I’m not big on posts like this, but 9/11 was obviously one of the most significant events of our lifetime. For someone who’s always been interested in the world both within and outside of America’s borders, the attacks of that day signified for me a new era in how America interacts with the world. It forced all of us to take our ideals and re-shape them for a new era, one in which technology made the world smaller and more interdependent than ever, but the old rules about needing to provide necessary constraints against government never went away.
The one thing I remember about that morning 10 years ago was how quick I just “knew”. It’s not that I ever imagined a terrorist attack like the one we experienced, but it was merely the odd coincidence of my phone ringing at 6:30am and then minutes later hearing a radio news reporter say the words “and one tower has fallen” before I reflexively banged on my snooze button. It clicked in my head instantly that something major was happening and I jumped out of bed, ran to the living room and put on the TV. I made it into work by about noon that day – after frantically calling friends and family out east – and was little more than a zombie, unable to focus on anything other than the realization that America wasn’t immune from spectacular acts of violence.
One thing that I find interesting is that when I hear the stories of others – particularly those of an older generation – talk about it, I’m often struck by how many of them instantly thought: this is war. I never thought that. I still don’t. At the time, I was a 26-year-old who believed that the world was at a point where wars like World War II couldn’t happen again. There was too much interaction in all aspects of our global existence for that to happen again. Five years and a month before that horrible day, I was at a Pizza Hut in St. Petersburg, Russia. The end of the cold war occurred while I was in high school, and the world I began to explore was supposed to be content with free market economies and shitty American pizza. But for those who lived through earlier times, the violence of 9/11 was seen through a lens of many years of concern over an event like that coming from a foreign government hell-bent on annihilating America.
Terrorism is an act born of powerlessness. It’s the most craven expression of political impotence one can conjure. The logic of terrorism is that the average everyday person isn’t sufficiently animated by your plight, and therefore they bear some guilt for it. It’s a twisted pathology that will sadly exist throughout the history of humanity. We can’t defeat it any more than we can defeat other failings of the human condition. But we can make it worse whenever we support policies that leave people powerless. Personal and political autonomy needs to be a focus in everything we do politically, and how we interact with the world.
But very little of that has happened. Instead, we’ve allowed ourselves to be terrified and submissive, giving up many of our own freedoms out of a baseless fear of further attacks. It would be too simple to blame that on one particular group. This was an all-American trend in the days and months after 9/11, but the trend is finally reversing. 9/11 signified the onset of a new mindset of “permanent war” in Washington. We accepted it because that day scared us. But it’s time to recognize that no matter how horrible an act of violence is, allowing our government to be unrestrained in the name of “fighting terrorism” is far worse.
I’ll use a Koch Brothers financed rag to illustrate a point:
We could be sucker-punched again. If not today then maybe some other day.
I’ll tell you what scares me more (even more than dying walking across the street) and that’s insane right wing idiots knee-jerking this country into another war HAVING NOTHING TO DO with who is sucker punching us.
Compared with dying by terrorism – that’s almost a 100 percent gold-plated certainty.
Al-Qaeda is an extreme Sunni sect. Iran is ruled by Shiites and Iran is TARGET #1 of the insane neo-con cult which controls the “minds” of a few choice trolls here – see the “friendo” from Montana and Puddydope.
“But it’s time to recognize that no matter how horrible an act of violence is, allowing our government to be unrestrained in the name of “fighting terrorism” is far worse.”
“We” didn’t allow the negligence and excesses of the self-appointed Bush administration. “We” didn’t elect those slimeballs; both of those elections were stolen. Nor did the Democratic Party’s voters and grassroots supporters allow the theft of those elections; the people at the top of the party did. They kicked the stool out from under “we the people” just as they always do.
For a long time, America’s money-crazed and greed-driven culture refused to do anything about airline security because it wasn’t cost effective to protect against the occasional hijacking. Then Al Qaeda made it cost effective by showing us (a) how easy it was to take over an airplane and (b) how much damage could be done with an airplane after it was taken over. Today, we continue spending billions of dollars a year to protect ourselves against guys who are dead. There seems to be an almost complete lack of thoughtful rationality in our culture.
As we commemorate the 10th anniversary of Pearl Harbor 2.0, let us not forget that every day innocent Americans are being slaughtered by guns that don’t kill people — until people who shouldn’t have guns go berserk with them.
“At least two gunmen armed with possible semi-automatic weapons opened fire outside a Florida nightclub early Saturday morning, killing two people and injuring 22, according to police.”
On this solemn day of remembrance, I’d like everyone to remember that the Republicans in Wisconsin’s legislature introduced a bill that would allow anyone to carry a concealed gun anywhere in that state, no background check or permit required.
What I remember about 9/11 is how Bush and his band of idiots did their best to allow it to happen.
Hard to tell who did more damage to the USA, Al Qaeda or Wal-Mart …
I bet you say the same thing the same thing about Pearl Harbor and Roosevelt too…
its been interesting watching the lefty spin of 9-11, 10 years later.
or Duck! Cheney..
reading the braindead idiocy of an asshat jerk right winger these last 2 years..
This comment won’t be popular….
Maybe the most productive & patriotic thing to do 10 years later is to stop the 9-11 death porn. Time to realize the worst things from that day til now were self inflicted.
I have been absolutely sickened by CNN’s coverage leading up to the ten year anniversary of 9/11. Someone told me that someone in their AOL chatroom estimated that over 50% of their 9/11-related stories in the last two weeks have been about Muslims-Americans, and how they have suffered from the made-up bias of Islamaphobia in the years since their religious brethren attacked me and my country.
Fuck you, CNN! Muslim-Americans are not the victims of 9/11. The fact is, 100% of the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim, and nearly 100% of the victims were non-Muslim. Why doesn’t your reporting reflect that?
Wow, there’s some perfect fake outrage right there.
So, you didn’t read or see it, but someone told you that they saw someone in a chatroom make an unverified statement.
Release the hounds, fire the torches. I’m pissed cause someone may have said that someone else did something that I don’t agree with and I have no proof it’s true but the fact that someone told me it happened is enough to throw all them sons’a’bitches in jail or string em up.
“Terrorism is an act born of powerlessness.”
Wait a minute. I see these piece of shit liberal-progressives driving around Seattle in their 25 year old Volvos affixed with War is Terrorism bumper stickers.
So if you libs believe war is terrorism, and America is leading the world in war-making right now, that means you believe we are the biggest terrorist nation on earth.
So then how does that jibe with your belief that terrorism is born of powerlessness?
When I heard about 9/11, I thought: “Well, they’ve gone and done it.”
And I still believe that. Today is a day when we should remember the Maine, feel sorrowful for the brave men who died at Harper’s Ferry, remember the war of aggression that the north perpetrayed on the south by occupying the federal government’s Fort Sumpter. Let’s not forget Pearl Harbor, where FDR allowed the Japaneses to attack our fleet in order to get into WW II. And above all, let’s not forget the flimsiest flim-flam of thenm all, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which got us into Vietnam on a very serious basis.
The biggest lesson we should remember from these incidents is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
But, you may say, if we do not honor our fallen soldiers, then it means they died for nothing. I remember to this day that guys who graduated highschool maybe a year ahead of me were dead in Vietnam before I finished my senior year.
Did they die for nothing? Not entirely. Many indifferent students found the motivation to excell academically so that they could be like our future vice president, Dick Cheney, who has stated that he did not go to war because he had better things to do.
So did my classmates from highschool who never returned from that other pointless war.
This piece of shit right wing idiot has finally come out of the phony act closet.
re 14: Bug off, asswipe.
Of course, with his dreadfully below average reading comprehension skills, the emperpor max-minidick completely missed that History has already spoken.
The Bush crime organization fucked up, like they fucked EVERYTHING except looting the treasury of the budget surplus that Clinton left them. THAT they did well.
But the emperor max-minidick LOOOOOOVES stealing money, and cutting social services, and cutting money for public education, and cutting money for roads and bridges, and cutting money for police and fire departments. SHIT…that’s a private venture opportunity…that’s ANOTHER SIX FIGURE INCOME the the greedy bastard emperor max-minidick can brag about.
You know emperor max-minidick is such a cheap ass bastard that he won’t spend $250 or 500 extra PER YEAR of that Big-ASS SIX-FIGURE INCOME he can’t stop bragging about…he won’t give a little back to the country and the people who made good fortune possible for the emperor max-minidick.
Boy oh boy…NOBODY’S going to be erecting statues to this shitass, the emperor max-minidick.
Oh…and I guess the emperor max-minidick didn’t hear about what the Washington Labor Realtions Board said about his little Koch-sucking pals in Federal Way…nope, didn’t think so.
I am a Democrat. I never said I was a liberal-progressive.
A little late huh, Colin? Like McNamara…a little late.
So because I’m a liberal…a dreaded “lefty” I spin this atrocity into…something…acording to the famous historian and commentator emperor max-minidick. The emperor max-minidick and the puddypussy and the troll and all the rest are complete fucking idiots. Dead fucking wrong and complete idiots.
Nah…this doesn’t mean anything.
Sheeeee-it…that was just Condi and Rumsfeld…who were THEY anyhow…
…and tha “lefty rag”…that “Washington Post”…fuck, just another union rag…more fukkin “lefty spin” so procalims emperor max-minidick
Well fuck, at least it wasn’t ELEVEN!
THAT should make emperor max-minidick feel better.
How ’bout a few more:
Here’s the rest:
Yeah…but it’s all lefty spin to the emperor max-minidick and the puddypussy too.
Just like the dick head emperor max-minidick says…we’re just little people. You need a SIX FIGURE INCOME to figure out shit like THIS:
Yeah…you need a BIGG-ASS income to be able to really scew people. That emperor max-minidick…he’s a REAL man, man.
@19 Everybody’s a Democrat, troll. If you took a poll, it would probably show that 99% of the population are Democrats, because the GOP is so disreputable nobody wants to admit being a Republican. Can’t say I blame them.
Cheaper Gas Ahead?
Yeah, probably, short-term it’ll likely get better before it gets worse. Long-term probably will see higher oil prices. A weak economy reduces demand, which brings prices down. This fall might be a good time to buy oil stocks ahead of higher prices later.
The overthrow of Gadhafi and winding down of Libya’s civil war will have effects on the global oil market beyond just restoring Libyan production. (Repairing war damage will take some time, so it’ll be a couple years before production is fully retored.)
Libya has Africa’s largest oil reserves. What’s more, Libyan oil is high quality oil, is cheap to produce, and is located near European markets.
But what’s really interesting about Libya is that decades of sanctions against the Gadhafi regime have left Libya’s oilfields underdeveloped — and have left much of the country unexplored. Experts say Libyan’s pre-war production of 1.6M bpd could be boosted to 3M bpd, although this will take billions of dollars of investment and up to 10 years. Improved recovery technology could extend existing reserves — and there might be a lot of unfound oil still out there. Nobody’s saying Libya is a Saudi Arabia, but like Iraq, its oil potential has been under-exploited for a long time, therefore it has potential to add significantly to world production capacity over time.
@24 et seq.: Sidney Blumenthal, a top aide to President Clinton, recounted that:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China …; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation … contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: By any legal standard the Bush administration was negligent.
I personally couldn’t even turn on the TV today, grateful now.
I’m not a fan of HuffPost, but this short documentary narrated by Tom Hanks just kept me coming back to watch a few times, so positive. This is how ‘Real Men’ deal with a crisis showing compassion, not so much of the rage:
Here’s the link:
Tom Hanks Narrates ‘BOATLIFT,’ Honors Untold 9/11 Story Of Mariner Heroes (VIDEO)-12 min.
An excellent short on Huffington Post narrated by Tom Hanks. It is the telling of how the mariners were able to shuttle over 500,000 people safely off of the island in less than 9 hours. They worked without any organization and on their own. There were tugboats, ferrys, fishermen boats, pleasure crafts all working one trip at a time to take people off the island. It is the largest maritime evacuation in history.
Not planned and not one single injury.
Ah heck while I’m at it, here’s something else that makes better sounds, soothing:
Paul Simon – The Sound of Silence 9/11 Ground Zero [HD]
Foreign stock markets were sharply down in advance of Monday’s NYSE trading on rumors that Greece will be unable to avoid default.
I skipped the 9/11 porn yesterday – well actually, I turned on the TV briefly and there was some talking head recounting his experience in the news room, spliced with views of the second tower being hit. Too, too much.
When I think back, what is so tragic, beyond the immediate loss of life and shattered families, is the enormous missed opportunity. I recall a palpable feeling of community, and a desire to do something good together – to respond in a way that brought us together and transcended the evil.
Instead, we had ShrubCheney in the WH and we got cynicism and deleted civil liberties and a looted treasury and 100,000 dead Iraqis. I always will wonder how things would have transpired with President Gore, if the attack had happened in the first place.
@8 Rujax!
Yes, those sorts of calculations are so clearly illustrative of our missed opportunities. Why can’t someone with a bully pulpit – someone running for President, for example, have the cojones to stand up and say, “Hey America, what do you want – the snake oil and the wars and the few really really rich people getting richer, or schools and roads and colleges and consumer protection and clean energy? Hey – which is it going to be?”
Back after the Iraq war had been going on for just a few years I did a back of the envelop calculation, that I’ll repeat here:
US Electrical Generating Capacity, By fuel:
Coal: 337000 MW
NG: 454610 MW
Oil: 63600 MW
Total: ~855000 MW
At a cost of about $1.7M per installed MW of solar, it would cost about $1.4 Trillion to ENTIRELY replace the fossil fuel electrical generating capacity of the US.
While this doesn’t address feasibility or siting or a whole host of other issues, the point is, for what we’ve already spent for NOTHING BUT DEATH AND DESTRUCTION AND SORROW, we could totally replace burning dinosaurs with clean wind.
Fuck George W. Bush and all he represents.
makes me laugh to see how much I have gotten into rujajaxoff’s head – the simple minded are so easy to fuck with.
Thats a great story. Amazing how people are come and work together in the face of a major crisis.
It’s easy to fuck with the emperor max-minidick. It’s hadly even fun anymore.
re 35: I don’t believe that you are not having fun. I’ve never known a conservative who did not enjoy confrontation as long as they were physically safe themselves.
Bush and Cheney are cases in point. “Mission Accomplished!!”
@4 This is truly bizarre in that it coincides with the Florida state government’s new initiative to enforce a state law trumping any local ordinances restricting gun ownership or use, extending even to such things as discharging a firearm into the air in a populated area.
@3 A few days before 9/11, my wife, our son and I were returning from visiting our daughter a year after she’d moved to Los Angeles. As we prepared to board our flight out of LAX, we were discussing with one another how sketchy security seemed to have become, especially since I’d done a lot of business travel during and after the first Gulf war. I forgot to take my keys out of my pocket, and the metal detector made nary a peep. All the security personnel seemed bored, and nobody’s carryons were being scrutinized save for the pass through the X-ray machines. This seemed rather curious considering that it wasn’t all that long since the arrest in Port Angeles of the guy with the trunkload of explosives and the attack on the USS COLE.
I wouldn’t even begin to speculate on what this might have represented. Just that it was.
I didn’t pay much attention to the “tenth anniversary” hoopla either. I put in a very busy weekend helping put on the Circus of Dreams shows at ACT Theatre to raise funds for children’s brain cancer research. I just pray that we as a nation can find ways to settle our arguments with the rest of the world in a fashion that won’t mean the kids we help survive don’t wind up becoming victims of senseless mayhem when they grow up.
@38 For all the billions of dollars spent on airport security, the screeners haven’t intercepted a single terrorist yet. They have, however, caught passengers trying to smuggle the damnedest things aboard airplanes, including:
1. A sedated baby tiger in a suitcase;
2. A woman tried to take her dead husband aboard in a wheelchair;
3. Baby monkeys stuffed in a man’s underwear;
4. A crocodile;
5. A dead cow wrapped in plastic;
6. A bathtub;
7. Coconut trees;
8. A parrot;
9. Tires;
10. Sunflowers;
11. Tarantulas; and, of course,
11. Snakes.
(Compiled from several websites.)