Investigative journalist Max Blumenthal will be at Seattle’s Town Hall tonight at 7:30 PM, 8th & Seneca, reading from his new book, Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party. And afterwards, Max and a bunch of us blogger types plan to go out for drinks.
Tickets are $5 at the door. Hope to see you there.
Hey, Goldy, I gave you an attaboy in your last post, now I’m going to throw a brick at you.
Use this link instead for the book. Why does a self-described “progressive” link to anti-union Amazon anyway?
ivan @1,
Well, I had just grabbed the link from Max’s website. But I’ve changed it to the Powell’s one nonetheless.
Thanks Goldy.
Ivan at 1 why don’t you pull your head out of your ass for a short breath. Amazon is a successful company because they don’t capitulate to the unions. When does Washington State figure out that the only way to keep jobs here and to encourage more jobs is to make this a right to work state. The only thing more criminal then ACORN are the unions, with their ties to organized crime. I just bought the book at Amazon, made me happy to support them, think I will go shopping this afternoon at Walmart!
Duke @ 4:
Why don’t you kiss my union-loving ass, like your mother did?
Max Blumenthall is my hero, pass along my regards and if he ever needs anything in the Philadelphia area, to let me know.
@4 made its founder a billionaire, but what does that do for the working class? Unions built this country and made it tolerable for ordinary Americans. What dolts like you don’t understand is that America needs both — it needs people like Jeff Bezos, but it also needs champions of the working class.
re 4: “Amazon is a successful company because they don’t capitulate to the unions.”
Amazon is a successful company that doesn’t capitulate to the unions. Big difference. When you involve cause and effect, better have some proof.
“Amazon is a successful company because they don’t prouce potato chips.”
@4, @5 Better yet, why not read a little history and learn something about what it was like living and working in “Industrial Revolution” America before the advent of the labor movement.
Ivan, you’re an idiot. Clabber girl, potato chips? Really? That’s all you can come up with? Finish school, learn to read, get back to me.
Roger Rabbit at 7, I agree that America needs champions of the working class. I simply believe that today’s unions are not the appropriate vehicle. They are corrupt through and through, and the working people who need help are forced to pay into these corrupt organizations, without any true benefit.
In the mean time, states that allow employees to choose whether or not they belong to unions are kicking our butts. When are we going to level the playing field in our state so that hard working people can choose whether or not they belong to a union? If you like them, and if you want your money to go into oranized crime, then so be it, all I am asking for is choice. Is that too much to ask?
Artfart, good point lots of good things done in the 20’s and 30’s. Long time ago. . . catch up.
Duke: You’d assume that that Carolina decertifying itself so Boeing can make its move would give WA a clue, but you’d be wrong. But then again, if Boehner defunds Boeing, the matter is immaterial.
As for the DOA GOP, we only smell dead.
re 10: Your assertion that Amazon is successful because they are not unionized is merely that — an assertion.
Boeing is a successful company because they are unionized. WalMart is successful in China because they are unionized there.
See what I mean Pobrecito Intelligente?
Your flip tone when you are clearly in the wrong is aggravating. But I have not been following my father’s cardinal rule: Never try to argue with an idiot.
at 12, what I meant to say. . . no I am taking your Dad’s very good advice.
On the other hand, while God has taken the lives of countless blastocyst Americans, I don’t believe God has ever shot an abortion doctor or strung up a census taker. Perhaps it’s well to conclude that abortion doctor killing wingnuts just aren’t quite as godlike as us baby-killing liberals.
Oops, wrong thread. Sorry about that.
@10 Let’s see….Arizona’s a right-to-work state. We make airplanes here. They tear apart old ones there. Yeah, that one’s a little too easy, but there are plenty more.
The business folks were using the same rhetoric in reference to the unions when they were sending goon squads to beat strikers to death outside of factories in the 20’s and 30’s.
This is not to say that the unions couldn’t do a better job of serving their membership. 30 years or so ago the idea of portable pensions and medical plans was all the rage, and it was expected that the unions and professional societies would take on that burden. Somehow the ball got dropped along the way, along with the dwindling percentage of the work force that belong to such organizations. As a result, here we are trying to find some other way to deal with the health-care mess. But to level accusations of “corruption” and “greed” at unions and their leadership in the face of outrageous accumulation of wealth and power by corporate management is pretty laughable.
This just in from the Tax Foundation, Washington State, that commie socialist unionist haven, ranks 9th in the country as business-friendly.
Bush Let New Orleans Drown
Investigative journalist Greg Palast drops a bombshell: When Katrina hit, the Bush White House knew the levees would fail, but didn’t tell state emergency officials. Hundreds of innocent lives were lost as a result. And the scientist who warned Bush paid with his career for telling the truth about what happened.
Unions had a valid and important place in industrial society. In 1920. Just to remind you guys, this is 2009.
Clabber Girl uses typical liberal logic though. An opponents assertion that Amazon is successful because of resistance to unions is just that; an assertion. Her assertion that Boeing and Chinese Walmart are successful because of unionization is what? Still an assertion. But not in her eyes.
Unions will continue to drive good production jobs overseas, but wages that are 5% of Americans’ would have done that anyway. Especially coupled with extremely lax workplace rules, rampant industrial piracy and poor environmental rules overseas. America will never again be an industrial powerhouse. Thanks liberals! Unions and liberals just turn the bleeding from a bad wound to a ripped out carotid artery.
Re 18
Wow, rabid bunny, that’s off base even in your diseased mind.
So someone came up with a conspiracy theory about a former government they didn’t like. That’s novel.
@10 “They are corrupt through and through, and the working people who need help are forced to pay into these corrupt organizations, without any true benefit.”
Where did you get this crap from? The Wingnut Talking Points Memo? Your comment bears no relationship to reality.
I know a couple of retired union guys in my neighborhood. One was a Boilermaker and the other was an Operating Engineer. They have better pension plans than I do, and first-class health insurance their unions pay for. (I have to buy mine.) No benefits from their unions? You have rocks in your head.
@20 You wouldn’t know the difference between journalism and “conspiracy theory” if one got off a UFO and goosed you.
And I suppose in your demented mind that fat fool Moore is a journalist?
Get real, get off the halucinogenics and get a life.
As for the benefits paid to workers no longer even working, that merely proves the point about the damage unions have done to this country.
Here’s another reason why the GOP is going down the tubes: When they do come up with an answer it’s the wrong one.
If you believe Republicans, all we have to do to slash health care costs is take away patients’ right to sue negligent doctors. That’ll fix the whole system.
The conservative pro-business weekly magazine Business Week says otherwise:
“It’s common currency in the U.S. that litigation drives medical inflation by forcing doctors and hospitals to resort to ‘defensive medicine,’ overtreating patients to avoid lawsuits. The evidence suggests a much smaller effect. Study after study shows that costs associated with malpractice lawsuits make up 1% to 2% of the nation’s $2.5 trillion annual health-care bill and that tort reform would barely make a dent in the total.”
A comprehensive study of states that have already enacted so-called “tort reform” confirmed that cost savings have been small in those states.
What’s really behind “defensive medicine”? According to the Congressional Budget Office, “So-called defensive medicine may be motivated less by liability concerns than by the income it generates for physicians.”
Malpractice lawsuits are not the fountain of money for golddigging patients and their lawyers that so-called “tort reformers” portray them as. Even though medical mistakes kill 100,000 Americans a year, fewer than 1 in 25 injured patients sue, and only a fifth of those who do get jury awards. That amounts to 1 of every 125 patients harmed by negligent medical care getting any compensation at all.
Malpractice lawsuits are nothing but a strawman erected by Republican liars, and so-called “tort reform” is nothing but a calculated diversion from real health care reform. The culprits in soaring health care costs are not injured patients or their lawyers, but bloated insurance bureaucracies and greedy doctors.
@23 Michael Moore has nothing to do with the news story in #18. When stupid trolls like you know they’ve lost an argument, they change the subject, because it’s the only tool they have.
@23 (continued) Let’s see, workers’ wages are falling off a cliff, and the share of GDP going to workers has dropped from 60% to under 50%, but in the Wacky Wingnut World you inhabit the lousy economy is the workers’ fault. And you want people to vote for that kind of thinking? Good luck trying to sell that to Middle America in 2010 or 2012.
Re 25
I forget, was the story about insurance reform? Or was it about some fool making up stuff about the prior administration? Or was it about unions? I can never keep track with you liberals. You can’t keep your stories straight.
Why would anyone vote Republican? It’s a fucking mystery! Voting Republican is like shooting your own balls off.
@27 Maybe you could keep those things straight if you read a newspaper once in a while. Being ignorant and illiterate are bad choices you made.
Re 26
Won’t have to silly rabbit.
All we’ll have to do is a few minor things. We’ll have to try to rebuild the dollar after Obamas’ massive overspending weakens it. We’ll have to try to recapture jobs for your precious workers after liberals chase them overseas. I think the leftist president you folks have will do all our work for us. Now go back to your wacky weed or whatever it is that so distorts your thinking.
The Republican Party had a valid and important place in society when it was freeing the slaves in 1861 – 1865. It has fallen to pieces in the last 100 years. Now it’s merely a dustbin for lunatics and illiterates.
@30 I love your overconfidence in your party’s future prospects. Keep up the good work!
Oh, don’t worry about me crazy rodent. I can keep even your wild mental weavings straight, puzzling though the insanity they represent are.
Illiterate? Sorry, I’m not up to your level of poisonous rhetoric with no real purpose, but I think I understand basic English, buddy. I just choose not to join you in your grim little gutter.
I guess “lostinhisownasshole” is trying to find himself again.
Seems to be obvious to everyone but him.
Re 34
Sorry, wiping tears of helpless laughter from my eyes at that ‘lostinhisownasshole’ crack. Seriously, you aren’t a professional comedian?
I’ll be here all week, fuckhead.
The English language is a thing of resilient beauty in your capable hands. I bow to your eloquence, maestro.
I heard this turd Max BlumenIDIOT on dancin’ davey ross this morning. He sounded like the usual progressive with little intellect that I find the norm here in Seacowtown. For one, the lad is a bigot towards persons of faith as he rambled incoherently sporadically interpersed thoughout the interview.
Next, he’s anti 1st amendment libtard, much like Goldy, as he refers to taxpayers peacefully assembling to protest out of control government spending as “teabaggers” in the usual 3rd grade playground banter that only Freud could interpret as the “anal and oral” stage
Blumenidiot actually proclaimed that James Dobson of focus on the family was leading the modern day Republican party and dismissed Ross’ assertions that Obama is looked upon as the exulted one by liberals.
In sumnation, the lad is a kook and a liberal nut that fell from some looney left wing school. Haven’t researched him yet, but smells like a Berkely Bot to me.
Feed shit to the small minds and shit is all that is retained within.
@38 “Feed shit to the small minds and shit is all that is retained within.”
Boy, ain’t that the truth! You’re living proof of it.
@37 Is that a fancy way of saying you’re bending down to suck his cock?
Goldy should have fun hanging around another fellow Self loathing, Israel hating jew like himself. Birds of a feather and all that stuff…
Fortunately, Israel still produces males with testosterone that will keep that great country alive and well despite being surrounded by those who would like to exterminate it. I say Mazal Tov!
Unfortunatley, A large segment of the U.S. population of jewish extraction have been effectively neutered.
I’m glad I caught Blumenidiot on Ross’ show. Came off exactly as most liberals that think they’re smarter than they are, but only showed his true inner thinner skin.
I think ol’ Dancin’ Dave is moving farther left in his advanced age…ala Bill Moyers or Bill Press. Sometimes, stupidity just compounds with interest….take Roger Roadkill for example. The more comments he makes, the dumber he shows himself to be.
ESO, That’s because Blumenidiot knows it’s universally known as the Democratic Sodom. He couldn’t name his book Republican Sodom. Gman knows why. Blumenidiot calls himself an investigative journalist. What a crock. Another Israel hater? Look on the HuffPo! We saw how “the messiah” hates Israel. “We do not accept Israeli settlements.” And guess who was nodding their heads like the little doggie dolls with the light up eyes?
Whackmandumajob, Chavez, and other America/Israel haters.
Puddy~ never heard of Blumenidiot until Ross’ show this morning. Needless to say, I’m not surprised he and Goldy are sharing a foo-foo drink no doubt with an umbrella in it at the moment at some bar…ala the movie ” Lady and the tramp” substituting the spaghetti scene with matching straws struggling for the last drop of vodka cranberry.
re 38: You are so right. They just cannot see the shining brilliance of a tax-cut nostrum for every problem.
Tell me the story again about a chicken who built a factory. Or the bites out of ice-cream cones that represents taxation.
Or the melted ice-cream cone that represents the anal-retentiveness of conservatives.
Reagan Dunn even put up some signs a few years ago that said “RETAIN REAGAN DUNN!”
That was so telling.People feed you guys intellectual shit and you absorb it like some kind of monstrous Borg.
re 44: You win the Phillip Wylie purple prose award.
Ignore the clabber girl… It’s another headless sockpuppet.
re 47: And you are a sock-puppet for Peter North.