Rand Paul came to town recently. He said some nonsense about guns:
It was a terrible morning to glorify guns. At the exact same time that everyone on the internet was horrified by the latest in a seemingly unending string of mass shootings, Paul’s adulation of the 2nd amendment felt awkward and dripping with an unpleasant machismo. ( “If you doubt me on the 2nd Amendment, come into my house unannounced,” Paul warned as the room applauded the thought of Paul shooting another person to death.) Before Paul took the stage, local politician Elizabeth Scott was proudly introduced as a member of the NRA. Meanwhile, on Twitter, people were scrolling past auto-play videos filmed by a man as he murdered two innocent people in cold blood. For a candidate who repeatedly claims to be uniquely in touch with reality, Paul is surprisingly out-of-step with an America that overwhelmingly favors commonsense gun safety laws.
When I talk about gun control with my pro gun friends, I’ll almost always hear someone talk about responsible gun ownership. But this sort of braggadocio is alarmingly common. Oh, give me the chance to kill the fuck out of someone who comes to my house unannounced. That’s not a death penalty offense, but I’m so excited about it I’m going to share this fantasy that to a decent person would be one of the worst days of their life with several hundred supporters.
It’s something decent people aren’t fantasizing about. It isn’t something the sort of people who feel responsible would say. And if people wanted hold him responsible, they could boo instead of applaud.
Now sure, I realize that one candidate from one party who isn’t doing very well in the polls isn’t indicative of the whole of gun owners. But this sort of thing rarely, if ever, gets called out from the people who tell me they’re the responsible sort. Hell, a dickbag can wrap bacon around his gun, get what type of gun it is wrong, and nobody who claims to be all about responsible gun ownership is like “Um, noppers buddy. That’s not how ya’ do it.”
So you know, step the fuck up. Or people like me — that rare breed who do actually want to take your gun away — are going to keep being the ones to call it out.
It’s not a good time to talk about gun control. I think this is actually a conspiracy by the NRA, all these killings, so there will never be a good time to talk about it.
I think one of the stupid reporters (maybe Bloody Meghan) asks a Republican to pick a day on the calendar within the next ten fucking years, when it is an acceptable day to talk about it. Picked one day, they have 365 x 10 to choose from.
[deleted — off topic]
Only the mentally challenged at Breitbart, and people who parrot their crap, interpret the ACLU’s position that way. They are only concerned with HIPAA exemptions.
Well of course. I have yet to meet a conceal and carry advocate who doesn’t fantasize about being in the convenience store the day it gets robbed.
On a related note, just found out the Dad at my kids’ school with the ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ sticker on his truck who I was already concerned about his anger management on the sports field sideline smacked his wife around last week and she and the kids are in hiding. Man I’m feeling great about school starting in another week.
If you want to take all the guns away, start by taking all firearms away from ALL government organizations – police, military, intelligence and security folks.
I’ve written posts saying beat cops shouldn’t be armed and opposing making it a requirement to carry weapons for forest rangers. I’m also for massive cuts to the military, so that would be fewer military people with guns. I’d bet if I knew more details about security and intelligence forces I’d want them to be less armed, but I don’t know for sure, not being an expert. I assume this is fake a libertarian stance to prove some sort of point, but honestly fewer government agents with guns would probably be a good thing.
@ 4
Well of course. I have yet to meet a conceal and carry advocate who doesn’t fantasize about being in the convenience store the day it gets robbed.
Yeah, when I bought my portable defibrillator, I noticed I started spending more time driving aimlessly around blocks with assisted living facilities. I mean, who really buys those things ‘just in case’?
“isn’t doing very well in the polls”
That’s an understatement. Who cares what Rand Paul says about anything? He doesn’t matter. At the rate he’s going he won’t even get his own vote.
@7 “when I bought my portable defibrillator”
Was that one of those deals like those scooters advertised on late-night TV that are free because Medicare pays for it?