From The Plum Line:
In case you missed it, the RNC sent a mailing, obtained by a local paper in Washington State and now rocketing around the political world, that contained the following loaded question:
“It has been suggested that the government could use voter registration to determine a person’s political affiliation, prompting fears that GOP voters might be discriminated against for medical treatment in a Democrat-imposed health care rationing system. Does this possibility concern you?”
RNC spokesperson Katie Wright concedes to me that the question was a foul-up, though she says there are still legit reasons for Americans to worry about privacy.
And they sent the mailer to Washington state, where we don’t have political parties voter registration by party.
UPDATE (Goldy):
The Washington Independent has obtained a copy of the survey from 64-year-old Raymond Denny of La Center.
You can view the whole survey here.
Hey wingnuts,
These days you guys say the darndest things at these
Nothing would surprise me from the most corrupt Administration ever…O-blah-blah.
Just look at the what they did with the e-mails…and lied their way out of it.
Now NBC and one other network station refund to air an anti-Obamacare ad…after giving Obama a FREE hour to make his case.
From Obama’s hero…6-time Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Norman Thomas—
“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
– Norman Thomas
I think denying wingnuts medical care is a great idea. Either that or put a bounty on ’em.
re 2: I thought you were against the fairness doctrine? This is how it looks like from the other end. Hope you can take it as well as you dish it.
re 2:“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
– Norman Thomas
So what?
The German and Italian people wouldn’t accept right wing fascism unless it was presented to them as socialism.
Republicans propose a corporatist tyranny — mistakenly supposing they will be among the tyrants.
@2 Mr. C summary by SJ
Mr. C believes that only registered democrats will get healthcare. I assume he expects an exception for unregistered aliens?
He also seems not to have nay definition ofr the word socialism excpet that when government action is sponsored under a dem it is socialist but under a re it is … well, something else?
Finally he thinks the POTUS should not be allowed to speak on TV unless Rush Limbaugh is given equal time.
A free service of SJ.
Headless ..
Pleas elet SJ help ..
when Mr C says socialism bad, he has no idea what he means by socialism. Unfortunately, unlike Norman Thomas, Mr. C is largely illiterate.
As for corporatism, the core of National Socialism and Communism, that is good if it is called private enterprise but bad if it called
Does this help?
I’m definitely on board with this. Let’s pass a public option, but deny the use of it to Republicans. Let’s pass a ban on denial of service based on pre-existing conditions, except for Republicans. Let’s ban insurance company recission (canceling an insurance policy when you get a bad illness/injury), except for Republicans. Let’s pass insurance subsidies, except for Republicans.
They don’t want it anyway, so fuck ’em. Sink or fucking swim.
@3 From what I read and hear from a lot of wingnuts I know, they’re going to do it to themselves. Seems a lot of ’em have decided they’re not going to be “fooled” by the “Obama swine flu hoax”, and no way are they letting any socialist needles get stuck in their arms.
Then watch all the provider facilities get clogged with these idiots crawling in, sick as hell, demanding to be shot full of antibiotics which won’t help.
@7 Let’s remember that Cyn and his ilk make one exception: Government’s one true purpose is to slaughter dark-skinned people in foreign lands.
Nah.. No need to do that. If they want to keep on getting screwed by insurance companies, they’ll have the same freedom after reform passes. Besides we don’t want to be like them:
I mean, how much lower can these guys sink? Is this the way they have to play to their base to stay elected? This “base” has gone way, way beyond even batshit insane!
I think this belongs in the “After Too Much Crazy” thread:
Illiterate, huh??
Aren’t you a fat, obese pig?
How can someone as smart as you pretend to be let themselves go to the point of obesity??
how about sticking to the issues SJ.
You started this snarky sideshow.
How about ending it…..
8. Daddy Love spews:
Where is your right-hand when you go off on these fantasy’s DL??
Just as I thought.
Hearing Reagan’s work-for-hire AMA speech now about “socialized medicine” reminds you that maybe conservatives have always spread the fear in the form of crackpot conspiracy theories, but if I’d have seen this 20 years ago, I wouldn’t have believed that this wasn’t a hilarious joke.
Hey, I have an idea. Since the pubbies already believe we’re going to ration medical care according to party affiliation and set up death panels, we might as well be guilty, right? I mean, if you have to do 10 years for robbing a bank, you might as well rob the fucking bank, do you see what I mean? So, let’s set up death panels to weed out Republicans so we don’t have to provide them with medical care!*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter joke! Bet I had you wingnuts going for a minute there!!
@1 Republicans are getting weirder by the hour! A spaceship will pick them up any day now.
Our own SeattleJew out stumping for Free Health Care!
I think it’s simple transference. It’s what they wished they could do to Democrats, so they fear it being done to them.
13/14 Cyn
Stay classy as always.
@13 SJ summary of Mr C.
hmmm …
surely you can come up with better insults that fat, obese pig?
The literacy issue her is quite amusing ..
is fat different from obese?
is it antisemitic to call a Jew a pig?
If obesity is a measure of irresponsibility, the doesn’t Obama come out rather well???
Snarky sideshow?? The literacy issue comes up again, do you mean snarky as in, “sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manne”.
err, ahh .. arenpt you the one trolling here?
@18 Mr C
Isn’t a gay picture like that out of place in Mr. C’s conservative repertoire?
I think the real issue for Repubs is the Dr. Emmanuel has raised the question of how best to care for dimmented. They think he means them.
The saddest part of this is that NONE of the Reprican leadership seems able to articulate anything smarter than Palin. Would you hire these folks to run GM?
@23 They’d probably succeed in de-inventing the wheel.
And they’d blame Obama for what they did.
Mr. Klynical has really gone off the deep end with his recent personal attacks on SJ.
It’s a strange phenomenon watching someone who you already perceived as completely batshit crazy get even more that way. Cynical has set the bar really high now for other wingies to match his delusions.
I just find it ironic that a fatass is out stumping for free Health Care.
The biggest issue I’ve seen identified in this whole debate is a lack of personal responsiblility in diet and lifestyle.
Obesity in America is at an all-time high…much of it preventable with just a modicum of personal restraint at the food line and exercise.
SJ likes to poke fun at one’s literacy as he fancies himself “enlightened”.
Yet Mr. Enlightened is obese.
Knowing all the medical jargon & theories might impress the other “at the trough Government Payroll krowd”…but if you cannot practice…put into action…your knowledge, what good is it SJ??
Do you consider YLB literate SJ??
He has been unemployed for much of his life.
He also considers himself “enlightened”…but to what end? Posting on
@27 “delusions”
It seems that’s all he has left. If I gave a rat’s ass whether or not the PSYCHO-KLOWN lived or died, I might actually feel sorry for him. But I don’t, so I won’t.
Say, do you know what Mr. Klynical hates most about fucking goats? Kleaning his soiled KLOWN Kostume afterwards!!
Hey, Klynical KLOWN,
Remember that shit you used to pull, Klynical? Payback’s a bitch, huh, KLOWN? Suck on it.
re 28: Back to the personal resposibility meme, I see.
Fine. I hold you personally responsible for all of the people who died needlessly in Bush’s Iraq war — which you supported.
@23 I wouldn’t hire them to run Wasilla. But that’s me. Alaska’s small towns have some strange voters in them.
@28 47 million uninsured and Klynikal Klown thinks America’s biggest health problem is McDonald’s?
32. Roger Rabbit spews:
Ummmmmmm, Rog..
Of those 47 million that you and O-blah-blah quote–
9.7 MILLION are Illegal Aliens
14 MILLION already have access to FREE Health Care
8.4 MILLION make between 50,000-74,999
9.1 MILLION make over $75,000
This leaves about 6 MILLION question marks.
Tell us about the 47 MILLION Rog.
Are you saying NONE OF THEM make over $50,000?
Are saying NONE OF THEM already have access to FREE Health Care?
Are you saying NONE OF THEM are Illegal Aliens?
Just for the record Rog…what says you?
Rog will dog the question!
He won’t answer it.
The KLOWNS never do.
Have you gotten over grieving the imaginery death of your pretend Black friend???
Make up having a Black friend after offending Puddy….then you kill the imaginery friend off.
What a PINHEAD!!
Hey, you never told us about all your black friends at the all-white Kountry Klub you brag about.
You also never told us about all your Black friends at the Yacht Klub you claim to be Kommodore of.
@33 Cyn, you and your fellow nutbags have become so adept at reciting that verse that I wonder if you’re going to make it the new National Anthem.
Hmmm…The REAL(tm) Nazis had six million they regarded as a “problem”…and we all know what they did with them.
At this point I’d be willing to deny care to Republicans. Gladly.
MC. Summary
Not much muck lately, seem obsessed with my weight. FWIW, I am too. OTOH, he may have a thing about fat guys, after all he di post some porn shots of fat guy!
He does seem to think Obama is propoising free healthcare! FREE! I had not heard that, it sounds wunnful.
@33: We have already shown that 1 out of every three AMERICANS under 65 did not have health insurance at some time last year…your numbers are just plain lies.
Do you have any documentation? Of course not, you get your numbers from the lying rightwingnuts.
14 million are already covered…..what BS..then how are they uninsured?
You are so damn stupid you don’t even know what you are writing.
And Klynical….you are just a scumbag for going after SJ.
I am more fit than you ever were and I am stumping for health care that works…because we never know who might get sick or lose their job.
Klynical: You are a scumbag….and I thought you were religious….but now I find out you insult people needlessly to make you putrid political point. You are an embarassment.
@23: I agree, Republicans are falling all over themselves to see who can be the biggest fool on healthcare.
Hey, Cynical,
I’ll be in Montana for about 10 days next month. I would like to tour your property, converse with your loving progeny, and photograph your belly. You know, kind of walk the line as an observer. You are perfect, so I would like to share with other HA’ers the tangible evidence of your perfection. Just let me know exactly where you live and what days would be most convenient for my visit. Deal?
Ah, come one. Cyn was just having fun, he don’t mean no harm to SJ. After all, he fucks pigs too, so how could he not love them.
They Love him! God knows, he needs somebody.
The psychotic Klynical KLOWN is reduced to flinging shit pulled from his ass in a pathetic attempt to insult people here.
41. proud leftist spews:
What part of Montana?
Give me your e-mail address.
If you are in SW Montana, I’ll buy you lunch!
cnr spews–
I said they have access to FREE Health Care. They don’t have to be insured.
You make the claim…show me where?
Show me where they looked at circumstances of these folks in terms of annual wages, citizenship and access to FREE Health Care?
Ball is in your court cnr.
Show me.
43. Steve spews:
From the fingertips of the guy who insulted Puddy…then invented a Black friend….then had his imaginary friend die for sympathy??
Awwwwwwww steve…you are the same guy calling anyone who disagrees with you a “Goatf*cker” and posting the same BS under multiple identies.
Look in the mirror.
You ain’t Mr. Civility!
LMFAO!! Thanks for sharing your hateful psychotic delusions with us, KLOWN. Got anymore psychotic bullshit pulled from your ass that you’d care to share with us?
Go make up a new friend to hide your venom and racism!! This time give him a severe heart condition. What a KLOWN KOMMODORE/KOUNTRY KLUBBER steve is!!
You seem to have become quite bitter of late, Mr. Klynical. Is that what you derive from your Christian faith and God’s love, a psychotic need to lash out at perceived political enemies and to tell lies and spew hate? My, but the oh-so-obvious self-loathing you put on constant display here has become a little too much. Lordy, it’s gotta suck being you.
What…no vile comments about goat fornication??
Perhaps your pretend friend’s “faith” is starting to rub off steve.
I suspect you can do better than you have.