Whether you call it bi-partisanship, post-partisanship or non-partisanship, it doesn’t work as a one way street, as the GOP has so quickly and ably proven.
This isn’t about partisanship anyway, it’s about whether the already completely fucked economy becomes the biggest clusterfuck in our lifetimes, if not ever. It’s time to start burying lots of bottles of money, so the capitalists can go about digging them up and people who lost jobs can get back to work. Yes, the titans of industry and finance will insist they solved everything, but since we’re the practical ones we’ll have to allow them that conceit.
Krugman is still warning of a deflationary trap. Granted, no one has a crystal ball and it’s fine to consult with conservative economists, but the stimulus bill cannot be picked to death by Republicans and sell-out Democrats and still stave off disaster.
It’s good the administration seems to recognize this basic fact now.
America’s socioeconomic structure is in serious need of an enema. It’s going to be unpleasant and it’s going to take some time to work, but the alternative would be far, far worse.
When we have inflation, wages don’t keep up with prices. When we have deflation, wages fall faster than prices. Funny how workers always come out with the short end of the stick.
As a senior on a fixed income, I’m very worried about inflation, so I’m hoarding money.
Oops, I pushed the wrong button and got the incorrect canned comment.
As a senior on a fixed income, I’m very worried about deflation, so I’m hoarding money.
The latest thing the neocon think-tankers and the Wall Street economic “geniuses” are bloviating about is that the banks need alteration of the “mark-to-market” rules. In other words, they want to be able to cook their books even further and sell their worthless derivatives to the gubmint (meaning to you and me, pal) for whatever price they wish.
As a near-senior who may be forced into retirement about the time everything hits rock bottom, I’m just worried, period.
– Glenn Beck says that if he tumbled into a timewarp, knowing about George W. Bush what he knows now, he would not trust George W. Bush with the power of the Patriot Act.
– Ann Coulter says Sarah Palin needs a “little seasoning” to get ready for prime time. How much little seasoning does Palin need? Eight – twelve years, enough seasoning to embalm a corpse.
– Apologies for suggesting that Steyn’s worth your time. Mark Steyn wrote a pretty good book about Western Civilization becoming a suburb of Trashkanistan, but listening closely to the insomniac replay of his radio gig shows he’s a simpering fool.
– Peggy Noonan’s Patriotic Grace, 2008
Actually, I’ll benefit from a little deflation, if it doesn’t go too far. Inflation is a serious problem for retirees on fixed incomes, and I like stable or falling prices. Deflation doesn’t hurt me because it doesn’t reduce my income, I don’t need a job, and I owe no debts. The only thing I really worry about is the inflation we’re gonna have when all this deficit spending catches up with us.
The Republicans counter-proposal in the Senate was so silly, I can’t believe they presented it with a straight face.
Almost nothing but tax cuts and their idea of “stimulus” is increased defense spending.
Obama looks ready to kill the unity pony.
And one McSame-loving Republican Senator is having a tizzy:
LMAO!! Yeah we just booed one off the stage.
Read Krugman’s hysterical columns from October 2001. Same screeching about traps, although he was hysterical then about an imminent or immediate Japan-style liquidity trap. Whatever else Bush did or didn’t do apres 9/11, he proved Krugman wrong, unless you take the very long-run view, when we’re all dead, of stopped clocks. Krugman, like Jeane Dixon, could plausibly pose as a prophet if the long run stretches far enough … eventually even stopped clocks and Princeton blowhards can look prescient.
@7 One of the little-noticed effects of recessions is they replace older workers with younger workers. For many long-in-the-tooth workers, what they thought would be a temporary hiatus from employment becomes permanent when age discrimination prevents them from becoming re-employed. What started as a layoff becomes a forced retirement whether they’re ready or not. It’s always better to choose when you’ll get fired so you can sue your former employer before they become insolvent and judgment-proof. The best time to get fired is when the economy is booming because juries tend to be more generous when employers are flush with profits.
@11 Krugman has a Nobel Prize and you don’t, neener neener!
Savor deflation while you’ve got it. Will probably look like a golden age when Weimar 2.0 kicks in. That’s what 2009 Democrat stimulus, cloned from 2008 wastral Republican stimulus and TARP, means: mortgaging the future to thin air in an insane (doing the same nonsense over and over) attempt to forestall a mortgage reckoning today.
” … the stimulus bill cannot be picked to death by Republicans and sell-out Democrats …
Huh? What part of representative domocracy don’t you understand? Obama won, but he didn’t win a back-door coronation from Hindenburg. He won a piece of a deliberative process. Thank God Republicans are finally, after 15 years, getting back some sanity.
(Rush the Majority Maker said recently that Republicans don’t know how to behave when they’re in the majority. Ditto that, big guy. Back in the minority, they finally have a reason to live … picking apart Democrat lunacy and fumigating smelly Democrat orthodoxy.)
Krugman-Arafat 2012: Vote 4 Brains 4 a Change
Medved, left liberal progressive Democrat hack turned into a hateful Republican hack who’s no fun, made a good point about your man Madoff.
Seems that Boy Madoff, who made off with piles of liberal money, was also a liberal benefactor, one of the Top 20 donors to the fat cat party. Google has 14,300 links to Madoff’s Democrat generosity, but your BM Big Media, Democrat by definition, have no time to mention his links to you.
Republicans, however, had to wear Kenny Boy Lay like a bad suit. This despite the actual fact that Lay tilted only slightly to Republicans in his generosity. Enron, it seems, was green. Big on cap-and-trade and on almost any eco-liberal lunacy that came along. So Kenny Boy bestowed a little less than half of his generosity on you and a little more than half on us. As far as your BM Big Media were concerned, that made Ken Lay a GOP poster boy.
So let Madoff out of the closet, Goldycrats. Be loud and proud about what the once-great party of slaveholder Jefferson and Indian-killer Jackson has become. You’ve become the culture of corruption. Blago-Madoff in 2012. Rezko for HHS.
Translation: “Supply-Siders are full of shit, and there’s no more time to quibble about it.”
You guys are marginalized. Go fuck yourselves.
Obama can get something passed and seal the deal with signing statements.
We told you righties this stuff would come back to haunt you.
I was wondering why the lefties weren’t complaining about the second biggest ponzi scheme in america. (social security being the first).
Wasn’t the nobel winning krugman working for enron during the clinton administration when enron was screwing people left and right?
Oh well… The lesson is if you want to screw people over, contribute to democrats.
Why, yes, Mr. Stamn, Krugman was Kenny Boy’s poodle and sock puppet. Worth the Big Prize right there.
And any prize that’s given to Carter, Gore, and Arafat is a prize worth getting.
I am so pleased to see Obama demonstrating some balls right off the bat. The Republicans have no constituency, no leverage, nothing to say. They have had their asses handed to them two elections in a row, yet their heads are embedded so far up their asses that they still think they won. They were given a chance to play a role. They blew their chance. Now, it’s time to just ignore them and do what’s right for the country.
Post-partisanship? How about ANY partisanship?
I can’t believe the Democrats are letting this go down like this. Almost no Democrats are out on the air waves defending this bill, they’re letting the Republicans misconstrue & mischaracterize it at will. It’s emboldened the minority to filibuster it.
I called both our US senators today. Not only have they joined the herd of Democrats doing nothing in public for Obama’s bill, NEITHER SENATOR HAS A POSITION ON THE BILL.
And these are both DEMOCRATS.
Ah well, now that Marvin and the other mouth-breathers have shown up, we can pretty well scratch this thread and start a new one.
Hey, you guys…if you’re so determined to hurt yourselves, instead of trying to keep wrecking the country why don’t you just get a few ball-peen hammers and whack yourselves in the eyeballs? Misery may love company, but company don’t love misery.
And do what’s right for ACORN. Almost $5 billion for community organizers to organize disorganized communities. Our little problem will be solved if Republicans just get out of the way and get back in the closet.
Peggy Noonan said years ago that the wheels have come off the train and that the train has come off the tracks. The train to which she referred is her country and her party.
Republicans at last have a chance to change their ways and to redeem themselves by standing up to Obamunist coercion. After prolonged dormancy, I’m getting stimulated already, and almost proud of my absurd party.
i liked this comment
Madoff? The Republican-run SEC for the last eight years did nothing about Madoff even when complaints were being filed against him left and right.
Kenny Boy gave 91% to REPUBLICANS. Lots of red in this meat:
“Misery may love company, but company don’t love misery.”
Loved Misery a lot. Great novel.
I want to know why the elected democrats are so spineless!
re 21: We all know what pussies Democratic politicians uaually are. They are just waiting to see which way the wind blows.
You have to give Republicans credit for being strident, confident, and loud in support of their own stupidity.
There they go. Slouching toward Bethlehem.
Has any administration ever imploded as fast as “change we can believe in Obama”? What has it been 15 days?
He lets Pelossi write his entire stimulus bill. IT has now turned into a complete disaster. Almost no stimulus but tons of spending.
According to Gallup only 37% of americans even support the bill. A week ago it ws 48%. By Monday it will be 30-32%.
Obviously the public is much smarter than Obama and his gang.
Does he even know any democrats that are not tax cheats to nominate for positions in his administration? If there are any honest democrats why doesn’t Obama nominate them?
The answer is obvious.
re 23: You probably harbor some pride for the captain of the Titanic, as well.
Re 28:
“Obviously the public is much smarter than Obama and his gang.”
Have you read the bill? Then shut up.
I have read the first 300 pages. That was more than enough
31 But…but…but…don’t you want to know how the story ends?
I already know. That why I have been buying gold for the last 6 months.
Damn straight. We’re liberals, goddammit. A liberal exchange of ideas or “ideas” goes against everything we stand for.
Time for Goldy to crank up the registrations, waiting periods, and background checks.
That’s Didion, @ 27. Next try Slouching Toward Gemorrah, by Robert Bork. Then let the Borking begin. That’s what Goldycrats do best.
re 34: As I recall, it was uSP that ‘banned’ people for not towing their line of conservative claptrap.
Ah….further fruits of the Republicans’ attempt to solve everything by throwing our grandchildrens’ milk money at rich people:
Bank of America may be choking to death on the Merrill Lynch buyout, and Wells Fargo is at least showing a severe case of indigestion over Wachovia.
Oh, yeah…even News Corp. lost a few billion last quarter. Seems Rupert’s finding the WSJ to be a pretty expensive toy.
re 35:
The Second Coming
W.B Yeats
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert.
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
The mayor of Braddock, PA takes it to the execrable Stephen Moore:
Poor Moore. Looks like he shat his pants.
re 35: Don’t you ever feel shamed by your ignorance?
Bork??!! He’s a pipsqueek who advocates tort reform andthen tries to sue people because he’s a slouching lummox who can’t be trusted to not walk off the speaker dais and bonk his nappy little head on the dirt.
So what is “stimulus” to the right winger (besides fox news, 24/torture porn and Viagra).
Tax cuts of course. More and more and more.
Maybe Manweller can “intellectualize” about the wonders of penny an hour wages and tax rates of zero.
Yep, 36, been whacked over there several times. That’s why I’m over here where it’s just us liberals. Way too many smart people over there.
‘Pass it now or we may never recover,’ explained the Great Helmsman.
That sounds so much like “Governor” Gregoire, years ago, saying we needed immediate taxes taxes taxes or Alaskan Way would fall down and kill us all.
Or like Gore saying we’re going to burn and drown if we don’t do things the Gore Way. Of course, Gore also said that GWB was inducing terror and preying on our fears by reminding us occasionally about 9/11 and about the terrorists who did it.
Stimulus is you, sweetheart. I mean, I sent you kisses and ProFlowers flowers, invited you over to hear my fabulous Judy Garland records, invited you over for a slumber party.
But you keep playing hard-to-get and I am so upSET, bitch.
re 35: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”
Do you know anyone like that?
Check out those JFK tax cuts, YLB. They were useful then (1964 … LBJ got ’em thru, despite GOP opposition) and in 1981 and in 2002.
The problem with JFK’s tax cuts is that they were pro-cyclical, when the cycle was becoming inflationary due to drunken Democrat spending on war, War on Poverty and War on Rice Paddies.
re 42: “‘Pass it now or we may never recover,’ explained the Great Helmsman.”
Talking about the Iraq war and the patriot act? I spit on you and all your ilk.
Why, yes. The ‘no conviction’ part is Joel Connelly, who has the ‘courage of his cliches,’ and the ‘passionate intensity’ part is Chris Matthews, objective journalist who had an O-basm for Obama.
My ilk loogies it back at ya, libtard.
re 45: It would take a lifetime to unscramble your brains.
JFK cut taxes early in his administration. When he found that they were having the opposite effect than that intended, he raised them.
re 47: Do you think anyone in your Republican base would have a clue as to what you are trying to say?
Be honest. Your political power rests atop a teeming gaggle of morons.
38 has went to high school! Know anything by Edgar Guest … takes a heap o’ livin’ to make a house a home, or any classic poems like that?
Think you’re wrong, 49. (We’ll let YLB come up with the Final Answer.)
What you describe sounds like Reagan’s tax cuts, c.1981, that were partially offset by increases c. 1986.
Am sure, but not sure enough to bet, that JFK’s cuts did not go thru until, after Dallas, LBJ pushed them through as a living memorial.
@14 You’re not right and never have been. The only thing right about you is your ideology which is wrong, wrong, wrong! In our guts we know you’re nuts.
@15 We just did and brains won this time.
Note that the GOP of 1964 did not drool like Pavlov dogs when JFK/LBJ overheated a heating economy with cuts. Back then we were the conservative party. We believed tax cuts at a time of meltdown spending would melt us down. Seeds of the 70s stagflation disaster were planted right there in the mid-60s.
Once upon a time, boys and girls, Republicans were the adult party. Camile Paglia called us the party that could be counted on for mature managerial efficiency and economic rationality. GWB fixed that in a hurry. Now we’re just like you, and it sux to be us.
@16 “Lay tilted only slightly to Republicans”
Is that why Cheney put Lay in charge of his secret* energy task force?
* Translation: “Let’s steal Iraq’s oil!”
Et tu, Rabbit? Came back for a little (very little) cultural uplift @ 38? Or did the ‘rude beast’ part make you think that somebody was calling you, wanting you to come home?
@17 Looks to me like your ilk are on the getting-fucked end of things now.
Cast no aspersions or stones at my homeboy, Big Dick Cheney. Out where we come from, East Gunrack, Wyoming, we’ve taken care of our rabbit problem.
Whole new experience, and very unpleasant, being the -ee rather than the -er.
@23 “almost proud of my absurd party”
Why stop there? Why not brag about how stupid you are, too?
@28 At least our tax cheats know how much money they make — unlike Joe the Unlicensed Plumber. By the way, Joe is now in Iraq, fleeing extradition to Arizona for unpaid traffic fines.
Guts … nuts. Oh dear. I’m old enough to remember seeing that on billboards paid for by AFL/CIO. Or maybe by Bill Moyers.
Well, that settles it! I’m withdrawing my support for Joe as Secretary of HHS.
@36 I didn’t even bother to get banned by Stefan. The smell was enough to keep me away.
Your command is my wish, asshloe. When you growl ‘hop!’ I whimper ‘how high?’
The smell was enough to keep you away? The smell of napalm in the morning? Thought that was your stimulus package. However will you get it up …
Gotta stop before we get to 69. The horror.
Time to start a new thread.
It doesn’t look like you will ever run out of tax cheats. Labor Sec nominess has admitted that her family business failed to pay their taxes.
What happens when Obama finds a tax cheat prior to the public announcement? Does he turn over the evidence to the IRS? Or does he just push it under the rug?
re 52: Looks like you are right about the Kennedy tax cuts.
I was almost certain that I was right, so I didn’t check it first.
BUT: Quoting Yeats was so successful, I think I’ll try Melbourne Snarks 1911 poem:
‘Pointy Birds’
Pointy birds.
Pointy, pointy birds.
Pointy! Pointy!
Joe the Plumber? Is that the best you have? What position has he ever held in the Republican party? Go back to your state pension.
Annoint my head,
Oh, Pointy Birds!
re 55: “Once upon a time, boys and girls, Republicans were the adult party. Camile Paglia called us the party that could be counted on for mature managerial efficiency and economic rationality. ”
You mean like in 1929?
Actually JTP is now a GOP consultant, according to the Politico article I linked to in an earlier thread. Here it is again:
Another sign that the Party of Lincoln will never govern this country again.
Because they know their policies hurt the country.
Since the democrats have the majority they only want republicans to sign onto their trillion dollar giveaway bill so they won’t have to take all the blame when it fails.
It ends with your great grand children paying for the bill that rewards supporters of failed democrat policies.
Paul Krugman, last year’s winner of the Nobel Prize for economics and a regular columnist for the New York Times, recently wrote that you should “write off anyone who asserts that it’s always better to cut taxes than to increase government spending because taxpayers, not bureaucrats, are the best judges of how to spend their money.”
If you follow that advice, you’ll be writing off a majority of Americans. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 53% say that it’s always better to cut taxes. Only 24% share Krugman’s views.
50% of Americans polled worry that the Porkulus plan may make things worse, not better.
The HA whackjob leftists go apoplectic.
Due to the extremely cold weather this winter to date, only 23% of Americans say it’s at least somewhat likely that human civilization will be destroyed this century by global warming.
Al Gorebasm is upset.
After reading how Notaxes and Cheats Committee Head Charles Rangel hasn’t paid some taxes in almost 30 years, 55% of Americans say Congress members don’t pay all their taxes.
Some ask for Preznit Obama to nominate all Donkey congressional members for cabinet posts so Americans can see who is a tax cheat.
37 black hockey players think Pelletizer is a fool!
He has that in common with obama.
Maybe if joe runs for president he will pay his obligation.
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama got more than an education when he attended Harvard Law School in the late 1980s. He also got a healthy stack of parking tickets, most of which he never paid.
The Illinois Senator shelled out $375 in January _ two weeks before he officially launched his presidential campaign _ to finally pay for 15 outstanding parking tickets and their associated late fees.
If obama didn’t run for president would he have paid his bills?
If all the tax cheaters that obama selected for his cabinet weren’t picked would they have paid their taxes?
Yes and stillbentoversuckinghisminuteschwanzstucker is ready with his mouth open wide to receive that being expelled.
screaming Moonbat@10:
57% of American say tax cuts will help economy. Since Obama has 62% approval rating, I guess that means some of his jockstraps see the issue different from the chosen one!
But then again, you are HAs clueless idiot!
Apparently Harry Scary Land Deal Reid doesn’t have the votes after all. He was recently interviewed this afternoon and he said they will burn the midnight oil if necessary. So I guess your kook-aid web site premature ejaculated like many of your ill-timed comments.
Typical lefty.
One set of rules for taxpayers, a different set of rules for democrats.
Considering how many tax cheats he has picked he is obviously not vetting the people he picks.
I wonder if there are any democrats in washington that aren’t tax cheats.
Or involved in corruption investigations like richardson.
Speaking of the cold…
Has obama made an appearance in kentucky yet or doesn’t he like white people, like his typical white grandmother.
Has fema helped out yet or are they still missing in action.
It appears that a higher percentage of Americans would sooner think the world will soon be destroyed by global warming than approve of Republicans.
You cite poll after poll as support for whatever drivel you might be propounding. The only poll that counts occurred on November 4, 2008. You guys got your collective ass handed to you. Keep up the obstructionism. See what it gets you.
And yet, the ice in Greenland and on both poles continues to melt at an alarming rate because of the manmade CO2 emmissions.
The facts of existence don’t respond to Republican wishes and ideology. Oil depletion has continued since 1980 despite what the Gipper might have led you to believe.
ArtFart farted:
With a name such as ArtFart we know where you breathe from!
Proud Leftist:
Go home and wait for your daddy. Ask him Cynical and my religious questions. When you get schooled in religion come back and discuss these polls after November 4th. Why? The American people are beginning to see what they got 11/4/08 was damaged goods. Maybe with prayer daddy can help your damaged brain.
Oh and Proud Leftist, these are daily polls fool!
You can read them at Rasmussen. The only one to get 2004 2006 and 2008 correct.
Hey Marvin over at Daily Kooks and DUmmys there were comments such as… “well when you are being vetted they don’t look at your taxes”.
Oops… the cat is out of the bag.
We do not have a loyal opposition in America. We just have the opposition.
Tiresome, loquacious, deluded WingNutz™.
My father reads Hebrew, ancient Greek, and Latin. He has spent a lifetime in theological study. Do you think your routine questions would even rise to the level of child’s play with him? The problem with fundamentalism in American Christianity today, and to a lesser extent with evangelicalism, is a politicization that ignores Scripture. Contemporary American Christian fundamentalism is, first, a political creed, and, second, faith-based.
Proud Leftist:
I am glad your father is multi-lingual. As a minister of The Word, I would expect your pappy to continue to get closer to God.
I and all the rest of HA didn’t know you are the son of a preacher man. Then you use it as a righteous hammer, trying to make a moral equivalence of Jesus and Democratics. Hmmm… That don’t fly with Puddy. There are too many things you support which are an anethema to Jesus and His Father God.
Now since you claim you got your Biblical knowledge from off his knee, I wanna know what you learned. Hey there are some whack-job positions you hold here. And I wonder what you learned about so we asked some simple layman’s questions. So… what are you afraid of? Additional learning? Maybe you are afraid of your father not agreeing with your whack-job positions? Be a man, step up to the plate…
Remember Al Franken?
Al Franken admitted Tuesday night April 29, 2008 that his corporation had owed $70,000 in back taxes and penalties in 17 states. What? You all forgot this? Well we did tell y’all about it. But the Minnesota Moonbat!s gave him a pass.
Do you Moonbat!s remember Al Franken’s corporation also failed to pay $25,000 in worker’s compensation insurance to his employees in New York? Yeah, Franken was for the people!
And who did Al Franken blame his problems on? “It was a result of my accountant’s error.”
re 96: Enough with the fake negrologist lingo, Wax™. You’re beginning to sound like some retread Uncle Remus tale.
It is NOT crack-a-lackin’ in my book.
Dusty Springfield, back in the 60s, sang, “The only man that could ever teach me was the son of a preacher man.” I always tried to spread that word among female acquaintances, mainly, but not entirely, without success.
Christians, in good faith, disagree about what their faith requires. That is a good thing, a necessary thing to keep a vibrant discussion going. I have no patience with platitudes, with those who think they have special insight into what God expects of us. One of Martin Luther’s primary contributions to the evolution of Christianity (a concept, I’m sure, that you can’t conceive of) was his positing that every individual has a direct line of communication to God. Intervening priests, bishops, and popes simply get in the way (and, by the way, let’s translate the Bible into the language that people actually speak). The necessary result was a cacophony of opinions about what Christianity entails. Sounds like politics, doesn’t it? I don’t do well with those who tell me things such as this: “There are too many things you support which are an anethema to Jesus and His Father God.” How could you possibly be so sure? Doubt leads to wisdom, my friend. Why don’t you try that route sometime?
re 99: People used to give me funny looks when I would sing that in college.
Somehow Goldy I knew “Pubbybub ‘Hey, man! Smell my Finger'” is leadless douchy.
This Pubbybub ‘Hey, man! Smell my Finger’ appears and harry poon disappeared.
Yep. you are so predicable leadless douchy.
Proud Leftist: You surely don’t remember what was said in a previous thread or even in the same thread. It has to be 24 hour libtard disease.
Your direct communication with God (prayer) argument was presented way before Martin Luther. He was influenced by those before him.
Proud Leftist, lets’s start with two really simple ones.
Do you support Gay marriage?
Do you support abortion?
You don’t seem to realize that the Republicans had 46.5% of the total votes for President. So even if you don’t understand, 46.5% of the voting population still has a voice in what happens in this country. Guess that is all part of ‘Free Speech’ even though you seem to totally disagree with that part of the Constitution!!
If Obama wanted full bi-partisan support for his stimulus bill he should taken the key Democrats and Republican leaders off to a full time two week meeting in a private area, given them boxing gloves and key objectives, and let them come up with a valid solution. The current bill is dead and if passed will cause hyper-inflation in the long run with all of the pork.
Does this mean they feel obama is a jackass?
>> You don’t seem to realize that the Republicans had 46.5% of the total votes for President.
Fuck that. Democrats should act like the republicans acted when they got 49.95% and were given the presidency. republicans acted like they won in a landslide and didn’t pay any attention to the rest of the population at all.
So, in keeping with the examples set by the republicans, Democrats should ram through any rule or regulation or legislation or made up constitutional distortion they feel like, regardless of rule of law. I sometimes wished the Democrats would act as ruthless and dismissive as the republicans acted.
I guess that means we have another couple weeks of obama picking tax cheats for his cabinet.
Sorry to see you are wrong in your opinions!
So, the republican listened and were responsive, and considerate, to the large percentage that were against the Iraq occupation, the warrentless wiretapping, the opacity of the white house, and the constant unethical behavior and so, did not do those things? Really? no really?
For an administration that says it is for transparency why is obama’s press secretary avoiding answering questions about transparency and the bailout?
Change = We won’t answer no stinkin’ questions.
We are still in iraq. Maybe someday after obama can find a democrat that pays his taxes he can get to working on this.
Strange how lefties never complained when the clinton team engaged in warrentless wiretapping.
See message 110.
The left complained that the people bush picked were too right wing. The republicans don’t even have to use that excuse against the people that obama picks. After all, the people obama picks are tax cheats and deadbeats.
Looks like Chris Tingling Leg Matthews is showing his true colors again:
“If he doesn’t do it tonight, he’s gotta do it Monday night on television – that press conference. He’s got to explain to us how spending almost a billion dollars is gonna turn the economic engine of this country on. And how it’s gonna create millions of new jobs. He better show us, or he’ll let us down.”
Yep that’s unbiased journalism. What a schmuck!
And another tax cheat surfaces…
Hilda Solis is the latest tax cheat obama picked for his cabinet.
The best line-
including liens that had been outstanding for as long as 16 years.
16 years? Must be nice to be a democrat and get away without paying taxes.
Obama is learning that it all depends on your definition of is is…
Paging the surgeon general! President Barack Obama artfully dodged a nicotine-related question from CNN’s Anderson Cooper during an interview at the White House on Tuesday, leaving us to wonder whether he has been smoke-free since assuming the presidency.
Clinton redefined the word is. Obama is redefining the word transparency.
Lucky for obama his supporters refuse to hold him to the same standard they held bush.
111. I notice you are not disagreeing that the republicans did those things, you are trying to change the subject.
Answer the question, did the republican listen and were they responsive to the large percentage that were against the Iraq occupation, the warrentless wiretapping, the opacity of the white house, and the constant unethical behavior? Site examples of how the republicans tried to be bipartisan on those things?
Why yes, the republicans listened to the non republicans and got out of Iraq after the invasion was over.
Why yes, the republicans listened to the non republicans and agreed that it was wrong when Clinton did it, and was wrong when Bush was doing it, and they stopped.
Why yes, the republicans listened to the non republicans and criticized the white house for blocking every attempted to get information.
Why yes, the republicans listened to the non republicans and acted rules and regulations to make everyone act more ethically.
Fat chance. I wished the democrats would start acting more ruthless and dismissive like Republicans and ram through the changes that would help middle and lower class American, not just the corporations and the 1%. Make some changes that would be actually good for the country.
@106 and 106
The Senate during the Bush years had a lot of support from the Democrats on a lot of different bills. The list below is the vote result from the Iraq War vote. A majority of Democrats supported that decision even though it has proven to be a problem today. The Republicans today are refusing to accept the current stimulus bill because the Democrats are totally refusing to allow any changes to the bill by Republicans. That is why your opinions are wrong.
Democrats No 21
Democrats Yes 29
Republicans No 1
Republicans Yes 48
Independents No 1
Please pay off your house so you can purchase some gold because you will need it when the Federal Government has to start printing money.
Who needs the GOP? They’re traitors. I could go on but that simple fact is all you need to know. Fuck em. Let’s just do what needs to be done and try to ruin the GOP fucks at every turn. That will be what makes America strong.
Leadless Douchy@115:
You’re side claims to be the Democratic adults. We see the Democratic “adults” in action. So now you try and make moral equivalences. So deal with the crap your Democratic party is producing and only 37% of the American people are accepting.
Yes stillbentoversuckinghisminuteschwanzstucker, your Democratic congress people run to foreign lands Iraq, Venezuela, Gaza and provide disgusting displays for our enemies to view. Even Nancy Stretch Pelosi was bashed by Israel.
So who are the traitors again?
What has Congress and the Executive Branch done to correct and fix the selling of new mortgages in light of all the problems with the thousands of people that were given mortgages with no money down and no formal checks on their ability to payoff their debt?
Surely, they have seized the moment and passed laws or executive rules that all mortgages need 20% down payment, the payments should not exceed 25% of take home pay, and the borrower should have several years in the same job.
I was talking to a friend who mentioned the new rules over the last several years had raised the 25% of take home pay to 41% which from a bankers point of view does not make sense if they had to retain that mortgage to ensure it was paid off. Instead, the banks can sell those questionable mortgages to Freddie Mae and Mac, who then lump them together into bonds which were then sold throughout the world and have now caused major failures in the entire world’s economy.
So what has Congress and President Obama included in their Economic Stimulus Plan to control the rules of mortgages? If they have done nothing then buy Gold because you will need it!!!
uhh. no… From the article you linked:
The next thing you’ll tell us is that Rush discovered what you regurgitated here. – probably did. Rush is quite good at telling lies.
And you’re REALLY good at swallowing them.
uh duh… and this guy amoung others isn’t too pleased that Obama is sticking to his pledge to be out in 16 months.
See Stamn. You can’t just up and leave. It takes time to do it right. Otherwise our service men and women get killed.
Yeah, I know, it never bothers a right winger when other people die.
When Cyn/Puffybutt/Marvin get together to fuck each other, do they stop to think that no matter how hard they try – they can’t make any more Publicans?
Still waiting for the right wing bitches to explain to me why Joe the Fake Plumber makes a good GOP consultant when he didn’t pay his taxes….
We’re doing our job. You are now rerun2 repeating the same tired mantras. That’s why you and your brother rerun@122 are so easy to spot here on HA.
You stillbentoversuckinghisminuteschwanzstucker are the one on the right. Well you should remember, you posed for the picture.
You don’t know nuthin. You are a prime example of a fool. You’re one of the biggest bitchers on this site. You are anti-Israel because of your anti-neocon (neocons support Israel’s right to exist) positions so you must support Hamas and Fatah. Can’t be a fence sitter in life rerun. How sad. What a reject of a human being. Your BDS is so bad that you’d fire a general who doesn’t kiss Obama’s ass. Well Maybe Obama should have a visit to Iraq now that he’s preznit.
You seem to easily forget facts so let me reeducate your sorry ass. In July then Senator Obama said that President Bush’s government was in a “state of weakness and political confusion” to Iraqi officials so any troop withdrawal negotiations should be postponed until after the election. This truly is the height of hubris. Why would he be saying this? Of course you have no problems with him, Nancy Pelosi and others breaking the rules and stating “foreign policy” while in a foreign country. Yep, you give that a pass you hypocritical fool. If a conservative did that you’d be crying fowl all over this site.
This interference by Obama in military and diplomatic affairs was a Logan Act violation. Just like Nancy Pelosi did in Syria. Read it you dumb libtard. Wait a minute… this means you’ll need to comprehend something on your own. That’s a tall order from Puddy. Oops… you don’t take orders from Puddy. Then stay as ignorant as your daily posts prove you are.
You and stillbentoversuckinghisminuteschwanzstucker are two of the bottom feeder lefties here. That’s why Puddy named you two brothers. At least Daddy Love and ArtFart make you think for 5-10 seconds. Now it’s the Firedoglake web site. I guess you go there now after being called out on your daily kooks morning kook-aid injections.
Maybe the generals are still upset with his interfering with war policy and he wasn’t the preznit. You libtards are so caught up with BDS you can’t even see how this treads on even more serious ground, especially since his primary motivation appeared to be winning an election ( get in bed with the really left-wing kooks such as yourself rerun) without regard to whether it damaged our ability to fight the known enemy, terraism as you call it. Obama’s stupidity last July was his blatant attempt on trying to drive a wedge between us the elected, representative government in Baghdad which you pooh-poohed on HA when the Iraqi people voted in January 2007.
You are a kook-aid drunken sycophant of the 1st degree.
Let me help HAs clueless idiot.
Google “state of weakness and political confusion” and read what Obama said last July fool!
Results 1 – 10 of about 60,400 for state of weakness and political confusion.
Start reading. Oops… you don’t take orders from Puddy. Then stay as ignorant as your daily posts prove you are.
:) That’s my story and I’m sticking to it (:
Thought he was Change and Hope instead we have doom if we don’t act by 12pm today.
The only change we got was a small kid with big ears with less brainpower than Carter.
Last month he had a plan last month he had hope last month he had change or did he ever?
Even his supporters on the hill are seeing red over his lack of leadership.
Typical liberal let others do the lifting.
Today we will TELL the right wing cowards what sort of spending package they WILL vote for. They WILL do what they’re told because as usual the cunts ARE AFRAID. We have them just where we want them. They either vote for the spending package or they take all the blame for the bad economy. Fucking cunts are getting what they deserve.
Puffybutt – your wife says you like it up the ass.
Keep drinking obama cool aid. Your rant is hilarious.
If it’s good enough for obama to put tax cheats on the public dime, it’s good enough for the gop.
Or are you a hypocrite and hold the gop to a higher standard than the democrats.
We all know how democrats feel about killing babies. The more the better, especially black ones.
Do you think someday the democrats will talk about the unfair percentage of black abortions?
Who Does he think he is? I know who I think he is. He is a PSYCOTIC MANIAC!!!! He doesn’t know what he believes,NO TORTURE FOR EMEMIES,BUT IT IS OK TO TORTURE EMBRYOS AND ABORT VIABLE BABIES. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON HIS SOUL.
Supporting Stem Cell Research: President Obama and Vice President Biden believe that we owe it to the American public to explore the potential of stem cells to treat the millions of people suffering from debilitating and life-threatening diseases. Obama is a co-sponsor of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007, which will allow research of human embryonic stem cells derived from embryos donated (with consent) from in vitro fertilization clinics. These embryos must be deemed in excess and created based solely for the purpose of fertility treatment.
Obamas own words:
“There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know.”
Obama’s agenda regarding “reproductive choice” is posted on the White House website. It states, Obama “has been a consistent champion of reproductive choice and will make preserving women’s rights under Roe v. Wade a priority in his Adminstration.”
The Obama administration repealed a ban on U.S. taxpayer funding of foreign abortions during his first week in office.
The president has also said, “The first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act,” a sweeping bill that would abolish pro-life regulations across the nation
Moron@122 is searching high and low for a retort. He working those URLs all over the world looking for a comeback. He has no memory except from saved URLs, which is why he’s rerun! That’s why he’s MIA on this site right now.
That’s why he is a kook-aid drunken sycophant of the 1st degree.
Yep another bad day shaping up for the extreme nutjobs on the right. A poll is out today showing that even 25% of Publicans think Lush Flimbaugh is bad for America!
And Joe the Plumber STILL has paid all his taxes.
Sorry Douchebag@134 don’t believe you:
Provide the URL fool!
Wow Joe the Plumber paid his taxes. Thanks for the update moron!
re 135: “Provide the URL fool!”
Do you ‘pity the fool’, as well? Only a twit would try to sound like Mr. T on the A-Team. Also, there should be a comma after URL — “as any fool ‘kin plainly see!” L’il Abner
Too bad your libs mothers didn’t believe in Abortion.
On to a different subject for you libs who never cared about America in the last 8 years here is doom you been waiting for brought to you by leftwing love commies obama followers.
If Rush wasn’t a threat to your party you idiots wouldn’t make a big deal about him.
You never hear us Americans complain about your idiots on msnbc cause we never cared what they talk about. Rush is a thorn that will never go away. Fox rules the news also.
leadless douchy@136:
What “harry poon” is on hiatus again? You decided to put “smelly finger” under soap and water? You can’t hide your true nature and that’s the easiest thing to spot in your posts.
So now you attack Lawrence Tero – cancer survivor. You are a moron!
7,616,302 abortions since the Iraq War began. And Proud Leftist supports it wholeheartedly.
Wrap a (unborn) child in a flag and do anything to change the subject.
LMAO!!! @ the idiot-in-chief (Stupes)!!! This is so fun:
Yeah, you’re the world’s leading expert on right wing bullshit. Great job.
Lie #1 silly fool. I support Israel just fine. Reality dictates that they’re not going anywhere and they’re willing to fight to stay put. And we’re just going to continue giving them 4 billion a year with no strings attached. So while a one-state solution of jews and arabs would be ideal in terms of justice, reality says a compromise of a two state solution would be acceptable. Sweeten that with a right of return which more than a few Israelis support. Sweeten that even further with dedicating aid to Israel to defense and peacekeeping ONLY. No more building settlements with that money.
Yeah I support Fatah. Even Olmert met occasionally with Abbas. Ain’t he Fatah? Whoa! A right wing Israeli is meeting with a terrorist! Get out your fainting pills Stupes!
Most Palestinians AFAIK support Hamas and whether you like ’em or hate ’em, you’re going to have to deal with them and those who supports them. You got to make peace and make things right if a lot of people’s lives are to improve. Otherwise the killing will continue. That’s just reality.
Gee.. What got your panties in a twist Stupes? HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE DIED IN IRAQ because of the violence let loose by the chimp you voted for twice? 100k? 600k? 1 million? How many have had to lose everything and LEAVE? Of course YOU DON’T CARE!
I am against the right wing bullshit you subscribe to. That’s not sitting on any fence I can see.
Wow! We agree. I think the same.
Of you.
He’s the boss asshole. Deal with it. Read the Constitution lately idiot?
No links to back this up, so I call right wing bullshit. Of course you’re afraid to link because you probably read this on a right wing bullshit website and I’ve got you so fucking scared to reveal the sources of your madness. But let’s say what you claim about Obama is true. ANY FUCKING IDIOT can see that that your chimp was running a fucking clown show and the Iraqis could just bide their time waiting for an ADULT to take charge, a refreshing relief from dealing with a stumbling, fumbling, childish dry drunk. (Who lapsed on occasion according to some sources.)
Oh? According to right wing bullshit obviously. File a suit fool. I bet it goes as far as the “natural birth” bullshit. Where you get this shit from? The freepers?
blah, blah, blah. Like I could fucking care what you think.
At least I put them up there once in a while. You do everything you can to hide your bullshit. It comes out once in a while. As I’ve said many times you worship Murdoch, Sludge, Limbaugh and many other bottom feeders. Things are getting better though. This made my day yesterday:
Projecting again. Yaaaaawwwwn..
Too bad. He’s the boss now and they carry out his policy or they get canned.
How stupid is this? How refreshing it is when a Dem like Bill Clinton or Barack Obama does what it takes to WIN. Ain’t that the point? Republicans have been getting a pass on this for many years. Lots of evidence they dealt with the devil to undermine Dems. They were brutal with Carter over the B1 bomber and other defense issues as rhp once very eloquently related. They pulled out the stops to cheat your chimp into the White House in both 2000 and 2004. You pooh-pooh ACVR but shit like that was central to their strategy of massive vote suppression in battleground states. Ken Blackwell was their go-to tool in 2004.
The Iraqi government is representative? Uh.. Last time I looked, the Sunnis sat out that election.
Every poll says the IRAQUIS WANT US OUT! Of course you’re going to ignore that fact.
It’s over fool. Now we adults have to clean up after your mess. Suck on your Limbaugh pacifier and pout if you wish. We don’t have time to assuage your hurt feelings. Things are too fucked up and it’s your fault.
Talking about yourself again. Got the Limbaugh on right now?
Puffybutt – I am too busy fucking your wife to do research for you. You always tell people to find their own links so fuck you bitch. PROVE ME WRONG. Show that there is no such poll otherwise sit down and shut the fuck up –
Nah I won’t be as weak as you are cunt. Here’s the link. http://www.gallup.com/poll/114.....icans.aspx Now I suppose rather than admitting you’re part of an EXTREME minority you’ll just tell us Gallup is a “liberal” organization.
Wow your life is pathetic.
Note to Republicans:
You can’t do a damn thing to affect what’s going on in Washington, DC.
Get used to it.
127 – I looked. Nothing but hysterical wingnut shit. The source is from some hack in the NY Post.
The hack said the minister said this in an interview but where when was this interview? There’s no link to this interview. Were any other reporters there to witness this interview?
You’re so delusional it’s pathetic. You will swallow anything.
I don’t even know waht this means:
How can an elective procedure occur in an “unfair percentage?”
Is the assertion that white people get all the abortions they want, but black people must get by with only some unfair percentage of the abortions they want?
Is the assertion that abortion is NOT an elective procedure but instead is one that in being forced on black people in an unfairly larger percentage of cases than the percentage of white people being forced to have abortions?
Republicans are funny when they’re stupid.
LMAO!! Stupes does this one all the time. (Is Stamn the new MWS?)
No one’s holding a gun to their heads! If you don’t like abortions, don’t have ’em!
It’s called freedom and liberty? Ya know. Something wingers are always teary-eyed about?
Notice Puffybutt cuts and runs AGAIN and AGAIN every SINGLE time you confront that bitch with facts?
No wonder his own kind don’t want him. He’s a stupid cocksucking Oreo who is in the EXTREME fringe minority and that’s where he’ll ALWAYS be!
About time you demwits realized this. Perhaps you could let obama in on this top secret revelation.
Any republican that votes for this waste of money isn’t a republican by values only by name.
150 – And Iraq wasn’t a waste of money?
It was worse – a waste of lives to go with the money. We got nothing for that money but an even more broken country both here and over there.
At least this money will help some people right here at home.
Kook-aid cum drunk moron@142: You said absolutely nothing like always. Just negative regurgitation of my points. Really brilliant bozo.
Moron, the links are in the next post because I knew you’d say that stupid line above.
I notice you have nothing to say about the links.
Moron@150: Writing to yourself again.
H I L A R I O U S!
Daddy Love,
Why does the charmer in chief need to get Republican approval?
Just pass the Porkulous Bill and get going!
Obviously there are issues the Donkey need Republican support. There are billions in that Porkulous Bill which will have no effect on the immediate needs.
stillbentoversuckinghisminuteschwanzstucker@148: I have other responsibilities fool.
You are so laughable. We are so glad you are a lefty…
You are the JCH of the left.
155 – For all intents and purposes YOU ARE JCH NOW.
Congratulations. Welcome to your madness.
@155: Glad you know yourself JCH. Such a fool.
I did. I said it in 146. I’ll say it again. Nothing but wingnut bullshit.
Such a freaking fool.
And a BLIND fool to boot.
153 – Hmmm.. Must have really got you mad.
Bluedog’s one of your own.
Yes, to rerun@157 we know your debate skillz are weak, just like your mind… So you run away run away from substantive discussions.
Run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot run away chicken idiot
It’s the only thing HAs clueless idiot can correctly do.
Moron@159: Comment@153 was at comment@144. It’s initial heading is Daddy Love. Can’t be any plainer than that.
Again HAs clueless idiot demonstrating to all HA land just how much of a clueless idiot he is. Can’t even follow a thread.
You can’t come up with unique putdowns. You have to use mine in reverse. Demonstrates to all how simple that femtometer brain cell is.
You and stillbentoversuckinghisminuteschwanzstucker are two brothers of a bizarre kind. Stupid JCH and very stupid JCH.
stillbentoversuckinghisminuteschwanzstucker: Yes I went to Gallup. They didn’t post their questions.
Why? We all know about the CBS poll which was worded to make GWB bad and CBS had to retract it. We also know that Gallup bends to the left like your minuteschwanzstucker from all the self-masochistic acts you discuss here.
And lastly Rush’s viewership numbers haven’t dropped. As Rush said those are the northeast Republicans who think acting Democratic is gonna get votes Democratic.
And stillbentoversuckinghisminuteschwanzstucker we now know George Soros and Moron.org are behind the attack ads against Rush.
Golly, that no tax paying, leftist Jew-hating moron George Soros, always playing politics with his war chest. And you are at the bar sucking at the Moron.org teat! Yes the very stupid JCH of the left.
Unfortunately many people listen to the news and didn’t hear all of what Rush said. You being the very stupid JCH of the left missed this…
“I know what his politics are. I know what his plans are, as he has stated them. I don’t want them to succeed. What is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. … Somebody’s gotta say it.”
This is why I put forth the 10 Pillars of Communism which your brother rerun or other HA lefties won’t discuss. One of those pillars is shut up the opposition. The push of the Fairness Doctrine for only radio is very telling.
Above HAs clueless idiot said
I performed a google search “Iraqis want US out of Iraq”. Results 1 – 10 of about 72,800,000 for Iraqis want US out of Iraq.
Yes, I see many leftist pinhead MSM articles from 2006 and 2007. Funny don’t see hardly anything recent.
HAs clueless rerun idiot. Living in the past. Why is that? Another weak argument?
Oh wait for it. “more right wing bull”. That’s you stand pat answer.
What a moron.
Above HAs clueless idiot said
Too bad you haven’t been paying attention.
Hmmmm. Here’s one Iraqi who has a different opinion of the 2007 elections than Limbaugh sickophants like Stupes:
Wow! Truly representative!
What else? ehhhh. More silly babbling from that silliest, most losing of Limbaugh/Sludge suck-ups.
Nothing more to see here.
2007. I used the CNN you know Clinton News Network. Now it All The News All The Obama All The Time.
Yes truly representative of almost 2 years ago. Sumtin recent?
What a fool
Wahat a ‘tard.
What a fooltard!
You choose Zakaria, a man with known sympathies to Dumbya who basically says in that piece some democracy is better than none and I choose an Iraqi who actually headed the government.
He gives a logical reason why the 2007 election was NOT representative.
Whoa! The alzheimers dementia is kicking in! You were the one touting the January 2007 election in 126. How quickly your own babbling fades from the fog in your empty skull.
Idiot. Fool. Tool.
That’s you.
So I prove that 1/4 Publicans don’t like Puffybutt’s buttpal Lush Flimbaugh and he changes the subject because for the 1,283th time on this blog I show he’s a complete and total lying fool.
If Puffybutt – a dicksucking Oreo traitor who’s so fucking stupid he can’t even tie his own shoes is the best the GOP has to offer – we have got ourselves a permanent majority.
Don’t Shoot till you see the whites of their eyes.
Idiot. Fool. Tool.
Wow that’s original clueless idiot.
I didn’t choose Zakaria, CNN did? Now why did they do that. CNN is no friend of GWB. But your BDS clouds straight thinking…
What a fool
What a ‘tard
What a fooltard.
Still waiting for you to find something more recent than 2007. You’ve had all day. I was busy dealing with a friend who just had surgery. Took her what she wanted as she recuperates. Why haven’t you found anything? Cuz your argument is worthless. Like 99.9999999999% of what you post here fool. That’s 13 Sigma. You know what this is in time. If 6 sigma is 5 minutes a year can you figger it out fool?
Wait a minute… you are an outlier. Bwaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa
Totally stupid moron @ 173
You have CNNDS. Maybe for good reason. Didn’t they have that fucking right wing stooge Glen Beck until last Oct?
Watching a half hour of that moron is enough to give anyone “DS”.
Something more recent? I was addressing your bullshit in 126. Representative? I debunked that shit.
In my comment at 146 I REFUTED and DEBUNKED that bullshit you purveyed about what Obama said to the Iraqis. It WAS BULLSHIT! All those links you were touting? RIGHT WING BULLSHIT LINKS!
Golly name changing fool, you got your lace panties all tight around the baby sized scrotum called your femtometer brain.
You refuted nuthin., All you did was take my argument against you and try, try, try to use it back..
Got me I didn’t watch Glenn Beck Horsestool.
All you did was expose yourself more and more as HAs clueless idiot!
Great job fool.
176 – No you fail fool.
Show me the source of that interview with the Iraqi Foreign Minister.. It’s just hearsay from the hack in the NY POST – a Murdoch outlet that feeds your disease.
All those links from the google search on that phrase turn up whacked out wingnut trash blogs.
Nice try moron..
fool tool… Stooge…
Name changing fool, I asked if you had a better argument for Iraqis than news of 2007. It’s 2009 moron.
I found it on CNN fool. HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR.
I guess that fact is tough to swallow. Well go back to Daily Kooks and get your night-time injection of that warm man-made white sticky kook-aid you love.
177 – Bullshit liar.. In 125 you asserted that that the January 2007 elections produced a government that was “representative”. That’s bullshit. According to a former Iraqi Prime Minister, it wasn’t close.
178 – Where’s the link asshole? You have no proof. You’re a liar and a fool..
“state of weakness and political confusion”
I just ran that search again. Here’s some of domains that come up:
and on and on – wingnut bullshit.
Your disease…
Fool tool… Seek help… Sheesh..
Name changing moron,
No I didn’t you are sadly mistaken like always. The Iraqis voted. The Al Qaeda to Sunnis not to vote. Later they realized their mistake. They admitted it. All previously covered on HA but your memory is weak, really weak.
CNN link was above fool. You ignore at your ignorance.
What a ‘tard.
What a fool
What a fooltard.
181 – You’re like a slime eel. You ooze filth when cornered.
Here it is again:
Prove that this was recorded in an interview with some reporter not hearsay. Prove you’ll provide facts instead of slime.
I won’t hold my breath.
Here’s your bullshit in 126:
See asswipe? 2007. That’s your words. And according to Allawi, that government was hardly “representative”. You lie. You change the subject. Your rant in 126 was inchoate rage. Thousand of Iraqis have died because of Shrub’s excellent adventure and many more have had their lives ruined and mired in abject poverty but you don’t care, you don’t give a damn. And how could you anyway? You made your choice to enable that shithead twice. He was your Frankenstein’s monster
182 – Helps if include the phrase:
“state of weakness and political confusion”
Prove your wingnut bullshit that Obama said this and violated the Logan Act.
Let me see you use something credible.
Golly name changing ‘tard, you love to parse. The vote was representative. The Sunnis decided to not participate because of Al Qaeda pressure.
Using your logic for 2008, many more conservatives who voted for George W Bush in 2004 decided not to vote for John McCain in 2008. So therefore by your argument this 2008 presidential vote is not “representative”. I’ll bite and agree.
Okay I’ll buy your argument. Because some Sunnis decided not in 2007 due to death threats from Al Qaeda it’s not representative. Due to John McCain not being conservative enough, many of the conservative people stayed home. This preznit is not representative.
See how stupid your argument is? Nope you’re a dope.
Hey name changing libtard, when you post a 2009 article about the non-representative Iraqi government, I’ll discuss the Logan Act. In fact you look up the Logan Act which is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. Read it fool.
You still haven’t posted anything, anything, anything for your stupid point. You still are still living in 2007, two years ago.
Well that’s you. That’s why I called you rerun.
What a ‘tard.
What a fool
What a fooltard.
Still nothing credible on 184. My call of right wing bullshit is SUSTAINED.
You lose moron.
Tool. Fool..
@186: That’s because you’ve been bested. You can’t live with it. It was a representative then just like it is now. Sunnis voted 2007 and again in 2009.
What a Fooltard. Since only 62.3% of the voting age population voted in 2008, I guess for the 37.7% who didn’t vote it’s not representative for Barack Obama to represent them. Hey it’s your argument. So is Barack preznit for just the 62.3% or all of America? Cum on stupido, tell us he’s not representative just like those who voted in Iraq are not representative?
Take that argument to anyone anywhere that actually thinks for a living. Go ahead.
Notice I haven’t used any conservative web links to argue against your worthless silliness. Don’t need to with someone as clueless as you.
You are so silly and cum drunk with left-wing talking points you can’t see how stupid your comments are anymore.
Live on dumb name changing fooltard. You make Democratics proud.
Oh and cum up with a better attack name. Silly boy trix are for kids. So have some.
Name channging fool debated, bested, and tossed aside like used toilet paper after wiping one’s behind.
Listen to that flushing sound…
What? You think I’m going to give you a free sound clueless idiot fooltard?
BTW where are those 2009 links fooltard@186?
You can’t process simple words anymore.
Jerk yourself off silly moron. Spin all you want.
This right wing bullshit:
“state of weakness and political confusion”
You have been exposed. You are a liar. You are a dupe. You are a tool.
That Logan Act stuff is pure, distilled right wing bullshit and YOU purveyed like the tool you are.
But I’m a generous soul. Prove me wrong. All it takes is a link to a credible source. I’m sorry that hack piece in the NY POST don’t cut it. I’ve seen it. And all those whacko wingnut site you so love went orgasmic over it. It’s what they do. I’ve studied that curious bit of madness for years and it’s only hardened my opposition to it.
Show me the link. How many times do I have to ask? If you’re so sure you’re right, you’d cough it up.
186 – Oh there you go with your little conditions again. So predictable. Living in 2007?
YOU BROUGHT IT UP IN 126! Here it is again tool:
Why is this off the table now? You’re such a child.
This is a laugh. You didn’t read what Allawi said. It wasn’t even representative in the Shia areas. Lots of party hack names chosen by party leaders were on the ballots that the people had no idea who they were, where they came from or what they stood for. According to Allawi this was AN ECHO OF THE SADDAM DAYS!
@190: Weak posturing from a weak minded fool.
“state of weakness and political confusion” direct from the Iraqi person whom Obama spoke to. I don’t need to defend anything for you fool. I don’t take orders from a moron such as yourself. So are you gonna tell Zebari he’s a liar to his face? He said that’s what Obama said. I take him at his word, because Obama never came back and said that’s not what I said to him. Sure he sent surrogates out to say what is below. Where is Obama’s denial. NOWHERE fooltard.
I don’t defend anything Obama says fool. He’s a libard like you.
Agence France-Presse reported, “In fact, Obama had told the Iraqis that they should not rush through a ‘Strategic Framework Agreement’ governing the future of US forces until after President George W. Bush leaves office, [Obama national security spokesman Wendy Morigi] said.
I rest my case.
Regarding Allawi, he wanted the 2007 government to fail. He stated it outright.
And you use him as a reference?
Yeah right.
192 – Still no evidence! Hearsay!!!
Where is the published speech or interview? Obama didn’t deny it? Why would he bother denying it until his political enemies made it into a real issue. THEN AT ONE STROKE he could undercut them. You’re such a child.
Such a weak minded fool. Easily shaped by Limbaugh, Murdoch and any right wing idiot like yourself with a blog.
With Dumbya going out the door, no candidate D or R would want Dumbya to force the Iraqis to do something a new President couldn’t live with.
But of course the Iraqis could do whatever the hell they pleased!
That gas is very quickly seeping out from between your ears.
193 – Maybe so but no link again.
He gave logical reasons in his piece why he objected. Where’s your objection to those reasons.
@194: Maybe so? You used his name to make another worthless point. You can google what Allawi said. I don’t have to put points up.
@193: I already put up the Zebari before. Figger it out fool. It’s not hearsay, well maybe to your femtometer brain. Still waiting for Obama to say I never said that.
Specious arguments now clueless idiot.
I have to run clueless idiot. I have other responsibilities to God and my country which are calling me out the door to do. Gotta check on sick people today.
196 – Then you’re not willing to back up your bullshit.
I win again!!!
By the way, that AFP stuff is yet more unsubstantiated nonsense AFAICT. Of course it was picked up and orgasmed over by your unhinged wingnut crowd of which you’re a proud member.
And all your right wing bullshit about Obama and the Iraqis was in fact DENIED and DEBUNKED by the Obama campaign.
Such a tool. Such a fool. Exposed. Disposed…
Fool, Ben Smith’s article proved nothing.
DEBUNKED my ASS. Obama’s campaign made hay of the comment after caught.
Compare fool
Zebari – “He [Obama] asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington.”
Obama Campaign Wendy Morigi – “In fact, Obama had told the Iraqis that they should not rush through a “Strategic Framework Agreement” governing the future of US forces until after President George W. Bush leaves office.”
Not much difference. Seems to me the Obama campaign mouthpiece essentially confirmed what Zebari said.
As I said name changing clueless idiot… you need to read. Nuthin was DEBUNKED except in your simple noodle brained mine.
Game Set Match. You lose fooltard.
From the mouth of the idiot-in-chief of HA.org, Stupes McFool:
From Wendy Morigi re the NY POST hack work from Taheri:
Pretty solid denial of your bullshit.
Strategic Framework Agreement is NOT the same as the Status of Forces as quoted in the Taheri smear piece:
No, no, no! Obama was on the record pushing for Congressional review of something different according to his spokesperson. A DENIAL OF MURDOCH FUNDED RIGHT WING BULLSHIT!
Fantasize all you want about “winning”. You lost way before Nov 4. You chose the wrong side – the side of lies, wishful thinking, substituting being real in the world for making shit up.
Tool. Fool…