So, obviously, this idea is impracticable. And nonsense. Jamie Pedersen is almost certainly going to replace Ed Murray, as he should so long as we have a system where we replace people without elections. And the idea of a Republican representing one of the most heavily Democratic districts in the state clearly does not live up to our democratic ideal. But it would accomplish two things.
First, and most importantly, it would give the GOP a clear majority in the Senate. Now, I know that as a lefty blogger, that’s the sort of thing I’m generally opposed to, but the GOP are going to control the state Senate anyway, and this way they would probably not give the Majority Leader post to Rodney Tom. I mean, why would they elevate this whiny asshole who has already betrayed them once if they didn’t have to?
We all know they’re planning it if they manage to take another seat in the Senate in the next election, so might as well make it happen now. Give a fuck you to Rodney Tom, and oh by the way, have some clarity on what’s going on in the Senate, and how to negotiate. We wouldn’t get any positive social issues through, but we haven’t under Tom’s leadership anyway. It would basically be the same as it is now, but with a real Republican instead of a fake Democrat at the top.
So yes, it would mostly be a fuck you to Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon. But it would also mean that the Senate seat isn’t just given to someone. It would mean that we could have a real election for the seat. In our democracy, primaries for open seats are important times to have a debate about the future of the legislature, and I never like losing that to it just being picked.
The seat would revert back to Democratic control after the next election given how Democratic the seat is, so it would be the equivalent to having a placeholder.
Oh, for heaven’s sake! Don’t you think the R’s would grab that majority and run with it?
We all know they’re planning it if they manage to take another seat in the Senate in the next election, so might as well make it happen now.
For a post complaining about how un-democratic an appointed legislator, this is a really in-democratic idea. Appointing someone who could never get elected insults the electorate.
In addition, having my state senator bloviating about the evils of gay marriage, voting to re-criminalize abortion, and actually colluding to block a vote for us to fund Metro with local taxes — all of these are intolerable.
Finally, I don’t want to pretend the “majority coalition” has any legitimacy. I want the constant vote-buying required to maintain this fiction to be so crassly obvious and ugly that not even the hacks and fools at uSP can succeed in justifying it with a straight face. I want Grande Dame Tom swanning about the senate, loudly proclaiming how great he is. I want laughter in the face of every Republican who dares talk about principles after this naked power grab.
Then, let’s all go to our elections, and we can discover what voters really think of this sham majority.
No respectable Republican would want Crapital Hill.
Just get Tim Sheldon to switch to the Republicans. That will give the GOP a clear 25-24 majority that is more stable, than what you propose. I am sure Sheldon could get re-elected as a “Prefers Republican Party”. Much less betrayal, since Sheldon has consistently been a conservative “Democrat” long at odds with his party. Rodney Tom has already switched parties twice (2006 & 2012), after being re-elected in two close elections (2004 & 2010) with strong support from the party he betrayed at the next election cycle. The GOP can elect one of their own as majority leader, and maybe give Tom a committee chairmanship if he declares his alleged Republicanism openly again.
@1 Run where? Into a brick wall in the House? Into Inslee’s veto?
Appoint Richard Pope.
I nominate Time Einmann.
Oh wait, he isn’t “interested” in politics.
I am ordering up the popcorn now for the amazing spectator sport the next election in the 43rd with bring us.
Jamie Pedersen will be elevated to the Senate, as Frank Chopp wants to stay where he is as Majority Leader. That will open up Jamie’s seat, which 8 or 10 folks will run for.
A Democrat will be elected into a posiiton for life and it will be a lot of fun to sort out the cantidates.
When Jamie ran and won his seat the first time, there were many folks cantidates representing various liberal interest groups like environmental, LGBT, bicycles, good government, education, etc.
Given Washington’s top two primary system, it will be very interesting to see which issue-oriented hopefuls get through to the 2014 general election.
If Kashama Sawant deosn’t get elected to the city council (which pays better than the Legislature), she could be a great choice and would clearly end up in the top two if she runs.
I predict a really fun race to the bottom of how liberal you can go. Will anybody recommend bringing back the guillotines for the rich?
@ 8
I already have the plans drawn up and most of the engineering worked out.
@9 I can’t pull the cord myself, because of bursitis in my shoulders, but I’ll recruit a rabbit for the job. The more humans are gone, the better! We rabbits will take over your niche.
Local Election Updates
In the latest election update, Kshama Sawant has pulled ahead (by 402 votes) and SeaTac’s $15 minimum wage is staying ahead (by 19 votes).
No respectable Republican would want Crapital Hill.
There are respectable Republicans?
I proclaim that the ghost of Vladimir Lenin, shall take Ed Murray’s place.