Early voting has now begun in all 50 states, and it appears that turnout thus far is largely favoring Obama… a fact that did not escape a group of Republican protesters who gathered to heckle early voters yesterday in Fayetteville, North Carolina, accusing a line of mostly black voters of being “cheaters”:
Also at the polling site was a group of loud and angry protesters who shouted and mocked the voters as they walked in. Nearly all were white.
As you can see from these videos, no one held anything back. People were shouting about Obama’s acknowledged cocaine use as a young man, abortion and one man used the word “terrorist.” They also were complaining that Sundays are for church, not voting.
So this is what the Republicans have been reduced to… complaining that voting is cheating. And they wonder why they’re losing this election?
After the Repugs lose the election, they’ll no doubt blame the media, ACORN, and alleged massive ballot box stuffing by shadowy Democratic operatives.
For some reason it never occurs to them that voters might actually reject their sorry track record of lies, corruption, incompetence, and an unrelenting stream of military and economic disasters.
That is some ugly stuff. Those are your people Mark the racist redneck Republican, Marvin, Mr. Cynical, PuddyPud, etc-if you guys can’t win you want to poison things so Obama can’t govern. WHY DO YOU GUYS HATE AMERICA? WHY DO YOU HATE DEMOCRACY? WHY DO YOU HATE?
And don’t forget, the Repubs are still out purging voter rolls, fighting legitimate registrations, threatening ACORN offices with violence, and will probably still try to shut down voting machines in Democratic areas.
The modern republican party has begat violence and intolerance as their new hallmark. Now that is all they have left. Any Democratic candidate who has said the hateful things that Palin says would be pilloried nonstop in the right wing media and it would reverberate nonstop in the MSM.
This need to stop. Violence and blood will be on the hands of the McCain and the Repubs if they don’t shut this down. Is that the legacy he wants?
Of course, we need to understand that Repugs don’t view elections the same way we do. Their viewpoint is summed up by what Newt Gingrich told them back in 1988:
“ … this is a civil war, that … has to be fought with the scale and duration and savagery that is only true of civil wars. While we are lucky in this country that our civil wars are fought at the ballot box, not on the battlefields, nonetheless it is a civil war.”
(Quoted under fair use from David Brock’s book Blinded By The Right, p. 51)
The ugly, contemptible wingnuts will cocoon themselves with their Limbaugh, with their Faux News, with their WSJ Editorial page, with their right wing bullshit websites…
and then they’ll be back insane with fear like the brain eating zombies they are.
1 & 3
Did you know that Republican pin-up girl Ann Coulter actually committed felony voter fraud?
(Not registration fraud by an $8 an hour worker to earn a couple bucks by signing registration forms for non-existent people who will never show up to vote.”)
That’s right! Ann Coulter! Actual voting fraud. You can see her fraudulent voter registration form and other details here:
http://www.bradblog.com/?page_ id=4380
This bradblog specializes in electoral shenanigans. Check it out.
So, you see, Repugs think of elections as war by other means, and they believe war must be fought and won without regard to morality, and that’s why they feel anything goes in campaigns and elections. Not only that, they also believe they are doing God’s Work, and therefore anything they do will be approved by God, no matter how immoral, wrong, or illegal it is. These two factors explain why Repugs wage election campaigns without decency and with uninhibited criminality.
I just saw a Dave Reichert ad on TV. He had a montage of scenes. One thing I spotted was an exterior shot of Newfields General Store. Newfields is in New Hampshire. What’s up with that?
Republicans are intellectually dishonest. The current president used cocaine, and when he was older than Obama, but that didn’t stop Republicans from voting for him.
They weren’t bothered by his DUI either.
Or Bush going AWOL. See the Boston Globe for the story. Rather had the story for CBS but got tripped up by relying on false documents by some jerk that discredited what was a true story.
If Adolf Hitler tried to keep me from voting, I’d kill him! I’m not kidding! Let’s assume he escaped to Paraguay and is now a very old man. Let’s say he shows up at my polling place and uses his walker to block the doorway so I can’t get in. Why, I’d beat him senseless with my cane, kick him, bite him, gouge his eyes out, pull his mustache off, bash his skull in with a concrete paver, back a car over him 12 times, then throw him in Puget Sound tied to a bucket of scrap iron to make sure he’s dead! How do you Nazi lovers like them apples?
@11 We’d probably want to scale that approach down a little for these anti-democracy protesters for legal reasons but you get the general principle … we’ve got to assert our right to vote! And let no one take it away from us!
Oh and don’t forget — we liberals must arm in case these fucks attempt a coup after Obama wins the election.
Interesting that the complainer said “Nearly”.
What does “Nearly” mean??
Must have been a few Uncle Tom’s and Aunt Jemima’s in the crowd, huh Goldy?
Any Black person who uses their free speech right to critize Obama is an Uncle Tom or Aunt Jemima…just like any White Person is a racist.
Welcome to Obama’s America!
Obama sounds more & more like Jesse Jackson and Louis Farukkhan every day!
Since y’all claim to celebrate diversity, take a look at this editorial by a Young Black & Hispanic Man voting for McCain:
@14. I’m guessing Mr. Cynical didn’t bother to follow the link and watch the video, before spewing his ignorance. There are folks who aren’t white in the line that the camera pans across. One is a black man who is supporting Obama.
@15 What’s novel about slaves being loyal to their masters? Human nature works in strange ways. Believe it or not, we still have workers who fiercely denounce unions and express loyalty to employers who would cut their wages, outsource their jobs, and steal their pensions at the drop of a hat. Some people are their own worst enemies, and it’s hard to feel sorry for those who are.
Mr. C is sounding a bit shrill.
Reality must be setting in.
16 & 18
Yeah, after winning the stupid competition and now with the most ingnorant competition in play and all the other contenders given a 10 point handicap, Mr. Cynical is pulling out the stops and trying to get an early lead. Mr. Cynical is a real competitor. He must really like that goat he won in the stupid contest.
Do I even have to point out to you that millions of white people will be voting for Obama? Man, Mr. Cynical you are truly one ignorant goatfucker.
Cyniclown once again shows his undying love of anything Republican and anti-freedom.
Heckling voters outside of a place of polling places is flat out intimidation. Voting is a right and intimidating voters is illegal.
Personally, I would take the misdemeanor assault charge and let one of these so called “protestors” (in reality they are nothing but small minded thugs trying to affect the outcome of an election) see the fist at the end of my right arm up close and personal.
On the other hand, reports such as these only serve to energized the opposition. It makes all of us who can think and reason even more determined to go to the polls and vote. Above all, and I mean above ALL, the vast majority of Americans prefer a fair fight. When you cheat there is a backlash.
Cyniclown, President Barack Obama sure has a nice ring to it.
BTW, Dan Rather’s story on Junior lamest duck and his family connections that pulled him into the Guard unit and cleaned up his file was never fully discredited, even as to the documents in dispute and whether they were forgeries.
His trial is coming up next spring, and we can expect to possibly get some truth telling under oath.
Republicans have become truly, PATHETIC!!
Whatever happened to the optimistic Reagan Republicans of the 80’s?
You know, the Shinning Hill on the City folks?
I’ll tell you what happened. In 1980 Reagan and his disciples won the argument of why would should change our way of governing from the ideals of our Liberal founding fathers to the new Reagan Republican model of government.
After 28 years the final verdict is in — the Reagan Republican theory of Trickle Down Economics coupled with deregulating the markets, making consumer and environmental protections voluntary, and violating the Bill of Rights to drive their agenda or for “national security” reasons have simply FAILED!!
Their mantra used to be take personal responsibility for your actions. Now that their policies have crippled America in every way that is important they want to blame any one and everyone else.
My fellow Liberals, the fight has been long, the cost has been high, and the darkness of conservatism became great. But, you did not quit the fight, you did not lose your faith, you held true to your beliefs in the wisdom of our founding fathers, even when Reagan Republicans did not.
The battle has turned in our favor, victory is at hand, but now is not the time to let up. Press the fight until all the polls have closed on November 4th.
If you do this I promose you one thing: When you wake up on Wednesday, November 5th the battle will be over, victory will be ours, your courage to stand against the evil of the Culture of Corruptions will be rewarded.
Your reward — lots of HARD WORK!!
Hard work does not frighten us. We welcome it. Hard work by past generations of patriots gave us the country we love. Hard work leads to the better and the more perfected America we dream of handing off to our posterity.
America needs to be rebuilt, repowered, retooled, and rebooted.
We have to do it. We will do it because we’re true Americans. We get the job done. The last time America was down this hard FDR and the Democrats lifted us out of the Great Depression caused by Republicans
The last time America was embroiled in a World War Democrats held the White House and Congress and led the free world to victory in two all-out wars at the same time, while Republicans said we should stay out of Europe.
We now have great challenges given to us. The mantle and the mettle of America’s Greatest Generation have been passed on to us, and while their challenges and our challenges are different they both as equally important as nothing less than the bright and secure future of America hangs in the balance.
It’s been my honor fighting the good fight with my fellow Liberals on this blog, donating our time, money, and ideas to the cause of freedom.
Now is the exact right time to stop arguing the merits of who’s right and who’s wrong on this blog with the defeated Culture of Corruption crowd. We’re right and we will win.
Now is the time to start forming the ideas, positions, strategies and action items not to take America “back” but to take America Forward. We’re Progressives
Thanks to all my fellow Liberals. It’s been an honor.
Now on to an Obama VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!
If we progressives want to be credible, we should try to stick to facts. The fact is that your opening sentence is not facutal. Only 31 states actually allow for early voting. I happen to live in a state that does not.
I’m sure they hate the troops stationed overseas that have to vote by absentee ballot too. You wouldn’t think that Fayetteville would be a city that it’d be too smart to be hating on the troops like that in. But then again I guess no one has ever accused a Republican protester of being too smart before.