Well shit.
Sen. Mike Carrell, who has been receiving stem cell transplants since last month for a blood condition, died Wednesday from complications related to his treatment. He was 69.
Senate Republican Leader Mark Schoesler said Carrell died at a Seattle hospital of lung complications from his ongoing treatment of stem cell transplants from his brother and chemotherapy. Schoesler said that Carrell died in his sleep with his wife, Charlotte, nearby.
Earlier this year, the Lakewood Republican was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, also known as pre-leukemia. The chronic disease affects blood-forming stem cells.
Rest in Peace.
As someone who knew Mike he and I did not see eye to eye on a lot of issues, but Mike did write and deliver the Becca Bill. This was a good and significant achievement.
But this is a political blog, so when do we take the Senate back to the Democratic majority the voters wanted?
If the GOP could coalesce around Steve O’Ban for the appointment they could hold that seat for a long time coming; otherwise, democrat Tami Green could have a decent shot.
What could be really interesting is if there is time to get this on the ballot for a special election this November, because then Green could run without giving up her House seat and then have the advantage of incumbency. Carrell was just re-elected in November of 2012, so there’s still a ton of his term to finish out.
Green (D) and O’Ban (R) both pulled 55% of the vote in 2012 in their respective House races, so this is your classic swing district.
We all feel sad for his family and extend our heartfelt condolences to them. As for the senate vacancy this creates, according to Ballotpedia, the process for filling the vacancy is as follows:
“If there is a vacancy in the Washington State Legislature, the Board of County Commissioners where the vacant seat is located has the responsibility to select a replacement. The state central committee of the political party that last held the seat must submit a list of three candidates to the Board of County Commissioners representing the vacant district. A selection must be made within 60 days after the vacancy occurred.”
In other words, no chance of this seat flipping to the Dems because of the vacancy, unless there is a special election.
Rest in peace.
There will be a special election–there’s precedent for that, based on the previous early departures of Senator McCaslin and Senator Morton–the question is the timing, and whether there will be one this November.