Rep. Adam Smith will appear tonight on Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report, as the latest victim in the show’s “Better Know A District” segment. Why? According to Rep. Smith’s press release: “A lapse in judgment on the part of Smith’s communications director.”
No truer words were ever spoken. Or, um… written.
You just know that Colbert will have a copy of The Wealth of Nations for him to autograph …
Why do people care what Colbert does? He’s just a comic seeking cheap laughs and ratings. “South Park” is funnier.
What is the problem? I love Colbert and as long as you have a sense of humor while you are on it turns out just fine.
The Fightin’ Ninth!
Ha, probably. Although, every Democrat he interviewed before 11/06 either won re-election or defeated the incumbent. Darcy needs to get on there next year.
Didn’t he interview that long run challenger from Central Jersey who had no chance in hell? That was comic.
Anyways I really don’t get why people thing this is such a huge mistake. For all the hype he really comes off as look far more like an ass than his interviewees do.
And he’s 5 times funnier than South Park has been for years, with the possible exception of the Scientology episode.
Windowdog @ 7: I don’t know anyone who thinks it’s a mistake. If a Republican doesn’t have a card full of Rove’s talking points, his brain freezes; that’s why Democrats do better on the show. Even after editing, the common sense shows through.
I don’t think appearances like this could be further from political suicide. For practiced politicians, anything that enables them to show some personality is a great thing.
Charlie Smith@8: I guess it was Karl Rove’s fault Dollar Bill Jefferson took those $500K in bribes too!
Smith did better on this segment than either of the other two Washington reps who have tried. Smith understood what Baird and Larsen did not: Colbert is the funny one, don’t try to to be funnier than he is. I have to give props to all three though because they each recognized the Colbert is playing a character on the show. Colbert’s funniest segments come when the guest is some right winger who thinks Colbert is one of them.
I thought he held his own pretty well. Especially with the whole NAMBLA thing :-)
Mr. Smith did great, not just on NAMBLA but on the shrink rays too.