Driving my kids to school I heard that Zayman al-Zawahiri just released another tape.
To the right-wing traitors: why isn’t this man in jail or dead? Where is bin Laden?
Ramsi Youseff who bombed the WTC back in ’93 is in jail. He was chased and caught.
You wingnuts won’t ask yourselves these questions because it intereferes with the one thing that gives your lives meaning: worshipping your Dear Leader George W. Shrub.
I wouldn’t be one-tenth as down on this poor excuse for a man if he had his priorities straight.
Darcy\'s my girlspews:
God Bless America
Darcy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s my girlspews:
Jeezz clueless,
Couldn’t you just REMEMBER it without the rant?
For the Cluelessspews:
I have, privately. Publically – I speak out.
I remember 9/11 well. My wife and I were visiting back east, watching the “Today” show on TV as we got ready to leave the motel for the day. We saw when the show first cut to the fire in the first tower, and we saw the second plane hit the other tower. Our comments to each other were virtually simultaneous:
(1) Did you see what I think I just saw?
(2) Was that an airplane that flew into that building?
(3) SOMEBODY’s going to get bombed!
We tried to buy a flag to display from our rental car, as others were doing, but within hours every flag was sold out of the stores. When we learned flights were grounded (preventing our return), we called the rental car company and asked if we could keep the car a few days longer than we had reserved. “No problem!” they replied. “In fact, if you want to drive it back to Seattle, there will be no extra charge for the milage!” I thanked her, but after considering driving for three days, we decided just to wait, and we were finally able to fly back on Saturday (only two days later than scheduled).
We had a “Support our Troops” ribbon on our car, until Bush turned it into a symbol of support for his administration and its policies. At that time I reluctantly removed it. We continue to support our troops in other ways, including sending “Care packages” to servicemen”, some of whome we know, and others we don’t know.
I remember that it happened on George Bush’s watch. I remember that the republicans used it and the deaths of 3000 Americans to make political hay. I remember that Bush has had five years to find the guy who is behind 9.11 and Osama still walks free today. I remember that Bush let the Saudis go home right after 9.11 while the rest of us were forbidden to fly. I remember that George Bush Sr. was having breakfast with the bin Laden family when the towers were struck. I remember George Bush Jr. reading “My Pet Goat” while thousands died. I remember that George Bush had several opportunities to catch bin Laden before 9.11 and he passed. I remember that the GOP used 9.11 as a campaign tool without regard for the feelings of the families who lost loved ones on that terrible day.
I just hope someone else does.
Daddy Lovespews:
Now that Bush’s bungling has enabled the so-called “al Qaeda In Iraq” organization to become Anbar Prvince’s “most significant political force,” and they have established a terrorist sanctuary on the borders of Saudia Arabia, Jordan and Syria, I’ll be you’re all feeling a lot safer.
We really can’t afford to have these guys running things for the nex two years without some adults watching them. Mike! is just going to be just another fatuous cheerleader for the slaughter.
Daddy Lovespews:
George Bush has also had five years to find whoever committed the anthrax terrorist attacks against our nation after 9/11. We owe it to THOSE five dead as well to investigate this administration and hold them accountable.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Sandy “Socks” Berger: Carl Grosman????
Daddy Lovespews:
First, Operation Ignore:
on February 15, 2001, a commission led by former senators Gary Hart and Warren Rudman issued its third and final report on national security. The Hart-Rudman report warned that “mass-casualty terrorism directed against the U.S. homeland was of serious and growing concern” and said that America was woefully unprepared for a “catastrophic” domestic terrorist attack and urged the creation of a new federal agency: “A National Homeland Security Agency with responsibility for planning, coordinating, and integrating various U.S. government activities involved in homeland security” that would include the Customs Service, the Border Patrol, the Coast Guard, and more than a dozen other government departments and agencies.
The Hart-Rudman Commission had studied every aspect of national security over a period of years and had come to a unanimous conclusion: “This commission believes that the security of the American homeland from the threats of the new century should be the primary national security mission of the U.S. government.”
The report generated a great deal of media attention and even a bill in Congress to establish a National Homeland Security Agency. But over at the White House, the Justice Department, and the Pentagon, President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Attorney General Ashcroft, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld decided that the best course of action was not to implement the recommendations of the Hart-Rudman report, but instead to launch a sweeping initiative dubbed “Operation Ignore.”
The public face of Operation Ignore would be an antiterrorism task force led by Vice President Cheney. Its mandate: to pretend to develop a plan to counter domestic terrorist attacks. Bush announced the task force on May 8, 2001, and said that he himself would “periodically chair a meeting of the National Security Council to review these efforts.” Bush never chaired such a meeting, though. Probably because Cheney’s task force never actually met.
Daddy Lovespews:
Second, the results of Operation Ignore:
Bush spent 42 percent of his first seven months in office either at Camp David, at the Bush compound in Kennebunkport, or at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. As he told a $1,000-a-plate crowd at a fund-raiser in June, Washington, D.C., is a great place to work, but Texas is a great place to relax.” That’s why on August 3, after signing off on a plan to cut funding for programs guarding unsecured or “loose” nukes in the former Soviet Union, he bade farewell to the Washington grind and headed to Crawford for the longest presidential vacation in thirty-two years.
On its 172nd day, Operation Ignore suffered a major blow. Already, the operation was becoming more and more difficult to sustain as the intensity of terror warnings crescendoed. Now, on August 6, CIA Director Tenet delivered a report to President Bush entitled, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” The report warned that al Qaeda might be planning to hijack airplanes. But the President was resolute: Operation Ignore must proceed as planned. He did nothing to follow up on the memo.
Actually, that’s not entirely fair. The President did follow up, a little bit. Sitting in his golf cart the next day, Bush told some reporters, “I’m working on a lot of issues, national security matters.” Then, Bush rode off to hit the links, before dealing with a stubborn landscaping issue by clearing some brush on his property. The next day, he followed up again, telling the press, I’ve got a lot of national security concerns that we’re working on Iraq, Macedonia, very worrisome right now.”
Acting FBI director Pickard had been privy to a top-secret, comprehensive review of counterterrorism programs in the FBI. The assessment called for a dramatic increase in funding. Alarmed by the report and by the mounting terrorist threat, Pickard met with Attorney General John Ashcroft to request $58 million from the Justice Department to hire hundreds of new field agents, translators, and intelligence analysts to improve the Bureau’s capacity to detect foreign terror threats. On September 10, he received the final Operation Ignore communique: an official letter from Ashcroft turning him down flat.
On Operation Ignore Day 208, Ashcroft sent his Justice Department budget request to Bush. It included spending increases in sixty-eight different programs. Out of these sixty-eight programs, less than half dealt with terrorism. Way less than half. In fact, none of them dealt with terrorism. Ashcroft passed around a memo listing his seven top priorities. Again, terrorism didn’t make the list.
On the next day, the world shook.
The day after that, they started blaming Clinton, covering their tracks, and accusing liberals of blaming America.
Daddy Lovespews:
Now that Iraq is a total clusterfuck, the question raises itself: how can we blame Clinton?
Daddy Lovespews:
Courtesy Americablog.blogspot.com:
The lessons of September 11
– The Constitution only applies when the going gets easy.
– War is the answer, even when you forget the question.
– The truth is for sissies.
-America has never faced an enemy as dangerous and as intent on killing us as King George, the Civil War, World War I, the Germans, the Japanese, a nuclear Soviet Union Al Qaeda.
– The real September 11 story was badly in need of editing.
– Just because they say it makes it so.
– We have always been at war with Oceania.
– A fool is born every election day.
– Due process is only for the innocent.
– Patriotism means never having to say you’re sorry.
– It’s all Sandy Berger’s fault.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“We must not listen in on the terrorist’s cell phone calls, or track their wire money transfers, because the Muuuuuuuuslims have rights”! [Carl Grossman]
Daddy Lovespews:
You know, invading Agfhanistan after September 11 was not the worst idea in the world. I mean, we could have appeard to be a litle lees bloodthirsty by showing them our evidence that terrorists within their borders were behind the WTC attacks as they requested insteaqd of stiffing them and then invading, but it’s true that Afghanistan had been taken over by “bad” people, those bad people were more or less harboring other bad people involved with 9/11, and the country had been pretty much destroyed between the Soviet invasion and the Taliban rule.
So, we proposed to go get the bad guys (we got some), create a new democratic national government (now known as the municipal government of Kabul), free the people – especially women – from tyranny (not so much), and rebuild the country to such a fantastic degree that it would be an utter inspiration to the world and create democracy-and-America-loving people everywhere (not).
You know, I was totally convinced when we (the USA) went into Afghanistan that we were going to just freakin’ walk away without ever delivering on our promises to them, specifcally, that we would (a) rebuild that country and (b) NOT walk away. And so we have. It’s a bitch seeing these guys for what they are.
Sure, and Clinton spent 8 years shopping his penis around the whitehouse, instead of finding Bin Ladin.
Under our Constitution, everyone has the right to be searched (which includes communications surveillance) only upon issuance of a warrant based on probable cause, and everyone is guaranteed equal protection under the law.
Daddy Lovespews:
Gee, don’t you even have a LITTLE feeling about the guy letting him go on whose watch an attack against the US homeland occurred, and who essentially had bin Laden corered in Afghanistan, and who to this day is letting Pakistan just let him live unmolested?
Clinton attacked bin Laden with every weapon at his disposal:
– approving cruise missile attacks (we didn’t have troops on the ground, nor would the Congress have supported such a thing)
– authorizing the killing instead of capture of bin Laden and his senior lieutenants, approving the shooting down of private civilian aircraft on which they flew
– ordering the Navy to maintain two Los Angeles-class attack submarines on permanent station in the nearest available waters, enabling the U.S. military to place Tomahawk cruise missiles on any target in Afghanistan within about six hours of receiving the order
– recruiting, training, paying or equipping surrogate forces in Pakistan, Uzbekistan and among tribal militias inside Afghanistan, with the common purpose of capturing or killing bin Laden
– sending CIA forces into Afghanistan in 1999 to prepare a desert airstrip to extract bin Laden, if captured, or to evacuate U.S. tribal allies, if cornered, and to place listening devices within range of al Qaeda’s tactical radios
But really, what about they guy who INVADED Afghanistan to get him, for God’s sake?
For the Cluelessspews:
20 – So where is bin Laden now?
Actually, as we look back at the failures of the Bush administration, from the failure to get Bin Laden, to Bush’s ability to piss away a united country and united world resolve by pursuing a war in Iraq that had nothing to do with terrorism, let us remember the strength of America. That for all of our differences, we did not give into the cowardly racism of the John Craig Hermans and Mark the Yellowbacks of the world.
We instead have a highly integrated Muslim population that considers themselves Americans. Imagine if we had given in to the dark cowardly racist like JCH and the other wingnuts that haunt this blog, how much worse things would be. Fortunately, despite the fools of the right, Americans are stronger and smarter than that. We have stood up for all Americans and for all human rights. If a civilization is truly judged by how they treat the least amongst them, we as Americans should be judge well for having ignored the fear that overwhelms the Bush Administration and the likes of JCH. Because of that, and despite the mistakes of those in power, we are a stronger country today.
An explanation for the mindless rants of wingnuts:
Coulter’s outrageous views and her poisonous rhetoric (click here for examples) rendered her anathema to the respectable right. Over time, though, the Coulter style has gradually crept into conservatism’s mainstream. . . . I’m inclined to think the main driving force is the bankruptcy of contemporary conservatism as represented by the Bush administration. An aggressively interventionist foreign policy has stumbled badly; a sharp cutback in taxes has failed to bring prosperity to the middle class; and, since Hurricane Katrina leveled New Orleans, citizens have come to regard governmental incompetence less as a reason to vote Republican than as a reason to hold Republicans responsible for indifferent stewardship. Things have gotten so bad that the GOP may conceivably lose control of both the House and the Senate in the coming midterm congressional elections.
When you don’t have anything new to say, and what you’ve been saying in the past no longer has much plausibility, you have three choices. You can shut up. For conservative commentators, this is inconceivable, not to mention financially ruinous. You can re-examine your premises. This is not the conservative style. Or you can pump up the volume.
“We haven’t seen the miniseries. But from reviews we’ve read it’s apparent that both the Clinton administration and the Bush administration come in for some serious criticism for failing to prevent September 11. For instance, the miniseries portrays a scene where then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice demotes the National Security Council’s Richard Clarke, who had been trying to alert the administration to the threat Osama bin Laden posed. The miniseries also doesn’t glide over the failure of the White House to take seriously an August 2001 memo titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike U.S.”
It’s no secret that former Clinton administration officials, including the former president himself, are quite sensitive to questions about their response, or lack thereof, to al Qaeda’s attacks on America. It’s also indisputable that the Clinton White House had at least three chances to capture bin Laden, but didn’t do anything. That’s not “right-wing propaganda.” It’s called history, and one thing that Clintonistas have never been very good at is coming to terms with history”
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Will JDB and Carl Grossman be converting to Islam this week?
It would appear that Mark the Yellowback, Puddy, John Craig, Janet S, amerikkafirst, et al. are reduced to one of three choices.
They can shut up and admit they are wrong.
They can re-examine their premises and figure out why they are wrong.
Or they can continue to spew bile and lies and ignore that they are wrong.
Is it any wonder why the Democrats are doing so well in the coming election?
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Under our Constitution, everyone has the right to be searched (which includes communications surveillance) only upon issuance of a warrant based on probable cause, and everyone is guaranteed equal protection under the law.
Commentby Daddy Love […………………………………..I must have miss your post on Democrat hero FDR interning American of Japanese desent. Please repost.]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
JDB, Where is your prayer rug???
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“Allah Acbar!!” [Carl Grossman]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“Rummy must go! We need Maddie Halfbright to protest us!” [Carl Grossman]
proud leftistspews:
How’s the weather out there in your Hawaiian paradise today? Oh, that’s right you never step outside because the world is a big scary place. In fact, you never even open your shades–someone might look in, you know. So, you sit at your computer and spit out your rot. I’d feel sorry for you, if only you were human. Keep hiding in your little hovel.
What’s wrong John Craig? No ships in port right now? Go back to giving sailors blow jobs. One has to hope that at least you are good at that, ’cause God knows you are a failure at everything else.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“Let’s roll!”…………………”No, Let’s NOT roll! The terrorist told me that BUSH is the enemy, not Muuuuuuuuslims!” [Carl Grossman]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Sandy “Socks” Berger: JDB?
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“How’s the weather out there in your Hawaiian paradise today?”
Commentby proud leftist […………..You posted I lived in Kent, WA? What would I know about Hawaiian paradise?]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“If we all chant ‘BUSH NO GOOD!’, the Muslims have promised to land us safely at Logan International!” [Carl Grossman]
my point is that it is pointless to resort to hindsight attacks. If you compare opportunities and actually read all the accoutns, Clinton had a far better chance of getting aor killing Bin Ladin, but because they were trying to be politically sensitive, they lost the chances.
It’s the truth.
Bush has failed in captureing him now, yes. I don’t dispute that. But so what? All the name calling and hand wring and bloviating will not help either.
The fact is that people are more concerned with pointing fingers and blaming then they are with fixing the problems and finding solutions.
That goes for the Bush Administration, the House, The Senate and the Media.
Looka the the shit here today. Here it is a day to memorialize the dead, and most of the posts are “blame Bush.”
How typically liberal, particularly when you ignore the liberals who failed on their watch too.
We are memoralizing the dead by saying that we should go after their killers. Instead, we are bogged down in Iraq which has absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.
To remember the dead, but not remember the failures of the Bush Administration, is to have a memorial without substance.
Sven at 42: Nobody was pointing fingers at Bush for 9/11 until AFTER he, and those working on his behalf, attempted to point their fingers at Clinton and blame him and his administration for 9/11, and futher to blame anybody who dared to question his policies or administration as an unwitting supporter, or worse, of Al Quida. At that point the Democrats have the right to point out the truth.
Reminds me of McGavick’s “civility” campaign. He hits Cantwell with a VERY deceptive ad alleging she voted against Washington families, even while knowing she was a co-author of a bill restoring the state sales tax deduction which passed in the Senate and was waiting for action by the Republican-controlled House, which didn’t want to pass any bill with her name on it for fear she could use it to show she worked for Washington taxapayers. After running the ad for its scheduled weekly run (and ignoring calls from both Seattle newspapers to pull it due to its misleading nature), McGavick comes back with a week’s worth of ads decrying the lack of “civility” in Washington.
Reminds me of a child’s game: “Tag” – “No Tag-backs”!
I was pleased to see the unity in our country post-9/11, and especially the widespread support for our troops. But I was less pleased that Bush tried to use that for his political benefit, turning what should have been (and initially was) a bi-partison effort to promote national security into an attempt to cover up his mistakes in many other areas.
So no, its not “typically liberal”. It reflects our national politics, as they became during the Bush administration.
Sven, the only “point” you have is covered by your hat.
OK, I guess i misunderstood your point, Sven. Actually I wrote a letter to Senator George Mitchell, now chairman of Disney, venturing my opinion that this media orgy of “telling us all about 9/11” all over again is pretty stupid. For most of us, the memories, and the pain, are still quite vivid, so it’s not exactly like we’re being told anything we don’t know. Further, this isn’t going to help many of us achieve some kind of “closure”–it’s too soon for that.
Since then, I’ve happened to notice that there seems to be a lot of emphasis on the children who were too young in 2001 to fully understand what was happening. There seems to be a modicum of exploitation of them (all the “sympathetic” stories about how the kids who lost parents in the attacks still have nightmares), and worse yet (witness the attempt to peddle “The Path to 9/11” as “educational” material) to mold them into nice little “patriotic” pro-Republican future stormtroopers.
There are also some stories coming out about how the group who put together “The Path to 9/11” turns out to be working in behalf of David Horowitz and Richard Mellon Scaife. Apparently, after spending $45 million of the taxpayers’ money and millions more of their own to convince the world that Bill Clinton is the Antichrist, they’ve added $30 mil from the Disney shareholders.
The Emperor’s New Clothes: How 2nd graders saw what the American media wouldn’t report
George W. Bush is a man on a mission today: To remind the American people how they felt five years ago, when the public was understandably frightened by the killing of nearly 3,000 fellow citizens, and when the president briefly gained acceptance as a bullhorn-wielding leader.
Of course, the truth was anything but. Even on Day One, some of us — too gently, in hindsight — wondered about Bush’s strange behavior on the actual 9/11, flying from remote airbase to remote airbase while Dick Cheney was running the show. Quickly, it because clear that any doubts about our commander-in-chief were flat-out forbidden. At least two journalists were fired for writing such stories. For example:
Tom Gutting, city editor for the Texas City Sun was fired in September 2001 after writing a column in which referred to President Bush as a “scared child seeking refuge in his mother’s bed after having a nightmare” for not returning to Washington DC immediately after hearing about the attacks on September 11th.
The tone was set at the very top, when White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said famously that “[t]here are reminders to all Americans that they need to watch what they say, watch what they do, and that this is not a time for remarks like that. It never is…”
Remarkably, most of the mainstream media obeyed. On the second anniversary of 9/11, in 2003, I wrote a story in the Daily News that, among other things, mentioned that Bush had spent at least five minutes reading “The Pet Goat” in that Sarasota classroom. It was an indisputable fact, and yet I received hundreds of emails from readers, many asking if I would be fired for reporting such a simple and inconvenient truth. When Michael Moore showed the actual footage in “Farhrenheit 911” months later, much of the nation was shocked to learn for the first time what really happened that day.
Not everyone was so surprised. In fact, the then-second graders that Bush read “The Pet Goat” to that morning clearly saw though the emperor’s new clothes even while all the “grown-up” journalists did not. They realized that the ongoing attack had scared the living daylights out of their commander-in-chief: Here’s what they say five years later:
SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) – Tyler Radkey and other second-graders at Emma E. Booker Elementary School didn’t know what to think when an aide leaned in and whispered something to President Bush on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.
“His face just started to turn red,” said Tyler, now 13 and in seventh grade. “I thought, personally, he had to go to the bathroom.”
For a puzzling seven minutes, the youngsters read aloud from the story “The Pet Goat” while the shaken president followed along in front of the class, trying to come to grips with what he had been told – that a second plane had just hit the World Trade Center and the nation was under terrorist attack.
“He looked like he was going to cry,” said Natalia Jones-Pinkney, now 12.
It’s true what they say…from the mouths of babes. In fact, check out this stunning footnote:
Suddenly, the morning returned to the script. [then-Education Secretary] Paige spoke to the stunned room of the importance of reading.
“It was so surreal,” Sarasota schools spokeswoman Sheila Weiss said. “Everyone in there wanted to get out and find out what was going on, but we couldn’t leave.”
Tonight, on national TV, and again and again in the coming weeks, Bush and Karl Rove and their minions will try to remind you about Bush’s “leadership” on Sept. 11, 2001. When they do, just remember what the little children saw that morning.
The emperor had no clothes.
Posted on September 11, 2006 08:29 AM
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Fact: As long as Muuuuslims don’t vote Republican, most Democrats could give a shit about terrorism. BUSH is their enemy, not Democrat voting Muuuuuuslims.
proud leftistspews:
JCH’s greatest dream is to blow an admiral. He believes his life’s mission would be fulfilled by such an act. In the meantime, he will simply keep practicing his “art.”
John Barellispews:
I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Well, I really don’t like posting the same stuff on more than one thread, and the stuff I have for this one is already on two others.
Still, I would really like Seaman Recruit JCH, who so eloquently stated “Deport every Muuuuuuslim. And JDB. NOW!!! And put Carl Grossman in the boxcar!!!!! (Commentby Seaman Recruit JCH Kennedy— 9/11/06@ 11:27 am) to know a few of the folks he would deport. For example, the family of this man:
Mohammad Salman Hamdani was a 23 year old New York City police cadet. He was a part-time ambulance driver, incoming medical student, and devout Muslim.
Born in Karachi, Pakistan and moved to America when he was only 13 months old, he was equally proud of his Muslim heritage and American citizenship, Mr. Hamdani was a compassionate, warm-hearted young man whose greatest desire in life was to help others.
When he disappeared on September 11, law enforcement officials came to his family, seeking him for questioning in relation to the terrorist attacks. They allegedly believed he was somehow involved. His whereabouts were undetermined for over six months, until his remains were finally identified.
He was found near the North Tower, with his EMT medical bag beside him, presumably doing everything he could to help those in need. His family could finally rest, knowing that he died the hero they always knew him to be.
“Mrs. Hamdani says of her son Salman. Star Wars was one of his favorite films, and his license plate read “Yung Jedi.” She remembers when he applied for medical school the first time around and didn’t get accepted. His father told him he might have better luck applying to schools in Pakistan or the Caribbean, but Salman said no. “If I become a physician,” he told his father, “it’s going to be on American soil.” Asked why her son was so adamant about studying in the U.S., Mrs. Hamdani replied, “He was just so proud to be an American.” (Salman Hamdani was subsequently accepted to medical school in the U.S., but died before he could attend.)
Oh, and Recruit, you should really get those vowel keys fixed.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Carl, I had VADM and Sybil Stockdale and CAPT Harry and Marj T. Jenkins as clients for years. Both [VA-163 “Saints”] served over 6 years at Hoa Lo [“Hanoi Hilton”]. Funny you should “axe”.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Muuuuuslims back to Muuuslimland!! Illegals back to Mexico. Bottom line: The Dems lose 25% of their votes!!!!
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
49……The Navy doesn’t “keelhaul” anymore, but with you I would hope for an exception. Still, a boxcar ride and a shower for you seems to be the best way to go!
The Secret Service would not let the President return to D.C. until they were sure that the President would be safe.
After the 2004 election debacle, Gregoire was met with protesters everywhere she went, the next thing you know, her schedule was “unannouced” for the next 6 months. The State Patrol even arrested several people. They have refused to let her ride in a car with an older driver, they also refuse to let her walk 300 yards to work…….
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Sorry, John………ALL Muuuuuuuuslims back to Muuuuuuuslimland. Too fucking bad. 9/11 changed a lot.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
E7- Note post 51. Far above your paygrade.
Another TJspews:
John Barelli,
It’s also worth noting that Jose Gutierrez, probably the first U.S. Marine killed in the most recent invasion of Iraq, was an illegal immigrant.
John Barellispews:
Ok, Recruit. Tell us again how we should deport this American Hero’s family because of their religion.
Tell us all how we should just shred the Constitution of the United States of America because it is inconvenient to the NeoCon agenda.
Then, please tell us why you seem to hate the very principles this country was founded on. How you have such scorn for the Constitution that you claim to have sworn to protect and defend.
Let me remind you that, while your enlistment may have ended (nobody believes you were ever an officer of anything other than your local neo-nazi militia) the oath you swore, to “preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States of America” did not have an expiration date. Since you are apparently willing and even eager to violate that Constitution, I must presume that your sworn oath was a lie from beginning to end.
How can someone claim to love his country when he spits on the very foundation of that country?
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
6 million Muuuuuuslims in the USA…………Gee, I wonder how they vote??? [ANS: The same way as Sandy “Socks” Berger and Carl Grossman] hehe, JCH
Another TJspews:
The Secret Service would not let the President return to D.C. until they were sure that the President would be safe.
The Secret Service didn’t force the president to sit in that classroom after learning the U.S. was under attack.
“Support our Troops” stickers have nothing to do with the troops. It means “support our ugly little war in Iraq”.
Commentby Unkl Witz— 9/11/06@ 10:09 am
You also support the Socialest Democrats in the war on terror. Just like you support john kerry when he went to Franch and supported the NVA.
60 “The Secret Service didn’t force the president to sit in that classroom after learning the U.S. was under attack.”
Right ch’are there on that one. Remember Cheney talking about how the SS agents burst in on him, physically lifted him off his feet and hustled him off to that “undisclosed location”? Why was it not equally important to haul the Big Cheese off to safety just as quickly?
Also…anyone catch the story in the Times this morning about that NYC firefighter that was in the photo op with Bullhorn Boy? Apparently he was picked at random (or because someone made a snap judgement that he had the right “look”) but Bush’s handlers found out how old he was (69 at the time) they decided he didn’t fit their target demographic and gave him a very abrupt bum’s rush.
Daddy Lovespews:
JCH @ 31
He was wrong, and everyone but you and Michelle Malkin now agree on that.
Daddy Lovespews:
Darcy\’s my girl @ 28
“It’s also indisputable that the Clinton White House had at least three chances to capture bin Laden, but didn’t do anything.”
On the contrary, that is not only eminently disputable, it is quite provably false. The historical record is clear: Clinton aapproved every request that came to him regarding killing or caturing bin Laden, though George “Medal of Freedom” Tenet called off at least one operation (the so-called Tarnak Farms operation) because he believed that our intelligence was not good enough. Commander of Joint Special Operations Forces, Lt. General Michael Canavan felt that the plan was too complicated for the CIA to carry out, and CIA Director George Tenet shut down the mission, says he made the decision alone, and never submitted the plan to the White House for approval.
But it’s kinda hard to kill bin Laden if you can’t find him, and almost no one ever found him but Bush at Tora Bora, and they let him go, and today in Pakistan but Musharraf won’t touch him and Bush won’t make him.
Daddy Lovespews:
sven @ 42
“Clinton had a far better chance of getting aor killing Bin Ladin, but because they were trying to be politically sensitive, they lost the chances…It’s the truth.”
I don’t buy it. Look at Bush. There could hardly be any one LESS politically sensitive, yet he is not getting bin Laden. I just don’t buy that “political sensitivity” was at fault. You cite no accounts.
“Here it is a day to memorialize the dead, and most of the posts are ‘blame Bush.’”
WHy is it a day to memorialize the dead? This is not a national holiday, or a national day of mourning. The 11th of September has in no way been declared anything much. You can memorialize the dead if you want to, but while you’re coing that, don’t forget that the president who watched this happen has been using it as a political cudgel instead of an event of shared and sacred significance.
“How typically liberal, particularly when you ignore the liberals who failed on their watch too.”
Did you read my post? Clinton did plenty, and I’m not conviced that Bush has done much of note to get bin Laden, especially considering that he was already transferring military and intelligence assets to Iraq even while the “hunt” for bin Laden was supposedly occurring in Afghanistan.
Fuck you and your “typically liberal” bullshit. How many liberal are there? Of those, how many of them exhibit the characteristics you describe? I’d like some hard numbers. I’d like to see your chi squared analysis.
Daddy Lovespews:
You, the voters, have ONE DAY to hold the Bush Administration accountable for what’s happened in Iraq, and here at home. ONE DAY: Election Day. If you like the way things are going, vote Republican. If you think things need to change, VOTE DEMOCRATIC. Seize the day.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
With the >33% of moonbats saying 9/11 was an inside job sully the memory of this guy!
“Support our Troops” stickers have nothing to do with the troops. It means “support our ugly little war in Iraq”. Commentby Unkl Witz— 9/11/06@ 10:09 am
I am sure troops like the ones I recently flew with and K Lake will see Unkl Witz as the moonbat he is!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
All Hail Dark Lord Kos! Commentby Another TJ— 9/11/06@ 10:14 am
Admittedly you worship at a different altar!
John Barellispews:
Eli Chalouh
Eli Chalouh has been missing since September 11, 2001. The 23-year-old Jewish Syrian immigrant left home early that morning for his new job on the 86th floor of the World Trade Center — he’d only started working there six weeks before — and has never been heard from since, nor was his body ever found.
Eli Chalouh’s two best friends at the office simply can’t say enough about their young coworker. “I considered him like my own son, because I have one of my children his age,” says Baher Shaarawy, an Egyptian Muslim who immigrated to the United States and whose son is now a gunnery sergeant in the U.S. Marines. “He was a very bright man.”
“Eli was such a delightful young man,” says his friend Joseph Botros, who is also originally from Egypt, from a Christian family. “He is full of life, full of future. You look at him always with such a nice smile on his face. He used to come in the morning and say good morning, you’d feel that this day will be better because such a young beautiful man is in the office. He always gives a hand to anybody without asking. You feel the future is him. He’s always smiling, always full of life, hoping for better future for everybody, he has a golden heart. One of a kind, really he was one of a kind. We felt a great loss for every one of our coworkers, but especially him. Because with him it’s like losing a son or a younger brother. The rest of them, we love them dearly, but him, he was so special to all of us.”
Baher Shaarawy, Joseph Botros, and Eli Chalouh always used to joke about the fact that, in spite of their different religions, they were best of friends. Every morning Mr. Chalouh would greet his Egyptian friends by the names Hassan and Murqos, alluding to a well-known Egyptian comedy entitled “Hassan, Murqos and Cohen,” which depicts the camaraderie between three close friends: a Muslim, a Christian and a Jew.
Mr. Shaarawy and Mr. Botros say that their close friendship with Eli Chalouh was only natural. “Human being is human being,” Mr. Botros says. “We don’t care about religion or what country you come from.” Mr. Shaarawy agrees. “We consider ourselves very lucky to be in the United States, because being in the United States they give you the chance to be open minded and to love everybody — Christian, Jews, Muslim, other religions. We’re all human beings, all God’s children.”
Note from me. I had originally opened this post with a pointed comment. Then I read the whole thing and removed it. Mr. Chalouh’s memory should not be sullied with such things, and I’m more than a bit ashamed that I had even considered it. Please keep this young man’s friends and family in your prayers today.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
RightIsStupid wrote: “I remember that Bush let the Saudis go home right after 9.11 while the rest of us were forbidden to fly. I remember that George Bush Sr. was having breakfast with the bin Laden family when the towers were struck. I remember George Bush Jr. reading “My Pet Goat” while thousands died. I remember that George Bush had several opportunities to catch bin Laden before 9.11 and he passed. I remember that the GOP used 9.11 as a campaign tool without regard for the feelings of the families who lost loved ones on that terrible day. I just hope someone else does. Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 9/11/06@ 10:18 am
Many of us whom think right have proven time and again it was Richard Clarke and in his book he admitted and on Capital Hill congressional meeting it was he who authorized the Bin Laden family to flee the US.
Why do moonbats like to perpetuate lies here on AssesHorse?
George Bush had one opportunity to get Bin Laden late 1991 and the Northern Alliance prevented him from getting Bin Laden with that stupid 48 hour truce. Even the Northern Alliance general Massoud. You need to research history because you are stupid!
Now that Bush’s bungling has enabled the so-called “al Qaeda In Iraq” organization to become Anbar Prvince’s “most significant political force,” and they have established a terrorist sanctuary on the borders of Saudia Arabia, Jordan and Syria, I’ll be you’re all feeling a lot safer. Commentby Daddy Love— 9/11/06@ 10:24 am
I feel safer knowing we are killing them in Iraq and Afghanistan rather than on our soil!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Daddy Love: Drinking from the cum-laden hose of Al Franken? “to launch a sweeping initiative dubbed “Operation Ignore.””
Fact: John Craig Herman will let you fuck him up the ass as long as you let him call you Tookie.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Now this is an interesting comment:
Under our Constitution, everyone has the right to be searched (which includes communications surveillance) only upon issuance of a warrant based on probable cause, and everyone is guaranteed equal protection under the law. Commentby Daddy Love— 9/11/06@ 11:03 am
So you like giving rights to non-US citizens? Why not give them a free education at UW? Why not provide them a nice Lincoln Navigator with free gas? Why not give them a 3000 sq ft house? What else shall you give them free?
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Actually, as we look back at the failures of the Bush administration, from the failure to get Bin Laden, to Bush’s ability to piss away a united country and united world resolve by pursuing a war in Iraq that had nothing to do with terrorism, let us remember the strength of America. That for all of our differences, we did not give into the cowardly racism of the John Craig Hermans and Mark the Yellowbacks of the world. Commentby JDB— 9/11/06@ 11:23 am
I guess you moonbats forgot the intial blistering attacks by the moonbats over when Bush went to Air Force One after the attacks, when protocol says he goes into the air with F-16 fighter bombers as protection and the VP goes to Norad. Need URLs?
John Barellispews:
I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/11/06@ 3:04 pm
“So you like giving rights to non-US citizens?”
No, Daddy Love isn’t giving anyone rights. It’s that pesky Constitution again.
Various courts, all the way up to the Supreme Court have noticed that key rights-related provisions including the Bill of Rights (the first 10 Amendments), and the 14th Amendment (due process and equal protection clauses) are phrased as applying to “all persons.”
These rights therefore have been construed as offering substantial protections to non-citizens residing within the United States.
Darn those liberal founding fathers anyway.
On 9-11-2001, my girlfriend called me from work and said “You need to turn on the news. Something has happened at the World Trade Center.”
As I turned on the TV, both towers were still standing, then they collasped. I watched people exchanging theories, I watched the towers fall, over and over and over again.
And I noticed something early on. Every Republican politician who decided to share their theory did so with some sort of dig to Democrats. Every Democrat was focused on what had happened, and there was no mention of politics, just focus on what could be done to help the victims and determination to find the perpetrators if any were left alive.
Of course, the Republicans that were interviewed were the screaming, yelling, histronic ones. Early opinions were that Saddam Hussein did this, later ones were that it was Bin Laden. Some people thought it was white supremecists.
But the theories were ‘interesting’. This had happened because America allows abortions, gay people and women’s rights. If we were a more ‘god-fearing’ country, all the terrorists would love us and wouldn’t do this sort of thing. It was because we were too ‘liberal’, because we have rights in our constitution, on and on.
It was like rape case nonsense. You know, somehow it’s the victims fault because she shouldn’t have been dressed so provacatively, been walking or driving alone, nude while she was taking a shower in her own home with all the doors and windows locked and covered, waiting for the bus, walking to her car, all that crap.
Really, nowhere was ‘terrorists do this because they’re worthless slime.’ It was all ‘oh, they do this because they see America as evil and yada yada we are because we are too liberal yada yada homosexuals yada yada abortion yada yada women’s rights yada yada blah blah blah.’
To hell with that bullcrap. Terrorists do that stuff because they’re slime. Nothing will make them stop except finding them and locking them up or killing them. Rather than America being scared into submission, we need to thumb our collective noses at people so scared of freedom that they want everyone but themselves to have to hide.
For the Cluelessspews:
WOS – keep making excuses for 5 years and no bin Laden. 5 years and no al-Zawahiri (he just released another tape). Yet it didn’t take long to get Saddam and he had nothing to do with 3000 people losing their lives as Shrub has admitted at least twice.
It didn’t take that long to get Youseff for WTC bombing #1.
more bombs = more death = more hatred = more terrorists.
How many people you want to see dead WOS?
The America I’m for is better than that.
For the Cluelessspews:
To hell with that bullcrap.
I agree to a point. It’s a waste of energy to blame ourselves but it’s a REALLY BIG waste of energy, time, money, lives, limbs and minds to invade and occupy countries that had nothing to do with what happened on 9/11.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Clinton attacked bin Laden with every weapon at his disposal:
Commentby Daddy Love— 9/11/06@ 11:15 am
He used boots on the ground? Who? When? Where? How many?
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Clueless said: “It didn’t take that long to get Youseff for WTC bombing #1.”
By luck you got him. Mistakes: a fire, a person turning him in to the authorities not Clintonistas detective work. A good female captain of the Phillipines police did the job. And they DIDN’T NEED A SUBPOENA to look at the computer.
Remember Colleen Rowley and how she couldn’t look at Zacharias Moussaudi’s computer because of the Gorelick wall?
You can’t throw half-truths and expect them to stick Oh So Clueless!
The Path to 911 is nothing more then movie to allow Richard Clarke to emerge the lone warrior for truth and justice.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“Clinton attacked bin Laden with every weapon at his disposal:”
Commentby Daddy Love [….Rewriting history, Daddy Love? NOONE believes that!!!! NOONE!!!]
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Sven at 42: Nobody was pointing fingers at Bush for 9/11 until AFTER he, and those working on his behalf, attempted to point their fingers at Clinton and blame him and his administration for 9/11, and futher to blame anybody who dared to question his policies or administration as an unwitting supporter, or worse, of Al Quida. At that point the Democrats have the right to point out the truth. Commentby rhp6033— 9/11/06@ 12:13 pm
Wrong again rhp6033. Your detente is with Puddy so here goes:
First attack was when he went into Air Force One. The moonbats went nuts calling him all types of names Google it.
Second attack was when he used the bullhorn saying those who attacked us will hear from us soon. Moonbats went nuts again. Google it.
Third attack was when Hillary asked what did Bush know and when did he know it. Moonbats jumped on that too. Google it.
We on the right are historians. You on the left are information bullshitters!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
“It’s also indisputable that the Clinton White House had at least three chances to capture bin Laden, but didn’t do anything.” On the contrary, that is not only eminently disputable, it is quite provably false. Commentby Daddy Love— 9/11/06@ 2:00 pm
Wrong again. Lt Col Robert Patterson has officially come out and detailed specific incidents Sandy Berger has chosen NOT to dispute.
Unfortunately you’d have to leave the Kos Kool-AID trough and read some enlightening materials!
We are memoralizing the dead by saying that we should go after their killers. Instead, we are bogged down in Iraq which has absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.
To remember the dead, but not remember the failures of the Bush Administration, is to have a memorial without substance.
oh bull. Memorializing remembers the person and their life. There is time tomorrow to discuss fault. To do so at a memorial service, like Rep Moran did in Virginia is to shoot for political brownie points in a very disrespectful way.
Sven at 42: Nobody was pointing fingers at Bush for 9/11 until AFTER he, and those working on his behalf, attempted to point their fingers at Clinton and blame him and his administration for 9/11, and futher to blame anybody who dared to question his policies or administration as an unwitting supporter, or worse, of Al Quida. At that point the Democrats have the right to point out the truth.
Truth? So The democrats will now admit that Clinton laid down on his watch? That he failed to sopt him, and that he had chances and blew them? I have no trouble holding Bush responsible for the failures of his adminsitration, but 8 months versus 8 years makes one wonder why only one side gets blamed.
I was pleased to see the unity in our country post-9/11, and especially the widespread support for our troops. But I was less pleased that Bush tried to use that for his political benefit,
I agree, but he is hardly the only one to leverage this for political gain. Unlike the partisan people here, I despise all of it.
Sven, the only “point” you have is covered by your hat.
LOL Come one, you can do better ;)
and worse yet (witness the attempt to peddle “The Path to 9/11″ as “educational” material) to mold them into nice little “patriotic” pro-Republican future stormtroopers.
The thing is that the movie does republicans no favors either. The only ones who look good are Clarke and O’Niel, and Tenet to a smaller degree….at loeast until the nightline spoecial, where Clarke essentially blamed everything on Tenet.
You are right the movie is not good fodder for education. A docudrama that uses any manner of artistic license should not.
But what worries me is that Clarke, who is a paid consultant to ABC, and who is not without his own critics comes out so squeeky cleen.
Daddy love,
I don’t buy it. Look at Bush. There could hardly be any one LESS politically sensitive, yet he is not getting bin Laden. I just don’t buy that “political sensitivity” was at fault. You cite no accounts.
Non sequiter. The facts are that it has been documented by several sources including the 911 commission that Clinton had OBL in his sights and either let him go, passed the buck or dithered and edelayed till the chances was lsot,.
sgmmac@ 54, guess if you compare Gregoire’s ratings since the election contest and the Chimp in Chief’s since 911 we find out that the collective wingnut movement is losing steam…. Breaks my liberal heart!
I remember that Georgie Bush said “Mission Accomplished.” I remember that Condi said Iraq was an “imminent threat” to US soil. I remember that Rummy said we know where the WMD are. I remember that Cheney said we’d be out of Iraq within a year. I remember when Geoegie Bush said he was against nation building. I remember when Georgie Bush said “Bring It On.” I remember when Bush tried to turn over security at our ports to his Arab buddies. I remember when Bush said the Iraq war would pay for itself with money from their oil fields. I remember when America was not the most hated country on the planet.
I hope someone else remembers.
John Barellispews:
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/11/06@ 3:44 pm
“He used boots on the ground? Who? When? Where? How many?”
Not to mention “where should they go?” and “who, exactly, are we going to invade?” I notice that President Bush was able to solve those little problems with the answer “Who cares? Let’s just go invade someone, even if they had nothing to do with it!”
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/11/06@ 4:02 pm
“Wrong again. Lt Col Robert Patterson has officially come out and detailed specific incidents Sandy Berger has chosen NOT to dispute.”
Ah, yes. That same Lt Col Patterson that has already written one book that is a favorite of Ann Coulter and has another one in the works.
Now, if the information contained is true, then Lt Col Patterson would be violating his secrecy oath, and could be subject to prosecution, fines and considerable jail time. Those briefings, like all briefings of that variety (Republican or Democratic administrations alike) are highly classified.
Essentially, if he’s telling the truth, he’s breaking the law, not to mention his signed oath. As a good, law-abiding citizen, I’m sure that Lt Col Patterson would immediately turn himself in to federal authorities and confess to violation of US Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 37, Paragraph 798 “Disclosure of classified information” We’ll be hearing from him again sometime after President Bush’s youngest daughter runs for President.
Of course, if he concocted the incidents “out of whole cloth”, he’s perfectly safe. There’s no law that forbids him from lying about what he did in his highly classified position. He’s only in trouble if what he says is true.
My Left Footspews:
I don’t post on this thread. Nary a word until now, but what do I see? I see that John Craig Herman has mentioned me by name or inference a minimum of EVLEVEN times.
He thinks about me endlessly. He can’t stop. I am in his head. He can’t get me out. (Possibly because there is nothing else in his head.) This man is a doctor like I am an astronaut. Now he is claiming POW experience. This man is a liar, a sham and miserable waste of air.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
Vote early, Vote often, Vote Democratic!!!
John Barellispews:
Dr. Taufik Kassis
When Dr. Taufik Kassis arrived in the U.S. from Syria in 1998, he never expected to play a key role in helping treat victims of the largest terrorist attack in American history. Dr. Kassis now says that he only did what anyone else would have done in his place, but many consider the young Middle Eastern doctor a hero of September 11.
Dr. Kassis shys away from all the talk that he is a hero. “I feel happy, of course, about hearing that. But I feel that it’s my duty, it’s my pleasure,” Dr. Kassis says. “First, being a doctor, I think that’s our duty. Second, just thinking about how inhuman that what happened, and I thought that I could have been in that tower at that moment. I’ve never visited the towers, I was planning to visit it one day”
Dr. Kassis also credits his Middle Eastern upbringing for instilling the values that made him want to help on that day. He goes on to note that he “was raised up in a culture to respect humanity in common. To respect especially the country you are living in, regardless if you are citizen or not. We were raised up in a way to care about others.”
On September 11, caring about another individual he didn’t know was exactly what Dr. Kassis did.
Perhaps we could offer a prayer of thanks that people like Dr. Kassis have chosen to come to our country.
For the Cluelessspews:
You can’t throw half-truths and expect them to stick
Five years with chickenhawk-in-chief, patriot-act, nsa listening to americans and data mining calling records and
Even if Shrub gets them for the October surprise, I’m going wonder how he’s going to explain a 400 billion dollar, 3000 lives side-excursion to Iraq!
Essentially, if he’s telling the truth, he’s breaking the law, not to mention his signed oath. As a good, law-abiding citizen, I’m sure that Lt Col Patterson would immediately turn himself in to federal authorities and confess to violation of US Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 37, Paragraph 798 “Disclosure of classified information” We’ll be hearing from him again sometime after President Bush’s youngest daughter runs for President.
So by that you agree that Joe Wilson iv should be prosecuted for his editorial column?
If not then any tell all patterson told is fair game.
In reality, I dont think anything he said Dereliction of Duty was classified.
As for Patterson, he is supported in his claims (on this topic) by Michael Scheur and the 911 commission.
Yanno…we may be getting led into a sort of a trap. If everyone on the left keep hollering “Where’s Osama?”, it sets up the opportunity for the Bushistas to pull a slam dunk by announcing his capture right before the election. Then all they have to do is put him in some facility built during the 90’s and have him somehow “escape” a few weeks or months later and have their cake and eat it too.
more bombs = more death = more hatred = more terrorists.
How many people you want to see dead WOS?
The America I’m for is better than that.
Commentby For the Clueless— 9/11/06@ 3:30 pm
There is one fact Clueless that is a dead man can not kill anyone, and your French approach to this problem never work for me in the desert dealing with these crazies. The first time I went there was in 1967 and I have been in and out that world ever since, and nothing has change until 11 September 2001. They do not like us hunting them down like dogs and killing them, because a dead man cannot hate. We can toast them until they understand they will not win this war or any other war. Clueless you for got your appointment with the recruiter, but then you can’t deal with your FEARS. Folks like you depend on others to defend your Freedoms and you latter insult them for doing the right things for this country. Your hatred for this President fogs your decision making and justified betraying your country in a time of War. Keep up what you are doing so well and maybe they will honor you in their caves by hanging up your picture. You know like the NVA did for John Kerry after his visit to Paris in the early 70’s.
For the Cluelessspews:
klake – I usually ignore all your nonsense. You still haven’t convinced me you can think your way out of a paper bag.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Of course, if he concocted the incidents “out of whole cloth”, he’s perfectly safe. There’s no law that forbids him from lying about what he did in his highly classified position. He’s only in trouble if what he says is true. Commentby John Barelli— 9/11/06@ 4:27 pm
Sandy Berger has NOT refuted them.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Yanno…we may be getting led into a sort of a trap. If everyone on the left keep hollering “Where’s Osama?”, it sets up the opportunity for the Bushistas to pull a slam dunk by announcing his capture right before the election. Then all they have to do is put him in some facility built during the 90’s and have him somehow “escape” a few weeks or months later and have their cake and eat it too. Commentby ArtFart— 9/11/06@ 5:58 pm
A moonbat with a brain! Too bad Oh so clueless misses the big picture though. You kill them over there!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
How many people you want to see dead WOS? The America I’m for is better than that. Commentby For the Clueless— 9/11/06@ 3:30 pm
Proof positive for John Barelli to view this moonbat as a loony lefty liberal. He can’t win the argument so he wants me dead. It’s there in black and white. HE WANTS ME DEAD
Goldie condones this type of attack on his political enemies.
First it was PacMan. Then it was Puddy. Then it was Cynical. Then it was HowCan. Now it’s MWS!
Moonbats want to silence their opposition because their facts are oh so weak, like oh so clueless!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
klake – I usually ignore all your nonsense. You still haven’t convinced me you can think your way out of a paper bag. Commentby For the Clueless— 9/11/06@ 6:37 pm
Don’t work KLake, Oh So Clueless can’t think! But look out he may want you dead too!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Oh So Clueless: You are a mind in absentia!
You know, as this day draws to an end, I realize that I’m more and more pissed at how much Bush has screwed up this country. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al have taken a national tragedy and used that to further their own selfish interest. Worse, they took the good will of this nation, unifying after a tragedy, as an opportunity to ram through their policies in all areas at any cost.
I still (perhaps foolishly) believe they did so with the best of intentions. They figured that the war on terror gave them cover to attack Iraq and settle some scores. I also believe they thought it would be easy, and that they could set up a democracy in the Mid-East which would pacify the region. But in doing so, they took their eye off the real problem, terrorism. And to do so, they fudged everything they could and they preyed off our fears.
Worse, they do not care what we think. They think we are all too stupid to know what is right or wrong, and that only they have the ability to do what is right. Having been proved time and time again wrong, having been shown day after day that their assumptions and reality are at odds, they refuse to admit their mistakes, or, much more importantly, change their actions. Bush’s refusal to hold people accountable and to change leadership when it fails is his worse sin of all.
Hopefully Iraq will not be the failure it is looking more and more like, but what is clearly a failure is the war on terrorism, for Bush has ignored it at the expense of his folly in Iraq.
It has become clear that new leadership is needed at the highest level. At this point, the only thing we can hope for is a Democratic Congress which will at least hold Bush accountable for his continuing mistakes. Perhaps, if faced with the music, Bush will finally take charge, admit his mistakes, and lead the United States of America, and not just the 28% of the population who make up the Republican Party.
clueless@24 i think he is living with the clintons in ny.
John Barellispews:
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby Mr. Sucks — 9/11/06@ 9:20 pm
“Proof positive for John Barelli to view this moonbat as a loony lefty liberal. He can’t win the argument so he wants me dead. It’s there in black and white. HE WANTS ME DEAD”
Excuse me? I read the original post, and while I can’t say that I would use that tone even that line of argument, I did not see anything that could be considered a death threat against you. He may, however, pray for lightning to strike you or name a rag doll after you and stick pins in it. So long as he takes no action against you, that is his business.
(If wanting someone dead was a crime, I’m sure several of the right-wing types on this board would be in jail on my account right now.)
Not to mention the fact that winning an argument against you is not very difficult. Getting you to realize that you’ve lost the argument is difficult, if not impossible. That is frustrating, but most of the folks here have learned to deal with that. It happens a lot.
We certainly don’t want you dead, if for no other reason than some Republican that has a few brain cells to rub together might replace you. There actually are some intelligent Republicans. You aren’t one of them.
Oh, and just for your information, the rules about disclosure of classified information are somewhat different for reporters than they are for military officers that have sworn oaths and signed confidentiality agreements. I’m sure you didn’t know that, so, as a person that has held various clearances, I thought that I’d tell you.
John Barellispews:
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Five years ago today.
Exactly five years ago, many of us were headed to bed, having witnessed one of the most horrific acts ever done. Most of us realized that the world had just changed, perhaps forever.
Exactly five years ago, brave men and women were still fighting the fires, searching for the wounded, searching for their loved ones, guarding the streets, healing the injured and comforting those that had lost family and friends.
Exactly five years ago, America was hurt and stunned. Most of us went to bed, wondering what was to come.
September twelfth came.
The sun rose. The search continued, as did the hard, heartbreaking work of those brave men and women.
But the sun rose. We woke up, and most of us picked up our lives and moved on.
We comforted the grieving, healed the wounded, buried the dead.
The hate-filled people that planned and executed this horrible crime had failed, because the sun still rose, we still woke up and carried on our lives. The terrorists had hit us as hard as they could, hoping that we would fall, and we did not.
More than failed, they showed the inherant weakness of hate. Nothing short of our total destruction would have satisfied them, but all that happened was that we grieved, we healed, and we continued.
Some of those terrorists died that day. They were the lucky ones. Some are still alive today, and while I hate what they have done and long for the day when they can no longer hurt others, a part of me has to grieve for them as well. To live a life, so filled with anger and hatred that a person could do such a thing. Such a life must be a living hell.
Worse, to know, down in that hate-filled heart that they failed, so miserably, and see that no matter what they do in the future, they can never succeed in releasing that hate. Such a life is worse than any punishment I can conceive. Those terrorists that died were lucky.
Remember tomorrow, as we rise and carry on with our work. Remember that, rotting in some hole, hiding from the light of day, there is some hate-filled person that does indeed long to strike out and hurt and kill. He longs to do so because his life is a living hell. His hatred gives him no respite. Death would be a welcome release for him.
Christians are taught that we must love our enemies. That does not mean that we do not hold them accountable, nor does it mean that we think their crimes less heinous than they are. But remember that angry, hate-filled person whose life is filled with nothing but a longing to hurt and kill and die, and remember that he is punishing himself far worse than anything we could ever do to him.
We will find him, catch him, and if he is very lucky, perhaps even kill him. I think it may be the most merciful thing we could do for him.
Tomorrow I will continue having my revenge for the acts of September eleventh. I will kiss my wife, help my son with his homework, do my job and play with our new kitten. I will live well. That is the best revenge.
Good night friends. Sleep soundly and well, and tomorrow you can have your revenge as well.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Happy Birthday Mrs. Goldstein. Too bad your son is what he is! Please tell us the apple fell way away from the tree? Is he a son only a mother could love?
Daddy Lovespews:
Mike Webb SUCKS @ 99
“Oh so clueless misses the big picture though. You kill them over there!”
Some of those terrorists died that day. They were the lucky ones. Some are still alive today, and while I hate what they have done and long for the day when they can no longer hurt others, a part of me has to grieve for them as well. To live a life, so filled with anger and hatred that a person could do such a thing. Such a life must be a living hell.
Good night friends. Sleep soundly and well, and tomorrow you can have your revenge as well.
Commentby John Barelli— 9/11/06@ 11:18 pm
Hey shit for brains do you really think these folks are living in hell? NO!!!! They are planning to hit this nation again and again until we eliminate their sorry ass. Don’t waste your time grieving for them for they do not care about you or anybody else. Revenge is not my mission it to send those fools to their maker for their last judgment. John I do not have any problem sleeping but you should for being so naive about the world around you.
John Barellispews:
Commentby klake— 9/12/06@ 4:38 pm
Wow. You should consider therapy. Way too much anger.
Still, a point or two.
First, as I have noted before on these boards, I am a Christian. Lots of folks use “God told me to” in order to justify killing and hatred, but what Christians are told is to love our enemies. I admit that some of these folks make that difficult, but there it is.
You’ll notice that nowhere am I saying that we should stop hunting them. They need to be stopped or they will continue to hurt others.
But we have people on these boards that talk of killing whole cities, just because they are the same religion as some of the terrorists.
Folks would justify killing women and children in some sort of revenge. After all, they killed women and children, so they seem to think we should too.
Anger clouds the mind and prevents you from taking effective action. It results in people taking revenge against folks that have done us no harm, while letting the real criminals stay free.
Your faith, or lack thereof is your business, but you choose to lash out at me, just because I do not hold the same burning hatred in my heart that you seem to hold in yours.
As to your “mission”. As you feel a desire to defend our country, I presume that you will be enlisting in the military. I wish you well in that, as it is a noble profession. Let me know how that goes for you.
But… One of the things they will teach you is to let go of the anger. To stay calm and cool. It allows you to use your judgement and stay alive, while completing your mission.
Oh, and “klake”. If you’re going to insult and berate someone, have the guts to use your real name. The people that ordered the attacks on our country are cowards, filled with anger and hiding behind false identities. Tell me. Exactly how are you different?
Thank you Goldy for opening up this thread.
Driving my kids to school I heard that Zayman al-Zawahiri just released another tape.
To the right-wing traitors: why isn’t this man in jail or dead? Where is bin Laden?
Ramsi Youseff who bombed the WTC back in ’93 is in jail. He was chased and caught.
You wingnuts won’t ask yourselves these questions because it intereferes with the one thing that gives your lives meaning: worshipping your Dear Leader George W. Shrub.
I wouldn’t be one-tenth as down on this poor excuse for a man if he had his priorities straight.
God Bless America
Jeezz clueless,
Couldn’t you just REMEMBER it without the rant?
I have, privately. Publically – I speak out.
I remember 9/11 well. My wife and I were visiting back east, watching the “Today” show on TV as we got ready to leave the motel for the day. We saw when the show first cut to the fire in the first tower, and we saw the second plane hit the other tower. Our comments to each other were virtually simultaneous:
(1) Did you see what I think I just saw?
(2) Was that an airplane that flew into that building?
(3) SOMEBODY’s going to get bombed!
We tried to buy a flag to display from our rental car, as others were doing, but within hours every flag was sold out of the stores. When we learned flights were grounded (preventing our return), we called the rental car company and asked if we could keep the car a few days longer than we had reserved. “No problem!” they replied. “In fact, if you want to drive it back to Seattle, there will be no extra charge for the milage!” I thanked her, but after considering driving for three days, we decided just to wait, and we were finally able to fly back on Saturday (only two days later than scheduled).
We had a “Support our Troops” ribbon on our car, until Bush turned it into a symbol of support for his administration and its policies. At that time I reluctantly removed it. We continue to support our troops in other ways, including sending “Care packages” to servicemen”, some of whome we know, and others we don’t know.
“Happy” birthday as well to Markos Moulitsas Zuniga.
“Support our Troops” stickers have nothing to do with the troops. It means “support our ugly little war in Iraq”.
Feel the love, see the respect.
All Hail Dark Lord Kos!
I remember that it happened on George Bush’s watch. I remember that the republicans used it and the deaths of 3000 Americans to make political hay. I remember that Bush has had five years to find the guy who is behind 9.11 and Osama still walks free today. I remember that Bush let the Saudis go home right after 9.11 while the rest of us were forbidden to fly. I remember that George Bush Sr. was having breakfast with the bin Laden family when the towers were struck. I remember George Bush Jr. reading “My Pet Goat” while thousands died. I remember that George Bush had several opportunities to catch bin Laden before 9.11 and he passed. I remember that the GOP used 9.11 as a campaign tool without regard for the feelings of the families who lost loved ones on that terrible day.
I just hope someone else does.
Now that Bush’s bungling has enabled the so-called “al Qaeda In Iraq” organization to become Anbar Prvince’s “most significant political force,” and they have established a terrorist sanctuary on the borders of Saudia Arabia, Jordan and Syria, I’ll be you’re all feeling a lot safer.
We really can’t afford to have these guys running things for the nex two years without some adults watching them. Mike! is just going to be just another fatuous cheerleader for the slaughter.
George Bush has also had five years to find whoever committed the anthrax terrorist attacks against our nation after 9/11. We owe it to THOSE five dead as well to investigate this administration and hold them accountable.
Sandy “Socks” Berger: Carl Grosman????
First, Operation Ignore:
on February 15, 2001, a commission led by former senators Gary Hart and Warren Rudman issued its third and final report on national security. The Hart-Rudman report warned that “mass-casualty terrorism directed against the U.S. homeland was of serious and growing concern” and said that America was woefully unprepared for a “catastrophic” domestic terrorist attack and urged the creation of a new federal agency: “A National Homeland Security Agency with responsibility for planning, coordinating, and integrating various U.S. government activities involved in homeland security” that would include the Customs Service, the Border Patrol, the Coast Guard, and more than a dozen other government departments and agencies.
The Hart-Rudman Commission had studied every aspect of national security over a period of years and had come to a unanimous conclusion: “This commission believes that the security of the American homeland from the threats of the new century should be the primary national security mission of the U.S. government.”
The report generated a great deal of media attention and even a bill in Congress to establish a National Homeland Security Agency. But over at the White House, the Justice Department, and the Pentagon, President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Attorney General Ashcroft, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld decided that the best course of action was not to implement the recommendations of the Hart-Rudman report, but instead to launch a sweeping initiative dubbed “Operation Ignore.”
The public face of Operation Ignore would be an antiterrorism task force led by Vice President Cheney. Its mandate: to pretend to develop a plan to counter domestic terrorist attacks. Bush announced the task force on May 8, 2001, and said that he himself would “periodically chair a meeting of the National Security Council to review these efforts.” Bush never chaired such a meeting, though. Probably because Cheney’s task force never actually met.
Second, the results of Operation Ignore:
Bush spent 42 percent of his first seven months in office either at Camp David, at the Bush compound in Kennebunkport, or at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. As he told a $1,000-a-plate crowd at a fund-raiser in June, Washington, D.C., is a great place to work, but Texas is a great place to relax.” That’s why on August 3, after signing off on a plan to cut funding for programs guarding unsecured or “loose” nukes in the former Soviet Union, he bade farewell to the Washington grind and headed to Crawford for the longest presidential vacation in thirty-two years.
On its 172nd day, Operation Ignore suffered a major blow. Already, the operation was becoming more and more difficult to sustain as the intensity of terror warnings crescendoed. Now, on August 6, CIA Director Tenet delivered a report to President Bush entitled, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” The report warned that al Qaeda might be planning to hijack airplanes. But the President was resolute: Operation Ignore must proceed as planned. He did nothing to follow up on the memo.
Actually, that’s not entirely fair. The President did follow up, a little bit. Sitting in his golf cart the next day, Bush told some reporters, “I’m working on a lot of issues, national security matters.” Then, Bush rode off to hit the links, before dealing with a stubborn landscaping issue by clearing some brush on his property. The next day, he followed up again, telling the press, I’ve got a lot of national security concerns that we’re working on Iraq, Macedonia, very worrisome right now.”
Acting FBI director Pickard had been privy to a top-secret, comprehensive review of counterterrorism programs in the FBI. The assessment called for a dramatic increase in funding. Alarmed by the report and by the mounting terrorist threat, Pickard met with Attorney General John Ashcroft to request $58 million from the Justice Department to hire hundreds of new field agents, translators, and intelligence analysts to improve the Bureau’s capacity to detect foreign terror threats. On September 10, he received the final Operation Ignore communique: an official letter from Ashcroft turning him down flat.
On Operation Ignore Day 208, Ashcroft sent his Justice Department budget request to Bush. It included spending increases in sixty-eight different programs. Out of these sixty-eight programs, less than half dealt with terrorism. Way less than half. In fact, none of them dealt with terrorism. Ashcroft passed around a memo listing his seven top priorities. Again, terrorism didn’t make the list.
On the next day, the world shook.
The day after that, they started blaming Clinton, covering their tracks, and accusing liberals of blaming America.
Now that Iraq is a total clusterfuck, the question raises itself: how can we blame Clinton?
Courtesy Americablog.blogspot.com:
The lessons of September 11
– The Constitution only applies when the going gets easy.
– War is the answer, even when you forget the question.
– The truth is for sissies.
-America has never faced an enemy as dangerous and as intent on killing us as
King George, the Civil War, World War I, the Germans, the Japanese, a nuclear Soviet UnionAl Qaeda.– The real September 11 story was badly in need of editing.
– Just because they say it makes it so.
– We have always been at war with Oceania.
– A fool is born every election day.
– Due process is only for the innocent.
– Patriotism means never having to say you’re sorry.
– It’s all Sandy Berger’s fault.
“We must not listen in on the terrorist’s cell phone calls, or track their wire money transfers, because the Muuuuuuuuslims have rights”! [Carl Grossman]
You know, invading Agfhanistan after September 11 was not the worst idea in the world. I mean, we could have appeard to be a litle lees bloodthirsty by showing them our evidence that terrorists within their borders were behind the WTC attacks as they requested insteaqd of stiffing them and then invading, but it’s true that Afghanistan had been taken over by “bad” people, those bad people were more or less harboring other bad people involved with 9/11, and the country had been pretty much destroyed between the Soviet invasion and the Taliban rule.
So, we proposed to go get the bad guys (we got some), create a new democratic national government (now known as the municipal government of Kabul), free the people – especially women – from tyranny (not so much), and rebuild the country to such a fantastic degree that it would be an utter inspiration to the world and create democracy-and-America-loving people everywhere (not).
You know, I was totally convinced when we (the USA) went into Afghanistan that we were going to just freakin’ walk away without ever delivering on our promises to them, specifcally, that we would (a) rebuild that country and (b) NOT walk away. And so we have. It’s a bitch seeing these guys for what they are.
Sure, and Clinton spent 8 years shopping his penis around the whitehouse, instead of finding Bin Ladin.
Don’t tread on me
Under our Constitution, everyone has the right to be searched (which includes communications surveillance) only upon issuance of a warrant based on probable cause, and everyone is guaranteed equal protection under the law.
Gee, don’t you even have a LITTLE feeling about the guy letting him go on whose watch an attack against the US homeland occurred, and who essentially had bin Laden corered in Afghanistan, and who to this day is letting Pakistan just let him live unmolested?
Clinton attacked bin Laden with every weapon at his disposal:
– approving cruise missile attacks (we didn’t have troops on the ground, nor would the Congress have supported such a thing)
– authorizing the killing instead of capture of bin Laden and his senior lieutenants, approving the shooting down of private civilian aircraft on which they flew
– ordering the Navy to maintain two Los Angeles-class attack submarines on permanent station in the nearest available waters, enabling the U.S. military to place Tomahawk cruise missiles on any target in Afghanistan within about six hours of receiving the order
– recruiting, training, paying or equipping surrogate forces in Pakistan, Uzbekistan and among tribal militias inside Afghanistan, with the common purpose of capturing or killing bin Laden
– sending CIA forces into Afghanistan in 1999 to prepare a desert airstrip to extract bin Laden, if captured, or to evacuate U.S. tribal allies, if cornered, and to place listening devices within range of al Qaeda’s tactical radios
But really, what about they guy who INVADED Afghanistan to get him, for God’s sake?
20 – So where is bin Laden now?
Actually, as we look back at the failures of the Bush administration, from the failure to get Bin Laden, to Bush’s ability to piss away a united country and united world resolve by pursuing a war in Iraq that had nothing to do with terrorism, let us remember the strength of America. That for all of our differences, we did not give into the cowardly racism of the John Craig Hermans and Mark the Yellowbacks of the world.
We instead have a highly integrated Muslim population that considers themselves Americans. Imagine if we had given in to the dark cowardly racist like JCH and the other wingnuts that haunt this blog, how much worse things would be. Fortunately, despite the fools of the right, Americans are stronger and smarter than that. We have stood up for all Americans and for all human rights. If a civilization is truly judged by how they treat the least amongst them, we as Americans should be judge well for having ignored the fear that overwhelms the Bush Administration and the likes of JCH. Because of that, and despite the mistakes of those in power, we are a stronger country today.
An explanation for the mindless rants of wingnuts:
Coulter’s outrageous views and her poisonous rhetoric (click here for examples) rendered her anathema to the respectable right. Over time, though, the Coulter style has gradually crept into conservatism’s mainstream. . . . I’m inclined to think the main driving force is the bankruptcy of contemporary conservatism as represented by the Bush administration. An aggressively interventionist foreign policy has stumbled badly; a sharp cutback in taxes has failed to bring prosperity to the middle class; and, since Hurricane Katrina leveled New Orleans, citizens have come to regard governmental incompetence less as a reason to vote Republican than as a reason to hold Republicans responsible for indifferent stewardship. Things have gotten so bad that the GOP may conceivably lose control of both the House and the Senate in the coming midterm congressional elections.
When you don’t have anything new to say, and what you’ve been saying in the past no longer has much plausibility, you have three choices. You can shut up. For conservative commentators, this is inconceivable, not to mention financially ruinous. You can re-examine your premises. This is not the conservative style. Or you can pump up the volume.
Deport every Muuuuuuslim. And JDB. NOW!!! And put Carl Grossman in the boxcar!!!!!
The closing of the link:
“We haven’t seen the miniseries. But from reviews we’ve read it’s apparent that both the Clinton administration and the Bush administration come in for some serious criticism for failing to prevent September 11. For instance, the miniseries portrays a scene where then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice demotes the National Security Council’s Richard Clarke, who had been trying to alert the administration to the threat Osama bin Laden posed. The miniseries also doesn’t glide over the failure of the White House to take seriously an August 2001 memo titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike U.S.”
It’s no secret that former Clinton administration officials, including the former president himself, are quite sensitive to questions about their response, or lack thereof, to al Qaeda’s attacks on America. It’s also indisputable that the Clinton White House had at least three chances to capture bin Laden, but didn’t do anything. That’s not “right-wing propaganda.” It’s called history, and one thing that Clintonistas have never been very good at is coming to terms with history”
Will JDB and Carl Grossman be converting to Islam this week?
It would appear that Mark the Yellowback, Puddy, John Craig, Janet S, amerikkafirst, et al. are reduced to one of three choices.
They can shut up and admit they are wrong.
They can re-examine their premises and figure out why they are wrong.
Or they can continue to spew bile and lies and ignore that they are wrong.
Is it any wonder why the Democrats are doing so well in the coming election?
Under our Constitution, everyone has the right to be searched (which includes communications surveillance) only upon issuance of a warrant based on probable cause, and everyone is guaranteed equal protection under the law.
Commentby Daddy Love […………………………………..I must have miss your post on Democrat hero FDR interning American of Japanese desent. Please repost.]
JDB, Where is your prayer rug???
“Allah Acbar!!” [Carl Grossman]
“Rummy must go! We need Maddie Halfbright to protest us!” [Carl Grossman]
How’s the weather out there in your Hawaiian paradise today? Oh, that’s right you never step outside because the world is a big scary place. In fact, you never even open your shades–someone might look in, you know. So, you sit at your computer and spit out your rot. I’d feel sorry for you, if only you were human. Keep hiding in your little hovel.
What’s wrong John Craig? No ships in port right now? Go back to giving sailors blow jobs. One has to hope that at least you are good at that, ’cause God knows you are a failure at everything else.
“Let’s roll!”…………………”No, Let’s NOT roll! The terrorist told me that BUSH is the enemy, not Muuuuuuuuslims!” [Carl Grossman]
Sandy “Socks” Berger: JDB?
“How’s the weather out there in your Hawaiian paradise today?”
Commentby proud leftist […………..You posted I lived in Kent, WA? What would I know about Hawaiian paradise?]
“If we all chant ‘BUSH NO GOOD!’, the Muslims have promised to land us safely at Logan International!” [Carl Grossman]
my point is that it is pointless to resort to hindsight attacks. If you compare opportunities and actually read all the accoutns, Clinton had a far better chance of getting aor killing Bin Ladin, but because they were trying to be politically sensitive, they lost the chances.
It’s the truth.
Bush has failed in captureing him now, yes. I don’t dispute that. But so what? All the name calling and hand wring and bloviating will not help either.
The fact is that people are more concerned with pointing fingers and blaming then they are with fixing the problems and finding solutions.
That goes for the Bush Administration, the House, The Senate and the Media.
Looka the the shit here today. Here it is a day to memorialize the dead, and most of the posts are “blame Bush.”
How typically liberal, particularly when you ignore the liberals who failed on their watch too.
We are memoralizing the dead by saying that we should go after their killers. Instead, we are bogged down in Iraq which has absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.
To remember the dead, but not remember the failures of the Bush Administration, is to have a memorial without substance.
Sven at 42: Nobody was pointing fingers at Bush for 9/11 until AFTER he, and those working on his behalf, attempted to point their fingers at Clinton and blame him and his administration for 9/11, and futher to blame anybody who dared to question his policies or administration as an unwitting supporter, or worse, of Al Quida. At that point the Democrats have the right to point out the truth.
Reminds me of McGavick’s “civility” campaign. He hits Cantwell with a VERY deceptive ad alleging she voted against Washington families, even while knowing she was a co-author of a bill restoring the state sales tax deduction which passed in the Senate and was waiting for action by the Republican-controlled House, which didn’t want to pass any bill with her name on it for fear she could use it to show she worked for Washington taxapayers. After running the ad for its scheduled weekly run (and ignoring calls from both Seattle newspapers to pull it due to its misleading nature), McGavick comes back with a week’s worth of ads decrying the lack of “civility” in Washington.
Reminds me of a child’s game: “Tag” – “No Tag-backs”!
I was pleased to see the unity in our country post-9/11, and especially the widespread support for our troops. But I was less pleased that Bush tried to use that for his political benefit, turning what should have been (and initially was) a bi-partison effort to promote national security into an attempt to cover up his mistakes in many other areas.
So no, its not “typically liberal”. It reflects our national politics, as they became during the Bush administration.
Sven, the only “point” you have is covered by your hat.
OK, I guess i misunderstood your point, Sven. Actually I wrote a letter to Senator George Mitchell, now chairman of Disney, venturing my opinion that this media orgy of “telling us all about 9/11” all over again is pretty stupid. For most of us, the memories, and the pain, are still quite vivid, so it’s not exactly like we’re being told anything we don’t know. Further, this isn’t going to help many of us achieve some kind of “closure”–it’s too soon for that.
Since then, I’ve happened to notice that there seems to be a lot of emphasis on the children who were too young in 2001 to fully understand what was happening. There seems to be a modicum of exploitation of them (all the “sympathetic” stories about how the kids who lost parents in the attacks still have nightmares), and worse yet (witness the attempt to peddle “The Path to 9/11” as “educational” material) to mold them into nice little “patriotic” pro-Republican future stormtroopers.
There are also some stories coming out about how the group who put together “The Path to 9/11” turns out to be working in behalf of David Horowitz and Richard Mellon Scaife. Apparently, after spending $45 million of the taxpayers’ money and millions more of their own to convince the world that Bill Clinton is the Antichrist, they’ve added $30 mil from the Disney shareholders.
Courtesy Of:
The Emperor’s New Clothes: How 2nd graders saw what the American media wouldn’t report
George W. Bush is a man on a mission today: To remind the American people how they felt five years ago, when the public was understandably frightened by the killing of nearly 3,000 fellow citizens, and when the president briefly gained acceptance as a bullhorn-wielding leader.
Of course, the truth was anything but. Even on Day One, some of us — too gently, in hindsight — wondered about Bush’s strange behavior on the actual 9/11, flying from remote airbase to remote airbase while Dick Cheney was running the show. Quickly, it because clear that any doubts about our commander-in-chief were flat-out forbidden. At least two journalists were fired for writing such stories. For example:
Tom Gutting, city editor for the Texas City Sun was fired in September 2001 after writing a column in which referred to President Bush as a “scared child seeking refuge in his mother’s bed after having a nightmare” for not returning to Washington DC immediately after hearing about the attacks on September 11th.
The tone was set at the very top, when White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said famously that “[t]here are reminders to all Americans that they need to watch what they say, watch what they do, and that this is not a time for remarks like that. It never is…”
Remarkably, most of the mainstream media obeyed. On the second anniversary of 9/11, in 2003, I wrote a story in the Daily News that, among other things, mentioned that Bush had spent at least five minutes reading “The Pet Goat” in that Sarasota classroom. It was an indisputable fact, and yet I received hundreds of emails from readers, many asking if I would be fired for reporting such a simple and inconvenient truth. When Michael Moore showed the actual footage in “Farhrenheit 911” months later, much of the nation was shocked to learn for the first time what really happened that day.
Not everyone was so surprised. In fact, the then-second graders that Bush read “The Pet Goat” to that morning clearly saw though the emperor’s new clothes even while all the “grown-up” journalists did not. They realized that the ongoing attack had scared the living daylights out of their commander-in-chief: Here’s what they say five years later:
SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) – Tyler Radkey and other second-graders at Emma E. Booker Elementary School didn’t know what to think when an aide leaned in and whispered something to President Bush on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.
“His face just started to turn red,” said Tyler, now 13 and in seventh grade. “I thought, personally, he had to go to the bathroom.”
For a puzzling seven minutes, the youngsters read aloud from the story “The Pet Goat” while the shaken president followed along in front of the class, trying to come to grips with what he had been told – that a second plane had just hit the World Trade Center and the nation was under terrorist attack.
“He looked like he was going to cry,” said Natalia Jones-Pinkney, now 12.
It’s true what they say…from the mouths of babes. In fact, check out this stunning footnote:
Suddenly, the morning returned to the script. [then-Education Secretary] Paige spoke to the stunned room of the importance of reading.
“It was so surreal,” Sarasota schools spokeswoman Sheila Weiss said. “Everyone in there wanted to get out and find out what was going on, but we couldn’t leave.”
Tonight, on national TV, and again and again in the coming weeks, Bush and Karl Rove and their minions will try to remind you about Bush’s “leadership” on Sept. 11, 2001. When they do, just remember what the little children saw that morning.
The emperor had no clothes.
Posted on September 11, 2006 08:29 AM
Fact: As long as Muuuuslims don’t vote Republican, most Democrats could give a shit about terrorism. BUSH is their enemy, not Democrat voting Muuuuuuslims.
JCH’s greatest dream is to blow an admiral. He believes his life’s mission would be fulfilled by such an act. In the meantime, he will simply keep practicing his “art.”
I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Well, I really don’t like posting the same stuff on more than one thread, and the stuff I have for this one is already on two others.
Still, I would really like Seaman Recruit JCH, who so eloquently stated “Deport every Muuuuuuslim. And JDB. NOW!!! And put Carl Grossman in the boxcar!!!!! (Commentby Seaman Recruit JCH Kennedy— 9/11/06@ 11:27 am) to know a few of the folks he would deport. For example, the family of this man:
Mohammad Salman Hamdani was a 23 year old New York City police cadet. He was a part-time ambulance driver, incoming medical student, and devout Muslim.
Born in Karachi, Pakistan and moved to America when he was only 13 months old, he was equally proud of his Muslim heritage and American citizenship, Mr. Hamdani was a compassionate, warm-hearted young man whose greatest desire in life was to help others.
When he disappeared on September 11, law enforcement officials came to his family, seeking him for questioning in relation to the terrorist attacks. They allegedly believed he was somehow involved. His whereabouts were undetermined for over six months, until his remains were finally identified.
He was found near the North Tower, with his EMT medical bag beside him, presumably doing everything he could to help those in need. His family could finally rest, knowing that he died the hero they always knew him to be.
“Mrs. Hamdani says of her son Salman. Star Wars was one of his favorite films, and his license plate read “Yung Jedi.” She remembers when he applied for medical school the first time around and didn’t get accepted. His father told him he might have better luck applying to schools in Pakistan or the Caribbean, but Salman said no. “If I become a physician,” he told his father, “it’s going to be on American soil.” Asked why her son was so adamant about studying in the U.S., Mrs. Hamdani replied, “He was just so proud to be an American.” (Salman Hamdani was subsequently accepted to medical school in the U.S., but died before he could attend.)
Further information about Mr. Hamdani is available at http://usinfo.state.gov/albums/911/ham1.htm
Oh, and Recruit, you should really get those vowel keys fixed.
Carl, I had VADM and Sybil Stockdale and CAPT Harry and Marj T. Jenkins as clients for years. Both [VA-163 “Saints”] served over 6 years at Hoa Lo [“Hanoi Hilton”]. Funny you should “axe”.
Muuuuuslims back to Muuuslimland!! Illegals back to Mexico. Bottom line: The Dems lose 25% of their votes!!!!
49……The Navy doesn’t “keelhaul” anymore, but with you I would hope for an exception. Still, a boxcar ride and a shower for you seems to be the best way to go!
The Secret Service would not let the President return to D.C. until they were sure that the President would be safe.
After the 2004 election debacle, Gregoire was met with protesters everywhere she went, the next thing you know, her schedule was “unannouced” for the next 6 months. The State Patrol even arrested several people. They have refused to let her ride in a car with an older driver, they also refuse to let her walk 300 yards to work…….
Sorry, John………ALL Muuuuuuuuslims back to Muuuuuuuslimland. Too fucking bad. 9/11 changed a lot.
E7- Note post 51. Far above your paygrade.
John Barelli,
It’s also worth noting that Jose Gutierrez, probably the first U.S. Marine killed in the most recent invasion of Iraq, was an illegal immigrant.
Ok, Recruit. Tell us again how we should deport this American Hero’s family because of their religion.
Tell us all how we should just shred the Constitution of the United States of America because it is inconvenient to the NeoCon agenda.
Then, please tell us why you seem to hate the very principles this country was founded on. How you have such scorn for the Constitution that you claim to have sworn to protect and defend.
Let me remind you that, while your enlistment may have ended (nobody believes you were ever an officer of anything other than your local neo-nazi militia) the oath you swore, to “preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States of America” did not have an expiration date. Since you are apparently willing and even eager to violate that Constitution, I must presume that your sworn oath was a lie from beginning to end.
How can someone claim to love his country when he spits on the very foundation of that country?
6 million Muuuuuuslims in the USA…………Gee, I wonder how they vote??? [ANS: The same way as Sandy “Socks” Berger and Carl Grossman] hehe, JCH
The Secret Service would not let the President return to D.C. until they were sure that the President would be safe.
The Secret Service didn’t force the president to sit in that classroom after learning the U.S. was under attack.
“Support our Troops” stickers have nothing to do with the troops. It means “support our ugly little war in Iraq”.
Commentby Unkl Witz— 9/11/06@ 10:09 am
You also support the Socialest Democrats in the war on terror. Just like you support john kerry when he went to Franch and supported the NVA.
60 “The Secret Service didn’t force the president to sit in that classroom after learning the U.S. was under attack.”
Right ch’are there on that one. Remember Cheney talking about how the SS agents burst in on him, physically lifted him off his feet and hustled him off to that “undisclosed location”? Why was it not equally important to haul the Big Cheese off to safety just as quickly?
Also…anyone catch the story in the Times this morning about that NYC firefighter that was in the photo op with Bullhorn Boy? Apparently he was picked at random (or because someone made a snap judgement that he had the right “look”) but Bush’s handlers found out how old he was (69 at the time) they decided he didn’t fit their target demographic and gave him a very abrupt bum’s rush.
JCH @ 31
He was wrong, and everyone but you and Michelle Malkin now agree on that.
Darcy\’s my girl @ 28
“It’s also indisputable that the Clinton White House had at least three chances to capture bin Laden, but didn’t do anything.”
On the contrary, that is not only eminently disputable, it is quite provably false. The historical record is clear: Clinton aapproved every request that came to him regarding killing or caturing bin Laden, though George “Medal of Freedom” Tenet called off at least one operation (the so-called Tarnak Farms operation) because he believed that our intelligence was not good enough. Commander of Joint Special Operations Forces, Lt. General Michael Canavan felt that the plan was too complicated for the CIA to carry out, and CIA Director George Tenet shut down the mission, says he made the decision alone, and never submitted the plan to the White House for approval.
But it’s kinda hard to kill bin Laden if you can’t find him, and almost no one ever found him but Bush at Tora Bora, and they let him go, and today in Pakistan but Musharraf won’t touch him and Bush won’t make him.
sven @ 42
“Clinton had a far better chance of getting aor killing Bin Ladin, but because they were trying to be politically sensitive, they lost the chances…It’s the truth.”
I don’t buy it. Look at Bush. There could hardly be any one LESS politically sensitive, yet he is not getting bin Laden. I just don’t buy that “political sensitivity” was at fault. You cite no accounts.
“Here it is a day to memorialize the dead, and most of the posts are ‘blame Bush.’”
WHy is it a day to memorialize the dead? This is not a national holiday, or a national day of mourning. The 11th of September has in no way been declared anything much. You can memorialize the dead if you want to, but while you’re coing that, don’t forget that the president who watched this happen has been using it as a political cudgel instead of an event of shared and sacred significance.
“How typically liberal, particularly when you ignore the liberals who failed on their watch too.”
Did you read my post? Clinton did plenty, and I’m not conviced that Bush has done much of note to get bin Laden, especially considering that he was already transferring military and intelligence assets to Iraq even while the “hunt” for bin Laden was supposedly occurring in Afghanistan.
Fuck you and your “typically liberal” bullshit. How many liberal are there? Of those, how many of them exhibit the characteristics you describe? I’d like some hard numbers. I’d like to see your chi squared analysis.
You, the voters, have ONE DAY to hold the Bush Administration accountable for what’s happened in Iraq, and here at home. ONE DAY: Election Day. If you like the way things are going, vote Republican. If you think things need to change, VOTE DEMOCRATIC. Seize the day.
With the >33% of moonbats saying 9/11 was an inside job sully the memory of this guy!
“Support our Troops” stickers have nothing to do with the troops. It means “support our ugly little war in Iraq”. Commentby Unkl Witz— 9/11/06@ 10:09 am
I am sure troops like the ones I recently flew with and K Lake will see Unkl Witz as the moonbat he is!
All Hail Dark Lord Kos! Commentby Another TJ— 9/11/06@ 10:14 am
Admittedly you worship at a different altar!
Eli Chalouh
Eli Chalouh has been missing since September 11, 2001. The 23-year-old Jewish Syrian immigrant left home early that morning for his new job on the 86th floor of the World Trade Center — he’d only started working there six weeks before — and has never been heard from since, nor was his body ever found.
Eli Chalouh’s two best friends at the office simply can’t say enough about their young coworker. “I considered him like my own son, because I have one of my children his age,” says Baher Shaarawy, an Egyptian Muslim who immigrated to the United States and whose son is now a gunnery sergeant in the U.S. Marines. “He was a very bright man.”
“Eli was such a delightful young man,” says his friend Joseph Botros, who is also originally from Egypt, from a Christian family. “He is full of life, full of future. You look at him always with such a nice smile on his face. He used to come in the morning and say good morning, you’d feel that this day will be better because such a young beautiful man is in the office. He always gives a hand to anybody without asking. You feel the future is him. He’s always smiling, always full of life, hoping for better future for everybody, he has a golden heart. One of a kind, really he was one of a kind. We felt a great loss for every one of our coworkers, but especially him. Because with him it’s like losing a son or a younger brother. The rest of them, we love them dearly, but him, he was so special to all of us.”
Baher Shaarawy, Joseph Botros, and Eli Chalouh always used to joke about the fact that, in spite of their different religions, they were best of friends. Every morning Mr. Chalouh would greet his Egyptian friends by the names Hassan and Murqos, alluding to a well-known Egyptian comedy entitled “Hassan, Murqos and Cohen,” which depicts the camaraderie between three close friends: a Muslim, a Christian and a Jew.
Mr. Shaarawy and Mr. Botros say that their close friendship with Eli Chalouh was only natural. “Human being is human being,” Mr. Botros says. “We don’t care about religion or what country you come from.” Mr. Shaarawy agrees. “We consider ourselves very lucky to be in the United States, because being in the United States they give you the chance to be open minded and to love everybody — Christian, Jews, Muslim, other religions. We’re all human beings, all God’s children.”
Note from me. I had originally opened this post with a pointed comment. Then I read the whole thing and removed it. Mr. Chalouh’s memory should not be sullied with such things, and I’m more than a bit ashamed that I had even considered it. Please keep this young man’s friends and family in your prayers today.
RightIsStupid wrote: “I remember that Bush let the Saudis go home right after 9.11 while the rest of us were forbidden to fly. I remember that George Bush Sr. was having breakfast with the bin Laden family when the towers were struck. I remember George Bush Jr. reading “My Pet Goat” while thousands died. I remember that George Bush had several opportunities to catch bin Laden before 9.11 and he passed. I remember that the GOP used 9.11 as a campaign tool without regard for the feelings of the families who lost loved ones on that terrible day. I just hope someone else does. Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 9/11/06@ 10:18 am
Many of us whom think right have proven time and again it was Richard Clarke and in his book he admitted and on Capital Hill congressional meeting it was he who authorized the Bin Laden family to flee the US.
Why do moonbats like to perpetuate lies here on AssesHorse?
George Bush had one opportunity to get Bin Laden late 1991 and the Northern Alliance prevented him from getting Bin Laden with that stupid 48 hour truce. Even the Northern Alliance general Massoud. You need to research history because you are stupid!
http://www.commondreams.org/he.....210-05.htm – From a moonbat “progressive” site the facts!
Now that Bush’s bungling has enabled the so-called “al Qaeda In Iraq” organization to become Anbar Prvince’s “most significant political force,” and they have established a terrorist sanctuary on the borders of Saudia Arabia, Jordan and Syria, I’ll be you’re all feeling a lot safer. Commentby Daddy Love— 9/11/06@ 10:24 am
I feel safer knowing we are killing them in Iraq and Afghanistan rather than on our soil!
Daddy Love: Drinking from the cum-laden hose of Al Franken? “to launch a sweeping initiative dubbed “Operation Ignore.””
Fact: John Craig Herman will let you fuck him up the ass as long as you let him call you Tookie.
Now this is an interesting comment:
Under our Constitution, everyone has the right to be searched (which includes communications surveillance) only upon issuance of a warrant based on probable cause, and everyone is guaranteed equal protection under the law. Commentby Daddy Love— 9/11/06@ 11:03 am
So you like giving rights to non-US citizens? Why not give them a free education at UW? Why not provide them a nice Lincoln Navigator with free gas? Why not give them a 3000 sq ft house? What else shall you give them free?
Actually, as we look back at the failures of the Bush administration, from the failure to get Bin Laden, to Bush’s ability to piss away a united country and united world resolve by pursuing a war in Iraq that had nothing to do with terrorism, let us remember the strength of America. That for all of our differences, we did not give into the cowardly racism of the John Craig Hermans and Mark the Yellowbacks of the world. Commentby JDB— 9/11/06@ 11:23 am
I guess you moonbats forgot the intial blistering attacks by the moonbats over when Bush went to Air Force One after the attacks, when protocol says he goes into the air with F-16 fighter bombers as protection and the VP goes to Norad. Need URLs?
I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/11/06@ 3:04 pm
“So you like giving rights to non-US citizens?”
No, Daddy Love isn’t giving anyone rights. It’s that pesky Constitution again.
Various courts, all the way up to the Supreme Court have noticed that key rights-related provisions including the Bill of Rights (the first 10 Amendments), and the 14th Amendment (due process and equal protection clauses) are phrased as applying to “all persons.”
These rights therefore have been construed as offering substantial protections to non-citizens residing within the United States.
Darn those liberal founding fathers anyway.
On 9-11-2001, my girlfriend called me from work and said “You need to turn on the news. Something has happened at the World Trade Center.”
As I turned on the TV, both towers were still standing, then they collasped. I watched people exchanging theories, I watched the towers fall, over and over and over again.
And I noticed something early on. Every Republican politician who decided to share their theory did so with some sort of dig to Democrats. Every Democrat was focused on what had happened, and there was no mention of politics, just focus on what could be done to help the victims and determination to find the perpetrators if any were left alive.
Of course, the Republicans that were interviewed were the screaming, yelling, histronic ones. Early opinions were that Saddam Hussein did this, later ones were that it was Bin Laden. Some people thought it was white supremecists.
But the theories were ‘interesting’. This had happened because America allows abortions, gay people and women’s rights. If we were a more ‘god-fearing’ country, all the terrorists would love us and wouldn’t do this sort of thing. It was because we were too ‘liberal’, because we have rights in our constitution, on and on.
It was like rape case nonsense. You know, somehow it’s the victims fault because she shouldn’t have been dressed so provacatively, been walking or driving alone, nude while she was taking a shower in her own home with all the doors and windows locked and covered, waiting for the bus, walking to her car, all that crap.
Really, nowhere was ‘terrorists do this because they’re worthless slime.’ It was all ‘oh, they do this because they see America as evil and yada yada we are because we are too liberal yada yada homosexuals yada yada abortion yada yada women’s rights yada yada blah blah blah.’
To hell with that bullcrap. Terrorists do that stuff because they’re slime. Nothing will make them stop except finding them and locking them up or killing them. Rather than America being scared into submission, we need to thumb our collective noses at people so scared of freedom that they want everyone but themselves to have to hide.
WOS – keep making excuses for 5 years and no bin Laden. 5 years and no al-Zawahiri (he just released another tape). Yet it didn’t take long to get Saddam and he had nothing to do with 3000 people losing their lives as Shrub has admitted at least twice.
It didn’t take that long to get Youseff for WTC bombing #1.
more bombs = more death = more hatred = more terrorists.
How many people you want to see dead WOS?
The America I’m for is better than that.
To hell with that bullcrap.
I agree to a point. It’s a waste of energy to blame ourselves but it’s a REALLY BIG waste of energy, time, money, lives, limbs and minds to invade and occupy countries that had nothing to do with what happened on 9/11.
Clinton attacked bin Laden with every weapon at his disposal:
Commentby Daddy Love— 9/11/06@ 11:15 am
He used boots on the ground? Who? When? Where? How many?
Clueless said: “It didn’t take that long to get Youseff for WTC bombing #1.”
By luck you got him. Mistakes: a fire, a person turning him in to the authorities not Clintonistas detective work. A good female captain of the Phillipines police did the job. And they DIDN’T NEED A SUBPOENA to look at the computer.
Remember Colleen Rowley and how she couldn’t look at Zacharias Moussaudi’s computer because of the Gorelick wall?
You can’t throw half-truths and expect them to stick Oh So Clueless!
The Path to 911 is nothing more then movie to allow Richard Clarke to emerge the lone warrior for truth and justice.
“Clinton attacked bin Laden with every weapon at his disposal:”
Commentby Daddy Love [….Rewriting history, Daddy Love? NOONE believes that!!!! NOONE!!!]
Sven at 42: Nobody was pointing fingers at Bush for 9/11 until AFTER he, and those working on his behalf, attempted to point their fingers at Clinton and blame him and his administration for 9/11, and futher to blame anybody who dared to question his policies or administration as an unwitting supporter, or worse, of Al Quida. At that point the Democrats have the right to point out the truth. Commentby rhp6033— 9/11/06@ 12:13 pm
Wrong again rhp6033. Your detente is with Puddy so here goes:
First attack was when he went into Air Force One. The moonbats went nuts calling him all types of names Google it.
Second attack was when he used the bullhorn saying those who attacked us will hear from us soon. Moonbats went nuts again. Google it.
Third attack was when Hillary asked what did Bush know and when did he know it. Moonbats jumped on that too. Google it.
We on the right are historians. You on the left are information bullshitters!
“It’s also indisputable that the Clinton White House had at least three chances to capture bin Laden, but didn’t do anything.” On the contrary, that is not only eminently disputable, it is quite provably false. Commentby Daddy Love— 9/11/06@ 2:00 pm
Wrong again. Lt Col Robert Patterson has officially come out and detailed specific incidents Sandy Berger has chosen NOT to dispute.
Unfortunately you’d have to leave the Kos Kool-AID trough and read some enlightening materials!
We are memoralizing the dead by saying that we should go after their killers. Instead, we are bogged down in Iraq which has absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.
To remember the dead, but not remember the failures of the Bush Administration, is to have a memorial without substance.
oh bull. Memorializing remembers the person and their life. There is time tomorrow to discuss fault. To do so at a memorial service, like Rep Moran did in Virginia is to shoot for political brownie points in a very disrespectful way.
Sven at 42: Nobody was pointing fingers at Bush for 9/11 until AFTER he, and those working on his behalf, attempted to point their fingers at Clinton and blame him and his administration for 9/11, and futher to blame anybody who dared to question his policies or administration as an unwitting supporter, or worse, of Al Quida. At that point the Democrats have the right to point out the truth.
Truth? So The democrats will now admit that Clinton laid down on his watch? That he failed to sopt him, and that he had chances and blew them? I have no trouble holding Bush responsible for the failures of his adminsitration, but 8 months versus 8 years makes one wonder why only one side gets blamed.
I was pleased to see the unity in our country post-9/11, and especially the widespread support for our troops. But I was less pleased that Bush tried to use that for his political benefit,
I agree, but he is hardly the only one to leverage this for political gain. Unlike the partisan people here, I despise all of it.
Sven, the only “point” you have is covered by your hat.
LOL Come one, you can do better ;)
and worse yet (witness the attempt to peddle “The Path to 9/11″ as “educational” material) to mold them into nice little “patriotic” pro-Republican future stormtroopers.
The thing is that the movie does republicans no favors either. The only ones who look good are Clarke and O’Niel, and Tenet to a smaller degree….at loeast until the nightline spoecial, where Clarke essentially blamed everything on Tenet.
You are right the movie is not good fodder for education. A docudrama that uses any manner of artistic license should not.
But what worries me is that Clarke, who is a paid consultant to ABC, and who is not without his own critics comes out so squeeky cleen.
Daddy love,
I don’t buy it. Look at Bush. There could hardly be any one LESS politically sensitive, yet he is not getting bin Laden. I just don’t buy that “political sensitivity” was at fault. You cite no accounts.
Non sequiter. The facts are that it has been documented by several sources including the 911 commission that Clinton had OBL in his sights and either let him go, passed the buck or dithered and edelayed till the chances was lsot,.
sgmmac@ 54, guess if you compare Gregoire’s ratings since the election contest and the Chimp in Chief’s since 911 we find out that the collective wingnut movement is losing steam…. Breaks my liberal heart!
I remember that Georgie Bush said “Mission Accomplished.” I remember that Condi said Iraq was an “imminent threat” to US soil. I remember that Rummy said we know where the WMD are. I remember that Cheney said we’d be out of Iraq within a year. I remember when Geoegie Bush said he was against nation building. I remember when Georgie Bush said “Bring It On.” I remember when Bush tried to turn over security at our ports to his Arab buddies. I remember when Bush said the Iraq war would pay for itself with money from their oil fields. I remember when America was not the most hated country on the planet.
I hope someone else remembers.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/11/06@ 3:44 pm
“He used boots on the ground? Who? When? Where? How many?”
Not to mention “where should they go?” and “who, exactly, are we going to invade?” I notice that President Bush was able to solve those little problems with the answer “Who cares? Let’s just go invade someone, even if they had nothing to do with it!”
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/11/06@ 4:02 pm
“Wrong again. Lt Col Robert Patterson has officially come out and detailed specific incidents Sandy Berger has chosen NOT to dispute.”
Ah, yes. That same Lt Col Patterson that has already written one book that is a favorite of Ann Coulter and has another one in the works.
Now, if the information contained is true, then Lt Col Patterson would be violating his secrecy oath, and could be subject to prosecution, fines and considerable jail time. Those briefings, like all briefings of that variety (Republican or Democratic administrations alike) are highly classified.
Essentially, if he’s telling the truth, he’s breaking the law, not to mention his signed oath. As a good, law-abiding citizen, I’m sure that Lt Col Patterson would immediately turn himself in to federal authorities and confess to violation of US Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 37, Paragraph 798 “Disclosure of classified information” We’ll be hearing from him again sometime after President Bush’s youngest daughter runs for President.
Of course, if he concocted the incidents “out of whole cloth”, he’s perfectly safe. There’s no law that forbids him from lying about what he did in his highly classified position. He’s only in trouble if what he says is true.
I don’t post on this thread. Nary a word until now, but what do I see? I see that John Craig Herman has mentioned me by name or inference a minimum of EVLEVEN times.
He thinks about me endlessly. He can’t stop. I am in his head. He can’t get me out. (Possibly because there is nothing else in his head.) This man is a doctor like I am an astronaut. Now he is claiming POW experience. This man is a liar, a sham and miserable waste of air.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
Vote early, Vote often, Vote Democratic!!!
Dr. Taufik Kassis
When Dr. Taufik Kassis arrived in the U.S. from Syria in 1998, he never expected to play a key role in helping treat victims of the largest terrorist attack in American history. Dr. Kassis now says that he only did what anyone else would have done in his place, but many consider the young Middle Eastern doctor a hero of September 11.
Dr. Kassis shys away from all the talk that he is a hero. “I feel happy, of course, about hearing that. But I feel that it’s my duty, it’s my pleasure,” Dr. Kassis says. “First, being a doctor, I think that’s our duty. Second, just thinking about how inhuman that what happened, and I thought that I could have been in that tower at that moment. I’ve never visited the towers, I was planning to visit it one day”
Dr. Kassis also credits his Middle Eastern upbringing for instilling the values that made him want to help on that day. He goes on to note that he “was raised up in a culture to respect humanity in common. To respect especially the country you are living in, regardless if you are citizen or not. We were raised up in a way to care about others.”
On September 11, caring about another individual he didn’t know was exactly what Dr. Kassis did.
Perhaps we could offer a prayer of thanks that people like Dr. Kassis have chosen to come to our country.
You can’t throw half-truths and expect them to stick
Five years with chickenhawk-in-chief, patriot-act, nsa listening to americans and data mining calling records and
Even if Shrub gets them for the October surprise, I’m going wonder how he’s going to explain a 400 billion dollar, 3000 lives side-excursion to Iraq!
Essentially, if he’s telling the truth, he’s breaking the law, not to mention his signed oath. As a good, law-abiding citizen, I’m sure that Lt Col Patterson would immediately turn himself in to federal authorities and confess to violation of US Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 37, Paragraph 798 “Disclosure of classified information” We’ll be hearing from him again sometime after President Bush’s youngest daughter runs for President.
So by that you agree that Joe Wilson iv should be prosecuted for his editorial column?
If not then any tell all patterson told is fair game.
In reality, I dont think anything he said Dereliction of Duty was classified.
As for Patterson, he is supported in his claims (on this topic) by Michael Scheur and the 911 commission.
Yanno…we may be getting led into a sort of a trap. If everyone on the left keep hollering “Where’s Osama?”, it sets up the opportunity for the Bushistas to pull a slam dunk by announcing his capture right before the election. Then all they have to do is put him in some facility built during the 90’s and have him somehow “escape” a few weeks or months later and have their cake and eat it too.
more bombs = more death = more hatred = more terrorists.
How many people you want to see dead WOS?
The America I’m for is better than that.
Commentby For the Clueless— 9/11/06@ 3:30 pm
There is one fact Clueless that is a dead man can not kill anyone, and your French approach to this problem never work for me in the desert dealing with these crazies. The first time I went there was in 1967 and I have been in and out that world ever since, and nothing has change until 11 September 2001. They do not like us hunting them down like dogs and killing them, because a dead man cannot hate. We can toast them until they understand they will not win this war or any other war. Clueless you for got your appointment with the recruiter, but then you can’t deal with your FEARS. Folks like you depend on others to defend your Freedoms and you latter insult them for doing the right things for this country. Your hatred for this President fogs your decision making and justified betraying your country in a time of War. Keep up what you are doing so well and maybe they will honor you in their caves by hanging up your picture. You know like the NVA did for John Kerry after his visit to Paris in the early 70’s.
klake – I usually ignore all your nonsense. You still haven’t convinced me you can think your way out of a paper bag.
Of course, if he concocted the incidents “out of whole cloth”, he’s perfectly safe. There’s no law that forbids him from lying about what he did in his highly classified position. He’s only in trouble if what he says is true. Commentby John Barelli— 9/11/06@ 4:27 pm
Sandy Berger has NOT refuted them.
Yanno…we may be getting led into a sort of a trap. If everyone on the left keep hollering “Where’s Osama?”, it sets up the opportunity for the Bushistas to pull a slam dunk by announcing his capture right before the election. Then all they have to do is put him in some facility built during the 90’s and have him somehow “escape” a few weeks or months later and have their cake and eat it too. Commentby ArtFart— 9/11/06@ 5:58 pm
A moonbat with a brain! Too bad Oh so clueless misses the big picture though. You kill them over there!
How many people you want to see dead WOS? The America I’m for is better than that. Commentby For the Clueless— 9/11/06@ 3:30 pm
Proof positive for John Barelli to view this moonbat as a loony lefty liberal. He can’t win the argument so he wants me dead. It’s there in black and white. HE WANTS ME DEAD
Goldie condones this type of attack on his political enemies.
First it was PacMan. Then it was Puddy. Then it was Cynical. Then it was HowCan. Now it’s MWS!
Moonbats want to silence their opposition because their facts are oh so weak, like oh so clueless!
klake – I usually ignore all your nonsense. You still haven’t convinced me you can think your way out of a paper bag. Commentby For the Clueless— 9/11/06@ 6:37 pm
Don’t work KLake, Oh So Clueless can’t think! But look out he may want you dead too!
Oh So Clueless: You are a mind in absentia!
You know, as this day draws to an end, I realize that I’m more and more pissed at how much Bush has screwed up this country. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al have taken a national tragedy and used that to further their own selfish interest. Worse, they took the good will of this nation, unifying after a tragedy, as an opportunity to ram through their policies in all areas at any cost.
I still (perhaps foolishly) believe they did so with the best of intentions. They figured that the war on terror gave them cover to attack Iraq and settle some scores. I also believe they thought it would be easy, and that they could set up a democracy in the Mid-East which would pacify the region. But in doing so, they took their eye off the real problem, terrorism. And to do so, they fudged everything they could and they preyed off our fears.
Worse, they do not care what we think. They think we are all too stupid to know what is right or wrong, and that only they have the ability to do what is right. Having been proved time and time again wrong, having been shown day after day that their assumptions and reality are at odds, they refuse to admit their mistakes, or, much more importantly, change their actions. Bush’s refusal to hold people accountable and to change leadership when it fails is his worse sin of all.
Hopefully Iraq will not be the failure it is looking more and more like, but what is clearly a failure is the war on terrorism, for Bush has ignored it at the expense of his folly in Iraq.
It has become clear that new leadership is needed at the highest level. At this point, the only thing we can hope for is a Democratic Congress which will at least hold Bush accountable for his continuing mistakes. Perhaps, if faced with the music, Bush will finally take charge, admit his mistakes, and lead the United States of America, and not just the 28% of the population who make up the Republican Party.
clueless@24 i think he is living with the clintons in ny.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby Mr. Sucks — 9/11/06@ 9:20 pm
“Proof positive for John Barelli to view this moonbat as a loony lefty liberal. He can’t win the argument so he wants me dead. It’s there in black and white. HE WANTS ME DEAD”
Excuse me? I read the original post, and while I can’t say that I would use that tone even that line of argument, I did not see anything that could be considered a death threat against you. He may, however, pray for lightning to strike you or name a rag doll after you and stick pins in it. So long as he takes no action against you, that is his business.
(If wanting someone dead was a crime, I’m sure several of the right-wing types on this board would be in jail on my account right now.)
Not to mention the fact that winning an argument against you is not very difficult. Getting you to realize that you’ve lost the argument is difficult, if not impossible. That is frustrating, but most of the folks here have learned to deal with that. It happens a lot.
We certainly don’t want you dead, if for no other reason than some Republican that has a few brain cells to rub together might replace you. There actually are some intelligent Republicans. You aren’t one of them.
Oh, and just for your information, the rules about disclosure of classified information are somewhat different for reporters than they are for military officers that have sworn oaths and signed confidentiality agreements. I’m sure you didn’t know that, so, as a person that has held various clearances, I thought that I’d tell you.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Five years ago today.
Exactly five years ago, many of us were headed to bed, having witnessed one of the most horrific acts ever done. Most of us realized that the world had just changed, perhaps forever.
Exactly five years ago, brave men and women were still fighting the fires, searching for the wounded, searching for their loved ones, guarding the streets, healing the injured and comforting those that had lost family and friends.
Exactly five years ago, America was hurt and stunned. Most of us went to bed, wondering what was to come.
September twelfth came.
The sun rose. The search continued, as did the hard, heartbreaking work of those brave men and women.
But the sun rose. We woke up, and most of us picked up our lives and moved on.
We comforted the grieving, healed the wounded, buried the dead.
The hate-filled people that planned and executed this horrible crime had failed, because the sun still rose, we still woke up and carried on our lives. The terrorists had hit us as hard as they could, hoping that we would fall, and we did not.
More than failed, they showed the inherant weakness of hate. Nothing short of our total destruction would have satisfied them, but all that happened was that we grieved, we healed, and we continued.
Some of those terrorists died that day. They were the lucky ones. Some are still alive today, and while I hate what they have done and long for the day when they can no longer hurt others, a part of me has to grieve for them as well. To live a life, so filled with anger and hatred that a person could do such a thing. Such a life must be a living hell.
Worse, to know, down in that hate-filled heart that they failed, so miserably, and see that no matter what they do in the future, they can never succeed in releasing that hate. Such a life is worse than any punishment I can conceive. Those terrorists that died were lucky.
Remember tomorrow, as we rise and carry on with our work. Remember that, rotting in some hole, hiding from the light of day, there is some hate-filled person that does indeed long to strike out and hurt and kill. He longs to do so because his life is a living hell. His hatred gives him no respite. Death would be a welcome release for him.
Christians are taught that we must love our enemies. That does not mean that we do not hold them accountable, nor does it mean that we think their crimes less heinous than they are. But remember that angry, hate-filled person whose life is filled with nothing but a longing to hurt and kill and die, and remember that he is punishing himself far worse than anything we could ever do to him.
We will find him, catch him, and if he is very lucky, perhaps even kill him. I think it may be the most merciful thing we could do for him.
Tomorrow I will continue having my revenge for the acts of September eleventh. I will kiss my wife, help my son with his homework, do my job and play with our new kitten. I will live well. That is the best revenge.
Good night friends. Sleep soundly and well, and tomorrow you can have your revenge as well.
Happy Birthday Mrs. Goldstein. Too bad your son is what he is! Please tell us the apple fell way away from the tree? Is he a son only a mother could love?
Mike Webb SUCKS @ 99
“Oh so clueless misses the big picture though. You kill them over there!”
How’s that “killing Osama over there” thing going, anyway? Haven’t heard too much about it since Bush pulled the Special Forces that were searching for him out of Afghanistan in 2002 to prepare for the war on Iraq he wouldn’t admit he was planning.
Some of those terrorists died that day. They were the lucky ones. Some are still alive today, and while I hate what they have done and long for the day when they can no longer hurt others, a part of me has to grieve for them as well. To live a life, so filled with anger and hatred that a person could do such a thing. Such a life must be a living hell.
Good night friends. Sleep soundly and well, and tomorrow you can have your revenge as well.
Commentby John Barelli— 9/11/06@ 11:18 pm
Hey shit for brains do you really think these folks are living in hell? NO!!!! They are planning to hit this nation again and again until we eliminate their sorry ass. Don’t waste your time grieving for them for they do not care about you or anybody else. Revenge is not my mission it to send those fools to their maker for their last judgment. John I do not have any problem sleeping but you should for being so naive about the world around you.
Commentby klake— 9/12/06@ 4:38 pm
Wow. You should consider therapy. Way too much anger.
Still, a point or two.
First, as I have noted before on these boards, I am a Christian. Lots of folks use “God told me to” in order to justify killing and hatred, but what Christians are told is to love our enemies. I admit that some of these folks make that difficult, but there it is.
You’ll notice that nowhere am I saying that we should stop hunting them. They need to be stopped or they will continue to hurt others.
But we have people on these boards that talk of killing whole cities, just because they are the same religion as some of the terrorists.
Folks would justify killing women and children in some sort of revenge. After all, they killed women and children, so they seem to think we should too.
Anger clouds the mind and prevents you from taking effective action. It results in people taking revenge against folks that have done us no harm, while letting the real criminals stay free.
Your faith, or lack thereof is your business, but you choose to lash out at me, just because I do not hold the same burning hatred in my heart that you seem to hold in yours.
As to your “mission”. As you feel a desire to defend our country, I presume that you will be enlisting in the military. I wish you well in that, as it is a noble profession. Let me know how that goes for you.
But… One of the things they will teach you is to let go of the anger. To stay calm and cool. It allows you to use your judgement and stay alive, while completing your mission.
Oh, and “klake”. If you’re going to insult and berate someone, have the guts to use your real name. The people that ordered the attacks on our country are cowards, filled with anger and hiding behind false identities. Tell me. Exactly how are you different?
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