So, predictably, conservatives are attacking Democrat Brian Baird, WA-03, for refusing to play their stupid “mob rule” game and will have telephone town halls instead of the rugby scrums desired by the tea birthers.
Which got me to wondering who else has used telephone town halls.
From a 2007 post by former Seattle Times reporter David Postman.
About 400 people pressed “1” and joined Reichert for his first district-wide “tele-town hall.” It was about an hour-long conference call that for Reichert has replaced the old-fashioned, in-person, town hall meeting.
Actually, Reichert, a two-term Republican, has never held a traditional town hall meeting. Early in his first term he convened a panel discussion to talk about Social Security. But that didn’t go well.
“People started chanting and yelling,” Reichert’s chief of staff, Mike Shields, said this week. The forum was moderated by Times editorial page editor Jim Vesely. He wrote afterward that the event turned into a “hockey game.” That was the end of any plans for open-door town halls for Reichert.
Go figure. It’s okay for Republicans, as always.
In fact, can you find any republicans holding town hall meetings????
Here is how bush handled it:
Republicans believe in democracy – ‘ceptin when they don’t.
@1 If any Republicans do hold town hall meetings, they won’t be disrupted by these mobs.
And that simple fact answers the question whether these are spontaneous mobs or an organized and scripted assault on our democratic processes.
Jay Inslee held a teleconference last month.
I wonder if any of these morons disrupting “town hall” meetings on health care have enough going on upstairs to realize that some of the other people in attendance are likely to be health care professionals–after all, they have something of a vested interest in how this turns out. If it were me, I’d have some pause about offending the sensibilities of someone who might be caring for me the next time I was injured or sick.
False comparison, as usual.
Baird is a sniveling coward. Reichart wasn’t and isn’t. Bottom line. end of story.
@5 [SNORT!]
Rep. Reichert’s telephone “town hall” on health care was yesterday, noon to 1 pm.
Telephones are so effing Socialist it’s not even funny.
Why don’t you dig up all the follow up media that occurred where Republican pundits were crying ‘mob’ or the white house suggesting you email them. Oh that’s right, they didn’t.
As someone said on the PI today, “Liberals shoud add Outrage to the manufacturing numbers this quarter”
Will wonders ever cease, Bill O’Reilly said something good about President Obama! This is the beginning of the end for the wingnuts; their world is coming apart.
Here’s a concerned Mom at a townhall:
Just happens to be a GOPP official.. How endearing!
Astroturfing at its finest!
@9 So if a wingnut posts bullshit on the P-I, and then another wingnut cites the wingnut bullshit posted at the P-I in the HorsesAss comment thread, that makes the wingnut bullshit credible?
[Pan to visual of rabbit picking at front teeth with front claw]
@12 Ho, boy…they keep that up, and Sun Myung Moon might eventually be off the hook for who knows how many million dollars a year propping up the Washington Times.
@9: Care to cite that – or do we just believe your hearsay and out of context quote?
It is hard to refute something that you can’t even reference…but then discourse and facts are not what you are after…are they?
@12 Thanks for showing us how dense liberals are. The poster was saying that the manufactured outrage over this is laughable.
The Mat-Su Barbie shrieks about Obama’s “Death Panel”:
And these wingnuts wanted this creature one heartbeat away from the big chair..
Hey Wingnuts,
One of your own attacks Beck!
Give him his marching orders to grovel and apologize!
re 15: What are they outraged about?
There is a qualitative difference about shrieking at public meetings where health reform is being discussed BY ALL SIDES just to make discussion impossible and proteating a war that we were illegally lied into and the Rethugs are punching the Dem. protestors, pushing them out of public gatherings and basically suppressing free speech.
The issue isn’t “Well you had protestors, so do we.” It’s intent.
The Republican intent is to thwart free speech.
Fucking Dunderheads.
Heh heh heh. Now that our side uses the same tactics as the filthy left-wing hippie-types, ya’ll aghast about it. Looking forward to shouting down a few more filthy Democrat scumbags. Alinskyite tactics are good for everyone!
re 20: Glad you approve. We’d love to shout down Reichert, but he never says anything. I guess that’s the kind of stuff you learn at a Lutheran 2 year college.