A Hindu clergyman made history Thursday by offering the Senate’s morning prayer, but only after police officers removed three shouting protesters from the visitors’ gallery.
Rajan Zed, director of interfaith relations at a Hindu temple in Reno, Nev., gave the brief prayer that opens each day’s Senate session. As he stood at the chamber’s podium in a bright orange and burgundy robe, two women and a man began shouting “this is an abomination” and other complaints from the gallery.
Police officers quickly arrested them and charged them disrupting Congress, a misdemeanor. The male protester told an AP reporter, “we are Christians and patriots” before police handcuffed them and led them away.
I’ll remember to mention this event the next time someone accuses a Democrat of being anti-religion.
That\’s a cute trick you fucking moron.
Following your {snicker} logic {/snicker} there are NO FUCKING CHRISTIAN OR RELIGIOUS DEMOCRATS.
You might want to pay attention to the pandering whores in YOUR fucking political party before you start painting with a borad brush.
You have no damned idea what the POLITICAL affiliation of those bigots are, but, typical of your one-sided hatefilled bullshit you ASSume.
Well fuck you.
Religion is only a way of explaining the un-explainable. To shout at someone who’s religion is differnet from yours is as dumb as flying a plane into a building in the name of _____________ (fill in the blank with your choice for Supreme Being).
Follow the Golden Rule and you’ve got pretty much the entire message of any religion.
Ann Coulter will be in the Tacoma area soon to speak. Someone should pass it on to Roger Rabbit; he might even be willing to come back from vacation to hurl insults at Ms. Coulter.
Ya never know…
3 Well, that’ll be just one more thing in Tacoma that stinks.
“God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them.”
If, subsequent to that action, he begins to find “abominations” in it, he has no one to blame except Himself.
One man’s treasure is another’s abomination. Ask any interior designer.
You can’t make this stuff up:
If he’s praying to a God, then we’re not talking about polytheism.
This just goes to reinforce the observation that the line between faith and insanity is very fine, indeed.
Hey, these days the air down here is cleaner than the air in Seattle.
The Democrats pander to the Christian left. Christian patriots are part of the Christian right.
Maybe you moonbats can ‘splain something to a redneck…
NAALCP says they like Obama, apparently because they think it’s good that he’s black. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/200.....aacp_forum And as near as I can tell, that’s the only reason.
I don’t understand why they’d support for somebody based on skin color. Now, if they agreed with him that we should destroy our health care system, and should convert our economy from freemarkets to european socialism, and that somehow surrendering in Iraq makes us safer… then I could see why someone who believed all that would support him.
But based just on skin color? I thought we were trying to move beyond that. Am I confused?
THAT’S a stupid question, Mark. OF COURSE you’re confused.
More like delusional, actually. In your case, it’s irreversible.
Any other questions?
I must be banned from posting
Well, I think all clergy should be banished from our houses of government. Hindu. xtian. Jewish. Muslim. All the damned sanctimonious creeps. They have no place in government.
I would like to agree with bluesky, but even as unreligious as I am, I just can’t. I don’t believe in anything that I can’t see, hear, etc., but I also can’t simply deny anyone else their faith, or make them hide it simply because they are in government, as much as they should not be able to do the same to me.
And the irony is that Mr. Zed is well-respected member of the community here in the Truckee Meadows, who will likely shrug off the insult dealt him without a second thought. Turning the other cheek, if you will. I, however, am not so charitable.
Those ‘christian patriots’ should be dipped in honey and tied to an anthill.
I thought we cleared up the fact that you aren’t really a redneck.
On the other hand, I am related to half the phone book in Wheeling West Virginia.
All you need to know about Christians is that Puffybutt, baby raper and coward, claims to be one of them. Nuff said.
This exchange between me and Proud Leftist is so good, I am going to post it in every thread on HA from now on. It destroys the Publicans’ stupid talking points – period.
“I’m working really hard to understand how President Bill Clinton’s actions act as justifcation for the righties. Read this fuckwads.
If your lame ass argument is that Bill Clinton was a bad President – which is what you say – and if your argument now is that the AWOL coward GW Bush is in someway comparable to Bill Clinton, what you are actually saying is that GW Bush is NO BETTER THAN CLINTON.
Does it hurt to be that stupid? I really want to know.
proud leftist says:
RES @ 18
You’ve hit it on the nose. The rightwing fringefucks consider Clinton to be the personification of evil–indeed, he is the devil incarnate in their twisted little minds. Nonetheless, their justification for all of the Bushites’ sins is, always, “well, Clinton did it, too.” Methinks they never studied logic.”
And what’s better, is that the rightie traitor keeps pointing out that this is true. Thanks MTR. Please keep proving my point for me.
re10:”But based just on skin color? I thought we were trying to move beyond that. Am I confused?”
No. You are just a liar.
WTF?!? No where in the clipping does it say the protestor’s are republicans. Way to be fucking stupid.
smithers says:
WTF?!? No where in the clipping does it say the protestor’s are republicans. Way to be fucking stupid.
07/12/2007 at 8:21 pm
And I quote:
Religious bigots
by Will, 07/12/2007, 4:45 PM
\”I’ll remember to mention this event the next time someone accuses a Democrat of being anti-religion.\”
Fucking moron. No wonder you mother call you DUH instead of dear. You are a prime example of the outcome when liberals breed with sheep.
Just a reminder for you moonbats, especially RES and PL…
Bill Clinton was impeached and disbarred because he lied to a grand jury in a failed attempt to conceal a pattern of predatory behavior in connection with an assault case that he settled for $800k.
Can you imagine being too fucking dishonest to be a lawyer? How low can you go?
The disruptors self identified as,”Christian Patriots” in other words: members of the political right.
@ 22
Nice, michael, you’ve nailed it. These folks are basically Birchers, extremists, far right radical assholes who like picking on people who are different.
For the record, I know plenty of nice Christian country-club (or other types of) Republicans who would never shout down a Hindu religious leader and would condemn anyone who did. The thugs and bullies who did are not your everyday type of folks. They are particularly ignorant, spiteful people.
Were the protesters Publicans?
BTW, would Congress allow an aetheist to do an invocation?
re 21: There is no connection between Jennifer Flowers and the Monica Lewinski incident. I have Clinton’s biography and I will look that up and quote you verbatim what the facts of the case are.
You are a liar and a disgrace.
Jane Balogh’s Big Brown Beaver says:
re 21: There is no connection between Jennifer Flowers and the Monica Lewinski incident.
Woof woof.. Wouldn’t that depend on what the meaning of woof…. I mean is “is”. Good boy …panting…
Stocks break records with best day since 2002
The Dow jumps 284 points, its biggest one-day point gain since October 2002, as Alcoa soars on takeover speculation. Intel and American Express see big gains. Wal-Mart and other retailers report better-than-expected sales for June.
Latest Market Update
July 12, 2007 — 16:20 ET
[BRIEFING.COM] The Dow logged its first gain of more than 200-points since July 19, 2006 and its best one-day performance since March 2003 in route to its latest record finish. The S&P 500 also closed at a new all-time high while the Nasdaq… More
MoreIn a day for the record books, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index both set new highs as merger news and generally stronger-than-expected reports of retail sales stoked investor giddiness.
The Dow crossed 13,800 for the first time as it jumped 284 points, or 2.1%, to just under 13,862. That was the biggest percentage gain since October 2003 and the largest one-day point gain since Oct. 15, 2002. All 30 stocks in the index were higher.
Not bad for the worst economy in 70 years. woof woff
re 26: I thought you’d bring up the fact that he settled the nuisance suit brought by Paula Jones, not Gennifer Flowers, but facts have never been your strong suit.
When I have the time to type it all out, I will. Then I can drop copy it any time you bring this lie up.
Why? Because I am Jane Balogh’s Industrious “Big Brown Beaver”!
…and I vote Democratic!
re 27: The stock market is a craps game. The house always wins.
re 27: We need to tax all those paper profits.
‘Oh those naughty, naughty Republicans are at it again. So much for, “Family values”.
Laurin Sellers | Sentinel Staff Writer
8:45 PM EDT, July 11, 2007
TITUSVILLE – State Rep. Bob Allen was arrested Wednesday afternoon at a local park after offering to perform a sex act on an undercover officer in exchange for $20, police said.
Allen, R-Merritt Island, was booked into the Brevard County jail in Sharpes on a charge of solicitation to commit prostitution, a second-degree misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in the county jail and a $500 fine.
The Iraq war is welfare for Bush’s political supporters.
Wingnut Mind Warp:
No-bid Halliburton war profiteering = the free market
I guess you wingnuts got that one at the “Big Lots!!!!” marketplace of ideas — cause it’s really cheap — and stupid.
Woof woof. What lie? You mean the non-lie that Clinton’s lawyers agrued what the meaning of “is” is? Next you are going to deny that the Clinton adminstration didn’t:
Number of times that Clinton figures who testified in court or before Congress said that they didn’t remember, didn’t know, or something similar.
Bill Kennedy 116
Harold Ickes 148
Ricki Seidman 160
Bruce Lindsey 161
Bill Burton 191
Mark Gearan 221
Mack McLarty 233
Neil Egglseston 250
Hillary Clinton 250
John Podesta 264
Jennifer O’Connor 343
Dwight Holton 348
Patsy Thomasson 420
Jeff Eller 697
Woof woof.
The Iraq war is a socialistic program for corporations.
re 34: Name your source.
For the record:
Jane Balogh’s Big Brown Beaver says:
re 27: We need to tax all those paper profits.
Hey, if we can tax all democrat held pesions at 100%… let’s do it. Woof woof.
Marc Rich and Scooter Libby: A Bad Comparison
Let us put to rest any comparison of the commutation of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby’s sentence and the pardon that Marc Rich received from President Bill Clinton.
They are in no way comparable.
By the degree of the individual’s guilt and traitorous behavior, Libby’s sentence-commutation by George W. Bush could be more aptly compared to GWB’s father’s pardon of Oliver North. North could have implicated the elder Bush in the illegal arms for hostages deal, which funded the subsequent murder of hundreds of thousands of Central American peasants, at the hands of the Reagan/Bush administration. Similarly, Libby could implicate the current underdstandably secretive holders of the offices of president and vice-president, of covering up the deliberate outing of a covert CIA operative.
Bill Clinton, in his autobiography, My Life, on pp. 940-941 has this to say about his own last-minute pardon of Marc Rich:
“The most controversial pardons went to Marc Rich and his partner, Pincus Green. Rich, a wealthy businessman, had left the United States for Switzerland shortly before he was indicted on tax and other charges for allegedly falsely reporting the price of certain oil transactions to minimize his tax liability. There were several such cases in the 1980s, when some oil was under price controls and some was not, inviting the dishonest to underestimate their income or to overcharge their customers. During that time, several people and companies were charged with violating the law, but the individuals were usually charged with a civil offense. It was extremely rare for tax charges to be prosecuted under the racketeering statutes, as Rich and Green were, and after they were charged, the Justice Department ordered U.S. attorneys to stop doing it. After he was indicted, Rich stayed overseas, mostly in Israel and Switzerland.
The government had allowed Rich’s business to continue to operate after he agreed to pay $200 million in fines, more than four times the $48 million in taxes the government claimed he had evaded. Professor Marty Ginsberg, a tax expert and husband of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and Harvard law professor Bernard Wolfman had reviewed the transactions in question and concluded that Rich’s companies were right in their tax computations, which meant that Rich himself had not owed any taxes on these transactions.”
I call bullshit on Republicans for using the Marc Rich pardon as an example that is in any way comparable to the commutation of Scooter Libby’s richly deserved sentence. Incidentally, one of Rich’s former lawyers was the ubiquitous Scooter Libby.
re 33: You mean they had enough respect for this country to show up and testify?
George W. Bush is a madman — and you support him — chump!
re 37: You stay away from my “pesion” you Republican morally stunted freak!
re 33: You mean they had enough respect for this country to show up and testify?
George W. Bush is a madman — and you support him — chump!
Yeah, that they didnt remember. woof woof. Hell, I dont remember when I became a voter in King county, but I have an excuse, I AM A FREAKIN DOG.
re 37: “Democrat/Democratic” call me what you will. But ya doesn’t have to call me JOHNSON!!
re 37: You stay away from my “pesion” you Republican morally stunted freak!
07/12/2007 at 10:35 pm
Said like a true donk. Stay away from my money, let’s reach into yours instead. woof woof.
re 41: You still have not named your source. Because you made it all up.
37. I can’t agree with you more. Let’s tax all democrat held pensions at 100% and give it all to our favorite causes. I think that is a splendid idea!
Greetings from Baqubah,
Another quiet day has unfolded here. Tonight, Thursday 12 June, I will do a live radio interview with Hugh Hewitt at 7PM EST.
Also, a new dispatch is published: Al Qaeda on the Run
Very Respectfully,
By the way Roger is the Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for the Socialist Democrats Party today just like Paul Joseph Goebbels was in Hitler Germany. His Nazi friends taught him the trade when he visited them in jail.
re41: WE are unrelentingly destroying your political party. 28%!!!! You can’t win shit with 28%!!
All the young people coming-up think this administration blew up the twin towers.
Letting this country fall into chaos is just what the Bushistas want. We will stand strong and wrest this country away from the corpses.
re 46: You mean al Qaida is running around all over Pakistan because numbnuts “W” dropped the ball and attacked Iraq.
“It’s important to fight al Qaida in Iraq, because they are not there!” GWB
Osama bin Laden is like some delinquent that the Bush’s paid to break all the windows in the neighborhood, so they could come in the next day and fix all the windows.
Think about it.
klake is a nazi…
“In a statement released Thursday, Operation Save America President Rev. Flip Benham praised the three protesters. “Not one Senator had the backbone to stand as our Founding Fathers stood. They stood on the Gospel of Jesus Christ!””
The fuck they did.
“But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.”
-Thomas Jefferson
“I have recently been examining all the known superstitions of the world, and do not find in our particular superstition [Christianity] one redeeming feature. They are all alike, founded upon fables and mythologies.”
-Thomas Jefferson
Is the appointment of Chaplains to the two Houses of Congress consistent with the Constitution, and with the pure principle of religious freedom? In strictness the answer on both points must be in the negative. The Constitution of the U.S. forbids everything like an establishment of a national religion.
– James Madison
“Thirteen governments [states & former colonies] thus founded on the natural authority of the people alone, without a pretense of miracle or mystery…are a great point gained in favor of the rights of mankind.”
– John Adams
As to Jesus of Nazareth, […] I have…some Doubts as to his Divinity. […] I see no harm, however, in its being believed […] I do not perceive, that the Supreme takes it amiss, by distinguishing the Unbelievers…with any peculiar Marks of his Displeasure….”
– Benjamin Franklin
(And some bonus quotes)
My earlier views of the unsoundness of the Christian scheme of salvation and the human origin of the scriptures, have become clearer and stronger with advancing years and I see no reason for thinking I shall ever change them.”
– Abraham Lincoln
“To discriminate against a thoroughly upright citizen because he belongs to some particular church, or because, like Abraham Lincoln, he has not avowed his allegiance to any church, is an outrage against that liberty of conscience which is one of the foundations of American life.”
– Theodore Roosevelt
I agree with James Madison that the Senate shouldn’t be opening with prayers at all, but Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and other religions have every bit as much right to be included. The Christian Taliban needs to accept the fact that this is not a Christian nation. As it was not in the beginning, isn’t now, and forever shall not be. Douchebags.
re 41: You still have not named your source. Because you made it all up.
Number of times that Clinton figures who testified in court or before Congress….
The source is right there, the congressional record and the USDOJ. Look it up you lazy ass. Geeeeesh.
Man it’s hot!!! Don’t get me wrong, I am all for the fight on global warming, as long as it is on a “volunteer” basis and you donks do all the fighting. The soldiers who are in Iraq are all volunteer. We republicans can sit back and laugh while patting each other on the back on how patriotic we are by dissenting. Ok when do we start? Woof woof
Criticizing Tacoma is farily stupid. It’s actually a helluva lot nicer than you think. We don’t live on top of each other as Seattlites do, the traffice is pretty much OK, except on I-5, the place doesn’t smell like a paper factory, and there’s not that many loony-tunes in government.
Making snarky comments about Tacoma is kind of childish and presupposes delusions of granduer on your part.
re 52: I’d like to see a chickenhawk like yourself make that comment to a returning vet who is still in one piece.
My guess is, you’d be too chickenshit.
As passionate a dog lover as I am, I see clearly that Jane’s dog is clearly too far gone and needs to be euthanised. Of course, had we simply euthanised Jane in time, we might have saved the dog…..
On reflection, my last post seems too harsh. The dog is clearly still much smarter than Jane.
“Christian Taliban”? “Discrimination”? At what point did the exercise of one’s Constitutional right to be a wingnutta become discriminatory and jihadist?
Three Christians or “Christians” yelled. Isn’t dissent patriotic? Nobody was stoned to death, beheaded, or stuffed into a Koranic hamburger shredder. Nobody’s rights were infringed except, perhaps, the rights of the shouters.
Yeah, right. That’s a real mystery.
Except that YOU didn’t look it all up, did you? What was asked was that you reveal where you stole that material from (unattributed). So give it up, thief.
57 kk
Anyone shouting anything in the Senate chamber would be removed. So no one’s rights were inrfringed. In fact, these idiots got MUCH more press that they were entitled to.
As far as that goes, no one in the Senate that day was shot to death driving toward a checkpoint, beaten to death at Gitmo, blown up by an F-16, or raped and killed by an American solder. Pretty good day.
Crap. Apparently everyone eats dinner in lockstep around here.
My subliminable (copyright GWB) context for protest-is-patriotic was Mother Sheehan. Wasn’t she hauled out of the gallery or rotunda, hollering about her Constitutional right to holler? Isn’t the parallel or analogy, to religious ranters in the gallery, kissing close?