Hey… why’d they feed Slog the scoop? Oh, never mind, for the point is Darcy Burner has some poll numbers and it doesn’t look so good for Dave Reichert.
Reichert’s job performance rating stands at a paltry 39 percent, while his reelect numbers have wobbled down to 33 percent. And he does even worse with independents.
And if you Reichert supporters want to comfort yourselves by dismissing this as the distortion of a Democratic pollster, have at it, but you won’t be in very good company. A few weeks ago a local GOP insider confided that he’d be surprised if Reichert’s reelects were much above the mid-thirties, and Burner’s poll merely confirms his intuition.
One thing you’ll notice missing from the polling information posted on Slog is the result of a direct head-to-head. I suspect that would likely show Reichert with a lead, but it’s too early in the campaign for such a comparison to be meaningful. Burner has dramatically raised her name ID from 18 percent to 46 percent without the benefit of any paid media, but that’s still too low to get a solid read on where she stands with voters compared to Reichert.
So all in all this is good news for Burner, if not surprising. Reichert is vulnerable and Burner is surging. The 8th Congressional District is in play.
Why are Reichert’s numbers sagging, while Burner soars? It’s obvious! Burner hugged a rabbit, but Reichert doesn’t even have a plan to hug a fucking rabbit!
1 – EEEWWWWW gross, pardon me while I puke
Who is paying for Bush’s trip, including security? If this is afundraiser, shouldn’t the Reichert campaign and the Republicans pick up the tab.
Or is this another one of those stick it to the taxpayer’s deal?
Who is paying for Bush’s trip, including security?
Just a privilege of the office. When the Dems win the White House, they’ll partake as well.
Here’s an interesting item: Jerome Corsi, co-author of “Unfit for Command,” the book that deceived a signification percentage of the electorate with savage lies about John Kerry’s military service, is the author of another book called “Black Gold Stranglehold” and a leading shill for the “abiotic theory of oil.”
“Abiotic theory,” in a nutshell, argues that oil is created from nonorganic mineral elements deep in the earth’s crust and seeps upward to refill oil reservoirs. In other words, oil is a renewable resource that will last forever. This crackpot idea originated with a Russian geologist and is embraced in the U.S. by nobody except wingnuts.
How does this connect Corsi to Big Oil? As journalist Paula Hay explained,
“If millions of people got the picture that Peak Oil is imminent, they would surely begin to … powerdown … (i)t would be a classic market response to new information. Big Oil cannot allow this to happen if it intends to keep its profits sky-high. If people believe that oil is abundant forever; that they are being screwed by Big Oil; and that the government will step in any moment to save them, they have no incentive to powerdown.
“Abiotic oil propaganda, coupled with finger-pointing at the oil industry, is a perfect ruse to ensure people don’t start powering down. Peak Oil is not the oil industry’s propaganda. Abiotic oil is the oil industry’s propaganda.”
In other words, Hay argues, Big Oil itself is fomenting the “Big Oil conspiracy theories” and promoting the idea there’s plenty of oil and market manipulation is all that’s keeping prices high — in order to keep sales up. Hay goes on,
“Interestingly enough, five of the seven policy recommendations made by outspoken abiotic oil advocate Jerome Corsi in his book ‘Black Gold Stranglehold’ sound like taxpayer funded giveaways to Big Oil:
“1. Promote scientific research to investigate alternative theories.
“2. Expedite leases offshore and in Alaska to encourage oil exploration. (Who benefits from this?)
“3. Provide tax credits for deep-drilling oil exploration. (Who benefits from this?)
“4. Create an oil research institute to serve as a clearinghouse of oil industry information. (Who benefits?)
“5. Develop a public broadcasting television series devoted to the oil industry. (Who benefits from this?)
“6. Reestablish a gold-backed international trade dollar.
“7. Establish tax incentives for opening new refineries in the U.S. (Who benefits from this?)
“With the exception of numbers one & six, Corsi’s policy recommendations read as though they came from an oil-industry wishlist. That Corsi would so vigorously advocate tax breaks for the oil industry should come as little surprise: in 2004, he coauthored the ‘Swift Boat Veterans for Truth’ attack book that many believe helped the tax cut-obsessed and oil industry-backed Bush administration stay in office.”
Cool. Looks like the folks in the 8th district are finally realizing that they sent Officer Barbrady to Congress.
“Who is paying for Bush’s trip, including security? Just a privilege of the office. When the Dems win the White House, they’ll partake as well.” Commentby For the Clueless— 6/15/06@ 3:20 pm
I believe you’re mistake. I think federal law requires them to reimburse the government for campaign trips. Of course, they’ll game it by scheduling Bush to participate in some ostensible (but trivial) “governmental” activity — so they can put the whole cost of the trip on the taxpayers’ tab.
As for your allegation that Democrats do the same thing — NOT. There is a great difference between the willingness of the Democrats to comply with “good government” laws, and the energy Republicans expend to get around such laws. Republicans and Democrats have fundamentally different philosophies about government and public funds. Democrats believe governmental power and resources are given to them in trust to be used for the public benefit; Republicans think of government authority and monies as perks they’re entitled to use for their private enrichment.
Read it and weep, trollfucks:
“Bush’s job performance rating has plummeted to 26% (good or excellent) versus 73% (just fair or poor) with a majority (53%) rating his job performance as poor.”
(From the first link in Goldy’s article.)
“Reichert’s own job performance rating is just 39% (good or excellent versus 43% just fair or poor), for a net negative job performance rating (-4%).
“The Republican-controlled Congress has even worse ratings in the district (21% good/excellent, 75% just fair/poor). Together, these low ratings foreshadow a strong desire for change among Washington 8th’s voters.”
I’ll sleep better when I know my congresscritter is not aiding and abetting this crime-committing, constitution-eviscerating, polluting and colluding corporate kissup administration. Time to get rid of rubber-stamp Reichert and hold these criminal Republicans accountable!
Here’s another difference between liberals like me, and neocons like Ann Coulter: Coulter says liberals should be put in “concentration camps” and “executed.” But I haven’t said that Coulter should be put in a concentration camp or executed.
I think she should be put in a zoo and studied.
5 Why don’t you start your own blog and quit filling up comments here with your off topic crap
Those are figures for Washington State and not nationally, I think. Still, for Darcy, the hits just keep on comin’.
I received recently yet another four-color, effusive political-advertisement-abuse-of-franking-privilege from O’l Sheriff Dave. Honestly, does anyone watch over what our representatives do with this?
“Bush’s job performance rating has plummeted to 26% (good or excellent) versus 73% (just fair or poor) with a majority (53%) rating his job performance as poor.”
(From the first link in Goldy’s article.)
The current Survey USA poll, released on June 13, 2006 for Bush’s approval in Washington can be found here:
Statewide, 38% approve of Bush and 60% disapprove. The same percentages apply to Metro Seattle — 38% approve and 60% disapprove.
The 8th district contains the most Republican-leaning (or least Democrat-leaning) portions of Metro Seattle. So Bush’s approval, if anything, should be higher than 38% in the 8th district.
So if Burner’s alleged poll shows Bush having only 26% approval in the 8th district, something is SERIOUSLY WRONG with either the poll or the voters that they are sampling.
The remaining conclusions of Burner’s alleged poll should similarly be taken with a grain of salt, and are actually pretty good for Reichert, considering the other biases against polling GOP voters shown in her poll.
I thought Bill Clinton did too much of that “fly off, speak for ten minutes at a federal facility, then fund raise for two days.” But Bush has dwarfed Bill Clinton’s wildest dreams of political abuse of executive perks.
I haven’t said that Roger Rabbit should be put in a concentration camp or executed.
I think he should be put in Rabbit Meadows Sanctuary and castrated.
A Stranger article from March 2006 says “a recent Democratic poll of the 8th District showing support for Reichert at just 39 percent (the same as Bush’s anemic national approval rating in a recent poll by Fox News)”
Seems like an assumption that Bush’s numbers “should be higher” than that would be….well, wrong. RP, you’ve done it again.
This is how bad it has gotten for Pope and the other liars on the right. They want to argue that because Bush did better in a national poll, the local poll is not valid. Despite the fact that argument is plain old stupid on its face, let’s look at the flip side. Dicky Pope is reduced to saying a sub 40 approval rating for the draft dodging chickenhawk Bush is GOOD news?????
Talk about a classic case of “pretzel logic”!
So it’s bad news for Reichert because more people know who Darcy Burner is?
Hey Janet S looks like your campaign to tell Washington a woman’s place is in the home isn’t working. Better crank it up a notch!
Here’s the plan. First, the Democrats are going to kick Reichert’s ass. After that, they are going to kick the Republican party’s ass. And finally they will kick bin Laden’s ass. We didn’t create this hard core political environment, the Republicans did. Now somebody has to clean up all these messes.
I challenge Darcy Burner to reveal exactly who took her alleged opinion poll and to provide all the relevant responses — in the same manner that reputable polls such as Gallup, SurveyUSA, Rasmussen, or Fox do.
As I said before, when Darcy Burner shows 26% approval for Bush in the 8th district, while Survey USA shows 38% approval for Bush in Metro Seattle (which is more Democrat-leaning than the 8th district), something has to be wrong with one of the polls.
Keep hanging on to that straw Dickey. Perhaps you should just stick your head in the sand now and get it over with. That way when Sheriff Davie gets booted from Congress for being a Bush brown noser, you can pretend it didn’t happen and that the poll was flawed.
Ross couldn’t do it, and you think Braburner can? Dream on.
How many of you lefty Democrats are attending the Darcy Burner campaign rally tomorrow (Friday June 16, 2006) at 11:15 a.m. in Westlake Center in Seattle?
You should read the article Richard. The poll was done by Lake Research Partners. Now you can find some pretext to attack the polling company. If the questions asked were slightly different: “Do you support Bush?” versus “Do you approve of Bush’s job performance?”, that could account for some discrepancy. Either way, all we can say today, less than 5 months out, is that it appears the 8th District is in play.
How many of you Taliban loving republicans are attending the Sheriff Davie sucks Bush’s dick rally?
D Huygens >”…rubber-stamp Reichert…”
Oh yea, I smell a campaign slogan
Tag him with it every appearance & every article; “Rubber Stamp Reichert believes…”, “Rubber Stamp Reichert says…, “Rubber Stamp Reichert thinks…” etc, etc, etc
Rubber Stamp Republicans gotta go !
“…We don’t have news, we have stories inspired by current events…” – Stirling Newberry
So much anger on the left! It is really quite persuasive, so keep it up. I hope the die-in gets on the news.
BTW, darcy seems to imply that since her brother is in Iraq that we should vote for her. There is no word what exactly his views are, as is appropriate. But she implies that he agrees with her by using him as a prop in her campaign. This is exactly what Ann Coulter is arguing – you can’t disagree with her because then it looks like you are disrespecting her brother. Of course, having a brother in Iraq is no more a qualification for congress than working for three years at a software company.
Wow — the incumbent Republican Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, would receive only 38% of the vote if the election were held today.
However, the Democrat challenger Chris Bell is polling only 14% and would finish dead last in fourth place behind two independent candidates.
As for Lake Research Partners, they are hardly an objective polling company. They ONLY work for Democrats.
Janet tell us of all your relatives fighting in the so-called war on terror. Surely your sons and daughters have gone. In fact, surely all the Republican House and Senate members who say they support this war have sent their kids to fight it….NO?
Richard, the only poll that counts is on the first Tuesday of November — and we’ll find out then, won’t we?
“Dicky Pope is reduced to saying a sub 40 approval rating for the draft dodging chickenhawk Bush is GOOD news?????” Commentby LeftTurn— 6/15/06@ 4:00 pm
That’s the size of it. I’m SOOOOOO glad I’m not Richard Pope. He’s having a bad year.
Shit, Richard is having a bad life.
“Of course, having a brother in Iraq is no more a qualification for congress than” taking 20 years to catch a serial killer.
“As for Lake Research Partners, they are hardly an objective polling company. They ONLY work for Democrats.” Commentby Richard Pope— 6/15/06@ 5:58 pm
So fucking what, Richard? Do you really think the Democrats pay them money for false information because it’s what they want to hear? Gawd your arguments are LAME. No wonder you failed as a lawyer.
I live in the 4th Congressional district. Been working for and donating money to the Richard Wright campaign. Gawd, I wish we here in the 4th could generate the enthusiasm to unseat a Bushbot like you people are doing.
Keep swinging the hammer!
Janet S says: “So much anger on the left! It is really quite persuasive, so keep it up. I hope the die-in gets on the news.”
We’re just following your lead from the Clinton days.
Riechert will win. Any liberal looney’s wanna make a bet?
So did Burner’s poll ask any objective type of questions, such as who the respondent voted for in 2004 for President or Congress? You have to include some questions like that, so you know that you are polling a representative cross-section of the district.
The fact that you take VERY seletive data, from a month old poll taken over 6 days and make a big deal about it is pathetic.
I would suggest that it is a sign of desperation and zero traction for the Burner camp to push this crap. If they had good numbers, they would have relased more than these few questions and done so before the numbers got stale.
House Democrats, determined to make an election-year point about ethics, voted 99-58 Thursday night to strip Rep. William Jefferson of his committee assignment while a federal bribery investigation runs its course. [………………………………………………………………………This is racist and hateful to blacks. I support the BCB’s position on this issue.]
Sounds like we have some very positive news for the Burner campaign (and the poll numbers are great too).
When I heard Bush was coming to the 8th, I couldn’t hardly contain my excitement as a Democrat hoping it can turn Blue this November. Whether the number is 30% or 35%, the fact is the MAJORITY in the District don’t like Dubya all that much and any fly paper activities that Reichert does to connect himself to Bush just ends up helping Darcy. Look at what’s happening right now, you have a Burner Campaign event around Bush coming to support his buddy.
Great news and great momentum. Darcy in ’06!
If you don’t like it, write your complaint here [ ] and send it here ___ or, better yet, go fuck yourself.
“I think he should be put in Rabbit Meadows Sanctuary and castrated.” Commentby Animal Control Officer— 6/15/06@ 3:44 pm
Ask DOCTOR MENGELE, the veterinarian who performs MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS on the PRISONERS at BUNNY MEADOWS CONCENTRATION CAMP, how that worked out the last time you fascist pigs threw me into Rabbit Meadows! And while you’re at it, ask him if they’ve sewed his balls back on yet.
“How many of you Taliban loving republicans are attending the Sheriff Davie sucks Bush’s dick rally?” Commentby LeftTurn— 6/15/06@ 5:01 pm
None of them — it costs $1,000 a nose to get in, and they don’t offer a special rate for Trailer Park Republicans.
“Gawd, I wish we here in the 4th could generate the enthusiasm to unseat a Bushbot like you people are doing.” Commentby skinnyfreak— 6/15/06@ 7:04 pm
Be patient! When Doc Hastings rubberstamps a Bush budget slashing Hanford cleanup funding, and the hardhats lose their jobs, your district will swing too.
“Riechert will win. Any liberal looney’s wanna make a bet?” Commentby PBJ_SAYS— 6/15/06@ 7:20 pm
First, a guy on your side needs to pay a bet he lost. Then we’ll talk.
Attention Republicans — after Bush leaves, could you guys bring Ted Stevens here to campaign for your boy?
Bush already has the worst jobs record of any president since Hoover, losing 2.2 million jobs in his first 3 years. Since the beginning of 2005, the economy has rarely gained 156,000 jobs per month — that’s the “break even” number, i.e. the number of new jobs needed to keep up with population growth and increases in job seekers entering the labor market.
Now, there’s more trouble ahead for Bush on the jobs front. Of all the jobs created since 2001, fully half were generated by the housing boom, which is now slowing significantly. (Although home sales are still strong and prices are still climbing in Seattle, due to Seattle’s strong job growth, the rest of the country is showing significant declines in both overall home sales and new construction starts.) Even worse, housing is expected to slow further as interest rates climb and the “housing affordability index” drops to its worst level in 20 years — i.e., many potential buyers are now priced out of the market.
What this means is the one sector of the economy that has seen strong job growth under the Bush administration is weakening and will create fewer jobs in the months ahead. Unemployment rates will rise, and it is probable that Bush will finish his presidency with a net loss of jobs to show for his 8 years in office.
Of course, Republicans don’t give a damn about workers, and care very little about whether ordinary Americans have jobs, as the historical record shows:
Jobs Records of Presidents
(as percentage of workforce)
Democrat Roosevelt 5.3%
Democrat Johnson 3.8%
Democrat Carter 3.1%
Democrat Truman 2.5%
Democrat Clinton 2.4%
Democrat Kennedy 2.3%
Republican Nixon 2.2%
Republican Reagan 2.1%
Republican Coolidge 1.1%
Republican Ford 1.1%
Republican Eisenhower 0.9%
Republican Bush Sr. 0.6%
Republican Bush Jr. (0.7%)
Republican Hoover (9.0%)
(Data through 2003; source: James Carville, “Had Enough?” (Simon & Schuster, New York, 2003), p. 87.)
Please leave Roger Rabbit alone. He is off his meds and spends all day on blogs. He doesn’t realize when he is off topic because he thinks all blogs are about him.
Roger Rabbit is a old used up uncivil servant who can really speak to failing as a lawyer. What bitter Kool Aid he drinks.
51 – Half? I thought it was more like a third with the other two thirds being government (like homeland security) and health care. Oh well.
To make it even worse, a great deal of the housing labor was illegal and this portion was growing like wildfire which explains all the resentment from Bush voters. They were losing their jobs!
What was Bush’s response? Guest worker program.. Can the “cheap labor conservative” moniker be made any clearer to these Bush voters?
How’s your love life these days, Doc?
For (I am) the Clueless (one). This is his formal name, based upon his Clueless posts.
Jaybo — who do you admire more, Hitler or Trotsky? Just curious.
Neocons are schizo. They can’t figure out whether they want to be commies or fascists.
The socialists have been hitting Reichert with a multitude of automated phone calls, not because REichert is bad, but because the Dem front organizations doing it want…..power. I’ve received many of their dirty-work calls. It’s nothing to do really with Reichert, but everything to do with socialists trying to get power. They never did it against Jennifer Dunn.
Post your phone number and I’ll make sure we call you at 3 a.m.
Have any of you received an email from Mike McGavick? I did and I have no idea of how he or his campaign got my email address. I immediately unsubscribed.But I just cannot imagine where the campaign got the address. I belong to Move-on,but I just dont see them selling the GOP their mailing list.
We are shipping our High-Schooler off to art school for the summer and hope to come drink liberally in the next couple of weeks.
Doesn’t Roger go to LA w/ DEan L.?
And #60, it’s good to know that the Socialsits are hard at work in your district. I was worried that they were just sitting around, drinking coffee, and discussing James Joyce.
Yeah a great role model. Send em off to ArtFag school and getr drunk.
SeattleDan@62 Yeah, we got spammed by that POS McGimmick too. The problem is that if you have no ethics and some money you can buy a CD with literally millions of e-mail addresses.
You send a ‘bot out on to the ‘net and have it harvest them and mail them back home.
They never did it against Jennifer Dunn.
That’s before Dunn bragged about the rethughs stealing the 2000 eleciton
Former Republican Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn of Washington was sticking up for Harris [on Fox News, May 10], whom she described as a friend. Among her talking points was that Harris had done “yeoman’s service for president Bush”* during the 2000 recount. Of course, the official GOP talking point has always been that Harris served no one but the law. “I was just doing my job,” Harris likes to say. Nice to hear someone finally say what we know they’re thinking.
Inobservant@65 As opposed to a whitehouse that hires a male prostitue and gives him unlimited access to service the whitehouse?
I hear your mommy calling. . . .
Send em off to ArtFag school and getr drunk.
WHAT!?! art school is FAGGY?
oh crap, he was accepted to the San Francisco Art Institute.
Please do explain, what verb form is “getr”?
Oh, there was plenty of gnashing of teeth by the sore-loser Republicans! After all their whooping and hollering about “fraud,” it turned out they were just blowing smoke. I’ll bet 90% of those felons casting illegal votes were Republicans. We have a higher percentage of white males in our prisons than other states, and those guys vote Republican (if they vote at all) – all the crooks and thieves are in YOUR party!!!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/15/06@ 9:52 pm
Wow. It sounds like you would be for voter ID. Wait your a donk and you would lose to many illegal/dead/fraudulent votes if that happened. Nevermind. Hehe
Democrats = Voter fraud. Always has, always will.
Well,RUFUS, get your dead relatives registered and voting for the GOP, and you can be part of the process,too.
The 8th District is not ready to elect someone who belongs to a political party that boos when told by one of their own that they should support the troops.
Really? There’s a political party that boos when asked to support our troops? Which one?
Typical neo-con BS. There is a big difference between supporting the mission and supporting our troops,Pal. Anyone tells you different needs to read his Orwell.
Rog @ 37:
So fucking what, Richard? Do you really think the Democrats pay them money for false information because it’s what they want to hear? Gawd your arguments are LAME. No wonder you failed as a lawyer.
Actually, I have to say, having dealt with Richard for a while, I rather enjoy his deal.
He presents things like a halfway decent lawyer. He takes an argument, selects facts that support that argument, and pushes it as far as it will go. Sometimes he pushes it past the edge of reason (i.e. that Seattle schools are the way they are because Seattlites are liberal and hypocritical, rather than that chaotic Seattle has different demographics than nice, planned-out Bellevue), but hey. He sticks largely to facts and is fairly polite, which is more than I can say for most of the righties on this board.
Richard, I will give you a little advice, since you seem to have your eyes set on political office. Quit hating on us liberal Seattlites, OK? We are the majority of the voting population in King County, which is where you’re running. McGavick is running for statewide office and thinks (key word), that he can do so by bashing us. You aren’t, and you can’t.
Try actually coming over and hanging out with my neighbors sometime. Most of them are educated professionals with proper jobs, kids in schools that they are very concerned about, and the usual concerns about providing for their old age, taking care of their health, and saving money for a rainy day. Economically, they range from kind of (much emphasis on the kind of) leftish to downright conservative.
They are to a one sick of the culture war. We live in a big city full of odd people, and if they live by themselves, or with three other consenting adults of mixed genders, with a hundred gods or none, that’s none of our fucking business, and it’s none of yours either. The Republican Party’s insistence on pushing this nonsense is a deal-breaker. The party’s economic policies are not. (although I’d like to have a word with you about those as well)
Try engaging your voting base and you may have a good career ahead of you. Keep bashing liberals and you’ll get a few paragraphs in The Weekly and The Stranger as “perennial crank candidate…”
Which one you want to be is up to you.
But don’t mind me. I’m not running for anything. I’m up in Canada making bank in spite of the 150% marginal tax rate the Canunkian Soviet Socialist Republic is levying on me.
There’s no proof that Pope-A-Dope is a lawyer. There is proof that he’s NOT a conservative. There is proof that he’s NOT truthful. There is proof that he’s NOT a normal human being. But NONE that he’s a lawyer. There is a guy by that name listed as a member of the bar, but there’s no proof it’s our little Dickey.
I challenge Richard Pope to explain why he hasn’t apologized for calling Logan “A LYING SACK OF GARBAGE” in this thread http://www.horsesass.org/wp-trackback.php/1721 after Goldy smacked his disinformation down.
I challenge Janet S to explain why she continually proffers GOP talking points and won’t explain why she supports the Sheriff.
I single you two out among all the trolls here because you’ve occasionally made cogent posts in the past. So save any dignity you may have left and explain your trolling.
Janet S @ 29
So how is what you describe (if it is even being done—you cannot quote anyone saying any such thing) different from Republicans saying that you can’t disagree with them or with the president because then it looks like you are disrespecting “the troops?”
It hardly matters now, though, does it? According to http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITI.....index.html
“…opinion polls show voters increasingly frustrated with the war and favoring Democrats to control Congress instead of the Republicans who now run the show.”
“Doesn’t Roger go to LA w/ DEan L.?” Commentby righton— 6/15/06@ 10:06 pm
No. Why would I? What is the point of your comment? I don’t see one.
What’s wrong with art? Or art school? Not that you have any fucking clue what art is, or what it’s good for. I’m always bemused when wingfucks brag about how ignorant they are.
There’s a time and place to do “yeoman’s service,” but putting party ahead of the law, the Constitution, and country is not the time or place.
Give it up, Dufus. You’re virtually the last troll left on HA who is still trying to peddle the Rossi/Vance bullshit. It’s a lost cause. Move on.
“The 8th District is not ready to elect someone who belongs to a political party that boos when told by one of their own that they should support the troops.” Commentby 8th— 6/16/06@ 12:15 am
Nobody booed the troops, or booed Cantwell for “supporting the troops,” you dumbass liar! You’re either too stupid to understand that we’re for the troops and against the war, or a wilfull liar — probably some of both.
Nobody supports the troops less than Republicans. Who tried to eliminate combat pay? Who refused to pay for body and vehicle armor? Who cut veterans benefits? Who voted hundreds of times against homeland security funding? Who forced soldiers to stay in the service past their enlistments? Who sent too few troops to Iraq to get the job done? Who dragged the armed forces through the mud by ordering, condoning, and involving them in torture? Who sullies the reputation of our military by condoning and covering up atrocities? Republicans.
We love the troops. We want the best for them. We don’t want to see their lives squandered on a lost cause. You’re an unpatriotic America-hating fuck.
Getting elected to political office is the last thing Richard wants. He’s using the Voters Pamphlet to advertise his law practice at taxpayer expense.
And no, a good lawyer does NOT push an argument to the point of absurdity, or use absurd arguments. I’m not saying lawyers don’t do that — there’s lots of bad lawyers.
Yes, Richard is more polite than the other trolls (most of the time), but he is just as far out there as they are. His pretense of presenting a reasoned argument is just that — a pretense. Richard is not a person who starts with facts and reasons his way to a conclusion.
Like all other hard-core ideology-driven right-wingers, he starts with the conclusion he wants, and rationalizes it, inventing facts to bolster the rationalization as necessary. He’s just as inflexible in his thinking and intellectually dishonest in his arguments as they are.
He’s just a little better at cloaking the same methodology in deceptive politeness and multi-syllable words.
Oh, he’s a lawyer, all right. http://pro.wsba.org/PublicView....._ID=765024 Not that it means much, or gives him any status in society. These days being a lawyer is something you hide, not brag about, if you want people to admire you.
Actually, I love the legal profession and being a lawyer, and I think lawyers as a group are getting a bad rap from the public. The problem is that when the general public has an experience with lawyers, it’s never a pleasant one. That’s true of dentists, too, but dentists make pain go away whereas the public sees lawyers as people who inflict pain where none previously existed. People love their lawyer when he wins a big settlement for them or gets them out of a jam … for a short time. Then they start thinking about the fee, and why wasn’t the settlement bigger, and so on, and then they don’t even love their own lawyer so much. For lawyers, it’s a thankless job.
When has Janet S ever made a cogent point? She’s nothing but a broken record.
Yes, Seattle Dan, Art School in San Francisco is FAGGY.
“First, a guy on your side needs to pay a bet he lost. Then we’ll talk.” – RABBIT
Who was that? And are you really that unsure of your candidate?
Offer still stands, not that I’d expect any