John Fucking Kerry should resign from the US Senate immediately. It’s the “right thing to do”.
He’s such an arrogant elitist asshole jerk that he doesn’t even know how to apologize.
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
Hey Rabbit – You served in the military. And then you settled for the low expectations of working for the gummint.
I guess you prove JFK right.
“Democrats cringed, though …. Congressional candidates in Iowa and Minnesota swiftly made plain that Kerry was no longer welcome to appear at scheduled rallies, and the senator scrapped an appearance in Philadelphia.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/1/06@ 5:12 pm
You bet Thumper he is a liability for the Socialist Democrat Party and everybody turning tail and running for the woods. Now that sounds like the apology is not really an apology, you know the thing with the word is what is really means is…………… Roger no matter how you spin this you dig deeper into the hole. You better go pop your med’s for the night and go to bed. This Chap just keeps giving and giving and giving and Karl Rove smile keeps getting bigger.
Face the truth Redneck — you couldn’t have BEGUN to cut it in government.
Roger Rabbitspews:
John Kerry betrayed his fellow soldiers during Viet Nam … Commentby klake— 11/1/06@ 5:38 pm
What would you call GWB’s deserting the National Guard during Viet Nam? Kerry wasn’t a deserter — he volunteered for a second tour in Nam, served in combat, was wounded three times, and decorated for heroism. I say the guy who betrayed his fellow soldiers was the fucking coward deserter Bush.
Didn’t you guys spend the last few month’s criticizing Burner for running against Bush? And now you make the race against Kerry. News flash- he’s not on the ballot.
Facts Support My Positionsspews:
It is kinda funny how you wingnuts condemn Kerry for a bad joke, and say nothing when Bush is looking for imaginary WMD’s under the chair….
If being hypocrites was an occupation you would be working 24/7 freaks.
Kerry has spent his adult life fighting for our vets, and Bush has only sent them to their death in some country that had no wmd’s, and was no threat to us whatsoever.
It is amazing how stupid someone would have to be to still stand behind the lying traitor deserter in chief, and ignore the mountain of evidence showing how corrupt, and damaging Republican control of our government has been.
Rep. John Boehner should immediately apologize to the American people for criticizing the military. It’s the “right thing to do”.
Furthermore, he should immediately resign from his House leadership position.
Facts Support My Positionsspews:
While Kerry was getting his ass shot at, running through the jungle protecting you, and me, Bush was in the champagne brigade in Texas with a job the lieutenant governor admitted he got for him.
What you people call acceptable behavior real Americans call treason.
Outing a CIA noc, and destroying Brewster Jennings. Leaking known wrong parts of a classified NIE to start a war. Blaming the troops and generals for Rumsfeld, and Bush’s lack of planning, and strategy.
You wingnuts belong in nuthouses.
Remember when you vote, vote for the traitor with the -R after their name. You know, the ones that used to be cops, but would not dare speak up at all the child molesting, and corruption of their fellow Republicans……
You people are not Americans. Not even close.
Facts Support My Positionsspews:
Rep. John Boehner should immediately apologize to the American people for criticizing the military. It’s the “right thing to do”.
Furthermore, he should immediately resign from his House leadership position.
Commentby Darryl— 11/1/06@ 5:53 pm
Boehner (Boner) is a piece of shit.
The worse a person is, the higher they rise in the GOP.
Folks it appears Darcy Burner did a little cut and pasting with someone’s else pictures. Folks check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photographer says Iraq photo misused in Burner flier
Posted by David Postman at 12:44 PM http://blog.seattletimes.nwsou.....flier.html
A state Democratic Party flier for congressional candidate Darcy Burner includes an “unauthorized use” of an iconic photo of a U.S. solider with a dying Iraqi girl in his arms, according to the photographer’s attorney.
“It’s a copyright infringement, it’s a legal matter,” D.C. attorney John Mason told me.
John Kerryspews:
Uh what I really meant was……….It was a joke……..Can’t ya all take a Joke….I mean I was in the Whitehouse once, or I guess real close,…………..I didn’t mean any harm………..I really meant……er……My wife said I was great……er…I..uh was so close to running this country… and Al could save the world….
I love our service people….Really i do…………………
Another TJspews:
Folks it appears Darcy Burner did a little cut and pasting with someone’s else pictures.
Oh, dear. This looks bad.
A state Democratic Party flier…
Mark the Fucking Red Dick, with your inbred logic YOUR Monkey in Chief should have resigned in Feb. of 2000. Damn that would have saved my country TRILLIONS of $ and we would still have a few allies in this world. ESADMF
It is kind of funny how you wing nuts condemn Kerry for a bad joke, and say nothing when Bush is looking for imaginary WMD’s under the chair….
If being hypocrites was an occupation you would be working 24/7 freaks.
Comment by Facts Support My Positions— 11/1/06@ 5:53 pm
Mr. Facts John Kerry had the same facts that all the other folks did before we went into Iraq! Why did they keep their mouths shut and vote for the WAR? When I was over there that Chemical Gear was pack everywhere, and no one could prove there wasn’t any WMD’s. Where were you with all those facts about the lack of WMD’s in Iraq? Do you know what it’s like carrying all that Gear all over the country side when I could have left it home? Yep Kerry is really smart but unable to express himself.
Don Joespews:
Why are Republicans more interested in attacking John Kerry than they are interested in attacking our enemies?
Bad Joke? Totally Ignorant Senator!
Let him run in 2008 – His mouth is in gear before his brain catches up
You all voted for him…….in 2004
Don’t blame us!
Why are Republicans more interested in attacking John Kerry than they are interested in attacking our enemies?
Mike?! the Idiot ought to read a history book or two. History is full of military idiocy. Anyone who knows anything about it realizes going to war is buying a lottery ticket. There are too many variables for anyone to predict the outcome of any war. Too damned many things can go wrong –– and, somehow, most of them do –– Murphy’s Law with a bloody vengeance! The badly-laid plans of the Mice running our country clearly have gone astray in Iraq. So …… Mike?! …… what’s YOUR “secret plan to win the war? Care to share?
Mike?! McGavick –– He’’s the problem, not the solution.
Commentby Roger Rabbit—— 11/1/06@ 4:36 pm
On the odd chance that you might have actually thought the matter through to a conclusion, just what is the Rodent exit strategy from Iraq? Do you have any specific strategy in mind, or just more lib whining that the war hasn’t been easy enough?
I am having problems with your idea of a “joke”. I am trying to put on my “liberal” hat here…wow it is tight and restrictive, it also covers my eyes so I cannot see! That aside, now I have my liberal cap on and I am litening to Kerrys words again…is he insinuating he did better in school than Bush? No I checked those facts and he did better than Kerry…that joke blown. No Im thinking that considering his military experience (yes war decorated for bieng wounded twice by the enemy and once by his own hand, I respect that I suppose) I am thinking that the era he is from is the days when the judge told the guy in court “son, it is either jail or the military for you this time” and thinks this is still the way the military works. His appoligy still doesnt cut it!
John Kerry’s apology means nothing especially with the caveat of “misinterpreted to imply anything negative about those in uniform.”
He meant exactly what he said. It was not a joke nor could his words be misinterpreted. He needs to offer a true and sincere apology to the troops and the nation without the caveats and ‘buts’.
His words about the Military show how little he and other Democrats such as Darcy feel about the Military. Darcy’s resume used to state she had to grow up in ‘Military’ towns which is a total put down of the military. (Poor Darcy). Since then her web page resume has changed to remove those remarks. But she and Kerry made those remarks and meant them. It was not ‘mis-speak’ and it showed their ‘hatred ‘ of the Military.
Don Joespews:
So, while Replicans are getting their undies in a bundle about John Kerry flubbing the punchline for a joke, this was going on in Iraq. So, can any of you tell me when was the last time the American military took their orders from the head of state of another sovereign country?
You know, Chuck, that liberal hat would likely feel much more comfortable if you removed your head from your sphincter first.
headless lucyspews:
This last minute negative blitz is not going to cover your traitorous neo-con asses when you try to pull the old switcheroo with the Diebold machines this time around.
So forget it.
Yeah! That’s really plausible. John Kerry botched a joke so everyone’s going to vote Republican now. In your dreams, fuckwads.
You know. About the bus driver. Rubberstamp didn’t see the bus driver flip Bush off. We only have Bush’s word for it ( I never call him President because he was never duly elected ), and we all know what a liar he is. What a mean, small asshole that bastard Reichert is.
headless lucyspews:
Boner covered up the Foley scandal as well. What a traitor.
He looks like he’s on drugs.
headless lucy@31
Hello? The driver admited it! Get a clue….
headless lucyspews:
And what is inaccurate about what Kerry said? Did he say,”Don’t provide the troops with adequate equipment.” NO! You have to leave that to Bush and all the other Republicans.
What a shameless bunch of twerps.
headless lucyspews:
That is inaccurate. Her union is representing her and she has admitted no such thing. And anyway, so what! He should be flipped off 24/7. She should get a promotion because of it.
This isn’t playing the way you righties think it is. Most people are pleased as punch about it.
headless lucy@34
Isnt that the time he said “I voted agaist it before I voted for it”?
headless lucyspews:
re 36: There you go again…
What would you call GWB’s deserting the National Guard during Viet Nam? Kerry wasn’t a deserter – he volunteered for a second tour in Nam, served in combat, was wounded three times, and decorated for heroism. I say the guy who betrayed his fellow soldiers was the fucking coward deserter Bush.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/1/06@ 5:47 pm
Roger you forgot about Paris in the early 70’s and how he supported the North Viet Nam.
Face it Kerry didnt wear army brogans, he wore waffle stompers!
headless lucyspews:
Arguing with Republicans is like being in a bad marriage. There comes a parting of the ways. Your little sophistries don’t hack it anymore.
This will be a dead issue in a few days and your side is so stupid. The other shoe is about to drop on you guys. You are off your game.
Poor silly klake @ 22- Kerry did not have the same information as Bush and the Republican leadership. They were in charge and choose what to tell the rest of us.
And what they told us, and him, were lies.
headless lucyspews:
The closet that contained Foley in it is a big closet and there are a lot of shoes in it. Child sexual abuse comes with overweening power. It’s a historical fact.
For instance. Just as a teaser: What do you suppose Rush Limbaugh was doing in Haiti with a suitcase full of illegal Viagra in a country known for child prostitution? Well?
What was Tom DeLay doing in Southeast Asia when he said he was on a “fact finding” mission. Did he divulge any of the “facts” that he learned.
Yes. There could be clandestine operatives in spy agencies who’ve had enough of these clowns.
Why are Republicans more interested in attacking John Kerry than they are interested in attacking our enemies?
Comment by Don Joe— 11/1/06@ 6:13 pm
Don Joe it is very simple; while you are in your home sleeping and eating like a HOG we are out fighting those folks you so proudly support. Now I did not see any troop parading a name Joe for a last name on my drill field. But you are more than welcome to join the ranks and do something for your country. It is quite apparent that you have been living in the twilight zone foe the last five years while we have been doing the dirty work for the girlie boys. The Republicans have made their share of mistakes but they do not leave us fighting a protracted war because you embolden the enemy with you many dumb statements. Now the Socialist Democrats have split the Democrat Party just to split this country. But John Kerry and Osama bin Laudin thanks you for supporting their war effort.
Comment by Don Joe— 11/1/06@ 6:13 pm
He supports the troops
Comment by Anonymous— 11/1/06@ 6:34 pm
What drugs are you on tonight? I believe you were smarter than that.
His words about the Military show how little he and other Democrats such as Darcy feel about the Military. Darcy’s resume used to state she had to grow up in ‘Military’ towns which is a total put down of the military. (Poor Darcy). Since then her web page resume has changed to remove those remarks. But she and Kerry made those remarks and meant them. It was not ‘mis-speak’ and it showed their ‘hatred ‘ of the Military.
Commentby sillyguy— 11/1/06@ 6:52 pm
Great point sillyguy and I miss that one.
I am thinking that the era he is from is the days when the judge told the guy in court “son, it is either jail or the military for you this time” and thinks this is still the way the military works. His apology still doesn’t cut it!
Comment by Chuck— 11/1/06@ 6:44 pm
I like your point of view but the military today does not allow those who are in trouble with the law join.
You know, Chuck, that liberal hat would likely feel much more comfortable if you removed your head from your sphincter first.
Comment by Don Joe— 11/1/06@ 6:55 pm
Don talks like that are not allowed in the Church of Liberalism, so please show kindness to your neighbors.
Next Wednesday, John Kerry’s comments will be long forgotten.
And the word of the day will be “impeachment”.
So have a nice chuckle, you right wing chuckletrolls. But my laugh is at you, not with you.
You know. About the bus driver. Rubberstamp didn’t see the bus driver flip Bush off. We only have Bush’s word for it ( I never call him President because he was never duly elected ), and we all know what a liar he is. What a mean, small asshole that bastard Reichert is.
Commentby headless lucy— 11/1/06@ 7:11 pm
OHHH sweet Lucy I expected better from you since we all know the Governor was appointed in this State. Now do you need some help to get over your state of anger? Please let us know because I have many resources to help you.
Boner covered up the Foley scandal as well. What a traitor.
He looks like he’s on drugs.
Comment by headless lucy— 11/1/06@ 7:14 pm
Lucy just because he is gay you do not need to beat up on the poor man. Don’t you have a hart for your new Socialist Democrat friend?
I thought the Liberals support drug use today and needle exchange programs. Not to mention sex education in the third grade of school.
Poor silly klake @ 22- Kerry did not have the same information as Bush and the Republican leadership. They were in charge and choose what to tell the rest of us.
And what they told us, and him, were lies.
Comment by K— 11/1/06@ 7:28 pm
Miss K where have you been all these years? They were the same briefs with the information that I saw and the only person who couldn’t be trusted with that info was Teddy Kennedy. While you sleep I serve.
Comment by Anonymous— 11/1/06@ 6:34 pm
What drugs are you on tonight? I believe you were smarter than that. Commentby klake— 11/1/06@ 7:35 pm
You managed NOT to click the link and totally missed the sarcasm.
Let’s try it again
BillyBobEustusDonJoeFred asks:
Why are Republicans more interested in attacking John Kerry than they are interested in attacking our enemies? Commentby Don Joe— 11/1/06@ 6:13 pm
BillyBobEustusDonJoeFred asks:
Why are Republicans more interested in attacking John Kerry than they are interested in attacking our enemies? Commentby Don Joe— 11/1/06@ 6:13 pm
He supports the troops
Commentby Anonymous— 11/1/06@ 8:00 pm
Yep you are right on that matter. Thanks
Fuck you klake you moronic dweep.
you puss filled rotten dripping syphalitic
I wonder how many times Bush got shot at while he was AWOL in Alabama. Running moonshine can be dangerous I guess. And then there’s all tha Coke he snorted. That could have been dangerous. Not as dangerous as Nam, but for a blueblood punk like Bush, it was more danger than he could handle.
4 There has never been a restaurant in West Seattle worth the trip from eleswhere in the city since Quesnel’s closed about 25 years ago.
I used to think Diana Krall was pretty cool until it became evident a few years back she was doing the horizontal mambo with the guy in charge of the Grammys to get a featured spot on the awards show. (They later had to get rid of that guy for blatant sexual harassment.)
I wish to fuck I’d voted for Mark Sidran.
klake @ 44, seems you and the rest of the W’nuts are missing quite a lot. The Dems have continualy been the party to legislate for the troops and Your inbred phonies have voted them down. You and your sisters (chuck, mtr, amerikkka1st, sillygay, etc) should learn to read and comprehend before you stick your foot in your mouth.
klake @ 44, seems you and the rest of the W’nuts are missing quite a lot. The Dems have continualy been the party to legislate for the troops and Your inbred phonies have voted them down. You and your sisters (chuck, mtr, amerikkka1st, sillygay, etc) should learn to read and comprehend before you stick your foot in your mouth.
So, Kerry missed an ‘us’ in his joke. Whoopty-do. He’s apologized, get the hell over it. It takes courage to apologize. Weakness is Republicans pretending this means he doesn’t support the military.
Since Bush’s white house has admitted that Bush didn’t know the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite when he went into Iraq, we can safely assume that a little education might have helped him and the country before he sent troops over there.
Now, here’s a quote that I tool offence to, however there has yet to be an apology for it. Until there is, it just shows what the Republicans really stand for.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
Another sign of Republican frustration.
Bush “mis-speaks” frequently, forming incomprehensible sentences, but the Republicans have to wait months before a Democrat stumbles over a joke. They know perfectly well Kerry, a Vietnam veteran and long proponant of Veteran’s rights and benefits, was not dissing the military. But they don’t care. It’s the only thing the’ve got, so they are going to take it out of context, try to argue that a slightly muffed joke is “evidence” that all Democrats hate our servicemen & women, and demand he apologize, and then reject the apology.
At least Kerry didn’t shoot his hunting-buddy lawyer. Maybe if Cheney had served in the military instead of milking his multiple deferrments to avoid serving in Vietnam, he would know to keep his rifle pointed down-range, keep his finger off the trigger until he was ready to shoot, and not to fire unless he is sure of his target.
The Republicans will continue to try to milk this through the election. Why not? It’s not like they can talk about their success in Iraq, the Economy, their superior management at disaster relief, etc. It’s all they’ve got, which is pretty pitiful.
Since when are Generals considered “troops”? That’s a bit misleading there my friend. Sort of like suggest Enron was scandolous because of it’s employees.
I would like to be the first person on this thread to thank John Fucking Kerry for possibly saving freedom and democracy.
Now that we know how mainstream democrats really think, Americans can vote correctly.
In his “apology” all he said was that Americans are too fucking stoopid to appreciate his “humor”.
I’m laughing my ass off. Thanks JFK !!!!!!!!!!!
Crap did you read this article about Seattle mayor Nickels?:
What an ASS
John Fucking Kerry should resign from the US Senate immediately. It’s the “right thing to do”.
He’s such an arrogant elitist asshole jerk that he doesn’t even know how to apologize.
Hey Rabbit – You served in the military. And then you settled for the low expectations of working for the gummint.
I guess you prove JFK right.
“Democrats cringed, though …. Congressional candidates in Iowa and Minnesota swiftly made plain that Kerry was no longer welcome to appear at scheduled rallies, and the senator scrapped an appearance in Philadelphia.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/1/06@ 5:12 pm
You bet Thumper he is a liability for the Socialist Democrat Party and everybody turning tail and running for the woods. Now that sounds like the apology is not really an apology, you know the thing with the word is what is really means is…………… Roger no matter how you spin this you dig deeper into the hole. You better go pop your med’s for the night and go to bed. This Chap just keeps giving and giving and giving and Karl Rove smile keeps getting bigger.
Hillary is right and John kerry is full of shit and a Socialist Democrat.
Roger it appears that nobody like him.;search=
John Kerry betrayed his fellow soldiers during Viet Nam and today those serving this country today.
Face the truth Redneck — you couldn’t have BEGUN to cut it in government.
John Kerry betrayed his fellow soldiers during Viet Nam … Commentby klake— 11/1/06@ 5:38 pm
What would you call GWB’s deserting the National Guard during Viet Nam? Kerry wasn’t a deserter — he volunteered for a second tour in Nam, served in combat, was wounded three times, and decorated for heroism. I say the guy who betrayed his fellow soldiers was the fucking coward deserter Bush.
Didn’t you guys spend the last few month’s criticizing Burner for running against Bush? And now you make the race against Kerry. News flash- he’s not on the ballot.
It is kinda funny how you wingnuts condemn Kerry for a bad joke, and say nothing when Bush is looking for imaginary WMD’s under the chair….
If being hypocrites was an occupation you would be working 24/7 freaks.
Kerry has spent his adult life fighting for our vets, and Bush has only sent them to their death in some country that had no wmd’s, and was no threat to us whatsoever.
It is amazing how stupid someone would have to be to still stand behind the lying traitor deserter in chief, and ignore the mountain of evidence showing how corrupt, and damaging Republican control of our government has been.
When will you freaks wake up and smell reality?
Rep. John Boehner should immediately apologize to the American people for criticizing the military. It’s the “right thing to do”.
Furthermore, he should immediately resign from his House leadership position.
While Kerry was getting his ass shot at, running through the jungle protecting you, and me, Bush was in the champagne brigade in Texas with a job the lieutenant governor admitted he got for him.
What you people call acceptable behavior real Americans call treason.
Outing a CIA noc, and destroying Brewster Jennings. Leaking known wrong parts of a classified NIE to start a war. Blaming the troops and generals for Rumsfeld, and Bush’s lack of planning, and strategy.
You wingnuts belong in nuthouses.
Remember when you vote, vote for the traitor with the -R after their name. You know, the ones that used to be cops, but would not dare speak up at all the child molesting, and corruption of their fellow Republicans……
You people are not Americans. Not even close.
Rep. John Boehner should immediately apologize to the American people for criticizing the military. It’s the “right thing to do”.
Furthermore, he should immediately resign from his House leadership position.
Commentby Darryl— 11/1/06@ 5:53 pm
Boehner (Boner) is a piece of shit.
The worse a person is, the higher they rise in the GOP.
Folks it appears Darcy Burner did a little cut and pasting with someone’s else pictures. Folks check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Photographer says Iraq photo misused in Burner flier
Posted by David Postman at 12:44 PM
A state Democratic Party flier for congressional candidate Darcy Burner includes an “unauthorized use” of an iconic photo of a U.S. solider with a dying Iraqi girl in his arms, according to the photographer’s attorney.
“It’s a copyright infringement, it’s a legal matter,” D.C. attorney John Mason told me.
Uh what I really meant was……….It was a joke……..Can’t ya all take a Joke….I mean I was in the Whitehouse once, or I guess real close,…………..I didn’t mean any harm………..I really meant……er……My wife said I was great……er…I..uh was so close to running this country… and Al could save the world….
I love our service people….Really i do…………………
Folks it appears Darcy Burner did a little cut and pasting with someone’s else pictures.
Oh, dear. This looks bad.
A state Democratic Party flier…
Mark the Fucking Red Dick, with your inbred logic YOUR Monkey in Chief should have resigned in Feb. of 2000. Damn that would have saved my country TRILLIONS of $ and we would still have a few allies in this world. ESADMF
It is kind of funny how you wing nuts condemn Kerry for a bad joke, and say nothing when Bush is looking for imaginary WMD’s under the chair….
If being hypocrites was an occupation you would be working 24/7 freaks.
Comment by Facts Support My Positions— 11/1/06@ 5:53 pm
Mr. Facts John Kerry had the same facts that all the other folks did before we went into Iraq! Why did they keep their mouths shut and vote for the WAR? When I was over there that Chemical Gear was pack everywhere, and no one could prove there wasn’t any WMD’s. Where were you with all those facts about the lack of WMD’s in Iraq? Do you know what it’s like carrying all that Gear all over the country side when I could have left it home? Yep Kerry is really smart but unable to express himself.
Why are Republicans more interested in attacking John Kerry than they are interested in attacking our enemies?
Bad Joke? Totally Ignorant Senator!
Let him run in 2008 – His mouth is in gear before his brain catches up
You all voted for him…….in 2004
Don’t blame us!
Why are Republicans more interested in attacking John Kerry than they are interested in attacking our enemies?
Commentby Don Joe— 11/1/06@ 6:13 pm
He supports the troops
Mike?! the Idiot ought to read a history book or two. History is full of military idiocy. Anyone who knows anything about it realizes going to war is buying a lottery ticket. There are too many variables for anyone to predict the outcome of any war. Too damned many things can go wrong –– and, somehow, most of them do –– Murphy’s Law with a bloody vengeance! The badly-laid plans of the Mice running our country clearly have gone astray in Iraq. So …… Mike?! …… what’s YOUR “secret plan to win the war? Care to share?
Mike?! McGavick –– He’’s the problem, not the solution.
Commentby Roger Rabbit—— 11/1/06@ 4:36 pm
On the odd chance that you might have actually thought the matter through to a conclusion, just what is the Rodent exit strategy from Iraq? Do you have any specific strategy in mind, or just more lib whining that the war hasn’t been easy enough?
I am having problems with your idea of a “joke”. I am trying to put on my “liberal” hat here…wow it is tight and restrictive, it also covers my eyes so I cannot see! That aside, now I have my liberal cap on and I am litening to Kerrys words again…is he insinuating he did better in school than Bush? No I checked those facts and he did better than Kerry…that joke blown. No Im thinking that considering his military experience (yes war decorated for bieng wounded twice by the enemy and once by his own hand, I respect that I suppose) I am thinking that the era he is from is the days when the judge told the guy in court “son, it is either jail or the military for you this time” and thinks this is still the way the military works. His appoligy still doesnt cut it!
John Kerry’s apology means nothing especially with the caveat of “misinterpreted to imply anything negative about those in uniform.”
He meant exactly what he said. It was not a joke nor could his words be misinterpreted. He needs to offer a true and sincere apology to the troops and the nation without the caveats and ‘buts’.
His words about the Military show how little he and other Democrats such as Darcy feel about the Military. Darcy’s resume used to state she had to grow up in ‘Military’ towns which is a total put down of the military. (Poor Darcy). Since then her web page resume has changed to remove those remarks. But she and Kerry made those remarks and meant them. It was not ‘mis-speak’ and it showed their ‘hatred ‘ of the Military.
So, while Replicans are getting their undies in a bundle about John Kerry flubbing the punchline for a joke, this was going on in Iraq. So, can any of you tell me when was the last time the American military took their orders from the head of state of another sovereign country?
You know, Chuck, that liberal hat would likely feel much more comfortable if you removed your head from your sphincter first.
This last minute negative blitz is not going to cover your traitorous neo-con asses when you try to pull the old switcheroo with the Diebold machines this time around.
So forget it.
Yeah! That’s really plausible. John Kerry botched a joke so everyone’s going to vote Republican now. In your dreams, fuckwads.
You know. About the bus driver. Rubberstamp didn’t see the bus driver flip Bush off. We only have Bush’s word for it ( I never call him President because he was never duly elected ), and we all know what a liar he is. What a mean, small asshole that bastard Reichert is.
Boner covered up the Foley scandal as well. What a traitor.
He looks like he’s on drugs.
headless lucy@31
Hello? The driver admited it! Get a clue….
And what is inaccurate about what Kerry said? Did he say,”Don’t provide the troops with adequate equipment.” NO! You have to leave that to Bush and all the other Republicans.
What a shameless bunch of twerps.
That is inaccurate. Her union is representing her and she has admitted no such thing. And anyway, so what! He should be flipped off 24/7. She should get a promotion because of it.
This isn’t playing the way you righties think it is. Most people are pleased as punch about it.
headless lucy@34
Isnt that the time he said “I voted agaist it before I voted for it”?
re 36: There you go again…
What would you call GWB’s deserting the National Guard during Viet Nam? Kerry wasn’t a deserter – he volunteered for a second tour in Nam, served in combat, was wounded three times, and decorated for heroism. I say the guy who betrayed his fellow soldiers was the fucking coward deserter Bush.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/1/06@ 5:47 pm
Roger you forgot about Paris in the early 70’s and how he supported the North Viet Nam.
Face it Kerry didnt wear army brogans, he wore waffle stompers!
Arguing with Republicans is like being in a bad marriage. There comes a parting of the ways. Your little sophistries don’t hack it anymore.
This will be a dead issue in a few days and your side is so stupid. The other shoe is about to drop on you guys. You are off your game.
Poor silly klake @ 22- Kerry did not have the same information as Bush and the Republican leadership. They were in charge and choose what to tell the rest of us.
And what they told us, and him, were lies.
The closet that contained Foley in it is a big closet and there are a lot of shoes in it. Child sexual abuse comes with overweening power. It’s a historical fact.
For instance. Just as a teaser: What do you suppose Rush Limbaugh was doing in Haiti with a suitcase full of illegal Viagra in a country known for child prostitution? Well?
What was Tom DeLay doing in Southeast Asia when he said he was on a “fact finding” mission. Did he divulge any of the “facts” that he learned.
Yes. There could be clandestine operatives in spy agencies who’ve had enough of these clowns.
Why are Republicans more interested in attacking John Kerry than they are interested in attacking our enemies?
Comment by Don Joe— 11/1/06@ 6:13 pm
Don Joe it is very simple; while you are in your home sleeping and eating like a HOG we are out fighting those folks you so proudly support. Now I did not see any troop parading a name Joe for a last name on my drill field. But you are more than welcome to join the ranks and do something for your country. It is quite apparent that you have been living in the twilight zone foe the last five years while we have been doing the dirty work for the girlie boys. The Republicans have made their share of mistakes but they do not leave us fighting a protracted war because you embolden the enemy with you many dumb statements. Now the Socialist Democrats have split the Democrat Party just to split this country. But John Kerry and Osama bin Laudin thanks you for supporting their war effort.
Comment by Don Joe— 11/1/06@ 6:13 pm
He supports the troops
Comment by Anonymous— 11/1/06@ 6:34 pm
What drugs are you on tonight? I believe you were smarter than that.
His words about the Military show how little he and other Democrats such as Darcy feel about the Military. Darcy’s resume used to state she had to grow up in ‘Military’ towns which is a total put down of the military. (Poor Darcy). Since then her web page resume has changed to remove those remarks. But she and Kerry made those remarks and meant them. It was not ‘mis-speak’ and it showed their ‘hatred ‘ of the Military.
Commentby sillyguy— 11/1/06@ 6:52 pm
Great point sillyguy and I miss that one.
I am thinking that the era he is from is the days when the judge told the guy in court “son, it is either jail or the military for you this time” and thinks this is still the way the military works. His apology still doesn’t cut it!
Comment by Chuck— 11/1/06@ 6:44 pm
I like your point of view but the military today does not allow those who are in trouble with the law join.
You know, Chuck, that liberal hat would likely feel much more comfortable if you removed your head from your sphincter first.
Comment by Don Joe— 11/1/06@ 6:55 pm
Don talks like that are not allowed in the Church of Liberalism, so please show kindness to your neighbors.
Next Wednesday, John Kerry’s comments will be long forgotten.
And the word of the day will be “impeachment”.
So have a nice chuckle, you right wing chuckletrolls. But my laugh is at you, not with you.
You know. About the bus driver. Rubberstamp didn’t see the bus driver flip Bush off. We only have Bush’s word for it ( I never call him President because he was never duly elected ), and we all know what a liar he is. What a mean, small asshole that bastard Reichert is.
Commentby headless lucy— 11/1/06@ 7:11 pm
OHHH sweet Lucy I expected better from you since we all know the Governor was appointed in this State. Now do you need some help to get over your state of anger? Please let us know because I have many resources to help you.
Boner covered up the Foley scandal as well. What a traitor.
He looks like he’s on drugs.
Comment by headless lucy— 11/1/06@ 7:14 pm
Lucy just because he is gay you do not need to beat up on the poor man. Don’t you have a hart for your new Socialist Democrat friend?
I thought the Liberals support drug use today and needle exchange programs. Not to mention sex education in the third grade of school.
Poor silly klake @ 22- Kerry did not have the same information as Bush and the Republican leadership. They were in charge and choose what to tell the rest of us.
And what they told us, and him, were lies.
Comment by K— 11/1/06@ 7:28 pm
Miss K where have you been all these years? They were the same briefs with the information that I saw and the only person who couldn’t be trusted with that info was Teddy Kennedy. While you sleep I serve.
Comment by Anonymous— 11/1/06@ 6:34 pm
What drugs are you on tonight? I believe you were smarter than that. Commentby klake— 11/1/06@ 7:35 pm
You managed NOT to click the link and totally missed the sarcasm.
Let’s try it again
BillyBobEustusDonJoeFred asks:
Why are Republicans more interested in attacking John Kerry than they are interested in attacking our enemies? Commentby Don Joe— 11/1/06@ 6:13 pm
He supports the troops
BillyBobEustusDonJoeFred asks:
Why are Republicans more interested in attacking John Kerry than they are interested in attacking our enemies? Commentby Don Joe— 11/1/06@ 6:13 pm
He supports the troops
Commentby Anonymous— 11/1/06@ 8:00 pm
Yep you are right on that matter. Thanks
Fuck you klake you moronic dweep.
you puss filled rotten dripping syphalitic
I wonder how many times Bush got shot at while he was AWOL in Alabama. Running moonshine can be dangerous I guess. And then there’s all tha Coke he snorted. That could have been dangerous. Not as dangerous as Nam, but for a blueblood punk like Bush, it was more danger than he could handle.
4 There has never been a restaurant in West Seattle worth the trip from eleswhere in the city since Quesnel’s closed about 25 years ago.
I used to think Diana Krall was pretty cool until it became evident a few years back she was doing the horizontal mambo with the guy in charge of the Grammys to get a featured spot on the awards show. (They later had to get rid of that guy for blatant sexual harassment.)
I wish to fuck I’d voted for Mark Sidran.
klake @ 44, seems you and the rest of the W’nuts are missing quite a lot. The Dems have continualy been the party to legislate for the troops and Your inbred phonies have voted them down. You and your sisters (chuck, mtr, amerikkka1st, sillygay, etc) should learn to read and comprehend before you stick your foot in your mouth.
klake @ 44, seems you and the rest of the W’nuts are missing quite a lot. The Dems have continualy been the party to legislate for the troops and Your inbred phonies have voted them down. You and your sisters (chuck, mtr, amerikkka1st, sillygay, etc) should learn to read and comprehend before you stick your foot in your mouth.
So, Kerry missed an ‘us’ in his joke. Whoopty-do. He’s apologized, get the hell over it. It takes courage to apologize. Weakness is Republicans pretending this means he doesn’t support the military.
Since Bush’s white house has admitted that Bush didn’t know the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite when he went into Iraq, we can safely assume that a little education might have helped him and the country before he sent troops over there.
Now, here’s a quote that I tool offence to, however there has yet to be an apology for it. Until there is, it just shows what the Republicans really stand for.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
Another sign of Republican frustration.
Bush “mis-speaks” frequently, forming incomprehensible sentences, but the Republicans have to wait months before a Democrat stumbles over a joke. They know perfectly well Kerry, a Vietnam veteran and long proponant of Veteran’s rights and benefits, was not dissing the military. But they don’t care. It’s the only thing the’ve got, so they are going to take it out of context, try to argue that a slightly muffed joke is “evidence” that all Democrats hate our servicemen & women, and demand he apologize, and then reject the apology.
At least Kerry didn’t shoot his hunting-buddy lawyer. Maybe if Cheney had served in the military instead of milking his multiple deferrments to avoid serving in Vietnam, he would know to keep his rifle pointed down-range, keep his finger off the trigger until he was ready to shoot, and not to fire unless he is sure of his target.
The Republicans will continue to try to milk this through the election. Why not? It’s not like they can talk about their success in Iraq, the Economy, their superior management at disaster relief, etc. It’s all they’ve got, which is pretty pitiful.
Since when are Generals considered “troops”? That’s a bit misleading there my friend. Sort of like suggest Enron was scandolous because of it’s employees.
“The Rumsfeld?”