Sounds like you’re stretching that a bit, but yeah Rush is talking some fucked up smack.
Blue Johnspews:
You have it wrong in your description. You are falling into the trap where they can say you are exaggerating. Rush is very good, subversive but good. He did not order his listeners to riot, he ask them to sow confusion so the democrats get so frustrated that THEY riot. He will giggle with jello like glee if the Dems do riot, but he didn’t ask his conservative to be violent. His hope is that Rush’s dittoheads will make the democrats so mad, the democrats will get violent in frustration and the conservatives have the high ground. We have to be better than that.
Rush backed off a bit after several callers asked if he was actually inciting to riot, but yes, originally, he did.
Really, he should just change his nickname from ‘Rush’ to ‘Douche’ so his fanbois can get a clue.
headless lucyspews:
The only confusion and chaos that Flimbaugh is sowing is in the minds’ of the dittoheads. Liberals generally don’t listen to Flimbaugh except for the entertainment value — the way he actually means for it to be taken.
I’d be upset if my radio host called me a ‘dittohead’, but to the ‘submissive authoritarian’ personality, to be told that they all think alike is high praise indeed.
It’s stupidity multiplied to the extent of becoming an artificial black hole — and you have to spin awfully fast to do that!
Jim, (a genuine musician)spews:
C’mon, trolls. Defend Rush about how he really isn’t doing anything.
The Real Markspews:
Oh, grow up, Goldy. He’s encouraging his listeners (of which I am not one) to help sow dischord among the Dems by keeping the various issues between Hillary and Obama alive. You kids will take care of the rioting on your own.
And to you, Witless Lucy… Rush doesn’t expect you Lefties to listen. He doesn’t need you Lefties to listen. As long as Obama hasn’t locked up the nomination by convention time, the Left will rabidly devour its own.
I never have listened to Rush, but my grandparents are avid listeners. But from listening to this clip, it sounds to me like he is saying keep up the “chaos” and the Obama/Hilary backers will eventually riot. Being an Obama supporter, I disagree, but we all know what politics can do. Look at the anti-war protests and how many turn to riots.
Give Rush a break. After three divorces, drug addition that led to hearing loss, a limp dick that led to an embarrassing detention at the airport with lots a lots a lots a Viagra, the poor little chickenshit chickenhawk has had a rough day. Add to that the pimple he had on his ass that kept him out of Nam and he’s had a rough life.
Now remember folks – this is the HERO of the right! LOL!
By the way leave it to republican plant Hannah to defend a piece of shit like Rush. Man what a douchebag.
@7: I know this is a bit off topic, but, Hannah…anti-war protests? Riots? That happened 40 years ago. This generation’s anti-war protests are pretty tame affairs.
@10 – yes the current anti-war “riots” are tamer than they had been in the past, but my point, there are those select few who can turn a peaceful protest into their own agenda and destroy the rest of the peaceful protestors by causing a news story of riots. Do we ever hear about the peacefulness of the protest? No, we only here about the few that get out of hand.
I just listened to the clip, and I don’t think Rush is CALLING for riots, I think he’s HOPING for riots. Let’s pull back a little. Let’s look at the big picture. What is he getting at? What does he want? He simply wants chaos and disharmony in the Democratic party so McCain can swoop in for easy victory. And if that’s his end game, which it obviously is, a riot would certainly help his cause.
Speaking of riots, let’s stay tuned to see if there’s one in NYC tonight.
@13 – you must be talking about the cops who shot the groom….yes NYC will have issues, But the cops getting off of murder charges is nothing new in the NYC police department.
Since when has anyone considered Rush a journalist? I think most people consider him to be a talk radio entertainer.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Well, if the Dems don’t nominate Obama, they’ll be in big trouble in November. The Reps are hoping to have the battle be McCain vs. Hillary, and they’re working overtime to line-up their forces and weapons against her.
Blue Johnspews:
Not to mention that Hillary on the ticket does not help the others on the ticket. Numbers show that Obama lifts all democratic candidates.
Blue Johnspews:
Any Hillary supporters here? Can you tell me why you don’t want to support Obama if he gets nominated?
Marvin Stamnspews:
Look at all the riots across america the last few years…
Were they led by those on the right or the left?
Of course, the right has to work to keep the country running, the left can spend their day protesting everything under the sun.
Fact: Not one bookstore was looted during the L.A. riots.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This exposes the rightwingers for what they are — subversives determined to violently overthrow our democratic form of government. You know — same as communists.
Since we’re headed downhill on this thread I thought I’d point out that T-town’s getting a few affordable condo’s built and it’s being done without a big government handout.
* 2001 – Seattle Mardi Gras Riots, February 2001, (Seattle, WA, USA)
* 2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 2001, (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)
* 2002 – Ohio State University post Michigan football game riot, November 2002, (Columbus, OH, USA)
* 2002 – River Run Riot, (Laughlin, Nevada)
* 2003 – Benton Harbor Riot, June 2003 (Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA)
* 2005 – 2005 Toledo Riot, October 2005, (Toledo, Ohio, USA)
* 2006 – Santee High School student riot, Jan, (Los Angeles, California)
* 2007 – The Los Angeles May Day melee, May 1, (Los Angeles, California)
What do you see as common threads?
Drunk party people and people who are so frustrated with the powers that be that won’t pay attention or address their issues.
The right is getting everything it wants, so they don’t have any reason to riot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Yelling “fire” as a joke in a theater full of people you know are predisposed to take you literally is … yelling “fire” in a crowded theater.
Is this racist of me to say? … It seems like black people react more violently to acquittals and not guilty verdicts than white people do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “Look at the anti-war protests and how many turn to riots.”
Spoken like the true wingnut you are, Hannah.
Now let me tell you a true story from the 60s. I was attending a college in a southern state when the U.S. military involvement began (don’t ask me why; that’s a long story, and I don’t wish to go into it), and a local Quaker group commenced holding quiet antiwar vigils at the local federal courthouse every Friday afternoon from 1pm – 3pm (this was symbolically related to Good Friday observances of the Crucifixion). These protests were peaceful until some rightwing hayseeds in pickup trucks showed up with axe handles and beat several of the Quaker demonstrators unconscious, nearly killing one of them. Needless to say the authorities took no action against the attackers; but when the victims of this vicious politically-motivated assault woke up in the hospital, they were informed by sheriff’s deputies that they were “under arrest for disorderly conduct.” That’s the rightwing definition of a “violent protest.”
Fuck you, Hannah. You’re nothing but a fascist like the rest of them, going around mouthing their fascist bullshit.
@25: Yes.
This has been another edition of “Simple Answers to Simple Questions.”
My Goldy Itchesspews:
25 – Its not racist, its the truth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 See #26.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 But you have no complaint about a wingnut agitator fomenting rioting at your own party’s convention, right? I mean, you are a Democrat, aren’t you? That’s what you keep telling us. Funny how no one here believes you. I can’t imagine why.
[Sarcastic rabbit laughter in background]
Well I have been to anti-war protests and it seems the “side” that starts the obnoxious behavior is my side! I feel disgusted when I find people with the same beliefs as myslef, protesting a war, acting like such children. I have faced off with the “right” pro-war side and I have to admit, the groups I have faced off with have not instigated riot behavior, it comes from the anti-war sides few psychos!
I hope to hell they riot in EVERY major city in the country in late August…
Blue Johnspews:
It seems like black people react more violently to acquittals and not guilty verdicts than white people do.
As a white guy, it does seem so. Never the less, does that matter? Regardless if there is a violent reaction, does that negate that the verdict seems unjustified?
If a bunch of cops shot your kid 50 times, on the night before his wedding, would you be upset if they didn’t get punished?
Daddy Lovespews:
There is no history of racism in America, no guilty white folk ever acquitted of asssaulting or killing blacks. And Amadou Diallo fell down the stairs; he wasn’t shot 41 times. And Sean Bell was trying to wield a stripper in a threatening way, and police rightly feared for their lives as a result of severe boobage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 So if that’s a legitimate way to conduct a campaign for president, why do the Rethuglicans deploy an army of police around the 2004 GOP convention and haul off anyone who didn’t look like a Republican in paddy wagons and throw them into filth-infested dungeons until the convention is over? And while you’re rationalizing away Limbaugh’s communist-like behavior, you might take a crack at explaining how the use of police to coercively suppress any and all peaceful expressions of dissent anywhere within a while of the Republican National Convention didn’t violent the constitutional rights of thousands of people? You and Hannah ought to get married. You’re both fascists, and you’re both apologists for rightwing totalitarianism. And I’ll bet money that your kids will turn on you.
@30 – Actually over the past few weeks I am becoming elightened to how politics are actually played out! I must say, I do still support Obama, and despise Hilary. He has run an honest and clean campaign so far, yes some bashing, but no lies that the media has been able to prove. But I am concerned of his lack of plans and how he will accomplish the lack of plans.
The right is getting everything it wants, so they don’t have any reason to riot.
04/25/2008 at 10:31 am
THE RIGHT IS MATURE. We beleive in self-reliance… not fundraisers for Florida vacations and “mortgage” payments.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ve seen that happen, btw. I’ve had the children of pigheaded rightwingers come up to me and say they just want me to know they’re not like their parents and are liberals like me. In fact, that’s a very common occurrence among the offspring of the terminally reactionary idiots in our society. This proves that stupidity and meanness are character flaws, not inherited traits. In the same vein, children of criminals can and do grow up to be upstanding citizens. So, there’s hope that conservatives will take their ideology with them to their graves, as the Nazis did.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be in Seattle DRINKING LIBERALLY en masse the nights of the loony convention… PLEASE!
Marvin Stamnspews:
26. Roger Rabbit spews:
until some rightwing hayseeds in pickup trucks showed up with axe handles and beat several of the Quaker demonstrators unconscious, nearly killing one of them.
Sounds like those democrat voters that beat reginal denny in the la riots. Makes you proud to be a democrat doesn’t it.
In the old days, it was the rightwing hayseeds beating [people, now it’s the democrat voters. Did you hear about that left-wing truther that hit the girl in the wheelchair? Class. Will the time come that you will ever call one of your own out?
@11 – “But you have no complaint about a wingnut agitator fomenting rioting at your own party’s convention, right?”
He has that “Freedom of Speech” allowing him to spout this crap. If my party riots, it won’t be me joining in, it will be me saying “yeah there are a few nutjobs on our side, but it doesn’t mean we are all nutjobs”
The Real Markspews:
As someone with Seattle PD officers in the family, I can tell you that a lot of today’s Lefty protests are far from civil. Officers standing in formation are routinely assaulted and react far less often than they should. You drunken/stoned Lefties throw bottles at cops and then scream “brutality” the minute you’re treated with anything less than kid gloves.
BJ @ 23 Perhaps the reason the Right gets what it wants is that it doesn’t throw public hissy fits.
@40 – Yeah he is one of the “nutjobs” in the party…but we are not all like that. I do not approve of this type of irresponsible, childish, violent behavior! I hope they charge him with a hate crime 1) Handicap 2) different political opinion
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 No, most people don’t consider Rush to be an “entertainer”. Stop insulting the entertainment industry. All sensible, reasonable, intelligent, educated people consider him a liar and a noxious hatemonger.
Blue Johnspews:
@32. You are being intentionally dense. That idiot is not representative of all the Americans who don’t support Bush and his ideology. No more than say … Rev Phelps who protest military funerals because the US tolerates gays, speaks for all you conservatives.
People resort to violence when they get so frustrated that nobody will listen, when nothing else works. This can be Anti Bush protesters or the insane people who bomb abortion clinics.
Are you doing anything to listen to the other side?
Daddy Lovespews:
32 r68
Yes, that’s awful. He should have invaded Iraq instead so that you’d defend him.
Marvin Stamnspews:
33. Blue John spews:
As a white guy, it does seem so. Never the less, does that matter? Regardless if there is a violent reaction, does that negate that the verdict seems unjustified? If a bunch of cops shot your kid 50 times, on the night before his wedding, would you be upset if they didn’t get punished?
Here’s a question that deserves an answer. Why does these atrocities (kid shot wedding night, Amadou Diallo, rodney king, etc.) happen by the hands of government employees in cities that lean left?
@45 – you said it much better than I did! :)
Daddy Lovespews:
It seems we have a dearth of fact-based argumentation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 I voted for Hillary in my caucus, and of course I will vote for Obama if he is the nominee. Yes, I’m aware of polls showing that something like 20% of Democratic voters on each side of the Obama-Clinton divide say they won’t vote for the Democratic ticket if their candidate doesn’t win. Frankly, I don’t know what the hell they’re thinking! How do they figure McCain is an improvement over either of the Democratic candidates? They’re nuts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 The last 7 1/2 years have been a continuous rightwing riot. The Bush presidency has been the most lawless administration of the last 100 years. So shove your sanctimonious tripe up your ass and then go screw yourself.
Daddy Lovespews:
47 MS
Funny, that’s Puddy’s current argument as well. Do you guys have meetings?
But really, are you going to argue that in Republican-run areas no police brutality exists, or that in such areas police are routinely prosecuted and convicted for crimes of brutality against civilians and racial violence? Really? Alabama? Mississippi? Wyoming?
Daddy Lovespews:
50 RR
If such polling werre correct, McCain would be getting over 45% in national polls, but he can’t. He’s at his ceiling, and can only go down. And he will.
Blue Johnspews:
@47. That’s a interesting question. I don’t know. Why do you think it happens?
As point of reference, what’s a couple of big cities that is right leaning?
@52 summarized where I was going to go. Nicely done.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 That’s all the proof anyone needs that the rioters were Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of riots, how about that lawless mob bussed to Miami by the Republican National Committee in 2000 to overthrow Florida’s lawful election boards by intimidation, force, and violence?
I don’t see anyone on the left trying to defend what this person did. However, the right went out of their way to defend our actions at Abu Ghraib prison. Want me and the others here to list all the times Rush and other right-wing media types stood up for people who’ve needlessly and reprehensively attacked other people?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “The right is getting everything it wants, so they don’t have any reason to riot.”
The right does riot to get what they want. See Miami circa 2000; see Rush circa 2008.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Maybe that’s because they’ve learned from 200 years of experience that it’s the only way they can get Whitey’s attention? And who would be the principal oppressors of African-Americans over the last 200 years — liberals or conservatives? If you said “conservatives” — ta! da! give that man a cigar.
I wish this country would move beyond race and deal with things on the basis of right and wrong. There’s no justification for the police pumping 50 bullets into an unarmed person. These New York cops are guilty. This verdict is an obscene miscarriage of justice.
Police in this country have too much power and not enough accountability. We need stronger civilian review boards and prosecutors willing to go after cops who hide behind their badges to commit murder.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 See #27.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The wingnuts are here this morning strutting in all their ugly plumage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This thread is a target-rich environment, my liberal friends. Fire at will.
I mean KOS is advocating full out violence at the DNC. These people are no longer “fellow Americans”, they are terrorists.
I mean KOS is advocating full out violence at the DNC.
fuck you goldstein… someone surely will since you’re obviously no longer willingly taking it in the ass from KOS.
I mean KOS is advocating full out violence at the DNC.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 Oh yeah, right, the warmongers are models of decorum when they go out to confront the peace faction … ha ha ha See, e.g., #26. See also the warmongers’ hate talk inundating the airwaves and internet since 2003 …
Sometimes you are funny when you don’t intend to be, Hannah.
Blue Johnspews:
Cops have it hard. We want them to be perfectly correct all the time. We want them to stop the bad guys, but not enforce the pot laws and so on. It must be hell to be a cop or a prosecutor, and maybe thats why they never ever ever want to admit they made a mistake. And sometimes mistakes happen.
When I code a web site and mess up, it looks ugly. When a cop has a bad day, someone could die. I don’t have the fear that I could go to jail if my web site crashes, they do. I can understand why the cops are so close ranked.
I just wish, that in cases that seem indefensible, like shooting the black guy 50 times or the black guy who got shot for pulling out a cell phone, that the cops could admit they over reacted, that they went too far.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 My concerns about Obama are deeper than what you express, Hannah; but regardless, I will vote for him if he’s the nominee. There’s not a chance in hell I’ll do anything to help put another wingnut in the White House. There’ll be literally nothing left of our country if the Republicans get another 4 years in power.
Beat the Rushspews:
Ditto blue john @2. Rush is recycling Sharpton, who implied that Denver would be a deja vu ’68 Chicago all over again if the Clinton Crime Family tries to steal Obama’s victory by highjacking his superdelegates or by stuntin’ with Florida and Michigan.
And now Slate has this???? Telling Obama to quit??? WTF????
Mr. Stamn @40: Hear about the tolerant and compassionate ‘Crats at Mt. Si Hi this morning who called for the stoning (as in throwing rocks) of Rev. Hutcherson?
You’re not to be trusted, michael (the right defended ‘torture’ at Abu Ghraib?) so post your list of ‘right-wing media types’ who defend reprehensible attackers. Maybe there are some; maybe not. But there’s no way we’re taking your word for anything without proof of everything.
You got any proof to backup what you’re saying about KOS?
Beat the Rushspews:
By remarkable coincidence, Hannah @68, Rush talked two hours ago about Slate’s call for abdication. It’s a sweet put-on, probably, but how sweet — and indicative of Democrat disarray — it is.
Marvin Stamnspews:
59. Roger Rabbit spews:
I wish this country would move beyond race and deal with things on the basis of right and wrong. There’s no justification for the police pumping 50 bullets into an unarmed person. These New York cops are guilty. This verdict is an obscene miscarriage of justice.
Government employees in a left leaning city. Considering the left leaning of the city, one has to ask why did a liberal jury come to such an obscene miscarriage of justice.
But Like I’ve been saying, the democrats were and still are the racist party.
What have democrats done for blacks besides ALL the KKK atrocities we all know about.
Beat the Rushspews:
Hannah #36: No provable Obama lies: My previous post about Senator Obama falsely claiming that he isn’t being bankrolled and bundled by lobbyists demonstrates an Obama lie.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Boy, I’ll be glad when January 20, 2009 rolls around!
Blue Johnspews:
Obama, on the other hand, is fully capable of it. And if he’s really serious about representing a new kind of politics, now is the time for him to prove it in the only meaningful way left. Moreover, were he to play it right, dropping out now nearly guarantees that he’ll be elected president in 2012.
In one stroke, Obama will regain his messiah creds by making the ultimate sacrifice for the good of the party. His followers will be furious. The mere mention of Clinton’s name will provoke unspeakable acts. They will abandon Clinton in numbers sufficient to hand McCain the election in November.
He’s got a twisted point. Kind of a King Solomon’s baby moment. Assuming the country survives another 4 years, the continued republican rule would destroy the republicans and the economy for generations. The Clintons would be shunned and despised.
Beat the Rushspews:
Blue John @23: PMS Rabbit has borderline asserted that the only notable riot of our lifetimes was a right-wing ‘riot’ against Florida chad spinners in November 2000.
Those NYC cops were acquited by a JUDGE and not a JURY????? No wonder!
Commies to the left, fascists to the right. I don’t cotton to either one. And for some reason, Recreate68, I don’t cotton to you. I wonder if you’re not that fascist twit, Mark Musser from the BIAW.
Recreate68, I take that’s wishful thinking that you’ve got going there with your screen name. Would you also like to see a return to political assasinations? Or are you content to see rioting in the streets of America’s cities? Are you going to watch on TV or will you finally emerge from your mother’s basement? Delusional to the core, you certainly have serious issues. You strike me as one of those extreme right-wing nutcases who are in serious denial over their own fascist beliefs but live in fear of the supposed liberal-fascist-enviro-terrorist threat to you and yours. What’s up with that anyway? Please, take a reality pill or something.
Not that some on the left aren’t wacko, but you really are something else. Damn, I bet you’re really Mark Musser. C’mon, fess up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 The KKK types are all in your party now, and you’re in bed with them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Oh yeah, we’re supposed to believe everything you post from the Murdoch-owned rightwing tabloid press … the same guys who publish photos of UFOs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Are you referring to Rossi’s temper tantrum when he lost, or fat-ass Limbaugh’s latest rant?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 But Phelps does speak for all conservatives. They’re even more anti-soldier than he is.
Marvin Stamnspews:
79. Roger Rabbit spews:
@72 The KKK types are all in your party now, and you’re in bed with them.
Of course you want to hide the truth from the light of day.
Why didn’t you answer why government employees in a left leaning city would commit racist acts of violence. Why would a left leaning city jury commit such an “obscene miscarriage of justice?”
Are you still googling what democrats have done to help blacks? Gonna be a long day for you without anything to show for it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@65 Your argument might be valid for the first 2 bullets they put in that guy, but the other 48 bullets are harder to explain away.
headless lucyspews:
re 6: What Rush ‘wants or needs’ is so low on my priority list, it doesn’t even appear!
The message of the Rush Limbaugh phenomenon is not Limbaugh himself (his ideas are pedestrian and commonplace, which is why he has his ‘dittohead’ constituency). The message is the dittoheads themselves. As I alluded to before, they are of the ‘submissive authoritarian’ type. This type of person is generally a misfit and a loner. To find a community of like-minded people via Rush’s retarded rants is a Godsend to them.
The entire POINT of the Democratic Party is discord and diversity — which eventually coalesces into the sweet harmony of defeating your ‘Silent Generation’ candidate — John McCain.
To the submissive authoritarians the discord they see is a manifestation of a weakness — a failure to get behind a united front of stupidity and paranoia — as they have.
We could knock you over with a feather in ’08!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@74 So will I! In fact, I can’t wait for January 21, 2009, when the first special prosecutor will be appointed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 There were two assemblies in Miami in 2000. One was duly constituted, peaceful, and lawful; the other was none of those things. Naturally, you’re defending the violent anarchistic mob.
It really says a lot that the best that the right wing looneys can hope for is that the democrats get bogged dwon in the primary and are fighting each other for the nomination.
It tells you how intellectually and morally bankrupt the republicans really are. There is a good reason Bush and his good buddy McCain want to sow dissension and fear. They have no credible policies and have given away the farm. Huge budget deficits, an unending and unnecessary war, lying to the media through the pentagon propaganda machine (making Goering proud!), obstructing and perverting justice (Gonzalez doing his best to politicize the so-called Justice department), breaking the fourth amendment with illegal wiretapping and breaking US and international law by doing torture.
The republicans are an national embarassment – the founders of the US are turning over in their graves at the dispicable tactics of the right wing thugs in charge of what is left of our country.
so Limbaugh calling for riots is really just par for the republican course – they have no moral, ethical, or strategic vision except to disrupt the democrats and call them names or incite irrational fear into the campaign (like McCain saying Hamas wants Obama – what crap).
@83: Marvin Stamm asks such moronic questions;
A “left leaning city” – like all the police in New York are leftists – what a friggin’ maroon.
Stupid Stamm – have you even been to NY? or left you stupid hotel room? What a tool!
Gee Stamm – answer this one – what republican presidential candidate voted against MLK day?
You freakin’ idiot – who do black people vote for? Here is a big clue – it ain’t republicans – and they aren’t stupid – they know who the racists are. Willie Horton ads and the Southern strategy – all republican. The solid white democratic south switched to republican long ago. What a tired stupid argument from an idiot….
Hey, Marvin@83, if you want to talk Googling, try Googling “Republican pedophile”. Then come back and show us some more of that right-wing denial of yours.
If Al Franken went on the air and so much as whispered something like this with respect to Minneapolis, he’d be hauled off the Gitmo in a heartbeat.
Yeah, it’s such a left-leaning city that it hasn’t had a Democratic mayor since the early 90s.
headless lucyspews:
re 90: Marvin’s mantra: “27 million dittoheads can’t be wrong!”
I take that back. A lickspittle dittohead like Marvin doesn’t even rate an off-handed Goldwater reference. Barry Goldwater would have detested Marvin Stamn.
I just love the hand wringing spin oozing from the lips of conservatives who think this nomination is hurting the Democrats and helping John McCain What they realize, but won’t admit until November 5th, is that this is actually GOOD for the Democrat’s and B-A-D for the Republicans.
Look at how energized Democrats are getting in ALL 50 states. When’s the last time Indiana was even a blip on anyone’s radar screen in a Democratic primary? Answer: about 40 years ago.
People who have become accustomed to learning about the Democrats platform via FOX News and Flush Limpdick are getting to hear it straight from the candidates themselves. They’re hearing fresh alternatives to the stale old ideas that John McCain and the Republicans offer up. The last 3 months has been a media bonanza for the Democrats. One thing is certain, Barak Obama will be completely battle tested come the fall portion of the presidential campaign, while John McCain sits idly by watching the making of the next president.
Couple all of this with a horrible economy, a terrible housing market, gas prices that are hurting even upper-middle-income America, oil companies getting huge tax breaks while making record profits, a Surge in Iraq that failed to produce political results at the sacrifice of American soldiers because Bush doesn’t have a plan to succeed, Osama bin Laden still running free to plot and commit mayhem around the world, Iran getting out of control, North Korea helping Syria go nuclear, . . . yeah, that all adds up to a Republican victory.
I can’t even get mad at the retarded rhetoric coming out of the mouths of conservatives anymore. You guys got exactly what you wished for: an Evangelical, conservative Christian president and congress, and even a conservative court. And, what did you do with your wish? 100% fucked up. As Donald Trump says “YOU’RE FIRED!”
Keep blogging. Keep hating. Keep saying how bad the other guy is and not how positive or great you are. Because in the end, your bitterness is all you have left to cling to.
Good luck with your anger.
Oh, and do me one favor. On election night, when you’re watching FOX News report that Barak HUSSEIN Obama hits 270 electoral votes and you begin to seethe in anger, start throwing back shots of Jack Daniels and a case of Bud. Fall in to a drunken stupor and be sure to keep a loaded gun by your side. And when you get good and drunk, and you’re really feeling bitter, put the barrel of the gun in your mouth, squeeze the trigger slowly but firmly. Then, in an instant, the world will be a better place with fewer bitter Republicans.
Thank, God.
headless lucyspews:
I floated Will’s ‘T-Rex Arms’ comment on Huffington to see if they would print it. They did.
I’m going to try to work ‘T-Rex Arms’ into Huffpo comments as much as possible.
headless lucyspews:
Yeah…. McCain’s a war hero — just not as big a hero as George W. Bush. Right, Marvin? Isn’t that what you were saying in 2000?
headless lucyspews:
‘T-Rex Arms’ ………..heh.
headless lucyspews:
Republican = Barney Fife
Note that in the California presidential primary John McCain picked up 1,197,757 votes while Barack Obama picked up 2,093,318 votes. Clinton, of course, won the election with 2,524,799 votes.
So, lets say in the general election all the Republicans who voted in the primary vote for McCain, all the Obama voters vote for Obama, half the Clinton voters vote for Obama and every Dem that voted for someone other than BHO or HRC no shows. That gives you:
Obama: 3,355,781
McCain: 2,932,811
It’s Obama by a landslide!
Things don’t look good for the Republicans.
@ 100:
In California, it’s by a landslide to be sure. What gets me excited are the swing states that normally are not in play for Democrats.
That’s where Barak excels, not just the big traditional Blue states.
Now I know how the Republicans felt about the 1984 elections. Hahahahahaha
the swing states that normally are not in play for Democrats.
That’s where Barak excels, not just the big traditional Blue states.
Hadn’t thought about it quite like that. I was looking at big electoral college states and Cali was the fist one I found good numbers for.
Another TJspews:
All you need to know about Limbaugh and his audience is this: He went on the air for a substantial period of time high as a kite, and his audience couldn’t tell the difference.
@ 103:
You mean when he was hooked on “Hill Billy heroin?”
You know, Lush’s show probably makes more sense when you’re realllllly loaded. Otherwise you have to be born stupid.
And you cannot fix stupid. Which is why Republicans get elected more often in states with the populations that have the least college degrees.
“Acquittals in groom shooting spark outrage,” CNN screams.
So why do the thousands of blacks killed by other blacks every year spark apathy and silence? Where’s the outrage over that?
Bill Cruchonspews:
If you lefties didn’t think what Rush says is important you’d ignore him.
As it is, Rush knows the left the same way I do. A bunch of unpleasant, negative, and often times truly mean people who for some bizarre reason still believe in the failed ideology of Karl Marx and run around wearing Che t-shirts. What in the heck are the “Raging Grannies” so mad about? They didn’t get government funded abortions?
Any open minded person reading this or any other leftist blog knows it. They see the obscenity, the anger. They read the personal attacks against those who dare stray from the leftist line. All open minded people know what leftists do to those who disagree with them. In the working world folks who stray from leftist orthodoxy are sent to “sensitivity training” which is conducted by some highly paid leftist “consultant”, (usually some sort of psychologist or social worker). Once leftists really gain power off you go to the gulag, or Siberia. Ask those Cubans fortunate enough to escape that communist hellhole what happens when you disagree with the government. It’s a bit more serious than “wiretapping” which last time I checked hasn’t resulted in shutting up Code Pink or the rest of the commies. The left shuts people up they don’t agree with. And then they lie about how the right does it. The left forms outlets like Media Matters with the expressed purpose of shutting up those who disagree. I hate to imagine the brainwashing the left imposes on the children they hold captive every day at the public schools we all pay for regardless of our political leanings.
You leftists haven’t a single success story to tell. You do have a massive record of utter failure. Your pessimism punishes people who have the ability to lead wonderful lives.
Shame on all of you.
38. Roger Rabbit spews: “I’ve seen that happen, btw. I’ve had the children of pigheaded rightwingers come up to me and say they just want me to know they’re not like their parents and are liberals like me.
Michael@110 exactly. Yet go back and see how the liberal MSM was carrying the story.
Google “randi rhodes attacked”
And start laughing…..
Hey Michael, remember when Ann Coulter was attacked?
91. Steve spews: sumtin impotent.
Google democrat pedophile and read about some of bybygoobers relatives
@106 Billy who claims he can’t stand the blog is back. What a pathetic piece of shit. Didn’t I kick your cum-drunk ass up and down the board last time you were here you cunt? Aren’t you tired of me fucking your ugly wife in the ass? And how proud you must be of the great American limpdick – your hero Lush Flimbaugh – who will probably be sued out of existence if he is able to get the inbred among you to go riot in Denver. I am sure this is how you raise your mongoloid kids to behave right? Fuck you and Limbaugh.
If anyone would know about pedophiles it’s Puddydick. He has three sex offenses on his record from what I hear – all with minors.
You pay your taxes on your wife’s tricks yet Puddy? HE HE!
I don’t pay attention to Ann Coulter, but I looked it up. A couple of people threw pies at her. From what I saw not a single person piped up and thought the pie throwers shouldn’t be charged with a crime. People: left, right, center, neither do stupid shit. That’s not the issue. The issue is folks like Rush and Billy ‘O defending people that commit unjustifiable acts of violence.
There goes bybygoober again; living vicariously on other people cuz his penis was shrunk by Ugandan shamen! Now the Hubble can’t detect it.
Bybygoober I heard it’s your father the big WA State level three sex offender manhunt is after right now. Didn’t your daddy know when you cut off the ankle bracelet, the liberals jump to attention because they are proven wrong on rehabilitation again?
I noticed michael jumps on the ann coulter entry skipping over the randi rhodes one.
Typical typical
Michael, which conservative attacked a liberal and Rush or Bill condoned?
Give me a good URL? And don’t your the phony soldier story. That was played out on your good friend Jesse MacBeth, the phony soldier.
Marvin Stamnspews:
118. Puddybud spews:
the liberals jump to attention because they are proven wrong on rehabilitation again?
Not sure the case you’re talking about but if it’s a sexual predator I find it hilarious that liberals believe perverts can be rehabilitated. If gays are born gay and can’t be “fixed” to become heterosexual, how can a pervert with a gleam in his eye for little kids be fixed. Why do so many liberal agendas contradict themselves??
Marvin Stamnspews:
117. michael spews:
The issue is folks like Rush and Billy ‘O defending people that commit unjustifiable acts of violence.
I’ve never heard them defend a liberal.
If you think there is someone they defended, speak up and link away.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Democrats should be concerned about riots. After all they are the party of riots. hehehehehe
What Randi Rodes story? Some idiot said she was attacked in a park and she wasn’t. There are retractions all over the web. Where’s the story? For the record Rush and Fox News put out right wing crap and Air America puts out left wing crap. Their more alike than different.
We’ve got a missed communication @120. I thought you were talking about one of my comments further up the thread. I’m signing off for the night.
Who’s Jesse MacBeth?
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
With the Obama-Clinton race heating up we repubs have a duty and an obligation to show the pain of sexism and racism. I am not talking about your ordinary, everyday, run of the mill “isms”, but the deep,hurtful amd angry “isms” from the past and present day. It is our way of make sure we have an informed electorate. Peace.
The Blatantly Obviousspews:
Lets examine what this moron Bill Cruchon had to spew @ 106
If you lefties didn’t think what Rush says is important you’d ignore him.
Rush is only important because of the large number of brain dead morons such as yourself, who listen to him and believe the lies he vomits out on the airwaves. And when he tries to create violence, he is not just important, but a public danger because of his brain dead listeners.
As it is, Rush knows the left the same way I do. A bunch of unpleasant, negative, and often times truly mean people who for some bizarre reason still believe in the failed ideology of Karl Marx and run around wearing Che t-shirts.
That just demonstrates that you know absolutely NOTHING about liberals. Except for the lies Rush vomits in your ears.
Any open minded person reading this or any other leftist blog knows it. They see the obscenity, the anger. They read the personal attacks against those who dare stray from the leftist line. All open minded people know what leftists do to those who disagree with them.
Um, have you seen the anger and bitter vile couphed up by wingnuts when a a rational person disagrees with their dimwitted tripe? No, well just reread your post @106 !
In the working world folks who stray from leftist orthodoxy are sent to “sensitivity training” which is conducted by some highly paid leftist “consultant”, (usually some sort of psychologist or social worker).
Um, Bill did you say something real racist or sexist at work? It seems you are very bitter about how you were treated for your racist sexist comment.
Once leftists really gain power off you go to the gulag, or Siberia.
Um, did you mean Gitmo, or an extraordinary rendition secret torture chamber?
Ask those Cubans fortunate enough to escape that communist hellhole what happens when you disagree with the government.
Um, are you again confusing communism with liberalism? You seem to really believe the lies Rush crams into your mushy little brain.
The left shuts people up they don’t agree with.
Have you ever watched the O’Rielly show? As usual you have it completely backwards.
And then they lie about how the right does it.
You are confusing “verifiable facts” with lies. But as you know, Facts have a liberal bias.
The left forms outlets like Media Matters with the expressed purpose of shutting up those who disagree. I hate to imagine the brainwashing the left imposes on the children they hold captive every day at the public schools we all pay for regardless of our political leanings.
Have you watched any of the cable news outlets? FOX is the main culprit, but the rest are almost as bad with their right wing bias. As for the public school comment, again, you really should not believe everything a rightwing blowhard fills your noggin with. It just makes you look stupid.
You leftists haven’t a single success story to tell. You do have a massive record of utter failure. Your pessimism punishes people who have the ability to lead wonderful lives.
Again you seem confused. It is the wingnut right that has been failing at everything they have been doing, except for punishing working people. They have been very succesful at that.
Shame on all of you.
No, shame on you for buying into such obvious claptrap.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Comment #126 sure makes a reasonable person thankful for Rush, O’Rielly and Fox News. Thanks for that B.O.
It looks to me like Limbaugh is running your party instead of Dean. Dean is calling for this to be all over, and Limbaugh is sending Republicans in to Bolster Hillary, hell I think Limbaugh is the new Carl Rove of the Republican Party, and Hillary and her clan are enjoying it even when the polsters say she is too devisive to win an election.
Brilliant strategy, and I predict it will work flawlessly!
You have to be intelligent enough to detect
the nuances of Rushs’ humor. He sure knows
how to rile the retards.
@126 Name one thing Rush has lied about.
@128 Howard Dean. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Current temperature at the South Pole is -81 F
and -121 F windchill.
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Of course, goldstein the fuck and his cyborg sheep wouldn’t know or acknowledge the truth if it slapped them upside the head with a 2×4…which is exactly what I hope happens when they drink liberally in the Seattle riots August 24-28, 2008.
How many times does goldstein the fuck have to be proven wrong, be proven a crass money grubbing asshole, be proven a useless idiot parroting his Kos minders?
Limbaugh’s listeners are too fat and stupid to riot. They can hardly even find that douchebag on the dial, let alone get up from the sofa without the help of one of those electric carts.
Sounds like you’re stretching that a bit, but yeah Rush is talking some fucked up smack.
You have it wrong in your description. You are falling into the trap where they can say you are exaggerating. Rush is very good, subversive but good. He did not order his listeners to riot, he ask them to sow confusion so the democrats get so frustrated that THEY riot. He will giggle with jello like glee if the Dems do riot, but he didn’t ask his conservative to be violent. His hope is that Rush’s dittoheads will make the democrats so mad, the democrats will get violent in frustration and the conservatives have the high ground. We have to be better than that.
Rush backed off a bit after several callers asked if he was actually inciting to riot, but yes, originally, he did.
Really, he should just change his nickname from ‘Rush’ to ‘Douche’ so his fanbois can get a clue.
The only confusion and chaos that Flimbaugh is sowing is in the minds’ of the dittoheads. Liberals generally don’t listen to Flimbaugh except for the entertainment value — the way he actually means for it to be taken.
I’d be upset if my radio host called me a ‘dittohead’, but to the ‘submissive authoritarian’ personality, to be told that they all think alike is high praise indeed.
It’s stupidity multiplied to the extent of becoming an artificial black hole — and you have to spin awfully fast to do that!
C’mon, trolls. Defend Rush about how he really isn’t doing anything.
Oh, grow up, Goldy. He’s encouraging his listeners (of which I am not one) to help sow dischord among the Dems by keeping the various issues between Hillary and Obama alive. You kids will take care of the rioting on your own.
And to you, Witless Lucy… Rush doesn’t expect you Lefties to listen. He doesn’t need you Lefties to listen. As long as Obama hasn’t locked up the nomination by convention time, the Left will rabidly devour its own.
I never have listened to Rush, but my grandparents are avid listeners. But from listening to this clip, it sounds to me like he is saying keep up the “chaos” and the Obama/Hilary backers will eventually riot. Being an Obama supporter, I disagree, but we all know what politics can do. Look at the anti-war protests and how many turn to riots.
Give Rush a break. After three divorces, drug addition that led to hearing loss, a limp dick that led to an embarrassing detention at the airport with lots a lots a lots a Viagra, the poor little chickenshit chickenhawk has had a rough day. Add to that the pimple he had on his ass that kept him out of Nam and he’s had a rough life.
Now remember folks – this is the HERO of the right! LOL!
By the way leave it to republican plant Hannah to defend a piece of shit like Rush. Man what a douchebag.
@7: I know this is a bit off topic, but, Hannah…anti-war protests? Riots? That happened 40 years ago. This generation’s anti-war protests are pretty tame affairs.
@10 – yes the current anti-war “riots” are tamer than they had been in the past, but my point, there are those select few who can turn a peaceful protest into their own agenda and destroy the rest of the peaceful protestors by causing a news story of riots. Do we ever hear about the peacefulness of the protest? No, we only here about the few that get out of hand.
Good one!
I just listened to the clip, and I don’t think Rush is CALLING for riots, I think he’s HOPING for riots. Let’s pull back a little. Let’s look at the big picture. What is he getting at? What does he want? He simply wants chaos and disharmony in the Democratic party so McCain can swoop in for easy victory. And if that’s his end game, which it obviously is, a riot would certainly help his cause.
Speaking of riots, let’s stay tuned to see if there’s one in NYC tonight.
@13 – you must be talking about the cops who shot the groom….yes NYC will have issues, But the cops getting off of murder charges is nothing new in the NYC police department.
“Responsible JOURNALISM?”
Since when has anyone considered Rush a journalist? I think most people consider him to be a talk radio entertainer.
Well, if the Dems don’t nominate Obama, they’ll be in big trouble in November. The Reps are hoping to have the battle be McCain vs. Hillary, and they’re working overtime to line-up their forces and weapons against her.
Not to mention that Hillary on the ticket does not help the others on the ticket. Numbers show that Obama lifts all democratic candidates.
Any Hillary supporters here? Can you tell me why you don’t want to support Obama if he gets nominated?
Look at all the riots across america the last few years…
Were they led by those on the right or the left?
Of course, the right has to work to keep the country running, the left can spend their day protesting everything under the sun.
Fact: Not one bookstore was looted during the L.A. riots.
This exposes the rightwingers for what they are — subversives determined to violently overthrow our democratic form of government. You know — same as communists.
Since we’re headed downhill on this thread I thought I’d point out that T-town’s getting a few affordable condo’s built and it’s being done without a big government handout.
* 2001 – Seattle Mardi Gras Riots, February 2001, (Seattle, WA, USA)
* 2001 – 2001 Cincinnati Riots, April 2001, (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)
* 2002 – Ohio State University post Michigan football game riot, November 2002, (Columbus, OH, USA)
* 2002 – River Run Riot, (Laughlin, Nevada)
* 2003 – Benton Harbor Riot, June 2003 (Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA)
* 2005 – 2005 Toledo Riot, October 2005, (Toledo, Ohio, USA)
* 2006 – Santee High School student riot, Jan, (Los Angeles, California)
* 2007 – The Los Angeles May Day melee, May 1, (Los Angeles, California)
What do you see as common threads?
Drunk party people and people who are so frustrated with the powers that be that won’t pay attention or address their issues.
The right is getting everything it wants, so they don’t have any reason to riot.
@4 Yelling “fire” as a joke in a theater full of people you know are predisposed to take you literally is … yelling “fire” in a crowded theater.
Is this racist of me to say? … It seems like black people react more violently to acquittals and not guilty verdicts than white people do.
@7 “Look at the anti-war protests and how many turn to riots.”
Spoken like the true wingnut you are, Hannah.
Now let me tell you a true story from the 60s. I was attending a college in a southern state when the U.S. military involvement began (don’t ask me why; that’s a long story, and I don’t wish to go into it), and a local Quaker group commenced holding quiet antiwar vigils at the local federal courthouse every Friday afternoon from 1pm – 3pm (this was symbolically related to Good Friday observances of the Crucifixion). These protests were peaceful until some rightwing hayseeds in pickup trucks showed up with axe handles and beat several of the Quaker demonstrators unconscious, nearly killing one of them. Needless to say the authorities took no action against the attackers; but when the victims of this vicious politically-motivated assault woke up in the hospital, they were informed by sheriff’s deputies that they were “under arrest for disorderly conduct.” That’s the rightwing definition of a “violent protest.”
Fuck you, Hannah. You’re nothing but a fascist like the rest of them, going around mouthing their fascist bullshit.
@25: Yes.
This has been another edition of “Simple Answers to Simple Questions.”
25 – Its not racist, its the truth.
@9 See #26.
@11 But you have no complaint about a wingnut agitator fomenting rioting at your own party’s convention, right? I mean, you are a Democrat, aren’t you? That’s what you keep telling us. Funny how no one here believes you. I can’t imagine why.
[Sarcastic rabbit laughter in background]
Well I have been to anti-war protests and it seems the “side” that starts the obnoxious behavior is my side! I feel disgusted when I find people with the same beliefs as myslef, protesting a war, acting like such children. I have faced off with the “right” pro-war side and I have to admit, the groups I have faced off with have not instigated riot behavior, it comes from the anti-war sides few psychos!
Liberal Bush HATER beats up handicapped girl… yes, tell us how you pricks aren’t haters…. I guess hating Bush trumps the ideology of feeling. Hypocrite fuckers.
I hope to hell they riot in EVERY major city in the country in late August…
As a white guy, it does seem so. Never the less, does that matter? Regardless if there is a violent reaction, does that negate that the verdict seems unjustified?
If a bunch of cops shot your kid 50 times, on the night before his wedding, would you be upset if they didn’t get punished?
There is no history of racism in America, no guilty white folk ever acquitted of asssaulting or killing blacks. And Amadou Diallo fell down the stairs; he wasn’t shot 41 times. And Sean Bell was trying to wield a stripper in a threatening way, and police rightly feared for their lives as a result of severe boobage.
@13 So if that’s a legitimate way to conduct a campaign for president, why do the Rethuglicans deploy an army of police around the 2004 GOP convention and haul off anyone who didn’t look like a Republican in paddy wagons and throw them into filth-infested dungeons until the convention is over? And while you’re rationalizing away Limbaugh’s communist-like behavior, you might take a crack at explaining how the use of police to coercively suppress any and all peaceful expressions of dissent anywhere within a while of the Republican National Convention didn’t violent the constitutional rights of thousands of people? You and Hannah ought to get married. You’re both fascists, and you’re both apologists for rightwing totalitarianism. And I’ll bet money that your kids will turn on you.
@30 – Actually over the past few weeks I am becoming elightened to how politics are actually played out! I must say, I do still support Obama, and despise Hilary. He has run an honest and clean campaign so far, yes some bashing, but no lies that the media has been able to prove. But I am concerned of his lack of plans and how he will accomplish the lack of plans.
The right is getting everything it wants, so they don’t have any reason to riot.
04/25/2008 at 10:31 am
THE RIGHT IS MATURE. We beleive in self-reliance… not fundraisers for Florida vacations and “mortgage” payments.
I’ve seen that happen, btw. I’ve had the children of pigheaded rightwingers come up to me and say they just want me to know they’re not like their parents and are liberals like me. In fact, that’s a very common occurrence among the offspring of the terminally reactionary idiots in our society. This proves that stupidity and meanness are character flaws, not inherited traits. In the same vein, children of criminals can and do grow up to be upstanding citizens. So, there’s hope that conservatives will take their ideology with them to their graves, as the Nazis did.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be in Seattle DRINKING LIBERALLY en masse the nights of the loony convention… PLEASE!
Sounds like those democrat voters that beat reginal denny in the la riots. Makes you proud to be a democrat doesn’t it.
In the old days, it was the rightwing hayseeds beating [people, now it’s the democrat voters. Did you hear about that left-wing truther that hit the girl in the wheelchair? Class. Will the time come that you will ever call one of your own out?
@11 – “But you have no complaint about a wingnut agitator fomenting rioting at your own party’s convention, right?”
He has that “Freedom of Speech” allowing him to spout this crap. If my party riots, it won’t be me joining in, it will be me saying “yeah there are a few nutjobs on our side, but it doesn’t mean we are all nutjobs”
As someone with Seattle PD officers in the family, I can tell you that a lot of today’s Lefty protests are far from civil. Officers standing in formation are routinely assaulted and react far less often than they should. You drunken/stoned Lefties throw bottles at cops and then scream “brutality” the minute you’re treated with anything less than kid gloves.
BJ @ 23 Perhaps the reason the Right gets what it wants is that it doesn’t throw public hissy fits.
@40 – Yeah he is one of the “nutjobs” in the party…but we are not all like that. I do not approve of this type of irresponsible, childish, violent behavior! I hope they charge him with a hate crime 1) Handicap 2) different political opinion
@15 No, most people don’t consider Rush to be an “entertainer”. Stop insulting the entertainment industry. All sensible, reasonable, intelligent, educated people consider him a liar and a noxious hatemonger.
@32. You are being intentionally dense. That idiot is not representative of all the Americans who don’t support Bush and his ideology. No more than say … Rev Phelps who protest military funerals because the US tolerates gays, speaks for all you conservatives.
People resort to violence when they get so frustrated that nobody will listen, when nothing else works. This can be Anti Bush protesters or the insane people who bomb abortion clinics.
Are you doing anything to listen to the other side?
32 r68
Yes, that’s awful. He should have invaded Iraq instead so that you’d defend him.
Here’s a question that deserves an answer. Why does these atrocities (kid shot wedding night, Amadou Diallo, rodney king, etc.) happen by the hands of government employees in cities that lean left?
@45 – you said it much better than I did! :)
It seems we have a dearth of fact-based argumentation.
@18 I voted for Hillary in my caucus, and of course I will vote for Obama if he is the nominee. Yes, I’m aware of polls showing that something like 20% of Democratic voters on each side of the Obama-Clinton divide say they won’t vote for the Democratic ticket if their candidate doesn’t win. Frankly, I don’t know what the hell they’re thinking! How do they figure McCain is an improvement over either of the Democratic candidates? They’re nuts.
@19 The last 7 1/2 years have been a continuous rightwing riot. The Bush presidency has been the most lawless administration of the last 100 years. So shove your sanctimonious tripe up your ass and then go screw yourself.
47 MS
Funny, that’s Puddy’s current argument as well. Do you guys have meetings?
But really, are you going to argue that in Republican-run areas no police brutality exists, or that in such areas police are routinely prosecuted and convicted for crimes of brutality against civilians and racial violence? Really? Alabama? Mississippi? Wyoming?
50 RR
If such polling werre correct, McCain would be getting over 45% in national polls, but he can’t. He’s at his ceiling, and can only go down. And he will.
@47. That’s a interesting question. I don’t know. Why do you think it happens?
As point of reference, what’s a couple of big cities that is right leaning?
@52 summarized where I was going to go. Nicely done.
@20 That’s all the proof anyone needs that the rioters were Republicans.
Speaking of riots, how about that lawless mob bussed to Miami by the Republican National Committee in 2000 to overthrow Florida’s lawful election boards by intimidation, force, and violence?
I don’t see anyone on the left trying to defend what this person did. However, the right went out of their way to defend our actions at Abu Ghraib prison. Want me and the others here to list all the times Rush and other right-wing media types stood up for people who’ve needlessly and reprehensively attacked other people?
@23 “The right is getting everything it wants, so they don’t have any reason to riot.”
The right does riot to get what they want. See Miami circa 2000; see Rush circa 2008.
@25 Maybe that’s because they’ve learned from 200 years of experience that it’s the only way they can get Whitey’s attention? And who would be the principal oppressors of African-Americans over the last 200 years — liberals or conservatives? If you said “conservatives” — ta! da! give that man a cigar.
I wish this country would move beyond race and deal with things on the basis of right and wrong. There’s no justification for the police pumping 50 bullets into an unarmed person. These New York cops are guilty. This verdict is an obscene miscarriage of justice.
Police in this country have too much power and not enough accountability. We need stronger civilian review boards and prosecutors willing to go after cops who hide behind their badges to commit murder.
@28 See #27.
The wingnuts are here this morning strutting in all their ugly plumage.
This thread is a target-rich environment, my liberal friends. Fire at will.
I mean KOS is advocating full out violence at the DNC. These people are no longer “fellow Americans”, they are terrorists.
I mean KOS is advocating full out violence at the DNC. These people are no longer “fellow Americans”, they are terrorists.
I mean KOS is advocating full out violence at the DNC.
fuck you goldstein… someone surely will since you’re obviously no longer willingly taking it in the ass from KOS.
I mean KOS is advocating full out violence at the DNC.
@31 Oh yeah, right, the warmongers are models of decorum when they go out to confront the peace faction … ha ha ha See, e.g., #26. See also the warmongers’ hate talk inundating the airwaves and internet since 2003 …
Sometimes you are funny when you don’t intend to be, Hannah.
Cops have it hard. We want them to be perfectly correct all the time. We want them to stop the bad guys, but not enforce the pot laws and so on. It must be hell to be a cop or a prosecutor, and maybe thats why they never ever ever want to admit they made a mistake. And sometimes mistakes happen.
When I code a web site and mess up, it looks ugly. When a cop has a bad day, someone could die. I don’t have the fear that I could go to jail if my web site crashes, they do. I can understand why the cops are so close ranked.
I just wish, that in cases that seem indefensible, like shooting the black guy 50 times or the black guy who got shot for pulling out a cell phone, that the cops could admit they over reacted, that they went too far.
@30 My concerns about Obama are deeper than what you express, Hannah; but regardless, I will vote for him if he’s the nominee. There’s not a chance in hell I’ll do anything to help put another wingnut in the White House. There’ll be literally nothing left of our country if the Republicans get another 4 years in power.
Ditto blue john @2. Rush is recycling Sharpton, who implied that Denver would be a deja vu ’68 Chicago all over again if the Clinton Crime Family tries to steal Obama’s victory by highjacking his superdelegates or by stuntin’ with Florida and Michigan.
And now Slate has this???? Telling Obama to quit??? WTF????
Mr. Stamn @40: Hear about the tolerant and compassionate ‘Crats at Mt. Si Hi this morning who called for the stoning (as in throwing rocks) of Rev. Hutcherson?
You’re not to be trusted, michael (the right defended ‘torture’ at Abu Ghraib?) so post your list of ‘right-wing media types’ who defend reprehensible attackers. Maybe there are some; maybe not. But there’s no way we’re taking your word for anything without proof of everything.
You got any proof to backup what you’re saying about KOS?
By remarkable coincidence, Hannah @68, Rush talked two hours ago about Slate’s call for abdication. It’s a sweet put-on, probably, but how sweet — and indicative of Democrat disarray — it is.
Government employees in a left leaning city. Considering the left leaning of the city, one has to ask why did a liberal jury come to such an obscene miscarriage of justice.
But Like I’ve been saying, the democrats were and still are the racist party.
What have democrats done for blacks besides ALL the KKK atrocities we all know about.
Hannah #36: No provable Obama lies: My previous post about Senator Obama falsely claiming that he isn’t being bankrolled and bundled by lobbyists demonstrates an Obama lie.
Boy, I’ll be glad when January 20, 2009 rolls around!
He’s got a twisted point. Kind of a King Solomon’s baby moment. Assuming the country survives another 4 years, the continued republican rule would destroy the republicans and the economy for generations. The Clintons would be shunned and despised.
Blue John @23: PMS Rabbit has borderline asserted that the only notable riot of our lifetimes was a right-wing ‘riot’ against Florida chad spinners in November 2000.
Those NYC cops were acquited by a JUDGE and not a JURY????? No wonder!
Commies to the left, fascists to the right. I don’t cotton to either one. And for some reason, Recreate68, I don’t cotton to you. I wonder if you’re not that fascist twit, Mark Musser from the BIAW.
Recreate68, I take that’s wishful thinking that you’ve got going there with your screen name. Would you also like to see a return to political assasinations? Or are you content to see rioting in the streets of America’s cities? Are you going to watch on TV or will you finally emerge from your mother’s basement? Delusional to the core, you certainly have serious issues. You strike me as one of those extreme right-wing nutcases who are in serious denial over their own fascist beliefs but live in fear of the supposed liberal-fascist-enviro-terrorist threat to you and yours. What’s up with that anyway? Please, take a reality pill or something.
Not that some on the left aren’t wacko, but you really are something else. Damn, I bet you’re really Mark Musser. C’mon, fess up.
@72 The KKK types are all in your party now, and you’re in bed with them.
@40 Oh yeah, we’re supposed to believe everything you post from the Murdoch-owned rightwing tabloid press … the same guys who publish photos of UFOs.
Are you referring to Rossi’s temper tantrum when he lost, or fat-ass Limbaugh’s latest rant?
@45 But Phelps does speak for all conservatives. They’re even more anti-soldier than he is.
Of course you want to hide the truth from the light of day.
Why didn’t you answer why government employees in a left leaning city would commit racist acts of violence. Why would a left leaning city jury commit such an “obscene miscarriage of justice?”
Are you still googling what democrats have done to help blacks? Gonna be a long day for you without anything to show for it.
@65 Your argument might be valid for the first 2 bullets they put in that guy, but the other 48 bullets are harder to explain away.
re 6: What Rush ‘wants or needs’ is so low on my priority list, it doesn’t even appear!
The message of the Rush Limbaugh phenomenon is not Limbaugh himself (his ideas are pedestrian and commonplace, which is why he has his ‘dittohead’ constituency). The message is the dittoheads themselves. As I alluded to before, they are of the ‘submissive authoritarian’ type. This type of person is generally a misfit and a loner. To find a community of like-minded people via Rush’s retarded rants is a Godsend to them.
The entire POINT of the Democratic Party is discord and diversity — which eventually coalesces into the sweet harmony of defeating your ‘Silent Generation’ candidate — John McCain.
To the submissive authoritarians the discord they see is a manifestation of a weakness — a failure to get behind a united front of stupidity and paranoia — as they have.
We could knock you over with a feather in ’08!
@74 So will I! In fact, I can’t wait for January 21, 2009, when the first special prosecutor will be appointed.
@76 There were two assemblies in Miami in 2000. One was duly constituted, peaceful, and lawful; the other was none of those things. Naturally, you’re defending the violent anarchistic mob.
It really says a lot that the best that the right wing looneys can hope for is that the democrats get bogged dwon in the primary and are fighting each other for the nomination.
It tells you how intellectually and morally bankrupt the republicans really are. There is a good reason Bush and his good buddy McCain want to sow dissension and fear. They have no credible policies and have given away the farm. Huge budget deficits, an unending and unnecessary war, lying to the media through the pentagon propaganda machine (making Goering proud!), obstructing and perverting justice (Gonzalez doing his best to politicize the so-called Justice department), breaking the fourth amendment with illegal wiretapping and breaking US and international law by doing torture.
The republicans are an national embarassment – the founders of the US are turning over in their graves at the dispicable tactics of the right wing thugs in charge of what is left of our country.
so Limbaugh calling for riots is really just par for the republican course – they have no moral, ethical, or strategic vision except to disrupt the democrats and call them names or incite irrational fear into the campaign (like McCain saying Hamas wants Obama – what crap).
@83: Marvin Stamm asks such moronic questions;
A “left leaning city” – like all the police in New York are leftists – what a friggin’ maroon.
Stupid Stamm – have you even been to NY? or left you stupid hotel room? What a tool!
Gee Stamm – answer this one – what republican presidential candidate voted against MLK day?
You freakin’ idiot – who do black people vote for? Here is a big clue – it ain’t republicans – and they aren’t stupid – they know who the racists are. Willie Horton ads and the Southern strategy – all republican. The solid white democratic south switched to republican long ago. What a tired stupid argument from an idiot….
Hey, Marvin@83, if you want to talk Googling, try Googling “Republican pedophile”. Then come back and show us some more of that right-wing denial of yours.
If Al Franken went on the air and so much as whispered something like this with respect to Minneapolis, he’d be hauled off the Gitmo in a heartbeat.
Yeah, it’s such a left-leaning city that it hasn’t had a Democratic mayor since the early 90s.
re 90: Marvin’s mantra: “27 million dittoheads can’t be wrong!”
I take that back. A lickspittle dittohead like Marvin doesn’t even rate an off-handed Goldwater reference. Barry Goldwater would have detested Marvin Stamn.
I just love the hand wringing spin oozing from the lips of conservatives who think this nomination is hurting the Democrats and helping John McCain What they realize, but won’t admit until November 5th, is that this is actually GOOD for the Democrat’s and B-A-D for the Republicans.
Look at how energized Democrats are getting in ALL 50 states. When’s the last time Indiana was even a blip on anyone’s radar screen in a Democratic primary? Answer: about 40 years ago.
People who have become accustomed to learning about the Democrats platform via FOX News and Flush Limpdick are getting to hear it straight from the candidates themselves. They’re hearing fresh alternatives to the stale old ideas that John McCain and the Republicans offer up. The last 3 months has been a media bonanza for the Democrats. One thing is certain, Barak Obama will be completely battle tested come the fall portion of the presidential campaign, while John McCain sits idly by watching the making of the next president.
Couple all of this with a horrible economy, a terrible housing market, gas prices that are hurting even upper-middle-income America, oil companies getting huge tax breaks while making record profits, a Surge in Iraq that failed to produce political results at the sacrifice of American soldiers because Bush doesn’t have a plan to succeed, Osama bin Laden still running free to plot and commit mayhem around the world, Iran getting out of control, North Korea helping Syria go nuclear, . . . yeah, that all adds up to a Republican victory.
I can’t even get mad at the retarded rhetoric coming out of the mouths of conservatives anymore. You guys got exactly what you wished for: an Evangelical, conservative Christian president and congress, and even a conservative court. And, what did you do with your wish? 100% fucked up. As Donald Trump says “YOU’RE FIRED!”
Keep blogging. Keep hating. Keep saying how bad the other guy is and not how positive or great you are. Because in the end, your bitterness is all you have left to cling to.
Good luck with your anger.
Oh, and do me one favor. On election night, when you’re watching FOX News report that Barak HUSSEIN Obama hits 270 electoral votes and you begin to seethe in anger, start throwing back shots of Jack Daniels and a case of Bud. Fall in to a drunken stupor and be sure to keep a loaded gun by your side. And when you get good and drunk, and you’re really feeling bitter, put the barrel of the gun in your mouth, squeeze the trigger slowly but firmly. Then, in an instant, the world will be a better place with fewer bitter Republicans.
Thank, God.
I floated Will’s ‘T-Rex Arms’ comment on Huffington to see if they would print it. They did.
I’m going to try to work ‘T-Rex Arms’ into Huffpo comments as much as possible.
Yeah…. McCain’s a war hero — just not as big a hero as George W. Bush. Right, Marvin? Isn’t that what you were saying in 2000?
‘T-Rex Arms’ ………..heh.
Republican = Barney Fife
Note that in the California presidential primary John McCain picked up 1,197,757 votes while Barack Obama picked up 2,093,318 votes. Clinton, of course, won the election with 2,524,799 votes.
So, lets say in the general election all the Republicans who voted in the primary vote for McCain, all the Obama voters vote for Obama, half the Clinton voters vote for Obama and every Dem that voted for someone other than BHO or HRC no shows. That gives you:
Obama: 3,355,781
McCain: 2,932,811
It’s Obama by a landslide!
Things don’t look good for the Republicans.
@ 100:
In California, it’s by a landslide to be sure. What gets me excited are the swing states that normally are not in play for Democrats.
That’s where Barak excels, not just the big traditional Blue states.
Now I know how the Republicans felt about the 1984 elections. Hahahahahaha
Hadn’t thought about it quite like that. I was looking at big electoral college states and Cali was the fist one I found good numbers for.
All you need to know about Limbaugh and his audience is this: He went on the air for a substantial period of time high as a kite, and his audience couldn’t tell the difference.
@ 103:
You mean when he was hooked on “Hill Billy heroin?”
You know, Lush’s show probably makes more sense when you’re realllllly loaded. Otherwise you have to be born stupid.
And you cannot fix stupid. Which is why Republicans get elected more often in states with the populations that have the least college degrees.
That’s a fact.
“Acquittals in groom shooting spark outrage,” CNN screams.
So why do the thousands of blacks killed by other blacks every year spark apathy and silence? Where’s the outrage over that?
If you lefties didn’t think what Rush says is important you’d ignore him.
As it is, Rush knows the left the same way I do. A bunch of unpleasant, negative, and often times truly mean people who for some bizarre reason still believe in the failed ideology of Karl Marx and run around wearing Che t-shirts. What in the heck are the “Raging Grannies” so mad about? They didn’t get government funded abortions?
Any open minded person reading this or any other leftist blog knows it. They see the obscenity, the anger. They read the personal attacks against those who dare stray from the leftist line. All open minded people know what leftists do to those who disagree with them. In the working world folks who stray from leftist orthodoxy are sent to “sensitivity training” which is conducted by some highly paid leftist “consultant”, (usually some sort of psychologist or social worker). Once leftists really gain power off you go to the gulag, or Siberia. Ask those Cubans fortunate enough to escape that communist hellhole what happens when you disagree with the government. It’s a bit more serious than “wiretapping” which last time I checked hasn’t resulted in shutting up Code Pink or the rest of the commies. The left shuts people up they don’t agree with. And then they lie about how the right does it. The left forms outlets like Media Matters with the expressed purpose of shutting up those who disagree. I hate to imagine the brainwashing the left imposes on the children they hold captive every day at the public schools we all pay for regardless of our political leanings.
You leftists haven’t a single success story to tell. You do have a massive record of utter failure. Your pessimism punishes people who have the ability to lead wonderful lives.
Shame on all of you.
38. Roger Rabbit spews: “I’ve seen that happen, btw. I’ve had the children of pigheaded rightwingers come up to me and say they just want me to know they’re not like their parents and are liberals like me.
But Pelletizer how would you know this? You’re just a rabbit. People are talking to rabbits? Hmmm… I just can’t believe that.
Hey Lefties: Time for PuddySearch.
Remember the “conservative attack” on Randi Rhodes last October? Well she fell down walking Fido.
Please list out the “massive record of utter failure” on the part of “Leftists”
And please don’t call me a leftist because I’m not. I’m working class.
Or, you can be a bybygoober-like moron and attack a conservative radio station.
www. digitaljournal. com/article/ 251674/Conservative_Talk_Radio_Station_Attacked_by_Angry_Listener
Michael@110 exactly. Yet go back and see how the liberal MSM was carrying the story.
Google “randi rhodes attacked”
And start laughing…..
Hey Michael, remember when Ann Coulter was attacked?
91. Steve spews: sumtin impotent.
Google democrat pedophile and read about some of bybygoobers relatives
@106 Billy who claims he can’t stand the blog is back. What a pathetic piece of shit. Didn’t I kick your cum-drunk ass up and down the board last time you were here you cunt? Aren’t you tired of me fucking your ugly wife in the ass? And how proud you must be of the great American limpdick – your hero Lush Flimbaugh – who will probably be sued out of existence if he is able to get the inbred among you to go riot in Denver. I am sure this is how you raise your mongoloid kids to behave right? Fuck you and Limbaugh.
If anyone would know about pedophiles it’s Puddydick. He has three sex offenses on his record from what I hear – all with minors.
You pay your taxes on your wife’s tricks yet Puddy? HE HE!
I don’t pay attention to Ann Coulter, but I looked it up. A couple of people threw pies at her. From what I saw not a single person piped up and thought the pie throwers shouldn’t be charged with a crime. People: left, right, center, neither do stupid shit. That’s not the issue. The issue is folks like Rush and Billy ‘O defending people that commit unjustifiable acts of violence.
There goes bybygoober again; living vicariously on other people cuz his penis was shrunk by Ugandan shamen! Now the Hubble can’t detect it.
Bybygoober I heard it’s your father the big WA State level three sex offender manhunt is after right now. Didn’t your daddy know when you cut off the ankle bracelet, the liberals jump to attention because they are proven wrong on rehabilitation again?
I noticed michael jumps on the ann coulter entry skipping over the randi rhodes one.
Typical typical
Michael, which conservative attacked a liberal and Rush or Bill condoned?
Give me a good URL? And don’t your the phony soldier story. That was played out on your good friend Jesse MacBeth, the phony soldier.
Not sure the case you’re talking about but if it’s a sexual predator I find it hilarious that liberals believe perverts can be rehabilitated. If gays are born gay and can’t be “fixed” to become heterosexual, how can a pervert with a gleam in his eye for little kids be fixed. Why do so many liberal agendas contradict themselves??
I’ve never heard them defend a liberal.
If you think there is someone they defended, speak up and link away.
Democrats should be concerned about riots. After all they are the party of riots. hehehehehe
What Randi Rodes story? Some idiot said she was attacked in a park and she wasn’t. There are retractions all over the web. Where’s the story? For the record Rush and Fox News put out right wing crap and Air America puts out left wing crap. Their more alike than different.
We’ve got a missed communication @120. I thought you were talking about one of my comments further up the thread. I’m signing off for the night.
Who’s Jesse MacBeth?
With the Obama-Clinton race heating up we repubs have a duty and an obligation to show the pain of sexism and racism. I am not talking about your ordinary, everyday, run of the mill “isms”, but the deep,hurtful amd angry “isms” from the past and present day. It is our way of make sure we have an informed electorate. Peace.
Lets examine what this moron Bill Cruchon had to spew @ 106
Rush is only important because of the large number of brain dead morons such as yourself, who listen to him and believe the lies he vomits out on the airwaves. And when he tries to create violence, he is not just important, but a public danger because of his brain dead listeners.
That just demonstrates that you know absolutely NOTHING about liberals. Except for the lies Rush vomits in your ears.
Um, have you seen the anger and bitter vile couphed up by wingnuts when a a rational person disagrees with their dimwitted tripe? No, well just reread your post @106 !
Um, Bill did you say something real racist or sexist at work? It seems you are very bitter about how you were treated for your racist sexist comment.
Um, did you mean Gitmo, or an extraordinary rendition secret torture chamber?
Um, are you again confusing communism with liberalism? You seem to really believe the lies Rush crams into your mushy little brain.
Have you ever watched the O’Rielly show? As usual you have it completely backwards.
You are confusing “verifiable facts” with lies. But as you know, Facts have a liberal bias.
Have you watched any of the cable news outlets? FOX is the main culprit, but the rest are almost as bad with their right wing bias. As for the public school comment, again, you really should not believe everything a rightwing blowhard fills your noggin with. It just makes you look stupid.
Again you seem confused. It is the wingnut right that has been failing at everything they have been doing, except for punishing working people. They have been very succesful at that.
No, shame on you for buying into such obvious claptrap.
Comment #126 sure makes a reasonable person thankful for Rush, O’Rielly and Fox News. Thanks for that B.O.
It looks to me like Limbaugh is running your party instead of Dean. Dean is calling for this to be all over, and Limbaugh is sending Republicans in to Bolster Hillary, hell I think Limbaugh is the new Carl Rove of the Republican Party, and Hillary and her clan are enjoying it even when the polsters say she is too devisive to win an election.
Brilliant strategy, and I predict it will work flawlessly!
You have to be intelligent enough to detect
the nuances of Rushs’ humor. He sure knows
how to rile the retards.
@126 Name one thing Rush has lied about.
@128 Howard Dean. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Current temperature at the South Pole is -81 F
and -121 F windchill.
And now I really am going to bed.
The left lies so much they lie about lying. heheheheehheheehe
Good night.
Hey all, cindy sheehan is now taking donations and signatures for her congressional run. go to to donate NOW!
Re=Creare 68
Code Pink
Troops Out Now!
United for Peace & Justice
School of the America’s Watch
Unconventional Action
Students for a Democratic Society
Rights for All People
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition
Food Not Bombs
The All Nations Alliance
The People’s Law Project
The Rainbow Coalition
Padres Unidos/Jovenes Unidos
Tent State University
Colorado Medics for Humanity
F.I.S.T. (Fighting Imperialism Standing Together)
Colorado Indy Media
Free Speech TV
Grand Junction Indy Media
The Red Pill
Colorado Street Medics
Denver Cop Watch
Iraq Veterans Against The War
Longmont Citizens for Justice & Democracy
RNC Welcoming Committee
Michael Moore
Mumia Abu Jamal
Vibrational Statement
Crimethinc Collective
Indiana Students Against the War
Deadheads United
Grass Roots Caravan
The Magic Peace Bus
The Peace Majority Report
Cindy For Speaker
The Rain Forest Action Network
Families of the Cuban 5
The International Action Center
The New Young Lords
Yep, Limbaughs folks alright! Fucking morons
And the truth shall set your free.
Of course, goldstein the fuck and his cyborg sheep wouldn’t know or acknowledge the truth if it slapped them upside the head with a 2×4…which is exactly what I hope happens when they drink liberally in the Seattle riots August 24-28, 2008.
How many times does goldstein the fuck have to be proven wrong, be proven a crass money grubbing asshole, be proven a useless idiot parroting his Kos minders?
Read it, weep and keep taking it in the ass, fuckers.
Limbaugh’s listeners are too fat and stupid to riot. They can hardly even find that douchebag on the dial, let alone get up from the sofa without the help of one of those electric carts.