Talk about a bad investment…
Romney launched his campaign almost a year ago in his native Michigan. The former Massachusetts governor and venture capitalist invested more than $40 million of his own money into the race, counted on early wins in Iowa and New Hampshire that never materialized and won just seven states on Super Tuesday, mostly small caucus states.
Romney spent about $136,000 per delegate… and that was just his own money. I guess that’s why he ran on his business experience.
Can’t wait to hear Coulter stumping for Hillary or Obama.
That’s too bad. Huck will probably drop out soon as well.
It was so fun watching these guys eat each other.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.
Watch out for:
McCain/Romney 2008 – The Greed Ticket
Joe Scarborough of MSNBC and a conservative Republican just said that Republicans are privately expecting a landslide victory for Democrats this November. Not only the White House but strangleholds on the Senate and House as well.
I concur.
And here I was all set to (temporarily) become a member of the Republican party so that I could caucus for Mitt and then vote for him in the primary.
Mike Huckabee may have done us all a great service. We on the left may not agree with a lot of his views, but even to us he seems to be a decent and honest man. Next to him, Romney came across as an opportunistic, hypocrital schmuck.
Well the last nail in America’s coffin has been pounded in. I prefer the captain of the US Titanic to be a Democrat. Either way we are getting socialism, reeducation camps and mass murder. Liberals are so much better experienced in fascist takeovers. So where do I sign up to campaing for Hitlery?
pbj @ 6
You know, you have to be educated first to be re-educated… ; )
Just remember comrades, I am a party member. So when the stalinist purges come for the dissenters, don’t take me, don’t confiscate what little I posess when your stormtroopers ravage the country side.
Sez ArtFart:
Damning with faint praise. Romney comes across as an opportunistic, hypocritical schmuck even in comparison to the person whose picture appears next to the “opportunistic hypocrite” entry in the Washington state political dictionary.
Yes, Dino Rossi is a Mitt Romney wannabe.
Well, he’s one hell of a lot better at the bidness than Rudy ($50,000,000/delegate) Ghouliani.
oh, pbj…….get a grip!
you may not remember this but the far right was saying the same things they are saying now about mccain about ronald reagan too, back in the day.
you’re welcome goldy, for the heads up.
bad investment?that’s all you have? whistling past the graveyard, the graveyard of the democratic party hopes for the white house…….at least you are consistent.
Ghost at 11:
Lets make a bet. Republican wins the White House and I donate $200 to your favorite charity, in the name of ChristmasGhost. Democrat wins the White House and you buy Goldy $50 worth of beer at his By Me a Beer page.
You are living in a delusional state of mind if you believe that Republicans have a snowball’s chance in hell at the White House. You can also count on losing ground, big ground, in the House and Senate. I suggest putting down the crack pipe and Jack Daniels and sleep it off. You are going to need to be wide awake for the liberal nightmare you are about to endure. :o)
I do note that the two republican capitalists (Guliani and Romney) got the least bang (delegates) for the buck (campaign money spent).
pbj said: “Liberals are so much better experienced in fascist takeovers….”
That’s very funny. I particularly like the juxtaposition and combination of two diametrically opposite terms on the political spectrum, “liberals” and “fascists”, as if they are the same. Kind of like those optical illusion drawings, like the staircase which seems to be a continuous circle upwards. Very 1960’s psychodelic type of reasoning, mixing unmatchable terms to create an emotional response.
And the reference to the liberals being “experienced” in takeovers, is absolutely great satire, considering the erosion of liberties and takeover of our government over the past few years of Republican rule…
Oh – it wasn’t intended as a satire? I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to embarrass you…..
N in Seattle at 10: I guess after eight years of no-bid contracts and fleecing the treasury, and the possibility of another four years of the same, it seems like chump change to the Republicans to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars per delegate.
But try to fund health insurance for poor kids under the S-Chip fpogram, and they just go ballistic!
Now we can focus on choosing the stronger cantidate that can beat McCain. Hillary has too many negatives to do that.
14 Righties are immune to embarrassment. The only thing they listen to is their own applause.
pbj: You might start with reading the 4th amendment to my constitution (not yours, since you don’t follow it) on unreasonable search and seizures and probable cause for a warrant for search and seizures of private property and effects – then look at the fascist BUSH administration and how they view the constitution.
Like cruel and unusual punishment is now OK
the Geneva convention is now passe
Spying on americans without a warrant is now OK
signing statements are now OK – since the executive branch can ignore the other two branches of government.
Yeah – if you want fascism you should be happy with bush – he is well on the road to corrupting what is left of this country and my constitution.
Our own attorney general today said that he won’t prosecute illegal acts of torutre becaue it would call into question justice department advice…that was illegal.
@ 16:
So we should nominate Obama so that people who might vote for McCain over Hillary will vote D instead?
No thanks. Obama has already started to accommodate Rs on a whole slate of topics. He talks of reconciliation. Fuck that. The Rs can pound sand, and Hillary is the best candidate to school them on that, even if she was wrong on Iraq.
By the way, some news outlets reported a couple of weeks ago that inflation (CPI) for the Seattle area was reported at about 4.6% for 2007, a 17-year high.
From the article: “Workers’ wages failed to keep up with the higher inflation. Average weekly earnings, after adjusting for inflation, dropped by 0.9 percent in 2007, the biggest setback since a 1.5 percent fall in 2005.”
This is the Republican tax on the middle class. Cut taxes for the wealthy to create a budget deficit which feeds inflation, which disproportionately affects the middle class working families.
I saw another article today that said that food prices had actually gone up 36% this past year, but I can’t find the link now, I will keep looking….
This is both happy and sad news. Sad because the Mormon asshole would have been super easy to defeat on the way to total Democratic domination of government. But happy because another GOP piece of shit wasted millions of dollars; the right wing hate radio hosts proved they have zero relevancy any more (they were collectively pushing Mitt the Mormon as the choice for republican idiots) and lastly, it means that the Coultergiest must now vote Dem.
In all seriousness – just about every republican I know says he’s not going to vote for McCain so that either means no vote – which helps us win – or a Dem vote – which helps us win. YEA!
RHP6033 said:
“And the reference to the liberals being “experienced” in takeovers, is absolutely great satire, considering the erosion of liberties and takeover of our government over the past few years of Republican rule…”
Yeah, like they stormed in and pulled Goldstein off the air. Wait, that didn’t happen.
Yeah like they stopped you from posting on HA. Wait that didn’t happen either.
The only people I have seen threatening free speech are the liberal Democrats, case in point, they didn’t like the moveie “Path to 911”, so the Democrats threatened the broadcast license of ABC.
Ad of course there is the so-called “fairness doctrine” to force the media to be 100% left wing liberal mouthpeices. A purge is a purge even if you call it “fairness doctrine”. Hilter and is National Socialist party used the same euphamisms to describe his fascist takeover too.
lefty@ 12….done deal. i shake on it.
my favorite charity is “miranda’s rescue” so start writing that check now sweetie.i want the ink to be good and dry. heh heh heh…….
wasn’t it you guys that were saying just a short time ago that the GOP would destroy itself [and some of you were saying that we were already dead] but it seems as if that shoe is on the other foot now,doesn’t it?
do you really think hillary would bow out as gracefully [i’ll give him that….although i don’t like romney] as romney did?
oh, hell no………
The powers to track down terorrists are the same ones granted under Clinton to track down drug dealers.
Cruel and unusual punishment is sawing someone’s head off while they are still alive, NOT splashing them with a glass of water.
You think its fascim under Bush, wait until Hitlery gets in there – you ain’t seen nothin yet.
Yet again you cry out of curtailment of speech. However you have yet to illustrate the point in a single instance. Have your posts of dissent on the internet been silenced? Did the govermment threaten the broadcast license of KIRO over Godlstein?
Once again you employ the oldest trick in the book of shysters and conmen – accuse others of what you are guilty.
22 pbj
Your link was instructive. So comments to the effect that a network granted access to the public airwaves has responsibilities consistent with that grant is a “threat?” Only to a Republican, my friend.
In the context of stating the boradcast has a “a partisan bent”, yes it is a threat.
First they “urge you to cancel this broadcast” and then remark:
“The Communications Act of 1934 provides your network with a free broadcast license predicated on the fundamental understanding of your principle obligation to act as a trustee of the public airwaves in serving the public interest. Nowhere is this public interest obligation more apparent than in the duty of broadcasters to serve the civic needs of a democracy by promoting an open and accurate discussion of political ideas and events. ”
Yeah that is a threat.
Here is the fulltext of the letter:
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
pbj @ 8,
“Just remember comrades, I am a party member. So when the stalinist purges come for the dissenters, don’t take me, don’t confiscate what little I posess when your stormtroopers ravage the country side.”
I’m thinking they might have meds to help you with that particular problem….
hey pbj, how about we waterboard you and then you can tell us all how it’s just like splashing water in your face. Oh, come on, ya wuss! What’s a little “splash?”
For the complete article, see
Hey Daddy Love,
If the choice is sawing my head off or spashing water on me, I will take waterboarding any day.
I know what the fucking letter said. You say it’s a threat. Nowhere in the leter do they threaten. Someone told you it was a threat, you believed them, ergo they “threatened.”
Except that if you read the fucking letter with a basic understanding of written English, they didn’t.
pbj 30
How would that ever be your choice? Sounds like you’re setting up a false dichotomy.
Ah the liberal censors are alrady at it I see!
Daddy Love,
You damn liar! It is a threat. Cussing about it won;t make your LIE any more true.
And answer us all, tough guy waterboarder. Will you let yourself be waterboarded, say, by Seattle Jew or some other moderate?
Ahhh pbj. The village idiot. So brainwashed by right wing bullshit.
Bush doesn’t have to crack down on free speech. All he has to do is wiretap everybody and then exert subtle pressure when needed to broaden or enforce his totalitarian rule.
Tell me fool, would you have let Clinton get away with lawless wiretapping?
Hey Daddy Love,
I’ll swap with you. You can waterboard me if I can behead you. After all you claim waterboarding isn’t much worse.
pbj 34
Now who’s “cussing?”
You asserted that the letter contained a threat that it clearly did not. Your assertion is worthless because no one respects your logic.
You lie-ber-alls censor people and then claim everyone else is censoring you! Go look at POST #27.
pbj @ 33,
“Ah the liberal censors are alrady at it I see!”
Sorry, Squirt. This blog is private property. Follow the rules or you can’t play.
“Tell me fool, would you have let Clinton get away with lawless wiretapping?”
They already did. Just because the New York Times didn’t write about it, you think they didn’t. You may applaud when they come to take me away. But when they come for you, there will be no one around to protest.
Now you’re putting words in my mouth. You said, and we ALL know you said, that waterboarding is, and I quote, “splashing them with a glass of water.”
So how’s about it, tough stuff. You got what it takes to withstand the “splash?”
No, I didn’t think so, you chickenshit pussy.
DL 37,
Go look at your post #31. I realize here in the sewer HA, you think that isn’t cussing.
“Sorry, Squirt. This blog is private property. Follow the rules or you can’t play.”
Private property? What are you, some kind of right wing nut? All property belongs to the people! (See I am already learning the ways of the socialist)
Cruel and unusual punishment is sawing someone’s head off while they are still alive
Wow pbj there’s some bad guys out there. What an insight!
I guess the solution is to lob a lot of bombs, occupy a country. A little collateral damage? Well, that’s just too bad!
How well does the terrorist creation business pay? Pretty well if you’re a KBR, Bechtel, Parsons, Blackwater Security, etc.
pbj @ 39,
“You lie-ber-alls censor people and then claim everyone else is censoring you! Go look at POST #27.”
Hey Squirt…Do you “censor” the shit-stains off of your underwear by washing them?
Or do you just leave them there as a form of “free speech?”
43 pbj
Again with putting words in my mouth. Did I say I didn’t cuss, your shitheaded fucktard? Nope.
But you said “You damn liar!”
So I asked, who’s cussing now? And that would be you, you projecting Republican not-smart-enough-to-graduate shill.
More of the cussing I see. I gave you the offer. I’ll take the waterboarding, you take the beheading. Typical liberal, scared something terrible when someone calls them on their garbage.
pbj @ 44
“Private property? What are you, some kind of right wing nut? All property belongs to the people! (See I am already learning the ways of the socialist)”
Like I said above…they probably have meds to help you out with your confusion.
Gosh, I’m so embarrassed. That should have been “you shitheaded fucktard.”
pbj 48
No, I gave you the offer. You think waterboarding is a splash in the face, then you undergo it. Your “offer” is your chickenshit way of ducking out on your tough talk. Everyone knows you’re a big pussy.
pbj @ 48
“More of the cussing I see.”
As Goldy has made clear on numerous occasions…this blog is “edgy.” If you are a fucking kindergartener, you probably don’t belong here.
They already did. Just because the New York Times didn’t write about it,
Glad you brought that up. So if the NY Times had written about Clinton’s so called lawless wiretapping would you be in favor of putting reporters and whistleblowers in jail like Mukasey?
Of course you are, you’re a mindless wingnut!
The waterboard our troops as part of their training. They have been doing this for years. Why is it now, when it is a terrorist being waterboarded that liberals are all up in arms?
It’s been real, pbj, and it’s been fun, but it hasn’t been real fun.
I have to leave and go help throw out your waterboarding torturing buddy McCain and every other GOP torturing son of a bitch.
45 pbj
Is that your way of saying you’ll do it? Or your way of saying you won’t?
“pbj” keeps repeating vague and groundless threats by the “liberals” to American liberties.
In contrast, the Republican Party arranges for anyone who wishes to speak their opposition to Republican policies on public streets at the 2004 Republican conventon, to do so only in what is euphamistically called a “free speech zone”, blocks away from the forum and surrounded by chain-link fences which are patrolled by New York police. Attempting to speak outside that area, carrying an anti-Bush sign or even walking near the convention center wearing an anti-war button on your shirt, will get you arrested. Unless, of course, you are a Republican, in which case you can make pro-Bush speaches, wear pro-Bush t-shirts, and carry signs all you want.
PBJ, I suspect that what you really fear is that the Democrats will apply the same rules to the Republicans that the Republicans applied to everyone else. I admit it is tempting – what goes around comes around – but we Democrats are actually better than that.
Not that it doesn’t hurt us from time-to-time, when the MSM you love to hate feels compelled to allow Republicans to broadcast their lies to the public in voluntary compliance to the “fairness doctrine”, which the right wing made sure to abolish, and when the right wing makes no attempt to return the favor.
More cussing isn’t going to make your lie into truth.
As long as it’s not Hillary in 2008!!
@24: Sorry pbj – you are dead wrong – it was NOT the same powers under the clinton adminstration – why would they need immunity for the telecoms now for what they did under BUSH?
do you have any documentation? do you have any facts?
On torture? on illegal wiretaps? on anything?
No the true fascists are doing those things and you …are making excuses for them. You don’t give a crap about the constitution – you just pretend to – because you are not consistent in the protection of the constitution.
Just like states rights – where are the republicans complaining about the bush adminsitration blocking the right of california to higher CAFE standards or of oregan for death with dignity.
Hypocrites! Y’all only care about states rights for pillaging our national forests and supporting coporate welfare.
Why is it now, when it is a terrorist being waterboarded that liberals are all up in arms?
Maybe because it does little to no good. Maybe because there’s techniques that don’t involve any physical coercion that yield better results. Maybe because it shows us as talking out of both sides of our mouths. Maybe because we prosecuted Japanese who did it to us in WWII. Maybe because it was the tool of choice during the Spanish inquisition.
Not vague and groundless threats. When an entire gaggle of US Senators writes a threatening letter to a broadcast network, that is hardly a “vague threat” – especially when, in the same letter the call the broadcast a “partisan bent” they lecture on the the FCC and the nature of the braodacaster’s license.
Don Corleone couldn’t have a more vivid veiled threat. Horses heads are so last century I guess.
Well let’s see. Under Clinton there was this one guy named Craig Livingstone who gathered FBI files on their political enemies.
pbj @ 54,
“The waterboard our troops as part of their training.”
Uh, huh, but the truth doesn’t really support your (rather ignorant) claim:
since this thread has now become all about water boarding, can i ask any of you a question?
would you ever use it? how about this scenario?
you have a terrorist and he knows where a bomb is but won’t tell you. the bomb will go off in a matter of hours….what do you do?
When an entire gaggle of US Senators writes a threatening letter to a broadcast network,
Interesting. So shillman, what was the broadcast date of this partisan propagandistic tripe?
September 10 – 11, 2006.
An election year! Kind of reminds one of how these sweet little vote-fraud prosecutions seem to pop up in swing states – around election time.
And IIRC, wasn’t there similar reaction to a TV movie about the Reagans? What was the result?
A move to cable! Lesson: put your propaganda on cable where the Faux Noise swill lives and keep it off the public airwaves.
“Maybe because it does little to no good. Maybe because there’s techniques that don’t involve any physical coercion that yield better results.”
Those subjected to waterboarding were suspected Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and senior al Qaeda leaders Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. And according to new reports, they yielded “fruitful results”.
But please provide some links of your other methods, say giving them chocolates or whatever, to get the information.
Darryl @ 4
You can still caucus for Mike Huckabee …
pbj @ 67,
Hey squirt, you are a veritable walking encyclopedia of wingnut conspiracy theories. Yeah…Craig Livingstone accessed employee files without authorization…and he was fired for it.
And the Independent Council found no crimes committed by anyone involved and …
But…keep at it, Squirt. You can, at least, pretend we are laughing with you. (*snicker*)
Oh, you mean like the release date of Michael Moore’s little proaganda film “Fahrenheit”??
Certainly not a threat from a gaggle of US Senators threateneing to pull their broadcast licenes. Please produce the letter. I am waiting…..
“As long as it’s not Hillary in 2008!!”
Hillary is my gal! Go Hillary! Hello 1970’s. Ah those halycon days of America humilated, her embassies sacked and taken hostage for years! High interest rates and unemployment! They will come back with Hillary!
Better under Hillary than McCain. McCain is just a wannabe socialist. Hillary is the pro. Obama, still too green to be a committed socialist.
‘And according to new reports, they yielded “fruitful results”’
So? They probably would have gotten “fruitful results” by pulling out fingernails, sticking up a broom handle up his ass, or snipping off his fingers. But, they are all forms of torture that are illegal under U.S. law and international law, and constitute war crimes.
You are one morally bankrupt asshole, Squirt.
But please provide some links of your other methods
I don’t think Saddam had much access to chocolates but the article does say he had fresh fruit. Healthier you know.
Rumor has it that McCain will offer Huckabee a White House job to drop out. Huckabee would be appointed Game Warden and allowed to keep all the squirrels he can shoot as compensation.
You sure are naive. Keep it up kiddo. That is what I like about you.
Just remember though, if Obama turns up Vince Fostered befor ethe socialist (uh er Democrat convention), I don’t want to hear any conspiracy theories about Hillary and Bill. They are angels and walk on water.
Michael Moore’s little proaganda[sic] film
Not broadcast on the public airwaves, not even on cable unlike your beloved Faux Noise.
“So? They probably would have gotten “fruitful results” by pulling out fingernails, sticking up a broom handle up his ass, or snipping off his fingers.”
Only the IRS is allowed to use those techniques.
In this election season, it is invigorating to watch the trolls on this blog compete so earnestly for Most Delusional Whackjob. The desire for the honor appears so deep that I would expect a few of them to apply for matching federal funds to aid them in their quest. Though christmasghost is generally a frontrunner in the campaign, pbj may have taken the lead today. Go for it, pbj, you seem to have the right blend of paranoia, dishonesty, fear, and immunity to truth that makes for a winning candidate.
Richard @ 68,
You can still caucus for Mike Huckabee …
Romney had a good chance of winning the caucus. I don’t think Huckabee has “a prayer” in Washington state. It isn’t worth the shame and humiliation of becoming a member of the Washington state Republicans to vote for someone who cannot win.
“Only the IRS is allowed to use those techniques.”
No they aren’t.
I bet it wasn’t ORGANIC fruit nor was it certified non genetically modified. Those evil bastards. Talk about torture.
I listened to Mitt Romney’s speech on KIRO as I was driving to court this morning. Dori Monson broadcast most of it live during his radio. Romney gave a pretty decent speech for the most part, but some of his major points left my jaw dropping.
For example, Romney blamed “liberals” for taking so many lower income people off of the income tax rolls.
First of all, this is a total fallacy. All of the income tax reductions (including those affecting lower income people) have been either sponsored or supported by conservative Republicans (and liberal Democrats). The only disagreements have been over how much to cut taxes in the higher income brackets.
Secondly, Romney is basically saying that lower income folks need to be paying more in income taxes. At the same time, he is advocating cutting income taxes — which basically means cutting income taxes ONLY for the rich.
As I said at the beginning. I am trying out to join you. Obviously I am succeeding at it if you flattery is any indication.
Hey pbj psychophant,
Your ugly party can’t stop stealing even from it’s own coffers:
How does it feel to be associated with such a bankrupt crowd of losers?
pbj @ 75
“You sure are naive. Keep it up kiddo. That is what I like about you.”
Uh-huh. So…what was your alternative? The Independent Council was really a fan of the Clintons? (*snicker*)
“Just remember though, if Obama turns up Vince Fostered befor ethe socialist (uh er Democrat convention), I don’t want to hear any conspiracy theories about Hillary and Bill. They are angels and walk on water.”
Is that the mushrooms talking, there, Squirt?
“No they aren’t.”
Ever been audited?
“How does it feel to be associated with such a bankrupt crowd of losers?”
Well I am associating with you liberals here on HA. I don’t think I’d put itin quite your words, but the sentiment is there.
pbj @ 86
“Ever been audited?”
Nope. But they still can’t!
“Nope. But they still can’t!”
Once again, talking of that which you have no experience. So naive. Keep it up kiddo. That is what I like about you. Naive like a little kid.
Your ugly crowd is going down pbj.
Enjoy the ride!
Comfort yourself with the miserable gruel of right wing bullshit from the usual suspects.
pbj @ 87,
“How does it feel to be associated with such a bankrupt crowd of losers?”’
Wooohhaaaa…Squirt. Slow down. You (1) attribute this quote to the wrong commenter, and (2) misspelled my name again.
“Well I am associating with you liberals here on HA. I don’t think I’d put itin quite your words, but the sentiment is there.”
Sorry, Squirt, the attributes don’t transfer that way.
“Comfort yourself with the miserable gruel of right wing bullshit from the usual suspects.”
But I am for Hillary. McCain hasn’t been nearly the socialist Hillary has. Are you saying Hillary is going down? Better not let her hear you say that or your FBI file will be the next to turn up in our white house.
HILLARY 2008! Yay! Hooray!
92 – You do everything Anne tells you to do?
Of course you do. Let’s see. Does she wear black shiny leather and apply the whip to your ass in the movies that play in your head?
“But I am for Hillary.”
So? So is Ann Coulter. You’re both still right wing kook-jobs.
I am trying to learn the lefist script, really I am. But my mind keeps trying to make sense of the blather. I am trying to be one of you. Really I am. I hope to one day be able to spew th talking points without thinking about what I am saying so I can fully and easily support Hillary.
You guys gotta give me a break on this mindlessly repeating the left wing talking points. I am new at it.
I have learned though that Bush is responsible for everything bad in the world. I stubbed my toe this morning and blamed Bush. Does that count?
Oh scratch that.
Anne makes you put on a diaper and go number 2 like another Republican loser from Louisiana.
“So? So is Ann Coulter. You’re both still right wing kook-jobs.”
So you are telling me you arenn’t voting for Hillary because Ann Coulter is?
PBJ@ 75,77,81 and 89……..
ohmygod! i can’t stop laughing. you are really on a roll today….great lines, keep it up…….
especially love the one about the IRS.
man darryl is so naive it’s frightening.but then, as a professor,what does he really need to “KNOW”???
socialism 101??
he even thinks fruit is healthier than chocolate. shows he doesn’t read much.but , once again, as a professor he doesn’t need to…….
if you can’t “do”… teach…and all that.
how long did it take you to get your degree again darryl?
@63: Again PBJ – you are WRONG. I read the link – this was one guy misusing a few FBI files – not a systematic program of illegal wiretapping.
so: You support illegal spying, illegal torture and illegal signing statements – and don’t support the constitution. who is the fascist?
“Once again, talking of that which you have no experience. So naive. Keep it up kiddo. That is what I like about you. Naive like a little kid.”
Uh-huh. Sorry Squirt, no matter how awful you felt during your last IRS audit, they did not waterboard you, pull out your fingernails, chop off your finger (even if you gnawed off part of your own finger), or stick a broom stick up your ass (unless that was consensual foreplay, after-hours). All they wanted was the money you owed them (plus interest and penalties).
You display classic Wingnutonoma—an inability to distinguish reality from your emotional response to a circumstance.
pbj: the leftist script – it is the republicans that march in lockstep to Bush’s fascism.
As a famous democrat once said: “I don’t belong to any organized party – I am a democrat.”
“So you are telling me you arenn’t voting for Hillary because Ann Coulter is?”
Christmasghost @ 99
“he even thinks fruit is healthier than chocolate. shows he doesn’t read much.but , once again, as a professor he doesn’t need to…….”
I do?????? What the fuck have you been smoking?
“if you can’t “do”… teach…and all that. how long did it take you to get your degree again darryl?”
Which one?
“@63: Again PBJ – you are WRONG. I read the link – this was one guy misusing a few FBI files – not a systematic program of illegal wiretapping.
Well that one guy plus the one who went missing when he was about to be caught and later turned up dead.
I stubbed my toe this morning and blamed Bush
No blame Bush for debasing the American dollar, blame him for break the law and violating civil liberties, blame him for the death of over 4000 americans in the meatgrinder he started called Iraq, blame him for making this country more and more irrelevant to what’s really going on in the world, blame him for neglecting crumbling infrastructure, blame him for making this country a laughingstock, blame him for enriching his rich boosters by the billions and handing the bill to the next generation, blame him for a lot things other than your klutziness.
That’s more than enough.
YLB….is this the reasoning you used to post that crappy link?
“A little collateral damage? Well, that’s just too bad!”
you talk about torturing someone and bitch about it, yet you post a link [without warning to epileptics] that can cause seizures? and you think that’s okay to do?
this must be the same sort of rationalization that people use to torture others huh? “they don’t agree with my point of view so it’s okay to harm them”?
you are a real jerk.
goldy…..PLEASE remove that post before someone gets hurt, or before you get sued. prior knowledge my friend.
pbj: No your stubbed toe is due to you not looking before you move – kind of like how you write before you think. I think it is all part of the same affliction – lack of forethought.
You could start to cure this problem by not listening to right wing blather – where they train you to talk without thinking (such as Limbaugh or Dori Monson).
Of course the republican party has been 100% behind bush on iraq, on torture (except McCain) and on illegal wiretapping. so the party appratchiks are appropriately following the orders of “dear leader”.
The republicans are also the party of Abramoff, corruption, Katrina and incompetency and the largest budget deficits in history (and the bridge to nowhere) – but I ssaume you also take reponsibility for all that – above and beyond your sorry toe.
Republicans: Little, weak people who don’t take responsibility for anything (including their own president).
How many times is Bush even mentioned in the republican debates? They have followed his every move and don’t even mention him.
“Uh-huh. Sorry Squirt, no matter how awful you felt during your last IRS audit, they did not waterboard you, pull out your fingernails, chop off your finger (even if you gnawed off part of your own finger), or stick a broom stick up your ass (unless that was consensual foreplay, after-hours). All they wanted was the money you owed them (plus interest and penalties).”
You weren’t there yet you are telling me exactly what happened. Is that one of the secrets to becoming a leftist, the ability to be an expert regardless of not having any experience? Hmmm. Well that DOES explain Hillary and Obama.
Thanks for teaching me about that aspect of leftism.
well, darryl… seems i owe you an apology. it wasn’t you that made the fruit was YLB. hard to tell you apart sometimes.sorry about that.
the Ph.D…….
pbj joins that other loser Scaife who spent millions of his own money chasing that Vince Foster fantasy.
The same loser who said this about Bill Clinton:
“I never met such a charismatic man in my whole life,” Scaife said.
and who believes in open marriage. Imagine that! What a “conservative”:
Scaife also told the magazine: “I don’t want people throwing rocks at me in the street. But I believe in open marriage.”
This is the same loser who funds a lot of the right wing bullshit you swallow every day, shill boy!
pbj: Yawn – old news – never proven, no evidence – right wing talking point.
what have you got? Nothing!
Blame Clinton still? hahaha for the same old false stories. You got nothin’. Old ideas, old complaints – refusal to look at what is going on right now with bush…. yeah – you fit the wingnut mold (oldy and moldy).
yet you post a link [without warning to epileptics] that can cause seizures?
Bullshit ghost! You know where I got that link?
From one of your favorite wingnut websites: Little Green Footballs.
How does it feel to have right wing crap served right back to you?
Oh and we can blame him for record umemployment, low interest rates, no attacks on the US homeland since 911 too.
Also, my dog crapped on the lawn. Obviously Bush’s fault!
How am I doing? Did I do good for a leftist, huh? Did I?
** Great good-bye speech from Mitt. Ditto McCain … Rush Limbaugh, wrong about almost everything since about January 1995, is right that Obama is unassailable this year. Any attempt to call attention to Barack vapidity or to his messy history in Illinois will be denounced as racism. (Mencken said that Harding’s platitudes in 1920 were like wet sponges marching across the sky. Just like Obama’s now. We’re talking world-class landslide here.)
** Broadway Joe threw his rhinestone pumps at Puddy and Hutch, accusing them of being bigots in blackface. Then Joe threw his santorum at someone who called attention to his rancid Broadway bigotry.
Slacker Rabbit whines often about racist chimpfaced pig fuckers, and we’ve wondered what the hell or who the hell he’s talking about. Now we know. He’s talking about rancid racist chimpfaced pig fucker bigot Broadway Joe. Case closed, no Puddy Study needed.
correctnotright…..before you gloat that clinton+ jethro bodine are in the clear, i would caution you to think about what is coming up. and i don’t think obama is going to take anything lying down and we know what hillary and jethro are made of. she will stick her finger so far down obamas throat with dirt while at the same time she has both feet in her own mouth….they both will choke.
isn’t that a lovely mental image? LOL
the clinton’s are the gift that just keeps giving to us conservatives……..
Don’t worry fellow leftists. I am for Hillary and I am sure that she will sink this capitalist paradise faster than comrade McCain ever could. And let’s face it, comrade Obama is really too inexperienced yet. He has not had anyone steal FBI files on his enemies , disposed of a potential informer as a “suicide” and made one hundered times return in shady cattle future scams
He indeed has learning to do. Perhaps four years as defense chief under President Hillary, where he can pass our latest technology to the Chinese. That will be a good start.
I know Hillary will win. She has learned how to cry.
YLB……i don’t give a rat’s ass where you got that link. it’s disgraceful and just plain not right. how could you, who are always bitching about bush “hurting” people, put something like that up and think it’s a funny thing to do?
because you are nothing more than a two bit phony. you talk out of both sides of your mouth. i’ll bet you would think torture was great if it was used on people YOU didn’t like.
and, since it is no mystery to anyone who posts here regularly that i have epilepsy, you most likely did it with intent to harm.
and that link was torture. how proud you must be of yourself right now.
behold lefties….what your group is really made of…….
Remeber fellow lefists, we are for Hillary. Hillary now, Hillary tomorrow, Hillary forever.
Hillary is the one true god. There is no god but Hillary.
pbj…..her new motto?
“four more tears….”
I hope the Dems use all of the footage of the rest of the GOP attacking McCain when the general election comes around. Man this is going to be fun. You think you heard the right wing assholes cry during the last election? You ain’t seen nothing yet. After we whip McCain and take over the White House – these right wing punks will start jumping off bridges. And America will be better for it.
Oh and we can blame him for record umemployment, low interest rates, no attacks on the US homeland since 911 too.
All bullshit. A lot of people are really getting ahead flipping burgers, working at Target and Wal-mart and now languishing laid off from a housing bubble started by “bubbles” Greenspan.
And he’s doing such a great job manufacturing hate and providing training for terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan maybe one day some of those jihadis might come in with the dope from all opium they’re growing over there.
Yeah, like that “war on drugs” ever worked.
YLB…how is that burger flipping job of yours? or did you move up to target?
i don’t give a rat’s ass where you got that link.
Of course you don’t – the right wing always hold its own blameless.
so, YLB, are you admitting to trying to harm me or someone else with epilepsy?
and now you rationalize this behavior?it wasn’t the “right wing” that posted that here was it? and if this is your rationalization [it’s just “icky old righties”] then i guess you would use torture on people that YOU didn’t agree with. just like a little dictator.
you are just so PROGRESSIVE. kinda like baby doc or pinochet…….
and i’ll bet that if i go over to little green footballs they have a warning posted…we’ll see……
I’m not admitting anything to a vindictive, backstabbing right winger.
And if that’s true and you’re so concerned about the health of epileptics why don’t you sic you attorney on Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs?
He’s the one who’s redirecting links from his critics’ websites to that file.
There’s a snowball’s chance in hell that will ever happen.
114: PBMoron:
Record unemployment – time to stop drinking the kool-aid. Unemployment is up and has been higher than the end of Clintons term. Economic growth during the Bush term has been much lower than during clinton. But then, statistic are not your strong point are they?
Budget supluses from clinton have been turned into budget deficits under Bush. The trade deficit is widening, the economy has turned south and average wages have not kept up with inflation. You republicans know how to ruin an economy.
The interest rates are low to try and salvage us from the coming depression and the dollar is at an all-time low.
You lack of knowledge of economics is second only to your fawning right wing ignorance of the effects of the war in Iraq.
YLB.. since i, unlike you, do not spend any time at LGF would you kindly point me to where you got that on the site? i have emailed them asking where it was located and i can’t find it….so are you just lying again?
YLB….you haven’t seen vindictive yet….but you will.
APparently facts aren’t you strong point. You just assert something with no evidence at all. But that is yet another leftist trait I have to learn.
I looked and found this report that unemployment has declined..
I apologize for trying to verify what you say. I know that as a committed leftist I am just supposed to take what you say at your word. I haven’t figured out how to do groupthink yet. As you have mastered it as a committed leftist, got any pointers?
pbj………if you want to do their groupthink all you have to do is completely leave out the “think” part…….
just pretend you are becoming a scientologist…….
Here’s the proof of Charles Johnsons’ psychosis:
Show that to your attorney.
Christmasghost @ 110
“…the Ph.D”
I entered the PhD program at Penn State Anthropology Department in the Fall of 1990 and defended my dissertation in December of 1995. Additionally, I spend all of calender year 1993 doing fieldwork in Bangladesh.
As you may know, the duration to a PhD varies by discipline and school. I believe my time-to-degree at Penn State was shorter than others in my program by a year or so. For the discipline, I only have results of a 1982 study, Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States conducted by the Conference Board of Associated Research Councils and published by National Academy Press. The Median times-to-degree of the 12 Anthropology programs they surveyed ranged from 7.1 years to 9.3 years. So I suspect my time-to-degree would be considered short. Is that good or bad?
YLB… wasn’t “charles johnson” that posted that here was it?
it was you…..and you meant to inflict harm.
rationalize all you want. what you did was beyond wrong and i have yet to hear even one leftie here saying that.
so i guess you all approve of YLB’s childish and dangerous antics?
you must ,or surely you would have said something by now…….
goldy…..i am asking you again to take that down and make sure he doesn’t do it again.the liability is yours.
darryl..very good obviously. good for you! but i thought you said that you spent about twenty years in college?
.and you meant to inflict harm.
Oh what’s your proof? And how do you define harm? People insult each other every day here. Is that harm?
christmasghost @ 136
“i thought you said that you spent about twenty years in college?”
Let’s see…I started college in 1979 and started my faculty position in 1999. Here’s the chronology…
I worked full-time and was a part-time undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin–Madison for 8 years (plus a 2 year hiatus) from 1979 to fall of 1988. I earned a Masters degree at Wisconsin (while working 60%) from Spring of 1989 to Spring of 1990 (3 semesters). I Went to Penn State from fall of 1990 through fall of 1995. I then did a Postdoc (Individual NRSA from NICHD) at Penn State from 1996 to 1999.
@4 Yeah, I’m disappointed too.
McCain was smart to build his campaign around MORE WAR. Whatever internal divisions may exist in the GOP, the one thing all Republicans agree on is, they love WAR!!!
@138 Darryl, why do you feel compelled to prove your academic credentials to someone who bought her degree for $19.95 through an ad in Guns & Ammo magazine?
Xmasghost wouldn’t know what a curriculum vitae is if one fucked her.
roger…..a curriculum vitae is your “intellectual resume”….the body of your work, every class you taught,research, grants and fellowships, professional affiliations, papers you published , summary of your job qualifications etc.
“a highlight of your skill set and achievements”
it’s latin for “course of life”……
and, as usual, your crudeness is exceeded only by your ignorance.
darryl……..what was your latest paper?
Goldy — I thought a lot about Romney’s investment. Spending $40 million of his own money wasn’t so unreasonable, considering that he is easily worth 5 or 10 (or more) times that amount. But it would have been a much wiser investment if he could have spent it promoting the values and positions that he held the vast majority of his adult life, the values and positions which he promised to the voters of Massachusetts in 1994 and 2002, and the values and positions on which he governed Massachusetts for (most of) his four year term of office.
Or even better yet, Romney could have stayed with his values and positions (instead of positioning himself with the intent to win the Republican presidential nomination), and tried to get a second term as Governor of Massachusetts. He could have even been willing to place some portion of his personal wealth into that venture, if necessary. An incumbent Governor Romney would certainly have seemed more “electable” in November 2008 to be president, than someone who implicitly believed they were not re-electable in their home state.
Senator McCain, on the other hand, seems to have stuck to his guns and his principles. Sure, he is a bit hot-tempered and hella independent — and often unpredictable (to say the least). But not easily accused of being a flip-flopper and definitely not made out of plastic. Four months ago, no one said that McCain had a snowball’s chance of winning the nomination, much less getting the voters of any conservative “base” GOP primary voters. Now, McCain is the GOP heir-apparent and nominee for all practical purposes.
Romney certainly brought an extremely impressive personal resume’ to the contest. And impeccable personal character, without any hint of scandal. But people weren’t really sure of what Romney stood for. His concession speech today sounded nothing at all like his campaign speeches for U.S. Senate in 1994 or Governor in 2002.
ChristmasGhost @ 143
Why don’t you look at his official webpage at the University of Washington Department of Anthropology?
Darryl Holman (PhD 1996, Pennsylvania State)
[The listing follows, but Goldy’s filter keeps me from posting it.]
What’s wrong with “Guns & Ammo?” It’s a fine magazine. Almost as good as the NRA’s “The American Rifleman.”
christmasghost said:
“darryl……..what was your latest paper?”
I believe, christmas ghost, if your scroll up to #138, you can read Darryl’s latest academic paper.
Remember when Mitt said he was in this all the way to the convention? That was all of two days ago. Well I guess he came into this campaign a liar and there’s no reason to believe he shouldn’t leave the campaign a liar.
Betcha Romney made a deal with McCain. In exchange for bowing out now, if McCain becomes President, Romney’s going to get a plum position.
And I do think McCain will be our next President. It will be McCain vs Clinton. Unlike a lot of you, I don’t overestimate the intelligence of the American public. Once McCain starts scaring people, and asking them who they want to protect from the bogeyman (radical Islam), a “war hero,” or a female who cries under the pressure of campaigning, that will be that.
For the record, I want Obama to win.
From Slate today:
“In the 19 states holding both Democratic and Republican primaries and caucuses, more than 14 million people voted for Obama or Clinton. More than 8 million people voted for McCain or Romney or Huckabee. Thus, you could say about 73 percent more Democrats turned out than Republicans.
Source: Time
In Missouri, Democratic turnout beat GOP turnout by 70 percent. In 2000, when the state also held two primaries, the opposite was true: Republican turnout trumped the Dems’ by 56 percent.
Source: HuffPo”
These numbers would turn any Republican capable of reasoning to drink. I’m not sure, however, any such Republicans remain.
Troll @ 148
Your analysis actually makes sense, though I’m loath to admit that. If Hillary is the Ds’ nominee, we could be screwed. I do think, however, that Obama will win the Ds’ nomination. I think any Democrat who truly wants to win in November had better look long and hard at Obama. I just don’t think Hillary can win. On the other hand, the numbers posted above indicate that the Ds could run my dog, who is as a matter of fact quite progressive, and still win.
Democrats will win in a landslide. Republicans are already crying like little 2 year olds.
The tears are going to start flowing like Niagra Falls.
@#150 – Thanks Proud Leftist for posting what I already mentioned yesterday.
@131. PBJ fool: Maybe you should read your own link – here is the whole quote:
“The number of newly laid off workers filing applications for unemployment benefits dropped last week, but not enough to indicate that strains on the labor market are easing.
The Labor Department reported Thursday that 356,000 claims for jobless benefits were filed last week, a decline of 22,000 from the previous week. The decline only erased a part of the huge jump of 72,000 in claims from the previous week.”
Unemployment is rising and the economy is sinking – how is that kool-aid you are drinking?
@150: Can I caucus for your dog? and what would said dog’s name be?
Seriously, the race for president will be close. McCain will attract the most independents and run as a moderate after he solidifies the right wing of his own party.
We need to hit him hard on Iraq – and that is the issue Hillary is the weakest on…minor differences in health care among the democrats wil not yield any more voters in the general election – this is a red herring for democrats looking for electability.
Hillary’s negatives will drive away more voters than Obama. Bill will almost assuredly make some outlandish statement that will be used negatively. Hillary will mobilize the right wing to come out in force also. some republicans might just sit out an Obama/McCain race.
Just read a piece saying McCain was booed by his own party at a speech today. Like I said, man this is going to be fun.
My dog’s name is Maggie (no last name). She is, as her name would suggest, female, and has some Asian heritage (she’s half Chow). She’s pro-choice, antiwar, and believes that respect for the First Amendment requires that all poop-scoop rules be discarded.
Seriously, your last point is what all Hillary-leaning voters need to consider. I know Republicans who like Obama, not because of his positions, but because of his rhetoric. Obama is the most inspirational presidential candidate I have seen in my lifetime (my first presidential vote was for Carter, though I had doorbelled for John Anderson). Beyond that, pragmatism suggests voting for him. I like Hillary. I don’t need another 4 years of Republicans in the White House.
Many of you are intellectuals. But you have to remember, a great many Americans are not. They don’t pick a candidate because of the issues, they vote on primal emotions. McCain’s going to play upon those base emotions; upon people’s fears. Any terrorist act that happens in the world between now and November 4th will be a plus in his column. He’ll use it to remind people it’s a scary world out there, and he’s the right (and only) man for the job. That kind of crap resonates with middle America. Remember, the kind of people that voted for Bush are still out there. Do you think they’ve gone up in I.Q. in the last four years? Is there a Bradley Effect for sexism instead of racism? If so, one might have to be invented. I think some who publicly say they’ll vote for Clinton will choose the male when they’re behind the curtain.
Troll: Maybe so – but Bush has fooled too many people for too long and they are looking behind the curtain of the man saying watch out for all the bad terrorists.
The majority of Americans now believe the Iraq war was a mistake – not true in 2004. The terrain has changed and the worse the economy, gas prices and the war get in the next 6 months – the worse off McCain is. The only thing that will save him is the combination of a terrorist attack and the Saudis trying to help the clueless republicans with low gas prices again.
@158: My compliments to a thinking troll – usually the resident trolls elicit a perjorative – but your comments are intelligent and thoughtful.
Thank you.
The Republican approach to tax reform — steal from the poor and give to the rich. Here’s what Mitt Romney said today, when he spoke before the “Conservative Political Action Committee”, withdrew from the presidential race, and gave his backing to John McCain:
“The threat to our culture comes from within. … [T]he liberals haven’t given up. At every turn, they try to substitute government largesse for individual responsibility. They fight to … remove more and more people from having to pay any income tax whatsoever.
It’s high time to lower taxes, including corporate taxes, to take a weed-whacker to government regulations, to reform entitlements, and to stand up to the increasingly voracious appetite of the unions in our government!”
Republicans such as Romney believe that it is imperative to lower income taxes for wealthy Americans and corporations, but that it is not only bad policy, but some sort of terrible sin, to lower income taxes for lower income and moderate income Americans.
hillary is unelectable…. she is shrill, whiny and she is saddled with a million and counting bad docs and jethro bodine as “first lady”
obama….too inexperienced, too grandiose,bad/shaky voting record,and REZKO……..and then there is that whole hispanic and asian thing…’s not whites that will have racial issues with obama, it’s hispanics and asians. they are not going to vote for a black guy for president…..sad but true. that will change over time. expect obama to be a real candidate in about 8 years….depending on his senate record between now and then.
men won’t vote for a woman…..especially if said woman is the non-woman hillary.
i would say that you guys are fairly screwed.
156….that was the CPAC convention and he wasn’t booed. wishful thinking on your part……
christmasghost says:
‘hillary is unelectable…. she is shrill, whiny and she is saddled with a million and counting bad docs and jethro bodine as “first lady”’
From your keyboard to God’s ear on that one, kiddo! I’d much rather have Obama than Hills!!
They don’t pick a candidate because of the issues, they vote on primal emotions.
And that primal emotion is nausea at the thought of yet another warmongering fool in the White House.
I once went on one of those throw-up rides at Wild Waves with my kids. Thought it be fun to do. I had no idea how miserable motion sickness could be.
That feeling I associate with Republicans in control. Every American should know that feeling.
YLB @ 165
Excellent post. The whole nation is feeling unbalanced after Newt and GW. It’s time to return to sanity. By the way, where did your quote come from, “primal emotions”? Emotions, or at least intangible factors, play a huge role in how we vote. Anyone who claims to vote for a candidate strictly on their positions on issues is either lying or self-deluded.
166 – PL, the one thing I forgot to mention about the motion sickness experience was how long it lingered. Like once it took hold of you, it didn’t want to let go. You just felt trapped and wondered if it would ever pass.
That feeling of being trapped and sick I associate with far right Republican rule.
If all people had that feeling about Republicans, we wouldn’t have Republicans.
Troll @ 158 had the initial thought.
Shoot, I’ve actually been civil toward Troll today. But, criticizing folks because they vote on emotion rather than issues? Hell, we do both. We’re human. That’s what happens. On the other hand, why do we have Republicans? Do they serve a purpose anymore? I’m all for diversity, but are Republicans a productive part of the diversity rainbow?
I seldom come back to read theads the next day, but this one was just too hillarious to miss. PBJ defending the torture of suspects on the off chance they might tell something usefull, dismissing Bush’s screwups which kill thousands overseas and ruin lives here in the U.S., and then he sobbs about how tough it was when (wait for it) – the IRS audited him!
I suspect they took one look at his return, asked him to explain his deductions, and then dismissed his circular and obtuse reasoning and disallowed the deduction. That was too much for him – he was left a sobbing, quivering mass, and the evil IRS is at fault!
In this phsychotic state he dreams he sees an image, coming to him toward him from a blinding white light. At first he thinks it is Jesus. Then as it comes closer he realizes it is not Jesus, but Karl Rove, dressed all in white. The figure puts his arm around him and comforts him. “Don’t worry, as long as the Republicans are in charge, we won’t let that mean old IRS bother you any more. Just keep hating the Democrats and voting Republican, and we will make it all go away….”