Rep. Dave Reichert has run out of money, and is pleading with supporters for last minute donations to fund his GOTV efforts.
“This race will be very close: We have had to spend our campaign coffers down to nothing and we still have critical Election Day activities that we must pay for. Can you help Dave in the final push by making a contribution?”
Eh. I wouldn’t worry so much about Dave’s campaign shutting down a day before the election. His party doesn’t seem to have much of a problem engaging in deficit spending.
If only Reichert had a grassroots base of support to which he could appeal…
Just like a Republican, spends more than he has. Next thing you know, we will be hearing about him having a thing for boys.
He’ll get plenty of $$$, once he is re-elected and he gets $$ for those key votes.
Remind me next time to donate $1.00 to a Republican candidate. That way I can receive humerous material in my e-mail inbox and mailbox every day.
How sad, Frank Drebin reduced to begging? Didn’t he have an option for Police Story 4?
News Item, Nov. 6, 2006:
“…President Bush jetted to Florida Monday to campaign for GOP candidates, but Charlie Crist — the Republican candidate for governor — planned to duck a rally with Bush in Pensacola to campaign at the Lox Around the Clock restaurant in Delray Beach.
The White House, which had already distributed schedules saying Crist would introduce Bush at the rally, was clearly irritated with the candidate’s decision not to appear with the president. Bush political strategist Karl Rove mockingly questioned what kind of alternate rally Crist could put together that would rival the 10,000-person crowd Bush was expected to draw.”
Don’t get Karl mad at you. He’ll turn you into sushi.
I think one of your own once said “its the economy stupid”, and the cons have fixed the tanking economy he left behind.
I think one of your own once said “its the economy stupid”, and the cons have fixed the tanking economy he left behind.
Oh no….according to the Rasmussen Poll today, Bush’s popularity is now 45%…the highest in sometime.
Worse yet, it is based on sample weighting of:
37.3% (DEM)
31.9% (REP)
30.8% (Unaffiliated)
If the R’s are successful in their GOTV campaign, that could swing some of these close races.
I blame that idiot, John Kerry. What a buffoon he is.
Thank God he will never, ever be President.
After this election, Reichert may not be the only Republican in financial trouble. All these illegal robocalls carry significant fines. Look for the NRCC to pay tens of millions of dollars in fines because of the volume of calls.
10. Those polling numbers appear to be an aberration when compared to the others here:
Goldy – In your “history” post below (which I will use later), you complain about being broke because you made a series of stoopid choices how to spend your time.
Do you think you are entitled to stick your hand into my wallet so you can live?
Just wondering…
Goldy made choices for the better good, the good of the community, that may have cost him financially. People like you wouldn’t understand such things. That’s why people like you should just stay the fuck out of politics.
Has anyone noticed that Democrats act more like Jesus and that the bible thumping, ass-spelunking republicans act just the opposite.
Just wondering
Welcher, you can’t even find enough in your wallet to pay off a $100 gambling debt, why should you be worried about people thinking they’re entitled to dip into it?
Has anyone noticed that Democrats act more like Jesus and that the bible thumping, ass-spelunking republicans act just the opposite.
Just wondering
The former number two guy at the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives, David Kuo, isn’t sold on the alleged piety of the GOP either.
One of the many evil aspects of librulism is that it seeks to remove the link between adverse consequences and bad choices. If successful, it inevitably leads to those same people making more bad choices.
So I’m just wondering how the fuck goldy plans to pay his bills. Does he hope to hit up The Producers? And why the fuck would he do this to his daughter. She apparently has to grow up in poverty while her father sits around masturbating about politics.
So I’m just wondering how the fuck goldy plans to pay his bills. Does he hope to hit up The Producers?
Nathan Lane?
Welcher, I understand what you’re worried about. I just don’t understand why you happend to be worried about it. Clearly, there isn’t any money in your wallet, otherwise you’d have paid a stupid little gambling debt. Honestly, are you afraid Goldy’s going to compete against you for a little government dole? Typical Republican hypocrite.
Maybe you empty skirts can explain this. Burner’s website leads with the following statement:
“…My name is Darcy Burner, and I am running for Congress because my experience as a mother…”
Huh? Experience as a mother? What the fuck does that have to do with the ability to understand complex issues and vote correctly? I suppose most of you would think it’s even better of a woman running for office claims to be a single mother especially here in FUWA.
Is that really the best she can do? Claim she’s qualified for office because she figured out how to spread her legs once? Other than being “not bush”, does she have any qualifications? Seems like just another empty skirt who could fit right in with the 99th most influential senator and the 5 time winner of the no rocket scientist award.
Pay the fucking gambling debt you owe to Goldy – welsher, loser, morally and intellectually bankrupt coward.
Way off topic, but, am I the only one for whom JCH’s “Moo…slim” chant conjures up recollections of that scene in Porky’s with the two assistant coaches in the equipment room, only with JCH on the receiving end?
Not that this presents a particularly appealing image, mind you.
Maybe this will clear it up for you:
My name is Darcy Burner, and I am running for Congress because my experience as a mother and a businesswoman tells me that the country is headed in the wrong direction – and that together, we can change it.
It’s clear to me that the politicians in Washington, DC are out of touch, the special interests have too much power, and it’s time to take our country in a different direction.
I will focus on our priorities: keeping our promises to our veterans, protecting Social Security and pensions, standing up to big oil companies, and making sure that families who work hard and play by the rules get the opportunities they’ve earned.
If you have the ability to read complete sentences, it helps. Be patient and work it through. If you need help with the big words, try .
You still haven’t figured out how the concept of rational numbers relates to employment stastics, and you want someone here to wast time explaining to you something as complex as parenting? One can only shake one’s head…
Yeah, I read all that other shit…. blah blah blah… she’s an empty skirt moonbat who hates bush. OK… now what?
But why does she LEAD with the statement that she’s a mother? So what? What the fuck does that have to do with running for office?
Hey thanks for bringing that up.
Unemployment is at record lows, does that make it tough to run against? Who’s hurting??
GTFO of here until you pay your gambling debt to Goldy!
Yeah, I read all that other shit…. blah blah blah… she’s an empty skirt moonbat who hates bush. OK… now what?
Where does she mention Bush?
Moonbat poll:
Gas prices are down about 40% from their post katrina peaks. This is because of:
1) The Invisible Hand
2) The threats of the 99th most influential senator to investigate gouging with the support of the 5 time winner of the no rocket scientist award.
If parceling our citizenry into categories of “producers” and “nonproducers” should somehow become necessary, I would suggest that anyone who works in the financial services industry would hardly be deemed a producer. A parasite, perhaps, but not a producer. Also, why did you never recognize that the consequence of choosing to be stupid is to appear quite stupid to the rest of us? Stay home alone tomorrow, Mark, and drink yourself to sleep. Wednesday morning’s going to hit hard.
“Unemployment is at record lows…”
No, sport, it’s just down. And you continue to show an amazing amount of ignorance as to exactly why unemployment happens to be down, but, then, the question does have to do with rational numbers.
But, really, if you think you can win an election by trying to convince people that they’re really better off than they think they are, have at it.
MTR, still looking for where Darcy mentioned Bush in the passage above? I’ll give you a hint: she didn’t. You hallucinated it.
Bet Welsher – the title of this thread is “Republicans Bankrupt”. Obviously that describes you because you can’t honor a simple bet that you initiated.
Too bad. Pay the fucking gambling debt you owe to Goldy!
TJ – Read your mail you fucking idiot.
MTR, what the hell are you talking about?
Yeah, unemployment is at record lows – for the last 5 1/2 years. In other words, you have to go back to the Clinton Administration to see better numbers than this.
The great claim of 6 million jobs created is a farce. Normal “churn” in business creates about 1 million jobs a year. That means NO net new jobs created during the Bush Administration.
And speaking of the great job Bush has done in raping the working people, try these numbers:
* 46+ million people without health coverage (number continues to climb)
* Median real wages down more than 6% between 2001 and 2004
Mark the Cowardly Redneck. When we win back the House on Tuesday, I am going to celebrate by letting your wife, your mother and your sister all suck my dick! I bet you’re jealous!
I bet you’re jealous!
Just don’t expect him to pay. We all know what happens when you make a bet with MTR.
Couldn’t Luke Esser pull out his credit card and give Dave a boost?
Joe don Nascar.
But why does she LEAD with the statement that she’s a mother? So what? What the fuck does that have to do with running for office?
Obviously you hate women. Is it because they don’t win enough Nascar Races?
Maybe your mother didn’t raise you right. No breast feeding make you a women hater?
Maybe a woman might bring a new prospective to this crew, perhaps as a mother, she’d think twice about sending someone elses kids to die in a war of choice.
Did you hear Bush came out today on the Stump today and said it’s all about Oil.
We’ve been telling you wingnuts this since the fucking beginning. Do you believe it now that the Chimp in charge finally babbles it out of his mouth? He didn’t even screw it up and mispronounce it, he knows how to pronounce Oil.
So who’s worse Kerry or Bush?
Buch has been killing our kids for $3.00 a gallon gas, while doing bubkis about weaning us of Oil….too much money for the friends in it.
They should be tried for War profiteering and treason.
Did you hear Bush came out today on the Stump today and said it’s all about Oil.
Is Bush developmentally delayed? Or did he just now figure out what his Vice-President said at the London Petroleum Institute in September 1999?
For the world as a whole, oil companies are expected to keep finding and developing enough oil to offset our seventy one million plus barrel a day of oil depletion, but also to meet new demand. By some estimates there will be an average of two per cent annual growth in global oil demand over the years ahead along with conservatively a three per cent natural decline in production from existing reserves. That means by 2010 we will need on the order of an additional fifty million barrels a day. So where is the oil going to come from? Governments and the national oil companies are obviously in control of about ninety per cent of the assets. Oil remains fundamentally a government business. While many regions of the world offer greet oil opportunities, the Middle East with two thirds of the world’s oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies, even though companies are anxious for greeter access there, progress continues to be slow.
Who’s slow here: the President, or his loyal followers?
10 DFL
From, the summary Bush job approval ratings posted so far for November. for brevity, I truncated off the disapprove and don’t know percentages.
FOX/Opinion Dynamics LV 11/4-5/06 38% approve
CNN 11/3-5/06 35% approve
USA Today/Gallup 11/2-5/06 38% approve
ABC/Washington Post 11/1-4/06 40% approve
Pew 11/1-4/06 41% approve
Newsweek 11/2-3/06 35% approve
Time 11/1-3/06 37% approve
Your boy is flat. Your people are going down. My Senate prediction has changed to a 6 seat pickup.
18 MTR
“One of the many evil aspects of librulism is that it seeks to remove the link between adverse consequences and bad choices. ”
Nothing could be further from the truth. Just watch: we are about to hand richly deserved punishment to the Republicans for all their bad choices.
Oil is hovering at $60 a barrel. Open the champagne! Wait, that’s not cheap….