. Halliburton and KBR and all foreign contrators will be here to serve the Iraqi people along with our protection force that will withdraw as soon as you can take care of your own security. Oh yes, you can have those permanent bases we were building. And as of RIGHT NOW…we are doing everything we can to put this back the way it was only better. ‘Cause in America…we own up to our mistakes and we fix what we break. You probably won’t believe us right away, but we WILL do what we say…starting now.
3) Get the fuck out. And start taking care of the working men and women of the United States. Rebuild our military so we can use it to protect the peace and keep truly dangerous people from messing with us. Put together a truly International anti-terror agency, or coalition or something and use our awesome power to keep these criminals where they belong…behind bars.
Then we can go about the task of rebuilding our tattered reputation as the world’s true super power. A real friend to it’s friends, and a straight shooter on the international stage.
‘Cause it is One World after all.
BTW Goldy-
I thought the post was GREAT! Funny if it weren’t so true.
Hey firingblanksandstillmissing: Who is talking about justification? It was your side who pushed him to do this and that. I am saying he did everthing your side said to do.
Hey Puddybud what are you smoking and where can I get some? I’m gonna get high High HIGH …
Rujax206 @ 20 & 55
What point are you trying to prove? That Cindy Sheehan is a flip-flopper (or worse)?
In Post 20, you quote Sheehan as saying in a 03/15/2005 letter to Nightline:
“Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel.”
In Post 55, you quote Sheehan as saying in a 08/15/2005 interview with Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees:
“SHEEHAN: I didn’t – I didn’t say – I didn’t say that my son died for Israel. I’ve never said that. I saw somebody wrote that and it wasn’t my words. Those aren’t even words that I would say.
I do believe that the Palestinian issue is a hot issue that needs to be solved and it needs to be more fair and equitable but I never said my son died for Israel.”
Thanks for your excellent research into the various statements that Cindy Sheehan has made over the last several months :)
Pope-it’s gonna sound like splitting hairs…but she never said her son died FOR Israel. She’s including the neo-con slavering obsequiousness to the Israeli hard-liners (@20) as ONE of the reasons the Neo-Cons were so hot and bothered to get us into this clusterfuck…and get her son, and many more of our sons and daughters killed, maimed, and/or screwed up for life. Thast’s no flip to me.
Roger Rabbit: I didn’t know bunnies could smoke. Are you like that smoking chimpanzee as seen on TV? It’s the high life, not flying high as a kite.
So what is the difference between being “KILLED for … [an] agenda to benefit Israel” and DYING for Israel? I don’t see a real difference. Especially in the context of her son actually protecting Israel, when he had signed up to protect America.
Pope – you really are a moron, and now that it is late here on the East coast, I have to go beddy bye boze time (thank you Ronald Reagan and Phil Collins) so goodnight all, and remember, you really are living in the best state in the Union…
Recent polls: 6 in 10 Americans believe invading Iraq was a bad idea. The Peace Movement is gaining strength and growing.
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying…. ah shit look out for that plane!!
Anyone see the Oil for Food scandal updates? Looks like Kofi Annan and his family and friends were stealing us blind. The UN may not be a corrupt organization, but those in charge of it certainly are.
Just think, if we hadn’t invaded Iraq (over the impassioned objections of the those in Saddam’s pay), the millions would have still be pouring into the coffers and bank accounts of the Annans, Benon Sevan, and a bunch of other UN types.
I’m not saying this is justification for invading, I’m just saying that those who objected were looking to their own self interest, not the Iraqis.
You are all just absolutely ridiculous. Not a word any of you say makes the slightest difference. What can possibly be gained by perpetuating stereotypical but meaningless rhetoric designed only to create divisiveness between fellow Americans. What should unite us is the fact that we’re free but it doesn’t instead we choose to disagree on how to use our freedom. The left prefer to use their freedom to sue everyone for offending their “sensibilities” and the right prefers to use their freedom to “steal from the poor and give to the rich”. That’s all. So, some of you like abortion and some of you don’t. Whoopee! Some of you like gays and some of you don’t. Whatever. Some of you like whales and some of you like guns. Big deal! Shut up. Get a life.
Those of you who are now touting the rights of women, welcome to the pro-war crowd!
If you think that the constitution is the greatest risk to women’s rights, just imagine what will happen if we make a quick exit. The burqas will be on those women so fast it will be make your head spin! That’s what has happened in every town that the “insurgents” have taken over, and that the troops have had to forcibly remove.
There is a major risk that the Shiites will put Sharia law into the Constitution. He11, there’s a major risk that Canada will put Sharia into their law! Multiculturism will eventually be the end of women’s rights, if the Islamists have their way.
It was a Republican that set slaves free….nothing will ever change that….
It’s so cool. You can feel the Peace Movement momentum building. All the pro-war arguments are irrelevant now.
It’s just static, white noise, the sound of nothing!
janet @ 87
“but those in charge of it certainly are.”
That would be the US and Britain, who oversaw the Oil for Food program. 9 billion dollars worth of oil was allowed to be smuggled out by Saddam by the US, who saw it as useful politically. One of the biggest benefactors of the graft was a Texas oil company.
I agree the people in charge are to blame. And we were in charge, unfortunately.
Alas, we are still at war. Another dispatch awaits at
You all check out this web site and post your opition.
Who are you and what are you talking about? The HorsesAss libs aren’t gonna sue anybody. We’re gonna kick their fucking right-wing butts back into the sewer they slithered out of! Grrrrr!!!
“there’s a major risk that Canada will put Sharia into their law”
Janet S. has finally lost it completely.
Hey, tj – the only names coming up from the investigation are non-British, non-US UN officials. I’m not saying that an oil company in Texas isn’t involved, but I don’t hear that the officers of the company are hiding out like Benon Sevan is doing.
The US and British tried to audit the Oil for Food program, but were stonewalled at every turn. Follow the money. It is leading to a lot of UN and Ghanian folks. (The former head of the UN was from Ghana – go figure.)
“Are you like that smoking chimpanzee as seen on TV?”
I assume you’re referring to this chimpanzee?
The Pot Party vs. the Pothole Party … I like it :D
Lissen, Puddybutt, the “heads” did less damage on all the BC Bud they ever smoked than the chimp does in 1 day at the office …
Canada already has allowed Muslim communities to settle disputes using arbitration, based on their own community rules. This means that the Muslim communities are applying Sharia law to settle their own matters, and by-passing Canadian law.
Muslim women consent, because they have no choice. Too bad Canada won’t protect all their citizens.
Janet S @ 100
This is really incredible. Canada now allows gay marriages, but Islamic Shari’a courts settle family law matters (divorce, custody, child support, property division, etc.) when Muslims are involved?
Hopefully, the next prime minister (Steve Harper) will be able to sort things out in a few months after they have new elections.
#16 –
David….you call those Presidents “Liberal”. In fact they were not at all liberal. They were Democrats. You see, the Democrat party used to stand for strength, love of country, and doing the right thing. Not anymore. The Democrat party has been completely corrupted. That’s why I left it, and why more and more sound thinking Americans continue to leave it. Democrats used to fight for the right things. Now, this new breed of Democrats who ARE liberals, want to take our country apart piece by piece. This former Democrat and many many more like me are here to say “It aint happenin'”.
Communique from Crawford-
Putting out Fires
by CindySheehan
Tue Aug 16th, 2005 at 20:23:47 PDT
Putting out Fires
Day 10
The Peaceful Occupation of Iraq
The right wingers are really having a field day with me. It hurts me really badly, but I am willing to put up with the crap, if it ends the war a minute sooner than it would have. I would like to address some specific concerns that have been raised against me.
CindySheehan’s diary :: ::
The first one is about my divorce. I addressed this on my blog the other night. My divorce was in the works way before I came out to Crawford. My husband filed the papers before this all started. It just recorded last Friday. My husband didn’t know that it would become public record, and public knowledge. He had told his lawyer not to serve me with the paperwork or even bother me while I was at Camp Casey. He was trying to do the right thing. He didn’t want me to find out. Enough about that.
Another “big deal” today was the lie that I had said that Casey died for Israel. I never said that, I never wrote that. I had supposedly said it in a letter that I wrote to Ted Koppel’s producer in March. I wrote the letter because I was upset at the way Ted treated me when I appeared at a Nightline Town Hall meeting in January right after the inauguration. I felt that Ted had totally disrespected me. I wrote the letter to Ted Bettag and cc’d a copy to the person who gave me Ted’s address. I believe he (the person who gave me the address) changed the email and sent it out to capitalize on my new found notoriety by promoting his own agenda. Enough about that.
I didn’t blog about the cross incident last night. I was at the Peace House when there was a big commotion and people started saying that someone had run over our Arlington Crawford display. I know this is old news because I have seen great posts about it today. This is how I feel. The right wingers are emailing me and spewing filth about me on the radio and on the television saying that I am dishonoring my son’s memory. This man who ran over the crosses thinks he is a better American than we are. He thinks we are more patriotic than we are. Does he really believe that he is honoring the memories of the fallen and his country by running down 500 crosses and about 60 American flags? The Iraq Veterans Against the War who were here were also very offended. Those crosses represented their buddies who didn’t make it home. And they are so aware of the fact that one of those crosses could have their name on it.
Yesterday, we had a counter protestor who played his guitar across the way from us and sang (very terribly!!!) a song that loosely went like this:
Aiding and abetting the enemy.
How many ghosts did you make today?
Google me this, Google me that,
How many ghosts did you make today?
I find it so ironic that he was singing it to me, and not to George Bush. We named the song: The Ballad of George Bush. He came back out today, but blessed be to God, he didn’t bring his guitar, and he didn’t sing.
We are moving to a place that doesn’t have much shade and I put out an appeal for tarps and a soldier from Ft. Hood brought some to us that he “borrowed” from Ft. Hood for us to use. I have had a lot of soldiers from Ft. Hood come out and tell me to keep it up and that I am doing a good thing. We are doing this to honor Casey and the other fallen heroes in their memories. But we are doing it FOR the people of Iraq and the other soldiers who are in harm’s way right now. Right after we heard about the crosses last night, a Camp Casey volunteer found out that a pen pal she had in Iraq was KIA on August 12th. This has to stop, now. We will stop it.
Brought To You With Pride By:
The person who ran over the crosses is pathetic, and should be convicted of assault. The guitar player should probably be shot just to put everyone out of their misery.
Cindy Sheehan should just go home. The circus is over. I feel sorry for her.
Karmalyzed, zip, puddybud, rush, chrismasghost, mark the redneck, karl, bf, IDGAF, Richard Pope, janet s, Gary, pacman, no wonder: You support Bush. Bush is a lying murderer. Therefore you are accessories after the fact to murder.
Please familiarize yourself with the following definition. Courtesy of Merriam-Webster, this is an accurate description of the type of social order advocated by you, and those of your ilk, whose names are at the beginning of this post.
Welcome, and fuck you…fuck you very much! For ruining this wonderful country.
Main Entry: fas·cism
Pronunciation: ‘fa-“shi-z&m also ‘fa-“si-
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
– fas·cist /-shist also -sist/ noun or adjective, often capitalized
Now there you go again, Janet — why do you Wingers always think the solution to a problem is shooting someone? Here’s how us HorsesAss libs would deal with the problem. We’d talk with the guy and get him to come over to our side of the street and play “Kumbaya” on his guitar while we sing along. If he doesn’t want to do that, we’ll break his fucking guitar over his head, stuff a rag in his goddam mouth, and duct tape it shut! But shoot him? Hell no. We don’t believe in violence.
It appears you can read…but you certainly don’t comprehend very well. Too bad you don’t have the stones to see something the way it is instead of always how you THINK it is. You coulda been a contender…instead of a bum…which is what you are.
Rujax: you are an idiot, a great example of what the Democrat party has become, and the reason liberals will continue to lose.
Like we did here in Washington last November? Eat shit, Karamel Brains! You belong in the 19th century.
Fascist trolls…just love ’em.
You got something “K”, Bring it on (to coin a phrase). Whassa matter…you ain’t used to fighting Dems???
We haven’t even started yet. the spirit of Paul Wellstone (another murder by the Bush Crime Family) LIVES!!!!
Here’s YOUR Republican Party in action kids…don’t it make you proud???
This is Tommy DeLay’s friend: from Talking Points Memo.
(August 17, 2005 — 12:33 AM EDT // link // print)
You know how Jack Abramoff was hired to protect sweatshop owners in Saipan from having to comply with American labor laws. And you remember how he helped Indian gambling interests get out of paying taxes. But did you know that right after 9/11 he was hired by a Saudi petro-billionaire to help him deal with US government claims that his banks handled money for and funded various terrorist groups including al Qaida?
— Josh Marshall
Rujax @ 76
How about this visual for the Neo-con?
Were playing the board game ‘Risk’. I’ve got my army all over the map…just loosly connected. You have a big army in one place. I send a medium sized attack from one area, score a good hit. You in return, start to mobilize you massive force to stop my minimal advance…but after THINKING you have me on the run, you turn and focus on another area of little resistance. MEANWHILE, I grow my spread out army (sending SOME troops to this area where you moved to, just to keep things interesting) and focus on your now rather defenseless country and slowly grow from its inside…SOUND FAMILIAR???
While you folks focus on the Sheehan-Bush showdown in Texas,
New Mexicos and Arizonas governors have issued states of emergency in reguards to the LACK OF BORDER PROTECTION!!!
Reminds me of an old proverb. The best place to hide from your enemy is RIGHT UNDER THEIR NOSES!!!
This is the commander speaking, Staff Sergeant, United States Army (retired). Twenty years did I serve my country, from the ending of the Cold War in ’80’s to the beginnings of the Terrorist war at the start of the new millennium. In that time I was fortunate to miss 5 “police actions” and 2 wars, including the present one. As a soldier I do not actively seek conflict, because (with apologies to Stallone and Schwarzenegger) you are not bulletproof, the enemy is not that bad a shot, and your weapon will run out of ammunition.
Saying that, however, in no way implies that if I received orders recalling me to active duty in Iraq that I would disobey. Honor and duty requires a professional to follow through with his or her commitments. I took an oath, not to any G-d (I’m an Agnostic) but to me, that if called, I would defend the United States and obey the orders of my President. And that includes a clueless incompetent like George Bush.
My conservative friends have always mixed and mangled the terms duty, honor and patriotism, as though they were somehow synonyms of each other. THEY ARE NOT.
The veterans of WWII were men and women of honor who’s leaders new about duty and honor. In the words of columnist Mark Shields (
The president’s four sons all served, and FDR Jr., a Naval officer, was decorated for bravery in the battle of Casablanca. John F. Kennedy’s millionaire ambassador-father pulled strings to get JFK in — not out of — Navy combat service
The Army lieutenant son of New York’s Democratic Gov. Herbert Lehman, Peter, was killed in combat, as was Marine Sgt. Peter Saltonstall, the son of the Massachusetts Republican senator whose Bay State colleague in the Senate, Henry Cabot Lodge, actually resigned from that body to become a tank commander in North Africa. FDR’s closest advisor, Harry Hopkins, who lived in the White House, endured the combat death of his 18-year-old son, Stephen.
When citizens question the actions of the leaders who lied to them, who started a war to further there own political ambitions rather then the defense of the state, they are told to shut up, they are un-patriotic.
The false ideology of patriotism has nothing to do with honor, and less to do with duty. Patriotism is my country, right or wrong. Patriotism is a banner, a false flag shoved out by those who have no conception of honor or duty, cowards that will avoid defending any action that may get them killed, while ridiculing anyone who questions the most indefensible of ideas.
And thus brings us to Bush’s war in Iraq, a reckless, mismanaged exercise in stupidity the likes of which may rival the Vietnam for its incompetence and lack of planning. Not since the Civil War has war profiteering been so flagrant. And what sort of moron pushes a tax cut and takes a 5 week vacation during a war.
Who will answer the cries of a young Mother like Ms. Sheehan who believes her son was treated like cannon fodder, to be used and discarded like so much worn furniture to further the careers of men with no honor? As a soldier, I kept my silence and did what I had to do. But now I am retired and a citizen, and will be silent no more. Duty and honor require me to say the war in Iraq is the wrong policy, and we have to find a way to end it now. I will fight and die, because my duty requires it, but I will not die stupidly.
“but I will not die stupidly”
Does this mean M-16s don’t jam anymore? Mine did. I went through 2 of ’em in Nam, and neither ever fired 2 magazines before jamming. After 25-30 rounds, I was armed with a club.
I didn’t think about duty and honor; I thought about how to get a 12 gauge. Not only was it more reliable, it also solved my bad eyesight problem. All I had to do was point it north, south, east, or west, and pull the trigger. The 00 buckshot did the rest.
The most patriotic thing I ever did was not re-enlist, because nobody wanted to go on patrol with me.
Rujax206, the borders are not protected for political reasons.
1.) Bush wants the hispanic vote
2.) ACLU will sue to stop any border actions done by the government
3.) Democrats want as many illegals in the US for their voting power. They think poor illiterate Latinos will be their saving grace in 2008.
I hope that clarifies the situation. No real political will do to the right thing from either side. Wow just think a righty who tells the truth. Can you dig it?
Roger Rabbit@114
OK Dirty Harry….
Borders? BORDERS???? We don’t need no STINKING BORDERS!!!!
Uhhh, Pud…I…wasn’t talking about borders.
I see we have 2 more “mothers” going to soak up their fair share of fame from the press while degrading what their sons died for. I am glad that it isnt my mom and the situation were my death.
Janet @ 96
You might want to look a little closer. I’ll help you:
Of the $21 billion in illicit revenue reported by Sen. Coleman’s Subcommittee
on Permanent Investigations, only about $6.5 billion is attributable to potential abuses
in the Oil-for-Food program. The largest share of the rest, $13.6 billion,
was attributed to oil smuggling by subcommittee investigators (see chart).
Similarly, the Iraq Survey Group headed by Charles Duelfer reported that
about three quarters or $8 billion of the nearly $11 billion in illicit
revenue it discovered was attributable to trade agreement over which the
UN did not have oversight. Their investigation attributed
only $1.7 billion to the OFFP (see chart).
A third source, a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report,
concluded Saddam Hussein likely embezzled $4.4 billion through pricing
irregularities in connection with OFFP. However, GAO found the additional
$5.7 billion was the result of illegal oil smuggling.
Finally, Paul Volcker said in a November 24 Charlie Rose interview:
“Most of that 21 billion, most of that $10 billion, most of
whatever the final number is was the smuggling, not the Oil-for-Food Program.”
I’m sure they’d give alot that they weren’t in that situation either, dumbass
This is a selfish push for fame and they are literally climbing over their sons bodies to get it. And for you libs to validate it makes you as sick as these women are.
It’s amazing the lengths to which the satan-worshipers running the White House will go to try to suppress dissent that they truly fear, and it’s sad to see so many Americans being fooled into their twisted, evil service. If Mrs. Sheehan truly were no threat and wrong and not worth mentioning, then no right-winger would be making entries about her.
chuck @ 122
literally? Where are their sons specially buried for the families to climb on? Are you saying they’re literally climbing to? I’m literally unsurprised to discover you’re not sure what the word literally, literally means.
it always comes down to the same thing with you people, doesn’t it?
you always assume the absolute worst about them, and then go on maligning them as if your assumptions were some divinely-inspired insight.
The fact that you’ve decided (or more likely been told) that they’re fame-whores, doesn’t make it true. They’ve dared to disagree with you, tho’, so there must be SOMETHING horrible about them…
“literally climbing too”–edit
but I will not die stupidly”
Does this mean M-16s don’t jam anymore? Mine did. I went through 2 of ‘em in Nam, and neither ever fired 2 magazines before jamming. After 25-30 rounds, I was armed with a club.
I didn’t think about duty and honor; I thought about how to get a 12 gauge. Not only was it more reliable, it also solved my bad eyesight problem. All I had to do was point it north, south, east, or west, and pull the trigger. The 00 buckshot did the rest.
The most patriotic thing I ever did was not re-enlist, because nobody wanted to go on patrol with me.
Hey Roger Rabbit my M16 that I shot last month didn’t jamb and I shot expert, so they did fix the problem.
And we can depend on you to play word games…we have been here before with you havent we?
it’s not a word game, Chuck. You simply don’t understand the meaning of the word “literally.”
I very well understand, and for your questioning it shows your complete ignorance as to my educational background.
for your edutainment
chuck @ 131
If you very well understood, then explain/document how these mothers are physically climbing over their buried sons, or how they are climbing towards fame, which has no physical properties whatsoever.
Sorry, I cannot have an intellectual debate with the unarmed, you need to find someone else.
whups, chuck just forfeited!
I think Chuckie just up-chucked… What a maroon!
Glad to hear 35 years later they fixed the problem. Maybe our guys in the field can get armor by 2040.
Looks like the Bride of Chuckie needs to get himself some ammo. He’s shooting blanks in more ways than one.
Cheesy Chuckie @ 131
“my educational background”
You have one?
Chuck’s marooned alright — somewhere near Roy.
I LOVE piling on chuckie…he’s sooo deserving.
@ 137
Yeah, those original M-16 were real good weapons as long as you didn’t get any dust, mud or water in them. Or shoot them too much without a cleaning, say 20-30 shots.
Other than that, they were great in the field weren’t they Roger Rabbit?
Holy Shit, I’m glad I didn’t have to go through that. But you know what would scare me more than going into combat with an original M-16? Going into combat with a shotgun totting bunny!!
If there was ever a case for revenge against hunters it would definitely be a bunny with a shotgun. Talk about your average fragging incident.
Just what we need — another right wing liar pretending to be an ex-Democrat. Sheesh. Karamel Brains, save your breath because nobody believes you — that’s the oldest scam in the right wing lie book.
@114 et seq.
Bush won’t close the borders cuz the conservatives want lots and lots of cheap immigrant labor in the U.S.
No Green Card = No Minimum Wage, No Payroll Taxes, No Benefits
Wabbit @ 144
A lot of Democrats also object to verification of citizenship and legal residency. The issue cuts both ways.
Blaming “conservatives” for wanting “lots and lots of cheap immigrant labor in the U.S.” oversimplifies the analysis. It is mainly the agricultural interests, and lower wage industrial interests that want this. More of these business interests support Republicans, but a lot of them support Democrats as well.
“No Green Card = No Minimum Wage, No Payroll Taxes, No Benefits”
Often correct. Depends a lot on the employer. If a person’s fake green card or other purported documentation is accepted by the employer, and the person paid “over the table”, then there has to be a minimum wage and payroll taxes (but paid on a wrong or nonexistent account). Most of these businesses don’t have any benefits anyway. It is a lot easier for an employer to pay “over the table”, since the wages can be written off on taxes. If they paid “under the table”, this requires a helluva lot of tax fraud — i.e. some receipts also have to go “under the table” as well in order to balance things out.
Here is an interesting story. Gasoline in Iraq costs only six cents per gallon, due to government subsidies. The Iraqi government spends $3 billion a year subsidizing gasoline at the pump.
Iran also subsidies gasoline — only 38 cents per gallon at the pump in that country.
rujax @ 105
Further to your post on fascism, I’ll link below to list that provides an historical thumbnail sketch of the defining characteristics of fascist governments (based on an analysis of 7 different 20th-century fascist regimes). N.B. These are “common threads”, as the author points out, some of which will be more prevalent than others in certain regimes.
1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism.
2. Disdain for the importance of human rights.
3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause.
4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism.
5. Rampant sexism.
6. A controlled mass media.
7. Obsession with national security.
8. Religion and ruling elite tied together.
9. Power of corporations protected.
10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated.
11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts.
12. Obsession with crime and punishment.
13. Rampant cronyism and corruption.
14. Fraudulent elections.
Here’s the link:
Thanx, Doc. Were it not so.
Fight the Power!
Doc – Are you sure that is a list of common characteristics in Fascist governments? I’m pretty sure I saw that list on the GOP’s website as characteristics necessary for membership….
Hey Doc-
I just went to the web site. Ouch.
Dr. E @ 147
Thanks for the read. It was informative, compelling and chilling at the same time.
The last paragraph tells the whole story in nutshell.
It doesn’t matter whether you believe me or not. It’s the truth, and I realize that for you the truth hurts. It hurts so much you refuse to see the truth, aside from the fact that facing up to it would demand thought from you. Having to think for yourself using reason instead of rhetoric isn’t possible for you because that requires honesty. So…… the fact is that you can’t handle the truth. Hurling vulgarities doesn’t make you look too bright either.
Time to hit the Bushmill’s karmelkorn.
Like rabbit sez…fake ex-dems are a dime a dozen around here.