The Virginia House of Delegates recently passed a bill that prohibits companies from forcing employees to be implanted with tracking devices like RF microchips, an act of legislation that as a civil libertarian I find both obvious and laudable.
But far from acting out of a concern for personal privacy in the digital age, Republican Delegate Mark Cole says he proposed the bill out of fear that the implants could turn out to be the mark of the beast as prophesied in Revelation:
“My understanding — I’m not a theologian — but there’s a prophecy in the Bible that says you’ll have to receive a mark, or you can neither buy nor sell things in end times,” Cole said, as quoted at the Washington Post. “Some people think these computer chips might be that mark.”
Uh-huh. It’s good to see that Republicans have their priorities in order.
These people are nuts. Since this country was not intended to be a Christian nation we need to organize and throw these fundamentalists out of our government once and for all.
So is forced implantation of microchips a huge problem? And does that include forced implantation of birth control for welfare recipients that some on the right were pushing?
So your point is that since a whacked politician makes this crazy biblical correlation (which
WAS entertaining), then everyone in his party shares the same beliefs?
By that reasoning, all people in ACORN are child prostitution promoters and facilitators?
The hyper-partisanship here is ridiculous. How about talking about IDEAS – regardless of D’s and R’s? Because the reality is that neither party is serving us well.
I will now wait for you to tell me that this is your blog, or to start my own blog. (you usually use the F word at this point too, like “It’s my f’n blog…”)
I’ve been into ’70’s era Christian dogma “End Times” films lately. They’re low budget proselytizing vehicles – but if you get past that, it’s kind of fun / cheesy Sci-Fi. Check out this short clip from Image of the Beast.
In the film, the evil world government guillotines Christians who refuse to take the mark – a UPC code. It’s ghastly with a bloody blade, head basket and all. Is the death penalty in the Virginia legislation?
Several years ago, some group of kooks, maybe it was the Lyndon Larouche guys or maybe some other group, was all worried about cannibalism. They tried to get city councils to pass laws against cannibalism.
I see the threat of microchips against our will and cannibalism as about equal. But I guess the GOP figures you can’t be too careful.
4 – Ha! Those filmmakers were probably the spiritual cousins of Jack Chick..
Now that’s really entertaining lunacy..
ROTFLMAO. Priceless. But even a stopped clock is right twice a day (analog kids, analog).
Besides, they don’t NEED microchips silly. The FBI can track you via your cell phone, even if you think it’s off:
What’s priceless is the LEVEL of stupid of this man (and all who believe this crap). Not ONLY that they believe a magical invisible demon or such, but they don’t even follow their OWN crazy. The “mark of the beast” would come AFTER the beast appears (when satan appears on earth in a glorious body and will claim that he is God). This hasn’t happened yet MORAN! There is no being claiming to be god who is being worshiped world wide. The world has not ‘united’ behind anyone (notice all those wars still going on). If you’re going to be crazy and follow magic at least be CONSISTENT and follow it’s own little crazy rules.
Wait a minute, I thought they wanted to force the arrival of the end times, like that guy breeding a red heifer:
In related news, the Justice Dept is pushing a plan (probably begun under Bush, but still in very active play) to require cellphone companies to provide any and all phone location data to the Feds without a warrant.
here’s what makes me laugh. you ridicule someone for quoting the bible, because you figure he is obviously nuts for believing that there is a god and/or he wrote anything. but……obama has a pastor that sends him biblical quotes everyday…why???? does obama believe in god? if not, why does he attend church or read passages. if so, then why would the mark of the devil be untrue? you can’t have one without the other. so, you worship your president who either believes in this god who speaks of the mark of the devil, or…obama is a fucking lying liberal who fakes his faith…which is it retards??
@1 An employer who would require workers to agree to tracking chip implants as a condition of employment is even more nuts.
Try to see it from their perspective. Jobs are going away. Every year living standards have slipped a little bit. Gas prices is going up. China is getting more powerful. Every year, the weather is getting more extreme. The brown people are everywhere and getting more powerful and they don’t have their language or culture. The young people are accepting the homosexuals as equal.
They are turning to their religion and their faith as their last and only shield against the dark and formless and scary change that coming. They have nothing else but guns, and faith to protect them.
#10 “if so, then why would the mark of the devil be untrue?”
You don’t understand your own superstitions. The “mark of the beast” appears AFTER the magic super being comes down and is worshiped AS GOD (but is really satan) and the world follows him. This hasn’t happened. Obama isn’t hated as much as Bush, but the world doesn’t worship him as GOD, they just kinda sorta like him personally. That’s not the same…LOL.
I think 90% of politicians fake their faith so simple minded voters who believe in magic and superstition (like you) will vote for them no matter how crazy they are.
Jimmy Carter is a devout Baptist. Reagan wasn’t religious and rarely went to church before we ran for office (which made it FUNNY that he courted the southern conservatives who turned on Carter when Carter decided not to hate blacks and gays enough to fit in anymore).
You are correct. I think people who believe in magical invisible beings that no one can see or hear, that are created by man and who’s stories only spread only by men are silly. I know I’m a minority in this and most people (like you) do believe in magic and supernatural events. Fine. I’m not giving Obama a pass on this either. He’s just as silly for this. Does he REALLY believe it? NO idea. EVERY politicians (especially conservatives) claims to be a believer, even though stats and averages say 50% of them are just lying and saying what folks like you want to hear so they can get elected.
Presumably Mr. Cole would change his mind and have no problem with chip implants if someone persuaded him they’re not the “mark of the beast.” That won’t be difficult; all it takes is a phone call from Pat Robertson explaining that, no, God doesn’t want you to protect workers from crazy employers.
It’s hard to imagine anything that more clearly illustrates Republicans’ attitude toward workers: They’ve trained their own minds to dehumanize and commoditize labor, in the same way that American soldiers dehumanized enemy troops by calling them “gooks,” “dinks,” “slopes,” and “zips” so they could kill them with a clear conscience.
You see, in the world of Republican Thought, a worker is just another “economic input” (like capital, materials, and plant & equipment). When you train yourself to think of human beings as “inputs,” it’s easier to cut their wages, steal their pensions, and outsource their jobs without conscience or hesitation, because an “input” isn’t something you naturally feel compassion toward, or have loyalty to.
As for why anyone wants to be a worker, that’s a mystery to me. My advice to jobseekers is, quit worrying about the unemployment rate, because being unemployed is the best thing that ever happened to you!
I wasn’t posting earlier today because I’ve had a busy morning in the stock market. I expect a choppy stock market all year, but I believe the January correction has bottomed, and I bought about $25,000 of stocks this morning because that money earns nothing in a money market account. Most of it went into stocks paying between 3% and 5% dividends. By buying in a market dip, I’ll also get a capital gain in the neighborhood of 5% to 10%. A 10% to 15% total return in this shitty investment environment isn’t shabby.
#15 I’m honestly glad you enjoy and are one of those few people who can live on day trading. Good for you! But what about folks who find that tediously boring and don’t want to analyze stocks and financial markets? What if you like designing roller coaster, or enjoy your job as a network engineer (computer programmer here, and I LIKE it). There are ONLY so many jobs you can do from your bedroom on a laptop. American can’t JUST become paper trade economy that doesn’t actually do anything but trade on bets on what everyone else ACTUALLY does…LOL
And not to be rude, but bragging about how much you make and taunting folks who don’t do as well is kinda…well…dickish. I mean good for you…but don’t be a douche bag in the process.
Plus I picked up another 5% by selling into the decline, so my actual return will be 15% to 20%. And, oh year, I made $800 in the market this morning (so far) which is the same as spending 4 hours working at a job paying $200 an hour. Why anyone would let some asshole implant a tracking chip in his body so he can shed sweat, blood, and tears for $10 an hour, instead of flipping stocks, beats the hell out of me. I don’t work, and Republicans don’t work either, only suckers and saps have a job. Being unemployed is a state of grace.
@16 What I do isn’t day trading. I’ll be sitting on some of the stocks I bought today for 1 to 3 years. I might get a quick flip on a couple of them, but I’m not counting on that. I raised the $25,000 by selling stocks I had owned for several years. I got rid of them because they didn’t live up to my hopes when I bought them.
I watch the market every day, but I buy or sell on only a few days of any given year. Market historians love to tell people that in any given 10-year period, most of the money is made (or lost) on a handful of days. No one can time the market or individual stocks, but I easily recognized the beginning of this correction because it was obvious the market was overvalued.
The secret to my success is that I don’t have an investing methodology or trading strategy. I learned some years ago that there are several strategies that will work at any given time, but there’s not a single strategy that works all the time. The key is the world is constantly changing and you have to change your methodology to accomodate a changing market.
I started out 22 years ago as a contrarian value investor. But over the years, I’ve used that approach for only a portion of my portfolio. The truth is that at any given time, my portfolio contains contrarian plays, value plays, momentum plays, commodity plays, cyclical plays, and/or dividend plays. I’m usually using three or four different strategies simultaneously. The two things I don’t do is, I don’t do technical analysis (I don’t know how, and I don’t believe in it), and I don’t do day trading. If anything, I buy-and-hold for too long, so I’ve gotten more aggressive about weeding the portfolio, taking profits, and quickly dumping losers in the last year or so.
#18 Cool. That’s neat. Have you thought about writing a book? Probably make good money on that…then you can tell us about how much you made and how we’re stupid for not doing the same thing…LOL ;-)
But you’re right about one thing. For me, it’s a hobby. I care more about playing the game and racking up an impressive score than I do about the money, because I don’t need the money. I make my living from a pension and social security. My intention is to keep compounding my investment gains forever and never spend a penny of it. For me, it’s all about turning $10,000 into $1 million by beating the market, and I plan to leave the whole $1 million to my offspring so they don’t have to worry about what they’re going to live on in their old age after Republicans screw up Social Security and Medicare beyond all recognition. I play stocks for the same reason the boys of summer play baseball: For the love of the game, and the money (if there is any) is merely a bonus.
2 I think they should have drug testing for welfare recipients. Probably could balance the budget with that one.
Or maybe you’re in need of mental health help and nothing you wrote makes any sense.
@19 “Have you thought about writing a book?”
Yes, and my book would be no good, because it would be obsolete within weeks. No stock market strategy lasts very long. Anything that works is soon latched onto by everyone, and then it doesn’t work anymore. Plus, the economy is never static, it’s continually evolving. Therefore, I frequently revise both my grand strategy and my short-term tactics.
There is a strong element of zero-sum game to this. If you merely ride the market averages up, what you’ll get is total returns roughly equal to GDP growth, which typically is around 3% to 4% a year. In normal times, you can get that much from bank CDs at much less risk.
In fact, Warren Buffett gave a famous speech in which he walked through the math to show the stock market can’t possibly satisfy investor expectations. He’s right in principle, but there’s a trick. Warren obviously has beat the market averages by a large margin, enough to make him one of the 3 richest people on the planet. And he’s not the only one who has gotten incredibly rich in the stock market (although Buffett also runs businesses, so he’s not a pure investor). So, there obviously has to be a way to beat the market, or these guys wouldn’t be doing it, and they are doing it.
To get market-beating results, you can’t just profit from a growing economy. You have to take money from other investors by exploiting their mistakes. In fact, this is where the lion’s share of stock market returns come from. It’s actually much easier to do than most people assume it is. That’s because institutional investors (who control 2/3rds of the market) are locked into inflexible portfolio management by regulatory restraints and the size of the portfolios they’re managing. Most retail investors don’t know what they’re doing. But most important of all, they make investment decisions with their emotions instead of their intellect, which has about the same result as a pilot trying to fly in clouds by “feel” instead of trusting his instruments.
As an example, last year I bought Harley Davidson at $15 in June and sold it in December for $25. It’s now about $22 or so. The guys I bought it from and sold it to both got screwed. Of the three of us, I’m the only one who made money on those transactions. Hey, it’s unfair, but I didn’t create this system; it’s there whether I play or not, and if I don’t relieve them of their savings, someone else will.
You can’t play the stock market blind. It requires a lot of knowledge, constant thought, and steel nerves. One reason I do it is because I hate the idea of letting a bank pay me less 1% on my money and loaning it out at 18%. I have a better idea, I’d rather double or triple it in the stock market. Then reinvest the winnings and if you give it enough time, brother does it ever compound impressively! You probably can’t turn $10,000 into $1 million in 5 years without stupendous blind luck, but you’ve got a very decent chance at doing it in 30 or 40 years if you learn the game and play it diligently.
All I can say is, I like collecting capital gains by tapping a computer keyboard a whole lot better than I like busting my balls for some asshole boss. Nobody ever got rich working for someone else. Work is hell 100% of the time. The stock market can be heaven or hell, but at least you’ve got a 50% chance of it turning out heavenly.
The key to stock investing is always think in percentages, never dollars.
Making $5,000 on a $100,000 investment is 5%.
Making $5,000 on a $10,000 investment is 50%.
Think percentages, not dollars. Everything I do in the stock market involves a calculation of the percentage I hope to make from the deal.
Drug testing for wingnuts makes more sense. I think we’d see that the source of their whackiness is not just intellectual deficiencies, but also mind-altering substances.
Great post nolaguy@3.
Too bad your post went right over the libtardo heads, especially the ACORN lovers here. That’s the way progressive lemmings think about anyone who takes the Bible seriously in their life. The Mark of The Beast is how God will separate the wheat from the chaff. There are many theories but it’s what you do when confronted with choices. Either you follow Jesus or Satan. Those are the only choices.
@16 “But what about folks who find that tediously boring and don’t want to analyze stocks and financial markets? What if you like designing roller coaster, or enjoy your job as a network engineer (computer programmer here, and I LIKE it).”
Then by all means, make gobs of money doing what you love, and lose some of it in the stock market.
If everyone loved what I do, none of us would make a dime. Thank God there’s plenty of people who love designing roller coasters or computer networks, get paid very well for it, and are no good at investing, so numbers junkies like me can get our rocks off by playing with calculators. I hate roller coasters. You wouldn’t catch me dead on one.
To me, the idea of screwing banks, insurance companies, sovereign funds, pension funds, trust departments, and the other big players who dominate the market is very very fun. The bigger they come, they harder they fall, and they make a very satisfying thud when their money thumps into my brokerage account.
@16 “And not to be rude, but bragging about how much you make and taunting folks who don’t do as well is kinda…well…dickish. I mean good for you…but don’t be a douche bag in the process.”
Let me spell out what I’m doing in plain English that everyone can understand.
I have two goals here.
First, I love America’s workers, and our system fucks workers. So I mock employers, the tax code, and the financial markets hoping to motivate people to demand changes.
Second, if anyone here is fed up with being on the short end of the stick, I’m trying to teach them what I’ve learned from my own experiences about how to escape from the clutches of a system that depends on exploiting many to create undeserved benefits for a few.
The fact is, our culture pays lip service to “work ethic” and “the value of work,” but in fact disrespects workers, doesn’t reward work, and taxes wages more heavily than any other type of income. But it has gotten even worse than that: To our business and political classes the notion that workers are merely an expendable economic asset is now an acceptable way of thinking. And that’s intolerable.
@19 I wanted to be a novelist but concluded I have no talent for it. So I became a liberal propagandist instead. From the time I was a kid, I wanted to change the world and make it better. Some people of my generation lost that desire somewhere along the way, but I never did. I’m not going to be a spiritual leader, founder of a business empire, or a senator or president. I’m simply trying to be a very good rabble rouser.
Or maybe you’re in need of mental health help and nothing you wrote makes any sense.
maybe your reading comprehension sucks.
Puttbutter @ 26: Why would an all powerful all knowing sky elf need any mark to “separate the wheat from the chaff”?
ACORN does good work.
NOBODY took O’Keefe’s charade seriously. My god man, did you see the way he dressed? You tellin’ me he could pass for a pimp ANYWHERE?
You’re a joke, pud. Go wave your Craftsman elsewhere. Here you are not taken seriously. You just fill up space and contribute to Goldy’s income. You are a fool and a conservaturd.
@My Esteemed Mr. Rabbit:
It’s fun watching you eviscerate the wingnuts.
I know you do this for fun, but Goldy should really be paying you.
@18…do you really think anybody cares? – or even believes you?
logic would say that the people who brag the most about how great they are – are usually the ones who are most unhappy with their lives and posses the most insecurities.
just sayin….
Back to the topic of tracking people…
Well that’s spooky. And I for one do have the expectation of privacy of where I’m at and anything I might be sending.
To mimic what lebowski said…
As Puddy has said for years… Jesus is coming again. When He arrives in His clouds of Glory with every good angel with him, either you’ll be accepting of His return or you’ll cry out for the rocks to fall upon your sorry ASS. Plain and simple fool!
Now onto ACORN, while they “do some good work”, they have become political. 99.999% of their actions are Dummocraptic, hence O’Keefe’s expose. So if as you wrote above and Pavlov’s Doggie ylb arschloch hopped on like he always does as the moronic twat he is
So Proud24x7ASS, why did ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis fire some ACORN peeps after the O’Keefe films came out? DOH!
You see Proud24x7ASS, that’s where your limp biscuit argument falls apart. She FIRED peeps fool. So there goes the NOBODY argument. So ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis is a nobody. Puddy is sure she’ll be glad to know this. KABLAMMO! EPIC FAIL again for Proud24x7ASS! And of course the HA arschloch who can’t think on his ASS or his feet agreed with you without reservation. Once again he proves he’s a dumb brick.
Ya know Puddy is proud ylb arschloch places the link there.
1) Proves only Goldy could out me
2) Proves Puddy can write in many styles
3) Proves Puddy has you by the COJONES
4) Proves you are Puddy’s Pavlov Dog
5) Proves you still have nothing after all these years.
Please dig up more Puddyisms fool. You are proving to the world every day you HAVE a full backup of Goldy’s blog on your home system and you can’t deny it FOOL! Such a monomaniacal chronological failure as a human biomass. And what did you son say again about you fool? Please regale us with that story again. How your politics suck to him :)
EPIC FAIL AGAIN ylb arschloch and you can’t figger it out. What a pendejo!
I believe, like Plato, that there are iconic ideals that exist (somewhere) of each and every category of person, animal, place and thing.
For instance, the Platonic ideal of bluejeans is the original shrinkable demim jean made by the Levi Strauss Company.
All others are mere reflections of that ideal. Plus, if you get them a little too tight, they stretch out in an hour or so.
re 37: You must have been one of the Little Achievers.
Shit! That’s a lie! So many people were on to that miserable sock puppet the minute you let that stinky out.
hey headless lucy@39, how would you know about little achievers unless of course you are still of that mindset in 2010?
This 49th name of yours used on Goldy’s blog doesn’t hide from Puddy who you really are. Be a man and fess up fool!
Here’s another fun one:
Hey look everyone,
Pavlov’s Dog@40 struck again.
Puddy told you all this fool has a full GOLDY HA backup at home.
Now watch and learn…
Hey ylb arschloch where is the post of Roger Rabbit calling me out… Come on don’t be shy.
Ya know Puddy is proud ylb arschloch places the new link @40 there.
1) Proves only Goldy could out me
2) Proves Puddy can write in many styles
3) Proves Puddy has you by the COJONES
4) Proves you are Puddy’s Pavlov Dog
5) Proves you still have nothing after all these years.
Hey look everyone,
Pavlov’s Dog@42 struck again.
Puddy told you all this fool has a full GOLDY HA backup at home.
Now watch and learn…
Hey ylb arschloch where is the post of headless lucy calling me out… Come on don’t be shy.
Ya know Puddy is proud ylb arschloch places the new link @42 there.
1) Proves only Goldy could out me
2) Proves Puddy can write in many styles
3) Proves Puddy has you by the COJONES
4) Proves you are Puddy’s Pavlov Dog
5) Proves you still have nothing after all these years.
Maybe so, maybe not. So freaking what? has a backup as well.
Watch everybody. Stupes is having another “episode”..
Have fun.. Go to go…
I would nominate Puddy as the Platonic form for wingnuts. His blend of incoherence, self-assurance, inability to recognize when his ass has been handed to him, illogic, ceaseless and loud spewing of absurd opinions, and other fine wingnut attributes makes him stand alone as the iconic wingnut.
Puddy been telling everyone ylb arschloch is a dumb brick.
KABLAMMMMO as he walked into that door!
Proud Goatist,
What you say? Remember you can’t decipher Professor Darryl Holman commentary on HA? So what does that say of you Proud Goatist?
Please tell Puddy who handed Puddy his ASS. Proud24x7ASS? headless lucy? You? The arschloch?
Oh’s it’s so fool. What happened to the name links arsdchloch? Who is the howling at the moon idiot again? YOU!
Pavlov’s Dog strikes again.
You are so easily manipulated fool!
What will be the next link? An attack on Max Rockatansky again?
Pavlov awaits!!!!!!!!!
re 50: Get a job.
——————–News Alert: Bill Clinton treated in N.Y. hospital after chest pains
05:06 PM EST Thursday, February 11, 2010——————–
Former president undergoes procedure to place two stents in one of his coronary arteries and is “in good spirits,” statement says.
For more information, visit
@51 headless Puddy has a job.
PL @ 47
Moron @ 50
LMAO!! On firefox I have the link. On Chrome I don’t.. How stuuuupiid you are.. Zzzzzzz..zzzzzz…
dumbshit @ 54
Screwed up the link… Nice try… NOT!!!
OMFG. Let’s culture it and try to cure it.
ylb arschloch
The link… is missing many HA pages arschloch!
Steve: I also regret your loss. Please include me among your band of brothers.
Daddy and Zotz: Overwhelming questions have an overwhelming answer. God is. Believe it. Or not. We’re pro-choice here, and you’re free to choose, but your choices have consequences.
Don’t be diverted by goldy’s silly game of Bible Study Bingo. Don’t let scriptures wrenched from context get between you and foundational truth. Go to the source. Look into the void. Ask if the apparent absurd reality of your lives is the only reality there is.
Full disclosure: Not being a good scientist, I take science and the scientific “method” on faith. Rather often science and the method methodically work; too often I get fooled again. But somewhere behind reality and “reality,” somethere behind or above or within science, some One is holding it together for a reason, for a purpose, whatever it is.
proud leftist, channeling or plagiarizing Thom Hartmann, told us about the primo Carter economy old man Reagan inherited in 1981. Just a teeny tiny little bit of inflation, asserted pl. Hardly worth the all-time economy-killing killer deficits Ronbo piled up.
Somebody tried to set leftist straight, but you can never set leftists straight. That’s why they’re kinky and twisted.
Reagan inherited a broken economy that was measured by a Carter Misery Index. Inflation was running (rioting) in double digits. So were interest rates. So was unemployment.
A double digit trifecta. Think about it. Then remember that our current meltdown, so far, has inflation and interest rates near zero.
Then remind Reagan-hater GBS that liberal intellectuals in the Carter years assured as that Keynes was God. Nixon or Burns assured us that we’re all Keynesians now. And Keynes had assured us that concurrent high unemployment and high inflation could not happen. But they did. It was an impossible disease with no light at the end of the tunnel until Reagan and Volcker showed us the light and the exit.
Result? The longest strongest economic expansion in our history. 25 years.
But GBS tells us that Reagan destroyed us and, thank God, he’s dead.
(rhp tells us that Carter’s inflation began with Nixon. Mostly true, but the inflation that Keynesian Nixon tried to stifle with w&p controls came from LBJ’s simultaneous no-win wars on peasants and poverty. Guns and butter. LBJ failed at both, and tried to hide the costs of each.)
58, 59.. zzzzzzZZZZzzzz.. Dream on fool…
YOU ARE PWNED – by teh stooopid legacy you’ve left here.
You think you can escape it..
But you can’t..
60, 61 – Another hateful fool trying to dampen his pain with both hate and religion.
Sorry HNMT – can’t have it both ways.
GBS also told us why they hate us. The radical militant faction of the Religion of Peace that wants to kill us was ‘radicalized’ by GWB.
Inconvenient truth: Osama bin Laden declared war on us American crusader infidels in 1996 or early 1997. So how did Governor Bush, wearin’ his cowboy shoes down in Austin, turn Osama from a muj asset of Cocaine Charlie Wilson into a war-declaring enemy?
And about that declaration of war: Michael Scheuer of the CIA’s bin Laden unit, and the author formerly known as anonymous, wrote something very troubling in Imperial Hubris.
Scheuer heard that Osama sought and got a Koranic dispensation. He was worried about collateral damage from the nuke he’s planning for us. He was worried that good Muslims in America would be collaterally damaged to death from the blast and fallout. Would Allah hold that against him? The Imam assured Osama that Allah would understand. Proceed.
We’ll pray for you, little twisted sister.
Hate? Love you madly.
She’s so stoooooopid …
That was Pepina of the Real McCoys talking either about his Latina girlfriend or about Patty Murray.
Or maybe about my little twisted sister, YLB.
Not to worry, muffin. We’ll beat him down like a Metro scrimmage if he’s dissing you.
And check today’s NYT obit of Cocaine Charlie.
They say he ran a $5 billion secret war out of a backbench in Congress. A Democrat dope fiend, crook, and liar ran foreign policy right under old Reagan’s nose while Tipsy Tip’s Democrats were trying to stop Reagan from running about a ten-million-dollar foreign policy in Nicaragua. (See Boland Amendment.)
Imagine the NYT howls and screams, the shivering shaking goldyshit fits, if a mere Republican had run a secret war during Carter, Clinton, or Obama. My oh my.
67 – Why always so violent HNMT? What violent acts did you perform back in the day?
We having fun yet, little sister? Wanna put your hand on my Deuteronomy genitals and … ?
It isn’t raining rain, you know, it’s raining violence.
But, no. I was not palling around with Obama terrorists back in the day, if that’s what you’re trying to say.
LMAO!!! Republicans don’t do that!
You’re so mad a Dem kicked Russkie butt. Gee last time I looked Danny Ortega was Prez of the Nicas – quaking in your boots fool?
@60 (whoever the fuck you are):
You’re a thread or three behind, but nevertheless: It’s all about credibility, change, and choice.
The bearded sky god has no credibility.
Science and scientists do because their loyalty is to the truth — supported by facts and evidence — and science changes — gasp — evolves(!!) with the available facts and evidence.
And finally, being guided by facts and evidence, I choose not to converse with imaginary beings.
That you choose to converse with imaginary being(s) is constitutionally protected — but really, really delusional.
I found this apology from a reformed evangelical to be a good read:
And the preceding parable explaining how she became an atheist, here:
70 – Oh lemee guess! You bashed some gays! Did you fear gays would dampen revolutionary vigor or some such?
I don’t condemn the HNMT for leaning on religion to get him through the night. Just why does he cling to lies and acts like such the creep around here?
Get some help fiend. Gee I’ve even seen halfway rational religious head shrinkers out there.
Zotz and Hitchens and Dawkins and Harris.
A trinity plus one.
Surely we are undone.
About violence, little sister. Didn’t I tell you, often, that I am from from the Irgun wing of the born-again Jewish community? We play a rough game. Get used to it.
(A thread or two behind? A day or two behind. Just dropped by to settle old scores, and so far the scores are …
Moi: Lots
Zotz & YLB: Less than zero.
76 – Oh but it’s just a game is it not? A pretty silly one and all too easy to see right through..
Go ahead fiend – make someone’s day.
You’re boring me now…
Zotz & Hitch & Dawkins & Harris. And don’t forget Julia Sweeney!
Surely God has met His match.
I don’t lean on religion, little twisted sister. I ran from it and from God. Let me be a lesson to you. Change your evil ways, or you become HNMT.
I was gouged and I was gored,
I was bitten and I was bored …
If you’re bored, shouldn’t you be, like, gone? Not that there’s any hurry …
As for being gored, has anybody seen Weird Al today? Heard he got cryo’d under a deep drift in D.C.
78 – First he’s praying for people, now he’s running away..
Soldier on HNMT.. Do check in with headquarters for further orders after this afternoon’s session…
re 61: “Marquette Nat. Bank of Minneapolis v. First of Omaha Service Corp. (439 U.S. 299), is a unanimous 1978 U.S. Supreme Court decision holding that state anti-usury laws regulating interest rates cannot be enforced against nationally-chartered banks based in other states.”
RThis was the cause of the uber inflation, not Carter.
Just letting you know that Puddy’s prayer pull more weight than mine. He’s the real deal. I’m not. Be good to him, for a change, because he can help you with your very evident problem.
And you need all the help you can get. Needless to say.
(Puddy’s prayer = Puddy’s prayers)
Say WA? Am sure there was a centrist link here a mere moment ago, and it led nowhere:
But. Carter’s hyperinflation, as noted above, probably had its origin in LBJ’s double shuffling of the budget to hide the costs of his War on Poverty and his War on Rabbit in The Nam. (GWB also hid the costs of wars, a source of impending peril.)
Carter’s inflation got its greatest hits, tho, from the OPEC embargo of 1973 and from Carter’s catastrophic mismanagement of Iran’s revolution in 1979 that caused oil shock #2.
Speaking of #2, is that YLB that I smell?
Yeah Puddy prays for all the HA Libtardos even the twisted sista ylb arschloch. He is a useless turd but he is God’s child. Still useless though!
Heh… The fiends mix hate with prayer..
Just lurve their religious “practice”…
He is a useless turd but he is God’s child. And my only begotten little sister, in whom I’m quite displeased.
But we welcome and need your prayers. Thanks.
Heh… In other new how about that aspiring Republican Carly???
Oh my. That picture is hideous! What’s the story there?
Love the name.
Yep it’s cancer.. Great move. Aspiring to political office while recovering from cancer..
Those golden parachutes do come in handy at times..
Like you are the cancer here ylb arschloch.
91 – ooohh I’m so hurt MWS, Kingbud, I am puddybud not, my word is my bond…
You the balm in gilead around here..
Ahhh yes you are using your backup of Goldy’s HA blog.
So Pavlovian, so useless!
Ya, know Clueless, Puddy forgot all your other useless names here. Why? Not worth the brain power.
Sad so sad!
Your hero John Deadwards cheated on his wife while she had cancer.
That’s so much worse fool!
94 – Not my hero any more fool.. He talked a good talk, didn’t back it up with action.
These guys danced the low taxes dance. You still love them?
Of course I study you fools. I study the bullshit you’ve bought, the lies you tell – it reinforces all my convictions..
If you’re proud of your legacy, you should have no problem with me studying it. Hell one day I might proclaim I was wrong and you were right!
Heh.. Like that will ever happen..
@34 Please feel free to ignore my comments on how I rip off fools like you. It’s not intended for your enlightment, anyway. I much prefer that you and your fellow wingnuts remain financially ignorant. I wish you’d wise up about the rest of the universe, though.
@37 “Jesus is coming again. When He arrives in His clouds of Glory with every good angel with him, either you’ll be accepting of His return or you’ll cry out for the rocks to fall upon your sorry ASS.”
I won’t dispute your prognostication for your species, but the humans I can stand the least are those who think they’ve been forgiven in advance and therefore can be assholes while waiting for the big day to arrive.
A little sensitive about Ronald Reagan being called out as the unpatriotic piece of shit he truly was/is.
You sniveling little BITCH you!
Country First! Not your fucking Reagan Republican Party.
Ronal Regan, the only president in the history of America to invite members of the Taliban to the White House and call them the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers!!
There never has been any moral equivalent of America’s Founding Fathers at any point in human history.
Let alone some fucking terrorist towel heads.
But you keep on praising your God, Ronald Reagan the Allah of conservatism.
Grow up.
@60 “Ask if the apparent absurd reality of your lives is the only reality there is.”
Better yet, choose for your life to be non-absurd.
@61 “the primo Carter economy old man Reagan inherited in 1981”
Is there some reason you forgot to mention Carter inherited that economy from his GOP predecessors?
Have you forgotten Nixon’s price controls? And Ford’s Whip Inflation Now program? The “Carter economy” predated Carter, dolt!
@61 (continued) Oh, and it wasn’t Ronbo who broke the back of inflation in the ’80s. That credit belongs to Volcker, who was — you guessed it — a Democrat appointed by Carter.
Trolls ignore inconvenient facts.
I post inconvenient truths.
@82 If puddy’s praying did any good why is he a jabbering idiot?
Wow Proud24x7ASS is MIA from this thread. Puddy guesses ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis called Proud24x7ASS and explained how she fired ACORN employees after O’Keefe’s videos while NOBODY “cared”.
See ya!
Amazing how much Goldy hates Christianity and Republicans. Just noodling, but maybe this indicates an insecurity in his own beliefs with the corresponding need to mock those of others?
@60 “Steve: I also regret your loss. Please include me among your band of brothers.”
Thank you so very much, my HNMT friend.
I just stopped by to offer an apology for the totally inappropriate display of anger in my comments here the other day. This apogolgy goes out to everybody in our HA community, left and right, and includes both Daddylove and Zotz. I also sent a private note of apology to Darryl. My anger towards him was absolutely uncalled for. The same with Daddy and Zotz. I usually try to handle such situations with humor. Instead, I lost it. I offer no excuse whatsoever.
I do need more time to converse with my “imaginary friend”. But I’m hoping to return to posting one day soon.
Again, my most sincere apologies to everybody here.
ha! dropping like flies running like demoCRAPS:
How’s that hopey changey CRAP working for you asses?
104 – She’s at 107 Stupes…
My word. Wonders never cease… First doofus now this…
106 – Stay away for your health Steve.
You will never see such batshit insanity in your life as what just popped in at 107..
geezus, what a fucked up thread…
The arschloch is trying to make up for his abject stupidity earlier this week. Ignore the fool!
Steve Puddy hopes you are doing better.
Glad you came by to visit. As you can see the arschloch@108&109 is still the clueless arschloch.
Oh lookie here, where is MikeBoySkunk when we need him…