Let’s be honest, when Republicans like Sarah Palin accuse Barack Obama of being an “elitist,” they’re really calling him “uppity.” (As opposed to when they call Jews like me “elitist.” Then they’re just calling me, um, a Jew.)
So you gotta at least applaud Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA) for his honesty:
“Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they’re a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they’re uppity,” Westmoreland said.
Asked to clarify that he used the word “uppity,” Westmoreland said, “Uppity, yeah.”
Yeah, Westmoreland knew the word “uppity” was racially tinged, and he intended to use it in that context. Because… well… that’s how Republicans win elections.
And don’t forget: It’s elitist and uppity to think that people who can be swayed by such statements are less than intelligent. To a Republican, this is just another victory in the ‘marketplace of ideas’.
People like Westmoreland are not so much engaged in a culture war as in a war on culture.
I don’t want to hear PudWax’s views on the matter, either. He’s just uppity.
The Dems should realize they’ve got a fight on their hands – the Reps might be able to pull out a win in November if the Dems don’t play their cards right.
If the Dems lose in November, that means Hillary might come back in 2012. That’s a scary thought.
“Uppity Schmuppity” – so what?
“Uppity”???? Is that supposed to be the opposite of “Hannity”?
The craven extremists who constitute the present core of the Republican party appear to be allowing themselves to be overtaken by their own hubris.
It wouldn’t surprise me if tonight’s closing festivities took on all the trappings of a black mass.
When a frequent Horses Ass Democratic commenter (ByeByeGOP) called Gov. Palin a “cunt” and a “bitch” numerous times, you remained silent.
I think that’s all I need to say.
In your face Stupes!!
It’s YOUR corrupt party and you can cry if you want to!
yelling loser boy Fool at #7: In my face?
You all seem to forget what KOS said: “Well, Sarah, I’m calling you a liar. And not even a good one. Trig Paxson Van Palin is not your son. He is your grandson. The sooner you come forward with this revelation to the public, the better.”
Now Kos took it down. “Sorry. I can’t seem to find that story. j 1 k 1 l ” Yes KOS we know why!
Now that’s uppity.
I wondered if he’s related to the idiotic general who ordered our troops to find the Viet Cong by traipsing around in the jungle until they got shot at.
At any rate, he’s just as stupid: “As a U.S. congressman, Westmoreland cosponsored a bill to place the Ten Commandments in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Westmoreland also sponsored a bill that the Ten Commandments could be displayed in courthouses in a historical setting. In May 2006, political humorist Stephen Colbert interviewed Westmoreland … [t]he congressman was only able to name three of the 10 Commandments he sought to legally put in public display.” JARJ.*
(Quoted from Wikipedia under fair use.)
* Just another Republican jackass.
@6 This is a progressive blog. If you want a blog that calls Democrats names try Stefan’s shop.
“I’ve been called worse on the basketball court.” — Barack Obama brushing off Matthew Scully’s vice presidential acceptance speech like a rabbit flicking a fly off its nose
8 – I’ve named you well. You’re so freaking stupid.
Thanks yelling loser boy – coming from you as HAs clueless idiot, I wear it as a badge of honor.
Tell me what’s progressive about calling women cunts and bitches, or remaining silent when you witness it.
You’re not a progressive. You use this blog to spew your hate and intolerance.
I’m sure the context was fascinating Troll. Sorry I missed that one.
How long have you been concerned about hatred and intolerance?
13 – Typical Republican – revels in his ignorance and stupidity.
Don’t expect fairness here: this is a hate web-site, just like Stefan’s.
@6 Troll: I keep telling you–When are you going to learn that Sarah Palin is NOT a “cunt”? That’s Cindy McCain. Get it right, will ya?
@0 Goldy: I dunno–I’ve heard that most of the time when folks call you “elitist”, they really mean “uppity”. ;-)
Someone needs to be calling Obama an uppity African American, because US Weekly sure as hell won’t!
WTF is up with media bias lately? It used to be more subtle. Now it’s just blatant.
US Weekly’s current cover: A pic of Palin and the title “Babies, Lies, and Scandal.”
US Weekly’s cover when Obama was featured showed him and Michelle, with the title “Why He Loves Her.”
Goldstein, pulling the race card that early ? Who woulda thunk….at least you could have found a better reason (should there be one).
I had no idea that “uppity” was racially tinged. Just a few minutes ago I was reading about the Fremont Sunday Market (yes, that Fremont with the Solstice parade, etc)…and I quote: ” When vertan flea-market hunters say the Fremont market doesn’t sell a lot of junk, it’s not meant to be a compliment. Even the street-vendor food seems a bit uppity”.
I had had no idea that was going on there. What is Seattle coming to…
I apologize in advance if this has already been discussed, but are any of the rest of you curious why the press is not asking more questions about Palin’s daughter Bristol getting knocked up? Questions like:
-How old were Bristol and her sperm donor at the time they began screwing?
-If her boyfriend was over 18, why was there no investigation by the police? They do have a duty to investigate possible statutory rape cases.
-If he was over 18, what message does that send to other would be 16 year old girls who are being pressured to give it up by adult men? If the Governors underage daughter can have sex with someone over 18, why not any other Alaskan?
Has anyone other than myself noticed that most Republicans heads are disproportionate to their bodies….WAY TOO BIG!!!!!…???
Please Goldy! Quit whining about your Jewish faith already-no one gives a shit. And on that note, it was all OK for you and the Dems to slam Dino as some kinda mobster because he’s Italian…., but not when it’s from the other side right? Fucking hypoocrit!
I am Republican – I lie, cheat and steal when I’m not being a family man (fat whore cunt bitch) or a crying hypocrite. Self righteous uppity fuck that I am.
@22 – Republicans have no family values, they just want other people to have them.
TommyGunner- Really?
Watching Cindy McCain and her formation of a volunteer organization. What has Michelle Obama done?
Wait a minute… she just recently started liking her country.
re 6:
Q- What is the difference between Sarah Palin and a CUNT and a BITCH?
re 27: Well, Goldurn!
re 24:
“Please Goldy! Quit whining about your Jewish faith….”
“Judaism isn’t so much a faith or religion as it is a diet.” Steve ‘the Jerse’ Beiser — my old college buddy from NAU
Your comments would be well taken, except that whenever anyone criticizes that obnoxious little GOP plant, he goes off on a foul mouthed tirade calling them “traitors” and insulting their family members.
It becomes really tiresome, and it’s far more effective to simply ignore him.
He’s threatened people here (Democrats and Republicans alike) and when challenged to actually show up in person, has always been a no-show.
Considering how often he posts here (even when nobody responds) I’m actually coming to the opinion that “he” is actually several radical, foul-mouthed Young Republicans, trying to stop any actual conversation here.
Ignore “him”. “He” won’t go away, but at least you won’t be encouraging “him”.
The same could be said about Hillary, ‘cept Hillary ain’t gonna be on any presidential ticket.
And that’s a good thing!
Another take on Westmoreland, who is obviously not a racist. He’s just an idiot, or so his chief of staff would have us believe: http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/11636.html
She didn’t lie, the truth may not always be
easy to swallow,but it is the truth. Uppity is
close, but a snobby gutless liar is better. He
says one thing among working type voters & something different among the brie & wine set. And you as a Jewish person praise this phony
that wants to destabilize your people’s homeland. Wow, you must be proud, anyone with
beliefs like yours are an embarrassment to your
ancestors. Go ahead & wear the burka & get yourself a prayer rug & a compass. As it’s clear you have no sense of direction & you must find East.