No doubt more than a few establishment Democrats are chafing at blogger Chris Bowers’ in-you-face “Use It or Lose It” campaign to cajole Dems in safe seats to contribute 30 percent of their campaign surpluses to fellow Dems in competitive races, but according to Lynn at Evergreen Politics, Washington’s own Norm Dicks has answered the call:
Congressman Norm Dicks of the 6th CD responded positively to the calls that folks made to ask him to contribute money from his campaign chest to Democrats running in more competitive districts. He donated $100,000 + according to Chris Bowers, reporting back on his “Use It or Lose It” program. This was on top of the nearly $600,000 that he raised yesterday for the DCCC from the lunch he hosted downtown for Al Gore. Also today, John Kerry and Ted Kennedy each donated $500,000 to the DSCC. This program is working. We may not get the entire $15 million we are looking for but it will be close.
Thanks Norm.
As Lynn reports, Dicks had already contributed a considerable amount of money to fellow Dems, and helped raise quite a bit more. But when the Netroots called and asked for one last effort, Dicks was one of the first to respond. We’ll remember this.
I’m proud to be part of the 6th CD.
WOW what next?
New Jersey Court Backs Full Rights for Gay Couples
The justices, however, handed to the Legislature the
question of whether their unions must be called marriage or
could be known by another name.;emc=th
John Kerry’s wife is swapping parties to make a buck.
W Ketchup™ is made in America, from ingredients grown in the USA.
A portion of every sale is donated to the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund, which provides scholarships for the children of active duty service members killed in the line of duty.
W Ketchup is America’s Ketchup
Norm Dicks embodies the idea of “tough and smart”. With guys like Dicks in charge in the House, America is about to get a refreshing dose of foreign policy sanity. Yes, this is a mammoth pile of manure Bush and the Republicans are leaving us, but the “tough and smart” Democrats are up to the task.
This is what happens when a company tells fucking lies every fucking day.
Not long before NYT joins Air America…
Why should anyone have less legal rights than everyone else, you fucking nazi?
Owning stock is a voluntary activity. Pay your fucking gambling debt.
I never thought you w…well, I guess I really have often thought you were an idiot. Now you prove it.
1. Stock price is not revenue. Bankruptcy is about being able to pay your bills, which is basically about revenue versus borrowing. Air America is a startup, and startups often lose a lot of money as they test their business model. The NYTimes makes plenty.
2. Lies? Support it.
You fucking idiot. Newspaper companies are having trouble across the nation because of declining circulation rates. People are finding it easier, and cheaper, to get their news off something called the internet. The NY Times is just as susceptible to this trend as any other newspaper. Keep your blind ideological suspension of reality on display–it keeps those of us in the reality-based universe all revved up to kick the sorry asses of you and your ilk.
2 klake
Simple. The NJ legislature passes a law guaranteeing equal protection under the law in the form of equal benefits for same-sex couples within 180 days. Or else.
Stock price tied to profitability. Profitability tied to revenue. Revenue tied to circulation. Dropping circulation tied to telling fucking lies day after day after fucking day.
Understand now?
What is with all the spam? Goldy do you use akismet?
Richard Pope’s opponent for N.E. District Court judge, Frank V. LaSalata, claims Pope “isn’t qualified for dogcatcher.” I won’t comment on that, but I do want to point out that it’s important to hire qualified dogcatchers. Here’s what can happen when Animal Control makes a bad hire:
“Rader had worked since 1991 as a supervisor of the Compliance Department at Park City, a two-employee, multi-functional department in charge of ‘animal control … and a variety of nuisance cases.’ In this position, neighbors recalled him as sometimes overzealous and extremely strict; one neighbor complained that he euthanized her dog for no reason.”
(Rader eventually was fired for not showing up for work following his arrest for 10 murders.)
I want to remind everyone that my department will pay a $50 bounty for rabbit pelts!
Here’s another example of a hiring mistake! And of another serial killer who needs to be behind bars! Go screw yourself, genocidal freak! You must be a Republican.
Your posting privileges are suspended until you pay Goldy the $100 you owe him.
12 “Redneck
You fucking idiot.”
I’d say it’s a dicey assumption that such a repulsive miscreant is getting any…
HOw many of you think the republican senate should hold hearings into the fact that liarfuckingcantwell gave taxpayer money to her fuck buddy?
If I had been aware of all this dirt on Pope and LaSalata before the filing deadline, I might have filed for N.E. District Court judge myself! I could use the money. And my resume is a lot better than those guys! I’ve never been fined or sanctioned by any bar association or judge.
Because someone has to say it:
I don’t know whether she did or not, but it was pocket change compared to what Republicans steal every day. How about a Democratic senate holding impeachment hearings? I say impeach the whole fucking Republican congress, not to mention Cheney and Bush.
Redneck, you shouldn’t be posting on media companies’ financial difficulties when your gambling debt is in Chapter 7. It smacks of hypocrisy!
MTR @ 18:
It won’t be a Republican controlled senate for long. The Dems should take up the matter just as promptly as the Republicans did on other matters that require congressional oversight.
Please, in the meantime, hold your breath.
Thank God MTR isn’t running for judge. He isn’t qualified to be either a judge or a dogcatcher. He’s probably good at that lunging stuff, though. He seems like the type who would get pissy in a divorce deposition.
I can sort of understand Pope’s mental breakdown, though. Family law is hard to take. Dealing with people feuding over custody, property settlements, and child support has been known to drive strong judges and lawyers over the edge.
I apologize for jumping to a most irrational conclusion–you’re right, the odds of MTR having had sex with anyone other than himself in the past decade are extremely low. Hell, he probably hasn’t even had sex with himself–even old reliable Rosie Palmer finds him repugnant. Thank you for correcting my error.
Can you imagine having MTR as a client? Maybe Pope was MTR’s lawyer. Maybe that’s why Pope went crazy. If MTR was my client, I’d be tempted to kill him! I wouldn’t do it, though, because I don’t want to pay the fine.
Don’t you wish that once — just once — MTR and Dennis Rader could’ve had a lovers’ quarrel?
Hey — just kidding!!! … I wouldn’t wish MTR on Mr. Rader.
I see Roger is in fine form today. My department will pay $50 for his pelt, dead or alive.
Why don’t you try to collect it yourself? Bu-uh cluck-cluck-cluck! My place at 7 PM. Go to the big tree on the east side of the lake, count off 7 paces to the left, and look for the hole. Bring a gun. Fascist fuckrod!!!
11 MTR
So any tiny portion of a business is inextricably linked to every other portion. You assert: falling stock price causes bankruptcy. You support (after some prompting) with:
Profitability tied to revenue. Q: but is profitability dropping? *crickets*
Revenue tied to circulation. Q: But is circulation dropping? *crickets*
Dropping circulation tied to telling fucking lies day after day after fucking day. Q: You still haven’t come up with one lie. *crickets*
Those things may very well be tied together. Heck, to keep this short, I’ll even stipulate to that. But you have offered us no reason to beleive that any of the indicators you mention are dropping, let alone that ALL of them are. And the “lies?” It wouldn’t hurt you to name one.
And you call me an idiot? You should listen to yourself.
18 MTR
“HOw many of you think the republican senate should hold hearings into the fact that liarfuckingcantwell gave taxpayer money to her fuck buddy?”
That’s a hot one. As far as abuses power and the corrupt distribution of taxpayer dollars in return for bribes goes:
1. There are a lot more egregious cases out there that the “Republican Senate” never even bothered to busy it’s pretty little head with thus far, so the prospects of a partisan witch hunt with that many skeletons in their closet is unlikely.
2. It’s not even on the list, because Maria Cantwell never received any financial gain whatsoever from Dotzauer. You do know he owes her money that he has not repaid, right?
11 MTR
Sorry, I should have mewntioned that I WON’T stuipulate to one of your “ties:” “Dropping circulation tied to telling fucking lies day after day after fucking day.
Not only have you not documented that any lies exist, let alone the frequency you cite, but also (as another poster noted) newspaper circulations are dropping eveywhere, the NYT Company didn’t do well with their Discovery Times cable channel, and large increases in capital spending as it pays for its new headquarters.
So you WOULD have to provide some causative link between whatever “lies” you come up with and circulation besides just pulling the whole thing out of your ass.
Maybe a nice table like your hurricane table.
Hey, you DID see my post about prevailing wind patterns in this El Nino year pushing hurricanes out to sea and away from the US, didn’t you? I saw you recently claim that there were no hurricanes this year. As I said, you’re the idiot. National Hurricane Center begs to differ (note: hurricane season’s not over yet):
Jun 2006
TS ALBERTO 10-14 JUNE 70 * **
Jul 2006
TS BERYL 18-21 JUL 60 0 0
Aug 2006
TS CHRIS 1-5 AUG 65 0 0
TS DEBBY 21-27 AUG 50 0 0
H ERNESTO 24 AUG – 75 * *
Sept 2006
H FLORENCE 3-12 SEP 90 0 0
H GORDON 10-20 SEP 120 0 0
H HELENE 12-24 SEP 125 0 0
H ISAAC 27 SEP- 85 0 0
National Hurricane Center
This is the same Chris Bowers who is skewing google searches with google bombs.
Dicks was one of the first to respond. We’ll remember this.
As one of his constituents, so will I.
Democrats are going to lose. They will not gain control of congress. So you all better get your applications to Canada ready.
This is the same Chris Bowers who is skewing google searches with google bombs.
It sure is. But this tactic was used effectively by the right in 2004 against John Kerry, so I’m sure you have a long history of opposing this, right?
RE “Use it or lose it”: I took the lazy man’s approach and called the top 10 (in terms of cash on hand), plus Dicks since he was on Kos’ list (we live in Insley’s district). Mostly left voice mail but had a couple nice chats with with live people back east. Met Dicks once, waaaay back when he was Maggie’s top aide, liked him. Glad this seems to have worked and glad Dicks stepped up. Moral of the story for the netroots: critically evaluate calls for action, jump in when you judge appropriate, and have some fun!
10 – Commentby Daddy Love— 10/26/06@ 10:13 am
More like lappers and suckers cum and get yours!
30: Why would you want some worn out missing hair pelt like Pelletizer’s? Old tough hide!
I like Norm Dicks because he’s one moonbat mostly level headed. Moonbats like his last name!