Raising the minimum wage is very popular. So if Washington State Republicans were smart, they would join with Democrats in passing legislation that raises the state minimum wage to $12 an hour. Or if they really want to be dicks about it, they could try to negotiate the number down to $11.50, or maybe even $11, and still claim credit for increasing the minimum wage. It would boost our economy, make voters happy, and take a potent issue away from Democrats in 2016.
But Republicans won’t join with Democrats in raising the minimum wage. Because Republicans aren’t smart.
Smart guy gov brownback is now raising taxes. The cardinal sin.
You just found this out?
I’ve always thought you were smarter than me, I may have to rethink that.
In the meantime, drink more, or in your case at least some Whiskey.
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
Mark Twain
Republican know for sure (deep in their heart of hearts – that is if they have them) that raising the minimum wage will cause job losses – even though the studies prove otherwise.
Republicans also know that cutting taxes on the rich will cut the deficit – even though every time it has been tried it has not worked.
au contraire. the gop consistently outbats the Ds at politics — getting huge swaths of the electorate to vote gop — to turn against government — while the Ds can’t even seem to explalin what they are for in a way that wins majorities.
lookit the min wage. the polls showed like 80% support for $12 an hour in our state and the Ds were so fucking STUPID they did not even put it up in an initiative.
letting gop gain in leg.
meanwhile the gop has outfoxed us on the 2/3 thing with the rule change.
they’re teed up to win on education too — funding it first means cuts to social programs.
okay, there’s three things they are winning on. how can you say Ds are smart? Ds are planning ST 3 which will add to regressive taxes, turn more workers against taxation, make income tax even harder, how is that smart?