And that was one the worst presidential inauguration speeches in memory.
What was that Poem all about? Give me a break.
How do you screw up the “Oath of Office”
On the Pam’s House Blend liveblog, one of the commenters noted that the language of the invocation and use of the Lord’s Prayer with the closing “For thine is the Kingdom…” excluded everyone except Protestant Christians.
Warren was a discredit to the inauguration and evangelicals. On the other hand, having a leading evangelical discredit the movement while offending 75% of the country might not be such a bad thing. Maybe Obama knew what he was doing here.
I was in a room of raging liberals and there was applause at the end of Warren’s speech. Maybe not enthusiastic but at least a little respectful.
Yes, Warren is a horse’s butt but a little sunshine works wonders.
I didn’t have a problem with Warren’s invocation. It was relatively brief, to the point, included a lot about inclusiveness and people sharing common goals despite their differing beliefs. Certainly appealing to a higher power at this point in our experience is appropriate. We’re going to need all the help we can get.
Whether he was tempered by circumstance into holding back from expressing what was really in his heart at that moment, is a matter between him and his God. He was certainly aware of the confines of this particular gig.
It might be prudent for each of us to try to consider what was said in separation from the reputation of the person who was saying it.
I just wanted the ceremony to get past without any major flubs, and, aside from Justice Roberts, I think it did. Warren is merely an unsightly mole on the butt of history.
… which, come to think of it, is a pretty good description of Tlaz.
Broadway Joespews:
And I still say that Rick Warren looks like Bill Engvall’s evil twin.
My Goldy Itchesspews:
So is it the whole “gay” issue that causes the left the hate Rick Warren so much? Or is there more to it?
@7 Pretty lame considering that you probably don’t know Tlazolteotl from shinola, so it’s totally out of context, and besides you should come up with your own shit if you want to insult someone. Maggot.
@9 No, it’s the whole right wing fucking retardation thing, dick face.
It was pretty tepid…though leaps and bounds better than that poem that sounded like instructions given by a GPS.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “And that was one the worst presidential inauguration speeches in memory.”
I suppose it was — if you like living under a system that screws workers, gives those with the most a free ride, and think the best people to inspect the meat you eat are the people who sell it to you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Warren is a huckster.
@1: Ask Chief Justice Roberts – he could not even get the oath right. Some chief Justice – maybe he should have crib notes the next time – the idiot.
Obama hesitated because he knew Roberts screwed up.
After relistening to the last two Bush speeches – this was an order of magnitude better. Now we have a president who can actually pronounce and understand words. What a relief. The Europeans are glad to have someone they can work with instead of around.
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
Wow #10 got his lace panty tighty whiteys in a tight wad.
And that was one the worst presidential inauguration speeches in memory.
What was that Poem all about? Give me a break.
How do you screw up the “Oath of Office”
On the Pam’s House Blend liveblog, one of the commenters noted that the language of the invocation and use of the Lord’s Prayer with the closing “For thine is the Kingdom…” excluded everyone except Protestant Christians.
Warren was a discredit to the inauguration and evangelicals. On the other hand, having a leading evangelical discredit the movement while offending 75% of the country might not be such a bad thing. Maybe Obama knew what he was doing here.
I was in a room of raging liberals and there was applause at the end of Warren’s speech. Maybe not enthusiastic but at least a little respectful.
Yes, Warren is a horse’s butt but a little sunshine works wonders.
Yeah, Barack knew what he was doing.
It was pathetic, and the guy looks like shit too
I didn’t have a problem with Warren’s invocation. It was relatively brief, to the point, included a lot about inclusiveness and people sharing common goals despite their differing beliefs. Certainly appealing to a higher power at this point in our experience is appropriate. We’re going to need all the help we can get.
Whether he was tempered by circumstance into holding back from expressing what was really in his heart at that moment, is a matter between him and his God. He was certainly aware of the confines of this particular gig.
It might be prudent for each of us to try to consider what was said in separation from the reputation of the person who was saying it.
I just wanted the ceremony to get past without any major flubs, and, aside from Justice Roberts, I think it did. Warren is merely an unsightly mole on the butt of history.
… which, come to think of it, is a pretty good description of Tlaz.
And I still say that Rick Warren looks like Bill Engvall’s evil twin.
So is it the whole “gay” issue that causes the left the hate Rick Warren so much? Or is there more to it?
@7 Pretty lame considering that you probably don’t know Tlazolteotl from shinola, so it’s totally out of context, and besides you should come up with your own shit if you want to insult someone. Maggot.
@9 No, it’s the whole right wing fucking retardation thing, dick face.
It was pretty tepid…though leaps and bounds better than that poem that sounded like instructions given by a GPS.
@1 “And that was one the worst presidential inauguration speeches in memory.”
I suppose it was — if you like living under a system that screws workers, gives those with the most a free ride, and think the best people to inspect the meat you eat are the people who sell it to you.
@2 Warren is a huckster.
@1: Ask Chief Justice Roberts – he could not even get the oath right. Some chief Justice – maybe he should have crib notes the next time – the idiot.
Obama hesitated because he knew Roberts screwed up.
After relistening to the last two Bush speeches – this was an order of magnitude better. Now we have a president who can actually pronounce and understand words. What a relief. The Europeans are glad to have someone they can work with instead of around.
Wow #10 got his lace panty tighty whiteys in a tight wad.
Never trust a fat priest