So even while town halls are being held, contentious but not violent tonight in the case of Brian Baird, the political situation has bypassed the right wingers earnestly stamping their feet and holding their breath about “socialism” and “death panels” and such. From The New York Times:
Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, said the heated opposition was evidence that Republicans had made a political calculation to draw a line against any health care changes, the latest in a string of major administration proposals that Republicans have opposed.
“The Republican leadership,” Mr. Emanuel said, “has made a strategic decision that defeating President Obama’s health care proposal is more important for their political goals than solving the health insurance problems that Americans face every day.”
So in their zeal to, well, be wienies, the righties have managed to convince even Rahm Emanuel that there’s no sense in playing ball with them. They just keep moving the goal posts.
My, oh my, isn’t this all so interesting?
I’m sure this will turn out to be good news for Republicans, somehow.
I really don’t think Rahm Emaneul’s opinion counts for much. Most people in America, including most likely all but a few dozen at Baird’s meeting, have no idea who he is. A very few might know that his position in the Obama administration is that of Karl Rove in the last, except he has far less power.
why dont you tell them who he is arnie.
us/israeli citizen
fought for israel in the first gulf war
made 18 million from the now bankrupt fannie mae
at fund raiser, stabbed the dinner table with a knife ,screaming against his enemies, “dead”.
father was a member of the militant zionist group irgun.
noted for foul mouth
in short, real sweet guy
I take it from your knowledge of this stuff that you’re Jewish. Sounds like you subscribe to a lot of zionist media.
But what do your religious preferences have to do with anything?
What “Republican intransigence” is, is that it is completely irrelevant.
While DeVore flirts with chug-a-lugging new Kool Aid formulations, you wander off into your Hitler Mini-Me imitation again.
That Rahm Emmanuel, or anyone else, for that matter, served in the Israeli military is a nothing when it comes to healt care. The only “care” is “who cares?”
So, he’s a tough guy? Big deal. And Israel didn’t “fight” in the first gulf war. It got attacked by scud missiles, but it didn’t respond or retaliate, so you are an idiot.
The best thing you can do for liberty and freedom is to disappear – the sooner the better. You are a racist with a well-documented track record of spewing the same crap you find in Mein Kampf and the films of Leni Riefenstahl.
Go away!
The Piper
1 AF
I’m not really sure what you mean. Rahm Emmanuel is White House Chief of Staff, the position held by Andrew Card in the Bush admnistration. He does wield a great deal of power, as he controls who gets to see and speak with the president and is one of Obama’s primary Congressional liaisons on legislative matters.
It is true he does not have the power Rove had, but that is because in the Bush administration Cheney and Rove stepped into the power vacuum that was GW Bush and ran the country the way they wanted to, as weird co-presidents.
Rahm will turn out to be a negative in all of this. Frankly, I don’t know why Conservative’s haven’t attacked him already for his track record…other than he has been hiding.
This is smashmouth politics.
Rahm is probably the most vicious at it.
You reap what you sow.
And to say the Republican’s want NO Health Care Reform is a blatant lie.
Obama himself said he & Republicans agree on 80% of the reforms.
Sounds good though for the fringe lunatic left…even though it ain’t true.
So, how’s that “public option” working up in British Columbia, our oft times ignored neighbor to the north?
Not good…
Ballooning defecits, run-away costs, cutting back on what look to be necessary surgeries, and a revolving-door bureaucracy are all features of Vancouver Coastal Health Authority.
And you people want to emulate that??? Masochists or death wish – which is it?
The Piper
Republicans want to completely abrogate the social compact embodied in our Constitution. Because they lost and they’re mad. Let’s go get the WAAAAAAAHmbulance.
Someone please get the memo to Obama that he doesn’t have to try to placate the Republicans anymore.
8 PS
Why don’t you talk about the provisions that are on the table? Canada’s health unsurance system is not. The irrelevant seems to be all you guys have left.
Because if you keep demanding government-run healthcare, I’ll keep showing you the future.
Wait until you hear what Warren Buffett is now saying about it…As soon as it goes live, I’ll link it.
The Piper
government-run healthcare? Don’t make me laugh. A few modest changes to a system that leaves in place employer-paid private insurance, and adds a self-financing governmentally sponsored insurance program within a regulated health insurance exchange is “government run healthcare?”
By your definition, a system wherein “government” does not “run” “health care” is “government run healthcare.” Under the proposals actually on the table (in that troubling and liberally biased “reality”), goverment does not hire doctors, manufature drugs, or provide services. It collects premiums and uses those premiums to pay for services and to fund plan administration (with far lower overhead than private insurance companies, partly because they won’t be paying their CEOs hundreds of millions).
No wonder the public has realized that your side is insane and irresponsible.
Anyone with a brain knows that because the Canadian system is very diffrent from what is being proposed for the US, any conclusions that can be reached from studying outcomes there will not be relevant to the American experience. Sorry, but that’s just the nature of inquiry.
All you’re trying to do is fear-monger by citing cherry-picked examples from a completely different system. It’s why Republican governance is no longer trusted.
The health care plans are really pretty simple. Here’s the flowchart.
Look for Republicans to totally ignore the substance of this and of the actual bills and continue to mouth Frank Luntz’ talking points about the “government takeover of health care.”
I should mention that what the Piper thinks, predicts, and says are all also irrelevant.
We won, we’re writing the legislation, we’re passing it, and Republicans will continue to scream bloody murder because when you can’t elect anyone, that’s what you’ve got left.
9. Daddy Love spews:
Show me proof the guy carrying the assault rifle was a Republican. I have recently attended a number of Tea Party events. I can assure you the majority there were NOT Republicans. They hate R’s as much as D’s.
Makes for a yet another nice Daddy Love fable though, doesn’t it.
Daddy Love is spewing the Far-Left, Daily Kos talking points by trying to characterize what is on the table by his hero McDimwit as something other than Government-run Health Care.
These KLOWNS run something up the flagpole and it gets slaughtered.
They turn around and run up something identical or a stepping stone…and call it something else.
Sounds like 6-time Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Norman Thomas to me!!
We do have single-payer, government-administered health insurance (again, just like the current bills, not Frank Luntz’s “government run health-care), and it’s effective, has extremely low overhead (1.5%), and is wildly popular–Medicare. Now we also have the VA system, which is government-run health care,” and again, it is effective, highly regarded, low overhead, and wildly popular.
Scare stories don’t work when we can see the evidence of our eyes.
And, of course, your scare stories are also irrelevant. We’re passing this without you, and you can just sit on the sidelines and think about how feeble and powerless your party is.
18 Cyn
It’s funny how you guys keep talking to yourselves. You don’t even know what it’s like outside the Fox News bubble.
Inside the bubble, Republicans are powerful, righteous, and just about to win.
Outside the bubble, you are powerless, ridiculous, unpopular, and completely discredited.
Well, I guess I can see why you like it better in there.
@2 So now you asswipes are Israel-haters? That’s quite a flip-flop from last week. Does this mean you’re giving up on the Jewish vote because they keep voting for Democrats anyway?
Daddy Love is like one of the autoanimatronic things you see at Disneyland – he only spews what he is programmed to spew. Never has there been an original thought expressed in any of hiis commentary.
He reminds me of the drunk pirate who pops up out of the barrel during the Pirates of the Caribbean ride – only DL makes far less sense.
Like his comment @20 where he can’t seem to understand that right now it’s the majority in Congress and in the Obama Administration that look “powerless, ridiculous, unpopular, and completely discredited.”
Doesn’t he read he watch the news? It’s been in all the papers.
If his side has all the cards, how come they keep losing the pot?
The Piper
The Daily Columbian reports that Brian Baird’s townhall meeting was reasonably orderly. It sounds to me like it was run the way you have to run public meetings in order to deal with the Hells Angels colloquially known as Republicans:
Questioners were required to submit their questions in writing with their names and cities of residence;
Instead of an open mic, questions were drawn from a hat by a moderater and read from the written submission;
Cops were present to maintain order, and attendees were searched at the door;
No guns were allowed, or motorcycle helmets, and only water bottles without caps were permitted (presumably so they couldn’t be used as missiles).
It’s a sad commentary this is what it takes to have a civil discourse on health care in America, but you do what you gotta do.
Meanwhile, in Massachusetts, Rep. Barney Frank faced down a wingnut freak who compared Obama to Hitler, asking her “what planet are you from?” and telling her “trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table,” and cut her off with, “I have no interest in doing it.” Good for him! It’s about time Democrats get some spine and tell these clowns to take a hike.
@2 “noted for foul mouth”
Yep, that’s why he was hired. Takes one to deal with one ….
You wouldn’t hire Mother Teresa to deal with King Jong Il, would you? Well, my friend, President Obama hired Rahm to deal with you goatfuckers. Suck on it.
@7 “Rahm will turn out to be a negative in all of this.”
No, Rahm will kick your wingnut asses. That’s his job, and he’s good at it. Bend over, it’s time.
@9 “We will forcefully resist people imposing their will on us through the strength of the majority with a vote.”
We (i.e. the American people) just did. About 10 months ago. Apparently this rifle-brandishing monkey didn’t get that memo.
@12 Hypocrisy Alert: I predict Piper will apply for government-run health care when he turns 65 and will be glad to have it.
@14 “It’s why Republican governance is no longer trusted.”
Well, one of the reasons. Demonstrating Republican incompetence by making a hash of everything they touched when they did govern are additional reasons.
What the republicans fail to realize is that the public has caught on to their game. they have no health care plan, they like the current system and they want to stall or stop any reform efforts (because they are deeply into the pockets of big Pharma and the Insurance industry and don’t care about the health of real Americans):
1. the insurance companies are financing and encouraging the “protests” and the “teaparties”. The bought and paid for republican party is a now just a shrill shill for the insurance industry.
Link: http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.....?ref=fpblg
2. The gun-toting folks have ties to right wing radical militias and they planned the al this “bring guns” to events stuff:
Oh, and Hancock: He was a big supporter of these guys (the Viper militia):
To come full circle, the guys organizing the gun stuff are Ron Paul supporters who also supported the Viper militia – convicted of attempting violent overthrow of our country in 1997.
Yes, these are the “backbone” of the republican party. The rest of the so-called “principled” republicans gave up all credibility as they supported Bush and his record setting deficit and his unnecessary 1 trillion dollar war in Iraq.
@Piper: Gee, the Canadian economy is also down so they are making cutbacks in health care…is that supposed to be some news? they still pay way less than us per person and get better health care than we do…plus they don’t have the extra unnecessary paperwork of private insurers, the denial of coverage, the preexisting condition crap and the obscene executive bonuses.
@16 “Republicans will continue to scream bloody murder because when you can’t elect anyone, that’s what you’ve got left.”
No, Republicans had much more than that when this health care debate started. They were invited to participate in the debate. They were shown a door open to negotiation and compromise. They were told the President wanted a bipartisan bill and had an opportunity to help write the legislation. They threw it all away, choosing infantile grandstanding instead. They, not the Democrats, flushed their opportunities down the toilet. And when Democrats pass a bill without them, they will have no one to blame but themselves.
@17 “Show me proof the guy carrying the assault rifle was a Republican.”
Easy: You, by your public comments, are on the same page as these wackos; and neither you, nor any other Republican, has repudiated them or their antics. There are times when silence speaks volumes, and this is one of those times.
Further proof: The GOP’s leadership, far from condemning the disrupters and gun-wavers, are egging them on. Not exactly what I’d call responsible stewardship of the public offices they hold. And you continue to identify with, vote for, and shill for these morons.
What more proof could one possibly want or need?
Wingnuts, explain to us:
What value do insurance companies add at all to American health care? Besides, that is, skimming money off the top, adding layers upon layers of paperwork, and then screwing whoever is stupid enough to get a serious illness. Tell us what they’re doing that is so great and so wonderful that we should leave them alone.
@30 “he’s known ‘Chris’ (the man with the AR-15) for two years because of their mutual work for Ron Paul”
More proof that Ron Paul is a hard-right conservative who attracts wingfuck freaks. Why would anyone left of the militia crazies support him? Paul, among other things, wants to replace the income tax with a federal sales tax of 30% or more. You couldn’t pick a more regressive way of raising money for the federal government if you tried. No Democrat or independent in his right mind could ever vote for Paul.
@33 It’s inexplicable. Most of them don’t even own stock in these companies, and are getting screwed by them, so what do they gain by bending over for a buttfucking by the greedy insurers? Yet, that’s exactly what they’re doing. On the other hand, wingnuts have never been famous for having any brains …
If these programs are that successful, then why not just extend them to all Americans and be done with it?
I’m not being argumentative – I really want to know.
@36 Because of the intransigence of Republican obstructionists and naysayers.
Daddy Love keeps spewing about how great Medicare and the VA is.
Norm Dicks (D-WA) said yesterday that Medicare is unsustainable and needs massive reform.
How is that great Daddy Love??????
And the VA?? Complaints run rampant from veterans. WTF is Daddy Love talking about??
You are right Piper…DL is a robot regurgatating taglines from the Democrat Party and Daily Kos.
PS–Do you think even DL believes his own BS??
Sounds like the left-wingnut gun freaks that brought guns to the RNC in 2000.
Of course they didn’t get the same attention from the media, go figure.
You bitch and moan about you having to pay for insurance.
Why aren’t you the free government healthcare plan?
In answer to your question, in order for someone to believe or disbelieve anything, there has to be an ability to discern.
Synthesizing information and weighing the pros and cons of a position then coming to a conclusion as to the veracity of it are way beyond a parroting robot, which is what DL evidences himself to be with almost every one of his posts.
Really…his parents must be so ashamed.
The Piper
“We (i.e. the American people) just did. About 10 months ago. Apparently this rifle-brandishing monkey didn’t get that memo.”
RR please refrain from calling black people monkeys. No one needs to read your racist BS.
The young man is an idiot, attention starved, fool for bringing an AR-15 to an event that the POTUS is holding. I addressed this in a previous comment. Just because you can wet your finger and stick in a light socket doesn’t mean you should!!! His situational awareness sucks.
Nice one rabbit.
Is this the CNN “monkey” you were talking about?
Or maybe this msnbc “monkey.”
Which “monkey” were you referring to?
A new study says the average age of video-game players in the United States is 35, and oh, by the way: They’re overweight and tend to be depressed.
Average age is 35? Fat is obvious but I never would have guessed the average age.
That explains the depression.
What’s fascinating is that the man in Pheonix was doing something perfectly legal under Arizona law yet rabbit, the law-hater that he is, criticized him. Rabbit reserves his praise for those who break the law, not for those who observe it. To rabbit, you’re guilty until proven (impossible task, BTW) innocent.
But we should be kinder to those consumed with such phobias and psychological maladies. Rabbit is a pathetic case desperately in need of treatment.
The Piper
36 nolaguy
Because we have a reasonably cautious, moderate president who has seen ansd heard that most people with employer-sponsored health care are happy with it so the political calculus is on the side of assuring those people that they can keep the oevr4age they like.
However, we still have an overly complicated insurance system with a lot of local monopoly raising prices and cutting services, so I favor a single-payer plan and would be happy with “Medicare for all.”
I know we have a bunch of ignorant people in here, so allow me to edumacate you.
According to a Consumers Union (that’s probably “Consumer Reports” to you) poll in April 2009, when asked “How satisfied are you with the U.S. healthcare system?” those with government sponsored and run insurance (chiefly Medicare and VA) answered
Satisfied (Net) 54%
Dissatisfied (net) 45%
Those with private, non-employer-sponsored insurance responded negatively, 46%/53%
Those with employer-sponsored insurance responded negatively, 49%/50%
Those without any insurance had a very negative view of the US healthcare system, 17%/82%.
If you’re an American and you don’t have health insurance, you’re fucked.
But when you have government insurance, things look pretty good. Funny, huh?
39 MS
Yes, those Black Panthers have been instilling fear in Republican racists and skinheads for four decades now. It’s pretty funny.
30. correctnotright spews:
cnr is a liar and nuts.
BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA stated in his most recent talk that he and the Republicans agree on 80% of the reform.
This is OBAMA saying that you KLOWN!!!!!!!!
What we don’t agree on is Government Controlled Health Care.
What we don’t agree on is the need for Tort Reform, Fraud detection and minimization and Intrastate Competition between private insurers.
How in the world can anyone take cnr’s ridiculous rantings seriously??
Did you or did you not hear Obama say that he & Republican’s agree on 80% of the reform??
And that the Public Option “was only a small sliver” of the whole reform package??
Are you deaf? I know you are dumb.
Here is an excellent assessment in the WSJ less than 2 weeks ago…and the numbers for single-payer have gotten much worse since then.
@42 Since when is calling someone a “monkey” racist? Just because you think of African-Americans when someone uses the term “monkey” doesn’t mean I do. Looks to me like you’re the racist here.
I call you guys “monkeys” because you behave like “monkeys.” Race has nothing to do with it.
re Piper: “Synthesizing information and weighing the pros and cons of a position then coming to a conclusion as to the veracity of it are way beyond a parroting robot….”
But Piper, you did all of that and came to the conclusion that you should wear tartan skirts and blow hot air into a bag!!
I believe that RR and DL have asked you what value do the health insurers add to healthcare, and you resort to ad hominem attacks and candy-floss verbiage to deflect the question.
Why not use those conceptual/synthesizing brain muscles you’ve been developing and answer the question? I have a suspicion that you will just sit there and squint like Dorf on a golf course.
@44 We already knew Republicans don’t work. Now we know what they do with their time.
Sin @50
A right wing pollster writing in a right wing rag. This is your “excellent assessment”? Sorry, I don’t have the interest to read it.
Ex-lawyer who doesn’t know what he’s talking about posting inaccurate drivel @45: Actually, it’s not legal anywhere to intimidate people by brandishing a gun, not even in Arizona.
Maybe you should stick with counseling employers on “human resources” matters. (snicker) But remember, if you give them legal advice, you’re breaking the law. So, if you tell them it’s legal to brandish firearms at health care protests, you’re both criminals.
re 49: The other 20% is the public option. We don’t need Republicans to pass this legislation.
I think if Obama talked to the Blue Dogs behind closed doors and explained to them the political reality that strong primary challenges would be made when they came up for re election if they voted against a public option, they would see the light.
Our real problem is getting better Democrats. We already beat your party into the ground.
@49 “BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA stated in his most recent talk that he and the Republicans agree on 80% of the reform.”
Really? Then why are you guys brandishing guns outside presidential appearances? Just because you enjoy dressing up in clown suits and being clowns?
Obama threatening Baucus caused Conrad and other Dems to harpoon Obama.
I hope Obama follows your advice with the threat…cuz the consequences of that threat will blow-up the Democrat Party.
57. Roger Rabbit spews:
Time to turn your oxygen tank up…you are hallucinating.
You were a cigarette smoker and want us to pay for your choice which has put you on death’s door for the past decade.
You chose to smoke Rog.
I feel badly you made such a bad choice.
So now, Medicare pays for you.
And that’s a good thing??
Wait until Medicare is “reformed” as Norm Dicks just promised.
Reformed means you are D-E-A-D!
@56 As I posted yesterday in another thread, the Democrats are the only functioning Republican Party this country has, and the other one is a basket case.
@58 Yes, it must get lonely on a Montana goat farm, and I understand why you spend all your time daydreaming …
@ 58: — The Progressive Caucus has 100 members and the Blue Dogs have 7. It’s you and your party’s inability to do basic math that gets you in big trouble.
Do you really think that moderate, thoughtful, conservative citizens will be attracted to a party that coddles gun-toting halfwits?
Seems to me that you are full of movie star dreams and champagne wishes.
49 Cyn
Please tell us which 80% of the president’s plan you agree with.
@63 The part where he gets free prescriptions after contracting AIDS from his goats.
@59 Where do you get the idea I smoke cigarettes? I’ve never smoked cigaretes. If you recognized me in a Woodstock photo, those weren’t cigarettes.
For some reason (hmmm), the American public has been horrendously misinformed about the nature of the proposed health insurance reform. For some reason, large numbers of peole believe a bunch of things that just are flat untrue.
Majorities in the latest NBC News poll believe the plans would give health insurance coverage to illegal immigrants (55%), would lead to a government takeover of the health system (54%), and would use taxpayer dollars to pay for women to have abortions (50%) — all claims that nonpartisan fact-checkers say are untrue about the legislation that has emerged so far from Congress. Additionally, 45% think the reform proposals would allow the government to make decisions about when to stop providing medical care for the elderly, which also isn’t true.
Of course, there are reasons for this. Reading the bills: not one of them. But here’s one: HUGE numbers of people who self-identify as Fox News viewers get every one of these issues wrong and believe things that, again, are flatly untrue.
72% of self-identified FOX News viewers believe the health-care plan will give coverage to illegal immigrants, 79% of them say it will lead to a government takeover, 69% think that it will use taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions, and 75% believe that it will allow the government to make decisions about when to stop providing care for the elderly.
There are facts, and there are damnable lies. Fox News features only the latter.
IF Cynical says these things are true then they ARE. and that’s the END of it!
ALL the sheep that Cynical fucks believe EVERY WORD OF IT!
Daddy is so slow it takes him an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes.
Daddy has the subtle acuity of a dead-fish slap from the Rahm himself.
When Daddy joins MSF to bugger sheep, he orders Rocky Mtn. oysters on the half shell.
68 dhdp
Thank you, Henny Youngman.
Theere are a bunch of crazy people who oppose health insurance reform. Can you believe it?
Here’s some of the batshit crazy stuff they claim.
Repoublicans? You might think so, given that their rhetoric is, well, identical.
But you would be wrong, buzzard breath. No, these crazy idiots are the LaRouchPAC nuts, whom Republicans would have us believe are “Democrats.”
Uh-huh, tell me another one.
49 Cyn
Really, we’re waiting. Tell us which 80% of the president’s plan you agree with.
“@42 Since when is calling someone a “monkey” racist?”
When the person you are labeling a monkey is an African American.
“Just because you think of African-Americans when someone uses the term “monkey” doesn’t mean I do. Looks to me like you’re the racist here”
I don’t think about African Americans this way. You do. The man carrying the rifle at the POTUS townhall was an African American.
Just stop now Rog. You stepped in it big time.
Maybe you should just apologize for your insensitive remarks.
Quit trying to divert the focus onto me. I didn’t make a racist comment.
Klynical says:
Coming from a schizophrenic with little grasp on reality (Klynical)…thanks.
Is that the best you have?
Wow, the facts are really starting to annoy Klynical.
I know, those pesky facts have a liberal bent….live with it moron!
It gets tiring deconstructing your false assumptions, simplistic philosophy and lack of knowledge or facts…tell us again your plan for health care, so we can have a good laugh!
Klynical says:
Yeah, that is what Obama thought but now he thinks the republicans would not vote for any reform since they are in the pockets of the health care industry…they showed their true colors (and have before with the Medicare boondoggle).
Now the plan is ….forget catering to the rightwingnut party and pass the damn bill without the naysayers and corrupt republicans.
Klynical is surely paid off by the insurance industry, in bed with Larouche or simply psychotic…I can’t tell which.
@71: give it up DL, the republican have NO plan for reform…they like it as it is. They like spending more than any other country in the world, they like paying more for drugs than any other country in the world, they like that when a person loses thier job and has a “pre-existing” condition they can’t get health insurance.
They love the paperwork, the denials, the lack of coverage and the excuses that for-profit insurance companies make.
They come up with phoney reforms like let the out of state insurance companies compete….what BS, the reason the out-of state companies can’t compete is that they were crooked or financially unstable.
Our state is protecting us from the cheap rates and shoddy service from out of state. They have to follow our laws to practice in our state for a reason…the cheating, illegal bad companies get outlawed.
72 RS
My understanding was that there were three rifles and one or more handguns being toted at said “town hall” and that only one rifle toter was black. How do you know to whom RR was referring?
75 cnr
If I recall correctly, this was even more insidious. It was something like exempting insurance companies from state regulations so that the least regulated companies could move into highly regulated markets without having to comply. Starting yet another “race to the bottom” like the firearms bill that would have gutted state concealed carry laws.
Besides, I know they’re assholes, but if Cynical wants to make a big deal out of how much accord there is between the Republicans and the president, I’d like him to name ONE thing he agrees with.
71. Daddy Love spews:
Ummmm, it was your man OBAMA who said this.
Ask him!
well x’ad, you finally guessed right, i’m jewish, which is funny, because the idiots here have called me the worlds greatest antisemite. lol .you ever listen to michael savage? he’s jewish, but he knows whats right is right, regardless if the opressors are jewish, christian or otherwise. am i zionist also? maybe. i believe mostly in christian values though i’m not a convert. i do believe as jew and believer in christian morals in the survival of israel, however, not on the backs of the palestinians. that is our greatest sin, and i disown it and want no part of it.
Non Violent – are you sure? Hard to comprehend because Heterosexuals are murderers, rapists and thieves.
I have not seen any credible reports of any rifles at the Phoenix townhall other than this gentleman.
Once again, stop trying to point this at me. The national news story was of a man carrying an assault rifle at the protest. He happens to be African American. There have been no other national stories of rifles at Obama events, so let’s stop trying to cover for Roger. He’s the one who needs to “man up” and admit his poor choice of words…
Hers’s some more help
Right Stuff,
Pelletizer “man up”. He tells the world he’s a [dumb] feral bunny.
OK, How about
Pellet up Rog…