TJ at AlsoAlso plies the snark infested waters once again with a round-up of recent paranoid rantings from the aluminum millineries over at (un)Sound Politics.
Amongst the topics is our good friend Stefan’s personal crusade to rid our voter rolls of felons, dead people, and epidemiologists… including his official challenge of the voter registration of Dr. Daniel Sosin — a commissioned member of the Public Health Service — currently serving at the CDC in Atlanta. A hearing will be held Friday before King County Elections Director Dean Logan, and TJ would “love to get Goldy or some other likeminded Seattleite to attend.”
Likeminded? I believe that those who know me best would be somewhat frightened at the prospect that there might be many other people with minds like mine, in Seattle or elsewhere… but if any of my readers would like to volunteer to play cub-reporter-for-a-day, please let me know.
If Dr. Sosin is a commissioned officer in the US Public Health Service, he is in one of the uniformed services; Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and NOAA Commissioned Corps are the others. My understanding is that he is indeed entitled to maintain residency in Washington while stationed elsewhere, even for extended periods. (Obviously he is not entitled to vote in two different states.) I don’t see Shark going in to challenge the right of military members stationed outside Washington to maintain residency (and vote) here. Some of them probably haven’t set foot in the state for 20 years. That fact isn’t actually relevant. I hope someone will be on hand to defend the good doctor against Shark.
That’s exactly why at this point it seems like Sosin is in the clear, Wayne–you’ve got it. I sure hope for Stefan’s sake he’s got something to mitigate that fact, although I can’t imagine what–because otherwise, he’s going to look like an idiot tomorrow.
well, tomorrow specifically for this reason, anyway. :)
I liked your measured response on your own site better. How about we wait until the evidence is presented and the ruling comes down tomorrow?
If it turns out the be a true fishing expedition, I’m going to be very disappointed in Shark.
I’m hoping that “reporters” from BOTH sides of the aisle are there. I’m most interested in hearing about how Logan handles this.
I’m waiting, Mark–but I can’t deny the reality that unless Sosin lost his commission before 2004, it’s very hard to imagine what Stefan has that would trump Sosin’s membership in the armed services. I’m not at all precluding the possiblity that there is something; only saying that if he ain’t got it, he’s going to look foolish.
Of course he will be made to look like an idiot. This is the first time Dean “headlighted” Logan has a chance to “get even”. Sorry, the cards are stacked against him from the start.
including his official challenge of the voter registration of Dr. Daniel Sosin – a commissioned member of the Public Health Service – currently serving at the CDC in Atlanta.
The voter problems don’t stop there. There are likely thousands of doctors voting all over the state, many of whom travel outside Washington state.
I guess we will see.
Other Tax Attorney’s & CPA’s have told me about instances of out-of-staters adopting Washington as their state of residence even though they don’t lay their head down here at night….and they do so to avoid/evade State income taxes in the state they really reside in. Especially true for higher income taxpayers (doctors, lawyers etc.). Hard to know which Party this would favor until 100 or so are smoked out randomly.
My guess is you will see a lot of voter registration cancellations if there is anything to this one. Whether this one is legit or not doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen often.
Oh, and folks who try to set up a phony-baloney residency not only register…but they also VOTE!!! And get drivers license, fishing license, use a friends address etc.
Hey Cynical, that would be a good retirement hobby for you — spend your days smoking out fishing license cheaters!!! :)
Was the good Doctor registered in GA and well as WASH? Did he ALSO vote in GA? [Hey, 40,000 New Yawkers “double voted” in NY as well as Florida and almost gave Gore 2000 a win!] Where’s Jesse and Al when you need them?
Especially true for higher income taxpayers (doctors, lawyers etc.). Hard to know which Party this would favor until 100 or so are smoked out randomly.
Actually, the largest number of this group are military members. They typically choose Washington or Texas.
If I took the right winger point of view, I would now attack the challenger of these votes as being “against the troops.”
(I couldn’t wait. Had to even the irrelevant “score”)
I don’t see Shark going in to challenge the right of military members stationed outside Washington to maintain residency
This just shows that Stefan is trying to undercut the troops while they are deployed oversees. While the military risk their lives, Stefan is trying to eliminate their right to vote. This is a typical republican tactic.
Seriously, Stefan doesn’t get it.
A military member can be deployed in another state or overseas for 20 years and still be a legitimate resident of Washington State.
I suspect that he will anticipate that he is going to look foolish tomorrow and back off at the last moment.
JCH @ 11
“[Hey, 40,000 New Yawkers “double voted” in NY as well as Florida and almost gave Gore 2000 a win!]”
That’s bullshit, and you’re a bullshitter.
Investigative reporting by the right-leaning tabloid New York Daily News (no “liberal media bias” here, folks) turned up 46,000 people registered to vote in both states at the time of the 2000 election, but the NYDN only “found that between 400 and 1,000 registered voters have voted twice in at least one election,” which does not necessarily mean they all voted in the 2000 presidential election. Therefore, JCH exaggerated the double-voting by at least 40 times the actual number. (You know how stuff gets embellished and changed as it works its way thru right-wing blogs; JCH should try reading a real newspaper once, even if its only the NYDN or the National Enquirer.)
Interestingly, nearly all of the double voters identified by name in the NYDN article were Republicans. (Echoes of Washington’s “dead” and “felon” vote here, where the trend seems to be that illegal voting favored Rossi.) Could it be, for all their wailing about Democratic vote-cheating, that the worst cheaters are — ta-ta-da! — Republicans?
Here is the link to the NYDN article:
Right, Don. And the “tire slashing” in Milwaukee was ALSO done by Republicans! [Watch closely, as these paid Kerry supporters [criminals] have been arrested and soon these fine young Democrat black youths will be behind bars!] JCH
Keep believing that a Democratic tire-slashing is equal to the multiple felony convictions for the Bush/Cheney operative who jammed the phone lines of Democrats in Vermont, or the multiple felony indictments in Texas for ilegal fundraising/political contributions (Tom Delay is next) or Republican officials in Florida continuing to use an inaccurate felon list after being specifically told not to by the courts.
Again, let’s not forget to mention the White House illegaly creating fake “news” videos to promote their policies and sending them out to TV stations, and paying pundits to promote their policies, and allowing a gay prostitute with no journalism background using an alias to ask questions of the president for more than 2 years.
If you think you can “out-scandal” the Democrats for the last 4 years, you’re sadly mistaken. Your side is “winning” by about 34 to 1:
To paraphrase yourself, “Watch closely, as these paid Bush supporters (Delay & associates, the Plame leaker, Manuel Miranda, Chuck McGee & James Tobin and others) end up in jail as felons, or are fined millions of dollars. Then laugh if they lose their right to vote as convited felons because of Republican policies.
The Poodle and The Hildabeast held a press conference in Washington yesterday to advance their proposals for “election reform.” Of course, it’s important to remember that liberals only want election reform when they lose. If they win, the system worked fine. Remember the media template: liberals are victorious, conservatives take power.
So naturally, since Democrats are having problems at the polls, it’s time to rig the game a little further in their favor. Senators Clinton and Kerry went to the podium in Washington D.C. and proceeded to propose the following nonsense: 1.) That Election Day be made a federal holiday to encourage voting and 2.) Allow ex-felons to vote. It’s called the “Count Every Vote Act” so named in honor of the liberal myth that not all votes were counted in the 2000 election.
It’s hard to know where to even begin with this legislative pant load. First, John Kerry lied outright at the press conference when he said “This has nothing to do with me. It is not partisan, or shouldn’t be.” Riiiight. If it has nothing to do with him, then what was he doing at the press conference? The Poodle wants to further cement his victim status as somebody that was somehow ripped off in the 2004 election.
Then there’s the whole question of making Election Day a federal holiday. We don’t need any more holidays. If it were made a federal holiday, millions and millions of dollars would be lost because we would have to pay federal employees not to work that day. That would be a nice little payout to the Democratic government employee unions. And letting convicted felons vote? Boy, the Democrats are really getting desperate.
Since the left can’t get votes at the ballot box the old-fashioned way, they’re resorting to trying to rig the game. This whole plan will probably go nowhere, and for good reason.
JCH @ 16
Kind of irrelevant to the topic, but then, changing the subject is a standard GOPer tactic whenever THEY are caught with the goods. Since these people have only been charged you might want to wait for the court proceedings before pronouncing them guilty. You know, presumed innocent until proven guilty? Another concept GOPers always struggle with. According to the Milwaukee newspaper:
“Look for the defense lawyers to use the classic ‘some other dudes did it’ defense – pointing an accusing finger at the out-of-staters, who are expected to be the star witnesses for the prosecution. Making things even dicier is the lack of damning physical evidence. ‘There will be a strong suggestion on the defense part that the people who are (making the accusations) may have slashed the tires themselves,’ said one lawyer familiar with the case.”
Well, maybe — or maybe not. Remember the alleged vandalism of local GOP offices here in WA? Remember Chris Rants pointing the finger at Democratic activists? Whatever happened to THAT crime scene investigation? Why hasn’t anyone (i.e., Democratic activists) been arrested? Because maybe they didn’t do it? Because maybe the GOPers did it themselves to discredit Democrats? In which case, I can understand why it was swept under the rug. But I digress.
Let’s examine what happened in Milwaukee from a probability standpoint. First of all, having grown up in Milwaukee, I wouldn’t park MY car in that neighborhood in the first place. I mean, it’s not exactly a crime-free zone, know what I mean? Anyway, if, arguendo, we indulge the assumption that the alleged perps are in fact guilty, what are the chances they did this of their own volition and the Kerry campaign and/or Democratic Party had nothing to do with either hatching the scheme or egging on the perps? Pretty high, I think. After all, one of the accused (the rookie congresswoman’s son) goes by the alias “Supreme Solar Allah” which kind of tells you where he’s coming from, doesn’t it? Somewhere from the far side of the sun, so to speak. And, as the above-cited newspaper article reported, the alleged perps alleged bragged about the deed to co-workers upon returning to the campaign office. Does this sound like a covert caper perpetrated by a political party or a presidential candidate? Sounds more to me like a bunch of stupid idiots acting on their own without any knowledge, authorization, encouragement, or sanction by the campaign that employed them. Hey, every employer makes hiring mistakes, there’s a ringer or two in every office.
So stow your lame attempt to tar Kerry and/or the Democratic Party with this one. This isn’t a Karl Rove deal. It is, at most, proof that Milwaukee grows some morons. But then, I knew that 40 years ago, which is one of the (many) reasons why I left that town for good when I was 19 years old.
JCH @ 18
The “millions and millions of dollars lost” by the Bush administration’s corruption and corporate cronynism (e.g., Enron ripoff; private security “contractors” getting paid $1,000 a day in Iraq by taxpayers while our troops get paid — what? — $75 a day if they’re lucky?, etc.) don’t seem to bother you much as we haven’t heard you say anything about THAT.
Maybe you should reexamine your priorities.
Don, “Let’s examine what happened in Milwaukee from a probability standpoint. First of all, having grown up in Milwaukee, I wouldn’t park MY car in that neighborhood in the first place. I mean, it’s not exactly a crime-free zone, know what I mean?”. Yes, I do!! Not a Republican around for miles!! Like Detroit, Gary, Philly, a perfect “Hillary Village” full of criminal Democrats. Like O.J., a few blacks on the jury may bring in a “not guilty” verdict, but every thinking person will be laughing their ass off, or moving away from “Hillary Villages”. Atlas has Shrugged. JCH
Don, Since you are from Milwaukee, might you be one of the Marquette students who bragged about voting Democrat four or five times in 2000? [Got to love the values at the liberal Jesuit schools. Too bad a few years in jail, expulsions, and six figure fines didn’t add to their resumes!]
JCH @ 21
For your information, I grew up in a suburb that voted 98% Republican, and for over 20 years we had a (Republican) mayor who was a notorious wife-beater. Everyone knew it, and our prudish GOPer voters kept re-electing him anyway. Guess they figured he knew how to keep a woman in her place! Crime is everywhere, man, it’s just a different kind of crime. All the inner city goons want is your hubcaps and wallet, which simplifies doing business with them. The GOPers want your soul.
Don, “The GOP want[s] your soul”………Who the hell came up with that? The Democrats want your money so they can “redistribute” the wealth to those who vote Democrat. Atlas has Shrugged, Don, and many with wealth will stay far away from your Democrat cities [Hillary Villages]. Then the welfare hacks, “guvment” employees, union thugs, and blacks will need to tax each other. That will be fun to watch!! JCH
Riiiight–the Wall Street robber barons will move from Central Park West, the big movie producers will vacate Beverly Hills and Burbank, and all those fancy houses on Russian Hill will go begging for buyers.
TorridJoe……Try, if you can, a few chapters of “Atlas Shrugged” by Rand. [You won’t find this on Hillary’s reading list.]
JCH… Ayn Rand was an infinitely better writer of soft porn than she was a political philosopher… and as far as pornography goes, her’s was downright boring.
You know what Rand and acne have in common? Most people outgrow both after high school.
Goldy, looks to me like you owe me a Hershey Bar. When real men and women of honor defend this country, you were probably marching up and down the streets of Seattle bitching because no one was listening to pussies like you. [Was that Don and you running the ROTC recruiters off U of W?]
I listened to enough Rush to get my fill of Rand. She’s your Chomsky, honestly. It’s as college cliche as beer kegs.