Yeah, sure… when I talk up Darcy Burner, you can dismiss that as partisan puffery. But when Roll Call says “Reichert May Face Tough Challenge From Neophyte,” um, well… you can bet the R’s are more than a little bit nervous.
While McMorris, whose district sits safely east of the Cascade Mountains in strong GOP territory, likely will coast back to Congress, Reichert may have to fight tooth-and-nail to become a sophomore.
Reichert represents a classic swing suburban district outside of Seattle that is becoming more Democratic. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) took the 8th district with 51 percent of the vote in 2004, compared to President Bush’s 48 percent, and Reichert won with just 52 percent last time.
“The 8th is a swing, Democratic district,” concedes Reichert’s political consultant Bruce Boram. “Any Democratic opponent who runs against Reichert starts at 43 percent [of the vote].”
Add that more than 60 percent of 8th district voters currently believe the country is on the wrong track, according to recent polls, that the popularity of Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress are at all-time lows and that the district “is definitely trending in the Democrats’ favor,” and “it’s an environment where you have to take that seriously,” Boram added.
The factors Boram ticks off combine to make a potent electoral cocktail, but what could make it a double for Reichert is money.
Democrat Darcy Burner surprised national Democrats, Republicans and probably Reichert by outraising him 2-1 in the first quarter of this year.
She still trails him in overall cash on hand, but she dramatically narrowed the ratio with a stellar three-month period that saw her bring in $140,000 in the last 10 days of March.
Boram said Reichert likely began April with more than $700,000 while Burner had $355,000 in the bank.
Burner gave her campaign $25,000 and loaned it $10,000 but is not expected to seriously self-fund.
“Darcy Burner has done a phenomenal job establishing herself as an aggressive candidate for change right out of the gate,” said Kate Bedingfield, a spokeswoman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “She’s really demonstrated she’s going to make a run at this seat.”
She certainly has.
Funny Roll Call didn’t see her straight As in Law Schoola as a problem.
Darcy Burner will have to stand up and explain how she has represented herself in the past.
You KLOWNS wouldn’t ever support a candidate who puffs, distorts and has a history as less than a straight-shooter….would y’all?
With the general anti-Republican attitude in the country today, especially in Western WA, I’d say this lady has a fairly good chance of defeating the incumbent.
All Darcy needs to do to win is show up. The republican culture of corruption combined with the racist views of the GOP as it relates to the immigration debate will swing the Congress Dem BIG!
DeLay’s K Street buddies want their money back.
One side note to the Tom DeLay resignation story that didn’t get much attention last week was the fact that DeLay was poised to step down for quite a while, but had to pretend to be interested in keeping his seat, in part for financial reasons.
An additional impetus for putting off the resignation until now was suggested by John Feehery, a former aide to DeLay and House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.). “He needed to raise money for the defense fund. That was the bottom line,” Feehery said. “He wanted to make sure he could take care of himself in the court of law.”
In other words, DeLay was raising money from suckers supporters under false pretenses. He asked contributors for financial support, telling them that he needed the money to help with his campaign, when in reality, DeLay knew he’d have to resign and he wanted the donations for his legal defense. DeLay’s con is legal, but obviously dishonest. With this in mind, it’s not terribly surprising that some of these donors would like their money back. One lobbyist said it’s “nauseating to think about” his campaign contribution going to subsidize DeLay’s legal team. “That all this money will go to the legal defense fund, it sickens me,” he added. “I have to pay for that?” Apparently so. As K Street lobbyists should realize by now, sometimes, when you lay with dogs, you get fleas.
You KLOWNS wouldn’t ever support a candidate who puffs, distorts and has a history as less than a straight-shooter….would y’all?
We support our share, Mr. Cynical. Look at all those elections I won! But it pales to insignificance when compared to the g.o.p. Recent history indicates these less than stellar traits are a requirement for nomination as a “republican”.
All we have to do talk up Reichert’s lockstep wingnut voting and his ties to the DeLay crowd – Darcy waltzes right in…
Sorry Sheriff… You can return to chasing killers you’ve let run loose on the streets for over 20 years… You’ll catch them – eventually, I guess.
If enough people are like Joel Connelly, they can register at some friends house in Bellevue and vote there!!!
Connelly is hysterical.
Just read his e-mails to Stefan….pretty amazing for a purveyor of the truth, huh?
So the world according to Cornholey allows folks who previously lived in Washington DC, currently own a home (PRIMARY RESIDENCE!) in Washington DC, move to Brussels and then can DECIDE to choose Joel Cornholyey’s Vacation Cabin as their residence address and vote in local races on Island County???
What a KLOWN!
But hey, if Joel can do it….why can’t everyone else???
Lots of Republicans have multiple homes.
Just pick the one in the tightest District to register and vote in!!
For your entertainment…Moonbat economic theory:
Government exists to make private wealth possible.
Commentby Belltowner— 3/12/06@ 4:15 pm
I like Castro’s system better. He confiscates the employer’s property, shoots the employer, and the workers get quality health care for free. We need something like that in America.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/19/06@ 3:42 pm
…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
“…higher PRODUCTIVITY means fewer jobs…”
Commentby Donnageddon— 4/9/06@ 4:06 pm
Here are some accurate things MTR has said about economics:
Loocy – Tell the checkers story again. That was great. LMAO….
Didja try that thing with revenue maximizing price yet? Or do you believe that if gas was $500/gallon that oil companies would make even more money?
Abramoff is a Rep. problem and so is illegal immigration. If Republicans would quit hiring illegals, they wouldn’ be here. We need to throw some CEO’s in prison!
I just want to know what the deal is with:
Burner, Darcy Gibbons (Defendant)
King County District Court
Case #IS0112494
File Date: 06/15/2005
Is it an infraction?
Or is it a criminal issue?
Who is “T. Boe” and what do they have to do with the case?
Why is the case still open?
Real Mark – Make sure Pope sees this. He’s got access to a database with ALL the info. He blew the cover on some greenparty kook a couple of weeks ago.
re 11: Why don’t you explain it in detail and cite sources so we can fact-check you.
“‘Leaker in chief is something that could stick,’ said a senior GOP aide, who declined to be named for fear of angering the president. ”
“The president wasn’t unaware of the leaks; he was on top of them. And he isn’t just a leaker, but a hypocritical one. He calls leakers of intelligence treasonous and vows to prosecute them. ”
Ummm…. if the President says it… it’s not a “leak”. A “leak” is disclosing information without authorization. Since the President is the boss, it is by definition not a leak since he can authorize whatever the fuck he wants. That’s how things work when you’re boss.
Nice try, but it not gonna work.
Nice try, but it not gonna work.
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/10/06@ 3:06 pm
Mark they did not elect him as President, so he cannot leak information. Because he is not the President, John Kerry was elected, and Dean Logan did not count all the votes. The real problem is; they are in denial state and logic does not apply. Maybe next year they will get the big picture of what is going on in the world.
Shit… yer right Klake. What the fuck was I thinking. Algore is the real president. Thanks for straightening me out.
“Burner gave her campaign $25,000 and loaned it $10,000 but is not expected to seriously self-fund.”
I wish Darcy the best, but this statement illustrates what is wrong with our system of financing campaigns. For the average rank-and-file Democrat, spending $35,000 of one’s own money on a political race is unthinkable. That’s a phenomenal amount of money for someone who works for $9 or $12 an hour. That’s why you won’t see any waitresses, truck drivers, day care workers, or other “real” people getting elected to Congress, ever again.
Our trollfucks are a riot! If the Supreme Court hadn’t overridden the voters and installed a king (lest we forget, Al Gore won by 550,000 votes), and if President Gore leaked anything, the righties would be screaming “traitor” and “lawbreaker” and “impeach him!” Fucking hypocrites.
Wingers think they can do anything, and anything they do is legal because they did it.
Hey wingers, how ya doin’ in the polls? Got the people behind ya, do ya? Ya really inspired confidence in the masses, didn’t ya?
-Since the President is the boss, it is by definition not a leak since he can authorize whatever the fuck he wants. –
Heh heh – notice how those who decry Clinton era ‘moral relativism” (“it depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is) are always the first to jump on the apologist bandwagon when it turns out their Hypocrite In Chief blatantly lied to the American people on national tv.
Nicely done, MTR. Killed any Muslims for Christ today?
Yeah, Roger I agree with you: there will be no more “Mr. Smith Goest to Washington” for us! Politicians are well-financed, and dedicated – to winning elections and getting re-elected, time after time!
I think we should put all these unpatriotic, America-hating, Republican traitors in concentration camps and execute them. Hey — just kidding! Can’tcha take a frikken JOKE?!!
“Ummm…. if the President says it… it’s not a “leak”. Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/10/06@ 3:06 pm”
Depends on what the meaning of “is” is …
So Redneck, if President Clinton decides to sell missile technology to China, no problem because he’s the president and that makes it legal right?
Funny how people who feigned horror at Clinton renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to raise campaign cash aren’t the least bit disturbed by Bush leaking military secrets for political gain. Fucking hypocrites.
What You Need To Believe To Be A Republican:
1. Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.
2. Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush’s daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him, and a bad guy when Bush needed a “we can’t find Bin Laden” diversion.
3. Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is Communist, but trade with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.
4. The United States should get out of the United Nations, and our highest national priority is enforcing U.N. resolutions against Iraq.
5. A woman can’t be trusted with decisions about her own body, but multi-national corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind without regulation.
6. The best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in speeches, while slashing veterans’ benefits and combat pay.
7. If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won’t have sex.
8. A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our long-time allies, then demand their cooperation and money.
9. Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy, but providing health care to all Americans is socialism. HMOs and insurance companies have the best interests of the public at heart.
10. Global warming and tobacco’s link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools.
11. A president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense, but a president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is solid defense policy.
12. Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.
13. The public has a right to know about Hillary’s cattle trades, but George Bush’s driving record is none of our business.
14. Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you’re a conservative radio host. Then it’s an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.
15. Supporting “Executive Privilege” for every Republican ever born, who will be born or who might be born (in perpetuity.)
16. What Bill Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital national interest, but what Bush did in the ’80s is irrelevant.
17. Support for hunters who shoot their friends and blame them for wearing orange vests similar to those worn by the quail.
“Yeah, Roger I agree with you: there will be no more “Mr. Smith Goest to Washington” for us! Politicians are well-financed, and dedicated – to winning elections and getting re-elected, time after time! Commentby Libertarian— 4/10/06@ 3:36 pm”
They ceased to represent us long ago.
Wow Goldy. I use Roll Call to prove loony librulism and the Goldy Northwest Division of Loony Moonbats arrive in full force to discredit my use. Goldy uses it and it’s the greatest reading material just right of Goldy’s ASSHeads blog site.
So moonbats, if it’s good enough for Goldy then we whom think right can use it anytime we want.
The biggest threat to democracy, though, is and always has been a group variously known as Tories, Whigs, Republicans, or what have you, dedicated to turning our democracy on its head and using electoral processes to restore what amounts to hereditary nobility and divine right of kings.
There’s a mighty strong dose of the latter in Redneck’s claim that because Bush does something, it’s automatically legal. You might call it “divine right of presidents” except it’s obvious the neo-fascists who call themselves “Republicans” would do away with elections altogether and install a king if they could get away with it.
Let’s examine the illogic of Redneck’s assertion. If a president has unlimited power to override the Constitution and statutes, and anything a president does is by definition legal, then it’s not possible for any president to commit “high crimes and misdemeanors” and the impeachment clause is superfluous and unenforceable.
So why, then, did the Republicans think they could impeach Clinton for lying about a blowjob if a president can do no wrong?
Fucking hypocrites.
Puttybrains, anything you say by definition is discredited because you said it.
See how Redneck’s “logic” works, folks? What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
Funny thing is, even a lot of Republican congressmen are uncomfortable with the idea of giving Bush a 007-style “license to leak.”
Meanwhile, Bush probably has the FBI working overtime to find out who leaked the fact he’s planning to attack Iran with nuclear weapons.
If Bush leaks classified plans to start a nuclear war, it’s legal, but if a reporter does it, it’s treason. Go figure.
Show of hands — how many of you want to live under a government that can leak anything it wants to, and can jail anyone it wants to for reporting anything it wants to keep secret? Sure sounds a lot like Stalinist Russia and the KGB, doesn’t it?
My contact at the DCCC says they are taking serious notice of Burner’s candidacy. She’s most definitely on their radar..and they’re expecting her to do very, very well.
So, Redneck, why are you a commie?
Thanks Rabbit Pellet for that pellet of worthlessness above. Your ignorant rants are priceless! What statute did the President override? What Constitutional article did he override as CiC with the loony leakgate? Citation? URL?
Amazing how Europe looks at Al Qaeda phone messages to young peeps while US Moonbats want to inhibit Al Qaeda calls to young peeps. Amazing how dem libruls think!
Meanwhile, Bush probably has the FBI working overtime to find out who leaked the fact he’s planning to attack Iran with nuclear weapons.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/10/06@ 3:51 pm
No Roger the President is introducing diplomacy to solve the crises and bluffs are still part of diplomacy. Using Nuclear weapons was use back in the Cuban Missile crises to force the Russians to comprise their position to remove their weapons out of Cuba. Kennedy was a Democrat and that was ok then but now it’s not. Dame rabbit you should have dug your burrows deeper.
Bush: Force not necessarily needed against Iran
President cites diplomacy in nuke talks, dismisses report of plans for attack
Updated: 1:28 p.m. ET April 10, 2006
WASHINGTON – President Bush said Monday that force is not necessarily required to stop Iran from having a nuclear weapon, and he dismissed reports of plans for a military attack against Tehran as “wild speculation.”
Bush said his goal is to keep the Iranians from having the capability or the knowledge to have a nuclear weapon.
“I know we’re here in Washington (where) prevention means force,” Bush said during an appearance at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. “It doesn’t mean force necessarily. In this case it means diplomacy.”
Rabbit The Paralegal Wannabe: Let me correct your ignorance:
1) Clinton was a serial predator. He was impeached and disbarred because he lied to a grand jury in connection with a felony assault case he settled for eight hundred thousand dollars.
2) GWB won every fucking recount that was done. Even the extremist hate groups that did recounts couldn’t find enough votes. Shit, Dean Logan couldn’t even do it. The 550k is bullshit because we have a thing called the electoral college. You obviously don’t know about college though, so that kinda splains it huh…
Hey Rabbit – Tell the story about how you spend 1/3 of your income on medical. And tell us again that you gave up $300k/year to serve humanity. Those are great stories. Loser. Fucking loser.
Another point if Rabbit interest;
He declassified part of a prewar intelligence report on Iraq in 2003 to show Americans the basis for his statements about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein. “I wanted people to see the truth,” he told a questioner who said there was evidence of a concerted effort by the White House to punish war-critic Joseph Wilson. Bush said he could not comment on the CIA leak case because it is a matter under investigation.
He intends to remain on the sidelines as Republicans choose their nominee for president in 2008. “I will be an interested observer,” said Bush. He said he would focus his energy on issues such as decreasing the nation’s reliance on foreign oil and finding answers to the solvency problems of Medicare and Social Security. “But I’m just going to let the politics run its course.”
GWB won every fucking recount that was done. Even the extremist hate groups that did recounts couldn’t find enough votes. Shit, Dean Logan couldn’t even do it. The 550k is bullshit because we have a thing called the electoral college. You obviously don’t know about college though, so that kinda splains it huh…
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/10/06@ 4:11 pm
Mark are you sure about all that, I though Dean Logan could throw any election as long as Jimmy Carter did not over see the election.
Qweshun for you moonbats… do you really think we need another fucking vagina representing the Feminist Utopia of Washington? C’mon… you’ve got senator dimbulb representing the idiot view; Maria Cantwell representing the economically illiterate. We’ve got an unelected governor representing the moonbats here. Isn’t that enough? How about having a man who actually knows something, has some life experiences and is able to make a plan and do it? Wouldn’t that be better than more random feel good shit from a stoopid fucking woman?
Just wondering…
Roger and Gang; I though you folks said, “Collect all the weapons and there will be no crime”. They did that in Canada and look what happen to those poor folks, now only the police and the criminals now have guns in Canada. Those poor voting fools did not have a chance when the Bandidos show up for a friendly visit. Roger is that an illegal Immigrants from Mexico, or did they pay 50K to enter the country legally.
Police: 8 deaths in Canada linked to biker gang
5 arrested in case authorities call ‘internal cleansing’ of Bandidos club
LONDON, Ontario – Canadian police arrested five people on murder charges Monday and said that eight men found dead inside cars parked on an isolated farm were affiliated with a biker gang.
Police called the killings “an internal cleansing” of the Bandidos motorcycle gang and said the eight victims were killed by gun shots. The eight bodies were found Saturday, two-story farmhouse about six miles from where the bodies were found in four vehicles Saturday morning.
The gangland-style killings are the biggest mass murder in Canada since spurned husband Mark Chahal went on a shooting rampage in Vernon, British Columbia, killing nine people, including his estranged wife and himself in 1996.
Illegal immigrants having big protest in downtown Moonbat today.
Here’s a question: Should foreigners get a vote in how we set our own internal policies?
I’m all for letting immigrants stay here. Everybody wins if they do. But they shouldn’t get a say in policy making.
Am I wrong?
or did they pay 50K to enter the country legally.
I do think they raise up the cost to 500K now that West Seattle wanted to move into Canada.
or did they pay 50K to enter the country legally.
I do think they raise up the cost to 500K now that West Seattle wanted to move into Canada.
Hey Redneck – Great website: The annals of Republican Pervs!
Are you on there?
I’m all for letting immigrants stay here. Everybody wins if they do. But they shouldn’t get a say in policy making.
Am I wrong?
Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/10/06@ 4:23 pm
Mark they are more honest than the registered fools now living in Seattle. They could vote Socialist Democrat but they are not that stupid. Fox did not educate them but they are smarter than those graduating from Seattle’s best schools.
Hey Redneck – I found a hot date for you. (The one on the right in the picture, hint, hint).
Don’t worry the “lady” is a Republican.
Deep from the heart of Texas, no less.
2 teens found shot near Garfield High
Two teenagers were in serious condition Saturday after being found near Garfield High School with gunshot wounds.
Seattle Police believe the two shootings were linked, but detectives had not been able to interview the victims at Harborview Medical Center.
Roger and Gang here is something right in your neighborhood.
I agree that the president has the authority to declassify information. The executive branch decides what to classify and as the head of the executive branch, the president can have the final say.
That’s not the end of the issue though, because Bush didn’t have the courage to say he did it because he was trying toi steer public opinion. Instead, he acted all offended about the “leaks” and talked about how serious he would be taking it and that anyone who leaked classified info would be punished. So Bush didn’t break any laws, he’s just a duplicitous tool.
And damn straight we are better off with Cantwell than some GOP rubber stamp, particularly if we have a chance to attain Democrat control of the Senate.
Yeah Goldy, and we all know Kondracke’s predictions at Roll Call are always perfect. This might refresh your memory. Or at very least, it might educate your hypnotized readers to the possibility that endless trumpeting and bias from a left leaning press doesn’t always translate into real votes.
Amazing how Europe looks at Al Qaeda phone messages to young peeps while US Moonbats want to inhibit Al Qaeda calls to young peeps. Amazing how dem libruls think!
Do they? Name one Democrat in Congress who doesn’t think we should be able to monitor phone calls from known Al Qaeda members to the United States. Russ Feingold? No. Ted Kennedy? Nope. Nancy Pelosi? Don’t kid yourself.
Either understand the issues at hand or stop wasting cyberspace. This country needs its citizens to step up and start acting like adults. Do you think you can handle that, or is it too hard to remove the right-wing radio pacifier?
Here’s a question: Should foreigners get a vote in how we set our own internal policies?
I’m all for letting immigrants stay here. Everybody wins if they do. But they shouldn’t get a say in policy making.
Am I wrong?
It’s not possible to be any more wrong. If the currently illegal immigrants are given amnesty and allowed to become citizens, they have as much of a stake in the future of this country as you or me. And frankly, I trust the stewardship of this country to a hardworking Mexican migrant worker trying to raise his family than I do to an intellectually lazy Bush supporter who is not smart enough to understand the value of a hard day’s work.
thehim – I think you misunderstand. I made a post Saturday proving the economic case that immigrants, business, and consumers are all better off if immigrant workers are here. So I’m all for letting them stay and assimilate themselves to our country.
And I’m with ya on the dumasses like Roger Rabbit who are too fucking stoopid or lazy to pull their weight and then want guys like me to pick up the tab. Fuck them…
1. Police across the nation were stunned by the massive turnouts of pro-immigrant-rights demonstrators. In Seattle, the line of marchers was more than a mile long. In Tucson, Arizona, turnout exceeded 100,000.
2. On-line voting to choose a design for Washington’s quarter was shut down after Stefan Sharkansky alerted state officials to massive cheating by robo-voting computers.
3. France scrapped a controversial labor law that provoked massive demonstrations and violent riots.
4. Records revealed in court show that key figures in a phone-jamming scheme to keep New Hampshire Democrats from voting in 2002 had regular contact with the White House and Republican Party.
I think you misunderstand. I made a post Saturday proving the economic case that immigrants, business, and consumers are all better off if immigrant workers are here. So I’m all for letting them stay and assimilate themselves to our country.
Fine, and if they do that, they should be able to vote. It’s a principle this country was founded on. If you pay taxes, you get a say at the ballot box.
And I’m with ya on the dumasses like Roger Rabbit who are too fucking stoopid or lazy to pull their weight and then want guys like me to pick up the tab.
Considering I’ve met Roger Rabbit, this line is just absurd. And I have no idea what your job is, but I’m assuming that you take responsibility for yourself as well. But believing that there is some subgroup of ‘liberals’ that doesn’t is really quite dumb. My father-in-law thinks like that, and it’s truly embarrassing. There are just as many lazy, freeloading conservatives in this country as there are liberals. What you don’t realize is that they exist at the other end of the economic scale. They’re folks who make enough money through inheritance and other means afforded the wealthy by conservative tax policies that spoil the already-wealthy. But, of course, they want you to believe that the only lazy freeloaders are the poor people on welfare, or else you’ll actually do something about it.
“Phone-Jamming Records Point to White House
“Key figures in a phone-jamming scheme designed to keep New Hampshire Democrats from voting in 2002 had regular contact with the White House and Republican Party as the plan was unfolding, phone records introduced in criminal court show.
“The records show that Bush campaign operative James Tobin, who recently was convicted in the case, made two dozen calls to the White House within a three-day period around Election Day 2002 – as the phone jamming operation was finalized, carried out and then abruptly shut down.
“The national Republican Party, which paid millions in legal bills to defend Tobin, says the contacts involved routine election business and that it was ‘preposterous’ to suggest the calls involved phone jamming. …
“The phone records of calls to the White House were exhibits in Tobin’s trial but prosecutors did not make them part of their case.
“Democrats plan to ask a federal judge Tuesday to order GOP and White House officials to answer questions about the phone jamming in a civil lawsuit alleging voter fraud.
“Repeated hang-up calls that jammed telephone lines at a Democratic get-out-the-vote center occurred in a Senate race in which Republican John Sununu defeated Democrat Jeanne Shaheen, 51 percent to 46 percent, on Nov. 5, 2002.
“Besides the conviction of Tobin, the Republicans’ New England regional director, prosecutors negotiated two plea bargains: one with a New Hampshire Republican Party official and another with the owner of a telemarketing firm involved in the scheme. The owner of the subcontractor firm whose employees made the hang-up calls is under indictment.
“The phone records show that most calls to the White House were from Tobin, who became President Bush’s presidential campaign chairman for the New England region in 2004. Other calls from New Hampshire senatorial campaign offices to the White House could have been made by a number of people. …
“A Democratic analysis of phone records introduced at Tobin’s criminal trial show he made 115 outgoing calls – mostly to the same number in the White House political affairs office – between Sept. 17 and Nov. 22, 2002. …
“There also were other calls between Republican officials during the period that the scheme was hatched and canceled. …
“While national Republican officials have said they deplore such operations, the Republican National Committee said it paid for Tobin’s defense because he is a longtime supporter and told officials he had committed no crime. …
“Virtually all the calls to the White House went to the same number, which currently rings inside the political affairs office. In 2002, White House political affairs was led by now-RNC chairman Ken Mehlman. …”;cid=2194
“1) Clinton was a serial predator. He was impeached and disbarred because he lied to a grand jury in connection with a felony assault case he settled for eight hundred thousand dollars.”
Really? What felony was Clinton charged with? Name one.
“2) GWB won every fucking recount that was done. Even the extremist hate groups that did recounts couldn’t find enough votes. Shit, Dean Logan couldn’t even do it. The 550k is bullshit because we have a thing called the electoral college. You obviously don’t know about college though, so that kinda splains it huh…”
Well let’s see … Bush won the electoral vote by one state in 2000 as a result carrying Florida by 537 votes after the GOP secretary of state illegally purged 57,700 black voters from the rolls on false allegations they were ex-felons. And Bush won the electoral vote by one state in 2004 by carrying Ohio by a little over 100,000 votes — a state in which GOP vendors supplied the no-paper-trail voting machines and the GOP secretary of state locked voting machines in warehouses so Democratic voters had to stand in line for 8 hours to vote. Like you guys legitimately “won,” yeah right. If Bush “won” either election, then I’m not a rabbit, and you’re not a lying weasel and bet welsher, and the sky is not blue.
Interesting that Republican bigots have no problem with a candidate being a cross-dressing pervert as long as he runs as a conservative Republican! Fucking hypocrites.
Roger @ 57
That Republican “lady” is perfect for Redneck – no vagina!
Republicans are very much influenced by the Puritanical streak that runs through the American character.
So are Liberals.
A Republican , however, is likely to blame a victim for their problems, ie, poverty, and a Liberal in many cases would blame the power structures that surround the individual for letting that person down.
Damn, Roger beat me to the Phone Jamming scam having direct ties to the White House. More proof that the fish rots from the head.
Mark the Welcher and Wrongboy, if the president decides to release your IRS records, does that make it legal? Does that make it right?
If the President was in the clear when he leaked the information on the NIE, why did he not just admit it? Why did he lie about it for over two years?
If you give one reporter selective information in a desperate attempt to overcome the truth, how is that not a leak, even if it was approved by the President?
Mark the Welcher? President Clinton was accused of felony assault? By whom? Paula Jones “was a former Arkansas state employee who sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment. The lawsuit was eventually dismissed without proceeding to trial, since Jones was unable to demonstrate any damages.”
All Jones ever claimed was that Bill Clinton dropped his pants. While a person might bust a gut laughing if you were to do it, that is not assault in any state, felony or otherwise. Boy, usually only Wrongboy is this wrong!
RR – and look what’s become of that Katherine Harris wench. The poor plastic GOP prozac dolly….
Conservative magazine urges Harris to quit Senate race
WASHINGTON – National Review, the conservative magazine, is calling for Katherine Harris to take herself out of the race for U.S. Senate in Florida “for the good of her party and for the good of her own reputation.”
In an unsigned editorial that reflects the view of its editors, the magazine says the embattled Republican can’t defeat incumbent U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, but that there’s still time for another GOP candidate to get in the race against the Democrat the magazine calls a “colorless career politician.”
The editorial, posted early Monday on the magazine’s Web site, is only the latest in a series of body blows to the former Florida elections chief’s campaign, which has suffered a staffing revolt, fundraising woes and poor polling.
“Harris believes she has a legitimate chance against Nelson,” the editorial reads. “Her belief is almost surely mistaken.”
re 71: Put in a way that CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES can understand. Conservatives are heartless cheap labor abusers of humanity and Liberals are big-hearted champions of humanity with practical plans for improvement.
Just look at the liberal rural electrification programs and the interstate highway system.
Look for similar Cheap labor conservative achievments and you will spend a lifetime looking because there are none. This country is still skating on the Liberal achievments of yesteryear.
God help this country if the voters don’t wise up!
The constant attempts by republicans to steal votes, deny citizens the right to vote and to hijack elections must be stopped by any and all means. I am tired of right wing republicans stuffing boxes with illegal votes.
JustDumbBozo, it’s illegal to release anyone’s IRS records unless you are a democrap!
MTR, klake & Puddy–
Seems like all you have to do is tell these LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS that George Bush is President and they go ballistic!!
While I have always been luke-warm on Bush, it’s kind of fun to remind these KLOWNS just to watch their violent reaction. Let’s try this one:
That ought to get their blood boiling!!
Oh by the way loocy—-
Nice job Cynical: I think we whom think right should end every post with GEORGE BUSH IS PRESIDENT!
Hey Cynical, what do you think about the Detriot police 911 dispatcher dissing the little 5 year old boy while he was calling to try and save his mother’s life?
Cynical, what do you think?
Re: President’s Authority to Declassify Information.
Just a reminder, for those who have forgetten or were too young to remember this little incident from the 1980 Presidential Campaign:
1. Republicans were whipped themselves up in a frenzy calling Carter’s cancellation of the B1 Bomber project as a treasonous disregard of American security.
2. President Carter gave the Republican nominee (Reagan) and his staff access to classified information about the status of the “Stealth” program, which proved that the B1 Bomber was obsolete before it was built. Carter obviously believed that the Republicans would put the bests interest of the country first and drop the B1 Bomber Issue.
3. No such luck. The Republican pollsters reported that they were getting quite good results from the B1 issue, so they actually turned up the heat, continuing to repeat allegations they now knew to be false.
4. Finally, Carter had to respond by releasing some vague comments indicating that the B1 bomber was about to be eclipsed by some new technology – and pointing out that the Republicans knew this.
5. Republicans screamed bloody murder, releasing (themselves) details of the stealth program, and then pillorying Carter for risking the nations’s security by revealing classified information for advantage in a campaign.
6. After Carter loses the election and Reagan comes into office, Reagan orders a few show piece B1 Bombers to be built (against the wishes of the Pentagon), then takes credit for the creation of the B2 Stealth bomber program, and (later) quietly cancels the B1 Bomber Program.
Someone once asked me why I, as an evangelical Christian, won’t vote Republican. This is one of the examples I give them.
Wow rhp6033 that’s POTENT stuff! I’ll raise you with this from November 2000 election.
“While every election is important, the November 7th election will determine our future for the next decade, and beyond. The stakes are high for America’s Latino families. And California is the critical battleground.
“That’s why I’m writing. We need your help to elect a Democratic Congress.
“Despite our strong economy, many hard-working people still struggle to make ends meet. Quality, affordable health care, a world-class education, aging with dignity, and well-paid jobs are part of the American dream — rather than an American reality — for too many people. – (emphasis mine! Even Bill Clinton admits his economy did nothing for the poor on those items the left screams bloody murder against GEORGE BUSH IS PRESIDENT! This is great stuff!!!)
“Electing a Democratic Congress is essential for our ‘Families First’ legislative agenda.
“Congratulations on your decision to register. Registering to vote is a basic responsibility of citizenship that far too many people ignore.
“Now that you are registered …
“Can I count on you to vote Democratic on November 7th?
“Will you make an extra effort to elect Democrats to Congress — and to your State Legislature — by talking to your family, friends and neighbors?
“Remember: Your Vote is Your Voice.
“Su Voz, Es Su Voto. Make your voice heard on Election Day.
“Sincerely, President Bill Clinton”
At least Bill Clinton admitted his administration failed on those items above!!
The draft-dodging, AWOL, cowardly thief Bush is NOT MY president!
Rabbit Pellet: Did you forget the voter fraud on your side from Wisconsin and East St Louis.
Since you love to bring up Ohio, of course there was no fraud in Cuyahoga County (D), Ohio (that’s the donkocraptic city of Cleveland Rabbit Pellet) where they admitted counting the votes in secret before bringing them out in public to count.
Or Rabbit Pellet how about the New York Daily News expose over the almost 46,000 people, who were illegally registered to vote in New York City and in Florida? THe NYDN said they were mostly Democrats!!!
Or Rabbit Pellet the ex-Secretary of State Kevin Shelley (D) who had to resign over voter funds fraud!!!
How about:
1. Require all immigrants register their status by Dec 31. Fingerprint required, or some other biometric so it can’t be forged. If they have committed a felony in this country, no card.
2. Deny any but emergency medical care to anyone without proof of citizenship or a registration card, gotten in step 1. This means all public aid, including enrolling your kids in school.
3. Fine any employer or individual who hires anyone without the proper ID. If this means a de facto national ID, the so be it.
4. Let those who can prove that they have been paying taxes and living here legally for the last five years, except for the illegal crossing part, apply for citizenship in five years. Fine all of them $2,000 plus all back taxes. Calculate what it is. If they claim they have lived here 5 years, but can’t prove it, impute a back tax of 15% of $20,000 annual wage per worker. No citizenship until all has been paid. For those who can’t prove the taxes paid, the 10 year clock starts as soon as they register.
This isn’t amnesty. It is a pathway out of the shadows.
Hey KLake’sDickSucker: Are you an American citizen? If so, then GEORGE BUSH IS PRESIDENT! If you say otherwise leave for Mexico. I am sure you can find solace there!
Seems like all you have to do is tell these LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS that George Bush is President and they go ballistic!!
Actually, Cynical, you’re missing a step. The correct chronology is:
b) The Iranian government, Al Qaeda leadership, Hugo Chavez, and Kim Il-Sun toast to a weakened America
c) Liberals go ballistic
Thanks again for helping to fuck up my country, jackass.
Actually, it’s Kim Il-Sun’s pipsqueak kid that’s toasting the Republican leadership these days, but you get my point… :)
Rabbit Pellet did you forget this 2004 poll where Rasmussen finds that 82 percent of Americans, including 75 percent of Democrats, believe that “people should be required to show a driver’s license or some other form of photo ID before they are allowed to vote”? What is interesting in this Rasmussen poll are the 75 percent of Democrats agreed with this photo ID requirement!
So if you want to destroy voter fraud use photo ID. Oops.. can’t have that in Donk land WA state!
You site one case of local Dem pols doing something wrong. How many cases can you site that go straight to the White House?
That’s right, like you, a big fat 0.
Key figures in a phone-jamming scheme designed to keep New Hampshire Democrats from voting in 2002 had regular contact with the White House and Republican Party as the plan was unfolding, phone records introduced in criminal court show.
So, do you practice, or are you naturally always wrong.
Thehim you mixed up points B & C. The moonbats got their panties wound up tight after the SCOTUS decision!
Kim Il-Sung – made friends with Madeline Half-Bright and Jimmy Cahhhhhhrter in the 90s.
Iran – Cahhhhhhrter could not make up his mind on getting the hostages out in 1979 or early 1980 which emboldened them forever.
Once again JustDumbBozo you convict before the evidence appears. Sure this looks bad and if it points to Ken Mehlman get rid of him. Remember you did this with Karl Rove last year. We now know Rove did not leak the name!!! Again JustDumbBozo says convict now!
Hmmm, once one or both Houses of Congress get into Demcratic hands in 2006 it might not be such a happy thing that GEORGE BUSH IS PRESIDENT.
Pud –
Rove may or may not have leaked the name. But if he gets nailed, it will probably be, like Libby, for lying to investigators. That’s a federal crime.
East St Louis
Cleveland Ohio
California ex-SoS
I guess by the new JustDumbBozo math that’s one!
Now for the history lesson. JustDumbBozo read about Donko vote fraud starting back in 1948. Search on LBJ.
I think Reichert is toast. His problem is really that he has nothing to run on. He has supported the administration too often, and what he hasdone has nto impressed. This is from his re-election site: “Reichert leads the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Science and Technology which oversees coordination between federal, state and local first responders, emergency response and preparedness, and research into new technologies to combat terrorism.”
Yeah, he’s had a really good two years of “emergency prEparedness.” Darcy should wipe the floor with him. Have you ever seen Microsoft execs in meetings? You think Reichert can win a debate with her?
Daddy_Love where is the evidence on Rove? I remember your leader Goldy of the Northwest Division of Librul Moonbats blogging a Merry Fitzmas. All about nothing and you donks swalled the Goldy Kool-Aid. Judith Miller could have blown in Rove. No she said Libby. Keep wishing Daddy_Love
swallowed oops…
“RR – and look what’s become of that Katherine Harris wench. The poor plastic GOP prozac dolly…. Conservative magazine urges Harris to quit Senate race”
Yeah, I saw that — and her Botox implants are falling, too.
Puddy –
I don’t know what evidence there is or isn’t about Karl Rove. But if he lied to federal investigators, Fitzgerald will have his slimy hide.
“CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES” Commentby headless lucy— 4/10/06@ 5:48 pm
Lucy — whenever you mention CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES be sure to include this link: http://www.conceptualguerilla......php?id=103
It’s also good to include this quote for the elucidation of our brainwashed trollfuck friends:
“When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just ‘dime-store economics’ – intended to dress their ideology up and make it look respectable. You don’t really need to know much about economics to understand it. They certainly don’t. It all gets down to two simple words.
“‘Cheap labor’. That’s their whole philosophy in a nutshell – … a short and pithy ‘catch phrase’ that describes them perfectly. You’ve heard of ‘big-government liberals’. Well they’re ‘cheap-labor conservatives’.
“‘Cheap-labor conservative’ is a moniker they will never shake, and never live down. … You see, cheap-labor conservatives are defenders of corporate America – whose fortunes depend on labor. The larger the labor supply, the cheaper it is. The more desperately you need a job, the cheaper you’ll work, and the more power those ‘corporate lords’ have over you. If you are a wealthy elite – or a ‘wannabe’ like most dittoheads – your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool, forced to work cheap.”
“Roger and Gang; I though you folks said, “Collect all the weapons and there will be no crime”.” Commentby klake— 4/10/06@ 4:23 pm
You’re either confused, illiterate, a liar, or all three. What I said was:
Flaky klake is:
[ ] 1. confused
[ ] 2. illiterate
[ ] 3. a liar
[ ] 4. a nazi
[X] 5. all of the above
Daddy_Love: You are pretty much level headed. If Rove lied, if, I agree. But Fitzpatrick would have nailed him. He still can but he hasn’t! Keep wishing!
Well let’s see … Bush won the electoral vote by one state in 2000 as a result carrying Florida by 537 votes after the GOP secretary of state illegally purged 57,700 black voters from the rolls on false allegations they were ex-felons. And Bush won the electoral vote by one state in 2004 by carrying Ohio by a little over 100,000 votes – a state in which GOP vendors supplied the no-paper-trail voting machines and the GOP secretary of state locked voting machines in warehouses so Democratic voters had to stand in line for 8 hours to vote
WTF cares:
So a democrat got elected only after a third recound by 129 votes and after the largest democratic leaning county found a 100 votes. Given that Bush crushed you democrats fair and square. That is why GEORGE BUSH IS PRESIDENT!
Here is a look at how the unions spend the money they extort from millions of their members
Puddybud – Do you love these sinners?
They have R’s next to their names.
And how many of those were orchestrated by the White House?
Oh, again, just like you, a big, fat 0.
And speaking of being orchestrated by the White House:
Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald for the first time described a “concerted action” by “multiple people in the White House” — using classified information — to “discredit, punish or seek revenge against” a critic of President Bush’s war in Iraq.
Let’s see if Bill “Falafel” O’Reilly gets on his high horse about this act of personal destruction.
That is nothing compared to the public schools and the teachers union. Can you say union protected child molestation. Shit these donks have to be reminded all the time on where they come from don’t they.
And isn’t it funny that President Depends, the Leaker-in-Chief, claims he leaked because he wanted to get the “truth” out, when in fact he knows the select information that he had leaked was in fact a lie?
But according to Libby’s grand jury testimony, described for the first time in legal papers filed this week, Cheney “specifically directed” Libby in late June or early July 2003 to pass information to reporters from two classified CIA documents: an October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate and a March 2002 summary of Wilson’s visit to Niger.
One striking feature of that decision — unremarked until now, in part because Fitzgerald did not mention it — is that the evidence Cheney and Libby selected to share with reporters had been disproved months before.
I’m gonna laugh my a$$ of when she loses by 10pts.
Don’t get me wrong, nationwide, the D’s are going to have a pretty good election night in Nov. 2006, but your dreams of beating Reichert are roughly as nuts as the R’s that think Kathryn Harris can still win the Florida Senate Race.
Don’t let yourself get all suicidal when she gets hammered now.
To: PuddyPud at 82:
1. You didn’t even bother to deny the truth of my post at # 81. Instead, you tried to change the subject.
2. You failed miserably at changing the subject, quoting Bill Clinton’s exortations to elect a Democractic Congress as evidence that he failed on economic issues for poor families. This doesn’t even make sense – was he supposed to accomplish these goals with a Republican Congress?
But obviously, you don’t care about logic or responding to true posts. Your purpose here is to serve as a troll, to try to change the subject when the truth hits home, and to tell the “big lie” over and over again. I bet you still argue that the Democrats are the “big spenders” in Congress, don’t you? Despite the current evidence to the contrary? Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good lie, huh?
Puddy –
Fitzgerald does not indict until he has all the facts. The Libby case is movng forward to trial, but other investigations are ongoing. Don’t assume that Karl Rove is out of the woods yet.
zbigreddogz @ 112
On what do you base your conclusion?
How could employing Bruce Boram not be considered a political liability for the Reichert campaign? I gotta figure that ones going to come back to haunt Reichert.
The Pacific Northwest–it’s not known for being a Republican stronghold. Nonetheless, there are a few important developments in GOP politics out there right now that could well change the face of politics in the region. There’s also quite a bit of controversy, and as several races are heating up, innuendo, mischaracterization and misrepresentation are becoming the main political tools of some of the principal contenders.
Let’s start by looking at one of my favorites, the race for the 8th district in Washington, currently represented by Congressman Dave Reichert. In a state where policy-making off the back of extensive research and analysis is prized, and explaining policy by reference to religion or dogma is very much frowned upon, Congressman Reichert has become a respected representative known for his careful, independent study of issues, and his willingness–even as a first term Congressman–to break ranks with the GOP leadership on issues like the development of ANWR and the overhaul of endangered species legislation. Last month, he was recognized as a centrist by National Journal, probably because of these votes, his vote against federal intervention in the Terri Schiavo case, his vocal support for separation of church and state, and his belief in changing laws so that “everyone has the same rights” to ensure that legal hurdles for gay couples are eliminated, without gay marriage being legalized. He is an outstanding example of a legislator who takes an investigative approach to issues, and whose approach and views accord with large proportion of Washingtonians–and the majority of people in his district, based on my personal experience. He is a libertarian-leaning, environmentally concerned, supply-side Republican–just what the 8th district needs.
Reichert may have won his first race with just 51% of the vote, but his record makes him far stronger than anyone would have predicted. Certainly, Reichert is looking stronger than his Democratic challenger, Darcy Burner, a former Microsoft executive who for some reason thought her anti-war platform and her lack of discussion on her website of her positions on tax and spending–which are of core concern in this fiscally conservative district–would play to the masses. Having realized that Reichert’s record is in sync with the profile of the district–and that in line with that, he’s doing well in raising money–she and fellow Washington Democrats have resorted to innuendo, mischaracterization and misrepresentation in order to weaken his chances.
Back in February, Burner’s campaign tried to imply that Reichert is anti-environment by pointing to a 28% rating by the League of Conservation Voters. This is a blatant mischaracterization of Reichert’s record and stance when it comes to the environment–a big issue in the 8th district. Reichert gets ratings in the 30s from the American Wilderness Coalition and the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund. In the case of AWC, that means that Joe Lieberman outranks Reichert by less than 20%– making the divergence between him and those recognized as Congressional leaders on environmental protection initiatives look smaller than Ms Burner seeks to imply. And Reichert still outranks moderate Republicans like Jim Kolbe by more than 20%, based on LCV’s 2005 rating.
Plus, the Sierra Club commended Reichert for his refusal to back ANWR drilling–a position which sadly he, and many other pro-environment legislators had to abandon after being forced to choose between paying for continued military operations in Iraq, or preventing drilling.
8th district voters should pay attention on this one. Reichert may not be an eco-warrior like some from Washington. But when allegations are made to suggest that he reliably toes the party line on the environment, and that he’s weak when it comes to environmental protection, it’s mischaracterization and distortion of the worst kind. And it’s all the less credible given that the anti-environment innuendo is being made by a candidate whose website shows that she is not endorsed by a single environmental organization.
Liz Mair