So how much of “conscience driven independent” is Rep. Dave Reichert?
“Twice, Representative Reichert could have voted to support major improvements to E Sammamish Lake Parkway, Route 162 in Orting and upgrades to the transit network in Eatonville – and put Washingtonians to work. And twice, Reichert just said ‘no’ to what’s best for King and Pierce Counties,” said Andy Stone, Western Regional Press Secretary for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
Fortunately, the economic stimulus bill passed without his support, so Reichert’s home district will get these federal dollars anyway. But no thanks to him.
Dave is ROCK SOLID on First Responder issues. That is what the IAFF says, the WSCFF says and numerous firefighter locals around the State says. As a fireman, I am lucky to have Reichert in Congress. He understands our issues and doesn’t insult Firefighters the way that Darcy usually did. Once again the IAFF (AFL-CIO) has continued to support him and give him money. We kniow that he is a friend of First Responder and are pround to be known as one of his friends!
Looks like Andy King is the chief kook-aid producer for CA Congressman Jerry McNerney.
Puddy @1,
You want a link for what? The quote is clearly from a press release. Reichert’s vote against the economic stimulus package is clearly fact.
Yep, I’d like a link Goldy.
Is Andy speaking about the Porkulus Bill?
Is Andy speaking of the latest Pork Bill?
Is Andy speaking of both bills?
Puddy @5,
You could have Googled it, but here.
But hey – Mr. Lockstep GOP will certainly be happy to show up for the old ribbon cutting when these projects are completed.
Republicans just LOVE roads projects…they just never want to pay for them. Reagan taught these clowns that money really can grow on trees….
Sheesh, Goldy…
First you bitch about any money spent on roads since that’s money not spent on light rail. Now you bitch that Dave Reichert isn’t on the roads bandwagon.
Did you forget your meds this morning? Or are you just PO’d about the new look at Facebook, which is total skank?
The Piper
I can’t find the link right now, but the Chattanooga newspaper last week was reporting that although Tennessee Republican congressmen were voting against the stimulus package and issuing press releases crying about the “pork” and “excessive federal debt” created by the bill, they themselves had inserted a considerable number of earmarks in the bill and were bragging about how they were bringing “needed federal dollars” home to their district for “vitally necessary projects”.
This seems to be the Republican strategy. Make sure the bill passes because they wouldn’t want to take the blame for it failing, make sure they get more than their fair share of the money, take credit for the money in their home districts, but complain about it publically in the hopes they can make it a campaign issue in 2010.
@2: IAAF
The reflexive Reichert defender is back.
Yup – did you ever find a bill that Reichert sponsored that passed?
One bill?
Or did you ever explain why he could not find the Green River killer – when he had him for over 15 years?
Oh, yeah, the guy did not fit his pet theory so he ignored him and fialed to do any investigative work (like even checking when he was off work and able to commit the crimes).
I hope you are proud of your incompetent and lying congresscritter. Once again, Reichert shows himself to be a hypocrite.
Good for reichert. Anything that pisses off anyone on this site is a good move.
Thank God for Reichert…he is rock solid.
Nice try Goldy…trying to ignore all the PORK in that Bill..I thought you hated PORK??
That’s right, you are a Jew in Name Only.
Pardon me!
Clever, lameass effort as usual Goldy.
The headline should be Obama and his Dem SHEEP approve massive pork-filled SPENDING BILL disguised as Stimulus.
Hey Goldy…Obama’s Economic Advisors are already telling the fool it won’t work.
Where have you been???
Pelosi brought up Porkulous did Reid.
The very next day they back-tracked.
Reichert is awesome.
PORK-lovin’ Goldy!
God, Piper the faux Scot gasbag has survived? Must not go out in public much.
Take my challenge then, Call the IAFF Political Action Department, the Washington State Council of Firefighters, the Seattle Firefighters Union or any of the Firefighter Unions in the 8th and they will tell you the same. In fact, why don’t you email them and post their responses? What are you hiding from? Lob your ignorant views all you want, the fact remains that Reichert is AWESOME on our issues and is consistently endorsed and given money by the IAFF and it’s affiliates.
Tell me Correct, have you ever even belonged to a Union or are you like Goldy? Somebody who pretends to support Union labor, but drives a car from a foreign company. Even if his car was made in America, it was done by Non-Union workers. I bet you are just like him in that regard. Probably have never paid a single month of Union dues, just like Goldy. That’s okay, the rest of us Union workers will continue to carry the labor movement with our money, time and resources.
Take my challenge then, Call the IAFF Political Action Department, the Washington State Council of Firefighters, the Seattle Firefighters Union or any of the Firefighter Unions in the 8th and they will tell you the same. In fact, why don’t you email them and post their responses? What are you hiding from? Lob your ignorant views all you want, the fact remains that Reichert is AWESOME on our issues and is consistently endorsed and given money by the IAFF and it’s affiliates.
Tell me Correct, have you ever even belonged to a Union or are you like Goldy? Somebody who pretends to support Union labor, but drives a car from a foreign company. Even if his car was made in America, it was done by Non-Union workers. I bet you are just like him in that regard. Probably have never paid a single month of Union dues, just like Goldy. That’s okay, the rest of us Union workers will continue to carry the labor movement with our money, time and resources.
The new facebook layout is no worse than the old one, and after using it for a while, it’s a bit easier to read.
You all just don’t handle change of any kind well.
@ IAFF. Please provide an example of Darcy “insulting” firefighters, or retract the statement.
And can you get over Darcy? She lost. It’s over. She isn’t running again. She isn’t relevant to this discussion.
Scott St. Clair: It’s obvious you’re an effin’ moron…but c’mon, get a clue. Goldy wasn’t talking about light rail for Orting. Or Eatonville. They need road improvements out there, and the FUNDING to make those projects happen.
Reactionary space cadet conservatives like you will always dig your own holes. The political graveyard is littered with Eastside Republicans like Luke Esser and Toby Nixon who voted YES when it came to making a list of important roads projects in their districts – and NO when it came to funding them. Your ideology leads to a dead end every time. Writing a blank check to “the war in Iraq” made your situation more ridiculous than ever.
When voters educate themselves on just how pointless and useless Republicans are, they toss ’em out. Which is why the least educated sheep-like dittoheads constitute the last bastion of Piper Scott’s political base.
IAFF guy: you might be right about Reichert supporting first responders. But, you gotta remember it was the party he likes to walk lock-step with which tried to eliminate the Assistance to Firefighters Grant program. On several occasions. Who stopped those attempts to cut critical local funding? Democrats. Figured it out yet?
From her Campaign Manager Zach Silk;
“With all due respect, the Seattle Firefighters Union is clearly out of touch with the needs of first responders in the 8th Congressional District. … The endorsement that’s really relevant for this race is the State Council of Fire Fighters, and we feel like we have a strong shot at their endorsement.” (The Stranger, March 20, 2006)
The Seattle Firefighters Union makes up about 1 in every 7 Professional Firefighters in the State of Washington. They are the largest in the Pacific Northwest and one of the largest on teh West Coast.
As a side note, the Washington State Council went on to endorse Reichert that year, because he is such a friend to our UNION(S) (And by the way Sarge, Darcy wasn’t even relevent when she was running).
That is how we know Reichert is a Moderate. He opposed those cuts.
Once again, I challenge Correct to email the IAFF, the WSCFF and Firefighter Locals around the area to ask them how Cong. Reichert is on our issues adn then to post those responses.
Thank you.
I’ll accept a three year old Stranger quote of Zach Silk respectfully disagreeing with union leadership as a defacto retraction.
Lots of Conservatives believe the primary role of government is INFRASTRUCTURE and PUBLIC SAFETY. Count me in that crowd today, yesterday & forever. I have ALWAYS supported the Police, Firefighters, EMT’s and Military…100%.
The other State Employee Unions???….a bunch of hacks representing too many KLOWNS.
I do not support the WEA or State Employees Unions. They are a main reason why Washington State…with all it’s advantages as a Seaport, Coast State with Boeing, Weyerhauser & Microsoft is struggling.
The Unions OWN the Democrats.
Bender just memorialized it.
Thank you for your service!
Thanks for the link Goldy. That was soooooooo sweeeeeeeet of you!
NutRight blabbed:
Everyone visited this years ago fool. Google it on HA. Ask the FBI why they let Gary Ridgway go dummtard! They ran the lie detector test fool.
Man you come to HA stupid everyday!
re 2: So, you expect something from Reichert for your contributions?
re 22: “I have ALWAYS supported the Police, Firefighters, EMT’s and Military…100%.”
If you don’t support public educators, then you are most certainly NOT supporting the Police, Firefighters, EMT’s and Military…100%.
Four Roman soldiers, a pair of dice, and the garment of an itinerant preacher. Can’t divide it up. It all works together or it doesn’t work.
“Good for reichert. Anything that pisses off anyone on this site is a good move.”
What the hell rocks do these retards crawl out from under?
Another NutRight@10 rant deconstructed and destroyed by facts.
Now watch and soon you’ll see a how NutRight ‘destroyed’ Puddy over his Reichert rant.
Poor Puddy – Once again you can’t even analyze an argument. IAAF Fireman (who was kicked out of his own union representation) could not dipsute a single fact I put out. Instead, he wants me to call his local to find out how Reichert voted….when I can just look up Reichert sorry record (which I have done in the past).
His big question is whether I have ever been in a union – and the answer is yes – at least two. So what?
First, I have belonged to a number of unions including the Steelworkers union at one time.
Second, you never refuted the facts I put out on Reichert – his incredibly low ranking as a representtive, the fact he votes both ways on bills (the hypocrite), the fact he voted against the stimulus bill and all the police and fire jobs it has saved and the fact that he has yet to sponsor a single bill that has passed.
I don’t need to E-mail the firefighters union to see how Reichert votes – I can just look it up – there is thingy called the internet.
Reichert voted 87% of the time with the republicans and Bush – but even that number is deceptive because he voted with republicans on key procedural votes and then changed his vote on the bill after it was a foregone conclusion.
Reichert voted against the Homeland security Act bill H R 1591: – along with the rest of the republicans.
Reichert voted in favor of almost every Iraq bill – I could not find an Iraq bill that Reichert voted against.
Reichert voted against group rates on drugs for Medicare (HR4: saving patients, unions and our country money) and voted FOR big drug companies and against the little guys. this is one reason drugs are so much cheaper in Canada and why drug companies make such exhorbitant profits.
Reichert voted against raising the minimum wage from 5.15 to 7.25/hour over two years(some union supporter!). He did however, vote himself a pay raise.
Oh, and Reichert did the same thing with the 9/11 report act. Here is a record of the key pprocedural house vote to implement the rest of the 9/11 report recommendation including police and first responder aid.(
Note that every single republican including Reichert voted no on this key vote and then reichert changed his mind on the final bill – when it was clear that his vote did not matter.
So anytime Reichert says he is independent, that he is moderate, that he supports alternative energy – he is LYING. He is a straight down the line anti-union, anti-police and anti-firefighters vote.
He is a straight down the line anti-union, anti-police and anti-firefighters vote.
Once again, take my challenge. Is that you have such a low opinion of the Firefighter and Police Unions that they can’t think or analyze their endorsements for themselves? Why don’t you email them and educate them what exactly their priorities are and should be. Teach us. Until then, Reichert will continue to get our endorsement(s) and our money and our time. Say what you want about ranking and all that other crap, he is still ROCK SOLID on our issues.
The only roads that the federal goverment should be fundin is Interstate Roads. People in Idaho, Florida, New York and Kansas should not be paying for state, county or local roads in Washington State. (We, should not be paying for there roads as well.) No federal money for mass transit either. (I ride the bus as my primary mode of transporation.)