Rep. Jim McDermott endorsed Barack Obama this morning:
“As Democrats, we are fortunate to have two very talented public servants running to be the nominee of our party, and I have great respect for Senator Clinton. But I believe now is the time to unite behind Barack Obama so we can be in the strongest place possible to win in November.”
See a theme there?
One more superdelegate for Obama?
Attention trolls:
Please cash in your 401k and hurry up and donate lots o’ cash to the RNC and McCain and Deeno and Val Stevens. Quickly, please.
Dear Ms. Clinton,
The time is now to step aside. The time is now to unify our party. You have run a good race. You got a little muddy, but hey, politics is a full contact sport. Obama took your best shot. You could not take his.
The time is now for you stand behind Mr. Obama, to actively campaign, with energy and sincerity, working to bring your supporters into the fold.
Anything less and you will seen as a bitter, angry woman who will have no hope of any voice in the Democratic agenda.
The time is now for you to do the right thing.
PS. Please, leave Bill at home.
My Left Foot @ 3
I have to disagree. There are five more primary contests in the next 12 days, and both candidates’ names (and maybe even some others, depending on state withdrawal policies) are on the ballot. Clinton has every right to campaign for these.
I would also note that Obama does not yet have a majority of the delegates. And unless enough superdelegates get into his column (which, by the way, is a STRONG possibility), Obama is extremely unlikely to get enough delegates from the upcoming primaries to clinch the nomination.
Interestingly enough, two of the ads I see on this page currently are: (1) Should Obama Quit? Tell us your opinion! and (2) Hillary or McCain? Vote Here Now!
Of course, Obama is almost certain to win the nomination. And Clinton should leave her husband at home. :)
I agree with Richard. Although Obama is the likely nominee, Clinton has the right to run her race all the way to the finish line.
Anything less would leave her supporters in the lurch. They have voted for her, worked for her, and donated to her. MLF, think about what you’re asking of her.
You don’t hear Obama demanding she drop out. These silly appeals are just that — silly. Hillary owes it to the people who have invested in her candidacy to see it through to the end, and she understands that.
I’ll throw this one in my who gives a shit file.
McDermott was a HUGE supporter of Saddam Hussein and numerous other terrorists around the world including Arafat and Khomeini.
Yessir! What an endorsement to have from a man who worships the eugenics theories of Adolf Hitler.
I’ll throw this one in my who gives a shit file.
Your who gives a shit file is in the back of my who gives a shit filing cabinet.
Whoa!!! Who put the crack in your coffee this morning?!?
“Rep. Jim McDermott endorsed Barack Obama this morning…”
Gee, there’s a surprise! Ray Charles could have seen that one coming.
cmiklich is a huge supporter of….al qaida – just like GWB. Notice how Bush said bin laden doesn’t matter….notice how he distracted us from bin Laden by going into Iraq. Notice how going into Iraq helped al qaida recruit. Notice how the Bush incompetence in Iraq led to al qaida getting a foothold there…
GWB – the best thing to happen to al qaida since my pet goat.
Joe Biden on Bush’s statements about “appeasment” of terrorists:
cmiklich @7,
Why do you hate America?
CNR @ 12
Here is a sentence from Bush’s speech to the Israeli Knesset:
“As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: ‘Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.'”
The Senator who made this statement was William Borah. Of the same state and party as the “wide stance” Senator.
And what Bush was thinking when he made that statement: Good thing that damn Senetor didn’t stop Hitler. My grandaddy wouldn’t have made millions off the Nazis without the war.
Why BushCo is pushing so hard on Iran, and why they’ll be next:
I realize it’s probably too complicated a read for the trolls, but what the hell.
Hillary may also bomb Iran….another GWB???
“” rel=”
BTW Goldy, the link seems to not be working for me today…am I doing something wrong?
Never mind!!!
slingshit you have your guys mixed up regarding Nazi loving: /wiki/ Joseph_P._Kennedy,_Sr.
Results 1 – 10 of about 504,000 for Joe Kennedy and Adolph Hitler
But then again this was a PuddyFact from long ago…
16 Hannah
AFAIK, Hillary Clinton has never said anything about whether she, as president, might or might not bomb Iran.
19 Puddy
I am sure you meant to say Prescott Bush, didn’t you?
Well, of course Republicans support the troops. As long as they never, ever ask for anything. Damn compensation-seeking commie leeches!
If only is WAS hard to believe that an American president would tell Israel that one of the presidential candidates would essentially unleash another Nazi holocaust on Israel.
Bush can’t even see “disgusting bad taste” from where he stands. And John “Hamas endorsed Obama” McCain is standing right next to him.
New from J Street:
I’m writin’…
So now we end up with what the Obama camp was afraid of from the beginning the Dem’s Party’s rep will be picked by the Super Delegates a bunch of Party Hacks!!!
So now that the guys and gal’s from the smoke filled rooms picked Obama it’s ok
More Googlers,
Republicans and Adolph Hitler 665,000
Bush and Adolph Hitler 3,510,000
Figures which, like yours Puddbucket, prove absolutely nothing.
Isn’t it Adolf Hitler, and not Adolph Hitler?
Richard, It’s lunch time. I was thinking about sauces…
Results 1 – 10 of about 408,000 for Joe Kennedy and Adolf Hitler
15 Funny you should bring that up, Slingshot. The Iranians finally announced just about a week ago that they’re not selling their oil for dollars any more, just Euros and Yen.
Daddy Love: Your side brings up Prescott bush all the time. I have to balance out the blog. Besides, Edward Moore is the son while GW is the grand-son.
My personal impression of the president’s remarks as I heard them were two:
1. Same old tired fucking Neville Chamberlain references. It’s not like they didn’t use the same line against Kerry in 2004 and against the Democratic Congressional candidates in 2006. I think by now though that it’s been totally played.
2. The president does not to have even the most basic understanding of what diplomacy is. I mean, I know he’s a dumbfuck and all, but then he says stupid shit like “Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along.” Um, I hate to break it to you, George, but diplomacy is not formulating convincing enough arguments that your enemies break down, admit they were totally wrong, and give you whatever you want for nothing. It’s a process that has developed over centuries of nation-state interaction by which it’s sometimes possible to achieve a mutually beneficial reconciliation of partially divergent interests.
F’rinstance: we want Iran to not go nuclear. In diplomacy, each side discusses its top priorities. At some point perhaps we reach an agreement on verifiable disarmament in the context of security guarantees and a path to normalized relations (like trade). Each side gets something it wants. Duh. We end up with a more stable and less proliferated international landscape, and Iran has more security and prosperity.
Maybe with some regime, and on some issue, this would not end up working, and other ways of achieving our goals can be considered. But not every regime on earth is fucking Hitler, and the fact that president Obama understands that will be a real change for the better.
The House just once again voted down the war-funding bill. Smirk may have really stepped on his crank this time.
So say the vote suppressors.
30 Pud
Yes, and no Republican EVER brings up Nazis when they talk about Democrats. Oh, except for the president telling Israel this morning that Obama would mean a new Holocaust. There was that one time.
CA Supreme Court today:
“an individual’s sexual orientation — like a person’s race or gender — does not constitute a legitimate basis upon which to deny or withhold legal rights.”
Goog, Goog, Googling on:
Results: Puddybud and Adolph Hitler search results 1-7 of 7.
I guess we can put the puddy is a nazi fantasy to rest now.
Joe Kennedy was an isolationist and a Hitler worshipper. He made his millions with bootleg likker and various stock market swindles.
Prescott Bush made millions doing illegal business with the nazis.
Moral equivalence? Discuss.
And all the references are on HorsesASS right dumbASS?
Focus on the Joe Kennedy entries.
Get educated…
ProudUpHisASS@36: I’d refer you to read the pages 250-400 of Winston Churchill’s “The Gathering Storm” but it would hurt your brain…
ProudUpHisASS@36: Yep Prescott Bush was hoping Hitler would destroy the commies of Russia. Check your history lessons…
Oh, well then, that makes it all better.
Personally, I think we have enough to talk about today, and that both Prescott Bush and Joe Kennedy are beside just about any point entirely, but the president DID call Obama a Nazi appeaser this morning, so it’s not like we brought it up.
Apparently the Minions of Right-Wing Sloganeering decided that “socialism and surrender” had run out of gas. Perhaps the comparison with incompetence and failure has become a little too obvious.
Yeah, but that was before the parties changed places. You know, when the party of the KKK and hoses became non-raciest and the party that was in favor of the civil rights act became racist.
Can you point me to the legislation that bush vetoed?
Remember, the democrat led congress controls the purse strings.
@41: So, the ends justify the means, eh? Where have I heard that one before…..
@40: Well, since the drunken windbag probably didn’t write it, why not give us rubes the nickel version?
Google bush & hitler omitting democrats and liberals and that number drops faster than bill clintons pants in the oval office.
Your number is so high because liberals like to call bush hitler. They think it’s cute and funny.
@38: Why not check for yourself, puddyawful. There are only seven entries.
“Your number is so high because liberals like to call bush hitler. They think it’s cute and funny.”
No. We think it is true and apt in some respects. But mostly I was showing that puttbutter’s google effort of >1/2 million proves nothing. My figures, as I stated, also prove nothing.
On the other hand, your obtuseness on this matter proves everything.
Go figure these families would reside over american politics for decades.
Something I always thought would clean up politics is the banning of family members being in office (ala kennedys, bushs, gores, etc.). We live in a country of millions and millions, we don’t need the same bloodline in office.
45 “Remember, the democrat led congress controls the purse strings.”
Well, sorta. I’d love to be able to clam that the House turned down the war bill today because an overwhelming majority of its members were outraged by Bush’s incompetence and arrogance and felt it’s time to end the Goddamned war.
Turns out, quite a few conservative Republicans voted against it, and Bush had been threatening to veto it (not that I expect he would have, once he had his grubby mitts on the money). They objected to the “shameless attachment by the Democratic leadership of social-welfare riders” to the measure.
What “social welfare” were they talking about? Expansion of the GI bill and extending unemployment benefits to military personnel once they come home (assuming they’re so lucky) and find out their civilian jobs have disappeared.
“Support the troops?” Yeah, right.
ProudHavingAFatASS@46: Where did I say that? I wrote Yep, you are right. Then I wrote what is known in history. Prescott was betting on Hitler destroying Russia.
I have no dog in the fight. Your side always brings this up where history proves Joe Kennedy was a big-time anti-semitic…
53 Prescott’s bet was probably safer than betting on his idiot grandson getting anything right.
Marvi @ 51 writes: “Something I always thought would clean up politics is the banning of family members being in office (ala kennedys, bushs, gores, etc.).”
Yet you support a royalist political party that advocates economic policies that will inevitably bring about the very thing you decry. How interesting.
Puddwiper@ 53: “ProudHavingAFatASS@46: Where did I say that? I wrote Yep, you are right.”
Well, actually, no you did not. Try again.
Re Goldy @ 13.
It’s damned hard to take you seriously.
I support GWB. GWB supports Israel. Therefore I support Israel. Logic. (I always have, except when they send the Pollards our way).
McDermott supports any group that opposes Israel. You support McDermott. Why? (Aren’t you Jewish?) Jimmy the peanut farmer and BJ went out of their way to undermine Israel and look what that got them (Israel). And us.
I love this country and I support Israel. You, factually and repeatedly, do not. Logic: It’s obvious that YOU hate America, Israel and any decent psychiatrist would question your ego.
McDermitt has endorsed Borack Obama. I am thrilled, intoxicated, driven to new hi=eights of enlightenment.
This courageous act of our decisive, white haired Cicero will bring succor to those toiling in the fields to propagate the newly planted Obama shoots while the elderly blue haired mothers of hard working white America will surely understand what their Jimbo has needed to do.
It makes you feel better to think I support them. Gotta link where I’m praising them? Or is it simply because I say things about your party you don’t like to hear.
@ 59
Gotta link where I’m praising them?
Gotta link that shows you giving equal time to ripping Republicans? Until you provide that, you’re a partisan hack despite your lame protestations to the contrary.
Damn! I had my money on him layin’ it down for Lyndon LaRouche!
The Piper