Yesterday’s election was not the worst political disaster to befall the Democratic Party and the American people in recent decades. No, the worst political disaster to befall our nation, and the one whose consequences from which we might never recover, occurred December 12, 2000, when the Supreme Court of the United States usurped the right of the state of Florida to conduct its own elections, and appointed George W. Bush as President.
Two failed wars, a collapsed economy and a host of far-right, proto-fascist, corporatist judicial appointments later, our nation is on its way to becoming an authoritarian plutocracy. And if there’s one thing the recent violent outbursts of teahadists should teach us, it’s that if we truly love the Constitution and what it stands for, then sometimes, politics just isn’t enough.
Our Founding Fathers put the Second Amendment in there for a reason, and that was to enable the People to protect themselves against tyranny. In fact, it was Thomas Jefferson who said that it’s good for a country to have a revolution every twenty years. I hope that’s not where we’re going, but, you know, if the Republicans take our nation the way they promise to take it, my fellow patriots on the left are going to start looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and ask ourselves, what can we do to turn this country around? And I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take some Supreme Court justices out.
The right is arming. What are they arming for if it isn’t that they are so distrustful of us? They’re afraid that we’ll fight for our liberty in Second Amendment kind of ways, and so we must be prepared to do exactly that. It is too soon to give up completely on politics, but given what is at stake, if we don’t win at the ballot box, what will be the next step?
I, for one, know my rights, and I will never lay down and give my country freely to the corporatist plutocrats and the army of teahadist brownshirts in their employ. At least… not without a fight.
Thankfully, Harry Reid won. The New Yorker said a couple of weeks ago that he was one of those instrumental in stopping Bush’s privitization of Social Security.
Go Harry!!! (go Patty, too!!!) Save Social Security!!!
Proto-fascists? Teahadists? Corporatist Plutocrats?
Geez Goldy. Better up the meds today. Clearly you don’t handle rejection well.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
The goatfuckers have told us they intend to kill us, and we should take their word for it.
@2 An ignorant fuck like you wouldn’t recognize satire if it grabbed you by the balls and squeezed until you bled.
Don’t worry now that the Republicans have had their Big Victory, they’re going to have to actually bring something to the table and help govern. They’ll make fools out of themselves in short order.
We had two years of national unity government, during which time President Obama and a Democratic Congress prevented a U.S. and global economic catastrophe and enacted health care reforms that had eluded presidents of both parties for 60 years. Those are historic accomplishments. But now, it’s back to divided government and political deadlock.
@1 Thankfully, Harry Reid won
That’s right, Emily, let’s look at Nevada, because there’s not much good news here in Washington for ya. (though you’d never know it because Goldy’s election “coverage” is focused exclusively on the only bright spot – Murray pulling out a squeaker over Rossi).
The GOP has already stated its intention to remove much if not all of the regulation regarding licensing and record keeping for gun shop owners. So, by this time next year, any fool will be able to open one, and not have to tell anyone who he sells his weapons to, or what kind of weapons he sells.
Bring back those saturday night specials.
@7 “there’s not much good news here in Washington for ya”
Really? Did you get drunk at Rossi’s victory party last night?
So, the Republicans have promised their tea party drones that they will cut the federal budget. Problem is, they have taken defense spending, spending on senior citizens, and veteran’s benefits off the table. Those three constitute over 60% of the federal budget, and a lot of the spending that would be easiest to kill is in the defense budget. So, there’s not much of a chance of keeping that promise. Not to mention the fact that, history shows, it is the Republicans who are responsible for most of our deficit buildup.
They’ll have to start cooking up some new lies to feed the rabid maws of the Tea Party if they want to win again in 2 years.
They have been the party of No for 2 years, but now that they control the House, will they be able to just point at the Democrats and say ‘their fault’ two years from now. Will the public start expecting them to come up with solutions to our problems rather than just throwing blame?
Down in Pierce Krazy Kounty, Hans Zeiger still clings to a slight lead, but it’s close enough that even if is lead holds up through the late ballots, it could reverse in the recount. Whatever the outcome, that race shouldn’t have been close and half the voters of that district need to see a priest for confessional.
They should have gone with Pridemore down in 03.
Bunny @ 3,4,6&9 – check with Goldy for a referral to the doc who prescribes his meds.
1082- down in flames. 1100 &1105- down in flames. Joint Resolution 8225- passing. ;-)
So far the stock market is responding to yesterday’s GOP gains by registering a 30-point loss on the Dow. Investors seem to understand that increased GOP and Tea Party influence in Congress isn’t necessarily helpful to business or serious money.
@13 Read #4 again and buy yourself a box of bandaids.
Um…..the fight was last night. Results are largely out there for all to see.
We’re ready to do this again in two years if you are, Goldy. We’ve got some redistricting to do after the new governors and state legislatures are seated. You’ve got at least several Dem US senators who will look long and hard at what happened in ’10 over the next two years, just before they cast those tough votes.
Bring it. So will we.
@3 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
As everyone knows, Proud Leftist and and Roger Rabbit regularly issue this call to arms. Apparently they’re waiting for OTHER liberals to go first, though, because THEIR trumpet call has been solely restricted to the safe confines of HA!
Why? Rabbit wants to keep receiving that fat state pension and Proud Warrior doesn’t want to lose his license to practice law . . . and that comfy life style.
So you just keep saying it again, Rabbit.
This post made my morning. The comment thread made my day.
I will spare the I told you so re: last night’s outcome (esp Murray’s “landslide”), but rest assured that if the right is arming themselves, they will never allow, through the threat of force, for any liberal to take power ever again, even if won at the ballot box, even in spite of election rigging and intimidation from the right. The coup is complete. Welcome to Mexico.
You are falling off the deep-end.
Do some deep breathing exercises and get used to this…because if you can’t handle this, you certainly won’t be able to handle 2012 when the R’s take control of the Senate and White House.
I think 2 years out Goldy…actually, go get a small paperbag to breathe into when you start hyperventilating first….now, think 2 years out.
Rasmussen has posted it’s Final Senate Poll Predictions vs. Actual Results. A couple misses…but all in all, pretty damn respectable.
re 18: I’ve been armed since I was 9 years old. I have never pointed a gun at any person — even under extreme provocation.
But, as far as disrupting business as usual goes, a big box of nails will do more than any guns could.
Think about it.
(And I don’t mean pipe bombs — I’m thinking freeways and tires).
“I, for one, know my rights, and I will never lay down … not without a fight.”
I’m trembling. What are you going to do, jab your fingers into your laptop’s keys with more ferocity?
@19 You’re right… went over most responders heads. LMAO!
Good one Goldy! Weird thing is I’ve not ever met you, but I could imagine you typing the post up and giggling slightly most of the time. It’s something worthy of a Colbert Report.
Dino Lossied for the third time. Hell, I’ll take it!
Troll @ 25,
You really didn’t understand Goldy’s post at all. Maybe your mommy can help….
re 22: This Republican house is going to have to come up with solutions — solutions that don’t have the words ‘no’ in them.
Mr. Cynical @ 22,
“You are falling off the deep-end.”
What is it, exactly, that make you think Goldy is “falling off the deep end?”
Rasmussen has also posted ACTUAL vs. PROJECTED in the Governor’s Races. Also, eerily accurate. I’d like to see you KLOWNS try to show there is a significant “cell-phone” or Republican bias.
Actually I’m really only interested in Darryl’s analysis of the perceived cell-phone bias and if he believes the results show any R bias in Rasmussen because he is at least capable of setting emotion aside periodically and looking only at the facts (unlike you KLOWNS)
re 27: Dino Lossi. I like that.
Goldy, I’m a little unclear:
How many of the Supreme Court are you planning to take out? Just enough to eliminate a 5-4 majority going the other way, or are you going to nail Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, and Alito? Do you plan to nail Kennedy just for good measure? After all, Tribe says he’s there for another decade or so if you don’t take him out, too.
And just which of your Second Amendment implements are you planning to use to do it?
On a related note, is it the Justice Department, the Capitol Hill police, or the US military that one notifies when one becomes aware of an expressly stated plot to kill a member of the Supreme Court?
I bet John Grisham would know.
Yep pretty respectable for a pollster who in this election cycle turned out on average biased 3 to 4 points against Democrats.
Ummm. I think some people might consider that tantamount to election tampering.
re 31: We’ve already explained to you about Rasmussen producing accurate polls close to election day.
Buzz off.
Time for the 2nd Amendment remedies!!! Or something. I think I’ll have a snack instead.
Well played Goldy. :)
The voters of WA have clearly shown how they feel about “Second Amendment remedies” with the passage of the maurice clemmons ESHJR-4220 law
Bob @ 33,
What. I don’t get it. Did Goldy say something wrong?
Nah, he’s just saying what nutters on the right have been saying for the last couple of years.
I guess one’s perspective of right and wrong might depend on factors such as how one was raised and how much Ed Schultz and Lawrence O’Donnell one is routinely exposed to.
In order to more effectively answer your question, envision this:
1. Substitute President Obama for the members of the Supreme Court to which Goldy was referring
2. Imagine what Goldy wrote was instead penned by, say, Rush Limbaugh.
That help you any?
Tie, ftw!
And I’ll note that their both from down south of Seattle.
I’m locked and loaded. And dressed like Rambo for the next two years.
Chief Justice John Roberts lied under oath during his confirmation hearing. Check out John Paul Stevens dissenting remarks from Citizens United. A case was created from whole cloth resulting in judicial legislation.
The fucker needs to be impeached.
Bob @41,
You’re funny.
We don’t need to imagine it, right wing nutters have been saying it. A few cops have even been killed by people who thought that “Obama was coming for their guns.”
And there’s this.,00.html
Bob @ 41,
1. Substitute President Obama for the members of the Supreme Court to which Goldy was referring
2. Imagine what Goldy wrote was instead penned by, say, Rush Limbaugh.”
So you are saying that if a right winger said what Goldy said, but with President Obama instead of Supreme Court that would be outrageous and wrong?!?
Help me out here.
It’s evidently lost on Mr. Cynical that no one questions Rass’s final polling.
It’s the narrative setting polling 2 months out that shows GOPers ahead by 15-20 points ahead of where they end up in every race that people question.
It’s also their issue polling that asks questions like “Do you agree with the Democrat and Obama government takeover of your healthcare that requires you to get Presidential approval to be treated for something as minor as an acne outbreak?” When they get an 90% “No” response, it gets plastered all over the RW media as if it was a valid question.
They’ve always been quite good at the election day polling.
The fact that the trolls still don’t understand that this thread was satire should illuminate the Republican’s key to victory.
Your post is so derranged as to verge on parody…oh, wait.
Violence is as violence does. Tim McVey is a hero in some quarters….of course these same types will villify the Weathermen because they “used violence”. Go figure.
So when is violence ‘justified’? Tough question–and no easy answers here.
@44 Goldy:
I can understand how crestfallen you must be but what you wrote is a “Screw them. I feel nothing.” moment. It’s the type of thing you’ll never live down.
Oh, and I’m sure a few of us have the screen capture.
Really, Goldy, think about it. What a pitifully fucking stupid thing to write.
The Dems were timid at the National level and they are certainly timid at the state level. Ham fisted approach cost them at the state level and failure to be brave and accountable at the National level made them look squishy.
However, the republicans don’t care about you. They care about the rich. They have made that clear. At least those cocktail party weenies would be easy to take in a revolution
@42 T-Town FTW! (gig harbor too)
Bob @50,
You’re very funny.
When what Goldy wrote starts showing up on right-leaning blogs perhaps you will begin to understand the significance of his words.
He wants it back. Or at least he will, soon.
Really? You feel this way when Right-wingers say similar things? Is it ok to you when they advocate for armed insurrection?
Looks like we might have Rep. Hans Zeiger down in Olympia. That’s going to provide 2 years worth of fun train wrecks to watch.
What Goldy wrote was ripped straight from right wing blogs.
@56 Yes, I do feel that way when those on the right go too far. No, armed insurrection is not OK.
There’s a line. There very clearly, absolutely is a line. One does not advocate murder of one’s government’s leaders because one did not attain one’s goals via the democratic method.
Elections have consequences. Both ways.
Re 48
The progressive elitist arrogance you display, so characteristic of the left, is welcomed by me.
See, the left still doesn’t get it. Americans responded last night to some odd notions progressives hold. Government knows better about what’s good for a person than that person, for one. Government ought to take care of citizens from their first post-natal breath to being laid in a casket, for another. (Weird thing going on here, too. Many liberals I know think killing deer is evil, but killing unborn human babies is to be lauded. What kind of insanity could produce that kind of twisted thinking. Well, being a liberal, of course.)
But please, you and the rest of the liberal minority keep it up. As things stand, Obama is likely to win in 2012. But with progressive arrogance and condescension that may change.
@58 “Turnabout is……..”?
That’s your defense of Goldy? Really?
Is that the best you can do? Guys you hate say stupid, violent stuff, so Goldy gets a pass doing the same thing, ’cause after all he can’t be having a good day today?
What was up with Rick Larsen? He really didn’t run a very good campaign at all. He should be embarrassed that a radical slug like Koster has him in a virtual tie.
Roger Valdez, at Crosscut, has stated my own feelings better than I could. The “left” lacks leadership. Valdez praises Reaganesque devotion to ” principles, stating them simply and clearly over and over again, recruiting candidates who have an unalloyed belief in those principles, and doing politics in an emotionally intelligent way.”
The question is, where are our charismatic figures, our Reagans and our Palins? How is it that our current President with his obvious intellect can not translate his ideals into political leadership?
The problem is not, however, Mr. Obama’s alone. Where the right hears a well sung country song, we have a cacophony, dozens of voices that vociferously fight for different agendas. The general public can not respond to a cacophony.
Valdez argues that the problem is not a lack of support for science and real politic as opposed to creationism and lack of belief in basic truths of modern economics. He argues that the charisma of Reagan was more important than the poverty of her ideas.
Put another way, can rational policies sell? The public can not support the rational left no matter how good Christine Gregoire, Dow Constantine or Maria Cantwell are at understanding the complexities of government. This question is not just important on the John Stewart Daily Show. Who in Washington State speaks for the progressives? Have Rossi, Hastings and the Tea Party appropriated the term “American values?”
Jim McDermitt could be a better leader, he certainly has Reaganesque simplicity about him, but McDermitt is an old man and at his best was not Reagan. Worse, Jim seems unable to understand the importance of local politics. Today’s McDermitt is as distant from the leadership of Seattle Democrats as Warren Magnuson now is.
Who do we have who can provide leadership. There is potential. Patty Murry, has become very good at local politics. Could she take a bigger role?
cross posted at The Ave (
Steve Schwartz
Professor of Pathology, UW
slingshot @ 43
re: John Roberts lied under oath
Links, please.
No, just ‘splaining to you what’s going on. You seem confused.
You KLOWNS are not handling this very well.
At least from what I’ve seen this AM, Speaker Boehner has been very humble and conciliatory like Obama. Reid on the other hand wants to continue the FIGHT~! Pelosi is one angry wet hen! No congrats…nothing.
You KLOWNS are so far left in House, that you will likely drive some or all the remaining Blue Dogs to the Republican Party in the next year. Why do they want to be in the back of Democrat Minority Bus for the next 4-6 years??? That’s precisely what kooks like Pelosi and Reid are going to do. Get even with the remaining Blue Dogs!!!
You’d be much better off with Schumer in the Senate. Fresh start and someone more conciliatory in demeanor as the Minority Leader.
Anyway, a 65-seat change in predicted in the House. Been a looooooooong time since that happened. Fox News calls it a mandate…I call it a loan. And if the R’s don’t push for small government, repealing most of ObamaCare, returning unspent Porkulous to the Treasury, extending Bush Tax Cuts…they will find the Tea Party at their throats.
So Sharon Angle’s advocacy for a 2nd amendment remedy would have lost your vote if you were a Nevadan?
Do you think Erik Erickson went too far when he advocated for the sniping of census workers?
You are willing to go on the record saying that you are deeply offended by some of the imagery on display at Tea party rallies?
Re 20
Yet another paranoid lib?
If last night proved anything it was the ability of this nation to dispute ideologies without recourse to violence. If anything it and 2008 were ringing endorsements that democracy is alive and well in the United States. I can disagree with the direction the electorate took in 2008, and you with the direction taken last night without declaring the US DOA.
@61: The difference is that Goldy’s remarks are satire. Clearly. Almost everyone caught that, except you and Cyn. The only people who are confused by it are the kind of people who wouldn’t take Goldy seriously anyway.
When the same thing is coming from the right, it’s generally not satire, and the people who read it are the kind of people who will take it seriously and potentially act on it.
That’s all the difference in the world.
@65 Thank you, Michael. We have different interpretations of what Goldy wrote. I remain comfortable with my own.
@69 Goldy says it, it’s satire. Someone you oppose says it and it’s a threat against liberty? Really? Just like that and you make the distinction? What is that, some political version of internet gaydar? You can just tell when it’s violent subversion and when, hey, he’s just joshin’?
Jesus, if someone linked to the Tea Party had penned that last week it would be leading dKos within 10 minutes and he’d be Olbermann’s Worst Person in the World that same night.
@66 He’s not Speaker Boehner yet. Lot’s of Tea Party folks in the new class that might not be excited to support a guy who made a tearful plea to support TARP.
Obviously it’s the likeliest outcome of reorganization, but I don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion either. This was an anti-establishment election and Boehner is as establishment as they get.
Bob @71,
You’re hilarious.
if you really understood the constitution, you would know that politics were never really the solution.
Congratulations. You have become what you claim to abhor.
Better get used to paying your own way in the future…all those subsidies you enjoy in MT will be the first cut by this crew, as they send the money to their rich corporate friends instead.
You can also ask Bob if he watches or supports Fox News as they continue to employ a man who advocated for the murder of a doctor (and someone carried out his wish, in fact).
Re 43
I take it you despise the Warren Court as well? I mean, in answer to questioning about whether laws could be made from the bench Warren answered- “Sure, made a few myself.”
And I take it you think Roe poorly decided. After all, that decision wasn’t based on the actual wording of the Constitution, but on what the Court wished it to read.
And I take it you think Marbury was a bad decision? Here again, Marshall based his ruling on a power, judicial review, that no-one had clearly established before.
Or is it only when you disagree with the outcome (in Citizens United a defense of free speech, for Gods sake!) that you get upset?
@27 Dino Lossied for the third time
Yea, and Reichert for the FOURTH. Everytime Goldy and his merry band of feckless followers slam this guy he wins by an even BIGGER margin. Goldy, you’re Reichert’s best friend (ever think about tossing him out by coming out FOR him?).
Re 43
2 more things on Chief Justice Roberts and Citizens United.
First, in most countries in the world you would be held to civil or criminal sanctions for libeling a public official. Thankfully we in the US exempt public figures from these laws. It allows us to criticise without fear of reprisal, which is good for democracy. Unfortunatley it also allows know nothing idiots like Thom Hartman to pontificate on impeaching a sitting justice because they disagree with his decisions.
Second, John Roberts interpreted the law in Citizens United. That’s his job. Disagree with the outcome? Call him a liar for doing so? That just makes you an idiot.
@64, ….looks like you’re a pretty tech savy guy. Type ‘john roberts lied’ into a search engine. Under oath, he (and ditto w/Alito btw) swore he’d be a strict constructionist and not legislate from the bench.
But here’s one one, and another here.
You can read the complet text of JP Stevens dissent here.
These will be obviously left leaning sites because obviously the right doesn’t see this as a problem. Unless a percieved ‘liberal’ is accused of it, of course.
This must be the sound of your head exploding…no?
Maybe an MRI for potential brain atrophe is in order?
Delbene? anyone?
I suggest you drink liberally….
PS – Income tax dead and buried for at least 20+ years….
It helps these people create a narrative for themselves.
In their minds all on the right are whatever the key words Huff Po of the day say they are. Corporatist. Fascist. Wingnut. They don’t think about it, they just repeat whatever they hear or read.
In their minds the United States is a fundamentally bad place. We don’t do health care right. We don’t do taxation right. We use foreign policy to oppress and destroy, for the sheer fun of it. Our social structure doesn’t mirror that of Germany, France or, really, anyplace but here, sufficiently.
In their minds all those on the right are violent and racist. They want to foment a second revolution, while forcing people of color to care for their lawns and build their home additions and make their food.
It is a fictional world. But given that their ideas never work in the real world, it’s all they have. They reject faith in God or country or anything else meaningful. But people need to believe in something, so they take all that passion and direct it mindlessly to politics.
Sad, really. They are more to be pitied than censured.
Heh some small recompense there – a brain shrinking body-builder who just does what he’s told as if he could ever be capable of thinking for himself.
As for your shining real-estate hustler on a hill:
2004 – EDGED OUT, couldn’t get a measly couple thousand votes to overcome a lackluster campaign from his opponent.
2006 – TROUNCED. Millions of BIAW funds pissed away.
2008 – REJECTED. By an electorate who sees right through him.
Enjoy your 4 time “brain-appropriate” guy for the 8th CD.
Elections have consequences. If the Dems hadn’t run someone as feckless as Kerry against GWB43 in ’04, there wouldn’t be a Roberts or an Alito on the Court in the first place.
Ah, but no worries. You can always ‘take them out’.
Re 81
While you’re at it, type ‘UFOs covered up by government’ or ‘Kennedy Assasination Conspiracy.’ You’ll get roughly the same quality of information.
YLB’s world is crumbling…but he’s trying in his Arschlochy sort of way to find a few crumbs of hope.
Get a job dimwit! Be a producer, not a bottom-feeder. Your outlook on life will improve.
Be like me!!
YLB is male?
“In their minds”
“In their minds”
“In their minds”
heh- Lost is reading our minds again. Better that he go back to telling us how FDR was responsible for 70 million war dead, that he should have been executed, and that he should burn in Hell for all eternity.
I think a courageous liberal member of congress should give these new Rs a test and see if they really mean what they say. Someone should propose legislation to get government off the backs of the people starting with farm subsidies. See if Rand Paul can really support that in Kentucky and not get attacked. Let’s start letting these anti-government people know what it means to eliminate government by proposing those states don’t get federal funding for transportation , criminal justice and especially the farm subsidies.
John Boner (sp) just promised a “new era of limited government”…you know, like they brought us the LAST time they were in power. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.
Since WHEN? No Republican has ever brought limited government. Not Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush HW, or Bush W. What are you talking about? Every Republican has left office with a bigger government and signing bigger budgets than there predecessors…always. Every time. Republicans WANT a super powerful massive controlling Federal power, just over citizens not corporations. Republicans believe the government can kill you (death penalty) but YOU can’t choose to end your own life (euthanasia). They believe the government can tell you what sexual positions are allowed by law for two consenting adults (Lawrence v Texas). They believe Congress not husbands should decide life support issues (Terri Schiavo). They believe the government can take you without charge or access to a lawyer if they deem you a “terrorist”. They believe the government can listen to your phone calls or read your email without a warrant. They believe the government can tell you who you can marry. How is THAT limited government control over my life? Limited government is just a code phrase for no regulation no their corporate masters…but PLENTY of regulation on YOU.
Please, don’t like “Obama Care”…it’s gonna cost less than the last big expensive entitlement expansion, the Medicare Drug benefit from George W. Bush (unpaid for of course). And the size of government? Please, the EPA? Richard Nixon. Homeland Security (a new agency added on TOP of the existing CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA, etc), Bush. Homeland Security is a PERFECT example of Republican bullshit. Here they had a chance to reorganize, streamline and fix our fractured spread out security system, and what was their solution? Just create ANOTHER department, another agency that sits on top of all the others. More layers of bureaucracy, more government employees, more expense.
Republicans NEVER make smaller government. It’s just a slogan to get uneducated rednecks (Republicans) to vote for more giveaways to the super rich, corporations and Wall Street.
But HEY! Prove me wrong Mr. Boner! Eliminate the IRS. Shut down NASA. Close the Department of Education. Or at LEAST propose that (not say you can pass those things with a Dem White House) but at least put forth the bill to do those things. I DARE you! Go for it…(not holding breath)
Heh. Great “production” of 700 copy/pastes of Scotty Raz to the comment threads since 1/1/2009 there KLOWN..
I bet that phone-banking for Lossi (from Montana) was a “productive” use of your golden years as well.
Make it another 700 KLOWN. Hell I’m sure you’ll double it. 2012 is a real election year!
Sorry Bob no “hymen” for you to violate and as for “ass-pounding”.
Sorry I’m straight.
Mr Klynical can steer you to his goat shed for the relief you seek.
Re 89
Poor Steve. He can think of one thing at a time only, and he doesn’t read English well without his mothers help.
But he does do the classic liberal play well. First, say your opponent said something that they didn’t in fact say, or said in a specific context. (In this case I never said FDR was responsible for 70 million deaths, I did say he should have been hung as a traitor, which he was. I did say and apologized on grounds of my faith that he should burn in hell. But hey, Steve lost touch with reality and context a long long time ago.) Second, ask why the person said what you’ve misquoted or taken out of context. (The format is generally in the form of ‘when did you stop beating your wife’.) Finally, bring up the misquote repeatedly in the vain hope that with repitition it will become true.
Poor Steve. Another middle aged toddler, like most liberals.
Right Stuff @ 82,
“This must be the sound of your head exploding…no? Maybe an MRI for potential brain atrophe is in order?”
What are you trying to say here? You think what Goldy said is out of bounds?!? Please explain your reasoning.
It’s a good thing that defining who those of us on the left are isn’t your paying gig.
Yabbit, what KIND of guns should we get?????
The right appears to be satirically challenged.
tsk tsk…Mr. Cyn…
You do realize that most of the unspent “porkulus” is tax cuts right? You want to repeal those tax cuts…Got it.
I’d be willing to bet you can’t name 2 provisions in Obamacare that you truly disagree with. It has almost everything wingers say they want.
Helthcare economists and people who know what they are talking about provided input on the bill. You folks don’t care about that though, you just want it to fit your ideology, whether the bill passes a common sense test or not.
You know, I actually agree with Lost about Obama’s leadership. Obama’s not a fighter. He’s very smart. If he didn’t have to fight for it, he would be able to do great things, but he not ruthless. And Strength is all conservatives respect.
Obama: [Obama reaches out] I extend my hand to the republicans. Let’s find a middle ground.
Republicans:[Slugs Obama in the face] We will not compromise our positions.
Obama: [Obama reaches out] Look, I get that you won the house. We will have to work together for the good of the country.
Republicans:[Slugs Obama in the mouth] it’s our way or nothing.
Obama: [Obama reaches out] I’m trying to work with you here.
Republicans:[Slugs Obama in the mouth] F U. Do as we say. N-
Repeat until the next election….
Obama and the Dems (Hey, it’s a 50s’ singing group!) is unwilling to fight the repubs at their level. He keeps bringing a book to a gun fight. He keeps acting that if he can convince them of the logic of his argument that the repubs will agree and follow.
Ultimately it’s like discussing with lost. It doesn’t matter how well or how many times you prove the rightness of your positions, lost won’t accept it. It doesn’t matter if Lost won’t come around, it’s just text on screen, but politics matters because it’s people’s lives and livelihoods. Until and unless Obama and the dems are willing to be as ruthless and unyielding as the conservatives about what they know to be correct and best for the country, they will loosing ground to them.
I’m gettin’ a gadzooka.
I’m still trying to figure out what you are getting at above.
And when you say to Goldy “Congratulations. You have become what you claim to abhor.”
It sound to me more like Goldy has become someone YOU abhor (I mean, more than usual), although I am not sure why.
And for the rest of us, how has Goldy “become” more abhorrent?
Blue John @ 100-
Your imagination is working overtime.
That is not what has been said at all.
It’s Hairy Reid who insists on using the word FIGHT!
It’s Pelosi who is so ungracious she can’t even squeak out a Congrats.
You’ve got it all wrong BJ.
And you are going to lose the remaining Blue Dogs.
Hey, how did your guy Asshole Grayson do in Florida? You KLOWNS loved the guy…and he got his ass kicked by 20 pts!!
Re 100
Reaching out takes a bit more than just saying ‘I’m reaching out.’ It means identifying those areas on which compromise is possible both for your constituency and for theirs. Offering to ‘compromise’ where you know the other side can’t give is political posturing, not bipartisanship.
Unless Bohner on the one side and Obama on the other do some work to find areas on which compromise is actually feasible, we probably will have a gridlocked congress for the next couple of years. On the bright side, not starting back on the right road is still better than continuing down the wrong one.
Pssssst Bob…
you’re being laughed at.
@103. Lets look at actions….
How much compromising did the republicans in the last term? How much did they bend in their principles and goals to help democrats pass legislation?
I admire the repubs for their standfastness, just not their politics. I would give lost’s eyeteeth to have dems with that level of resolve, but for liberal causes.
Shorter health care for example
We will give up on Single payer. What are you going to give up?
We will give up a public option, what are you going to give up?
“First, say your opponent said something that they didn’t in fact say”
You were talking about FDR and the New Deal, and how he “cracked a few eggs”, or rather, 50-70 million war dead, to pay for the economic recovery. You weren’t talking about Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini.
I replied, suggesting that you were blaming America for 50-70 million war dead.
Then you came back to let America off the hook, but not FDR.
So FDR “cracked a few eggs”.
This all followed the above hate-filled rant. Why would anybody doubt that you were blaming FDR? You certainly didn’t walk it back.
See that’s what I meant by out of context. You re-print portions of my postings with the bits you want to support your point.
“He was a traitor. He was scum. As I said, may he rest in flames.”
Interestingly, you didn’t re-print the 2 apologies for consigning FDR to hell.
As for- “Go ahead, blame America and it’s president for 50 to 70 million war dead. Just to kickstart the economy. Some might say? Um, some might say that the hatred inside you has driven you to plant your head up your ass.” And “60. lostinaseaofblue spews:
Of course you don’t copy the part to which I was actually responding, the portion of this post where you say that I hate America because I despised its worst president.
I didn’t ‘walk it back’ because there isn’t a point in arguing with someone who takes your every sentence out of context. There’s no point in discussion with someone who mistates your contentions and acts as though his mis-statements were your opinions. It’s like throwing the tennis ball for my dog. It’s fun for a while, but gets a bit repetitive at some point and you stop.
Keep a database of my postings, if you like. A bit weird and obsessive, over a political blog, but knock yourself out.
Bob, Cynical et al,
Read ’em and weep… at how fucking stupid you all are.
re 110
You seem a relatively intelligent, if mostly politically wrong, person. So I assume you do realize that the opinions of one person don’t define every group to which they belong? Don’t you?
It would be like saying that since some on the left are communists, all on the left are communists. It just doesn’t follow.
You wrote that FDR should have been killed, then only weakly apologized for wanting him also condemned to Hell, but not for writing that he should have been hung. Because you’re a good Christian, or something like that.
After telling us what’s in the minds of all progressives,
“In their minds”
“In their minds”
“In their minds”
Lost admonishes Goldy thus,
“So I assume you do realize that the opinions of one person don’t define every group to which they belong? Don’t you?”
You do realize there’s a slight difference between categorizing a viewpoint by the general beliefs which define it, and categorizing one by a specific statement of one person who happens to embrace it?
ESL courses are available at most community colleges.
@111 Funny Lost, except that the tea party candidates have a collection of STUPID things they have said and done. If you have not been paying attention – here are some of the highlights:
Christine O’Donnell “It is not enough to be abstinent with other people, YOU ALSO HAVE TO BE ABSTINENT ALONE. The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery, so you can’t masturbate without lust.”
Michelle Bachmann: “Gay marriage is probably the biggest issue that will impact our state and our nation in the last, at least, thirty years. I AM NOT UNDERSTATING THAT.”
Chuck Devore: “We have to prepare for the next enemy. It’s not Afghanistan. It’s the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA.”
Trent Franks on Obama: “He has no place in any station of government and we need to realize that he is an ENEMY OF HUMANITY.”
Glen Urquhart: “The exact phrase ‘separation of Church and State’ came out of Adolph HItler’s mouth, that’s where it comes from. So the next time your liberal friends talk about the separation of Church and State, ASK THEM WHY THEY’RE NAZIS.”
Steve King on Obama winning the election: “The radical Islamists, the al-Qaeda… would be DANCING IN THE STREETS in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11 because they would declare victory in this war on terror.”
Kristi Noem on driving (she has received 30 tickets and multiple arrest warrants for skipping court): “OBVIOUSLY, I’M NOT PROUD OF MY DRIVING RECORD, but I’ve been working hard to be a better example to young kids and young drivers out there”
Carl Paladino on housing poor people in prisons: “THESE ARE BEAUTIFUL PROPERTIES with basketball courts, bathroom facilities, toilet facilities. Many young people would love to get the hell out of cities”
Steve King on Obama winning the election: “The radical Islamists, the al-Qaeda… would be DANCING IN THE STREETS in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11 because they would declare victory in this war on terror.”
Lamar Smith: “The greatest threat to America is not necessarily a recession or even another terrorist attack. The greatest threat to America is a LIBERAL MEDIA BIAS.”
Rand Paul on health care: “The fundamental reason WHY MEDICARE IS FAILING is WHY THE SOVIET UNION FAILED — socialism doesn’t work
From Businessinsider – not exactly a liberal rag. The stoopid things these tea party candidates say….are indicative of a movement with no brains, fed by emotions and with no facts to back up their quasi-religious zeal.
Ask a tea party person if they want to balance the budget, cut taxes on the rich, keep defense spending high and don’t cut medicare or change social security – and they will say yes to all of the above without realizing they just increased the budget deficit – they are THAT stoopid.
90. Kathi spews:
Jon Tester (D-MT) is a farmer. Inherited family farm. Did you know his family was one of the 1st to demand and take subsidies?
Other Dem Senators like Baucus (D-MT) and Conrad (D-ND) are in the Senate because farmers support them.
Be careful what you wish for Kathy. Conrad & Tester are already Republican targets for 2012.
You’re so fucked up, Lost. Whatever.
I’m actually looking forward to these nitwits having to put out a budget and attempt to govern. I love a good train wreck and there’s going to be more than a few coming up.
Now, dear righties, you’re going to have to do more than just yell “cut spending” you’re going to have to do it.
“Our Founding Fathers put the Second Amendment in there for a reason, and that was to enable the People to protect themselves against tyranny.”
Gee, that’s the first time I ever heard a liberal screwball defend the Second Ammendment other than to say it is all about hunting rights. ROFL
The only problem with your argument is that the Right Wingers have all the guns :). Goldy go back to drinking your Kool Aid. You sound like a Communist. Why don’t you go to the Fremont district and go lick Lenin’s statue.
@1 Thankfully, Harry Reid won
Yep, his sour nearly senile face is the exact one we want to represent the sour senile democRATS.
Hurray Harry! – you go, OLD ‘dude’ (read FART)
Look for sour senile to retire soon.
And for the record GOOD RIDDANCE to the SERIAL DOMESTIC ABUSER, little Geoffy Simpson. Don’t let the door knob hit you in your! horses ASS.
@97 Get an AK-47. The M-16 and its offshoots (e.g., AR-15) is a piece of shit. Jams every tenth round.
@120 “The only problem with your argument is that the Right Wingers have all the guns :)”
Boy are you in fo a surprise when you start shooting at us!
Unfortunately, I doubt they will make any attempt at all at governing. Their strategy is to use the House to set up their run for office in 2012, in an attempt to gain both the Presidency and the Senate. A few of them have admitted as much.
So expect farcical investigations and witch hunts, hearings designed to create smoke with little fire, bills being passed in the House with impressive titles but “poison pill” clauses that will compel the Senate to reject them, allowing them to use it as a campaign issue in the next election (without acknowledging that they never intended for the bill to pass).
And as the economy improves due to the efforts of the President and the Democratic Congress in 2009-2010, they will claim full credit, even though they not only had nothing to do with it, but obstructed every attempt to deal with the problems they had created themselves.
For those reasons, it’s going to be a tough two years. Anybody who thinks we need to compromise and “get along” is just asking to get the football pulled away (think Lucy & Charlie Brown).
These new guys must be from Orbusmax. They don’t know satire when they see it.
Funny, Orbus just climaxed all over his page.
And this is AFTER Goldy’s follow-up. So even after Goldy pulls out the hook and throws out the minnow, he bites again.
Orb: You should really consider “Teabagger” a compliment. It does give you some degree of competence
120. Cornholio spews: Xactly. Bought a new one today. Old lizard minion?
Too late! We already own all the guns! So sit your butt down and get ready for the ride of your life…
In two years, you’ll be begging to join the Tea Party!
slingshot @ 81
Ok. That’s some pretty weak sauce. By “lie”, I was thinking something concrete and actionable. In Roberts’ own tiny brain, he thinks he’s being fair and impartial.
Roberts is a corporate tool extraordinaire. No doubt. That he’s serving as a judge, on our nation’s supreme court, is a mockery of civil society.
Reid claiming to have been fooled by Roberts just shows how incredulous people dwelling within the Beltway are.
But Reid’s not alone. There’s plenty of blame to go around.
I’m totally on board with impeaching Roberts, Alito, Scalia, and Thomas. They’re individual and collectively a bight on humanity. Placing corporations ahead of people, fascism over democracy, is explicitly misanthropic. They’re not just inhumane, they’re antihumane.
Figuring out how something like impeaching judges is done is way down on my to do list. But this particular “lie” doesn’t seem to have much chance at success.
Now I don’t care who you are…..Libs taking up arms are funny….pu$$ies with bullets. The golden shower wouldn’t know which end the bullet came out……..Tough libs in Seattle, a total joke……….
Oh look. The monkeys at the zoo are throwing their pooh.
Comrade Goldie, your such a peach. What the hell are you going to do with a firearm. You might put your eye out, or blow the back of your head off. Remember the open end faces you when pulling the trigger. Talk about Right-Wing overthrowing government wacos, oh my mistake, Left-Wing Timothy McVey loving wacos.
Really, Goldie? Threatening conservatives by shooting them? As if FOUR drive-by shootings at GOP offices during the 2004 election were not enough. You honestly think you limp-wristed liberals even know how to properly FIRE a weapon without the loud bang making you jump and scream like a little girl?
Seriously, with the amount of firepower that exists out here on the right, you and your kind wouldn’t stand a chance. Hell, I’ve got money that most of your rounds wouldn’t even find a target if it were standing still.
Let me know when you’d like to meet for an old western-style gunfight at 20 paces. It would be a pleasure schooling you in urban warfare tactics…
Jason @129, Yeah, for sure, the argument that he lied in his hearing is adolescent, at best. All the ammo necessary to convince anyone with a shred of legitimacy that the majority overstepped is in the Stevens dissent.
Have you heard of Roberts involvement in Broward County, Florida during the Bush v Gore debacle? He claims he was down there on a ‘family vacation’. The Chief Justice nomination was a most likely a quid pro quo for his help in getting the SCOTUS to shut down the recount.
With the five Nazi’s obvious huddling and colluding it’s pretty clear the high court is another corrupted shell of it’s former self.
So you missed the part where Goldy pointed out that he was quoting Sharon Angle then?
Hey Goldie
Come heavy, come ready.
Promises promises!
that is funny the left taking up arms and just who is going to lead you. Since you have bashed the military for 50 years don’t think you will get much help there. Have never heard of any left wing militias out there. And remember it is the right that has been stocking up on weapons and ammo for YEARS. Bring it on any time
78. lostinaseaofblue spews:
So would you say that you do not believe that people have an inherent right to privacy that the government does not have leavbe to violate. That this is not something that, for example, the Fourth Amendment is based on?
Or do you think that your privacy can be violated at will by your government in any case in which there is not a specific textual Constitutional prohibition?
It’s either one or the other.
I love this thread. As uusal, the conservatives are ignorant and literal-minded, and the liberals already know the source and see the real point right away.
Let’s do more of this.