My mental health would be better if I didn’t go on the Washington State House and Senate GOP Caucus web pages. I mean it’s so nice out, and I could be enjoying a walk or a bike ride. Instead I’m pissed at a couple throwaway paragraphs some staffer for the Senate wrote. Really, I’m only taking issue with one paragraph. They’re making hay out of the fact that the state hasn’t done anything in the year since the I-5 bridge over the Skagit River collapsed.
It’s been one year since a truck with an oversized load struck a beam on the I-5 bridge over the Skagit River, sending a section plunging into the water below. But very little has changed to prevent another similar accident from happening again on any number of bridges across the state.
Agreed. It’s problematic that the state hasn’t fixed the maintenance backlog. Hey remember when the Democratic House passed a pretty conservative, freeway heavy, transit package that would have addressed some of that? Then remember how the GOP Majority Coalition GOP in the Senate didn’t pass a transit package? The GOP is the problem here.
I don’t know you guys. Do they think if they point out that there’s a problem people won’t notice their hand in causing the problem?
It’s kinda like Ted Bundy complaining about the crime wave in his neighborhood.
The GOP Senate “fail” promoted by the Seattle Times has stalled our state. They even blocked the the Vancouver/Portland bridge – but made sure to keep the tax loopholes for most favored companies in the law. Not to mention the failure to adequately fund education. How did that work out for the turncoat Senate majority leader? Oh yeah, he “retired”. Good riddance!