Hey, Dave Reichert made it into The New Republic… though not exactly in a good way:
Dissing Bush can be trickier than it might seem at first. There is, after all, the little matter of fund-raising, where the president, despite his sagging popularity, is still the party heavyweight. The trick for vulnerable GOP candidates is to somehow get Bush money without being in any way associated with Bush or the other radioactive members of his administration–a predicament that is tying Republicans into pretzels from coast to coast.
For some, the best approach may be simply to ask Bush to stay away. When the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee recently unearthed the fact that Bush would be raising dough for David Reichert, who represents an increasingly Democratic district in Washington state, the news generated a wave of negative coverage about his coziness with the White House. When Reichert joined the pariah-in-chief at the event anyway, it seemed to do him more harm than good: The visit pumped anti-Bush money into the coffers of his opponent, who ended up out-raising him for the quarter. Indeed, the event provided so much fodder to tie Reichert to Bush that it’s widely seen as the reason Reichert reversed his position on stem-cell research last month.
Word on the street is that Reichert continues to struggle to raise money, particularly from individuals, a category of donors with whom challenger Darcy Burner has been going gangbusters.
The DCCC has made this race one of its top targets with a $1.5 million TV ad buy during the final three weeks of the campaign. Who wants to wager that some of those ads show Reichert standing arm in arm with the President at Boeing Field?
Hillary/McKinney 2008! These women represent the best that the Democrat Party can offer!!!
Rubber Stamp Reichert! Your’e doin’ a heckuvva job!
Brought to you be those same fine folks who brought you the Hurricane Katrina Extravaganza!
Think how much worse it could be: Dapper Dave, the Rubberstamp could have not only embraced the chimptser instead of a furry little bunny, he could have planted a big wet one on the chimptster. . . . Look at what that seems to have done to Lieberman!
President? You mean the Preznit. That fraud never deserved the title of President.
Before I forget:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Goldy’s story from last week:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
Seems as though the wingnuts want to talk about anything, except Sheriff Davy. Wassa matter, you guys stuck in a time/discrimination warp?
Tell us some stories about your cut, well groomed candidate.
Does he beat his wife?
Can he find his way to the Capital alone?
Did he lose Gary Ridgeway’s address?
Who makes the decision for him on how he votes in the House, Boehner or Bush?
HA Insta Poll
Which newpaper does Sherrif Dave begins his day with at his DC office:
1) the New York Times
2) the Washington Post
3) the Reverend Moon’s paper
4) An email with instructions from Karl Rove and John Boehner
The righties can’t stand the truth. And they have a wheelbarrow full of it (along with some nice stinky shit) gonna be dumped on them in November and I for one bet money most of the inbred cowards will shrivel up and go away once they get their ass handed to them in the election. Including RubberStampReichert and his pals.
Psssssttt. You’re repeating yourself. Are you suffering from wingnut dementia?
“Indeed, the event provided so much fodder to tie Reichert to Bush that it’s widely seen as the reason Reichert reversed his position on stem-cell research last month.”
This is troubling. Doesn’t this guy believe in anything? Has he no principles? Does he cast all his votes in Congress based on sheer political calculation?
RubberStampReichert supports the CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES who want to empty the waitresses’ tip jar into their own pockets! How can anyone with a conscience vote for such people? As for Mike? McGavick, he’s not the solution — he’s the problem.
Geez, do you have to make it so easy? (4)
good afternoon comrades http://www.marxists.org/
‘Free Trade’, globalization, NAFTA and especially GATT are intended to create a world-wide ‘corporate playground’ where national governments serve the interests of corporations – which means ‘cheap labor’.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/4/06@ 8:15 am
Roger Rabbit, Honorary Chairman, Hypocrite Libs for Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA, voted against building a fence on the Mexican border, voted to give illegal aliens social security benefits).
Dear Roger Rabbit, you make a great point about cheap labor; why hasn’t Cantwell(D-Mexico) come out for free trade with North Korea yet? Wouldn’t this be a good place to outsource American jobs? Bet they would work for 5 cents per hour. As you can see from her voting record below, she seems to have neglected this promising source of cheap labor.
Cantwell’s(D-Mexico)record so far:
Voted for NAFTA; favors China PNTR
Cantwell voted for NAFTA and favors normal trade status for China.
Voted YES on free trade agreement with Oman.
Voted YES on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade.
Voted YES on establishing free trade between US & Singapore.
Voted YES on establishing free trade between the US and Chile.
Voted YES on extending free trade to Andean nations.
Voted YES on granting normal trade relations status to Vietnam.
Source: http://www.ontheissues.org/Int....._Trade.htm
Congratulations, Rabbit, for stabbing the genuine liberal Tran(who opposes NAFTA/CAFTA) in the back. Just to be consistent,could you do a post stabbing our soldiers in the back by calling them rapists?
Gawd, now I-920 is going to the people – when will people learn that estate taxes only effect the richest people? Keep the estate tax nationally and state wide – it’s the smart thing
fascismfirst @ 15
You refuse to answer the question:
Are you for Tran or Mike :( McGreedhead? ANSWER IT COWARD!
dear aptly-named dumbass… Tran isn’t running against Mike… she couldn’t be bribed…er, bought off by.. er, running against the equally clueless but clearly scared
Smeg . . . read your comment on NW Prog. You want your $1000 even though it comes out of the pockets of the poor and low wage, overworked Americans. You should be ashamed. Insensitive and greedy.
Why not take money from the rich instead . . . like they work one job if they work at all. You people need an education.
STOP CORPORATE WELFARE . . . Poor Mike McGavick, only 28 million from the pockets of the poor who struggle to buy insurance . . . you greedy bastards with the story-book names and the macho over-testosteroned gray matter
Sacramento — Two Democratic congressmen have asked the IRS to investigate whether affirmative action foe Ward Connerly’s pay violates federal tax laws on excessive compensation. Connerly receives more than $1 million a year from two Sacramento-based nonprofit groups he heads — the American Civil Rights Institute and the American Civil Rights Coalition.
If the Dims want IRS investigations, how about an investigation of:
The Clintoon Foundation
Rainbow Coalition
Al Sharpton and whatever non-profit owns his suits
George Soros
The Florida Dim Committee to see if it has paid payroll taxes
The Heinz Foundation
Jesse Jacksoooooooooooooon
But when a Congressman, William J. Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA, is caught red-handed with $90,000 in unreported cash in his freezer, that’s perfectly OK.
You Faux Kennedies are so stupid. Of course, it is not okay. That’s just why you are so fucking unreadable and so easily scrollable. You can’t support or defend anything or anyone of your own so you just attack, attack, attack. Such stupidity should be against the law! Get over yourselves!
And, of course, only in the moronic, embecilic minds of Faux Kennedies is $90,000 commensurate with the millions in the pockets of the corrrrrrrrrupt connnnnnnnnservatives.
FANCY FARM, Ky. – Kentucky Democrats rode bicycles or walked the final quarter-mile leading to Kentucky’s famous political picnic Saturday, a demonstration intended to cast blame on rival Republicans for the pocketbook pain of high gas prices. In reality, the cadre of politicians who spoke at Saturday’s picnic were virtually powerless to lower gas prices, which locally cost about $3 per gallon, any time soon. […………………..This is great!!! The Dems, walking the last quarter mile from their SUVs, screaming: “No nukes! No new refineries! Another 50 cents a gallon national gas tax! No drilling! Tax oil companies even more!!! And, oh, BTW, the Republicans are making gasoline expensive!!!!!]
Skagit, William J. “Icebox” Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA [hehe], Cynthia “BitchSlap” McKinney, DEMOCRAT, GA, Pat “Wheels” Kennedy, DEMOCRAT, RI hehe, JCH
Are you math-challenged or what? Who’s in charge? Democrats? Is gas expensive? Are you able to add? Is Bush an oil guy?
Pass the keyboard to someone with a brain, pleeeeeese.
FauxK: Duke Cunningham, Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay, John Doolittle, and, of course, there’s always those reliable main-line lyers: Bush and Cheney – you know, the resident and vice-resident of the WH.
Gidget, (The Sunshine Girl)
I posted the same thing here, but YOU haven’t been around for awhile. Yes, I want my IRS 1000 buck deduction for paying the State Income Tax. It’s not quite as good as those living in states with an actual state income tax, but it did kind of level the playing field.
Lastly, Gidget, Make no mistake, it’s my fucking money. Not the poor’s or any other down-trodden class of people. Cantwell needs to take care of Washington voters instead of the fucking special interest groups that she has latched onto.
And that snake Harry Reid needs to take his dumb ass back to Searchlight.
Smeg, if you have any common sense you’d be angry that anybody would try to tie the damn WA minimum wage to our ability to take the tax break. Why not put the blame where it belongs? You are arguing against states rights when you buy into that crap that the feds should be able to coerce us into doing it there way. That’s not republican of you!
Just like state income taxes are deductible, sales taxes should be. No strings attached. Blame your own damned conservatives for that one. Don’t scapegoat libs.
Smeg, the Big G said it better than I can!
And regarding another item we discussed earlier: animal crossings. You wondered why so expensive . . .
Because they aren’t little bridges that animals use like people do . . . cause if they did, there would be a predator waiting at the other side. They need something like freeway park where they can cross at different places and weave and hide among trees and brush. They need to have a wide, natural area through which to navigate. And they need to get to water.
I just returned from E WA and it is very dry in the hills and the animals are used to coming down to the lake for water. As it gets more and more privatized, I don’t know where they are going to go for water. Seems like a good liberal gov’t would care about that. But, in E WA it seems that the conservatives could care less if they help sustain life or not. Kinda sad . . .
Let the PETA pukes build the damned animal bridges and let local governments worry about the PEOPLE that allow them to exist.
And lets quit paying for police department. lawyers and judges so that somebody could shoot you and not be prosecuted. That would suit me just fine.
How very progressive and tolerant of you, sweetcheeks.
God bless you, too.
It should be give and take. Negotiate and comprise gets bills passed. Instead, we get nothing and we get screwed.
As for the bridges, I’m not sympathetic to them. People are a higher priority than animals and screw the damn salmon too.
Why the hell are we paying a half a billion a year on restoring the Sound and who knows what Gregoire is going to increase it to next budget session so that idiots can get out on boats and fish????????
18 – I wasn’t talking to you ASS. By the way how’s your dumbass empty threats going?
Thought so.
Damn right there’s gonna be no nukes — until Congress lifts the $500 million liability cap. No responsibility = no plant. Shifting the financial risks of a nuclear accident to homeowners and businesses so power plant operators don’t have to pay insurance premiums is a deal-breaker.
Why the fuck should we tolerate you bastards?
You don’t get it, Mac. Saving salmon isn’t about petting fish. Salmon are big business in this state. Billion dollar industry. What gives farmers or developers the right to wipe out a publicly owned resources and other people’s jobs?
Mac is just another mindless shill for wingnut bullshit.
Mike? Who is the problem, not the solution.
Smeg, “give and take” crap! Are you operating on anything close to a full deck? So, what shall we use up first: the Amazon or the oceans? Tell me, please. I’d like to know which we can survive best without? Hmmmm. . . Oh hell, let’s just do our thing and cut the fucking forest down NOW and let’s dump all the oil and pollutants possible in the oceans NOW and see what happens . . . afterall, shouldn’t WE have to reap what we sow? Why leave it for future generations? Let’s just use it all up now, make our profits and enjoy whatever’s left for however long it lasts. Let’s do it. Or are you just a coward?
I’m not a fan of an “anything goes” comments section, but there is one way that it could be quite informative (and entertaining).
What if Goldy found a handful of psychologists, linguists, and logic experts to “deconstruct” some of the choice diatribes of the trolls who participate here. Various gambits and pathological patterns could be named. The resulting write-up could be kept posted in an accessible place, where it could be used as a handy reference guide for non-trolls.
Why bother? Sure, the regular “lefties” critique the trolls all the time, but the most powerful analysis tends to get lost amidst the cuss words and threats of adultery. Such taunts can be funny, but it does lack a certain air of sophistication. Adolescent attacks can be written off as, well, adolescent.
It’s time to fight fire with knowledge.
Green Thumb, I think your posts are absolutely interestings and informative. But, if you think you are influencing anybody on the right on this blog or that anything you say gets a second notice, get over it. Find a blog where your intellectual sermonizing will actually get a listen by somebody with an IQ over 90 and have yourself a satisfying conversation.
This game is fixed and poor Goldy seems to like it that way. So, when I wan’t interesting intellectual debate, I don’t come here!
BTW, knowledge is a good weapon if the enemy is looking to debate issues. Not what’s happening here – at all! You are a slow learner . . . Is Dr. E still trying?
I’ve pretty much given up. The wingers who come here are little more than anti-intellectual ideologues who don’t give a rat’s ass about actual debate. On the precious few occasions that there is some actual debate, they do their best to derail it. I wouldn’t mind seeing them all get shit-canned, but hey, that’s just my opinion. If people want to go through their entire lives being uneducated and ignorant, that’s their prerogative. Problem is, they’re poisoning the nation that the rest of us share. They’ll probably pay for it one day, and wonder how things could have gone so horribly wrong.
Well, they will inherit the world. I’m sure of it. But, the world will become a macro Easter Island. But, they’ll probably have the best of it as long as it lasts. The tragedy for me is that I have the wisdom and the perception to feel sad about it. So be it.
Dr. E, I don’t think the wingers can be educated. Most of them may be “professionals” who are paid to dumb down and disrupt the conversation. If they are not going to be kicked off the island, what I would like to see is non-trolls given more tools to understand the underlying agit-prop tactics being used.
Some of these wingers use pretty sophisticated tactics. Alas, all too many of the non-trolls focus on challenging their arguments point by point rather than stepping back and assessing why the wingers frame their participation the way they do.
This is why I’d like to see experts in agit-prop offer their insights into why certain patterns seem to keep showing up among the wingers — and how to more effectively challenge them.
I frankly would also like to see a psychologist or two validate my intuition that some of these wingers are down-right nuts.
Now maybe no one else would find that useful. If so, perhaps Skagit is right that I need to turn my attention to blogs that aren’t consumed by the “fight club” mentality. But it does draw me to want to do some studying of right-wing agit-prop when I find more time.
Reading this blog has also drawn me to think much harder about how to restructure the college-level classes I teach. If democracy is going to survive we need to find better ways of discussing controversial issues in public settings.
GreenThumb – use it to fertilize the garden.
lol the green weenie gets no respect… surprise, surprise.
I wonder if it’s hard to keep all those names, writing styles and personality traits straight….nevermind.. clearly it is.
So Skagit, it is really interesting to see your hostility to a proposal made with sincerity and civility and not directed at you. Why the hostility — particularly when it comes in your rather substantial misinterpretation of my key points?
Something isn’t adding up for me.
Something isn’t adding up for me. -Commentby Green Thumb— 8/6/06@ 7:08 pm
As a touchy-feely-let’s-examine-the-motives guy, the question you need to ask yourself is WHO CARES???
Green Thumb – you are starting to sound smug and pompous and I have no patience for such wasted and irrelevant rhetoric.
Skagit @ 53, why do you insist on substituting empty snark for logic and facts? YOU were the one who misinterpreted my argument. When I asked for clarification, YOU scampered away with false indignance.
Could it be that you are afraid to engage the substance of the debate — that the underlying agit-prop tactics of the trolls need to be exposed? And the best people to expose them are experts in the field?
What is so controversial about that . . . except for trolls who depend upon keeping their behaviors “masked” so they can continue to dumb down and disrupt this blog?
Doth you protest too much?
What debate greenweenie?
Your koolaid kindergartners devolve to name calling, foul language and inanity usually by the 3rd comment.
You have children pretending to be political grown ups… kinda like darcy the dupe and her easily non-plussed doorbellers from the U.
This blog is what it is and you haven’t the charm or the charisma to change it. You’re beginning to sound textbook . . . I thought you were deeper than that but I was wrong. You sound like a sociologist . . . ?
Don’t mean to be mean but you just don’t get it and you’re beginning to sound ridiculous. So quit while you’re ahead.
Dr. E gets it. Quit trying so hard . . . maybe I’ll respect you again.
Frankly, as one poster said above or on another thread complimenting you, he doesn’t stop here much because of the trolls. I think Goldy’s makes a mistake allowing them but he probably likes seeing so many posts even though most of them are troll posts and stupid. But, like I said, it’s his blog. I go other places. You should try it.
As for you, hcybPROUDtbSTUPID, research shows that people on the left have more education, have higher incomes, less divorce, less adultery and fewer bastard children than you guys on the right.
And since you resort to inane arguments with unsupported facts and zero documentation, debate is impossible.
This state spent a cool billion in the last two years working on Puget Sound. The Olympian has been running stories on it and there are 3 or 4 in today’s paper. Gregoire’s commission has been done several press releases recently. In the comments section of one of them, it talks about cities putting untreated effluent straight into the sound. It’s not the first time that I’ve heard of it, I also heard that several cities in Pierce county do the same.
When you have your hand stuck out to the taxpayers constantly wanting more, you should have some level of control over the project. It’s ridiculous to constantly read stories about the salmon being endangered and then read that there are enough to extend the fishing season on them.
Humans have never overfished a species into extinction? Maybe someone needs to put some controls on that billion dollar fishing industry rather than let them “fish” it into extinction.
Gidget at 42,
I don’t know what the fuck your rant is even about. I haven’t said anything about the Amazon or the ocean.
Don’t ask the taxpayers for billions to save some damn fish and then let people fish them to their hearts content.
Is anybody killing/whaling the Orca’s? No, it’s prohibited. If you want salmon saved, stop the fishing and they will come back.
Smeg, can’t we do both? Overfishing needs to be addressed as well as effluence. Gregoire’s going to be a lot better than Locke IMO. Give her a chance. She is not wasteful . . . Rossi wouldn’t even be addressing it.
Yes, we should save the sound. Doing that doesn’t necessarily mean a new tax as is being suggested in the Olympian. They can start by enforcing laws already on the books. They don’t know where the 1 billion was spent. They don’t even know who should be responsible and are talking about making a new board.
can’t we do both? Overfishing needs to be addressed as well as effluence.
Skagit, I take it you have something against academics. If so, that’s your right. What I don’t understand is why you can’t have an honest disagreement rather than turning it into a food fight.
Your attitude reminds me of some activists in my community who go around trashing pretty much anyone in the “progressive” movement who doesn’t buy into their particular approach. They seem to be more interested in purifying their ranks than in building the broad-based coalitions needed to win elections and policy battles.
Whether you like it or not, some of us progressives are academics. Bridge building is a two-way street. If you are going to challenge my argument, why don’t you actually engage it rather than dancing around it with personal attacks?
For all of your frothing, I still don’t think you understand what I’m trying to say. But I guess you enjoy venting, so it was all worthwhile, no?
Re your Orca comment: yeah, orcas are dying . . . the sound is polluted and sonar is a problem. It is not an easy fix here but agree we need better regulating of the regulators. . .
OFCS, GreenThumb, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. This blog is what it is. You are starting to be annoying, that’s all. So, continue. Who cares. . .
Actually, I’d like Dr. E to comment on this:
I get frustrated because it is true that the dems are a close second in the bureacratic, corrupt, sell-out the average American race. Bill Clinton did sign agreements that sold out labor in this country. The dems did vote for Iraq without being fully informed and now they are crying foul. I knew there were no wmds in the damn country to speak of. So should they. How do liberals argue when our own do the same poor job in government as the right – except the right do it without pretending they’re something else.
I like Gregoire. I hope she can get back some sense of honesty and honorable prioritizing in government. But the whole machine is so corrupt, can it be fixed? I don’t know.
Skagit, I’ve worked with volunteer-based, progressive publications for almost a quarter century. I think I have a pretty hands-on understanding of how even small media outlets develop distinct “cultures.” So I don’t have expectations one way or another as to what happens to this blog.
I’ve never questioned Goldy’s right to take this blog in whatever direction he wanted to. I also have as much right to express my viewpoint as you do. Instead of using Goldy as a foil, why not just admit that YOU want this blog to remain a fight club?
You raise the question of whether the corrupt machine of government can be fixed. The problem isn’t just those evil wingers. It’s us true-blue progressives too. We shoot ourselves in the foot constantly. For example, it is a time-honored tradition of the American left to balkanize itself into purist enclaves to the point where it has little real power. Meanwhile, the right has been quite effective in recent years in building a united front.
Building bridges between progressive factions begins with listening and talking across differences. If that is “sociological” or “academic” for you, I would invite you to reassess your assumptions about effective political organizing.
And THIS is the exaple the righties always use to justify that drilling in ANWR will be safe. Sure it will.
Greenthumb, get over yourself.
Green Thumb,
Well said.
Greent Thumb said:
Now maybe no one else would find that useful.
I’d find it useful to really dissect what the noise makers are attempting, or succeeding, in doing. It doesn’t seem to me that any gold plating is required. If there’s a cogent statement made, it should stand as the anonymous gem that it is. Besides, why should an “expert” waste his time here?
I think we have to get over the comments of the trolls, and just have conversations that come up. Everyone knows where the majority of the white noise comes from, and if a new weed shows up, let’s talk about how it appeared to be a flower, at first. Otherwise, the scroll keys can get one to the posts that are attempting to discuss.
The first thing is to take charge of the thread, and ignore attempts to hijack it.
Other blogs aren’t a useful alternative, IMO, because they are so much less active. A conversation is possible here, elsewhere it is more like a correspondence.
At any rate, I don’t think you are being pompous or didactic. I think you have made a reasonable suggestion.
Well, Harry, then you, Green Thumb, Dr. E, should start the conversation instead of constantly including the trolls. I read nothing in GT’s post that indicated he “was ready” to do that. I gleaned nothing more than an attempt at academic analysis of whatever. If you are ready to respond only to each other and ignore the trolls, they might actually go away. But I’m not betting the farm you guys can do it. And I don’t think most posters enjoy scrolling to the degree you apparently do.
So, I use it for what it is.
Also, GT, I disagree about the notion that liberals are too balkanized. The right is also in disarray. That is an easy assessment but not particularly accurate.
We are the party of labor . . . education. . . the working folk. They are the party of money and states’ rights.
But, power has corrupted our side more than theirs. Republicans were always about money, lower taxes and control. Liberals are the victims of a corporate takeover of all government. As long as our side has to operate by the rules of the other side to get elected (big money), the natural constituency of the left gets left behind. Nothing to do with balkanization. Nothing.
Bill Clinton and George Bush both sold out the working man. Bush did it because he represents business and owners. Clinton did it in spite of the people he represents. Both get their money from business.
I don’t find your analysis very deep. Probably you don’t find mine very deep either. But to blame the left because it doesn’t operate with a herd mentality – as Goldy does – is simplistic and will not solve the problem.
Finally, I don’t care how much politicking you’ve done . . . I see no relevance to this blog at all. You wear your credentials as if they mean something. Maybe they do to Harry and whomever else. They mean nothing to me because they are not relevant.
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