There's a helluva more to writing a blog than just writing.
Just two days into HA’s $25,000 Fund Drive, 47 loyal readers have already contributed a total of $2,225. Combine that with SEIU 775’s $2,500 sponsorship pledge, and we’re nearly one fifth of the way toward our target. Thank you all for your generosity.
As expected, the comment threads on these fund raising posts are filled with angry trolls telling me to quit my begging and just go get a job. Of course, they’d like nothing more than to see HA shut down; you don’t think they put so much time and effort into disrupting my comment threads because they welcome a vigorous, informed debate? But in fact, a blog like HA, if done right, is a full time job… just not one that provides much of an income.
I spend hours a day, most holidays and weekends included, researching and writing posts, and while my prose may often sound conversational or even improvisational, I’m actually a very careful, deliberate and excruciatingly slow writer. But the time it takes to write a post is nothing compared to the time I’ve invested in the several dozen videos I’ve created over the past few years.
Take for example the Susan Hutchison video above, which effectively eviscerates her attempt to explain away her $500 donation to Mike Huckabee as an impulse of somebody new to the world of political giving. Just figuring out how to fit the content to the 1:26 musical clip I’d picked out was a chore in itself; the entire video production took the better part of a night before it finally felt right. And this was my second video swipe at this particular Hutchison obfuscation.
The point is, keeping HA relevant, informative, effective, engaging and entertaining takes a helluva lot of work, and it’s just not something I can maintain anywhere near it’s current form on top of a 9 to 5 job. So if you enjoy HA, and want me to continue doing the job I do helping to keep our journalists and politicians honest, then I need more than your kind words. I need your financial support. So please give today.
“As expected, the comment threads on these fund raising posts are filled with angry trolls telling me to quit my begging and just go get a job. Of course, they’d like nothing more than to see HA shut down …”
Yeah, a soldier in a combat zone doesn’t take orders from the enemy, so why do the trolls expect you to follow their orders? Obviously, they’ve never been in a combat zone …
I gave 25 bucks. Wish it could be more, but I’ve got my own expenses. For example, I need some dental work …
You bet your ass he needs dental work, and he’s gonna need some more dental work if I catch him [bleep] again.
Better save up Rodent, smokes are going up a buck a pack! :)
I don’t smoke. But you’ve made a career of blowing smoke out of your ass.
alright, I dropped $50…
Yes you do Rodent, everyone knows that. At least be honest, your oxygen tank not withstanding.
Conservatives see nothing wrong with Mellon Scaife and David Koch funding the institutions that pay useless blowhards such as Jonah Goldberg or Rich Lowry for cluttering our landscape. Insitutional handouts/”wingnut welfare” are perfectly fine, but accepting contributions from loyal readers makes you some kind of leech?
Conservtives, look in the mirror.
“…everyone knows that…” (Mark 1, above)
“…something upon which we can all agree… (Boener, last week).
Seems to be a trend – wingnuts utter an utter falshood, combined with at statement to the effect that there’s no need to question the veracity of the statement. Then when you call them on it, they invariably change the subject, moving on to other falsehoods.
Just a hint, guys – “we hold these truths to be self-evident” only worked in the Declaration of Independence. Everything else is subject to being questioned and proven.