State Sens. Steve Hobbs and Brian Hatfield were apparently all smiles at Tuesday’s lobbyist-sponsored “Roadkill Caucus” fundraiser at the Indian Summer Golf Club.
Huh. Considering the tough primary and general election challenges Hobbs faces, perhaps “roadkill” is an apt name?
Pretty Swanky digs for middle of the road, pragmatic, centrists. I wonder if they are putting “prefers republican party but my district won’t tolerate it, so I guess I have to pick democrat” on their candidate registration?
Not surprised with Hobbs’ affiliation with big corporations. I have visited Hobbs’ numerous times in Olympia, and he really didn’t have the time of day for regular old citizens. I (along with other citizens traveling with me) always left Olympia frustrated at his arrogance and demeaning attitude toward us- that’s, of course, when he found the time to meet with us. Many times, he just was too busy to see us. Maybe he wanted to avoid discussing with us his voting record which clearly shows lack of support for workers in this state. Me? I support Schmidt or Kaufer.
Ha! Keep up the good work, Goldy. As Lillian Kaufer’s campaign manager, I am thrilled that people are starting to write about Steve and his corporate pals. Give me a jingle, Lillian would love to talk about the race with you.
Speaking as on who lives in the 44th may I suggest you stick to Seattle issues. Hobbs is hardly facing a tough challenge.
Is that why a ton of the groups who traditionally support an incumbent Dem are supporting Lillian instead? For instance, without the Washington State Labor Council on board, there is no labor to neighbor, and without the WEA on board, there are no teachers to go out and doorbell for your candidate. Heck, I even saw that Hobbs was losing to Dave Schmidt in a head-to head poll by 8 points. Face it, its all uphill for Hobbs from here.
Wow a DUMMOCRAPT who’s “not” for the people? Whodathunkit? Especially when all you read here is the garbage swill “It’s a Psych 101 thing” projection from you leftist pinheads against those who politically think right.
Puddy sees DUMMOCRAPTS start at this level and then take their learned arrogance and demeaning attitudes to the big circus and become a Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid. Think of how Nancy accused Tea Party members of using “Nazi tactics” yet she was vehemently heckled by peeps who “think” like her earlier this week using the same “Nazi tactics” as SHE called them.