Regardless, polls can go up and down, and should never be considered set in granite. That, and November is a long ways off. Peppermint Patty’s tennis shoes are dirty and worn, and it’s certain she’ll do something dumb to further prove her Forrest Gump-like intelligence long before that. On a side note, history has shown that Little Lord Obama and his big-headed endorsements seem to have opposite of the desired effect of getting the D’s elected. LOL!
Enjoy Mommy’s plane tickets Goldy, and try not to soil your panties on the beach. No one wants to see that. :)
So Murray is such a bad Senator that you guys couldn’t find anyone better than multiloser Dino Rossi to run against her. Great Job!
Dino Rossi will see the Senate when he buys his own airplane ticket and gets a gallery pass. Assuming, of course, that they have a section for Three Time Losers.
With Didier and Akers both saying that Rossi and Murray are two peas in a pod, I’m wondering if the Tea Party folks are going to swing over to Rossi very much after the primary.
In the meantime, it looks like Harry Reid has a four-point lead in Nevada among likely voters. He has a much larger lead among registered voters as a whole, it seems the Democrats are going to have to work hard on turnout this time around. The prospect of turning the keys back over to the Republicans, with the Tea Party people in charge of the Republican Party, should be enough to do it.
The Riddle of Steelspews:
the tea party people are in the charge of the republican party now? HAHAHAHHAHAHHA
damn, earlier in the day someone posted that the tea party was controled by the republican party…
sure wish you progressives would make up your mind on who controls who in your made-up fantasy world.
Chris Vancespews:
Murray and Rossi have the same problem: most voters have made up their minds and neither can get above 50%. This could come down to turnout. If it does, advantage Rossi because Rs are much more motivated than Ds this year.
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschlochspews:
Zotz sez: Take a good look at a “ruddy faced fascist” — aka Teahadist. He gets in some of the same good licks on Rossi and Wall Streeters that were covered in Patty’s “Best Friends ad. Unfortunately, Clit couldn’t manage to keep his eyes on the camera and had to read “his” words from the script on the table in front of him. Teh Crazy is strong with this one…
Zotz sez: Puddybud is just another word for arschlochspews:
Well, Mr. Vance, I predict the crazy you R establishment types have apparently embraced is going to be all the inducement for turnout the Ds need.
We are fortunate indeed to have you and yours for opponents.
Here’s a little hint of what’s coming from displaced conservative R incumbent, Rep Bob Inglis (R-SC):
With Boehner and others chasing after the tea party, he says, “that’s going to be the dog that catches the car.”
# 5: The Tea Party “movement” received some original financing from traditional Republican interests, who thought they could be usefull minions to support their return to power. But they have proven to be a rather independent lot, and have kicked out a number of Republicans in the primaries. Now no Republican candidate can hope to get the nomination without pandering to them – Rossi had to sign off on their demands, even though he won’t get their vote in the primary.
Honestly, how does it feel to be a cheerleader for a party whose hopes of victory depend on the other side not showing up?
Personally, with state voting by mail, and so many controversial initiatives on the ballot, I’m not really that concerned about turnout. And while I admit the liberal wing of the Dems isn’t all that enthused right now, I fail to see Rossi generating any excitement either.
I expect this to be a nasty campaign on both sides, as it should be, but given the current context I still have trouble seeing how Rossi climbs past 50 percent.
Vance @ 6: If Murray really is at 49%, with 5% undecided, as Mark1 says in post # 1, then all Murray has to do is persuade one in five undecideds to vote for her. In contrast, Rossi has to persuade virtually ALL the undecideds to vote for him.
Last time around the talking heads and the pollsters predicted Murray would have a tough race against George Nethercutt, the result: Murray by 12%. The same thing with Cantwell “Ooo… Mike! might take it” the result: 56.9% Cantwell, Mike 39.9%.
Murray could lose a race, but it isn’t going to happen against someone with little credibility, who’s barely even running a campaign, who can’t win big outside of the Puget Sound Basin, has little cash in the bank, and little (if any) support from the right side of the WSRP.
10: Agreed. It’s hers to lose, and only if she makes a big mistake. But she’s a suprisingly adept politician, I haven’t seen her make that kind of mistake in the past.
By the way, what’s Rossi’s position on Boeing moving jobs out of Washington State? Will he back Boeing workers, or back the anti-union crowd? I expect him to try to duck that issue, or offer a rather vapid reply to the effect that “We all hope Boeing continues to make airplanes in Washington State”, or something similarly non-commital.
Republican’s need to win big outside of the Puget Sound Basin in order to win a state wide race and they’re not going to be able to do that against Murray.
Sorry, was anyone actually talking about any real chance that voters outside of the Seattle Metro area might actually receive representation in Congress? That would go against decades of tradition on Washington politics!
@15 Whine away. When the best you can come up with is the sleazy Dino Rossi or the anger-managment challenged Clint Didier, it’s your own damned fault for losing.
You don’t win elections by 12% without supporters outside of the Puget Sound Basin. Last time around Murray was running against Spokane’s home town boy and still managed to pull in 95K votes in Spokane County. This time around Spokane’s mayor, the majority of it’s city council and Spokane’s County Commish are members of the left. Sorry, but we’re everywhere.
“The longshore union is telling us its members have already worked more through the end of May than they worked in all of 2009,” said Port of Grays Harbor executive director Gary Nelson.
Credit new niche businesses in soybean meal and auto exports for that volume increase.
The log business, which died off when Weyerhaeuser Co. closed its log export facility in Grays Harbor County two years ago, is reviving as new companies are exporting logs to China and Korea, said Nelson.
The port is seeking bids to build new rail infrastructure on its property to handle increasing volumes of grain and auto exports, Nelson said.
About $4 million of the cost of that new infrastructure appears to be assured. Sen. Patty Murray has inserted an appropriation for $2 million into a bill now being considered by Congress, and the Washington Economic Revitalization Board has promised a $2 million, no-interest loan.
Chris Vancespews:
Goldy @ #10:
I spent five years being a cheerleader. Now I am an objective analyst!
And speaking objectively, incumbents who poll below 50% usually lose. Especially in midterm elections when their Party controls the White House.
Three months to go.
We’ve seen this story before with Patty and she’s gone on to win by comfortable margins. If you guys had a candidate that people were fired up about and that could pull off a tie in Pierce County and big wins in Clark and Spokane Counties I’d be worried, but you don’t and I’m not.
Re 17
“Sorry, but we’re everywhere.”
Think I saw a horror movie like that once. Nightmares for weeks.
LOL… Good one.
proud leftistspews:
A Republican with a sense of humor? Man, you’re headed for the Endangered Species List.
@23 Hey, PL, did you see where the Golden Goat Award has gone Big-Time?
No, you haven’t seen this with Patty before. She wasn’t on the ballot in 1994.
Patty Murray is a good politician. But she has also had the good fortune to be on the ballot with the wind at her back. Not this year.
proud leftistspews:
Steve @ 24,
No, I didn’t see that. I was down in Wyoming and Montana the last few days (don’t turn on the AM dial east of North Bend if you are a rational person). I am humbled. With the Goat going big-time, I feel like a parent blushing at a child’s being named “Student of the Year,” or some such thing. I do think Mark1 should be in the running for his longterm contributions to wingnut nonsense. lost–like Rabbit suggests–also deserves some consideration because he is smart enough to know better. Lee, if we have a winner, can I write him (we know it will be a him) up?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cigaret smoke got 38%, which is 5% more than Rossi.
No, you haven’t seen this with Patty before. She wasn’t on the ballot in 1994.
LOL… It sure isn’t 1994! Just for starters The GOP doesn’t have a unified voice or any cash*, Spokane and Clark counties are more urban and more liberal than the were then, and Clark county needs a new bridge over the Columbia and Murray’s said she’ll deliver it!
*1994 was the culmination of a multi-year, coordinated campaign, that was really expense. Right now the GOP is flat broke and pulling its self apart.
The GOP can win state wide elections, but it isn’t going to happen this time around. That Dino’s barely running doesn’t help much either.
Just for background:
I voted for Bill Sehmel (R) for Pierce County Council in our current primary and voted for Terry Lee and Sam Reed a couple of times. I’m not some flaming liberal that would never vote Republican.
But this isn’t 1994. And it doesn’t help Rossi that his favorable rating, after two previous statewide runs, is worse than Murray’s.
I still say this is more of an anti-incumbent year than an anti-Democratic year… and Rossi is nearly as much of an incumbent as Murray.
Chris Vancespews:
Goldy @ #31:
Obama’s approval rating now is worse than Clinton’s 1994 approval rating, and the Rs have a larger lead in the generic ballot now than they had in the Summer of 1994.
So, in 1994, WA flipped from 8-1 D to 7-2 R, while your side took both houses of the Legislature. Are you suggesting 2010 will be anything like that?
Because if so, I’ve got a deep bore tunnel to sell you.
Chris Vancespews:
Goldy @33:
Yes, I am suggesting a similar result is possible. That is what the DATA is telling us is possible. The primary will give us much more data to look at.
(One difference: in 1994 we had strong congressional candidates in every district. This year we don’t have strong candidates in the 1st and 9th, so I don’t think those districts are in play,)
Of course you left ALL the info. listed on this “poll”…..
Patty Murray (D-inc): 47
Dino Rossi (R): 33
Clint Didier (R): 10
Paul Akers (R): 4
Undecided: 6
Patty Murray (D-inc): 49
Dino Rossi (R): 46
Undecided: 5
Patty Murray (D-inc): 50
Clint Didier (R): 39
Undecided: 12
Last time I posted this, whiny Goldy had no comment:
Regardless, polls can go up and down, and should never be considered set in granite. That, and November is a long ways off. Peppermint Patty’s tennis shoes are dirty and worn, and it’s certain she’ll do something dumb to further prove her Forrest Gump-like intelligence long before that. On a side note, history has shown that Little Lord Obama and his big-headed endorsements seem to have opposite of the desired effect of getting the D’s elected. LOL!
Enjoy Mommy’s plane tickets Goldy, and try not to soil your panties on the beach. No one wants to see that. :)
re 1 —
What happened to Didier and Akers?
So Murray is such a bad Senator that you guys couldn’t find anyone better than multiloser Dino Rossi to run against her. Great Job!
Dino Rossi will see the Senate when he buys his own airplane ticket and gets a gallery pass. Assuming, of course, that they have a section for Three Time Losers.
With Didier and Akers both saying that Rossi and Murray are two peas in a pod, I’m wondering if the Tea Party folks are going to swing over to Rossi very much after the primary.
In the meantime, it looks like Harry Reid has a four-point lead in Nevada among likely voters. He has a much larger lead among registered voters as a whole, it seems the Democrats are going to have to work hard on turnout this time around. The prospect of turning the keys back over to the Republicans, with the Tea Party people in charge of the Republican Party, should be enough to do it.
the tea party people are in the charge of the republican party now? HAHAHAHHAHAHHA
damn, earlier in the day someone posted that the tea party was controled by the republican party…
sure wish you progressives would make up your mind on who controls who in your made-up fantasy world.
Murray and Rossi have the same problem: most voters have made up their minds and neither can get above 50%. This could come down to turnout. If it does, advantage Rossi because Rs are much more motivated than Ds this year.
Clit Didler, in his “own” words on FinReg:
Zotz sez: Take a good look at a “ruddy faced fascist” — aka Teahadist. He gets in some of the same good licks on Rossi and Wall Streeters that were covered in Patty’s “Best Friends ad. Unfortunately, Clit couldn’t manage to keep his eyes on the camera and had to read “his” words from the script on the table in front of him. Teh Crazy is strong with this one…
Well, Mr. Vance, I predict the crazy you R establishment types have apparently embraced is going to be all the inducement for turnout the Ds need.
We are fortunate indeed to have you and yours for opponents.
Here’s a little hint of what’s coming from displaced conservative R incumbent, Rep Bob Inglis (R-SC):
# 5: The Tea Party “movement” received some original financing from traditional Republican interests, who thought they could be usefull minions to support their return to power. But they have proven to be a rather independent lot, and have kicked out a number of Republicans in the primaries. Now no Republican candidate can hope to get the nomination without pandering to them – Rossi had to sign off on their demands, even though he won’t get their vote in the primary.
Chris @6,
Honestly, how does it feel to be a cheerleader for a party whose hopes of victory depend on the other side not showing up?
Personally, with state voting by mail, and so many controversial initiatives on the ballot, I’m not really that concerned about turnout. And while I admit the liberal wing of the Dems isn’t all that enthused right now, I fail to see Rossi generating any excitement either.
I expect this to be a nasty campaign on both sides, as it should be, but given the current context I still have trouble seeing how Rossi climbs past 50 percent.
Vance @ 6: If Murray really is at 49%, with 5% undecided, as Mark1 says in post # 1, then all Murray has to do is persuade one in five undecideds to vote for her. In contrast, Rossi has to persuade virtually ALL the undecideds to vote for him.
Last time around the talking heads and the pollsters predicted Murray would have a tough race against George Nethercutt, the result: Murray by 12%. The same thing with Cantwell “Ooo… Mike! might take it” the result: 56.9% Cantwell, Mike 39.9%.
Murray could lose a race, but it isn’t going to happen against someone with little credibility, who’s barely even running a campaign, who can’t win big outside of the Puget Sound Basin, has little cash in the bank, and little (if any) support from the right side of the WSRP.
10: Agreed. It’s hers to lose, and only if she makes a big mistake. But she’s a suprisingly adept politician, I haven’t seen her make that kind of mistake in the past.
By the way, what’s Rossi’s position on Boeing moving jobs out of Washington State? Will he back Boeing workers, or back the anti-union crowd? I expect him to try to duck that issue, or offer a rather vapid reply to the effect that “We all hope Boeing continues to make airplanes in Washington State”, or something similarly non-commital.
Murray’s name is showing up in newspaper stories reporting good news from all over the state, like this one from Grays Harbor.
Republican’s need to win big outside of the Puget Sound Basin in order to win a state wide race and they’re not going to be able to do that against Murray.
Sorry, was anyone actually talking about any real chance that voters outside of the Seattle Metro area might actually receive representation in Congress? That would go against decades of tradition on Washington politics!
@15 Whine away. When the best you can come up with is the sleazy Dino Rossi or the anger-managment challenged Clint Didier, it’s your own damned fault for losing.
You don’t win elections by 12% without supporters outside of the Puget Sound Basin. Last time around Murray was running against Spokane’s home town boy and still managed to pull in 95K votes in Spokane County. This time around Spokane’s mayor, the majority of it’s city council and Spokane’s County Commish are members of the left. Sorry, but we’re everywhere.
What was that, that Lost was saying?
Goldy @ #10:
I spent five years being a cheerleader. Now I am an objective analyst!
And speaking objectively, incumbents who poll below 50% usually lose. Especially in midterm elections when their Party controls the White House.
Three months to go.
We’ve seen this story before with Patty and she’s gone on to win by comfortable margins. If you guys had a candidate that people were fired up about and that could pull off a tie in Pierce County and big wins in Clark and Spokane Counties I’d be worried, but you don’t and I’m not.
Re 17
“Sorry, but we’re everywhere.”
Think I saw a horror movie like that once. Nightmares for weeks.
LOL… Good one.
A Republican with a sense of humor? Man, you’re headed for the Endangered Species List.
@23 Hey, PL, did you see where the Golden Goat Award has gone Big-Time?
Michael @ #20:
No, you haven’t seen this with Patty before. She wasn’t on the ballot in 1994.
Patty Murray is a good politician. But she has also had the good fortune to be on the ballot with the wind at her back. Not this year.
Steve @ 24,
No, I didn’t see that. I was down in Wyoming and Montana the last few days (don’t turn on the AM dial east of North Bend if you are a rational person). I am humbled. With the Goat going big-time, I feel like a parent blushing at a child’s being named “Student of the Year,” or some such thing. I do think Mark1 should be in the running for his longterm contributions to wingnut nonsense. lost–like Rabbit suggests–also deserves some consideration because he is smart enough to know better. Lee, if we have a winner, can I write him (we know it will be a him) up?
Cigaret smoke got 38%, which is 5% more than Rossi.
LOL… It sure isn’t 1994! Just for starters The GOP doesn’t have a unified voice or any cash*, Spokane and Clark counties are more urban and more liberal than the were then, and Clark county needs a new bridge over the Columbia and Murray’s said she’ll deliver it!
*1994 was the culmination of a multi-year, coordinated campaign, that was really expense. Right now the GOP is flat broke and pulling its self apart.
The GOP can win state wide elections, but it isn’t going to happen this time around. That Dino’s barely running doesn’t help much either.
Just for background:
I voted for Bill Sehmel (R) for Pierce County Council in our current primary and voted for Terry Lee and Sam Reed a couple of times. I’m not some flaming liberal that would never vote Republican.
Chris Vance @25,
But this isn’t 1994. And it doesn’t help Rossi that his favorable rating, after two previous statewide runs, is worse than Murray’s.
I still say this is more of an anti-incumbent year than an anti-Democratic year… and Rossi is nearly as much of an incumbent as Murray.
Goldy @ #31:
Obama’s approval rating now is worse than Clinton’s 1994 approval rating, and the Rs have a larger lead in the generic ballot now than they had in the Summer of 1994.
Right now it does appear to be 1994 redux.
Three months to go. Lots can happen.
Chris Vance @32,
So, in 1994, WA flipped from 8-1 D to 7-2 R, while your side took both houses of the Legislature. Are you suggesting 2010 will be anything like that?
Because if so, I’ve got a deep bore tunnel to sell you.
Goldy @33:
Yes, I am suggesting a similar result is possible. That is what the DATA is telling us is possible. The primary will give us much more data to look at.
(One difference: in 1994 we had strong congressional candidates in every district. This year we don’t have strong candidates in the 1st and 9th, so I don’t think those districts are in play,)
LOL… Chris Vance has jumped the shark!