This morning the media was invited along for a “How to ride light rail” lesson conducted by Mayor Greg Nickels, and once on the train I had the opportunity to shanghai King County Councilmembers (and Executive wannabes) Larry Phillips and Dow Constantine with the kind of hard hitting questions they never get from the legacy press.
So which candidate supports light rail more? Watch the video to find out.
Oh, and by the way, the trains, the stations, the schedule… it’s hard to imagine Seattleites not falling in love with light rail once it starts service next week.
I find it funny how you consider yourself part of the media. YOU ARE A PARTISAN HACK BLOGGER! Members of the media have actual credentials. Tim Russert was a member of the media. Hell, Danger Jim Foreman is a member of the media. You, are not!
@IAFF Fireman
The fact that you read this blog shows that it is inded a “news” or “information” outlet. Yes Goldy might just be a blogger but that doesn’t change the fact that he reports on news that you find worthy of reading.
I want to give Goldy props for getting out of the house and doing some in-person reporting and journalism!
what’s with all the train fanboy shit? grow up.
“Enjoying” light rail is like a CEO handing you a $100 cigar that he took out of your stock dividend payment: You might as well enjoy it, because you’re paying for it.
@1 “Members of the media have actual credentials.”
Credentials don’t mean anything. I went to one of the finest journalism schools in the country, but I’m a hack partisan blogger.
And you are a phony bullshit conservative claiming to be a union member. Bet YOU can’t present a union card, bigmouth, so why are you ragging on Goldy? Real union members know better.
X’ad, where is that progressive compassion dude?
IAFF jerkyBoy is union, alright.
Union 76.
As in, the guy selling cigarettes and gas.
@7 Oh, I believe he’s a union firefighter, alright — of the freerider type. He wants the union pay and benefits without paying the union dues that make them possible. He wants to ride the coattails of other people’s union dues. Show me a conservative and I’ll show you a freeloader.
10 Freeloader would be described as an Obama
cabinet member as in taxes are for everyone else. You are fucked up.
Goldy had some hard hitting questions like “Do you like 1% milk in your frappacino or 2% mayor McCheese?”
@2, I also enjoy looking at the latest sightings of Bat Boy while in the checkout line at my local store. It’s called entertainment. Where do you libs get your Logic, the dollar store?
@6, My point exactly Roger. You are not a member of the media. You are a partisan hack. The same as Goldy. The difference is you aren’t trying to inflate your stature by claiming to be a part of the media
@7 My union card doesn’t allow me to go to your DL events, because they are taking place at a non-union shop. With libs driving a non-union car. Tell me X’ad, what kind of Union car do you drive? Why not ask Goldy what his Union Status is? Or the type of Union Made car HE drives?
@10 I pay my union dues and contribute to my Union PAC. That’s more than Goldy has ever done with a Union.
Neither. Given his dramatically expanding waist line, Jabba the Mayor likes whole milk in his frappuccino.