Looks like the Democrats just picked up a House seat:
Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) planned to resign today, hours after ABC questioned him about sexually explicit internet messages with current and former Congressional pages under the age of 18.
Hours earlier, ABC News had read excerpts of instant messages provided by former pages who said the congressman, under the AOL Instant Messenger screen name Maf54, made repeated references to sexual organs and acts.
Hmm. Not exactly the kind of behavior one expects from the chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children. In the words of, um… Rep. Mark Foley:
“For too long our nation has tracked library books better than it has sex offenders. That day is coming to an end,”
It certainly is.
It is unclear whether Florida law allows the GOP to replace Foley on the ballot. In any case, Democratic challenger Tim Mahoney has been running a credible campaign in a district that tilts Republican, but not irreversibly. Thus I think you’d have to say that FL-16 has instantly shifted from a longshot, to a near certain Democratic pick-up.
“I am deeply sorry and I apologize for letting down my family and the people of Florida I have had the privilege to represent,” Rep. Foley said in a statement.
Hmm. Well, if he really is “deeply sorry,” I’ve got a suggestion for how he can show it.
Rep. Foley is currently sitting on a $2.8 million war chest, much of it left over from a dashed US Senate bid. Typically, that money might go to the NRCC’s campaign coffers, to help elect other Republicans.
But if Rep. Foley really wants to show some contrition, he should donate it all to the Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
We all have personal failings of one sort or another. At least this way Rep. Foley might achieve some good out of his. So send him an email and encourage Rep. Foley to do the right thing. For the kids.
ABC News has released a transcript of Rep. Foley’s instant messaging log. Oh my. Shades of Jim West.
It turns out that the Republican House leadership knew almost a year ago that Foley was having sex talk with underage pages, and yet they let him remain as chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children.
The page worked for Rep. Rodney Alexander, R-La., who said Friday that when he learned of the e-mail exchanges 10 to 11 months ago, he called the teen’s parents. Alexander told the Ruston Daily Leader, “We also notified the House leadership that there might be a potential problem,” a reference to the House’s Republican leaders.
Um… when we talk about the lack of oversight in Congress, this is the type of shit we’re referring to. The GOP leadership has totally lost its compass.
This has just become a HUGE scandal. Expect to see calls for Speaker Hastert’s resignation. This is inexcusable.
It’s pretty clear. See Florida election code 100.111(4)(a). Since it’s after the primary, Foley has to stay on the ballot. The state GOP can pick a replacement, who’ll receive the votes that Foley’s line gets, but the name on the ballot will be Foley.
Cairo, Egypt – Al-Qaida No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri condemned President Bush in a video statement released Friday, calling him a failure and a liar. ”Why don’t you tell them how many million citizens of America and its allies you intend to kill in search of the imaginary victory and in breathless pursuit of the mirage towards which you are driving your people’s sons in order increase your profits?” al-Zawahri said […This Moooooooooooslim hack terrorist sounds just like a Democrat!!! Not a lot of difference!!]
Looks like we are going to pick up the New York Attorney Generals office too.
From the NY Times online:
Having little choice, New York Republican leaders made a concerted effort yesterday to rescue Jeanine F. Pirro’s nomination for attorney general by trying to taint the federal investigation into whether she illegally taped her husband’s conversations to learn if he was having an affair.
Two going down, and it is still early in the day. They say good things happen in three’s. Here’s to hoping it is so.
Vaclav’s got it right. Foley’s name will appear, regardless of who the GOP puts up as its actual candidate, and any votes for Foley will be credited to that new candidate.
Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., submitted a letter of resignation from Congress on Friday in the wake of questions about e-mails he wrote a former male page, according to a congressional official. Foley, 52, had been considered a shoo-in for re-election until the e-mails surfaced in recent days.
REPs Barney Franks and Gerry Studds, DEMOCRATS, Queerland
JCH, if you were younger apparently your Reps in the house would be happy to have conversations with you. Now I have to avoid Catholic churches and the House of Representatives offices. What is this country coming (rut roh, a pun) to?
We did not start this war JCH, you and your fellow Republican Witch Hunters did with L’affaire de Lewinski. What goes around comes around friend. And payback is a bitch.
Dumbfuck @ 5-
Barney Frank is openly gay.
Foley was a 20 year REPUBLICAN (Family Values) Congressman with a secret taste for underage boys!
What’s your fucking POINT????
You shitheels have NO SHAME.
Stone Fucking Stupid @ 5-
Here is YOUR Republican party in action…and I MEAN action!!!
Congressman Mark Foley, Republican from Florida, resigned today just hours after ABC news questioned him about a series of sexually explicit instant messages involving current and former underage male Congressional pages. Foley used the login name Maf54.
Maf54: Do I make you a little horny ?
Teen: A little.
Maf54: Cool.
Foley was the chairman of the house caucus on missing and exploited children and has long crusaded for tough laws against those who use the Internet for sexual exploitation of children.
(From ABC News via AmericaBlog)
The issue is not one of sexuality. The issue is one of unwanted and inappropriate contact with a minor who is 16 years of age.
I could care less if Foley is gay, straight, bi-sexual, Taliban or Islamic. He is a possible sexual predator, that is the issue and he agrees, he resigned. I commend him for that.
Can you cite any case where Frank has been implicated in a similar situation?
Good morning to you also!
I am going to take some shit from my side, but you ain’t nearly all bad.
How about Rep. Barney Frank’s(D-MA) illicit affair with prostitute Steven Gobie, who ran his gay prostitution ring out of Frank’s Washington apartment? The Democrats “believed” his excuse: He simply didn’t know about those multiple illegal “escorts” farmed in and out of his home by his own boyfriend. Barney didn’t know about his boyfriend’s prostitution ring!!!! Yeah, right!
Two point s for Rujax – but to point out – Just because this fellow hapened to be Repubilcan does not mean the lable can be applied to all non-democrats.
And Goldy can again be faulted for titling his post ‘Republican Values’ in an attempt to smear all republicans….Absolutely incorrect!
The Republican party is the perfect place for a pedophile to hide in plain sight (witness Foley and Jim West). Pass “values” legislation and do something completely different in your private life.
Do as I say not as I do sayeth the drunk with power right-wing traitors.
Carl, Agreed. Lock him up. JCH
Just another one in a long line of them….Family Values?
No member of Congress should be e-mailing personal messages of any kind to any 16 year old page. This Congressman instant messaged explicit sexual things with a 16 year old page. He did the right thing by resigning. However – where was the leadership of the House for the past year? It was hiding the crime. Who is running the place? The first person Dave Reichert voted for: Speaker Dennis Hastert. Hastert needs to go.
Nice spot on the Huffington Report, Goldy!
Great job!
Barney Frank was subject to a vote in the US House reprimanding him for his behaviour. He made an articulate apology on the House floor. There was a bi-partisan consensus that the House not expell Barney Frank but rather leave the representation of his district up to the people there.
House Speaker Tom Foley instituted immediate action in the Frank case. Where has Speaker Hastert been for the past year in this case? Nowhere until today save for hiding it from all of us. Hastert runs the House.
Moonbats, I have to agree with you on this one. What is done in the dark of night God will show in the light of day.
He needs to go and any laws broken should be thrown at him with the full extent of the law. This sucks all over. I agree if Hastert covered this up he should go. There is no double standard in my book. I don’t live by double standards. Now if Hastert told him to leave and Foley said no, then I can clear Hastert. This stinks.
See moonbats, when shit stinks I say clean it up.
This is a scandal that’s made for Americablog.
Why do you try and tar us with the wide brush. Are all moonbats like your good friends on the far left whose house was arsoned because the people who put up a billboard against gay marriage were against their position?
Or the ecoterrorists who torched the houses on Camano Island because they were big?
Or the ecoterrorists who burned all the Hummers?
Or the ALF who left all of the fish go in Scotland?
Or the ALF who let the animals go in Monroe?
Or the ALF who torced UW?
See where I’m going. Just because Foley likes a little cock, so does Headless Lucy, Boeing Bob, Windie, and others on the left.
Maybe rujax does too since he calls HowCan all the epithets he can think of in the book.
Hey MWS-
YOU voted for these pricks.
YOU consistently defend their INSANE policies.
I used to think that if the Demophobes only knew the FACTS they would change their minds and realize what an incompetent, corrupt and AMORAL they really are and STOP supporting them.
WE (all of us “moonbats”) BOMBARDED you trollfucks with facts.
Facts. Cites. Quotes. Stats. EVERYTHING.
And guess what…
Sorry asshole (and I mean that SINCERELY, baby), you OWN these pricks. they’re ALL yours. You bought ’em…YOU paid for ’em…THEY’RE ALL YOURS.
And your Hell will be knowing all the damage that this great Country has sustained is because of YOU.
when shit stinks I say clean it up.
WOS – Good to know you’ve finally seen the light.
Now do the right thing and vote Democrat.
Hey MWS-
YOU voted for these pricks. – No I didn’t. GWB is not a prick. Maybe you are. I didn’t vote for Mark Foley. But since you brought it up where is the due justice? Where is innocent before guilty? Where is the trial of your peers. You claim were there to proclaim the innocence of Zaccharias Moussaoui but you send Foley to the fryer. So feckless rujax!
YOU consistently defend their INSANE policies. – Kill islamofascists is an INSANE policy?
I used to think that if the Demophobes only knew the FACTS they would change their minds and realize what an incompetent, corrupt and AMORAL they really are and STOP supporting them. – NAMBLA, ALF, ELF, GLAAD, GLA, NORML PETA, ACLU?
WE (all of us “moonbats”) BOMBARDED you trollfucks with facts. – Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho Ho Ho Ho.
Facts. Cites. Quotes. Stats. EVERYTHING.
And guess what…
…WE’RE RIGHT! About EVERYTHING!!!! – No not even half right. Everytime moonbats start screaming Al Qaeda sends a tape. Funny Coinkydink huh?
Sorry asshole (and I mean that SINCERELY, baby), you OWN these pricks. they’re ALL yours. You bought ‘em…YOU paid for ‘em…THEY’RE ALL YOURS. I’ll take my “pricks” over your moonbat crybaby cut and runners anyday.
And your Hell will be knowing all the damage that this great Country has sustained is because of YOU. – Yes, I’ guess I’ll live in hell. At least my kids won’t be bowing to Allah, but to God! Where will you be staying?
Commentby Rujax!— 9/29/06@ 5:43 pm
This has just become a HUGE scandal. Expect to see calls for Speaker Hastert’s resignation.
Any documentation on that, or is that just speculation? I’d love it if it turns out to be true.
Oh so Clueless, NOT! I don’t support the donk platform of hershey highway is the only way. Me I like … we’ll SGMMac has one HowCan has one Janet S has one… do you need more clues?
I work on average 55-60 hours a week for a 40 hour paycheck. I like tax cuts, and I am not rich!
I like safety. So kill the islamofascists over there so they don’t visit here.
I like freedom of speech so as long as donk are not in charge we’ll have it. Can you imagine if GOldie was a Repub, the deonk in congress would threaten him like they did to ABC?
Why are you on the wrong side of abortion, gay marriage, lowering the age of sexual consent to 12, islamofascism?
Tell me your plan to keep America safe? No platitudes like Daddy Love gave last week.
How do you plan to kill them:
Talk them to death?
Blow your bad breath on them?
Fart in their face?
Give them looooooooooove?
Don’t you understand? Russia has been feeding them arms for decades and they attack the hand that feeds them. You are soooooooooooo STUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIIIID!
Commentby Leftist Looney— 9/29/06@ 12:35 pm
That is actually old. Drudge had in frontpage yesterday. The emails were not inappropriate.
ABC News reported Friday that Foley participated in sexually explicit instant messages with teenage male pages. In one exchange, Foley wrote: “Do I make you a little horny?” In another, he wrote, “You in your boxers, too? . . . Well, strip down and get naked.” Nothing that Drudge would consider inappropriate, so long as it was coming from a Republican.
But hey, investigate him. If it is found inappropriate, unlike liberals who defend their politicians inappropriate sex acts, I will be all for prosecuting him to the full extent of the law.
Let’s see. We’re equating child molestation with consensual sex. Oh, if it’s a Republican, then it’s just normal sex. Yes, President Clinton should have kept his zipper closed, but Ms. Lewinski was a consenting adult.
But of course you aren’t advocating we rush to throw him away without due process nwo are you? Why that is the same thing you liberals are accusing Bush of doing with this bill.
No, and I am even willing to give him full credit for resigning as soon as the scandal came out. I can think of at least one Democrat that should follow his lead. But then, Rep Jefferson is only accused of bribery and corruption. At least he doesn’t molest young boys, while serving as the chairman of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children’s Caucus.
My sentiments exactly.
#27 Continued
How about Courtney Love songs?
Black Sabbath?
Fleetwood Mac? – Now Stevie Nicks ummmm uhhhh
ZZ Top – Wait a minute I like ZZ Top!
Lynyrd Skynyrd?
Grunge Music?
Hot and Cold Rooms?
Shaving off their beards?
Come on Oh So Clueless? How would you have gotten Khalid Shiek Mohammad to talk? Remember now John Abscam Murtha said he didn’t talk. But many a life was saved from him spilling the beans. I am sure your witty conversational style (so proven here on this station) would have caused him to retch all his information to you right?
I wonder how long ABC sat on this? Is this the Democrats October Surprise? I wonder did Nancy or Harry receive a call and said you have to wait until just before October? Smells like See BS to me. Just before an election? Brian Ross using investigative skills? Well blow me down (Popeye the Sailor Man)!
I like how quiet it gets when facts which hurt the librul mind appear on this station.
WOS – I apologize for giving you the benefit of the doubt. You’re not yet ready to abandon the mental disorder of wingnuttia.
What the hell, I know it’s useless but I’ll engage your points:
Hershey Highway the only way: WTF? Hell I agree with you. I respect and celebrate diversity.
Tax cuts: who doesn’t like them? I just like my kids not having to pay for the mistakes of their parents.
Safety: check. I believe in neutralizing those who wish us harm. I just don’t believe in killing innocent people and creating more terrorists.
Freedom of speech: WTF? Did Bill Clinton keep you from melting your ears with Limbaugh and your eyes from Drudge, WND, Moonie Times, etc.? I was all for the ABC docutrash, that’s what TV movies are for – all they had to do was delete the lies.
Abortion: safe legal and rare. People need more freedom and options in their lives not less.
Gay marriage: against it. Marriage is the province of religion. Civil unions grant gay couple survivor benefits, things like that things they should have. If priests and ministers want to marry gays, it’s up to them.
Lowering age of consent: WTF? against it. 18 is fine with me.
Islamofascism: no such thing. Just brainwashed people who want to kill those don’t want to jackboot with them.
Plan: redeploy out of Iraq to Afghanistan with NATO, get bin Laden, al-Zawahiri. If civilization is threatened by these people then a multilateral strategy is what’s required. Finish the job there. Bring the country out of the middle ages. It’s doable and it’s cheaper than creating more terrorists in Iraq.
I don’t want to kill anybody if it’s not necessary.
Understand? Fuck you, asshole.
Clueless got to go now.
From Thoroughly Clueless oh so feckless,
I am sure and it is clear,
from the mindless something worthless
not a cure, will appear,
lacking kindness causing blindness.
MWS is a screaming dumbfuck among screaming dumbfucks.
Jesus loves republicans, therefore Jesus wants Rep Foley to have sex with boys.
And thanks for the fuck you asshole. I just said I don’t fuck assholes! You proved it again. Go take your meds clueless. Is your mama calling little boy?
Since you are against the same things I’m against how can you call yourself donk? Those are conservative positions.
Yet you support gay marriage by voting donk.
Yet you support We here, we queer, I’ll bend over you pack it here
Yet you support islamofascists by trying to give people who have no country or uniform Geneva Convention rights.
Yet you support the ACLU push to lower consent age to 12.
Yet you support the ACLU and their support of John Walker Lindh
Yet you support the ACLU and their support for removing crosses that have been up for centuries
Yet you support the ACLU and it’s love of NAMBLA
Yet you support artistes who put the cross in urine jars
I would give it a Google and show everyone your support for it. (now you change that tune in four notes?)!
In war innocents die. Sorry that happens but when you meet the enemy, you use all the force necessary to destroy him (paraphrased Four Star General Colin Powell 1991) I guess the B-17 Stratofortress, B-24 Liberator & B-29 Superstratofortress carpet bombing of Germany in WWII was a mistake? Per For Throughtly Clueless it was.
Goto go!
When confronted rujax proves he has no brains!
Goto go for sure!
29 – Hey this is getting fun. I like showing you how STOOOPID you are.
Ok WOS about KSM. Just get quiet for a second….
Ever hear of “Stockholm Syndrome”?
No no no! Just be quiet for a sec.
Ever hear of “Deprogramming”?
Nope, no! Just one more question…
Ever hear of the FBI??? Yes that left wing whacko organization?
Sorry WOS. The FBI happens to think waterboarding and the other “alternative methods” are ineffective. So the next time you have that “waterboarding” feeling, just focus on the here and now (i.e. reality) and let the feeling pass.
KSM just gave up some stuff in the talking stages. Very little of value. They tried to get more stuff by threatening to harm his children – they failed.
Here’s a quote from the One Percent Solution:
“The traditional methods of debriefing, used by both FBI and CIA, involved the building of a relationship, no matter how long and arduous a process. It’s the need for some human contact, some basic comfort, rather than simply the bottomless human fear, which ultimately triumphs. The captive’s previous life starts to fade and is slowly replaced by one constructed, often ingeniously, by his captors. This method, which the FBI still recommends, was canceled out by what they did to KSM. That’s the gamble. Once you do something as horrible as threaten someone’s children, and it doesn’t work — there’s nowhere else to go.”
Sorry WOS – you’re as brainwashed as the Islamists.
WOS – you’re such a namby pamby chickenshit!
Run away coward!
Mike Webb SUCKS, sucks republican penis, daily. Limbaugh’s, O’reilly’s, Pastor Pat’s, one after the other, licking the goo and smiling when he’s told to.
Hey Clueless I got a delay.
Run away coward? Oh boy he’s down to his last attack. Since you focus on KSM what about all the issues you hold so dear to your heart in Post #35. What I hate about the FBI is the pansies who know how to profile a guy but argue about how to dissect one. Maybe the Gorelick wall was constructed because the FBI could not rationally process international threat information because they were femi-menned by the Church Commission in the 70’s?
As I stated earlier in another thread James Woolsey while not the greatest of the FBI leaders sure had many things right and he supports the Patriot Act too.
You really have nothing to say For Thoroughly Clueless. I think on my feet. You can’t even think striaght on your ass reading the donk playbook from Think Progess Media Matters or Kos.
Did ya see your hero George Soros is getting out of politics Cclueless?
Wells Please stop accusing me of your acts of kindness toward your gender! I realize you wish to see me in that position but I don’t support We here We’re queer, I’ll bend over and you put it here.
What will the donk do to show “Republican Values” when their saviour is getting out of politics? When the money dries up oh no! Maybe Warren Buffett told old Hungarian Goulash he was wasting his money on the donk!
For Thoroughly Clueless you better send your money to MoveOn.Org as they’ll need it more than Darcy? Darcy still hasn’t answered my questions. Did you remove them from the blog like you did Puddy’s entry Goldie? Were they too tough for Darcy (or is it Darcie?)? WOuld they expose her “values”?
Wells: Do you and MtRainier suck from the same condoms? Who gets first dibs? Are you into sloppy seconds? How does latex taste? Do you blow them up as balloons after blowing to get them filled?
In the words of the Dirty harry criminal when Clint Eastwood forgot if he fired 5 or 6 shots: “I gotsta know” Wells.
WOS – your brainwashing is showing again. The Gorelick “wall” is bullshit.
Slade Gorton said so. Slade the Indian fighter. He said it in the MOONIE TIMES – google it fool!
If you can’t get something simple like that right, well, it just shows what a nut you are.
Sorry WOS – you lose again.
Now I have to really go or I’ll miss this evening’s fun!
Wow, looks like the Ass Clown Magnet is on high in this one
Darn Clueless you write something I just have to answer.
Now you use Slade Gorton Ha ha ha ha ha! Must be the first time you use Gorton. Gorelick admits she wrote the memo STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID
Ya know what would be a little moment of truth?
… a national broadcast company, ABC, CBS, FOX, doing Monday Night or any Football game hosted by a group of FLAMING HOMOSEXUALS.
These psuedo-macho guys into football are closet homos, insecure and needing re-affirmation from mommy. “How bout those packers?” Just what kinda packing are they talking about? “Mommy, am I a big boy now? I done beat up somebody to show you I’m a man.”
Nevermind, MWS. If you’re willing to castigate Foley for his closet homo hypocricy, leave it at that. Look at Foley’ vile, criminal corruption as the tip of the iceberg. Maybe Foley been doing GWB, ya never know with these Aryans you got selected.
James Woolsey while not the greatest of the FBI leaders
Wrong again WOS. Woolsey was NEVER in the FBI.
You’re slippin’ WOS. Your delusions are getting the better of you.
Run to your mommy now and ask her to make a doctor’s appointment for you – a shrink doctor.
Can we please get back to the lack of action by Speaker Dennis Hastert on on a very serious matter he was confronted with, and did nothing about, a year ago? And who is is self appointed ethics wacthedog – none other than Congressman Richard Hastings of Pasco – a right wing morals cop for anybody except Members of Congress.
But don’t blame Doc. He’s simply taking orders from the Speaker, who runs the House.
Yes I made a mistake he was the CIA. Even the brightest can make mistakes. Yet that’s all you can focus on because Post #35 is you For Thoroughly Clueless!
Now back to the Gorelick Wall. You had to remember jamie Gorelick rejected the advice from Mary Jo White, U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, when she warned against placing more limits on communications between law-enforcement officials and prosecutors pursuing counterterrorism cases. Did you forget who Mary Jo White is? She prosecuted the moslem cleric bazooka brains! You are the one with the missing frontal lobes!
Why are you attacking MWS For Thoroughtly Clueless:
you support gay marriage by voting donk.
you support We here, we queer, I’ll bend over you pack it here
you support islamofascists by trying to give people who have no country or uniform Geneva Convention rights.
you support the ACLU push to lower consent age to 12.
you support the ACLU and their support of John Walker Lindh
you support the ACLU and their support for removing crosses that have been up for centuries
you support the ACLU and it’s love of NAMBLA
you support artistes who put the cross in urine jars
Say it ain’t so!
You righties sure are the party of American values – perverted America that is.
The words of the Indian Fighter:
” Additionally, the assertion that the commission failed to report on this program to protect Ms. Gorelick is ridiculous. She had nothing to do with any “wall” between law enforcement and our intelligence agencies. The 1995 Department of Justice guidelines at issue were internal to the Justice Department and were not even sent to any other agency. The guidelines had no effect on the Department of Defense and certainly did not prohibit it from communicating with the FBI, the CIA or anyone else. ”
Sorry WOS – you lose.
53 – you’re repeating yourself WOS. Is your wingnuttia causing senility?
You need help bad fella.
Sorry clueless you lose. I don’t support the use of prooftexting. Prooftexting: Looking for the one line or paragraph that MAY prove your point while throwing out the baby and the rest of the bath water.
As I remember when others used Gorton’s testimony in the Hearings you panned it. So for you to use it now shows you have no integrity! You are cherry picking one little paragraph. If Mary Jo thought she was wrong then I guess the cleric who preached to the 1993 saboteurs is innocent by your reckoning. Fallaceous moonbat mindlessness from For Thoroughly Clueless!
BTW what about my accusations of your character in Post#53?
I repeat myself so you can focus on the issue For Thoroughly Clueless. Those are the facts about your support for those positions.
My last comment as we are finally ready:
You don’t support Joe Lieberman? Why For Thoroughly Clueless? He is a Jew in good standing? He is more of a Jew than Goldie? He supports Israel? He believes Israel can use it’s firepower against Hamas and Hezbollah? You don’t. His values are more in line with mine and he’s a donk. He sees islamofascists for what they are; head slicers of the worst kind.
Didn’t Puddy suggest you take home an islamofascist? Have you called one over to your house so he can meet the wife and kids?
WOS – show me where Gorton supports you on that bullshit “wall”.
By the way, did you buy into that Able Danger bullcrap? Gorton didn’t think too much of that either.
Sorry WOS – wingnuts lose again.
How many time has WOS gone on about that Gorelick wall?
More times than I care to remember.
All the time he was full of shit! Sorry WOS – sure does suck to be wrong about so much!
From the MSNBC article on AD:
“The 71-page report, blacked out in parts, also rejected Weldon’s claim that the unit wanted information given to the FBI but that Pentagon lawyers would not allow it.”
WOS’ “wall” has crumbled and blown away like almost all of his wingnut bullshit …
I’ll tackle some of these:
“you support gay marriage by voting donk.”
Already answered rather adequately above by someone else.
“you support We here, we queer, I’ll bend over you pack it here”
No, I support the notion that the Government should stay out of people’s bedrooms. Democrats read tawdry books in the privacy of their own homes. Republicans form censorship committees and read them as a group.
“you support islamofascists by trying to give people who have no country or uniform Geneva Convention rights.”
So does Sen McCain (R-AZ). For that matter, so does Colin Powell. If Powell actually ran for President, he’s one Republican who’d very likely get my vote.
“you support the ACLU push to lower consent age to 12.”
This is complete bullshit. Read here for a thorough debunking of that canard. Since your picture of the ACLU is this distorted, we can presume that all the other claims you make about the ACLU are equally abhorent to the actual truth.
“you support artistes who put the cross in urine jars”
No. In order to support such artists, I’d have to buy their art. Rather, I support their freedom to express their opinion with regard to what many people who claim to be Christian have done to the Christian faith. Personally, I’d point such “Christians” to Matt. 7:21-23, but, apparently, some of them don’t read very well.
Thanks Don Joe. Good work.
Now watch WOS do an “O’Reilly” when hits on your Media Matters material.
Such a predictable part of his script.
Warning: If you are a young male page working in congress, please, please be careful, there are Republicans around. When working as a page do not, ever bend over in front of a male republican, or smile at him. Do not even make eye contact, or mention anything they are wearing. If you catch their attention they may creep you out. These Republicans are dangerous, and should be treated with extrems caution. If any Republican makes sexual advances to you, or any of your friends, please report it to THE DEMOCRATS. Reporting inappropriate behavior to Republicans would be a waste of time, and probably only lead to more sexual advances.
” How do you plan to kill them:
Talk them to death?
Blow your bad breath on them?
Fart in their face?
Give them looooooooooove?
Don’t you understand? Russia has been feeding them arms for decades and they attack the hand that feeds them. You are soooooooooooo STUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIIIID!
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/29/06@ 6:36 pm ”
I get sick of hearing the Republican talking point “The Democrats don’t have a plan” spewed from slimy GOP lips over and over.
I do know who has a plan. Republicans. They plan on taking bribes, running our debt to the moon, screwing 99% of Americans so the top 1% can buy new Ferrarris every year.
They have a plan for Iraq best of all. Their plan is to ignore all facts, and realities. Lie their asses off, and blow sunshine while the place turns to sh*t, and make every mistake possible, and lie to cover them up. When it comes to managing a war, I would trust any Democrat over and Republican hands down.
There is no way anyone could have messed up this bad (Iraq) by accident. I think Bush wanted Chaos so he could play war chief longer, and keep the price of oil as high as possible. It is now backfiring in spades, and it is our troops that are having to pay WITH THEIR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone that supports Bush should go enlist RIGHT NOW and stop typing. Go die for Herr Fuhrer.
Just don’t pretend you are serving your country. I know you want to serve your country, but following orders from Bush, and Rummy is actually hurting our country. Big time. Bush has made our troops make us less safe, by doing their duty. Gotta suck.
All facts support that statement by the way.
hey where is your outrage at barry the fag who hade a male whore living in his house,or the mass congessman who was having a fling with a page.did the leave hell no.at least this guy left.you only want power at any cost.
john@28 tell me john did mr gary studds resign no.and one more thing you made mention about the pilots at whidbey talking about the cival air patrol often well your full of shit ive been in four squadrons at whidbey and the aimd and never heard the cival air patrol mentioned once.and what did darcy do pull the chocks.
Mark Foley was most violating Florida law doing what he did. In Florida, the age of consent is 18 under most circumstances, and only 16 and 17 with a close in age exemption.
Washington law is a little different, as our age of consent is age 16 unless you’re in a position of power and authority over such 16 and 17 year old and you’re over 5 years older than said minor.
Now, I’m certainly not defending the piece of shit. The guy is definitely a hypocrite, and for that reason alone he should fry. He was a closeted moron who was a hypocrite, and filled with quite a lot of self hatred.
However, I’ve seen the term “pedophile” used to define Foley. If Foley was attracted to pre-pubescent children, then he certainly would be. He still may be (there is an absence of evidence, which doesn’t mean it isn’t true).
Everyone should more focus on the fact that the guy is a POS hypocrite closetcase. Mark Foley was outed as “closet gay” two years ago, and as a result it costed him a US Senate race without him even admitting that he’s gay. What’s even worse is that he was in a position of authority and power over said pages. In this situation, age matters little, but power does matter.
We need to make a list. I know it would be more like a book than a list. But we need to make a list where we document all these Jim West types.
And if we can get this GOP asswipe convicted in a court in Florida for underage sex, we send him to the big house for life where he’ll be called Tammy forever.
The corruption of the Republican leadership goes far beyond tradng money for votes, though they certainly did that. This is just another reminder to the American people why they do not deserve our trust, our votes, or a postion of leadership.
Sometimes I think I have run out of outrage. I think, “Well, OF COURSE Republicans are gay perverts and pedophiles!” But what gripes me most, and I just heard, for example, news reports about Rumsfeld not taking Condoleeza Rice’s phone calls, is that the GOP seems to have NO sense of duty, NO sense of honor, NO sense of the responsibility of public office, NO wish at all to enter public service to, you know, serve the public. It’s all about power and their own selfish ends. It amazes and disgusts me.
I’m only glad that America’s waking up to the same realization.
13 sillyguy
22 MWS
The Repblican leadership protected this guy and blew off the evidence against him. They DESERVE “tarring with the same brush!”
Where’s WOS this morning? Probably the same place as Puddy because WOS=Puddy.
As far as his Congressional seat, I don’t know what his district is like, but he was so strong there that he probably has a weak challenger, and I wouldn’t be surprised (because Foley’s name will still be on the ballot) if Florida Republicans will cast their votes for a child molester if he has an R behind his name.
Puddybud is off discussing the page scandal with his virgin sons. They’re wondering why when they played “congress” he was always a represenative and they were always pages. It never occurred to them that the Florida example wasn’t how it’s supposed to work…
48 MWS
I just read the Gorelick memo (at the DoJ: http://www.usdoj.gov/ag/testim.....k_memo.pdf)
Honestly, I don’t see in it the crap you guys have been flinging for a decade about it.
Gorelick says we should not imperil criminal prosecutions by sloply allowing FISA information to be used improperly. Do you want federal criminal prosecutions to fail?
Gorelick says that an Assistan US Attornay (Mary White, AUSA for Southern New York) will act as intermediary, to make SURE that evidence of criminal activity gained from FISA terrorism surveillance gets to the criminal investigators and prosecutors, and to make SURE that evidence of terrorist activity gets from criminal investigators to counterterrorist agencies. The AUSA is also there to make SURE that there are no IMPROPER contacts between such agencies that would taint investigations and provide defense attorneys with grounds for mistrial or acquittal. Do you favor compromised investigations and prosecutions?
Those are yes or no questions.
Who needs the ACLU when the whole fucking House Republican leadership is defending NAMBLA!
Damn…the Rabbit chose a bad time for a vacation.
I’d love to hear from him right about now!
Fuckitty, fuck fuck fuck!
Abu Graib,
the Iraq clusterfuck,
forced prostituion,
forced abortions,
the Abramoff scandal,
the Republican Pedophile scandal…
…I love it when a plan comes together!
Give ’em enough rope and they ALWAYS hang themselves. These fucks thought the had it all gamed so they wouldn’t get caught.
Wrong Again! Just like Nixon…just like Reagan. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.
According to Chris at MyDD, the district’s partisan index is +2.4 GOP – Republican, but not overwhelmingly so. More here.
My comment was in response to this:
As far as his Congressional seat, I don’t know what his district is like, but he was so strong there that he probably has a weak challenger, and I wouldn’t be surprised (because Foley’s name will still be on the ballot) if Florida Republicans will cast their votes for a child molester if he has an R behind his name.
Commentby Daddy Love— 9/30/06@ 8:49 am
27 MWS
“I work on average 55-60 hours a week for a 40 hour paycheck. I like tax cuts, and I am not rich!”
Wow. Well, you’re a little dumber than I thought. I fail to see any particular virtue here.
“I like safety. So kill the islamofascists over there so they don’t visit here. ”
Right now wer’re busy trianing a whole new generation of Muslim militants to hate and oppose us for the next fifty years. Lordy, and they werent even there before we invaded Iraq! I shouldn’t be, but I guess I am surprised that you refuse to see the folly of trying to kill one’s way out of a terrorist threat. Counterterrorism is almost entirely a hearts and minds operation. Bombs, guns, armies, torturing thousands of carelessly screened detainees, not so much.
“I like freedom of speech so as long as donk are not in charge we’ll have it.”
One might ask you, as others did in response to the detainee adn torture bill, if you have any cases n mind that would support such a claim.
“ Can you imagine if GOldie was a Repub, the deonk in congress would threaten him like they did to ABC?”
I had never befor looked this up, but finally decided to. Democrats sent a letter that in part reminded ABC of its obligations under the the Communications Act of 1934. Nowhere was mentioned any action against ABC, nowhere was mentioned ABC’s “license,” NOTHING. And considering that the Republicans run both the Congress AND the FCC, it would be a particulary ridiculous and toothless “threat” if is WAS one, which it clearly is not.
“Why are you on the wrong side of abortion, gay marriage”
We’re not. We’re on the RIGHT side of medical privacy and equal protection under the law. Why do you oppose privacy and fairness?
“lowering the age of sexual consent to 12, islamofascism?”
Not Democratic positions. Straw man.
“Tell me your plan to keep America safe? No platitudes like Daddy Love gave last week.
Well, first, we plan to get into a position to make changes by exposing Republican corruption and incompetence until the American people realize how badly they want a change.
Then, until Demcrats run the Executive, we will implement the 9/11 Comission recommendations, implement the Demcoratic Party security measure from the platform. Detailed plans for these measures exist, in the platform itelf, in white papers from universties and think tanks, and so on. If I bullet point them you’ll mve on and accuse me of “plattudes,” So read for yourself. If you can.
Honestly, you should look in the mirror before you fling crap about “platitudes.”
How do you plan to kill them:
Talk them to death?
Blow your bad breath on them?
Fart in their face?
Give them looooooooooove?
Don’t you understand? Russia has been feeding them arms for decades and they attack the hand that feeds them. You are soooooooooooo STUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIIIID!
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS—
Another TJ says Foley’s the district’s partisan index is +2.4
From “The Cook Report:”