Three republicans Presidents have created over 70% of the national debt since the formation of the United States. Not even WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam created the kind of debt that Ronald Reagan, GHWB and GWB have amassed.
The republican plan – bleed us to deqth in an unecessary war.
Daddy Lovespews:
I think Mark Shields mentioned his tight T-shirt once.
Ed Westonspews:
Yah and shrub created about half of it. I think his debasment of the constitution and our institutions counts for at least as much.
To paraphrase my favorite Marxist. I’ve lived under a wonderful administration. Just not this one.
Right Stuffspews:
so much for threads being on topic.
Goldy, “what has Reichert done recently ever that’s captured the imagination of national pundits?”
He was responsible for the capture of the green river killer……
He was responsible for the capture of the green river killer……
Oh and how long did that creep go on killing and thumbing his nose at Sheriff Hairspray?
I really don’t think the Pudster’s a prick.
He’s a decent GUY…
…He’s just utterly, absolutely and spectacularly WRONG!!!!
Aaaaand…he just won’t listen. It’s infuriating.
1) Goldy said RECENTLY. As in his Congressional term.
2) There’s plenty of evidence that Sheriff Hairspray was an impediment to tha investigation.
Big Hair no more caught Ridgeway than Bush fought in Viet Nam.
That said – he has gained some national attention as Bush’s butt boy and a laughing stock.
And NOTHING about Puddydick is decent. He’s a traitor.
Whu Authored Darcy’s plan.
I just realized the General Eaton of TRP is Hillary’s military adviser.
This deepens my concern and explains a lot about the plan’s lack of detail on how we are supposed to withdraw.
Obviously a plan that actually explained how we were to extricate ourselves from Bush’s Big Blunder could not come form Gen. Eaton since it would require Clinton to make a commitment she can not make.
What we are left with is that Darcy endorses .. more or less .. the consensus of what Obama and Clinton agree on. This is sad and comes off as more of a campaign gimmick than real evidence that she has the resources .. political or otherwise .. to make a novel contribution on her own.
I wonder who DB uses as her local brain trust? There are some very good experts at the UW has she enlisted their help? As one example, I met a member of the Jackson school at a party a few weeks ago. This fellow is an expert on nuclear proliferation. He had the kind of hard assed practical knowledge I would think would help Darcy a lot.
We know Karl Rove is Bush’s Brain – and we’ve seen how good his plan (or lack thereof is) what can be worse? The war has already gone on longer than the Civil War, WWI and WWII. Want more of the same? Vote McCain.
Okay, but that wasn’t “recent,” and… um… Reichert really didn’t catch the Green River Killer. But I appreciate you being on topic and giving it an effort.
Maybe you can tell me something he’s done in Congress that warranted national attention, other than retrieving Nancy Pelosi’s shoe?
Obama says, he will withdraw one brigade a month, getting all the combat troops out in 16 months.
The people we elected in 2006 seem to forget the mandate.
We need to reinforce the mandate often, that the reason we’re even voting, let alone Democrat, let alone, Obama, is to get out of Iraq.
All the wars since at least WW2 have NOT been self defense, they’ve been aggressions, the US has killed millions of innocent people who never attacked America. The Korean War was not self defense, 2 million people died, Vietnam wasnt’ self defense either. Neither is the IRAQ war. The US is in the wrong.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Are you confused about what the topic of this thread is? Allow me to provide you with clarity. The topic of this thread (and this blog) is:
headless lucyspews:
re 8:
“…He’s just utterly, absolutely and spectacularly WRONG!!!!
Aaaaand…he just won’t listen. It’s infuriating.”
It’s more than infuriating. It’s a dangerous mindset. People like Puddy, once they decide to get in the metaphorical barrel, will go over Niagra Falls come hell or high water — and take as many people as they can with them.
Someone who is obdurate and not amenable to reason is a danger to himself and others. It’s a form of mental derangement.
headless lucyspews:
re 13: “This blog is becoming a cliche. Needs more originality and variety.”
Like theDrudge Report?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 And how, exactly, does his expertise on nuclear proliferation get us out of Iraq? Not that it’s hard — when you’re getting your ass handed to you in an alley fight, the obvious strategy is to walk away.
If you ask him, what your nuclear proliferation expert likely will tell you is that Bush’s policies have dramatically accelerated the rush to acquire nuclear arms.
If I were a tinpot dictator observing, from my capital, Bush bullying little countries like mine I’d want to acquire nuclear weapons as fast as I possibly could.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of tinpot dictators, what do y’all think the chances are of Bush doing anything meaningful on behalf of the oppressed and enslaved people of Zimbabwe?
headless lucyspews:
re 13: “drudge n. A person who does tedious, menial, or unpleasant work.”
That about sums it up for the ‘Drudge’ report. I think you have a gay attraction to Drudge’s 1940’s gumshoe attire.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Zimbabweans, unfortunately, merely traded one oppressor for another, and now they’re worse off than before. With the white plantation owners run out of their country, they’re starving, and Mugabe’s thugs are killing them just as dead as Ian Smith’s white mercenaries ever did. Zimbabwe hasn’t exactly prospered under Mugabe, either; they have 80% unemployment and 100,000% inflation, and about 10 guys own most of the country. They just held an election, and the army is counting the votes …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “This blog is becoming a cliche. Needs more originality and variety.”
I’m not holding my breath for YOU to make a meaningful contribution.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “We need to reinforce the mandate often, that the reason we’re even voting, let alone Democrat, let alone, Obama, is to get out of Iraq.”
Hmmm, my reasons are broader than that, and include, well, just about everything. After all, what hasn’t the GOP mismanaged? I can’t think of anything.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 “It’s more than infuriating. It’s a dangerous mindset. People like Puddy, once they decide to get in the metaphorical barrel, will go over Niagra Falls come hell or high water — and take as many people as they can with them. Someone who is obdurate and not amenable to reason is a danger to himself and others.”
That’s been my uniform experience with wingnuts. I ask myself, “how bad do things have to get before these people abandon the pied piper who led them into this mess?” and the answer seems to be … there’s no limit. You can’t even get them to acknowledge that anything has gone wrong, let alone get them to question the wisdom of the ideology they have so blindly followed into one debacle and disaster after another.
Speaking of what Reichart has done, this from Ron Judd’s weekly new wrap-up in the Seattle Times:
“It’s a Little Embarrassing to Ask, But: Did anyone else watch that Lifetime Movie Network extended soap opera last week about former King County Sheriff Dave Reichert nailing Green River killer Gary L. Ridgway after only 19 years of crack detective work? Did anyone else feel the need to be hosed off afterward? Just asking.”
Daddy Lovespews:
If Saint Petraeus found his balls and began telling the president that “victory” in Iraq is an illusion, that besides achieving what we have already achieved (the defeat of a tinhorn Third World dicator and the occupation of a his Third World nation) there is nothing left for us to achieve militarily there, and that Iraqis will oppose US occupation, permanent bases, and our imperial “embassy” forever, which is the one lesson wingnuts refuse to learn from Vietnam, he would be replaced thirty seconds later. You know it. I know it.
We. Do. Not. Own. The. World. The illogic and hubris of the foreign nation occupying Iraq complaining of Iranian “interference” would be hilarious if it wasn’t a footnote to our grim circus of death.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 All I can say is if my country were invaded and occupied by foreigners I would be trying to throw them out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The only thing Iraqis agree on is none of them want the foreign invader in their country.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You gotta hand it to Bush! He united Iraq! By giving all Iraqis a common enemy to fight.
“what has Reichert done recently”: he closed down portions of I-5, I-405, and the I-90 Bridge during rush hour, so the dipwad in cheif could bring his shill wagon to Medina, to fill 3rdReichert’s coffers. He did this twice.
Yes, headless lucy@17: headless lucy says:”It’s a form of mental derangement.”
You know all about derangement 24/7
Rujax!: You are wrong. I listened to reasoned individuals.
12 Word has it that Rove is McCain’s brain nowadays, in spite of (or perhaps confirmed by) the frantic denials from Fox “News”.
headless lucyspews:
re 32: How can you be so obtuse?
For all that are net disabled, here is a DL from Reichert’s site on what he has done for (us) lately:
April 2008
* (April 3, 2008) Reichert Expresses Opposition to Tanker Decision
* (April 2, 2008) Reichert Statement on First-Ever World Autism Awareness Day
* (April 2, 2008) Reichert Announces Third Veterans’ Resource Fair In Renton
March 2008
* (March 18, 2008) Reichert Seeks Input on Tanker Decision
* (March 14, 2008) Reichert Announces Voluntary Earmark Moratorium
* (March 13, 2008) House members take up anti-consolidation crusade
* (March 12, 2008) Reichert: In Microsoft, American Dream is Alive and Well
* (March 11, 2008) Reichert to Welcome Microsoft’s Bill Gates to Science Committee Hearing
* (March 10, 2008) Reichert Attends Launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour
* (March 6, 2008) Reichert: “Trade Agreements Cannot Languish”
* (March 5, 2008) Reichert Statement On Mental Health Parity Legislation
One of these seems pretty good ..
He has sworn off of earmarks in 2009. That si not a trivial action. Will Darcy up him one?
A not so good area, considering Reichert’s district contains a LOT of high tech is his lack of involvement in science aqnd technology.
I have been trying to convince folks in the DB campaign that this is a hot issue.
Here is the stuff from the Reichert site. Ptryy NOT impressive.
Science and Technology
July 26, 2007
Reichert Passes Two Bipartisan Amendments Fighting for First Responders, Domestic Violence Funding
May 10, 2007
Reichert: Homeland Security Grants Awarded to Local Ports/Port of Tacoma Selected to Test New Technology
June 7, 2006
Reichert Lauds Passage of Bill to Protect Citizens
April 26, 2006
Reichert Phone Privacy Protection Bill Passes
March 8, 2006
Reichert Receives Security Leadership Award for Hearing Results
March 2, 2006
Phone Privacy Bill Approved by House Judiciary
February 23, 2006
Reichert Chairs Health Care IT Field Hearing In Portland, OR
February 8, 2006
Reichert Co-Sponsors Bill to Protect Personal Information
8 Rujax:
Wrong. No decent human being could act like Puddy.
And, he’s the most obnoxious bastard on this less-than-civilized forum, and that says a lot.
Pathologies like Puddy are incurable, but serve as useful cautionary examples.
@40 SS
I rise not to defnd Puddy but to explin him. Having met him, I have no doubt about his intelligence and devotion ot good deeds.
Maybe blogging is like SM sex? …a kind of playacting with dress up. If that is the simile, folks like Puddy maybe need a dominant mistress to make them behave.
Hey, I’m the first to post a comment –
Puddydick is a prick.
Hey, that wasn’t very responsible.
The responsible republican plan:
Three republicans Presidents have created over 70% of the national debt since the formation of the United States. Not even WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam created the kind of debt that Ronald Reagan, GHWB and GWB have amassed.
The republican plan – bleed us to deqth in an unecessary war.
I think Mark Shields mentioned his tight T-shirt once.
Yah and shrub created about half of it. I think his debasment of the constitution and our institutions counts for at least as much.
To paraphrase my favorite Marxist. I’ve lived under a wonderful administration. Just not this one.
so much for threads being on topic.
“what has Reichert done recently ever that’s captured the imagination of national pundits?”
He was responsible for the capture of the green river killer……
He was responsible for the capture of the green river killer……
Oh and how long did that creep go on killing and thumbing his nose at Sheriff Hairspray?
I really don’t think the Pudster’s a prick.
He’s a decent GUY…
…He’s just utterly, absolutely and spectacularly WRONG!!!!
Aaaaand…he just won’t listen. It’s infuriating.
1) Goldy said RECENTLY. As in his Congressional term.
2) There’s plenty of evidence that Sheriff Hairspray was an impediment to tha investigation.
Big Hair no more caught Ridgeway than Bush fought in Viet Nam.
That said – he has gained some national attention as Bush’s butt boy and a laughing stock.
And NOTHING about Puddydick is decent. He’s a traitor.
Whu Authored Darcy’s plan.
I just realized the General Eaton of TRP is Hillary’s military adviser.
This deepens my concern and explains a lot about the plan’s lack of detail on how we are supposed to withdraw.
Obviously a plan that actually explained how we were to extricate ourselves from Bush’s Big Blunder could not come form Gen. Eaton since it would require Clinton to make a commitment she can not make.
What we are left with is that Darcy endorses .. more or less .. the consensus of what Obama and Clinton agree on. This is sad and comes off as more of a campaign gimmick than real evidence that she has the resources .. political or otherwise .. to make a novel contribution on her own.
I wonder who DB uses as her local brain trust? There are some very good experts at the UW has she enlisted their help? As one example, I met a member of the Jackson school at a party a few weeks ago. This fellow is an expert on nuclear proliferation. He had the kind of hard assed practical knowledge I would think would help Darcy a lot.
We know Karl Rove is Bush’s Brain – and we’ve seen how good his plan (or lack thereof is) what can be worse? The war has already gone on longer than the Civil War, WWI and WWII. Want more of the same? Vote McCain.
We get it. Burner good/Reichert bad. This blog is becoming a cliche. Needs more originality and variety.
Stuff @6,
Okay, but that wasn’t “recent,” and… um… Reichert really didn’t catch the Green River Killer. But I appreciate you being on topic and giving it an effort.
Maybe you can tell me something he’s done in Congress that warranted national attention, other than retrieving Nancy Pelosi’s shoe?
Obama says, he will withdraw one brigade a month, getting all the combat troops out in 16 months.
The people we elected in 2006 seem to forget the mandate.
We need to reinforce the mandate often, that the reason we’re even voting, let alone Democrat, let alone, Obama, is to get out of Iraq.
All the wars since at least WW2 have NOT been self defense, they’ve been aggressions, the US has killed millions of innocent people who never attacked America. The Korean War was not self defense, 2 million people died, Vietnam wasnt’ self defense either. Neither is the IRAQ war. The US is in the wrong.
@6 Are you confused about what the topic of this thread is? Allow me to provide you with clarity. The topic of this thread (and this blog) is:
re 8:
“…He’s just utterly, absolutely and spectacularly WRONG!!!!
Aaaaand…he just won’t listen. It’s infuriating.”
It’s more than infuriating. It’s a dangerous mindset. People like Puddy, once they decide to get in the metaphorical barrel, will go over Niagra Falls come hell or high water — and take as many people as they can with them.
Someone who is obdurate and not amenable to reason is a danger to himself and others. It’s a form of mental derangement.
re 13: “This blog is becoming a cliche. Needs more originality and variety.”
Like theDrudge Report?
@11 And how, exactly, does his expertise on nuclear proliferation get us out of Iraq? Not that it’s hard — when you’re getting your ass handed to you in an alley fight, the obvious strategy is to walk away.
If you ask him, what your nuclear proliferation expert likely will tell you is that Bush’s policies have dramatically accelerated the rush to acquire nuclear arms.
If I were a tinpot dictator observing, from my capital, Bush bullying little countries like mine I’d want to acquire nuclear weapons as fast as I possibly could.
Speaking of tinpot dictators, what do y’all think the chances are of Bush doing anything meaningful on behalf of the oppressed and enslaved people of Zimbabwe?
re 13: “drudge n. A person who does tedious, menial, or unpleasant work.”
That about sums it up for the ‘Drudge’ report. I think you have a gay attraction to Drudge’s 1940’s gumshoe attire.
Zimbabweans, unfortunately, merely traded one oppressor for another, and now they’re worse off than before. With the white plantation owners run out of their country, they’re starving, and Mugabe’s thugs are killing them just as dead as Ian Smith’s white mercenaries ever did. Zimbabwe hasn’t exactly prospered under Mugabe, either; they have 80% unemployment and 100,000% inflation, and about 10 guys own most of the country. They just held an election, and the army is counting the votes …
@13 “This blog is becoming a cliche. Needs more originality and variety.”
I’m not holding my breath for YOU to make a meaningful contribution.
@15 “We need to reinforce the mandate often, that the reason we’re even voting, let alone Democrat, let alone, Obama, is to get out of Iraq.”
Hmmm, my reasons are broader than that, and include, well, just about everything. After all, what hasn’t the GOP mismanaged? I can’t think of anything.
@17 “It’s more than infuriating. It’s a dangerous mindset. People like Puddy, once they decide to get in the metaphorical barrel, will go over Niagra Falls come hell or high water — and take as many people as they can with them. Someone who is obdurate and not amenable to reason is a danger to himself and others.”
That’s been my uniform experience with wingnuts. I ask myself, “how bad do things have to get before these people abandon the pied piper who led them into this mess?” and the answer seems to be … there’s no limit. You can’t even get them to acknowledge that anything has gone wrong, let alone get them to question the wisdom of the ideology they have so blindly followed into one debacle and disaster after another.
Speaking of what Reichart has done, this from Ron Judd’s weekly new wrap-up in the Seattle Times:
“It’s a Little Embarrassing to Ask, But: Did anyone else watch that Lifetime Movie Network extended soap opera last week about former King County Sheriff Dave Reichert nailing Green River killer Gary L. Ridgway after only 19 years of crack detective work? Did anyone else feel the need to be hosed off afterward? Just asking.”
If Saint Petraeus found his balls and began telling the president that “victory” in Iraq is an illusion, that besides achieving what we have already achieved (the defeat of a tinhorn Third World dicator and the occupation of a his Third World nation) there is nothing left for us to achieve militarily there, and that Iraqis will oppose US occupation, permanent bases, and our imperial “embassy” forever, which is the one lesson wingnuts refuse to learn from Vietnam, he would be replaced thirty seconds later. You know it. I know it.
We. Do. Not. Own. The. World. The illogic and hubris of the foreign nation occupying Iraq complaining of Iranian “interference” would be hilarious if it wasn’t a footnote to our grim circus of death.
@27 All I can say is if my country were invaded and occupied by foreigners I would be trying to throw them out.
The only thing Iraqis agree on is none of them want the foreign invader in their country.
You gotta hand it to Bush! He united Iraq! By giving all Iraqis a common enemy to fight.
“what has Reichert done recently”: he closed down portions of I-5, I-405, and the I-90 Bridge during rush hour, so the dipwad in cheif could bring his shill wagon to Medina, to fill 3rdReichert’s coffers. He did this twice.
Yes, headless lucy@17: headless lucy says:”It’s a form of mental derangement.”
You know all about derangement 24/7
Rujax!: You are wrong. I listened to reasoned individuals.
Et tu?
Tommy Thompson@1: And so?
Wife loves it.
12 Word has it that Rove is McCain’s brain nowadays, in spite of (or perhaps confirmed by) the frantic denials from Fox “News”.
re 32: How can you be so obtuse?
For all that are net disabled, here is a DL from Reichert’s site on what he has done for (us) lately:
April 2008
* (April 3, 2008) Reichert Expresses Opposition to Tanker Decision
* (April 2, 2008) Reichert Statement on First-Ever World Autism Awareness Day
* (April 2, 2008) Reichert Announces Third Veterans’ Resource Fair In Renton
March 2008
* (March 18, 2008) Reichert Seeks Input on Tanker Decision
* (March 14, 2008) Reichert Announces Voluntary Earmark Moratorium
* (March 13, 2008) House members take up anti-consolidation crusade
* (March 12, 2008) Reichert: In Microsoft, American Dream is Alive and Well
* (March 11, 2008) Reichert to Welcome Microsoft’s Bill Gates to Science Committee Hearing
* (March 10, 2008) Reichert Attends Launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour
* (March 6, 2008) Reichert: “Trade Agreements Cannot Languish”
* (March 5, 2008) Reichert Statement On Mental Health Parity Legislation
One of these seems pretty good ..
He has sworn off of earmarks in 2009. That si not a trivial action. Will Darcy up him one?
A not so good area, considering Reichert’s district contains a LOT of high tech is his lack of involvement in science aqnd technology.
I have been trying to convince folks in the DB campaign that this is a hot issue.
Here is the stuff from the Reichert site. Ptryy NOT impressive.
Science and Technology
July 26, 2007
Reichert Passes Two Bipartisan Amendments Fighting for First Responders, Domestic Violence Funding
May 10, 2007
Reichert: Homeland Security Grants Awarded to Local Ports/Port of Tacoma Selected to Test New Technology
June 7, 2006
Reichert Lauds Passage of Bill to Protect Citizens
April 26, 2006
Reichert Phone Privacy Protection Bill Passes
March 14, 2006
Reichert Introduces Bi-Partisan Science & Technology Enhancement Act
March 8, 2006
Reichert Receives Security Leadership Award for Hearing Results
March 2, 2006
Phone Privacy Bill Approved by House Judiciary
February 23, 2006
Reichert Chairs Health Care IT Field Hearing In Portland, OR
February 8, 2006
Reichert Co-Sponsors Bill to Protect Personal Information
8 Rujax:
Wrong. No decent human being could act like Puddy.
And, he’s the most obnoxious bastard on this less-than-civilized forum, and that says a lot.
Pathologies like Puddy are incurable, but serve as useful cautionary examples.
@40 SS
I rise not to defnd Puddy but to explin him. Having met him, I have no doubt about his intelligence and devotion ot good deeds.
Maybe blogging is like SM sex? …a kind of playacting with dress up. If that is the simile, folks like Puddy maybe need a dominant mistress to make them behave.
err no they would just like it MORE!