Wow… those Ron Paul folks sure do hate McCain…
It’s a pretty powerful, compelling and credible collection of clips. (Except for that stuff at the end about McCain collaborating with the North Vietnamese—he was tortured after all—but if Republicans want to Swift Boat one of their own, I say more power to them.)
Ouch. John McCain’s going to have W’s approval rating by then end of the summer. The GOP should just write this election off.
Despite being denied adequate medical treatment for several days for his injuries sustained ejecting from his plane, and being abused by the locals who fished him out of the lake he landed in, John McCain was not tortured while being held as a POW. The North Vietnamese quickly realized that his father was commander of the US Pacific Fleet and treated him “relatively” well in hopes of using him as a propaganda tool. This is documented in McCain’s memoirs and substantiated by the other officers held in the same facility as McCain. That’s not to say that being held POW by the North Vietnamese was a cake walk, but John McCain’s experience was much different than many who did suffer greatly while in captivity.
John McCain served honorably as a Navy pilot, and I don’t want to take anything away from him for that or having been held as a POW. But lets not degrade what others went through by stating that McCain was physically tortured. He wasn’t, and he’s said as much himself.
That is hard hitting and well done. As I type this there are 3 McCain adds on this page. That adds a nice little touch to the video…McCain is paying Goldy to run it.
Whatever McCain’s treatment at the hands of the NVA, the fact remains that he broke and collaborated. I am sure that his career-Navy father and deceased career-Navy grandfather (admirals both) beamed with pride at how well their hostile little man-child collaborated with the enemy.
Yes, it looks like the glue that held together the GOP’s top-down unity model is dissolving in critical seams and the whole construct is coming apart.
(For you rednecks, that’s intellectual talk for “fighting among yourselves.”)
Dyed-in-the-wool conservatives never liked McCain, and fake conservatives (i.e., neocons … you know, Republican big-government guys) dislike him only slightly less.
And then there’s the fundie sideshow — a big chunk of the evangelical base is suddenly rethinking their immersion in politics … maybe they’re afraid some of the GOP smell will tarnish the Jesus brand name. At least some of them are thinking it’s time to do more hallelujah and less politicking.
It’s kind of like the mortar crumbling out of a brick arch. You don’t really want to be standing under it when that happens. But that’s what it’s like to be a Republican today. And the guy standing under the keystone brick is John McCain.
Oooooh, owwwwwch, this is gonna hurt, John!!!
I can hardly wait for the Ron Paul wing of the GOP to sally forth and try to sell their 30% federal sales tax to the financially-stressed working and middle classes!
Oh yes, let’s fight this campaign on economics. As Bill Clinton said, “It’s the economy stupid!” Yes, yes, yes, I want them to campaign on economics!!!! Oh please Lord, yes, make them campaign on the economy!!! Gay marriage can wait. Ron Paul’s acolytes don’t care about that. They want their 30% sales tax!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! Let the Paulites run the GOP!!! Let the Paulites frame the debate!!!
30% sales tax! 30% sales tax! 30% sales tax! That’s a GOP platform that will be a sure winner for us Democrats.
@5 “And then there’s the fundie sideshow — ”
So much for an American theocracy run by the Left Behinders. I will miss them dearly.
daddy love@4 i just wanted to be the first to say your a fuckin would not make a good pimple on McCaines ass.
@4 There’s no need to stoop to the level of the GOP in calling McCain names. Leave the gutter to the GOP. Obama can take the high road and win with his head held high.
Yep this one will have the baby-raping right spinning like tops. I love it. And it’s just the beginning of people talking about McCain’s weak ass act in Nam. He gave up GI names, troop locations and movements. He’s no more a hero than that other republican coward GW Bush.
Off topic here a bit: Here is the difference between a McCain led republican investigation into Abramoff and a democratic led investigation into the links between the White House and Abramoff:
The truth.
Abramoff met with and acted through Rove – Rove’s secretary worked for:
Ralph Reed
then Rove
Rove and Bush claimed to hardly know Abramoff – they lied.
Abramoff got Rove to pressure the resignation of Alan Stayman – Interior dept. secretary who opposed the Mariana’s slave labor/abortion mill as unamerican.
Swift Boat for the rethugs by the rethugs. Could fragmentation get any better?
@8 Truth hurts, don’t it?
@9 Just because we don’t need to do it doesn’t mean it isn’t fun! The best time to kick a wingnut is when he’s down, and the best place to kick him is in the nuts. Fighting fair is for sissies. They don’t, so why should we?
Spank! McCain might not even get to November.
It’s not like Daddy Love called someone a sperm burping cum slut or anything.
Yep, exactly.
michael @ 16
That’d be a “takes one to know one” kind of comment.
I almost hate to even step in this discussion, but the problem with calling this anti-McCain video “republican infighting” is that most Ron Paul supporters aren’t Republicans (myself included)
Many folks just held their noses while they participated in the republican primaries so they could support a good guy, not so that they could be part of the republican hate machine. I’ve personally never voted republican before, and never will again.
8 pu
Well, you’re right and you’re wrong.
You’re wrong that I woudn’t make a good pimple on John McCain’s ass. I am a motivated, intelligent, hard worker and I’d be the best pimple that sorry, crippled motherfucker ever had.
But you’re right that I’m a fucking asshole. Goddamned right I am. And I’m kinda picking up that you are too.
However, those facts have nothing to do with whether John McCain’s military family would feel proud of their heir collaborating with the enemy. I imagine that the day they heard that news is a day they aren’t particularly fond of reliving. Not exactly “living up to proud military tradition.” But McCain was always a punk and still is.
The purpose of a national sales tax is to replace the income tax, which is intrusive and gives the government too much power. RR likes to piss and moan about “30%” but it’s more like 23%, and imagine how people will react when they buy stuff and really, really see what this oppressive government is costing them. My bet is that they’ll want a lot less government, and less government means more freedom.